How to make semicircular doors. What types of arches are there in a doorway, what materials are they made of and how to make them with your own hands. Interior arches made of wood

An arched vault gives the room elegance, looks modern and stylish - they are classified depending on the shape, material, style.




Interior arches used to create the effect of a solid space - this is a current trend in modern interior design.

note! Arched vaults are used in small apartments: they visually make the room more spacious and freer.

The most popular are plasterboard arches:

  • The material allows you to realize any, even complex and asymmetrical, shape.
  • Drywall can be handled by a person who does not have a narrow knowledge of construction - the material is easy to process.
  • Drywall does not create additional load on the structure of the house.
  • Such an arch can be decorated with all kinds of decorative elements: shelves, niches, spotlights.
  • Drywall is environmentally friendly, safe material. You can even use it in children's rooms.
  • Compared to other materials for installing arches, plasterboard is the most affordable.

Attention ! To install an arched vault, you need to buy special drywall. It is characterized by its smaller thickness, the presence of special reinforcing fibers, high quality. For ease of installation, it is recommended to buy ready-made sets of arched frames. Lighting must be done at the stage of frame installation.

Stages of installation of arched plasterboard vaults

A popular design option for a doorway is an imitation arch. This design option can be used in the case of a high doorway. Pseudo-segments of the structure are attached to the edges of the opening and in the corners. The imitation is suitable for oriental-style rooms.

note! Common way to decorate arched openings is stucco molding made of polyurethane. An interior in classic, baroque, and empire styles will be decorated with such stylish decorative elements. The stucco molding is attached using special glue. Polyurethane decor made in the form of overhead strips - moldings, protruding parts - sandriks, artificial columns.

The choice of arch option for a doorway depends on:

  • Doorway parameters;
  • Ceiling heights;
  • The style in which the room is made.

You have decided to make a European-quality renovation, maximizing the living space, but demolish load-bearing partitions it is forbidden. The installation of arches is one of the solutions to this problem. Using a material such as drywall, you can successfully complete the job yourself in a short time.

Types and features of door arches

Before you start making an arch, you need to choose which configuration best matches the decoration, furniture and purpose of your room.

Arch configurations

There are seven main types of arches, differing in the upper outlines and the shape of the corners of the junction with the side vertical wall:

  1. “Classic” - used for high openings in any interior and is an arc with a radius of half the width of the opening.

    Classic arches are most often installed in corridors long length or at the entrance to the kitchen

  2. “Modern” - used for wide open openings and is characterized by a gentle bend of the arc, while the line of transition to the vertical is sharp and broken.

    Arches of the “Modern” type are used in rooms with classical finishing; they are installed after dismantling the window and balcony block or as an entrance to the office

  3. “Romance” - the top is horizontal, the corners are rounded, the opening is wide and low.

    Arches of the “Romantic” type are made in wide and low openings

  4. “Elliptical” - characterized by a slight gentle bend at the top.

    An elliptical arch unites rooms where there are no height restrictions and looks softer than “Romantic”

  5. “Trapezoid” - according to the trapezoidal shape of the corners of the junction of the top and the side slopes.

    The "Trapezoid" configuration fits well with classic finishes

  6. “Portal” is an outline in the shape of an elongated rectangle.

    The “Portal” configuration looks like a long rectangle connecting the rooms small height, usually with wood paneling

  7. “Half-arch” - one side is completely vertical, the second is made in the form of a semicircle. Often used by designers in modern interiors: minimalism, hi-tech, art deco.

    The “Half-Arch” configuration is a variant of the classic arch for low rooms

We select a suitable configuration and evaluate it visually by cutting out and securing the paper outline of the arch in the opening. After that, remove it and save it for cutting.

When choosing from a variety of beautiful pictures, try to evaluate whether you can make such an arch yourself and whether your choice matches your available finances.

Preparing to make an arch

Before performing work, it is necessary to select the right materials and tools depending on the size of the opening, the type of wall or partition and its thickness.

Selection of materials

To make an arch you may need:

  1. Plasterboard sheathing. Along the mounted frame, the arch is sheathed with 9.5 mm thick plasterboard, which provides strength, the ability to easily bend and cut out the desired shapes. For work, use sheets measuring 1200x2500 or 1200x3000 mm with the following markings:
  2. Frame. It is most often made from galvanized ceiling, load-bearing (PN 60x27 mm) and corner (PU 27 mm) profiles with a length of 2400 or 2800 mm. There is a special arched profile that easily accepts any bend. Profiles are used for installation in all walls, excluding wooden or thin partitions, where it is preferable to use wooden bars or strips. For small openings, plywood can be used.

    For the manufacture of the frame, profiles for various purposes are used

  3. Fastening elements:
  4. Materials for preparing for finishing after installing drywall. Reinforcement of joints, which prevents cracking and imparts strength, is carried out with special lining paper, fiberglass mesh or perforated corner. Final finishing, elimination of seams and cracks is done with acrylic or gypsum putty, cleaning is carried out with fine, medium and coarse sandpaper.

    To reinforce corners and large recesses at joints, use fiberglass mesh and perforated corners

Tools required for work

The following tools are prepared according to the work being carried out:

Preparing the opening

We carry out the following preparatory work:

Video: preparing the opening

DIY arch installation

Let's look at the installation technology using the example of a classic type arch. First, let's cut the drywall:

Using a knife or jigsaw, carefully cut out the front part of the casing along the drawn line. Then we mark it and cut out the second part.

A high-quality and even cut is obtained when using a jigsaw. Other tools can damage the edges. To prevent damage to the edges, before cutting, place wide paper tape on the cutting line.

Installation of a profile frame

The opening most often has a geometrically irregular shape. We draw a level line on the walls of the opening, and from it we mark the bottom of the frame elements and the front linings to ensure the alignment of the upper cladding of the arch.

The method of performing work is determined by the prepared profile:

  1. We install the ceiling profile, framing the top of the opening on both sides, retreating from the plane of the walls inward by the thickness of the drywall. We measure the length of the side profiles using the cut out front plasterboard lining.

    We mount the profile on the top of the opening

  2. According to the length of the arc of the front stitching, we cut off two pieces of the profile corner.
  3. We take one of them and use metal scissors to make parallel cuts to the corner of the shelf, 3–5 cm apart.

    We make cuts on one shelf of the corner, which will allow you to easily bend the profile

  4. Carefully bending, with the notched side we screw a section of the corner with a pitch of 120 mm with self-tapping screws to the arched edge of the plasterboard front part.

    Carefully bend the profile and screw it to the cut out plasterboard arch

  5. We just bend the second piece of the corner along it.
  6. We sew on the front part with a screwed corner, fastening it with self-tapping screws to the perimeter frame in increments of 120 mm.

    The front part is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws

  7. We cut lintels from the ceiling profile with a length equal to the thickness of the opening minus 15 millimeters, and install them every 200–250 mm.
  8. At the ends of the jumpers, use metal scissors to cut off 20 mm from the rack part of the profile, leaving the lower flat part. We attach the jumpers to the screwed corner, retreating 5 mm from the edge attached to the drywall.

    Jumpers from the profile are prepared for installation by cutting off the side rack part

  9. We attach the remaining curved corner to the second end of the jumper with a whole shelf and install the second front lining.

    We mount the jumpers, attach the second corner to them and screw the second front part

Video: flexible profile for gypsum plasterboard

Arched profile frame

According to its characteristics, the arched profile is more plastic and stronger than the corner. It is used for fastening curved elements:

Installation of a frame made of wooden blocks

Constant changes occur with a wooden frame - unlike a metal frame, it reacts to seasonal deformations of the building, changes in humidity and temperature. If you sew drywall onto a wooden frame directly, over time cracks will appear at the joints caused by deformations at the fastening points. To overcome this drawback, plywood is used as an intermediate material, which gives the structure additional rigidity, and plasterboard is already mounted on it. The frame is attached directly to the front of the plywood arch. The work is performed in the following order:

  1. We calculate the dimensions of the sheathing using the formula 2 thickness of gypsum board + 2 thickness of plywood.
  2. We subtract the resulting figure from the thickness of the opening to obtain the width of the frame bar. If it turns out to be more than 120 mm, which corresponds to the average width of the board, we make a frame from a double 40x40 bar with insertion of bosses. To do this, we connect the cut bars with two bosses every 150 mm.
  3. Using the cut out front surfaces of plasterboard, we make the same figures from plywood 3–4 mm thick.
  4. We screw them with self-tapping screws to the bars - first to those framing the rectangular parts, and then to the stiffening ribs parallel to the sides - vertically, every 120 mm.

    We attach wooden blocks to the front lining of the plywood arch

  5. We install plywood lining with a wooden frame at the top of the opening, deeper than the plane of the wall to the thickness of the plasterboard.

    We install a frame with bosses sewn onto plywood into the opening

  6. We cover the opposite side with a second plywood sheathing.
  7. We check the ratio of the curved sides with a level, a construction square, and trim or clean it with sandpaper.

    We screw the second front plywood lining onto the frame

Laying communications

If the design project involves the installation of lamps, we lay the cable along the mounted structures to the installation location of each light source and secure it so that the end of the cable hangs over the lower plane.

The cable is attached to the structures, the ends extend beyond the plane of the filing

After striping the strip and finishing it, the holes are cut out with a crown and the lamps are installed.

Holes of the required diameter are cut out in the lower strip of the arch, into which lamps will subsequently be installed.

Drywall installation

We cover the finished frames with plasterboard:

  • made from an arched profile - on both sides along the finished frame;
  • from wooden blocks - on top of plywood. If there is no cut arc in the prepared rectangles, we do it locally, focusing on the lower edge of the plywood;
  • on metal carcass facial coverings are installed during its assembly.

Then we check that the curved cuts correspond to each other with a level or a construction angle, and level them by running a float with attached medium-grain sandpaper several times simultaneously along the bottom of both sides.

After sewing up the front sides, we sew drywall onto the bottom of the arc:

  1. We make accurate measurements of the length of the curved part of the front surface.
  2. We cut out a strip of plasterboard 100 mm longer than the measured distance and a width corresponding to the distance between the front surfaces.
  3. We apply marks on the prepared strip at the locations of the jumpers and lamps.
  4. We drill holes for the lamps.

We sheathe the arched bottom with this strip, doing the work in one of two ways:

  1. “Dry” - we make parallel cuts every 50 mm for half the thickness of the sheet and fasten it to the frame from the center of the arc with self-tapping screws in increments of 100 mm.

    We make cuts on one side of the stitching, bend the strip and secure it

  2. "Wet":
    • Using a special roller with needles, we pass the side without markings several times. If there is no roller, randomly use a knife to make shallow cuts 20–30 mm long, every 15 mm, across the entire surface;

      Using a special roller, we apply punctures in the plasterboard strip

    • if possible, we make a U-shaped box from boards according to the size of the opening;
    • moisten the treated side with a sponge and water;

      To obtain an accurate and even bend, the strip must be laid on a pre-assembled box

    • after 40 minutes, screw the finally curved strip from the center of the arc onto self-tapping screws;
    • trim off excess length.

If there is no box, you can lean the strip against the wall with the wet side down, and after starting to bend, re-wet it.

The wet bending method is more difficult, but it gives a more even surface on which you only need to putty the screws.

Video: methods of bending the bottom strip of sewing

Making vaults by gluing

Work can be performed on a partition of medium thickness:


A perforated corner is installed on drywall joints for reinforcement

  • Mix the putty in small portions - acrylic or gypsum based.
  • Using a spatula, apply it to the joint between the drywall and the main walls and smooth it, comparing the surfaces. If the unevenness is significant, apply the putty 2-3 times, waiting for the applied layer to dry.

    If the unevenness is deep, the putty is applied in several layers.

  • We putty the screw heads, joints, glued paper, perforated corner.
  • Having sealed the existing seams, potholes and strengthened the reinforcing materials, we leave the coating to dry.
  • After drying, carefully clean all irregularities with medium-grain sandpaper, being careful not to damage the reinforcing layer.
  • We wash the surface with a damp sponge.
  • We apply thin layer finishing putty, eliminating unevenness.
  • After drying, smooth again with medium-grain sandpaper and wipe with a sponge.

    After each layer of putty has dried, the surface is sanded with medium-grain sandpaper.

  • Apply the last, third thin continuous layer, trying not to scratch the surface with a spatula.
  • Leave to dry for 12 hours.
  • We polish the surface.
  • In the absence of a reinforcing corner and paper, after applying the first layer of putty, we unwind a roll of fiberglass mesh of the required width, cut off the required length, press it with a spatula and fix it at the corner, cut the wrinkles of the mesh on the arched surface and place its ends on top of each other.

    Glue the mesh to the corner on a layer of putty

    If the bending was done using a dry method, the kinks from the cuts will most likely be slightly visible.. In this case, for leveling, we additionally apply another continuous layer of acrylic putty. After drying, sand and apply finishing putty.

    We also independently replaced the door with an arch in our apartment with an old layout. The first difficulty was that the entrance to the hall was double door 1600x3000 mm was located on the corner, close to the front door. A large open doorway into a small room, where people enter in street shoes and clothes, was not suitable. After lengthy debate, we decided that we would make a semi-arch in a semicircle towards entrance doors to build up a blank wall into the corridor. Height - 2500 mm, arch radius - 1500 mm. We sew up the opening above the 2500 mm mark and 1000 mm from the floor on the side of the arc, and in the rest of the space we make stained glass. The old partition was made of double shingled boards and plastered, the opening was only 90mm thick. We framed the entire old opening with a 60x10mm planed batten on all sides, and above 2540 mm we made a frame out of it for the blind lining of the wall. We bought an arched metal profile 3000 mm long. A quarter circle with a radius of 1500 mm was drawn on an old cardboard refrigerator packaging. The profile was bent along it and installed in place, securing it to the upper frame under the wall lining. At a height of 1000 mm from the floor, a side frame was completed from the lath for lining the wall, secured to the profile and lath on the opening. Based on the measurements of the frames and the drawn quarter circle, the upper and upper parts were cut out of plasterboard. bottom stitching and secured to the frames with self-tapping screws. We measured the profile that remained uncovered and, using it and the semicircle drawing, we marked and cut out arc linings from plasterboard 60 mm high, aligned with the profile along the bottom of the arc. Pieces 15 mm long were cut from a 60 mm lath and secured to a bent profile at 150 mm intervals. We attached the side plasterboard linings to the profile. Then we bought 6 corners for tiling and 3 plastic panels of the same beech color. We lined all the openings and the bottom of the arc with panels using tile corners. Before this we produced full putty and alignment of plasterboard linings with the wall, covering the joints with fiberglass mesh. To ensure that the putty lays evenly, I advise you to completely prime the drywall with an acrylic compound. Finishing touch- purchasing a strip of beech-colored plastic holder for glass, sticking it to liquid nails and glazing. The only thing I regret is that after the exchange of the apartment it burned down HDD There are no photographs left on the computer of the resulting miracle, which I am proud of.


    There are many design solutions fine finishing. Take your time to look at them. When making your final choice, have full confidence that you will be able to complete the work yourself and handle the financial issues. After that, feel free to realize your fantasies. You will succeed.

    Video: DIY plasterboard arch

    Making an arched opening with your own hands is quite possible. It is important to work carefully and know what you want to get as a result.

    Arches for doorways have been used since ancient times. The arch is very aesthetic, today it is not only beautiful, but also allows you to save space, complement the interior and carry out the work yourself, with your own hands.

    As a rule, plasterboard is used, it is not expensive, it is easy to work with and you can make any arched opening. The frame of the arches can be anything, you can install a platband and a variety of finishing materials.

    Shape selection

    The type of arch can be any, even from several levels, with different rows and functionality; initially, the correct measurement of the door opening is made. The main types of arches are presented in the table:

    Arch type: Description:
    Parabolic arch: A beautiful and easy-to-make arch. Made from flexible plastic, for example, a threshold. A mark is made in the middle, which will be the top point of the arch. Next, the material is bent in the form of an arc. The arch is placed on a plaster or other sheet and a template is made, at which point the arch blank will be ready.
    Circular arch: IN wood material(bar), you need to screw the self-tapping screw and tie the twine to make a compass. They can be used to make an arch template. Next, using a compass, you need to draw a circle of the arch on a sheet of paper.

    Once the contours of the arch have been drawn, you should cut out the shape using a jigsaw or a regular knife. All cuts are made exactly along the lines; the quality of the arched opening depends on this. Classic version arches are made according to the following principle:

    1. You need to measure the doorway and calculate the material.
    2. The instrument is being prepared.
    3. A template of arches, semicircular, round, oval and others is cut out.
    4. The frame is mounted in the opening using a metal profile or wood.
    5. Polyurethane, plasterboard, plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, foam plastic or other selected material are installed.
    6. The bottom of the arch is cut out and screwed to the side parts.
    7. The arch is being puttyed, finished and decorated.

    Important! When deciding on the type of arches, you need to pay attention to the height of the ceiling and the width of the door opening. Some types are suitable for a wide but low opening, while others are the opposite.

    The main forms are as follows:

    1. Portal - U-shaped arch, according to the design it can be in the form of waves or with many angles, one of the most popular types of opening.
    2. Classic arch - recommended for use for ceilings over 3 m, with a passage width of 90 cm.
    3. Romance - it is recommended to install it if the width of the opening is large, but the height to the ceiling is small.
    4. Modern is an alternative to any type of arches; it can be used in Khrushchev, where every centimeter of space is important. The corners of the arch are made sharp or rounded.
    5. A semi-arch is an ideal arch for zoning rooms.
    6. Straight arch - suitable for loft, hi-tech, modern style.

    The photo shows ready-made false arches from the Leroy Merlin company, which do not need to be framed:

    Knowing what types of ready-made arches for doorways exist, you need to decide on the materials and start working with your own hands.

    DIY plasterboard arch (video)

    Materials for work

    You can’t just build an arch; you need to choose the material and prepare all the equipment. More often used plasterboard sheet, it is easy to use, you can remake the arch if desired, and its cost is low. Therefore, an example of working with gypsum boards will be described step by step below. An arched interior opening requires:

    1. GKL 9.5 mm.
    2. Profiles 27x28 mm and 60x27 mm.
    3. Self-tapping screws for attaching 3.5x25 mm drywall.
    4. Dowels to secure the frame in a 6x60 mm opening. Used for brick or concrete.
    5. Self-tapping screws with press washer 4.2x12 mm.
    6. If the doorway is made of timber, then you need wood screws.
    7. Putties for gypsum boards.
    8. Needle roller.
    9. Perforated corners.
    10. Spatula.
    11. Pencil and tape measure for measuring and drawing.
    12. Screwdriver.

    Having prepared the material, you need to mark and measure everything.


    Before , how to make an arch from plasterboard, measurements are taken in the doorways. The size of the opening itself is taken in height and width. When there is width, it is divided in two to create a perfect semicircle arch. The shape of the arch is determined; for the classic version, you will need to additionally level the walls using putty and beacons. Naturally, the opening needs to be completely disassembled, prepared by removing dirt and dust from it, and if necessary, seal the cracks and voids with mortar. When the opening is ready, you can proceed to the next steps.

    Installation of an interior arch

    On the gypsum board, an arch design is made for a private house or apartment, the necessary picture is drawn, and then cut out with a knife, strictly along the lines. When one piece is cut correctly, a new side is drawn along its contours and another piece is cut out. Having prepared both pieces, you can mount them on the frame, but before that the correct frame is built. The work will look like this step by step:

    • At the top of the opening, the profiles are fastened using dowels if the opening is brick. After this, the profile must be installed on the walls of the opening. The frame is mounted at two points of the door passage.
    • Next, a profile is made in the form of an arc. Using scissors, you need to cut through the metal every 5-10 cm, after which the metal is bent to the desired shape. Previously cut pieces of drywall are used for the template. Installation is carried out with dowels, and the frame is covered with plasterboard using self-tapping screws. For arches you need 2 arcs.

    • To make the frame strong, bars or pieces of profile are installed between the arches.
    • The frame is ready, but the arch itself is not yet made. You will need to bend the drywall for installation at the bottom of the arch or make a composite element, the prefabricated bottom is made from pieces of drywall, and when bending you need to cut a piece, adding 10 cm to the sides. To prevent the material from cracking, it is wetted with a little water, passed with a needle roller and left for a couple of hours so that it is flexible. After this, you can bend the material and attach it to the frame, initially using tape and then self-tapping screws.
    • After 12 hours, the beautiful arched opening will be ready and all that remains is to design and decorate the arch.

    Here's how easy it is to install an arch in a doorway with your own hands. Using these tips, the production of arches will be fast. All voids in the arch can be left unchanged, or they can be used polyurethane foam, pouring it inside according to the instructions. Next, you need to cover your creation.

    Doorway design

    What to make arches from doorway is known, but how to decorate the arch in the doorways? You can decorate the finished structure different materials. Often the design is done using MDF; it can be finished with modern materials, for example, artificial stone, wood, wallpaper, paint and apply solid wood. When the arch opens into the kitchen, it is recommended to secure the curtain by immediately installing fasteners in the arch. Before sheathing and decorating the arch, you need to do a number of works, step-by-step instructions below:

    • The surface of the arch is sanded with sandpaper, removing irregularities, creating a rounded edging.
    • Seams, joints and places of self-tapping screws must be sealed using putty, but before this it is placed on a perforated corner plastic corner, you need to fix it directly into the putty.

    • When the putty dries, sand everything again with sandpaper to remove any unevenness.
    • The arch is coated with a primer and when it dries, the finishing putty is applied and sanded one last time.

    The arrangement of the arch is completed, you need to select the finishing and place it on the finished opening. As you can see, it’s easy to make a homemade arched opening; anyone can assemble the frame and fix the drywall, not necessarily a master, even if they have little experience. It is recommended to make an arch, the same shape as the window, so that the interior is unified, although the opening itself can be modernized so that the house or cottage is transformed and functional. Finally, a video showing the work process, how much material is needed and how to make a rectangular arched opening with a rounded top:

    Photo gallery of finished works

    Related materials on the topic:

    Step-by-step instructions for installing a plasterboard arch with your own hands
    Arches in an apartment: what are they, types, advantages
    Interior arches for the kitchen: varieties and design

    Arched doors are gaining more and more popularity in the construction segment. On the one hand, this is an accessible opportunity to change traditional solutions, on the other hand - correction standard sizes entrance and interior doors. The “arch” theme began with the appearance of arched corridors, after which it smoothly moved to door structures.

    Main classification arched doors carried out according to the following criteria:

    • design features - entrance and interior doors, prefabricated and non-removable;
    • arch shape - round, oval and rounded;
    • manufacturing material - wood, plastic, metal, glass, veneer, mirror, combined products;
    • the shape of the arc is round or gothic.

    In addition to the fact that arched doors themselves are becoming more and more in demand, it is worth noting the popularity of arched openings both under doors and as an independent structural element.

    Types of arched openings

    An arch is a relatively simple design solution that allows you to divide a room into zones without the use of doors and partitions. The most popular place installing an arch is, of course, the hallway, but arched openings at the entrance to the kitchen, balcony/loggia, recreation room, etc. are becoming increasingly popular. This is an opportunity to change traditional solutions for organizing space.

    Varieties of shapes and materials of manufacture

    According to the shape, the outlines of the arch are divided into:

    • lancet;
    • round.

    In turn, the round outline is divided into the following main types:

    • classic - even radius;
    • modernist - arc (oval) with a rise;
    • romantic - with a central straight part and rounded corners of the desired radius;
    • ellipse - a regular or irregular oval is taken as the basis of the shape.
    • horseshoe-shaped - part of the national interior in the form of a smooth or pointed upward semicircle;
    • Gothic - with an elongated pointed shape without smooth elements.

    Types, material of manufacture, design

    The main difference and aesthetics of arched doors is the presence of a rounded top that follows the smooth line of the doorway. Until recently, this model of doors belonged to the eastern form of organizing space and was little used in European culture. After some time non-standard shape doors have conquered their niche, and today few houses can do without arched openings and doors. The main secret of popularity lies in association. What is an arched door in the understanding of each of us? This is the entrance to the palace, to a beautiful tower. This is a trend from the past, when kings ruled the world. It is this feeling of a fairy tale that attracts with its special design.

    Arched doors can be classified according to a variety of criteria, of which the main ones are:

    • place,
    • material,
    • structural characteristics.

    Installation location and material of manufacture

    There are 2 main types in this category - interior and entrance. The first option is doors installed inside any room. The main material is plastic, wood, combi with glazing.

    Entrance doors are the main element of the entrance group of all kinds of premises. For their manufacture, various types of metal, veneer, wood, plastic, and, less commonly, tempered glass are used.

    Due to the peculiarities of the design and the complexity of manufacturing the panels, plastic and wood are most often used; for interior doors, combination with glass panel is the most successful. The wood used for the production of the entrance group must undergo a complex of treatments to prevent the development of fungi and mold.

    Design characteristics

    The first and main feature of arched doors is the structure door design, which is traditionally divided into:

    • a single complex of canvas and opening, characterized by a perfect match of the two elements due to point cutting and individual assembly. The most expensive type of doors;
    • standard door complete with arched part. In this case, the manufacture and installation of both parts is carried out separately. Recommended for installation when choosing swing and sliding models.
    • single-leaf doors are the most popular type of door, not only arched, but also standard in shape. Can be installed as entrance group, and in the house.
    • double doors are the ideal solution for wide doorways. Recommended for installation even in small rooms, where, due to the wide area, the “working” part will seem 2 times more focused.

    Rounding the corners significantly reduces the height of the opening. Calculate it using the formula: 2.10 m + ½ opening width. This figure may be higher, but it should not be reduced.

    Do it yourself

    Diversity standard doors allows you to choose the right product for any size. Arched doors are not yet so popular among manufacturers and therefore you may either not choose any model at all, or you may not find the right size. Therefore, we suggest you make wooden arched entrance doors yourself.

    You can actually make the canvas yourself, but the boxed part will have to be purchased either at a specialized store or go to the forest.


    • jigsaw;
    • electric milling machine;
    • belt sander with a set of sandpapers of several degrees of grain;
    • board 5.0 cm;
    • small wedges;
    • beams and wood screws, with the height of the screw being at least 3 cm greater than the width of the beam;
    • wood glue or PVA glue.


    1. First, determine the net width of the opening, for which you subtract the thickness of the box part from the total width of the opening and plus 2-3 mm of margin.
    2. The arch will be smooth and beautiful if its radius coincides with the radius of the doorway. To do this, you select boards, and then determine by width how many are needed, based on the fact that the boards are laid horizontally.

    To make arched doors, always use only wood that has undergone forced drying under industrial conditions (chamber, heat, air exhaust, etc.). A damp or insufficiently dried fabric will eventually begin to move to the side, sag or warp in other ways.

    1. Using an electric router, you cut grooves on the boards that will allow you to connect the parts together as tightly as possible. On back side also make small shallow grooves for forced ventilation. Cut the grooves at the rate of 3.0 mm wider than the thickness of the board.
    2. Clean the boards with a soft brush and apply a middle layer of PVA glue or other carpentry analogue. Give it time to dry.
    3. Cut a circle from the workpiece and check the level of the plane.

    The outline of the shape depends on what the arch will be like in the future. So, if you are planning an arch in the shape of a semicircle, mark a point at the very bottom. Take a marker or pencil and attach a thick, non-stretchy thread to it. Attach its end to a point and draw a semicircle with a marker.

    If the shape of the arch is pointed or elongated, you will need a metal ruler. Place a point at the bottom of the workpiece, from which you draw a line straight up at an angle of 900. Next, place the ruler on its edge and carefully adjust it to the radius mark and along the edge of the workpiece. Trace the ruler with a marker. Do the same with the other side, maintaining complete symmetry of the lines.

    1. Using a jigsaw, cut the workpiece along the drawn lines and grind it. First with a larger abrasive, then with a fine one. This completes the arched part.
    2. The bottom of the door is prepared in the same way, except that the board is now laid vertically.

    Be sure to add a horizontal part to the door, which will maximize the life of the door.

    The finished canvas consists of three elements:

    • lower;
    • shield made of vertical slats;
    • arched part.

    You connect, as already mentioned, using the tenon-groove principle, for which you use a router to cut tenons, which should protrude by 2-2.5 mm. Remove the dust, apply wood glue and place the parts on top of each other in order. Be sure to support the already assembled canvas with wedges.

    After 2-3 hours, after the glue has completely dried, finish the almost finished door with any protective agent. It can be “Pinotex” (universal impregnation) or any other. The most the best solution will use clear varnish. On sunny side laminating coatings quickly lose their effect, and on a shaded surface it is simply unnoticeable.

    Often the interior passage in an apartment is not closed with a door, but left open. This allows you to elegantly unite the space and make the interior design of the rooms more elegant. To do this, you can purchase a ready-made structure from assembled elements or cut out individual parts with your own hands and then assemble everything in the doorway. But how to make an arch yourself so that it looks smooth and beautiful? After all, there are a lot of materials and technologies for installation; you need to choose wisely.

    Designer arch

    What arches can be installed in an apartment?

    Installation arched design on site interior door can be done without involving professional builders. You just need to choose the type of arch and materials for its manufacture. Following the step-by-step instructions below will help you avoid mistakes and make an arch with your own hands.

    Arch curves can be the most bizarre

    Design features and significant differences

    In construction, arched structures are supports for overlying elements of walls and structures. But in apartments, doorways to the corridor and between rooms are not load-bearing. In the first case, construction materials are selected based on serious external loads, and in the second they must support only their own weight along with the finishing.

    Arch with bar counter

    An apartment door arch, installed instead of a door, is an element of interior design. Its frame can be made from a lightweight profile for gypsum boards or bars with a cross-section of 20–30 mm. This design can easily withstand the weight of finishing materials. You just need to firmly fix it on the walls so that the decor does not warp or fall off after a couple of weeks.

    Reference! In private houses and city apartments, an open door arch between rooms serves exclusively decorative functions. In this case, the load-bearing loads are placed on the concrete walls on the side or on the lintel above the opening.

    Finished plastic arch

    Shapes of arched openings and their capabilities

    There are many options for arranging interior arches in shape:

    • "Classic".
    • "Romance".
    • "Modern".
    • "Ellipse".
    • "Trapezoid".
    • "Portal".

    The most popular types of interior arches

    The first option at the top has the shape of a regular semicircle, and the last one has strict rectangular outlines throughout its entire height. The rest are intermediate versions between them. But other variations are also possible with one side “support” or two curved posts.

    Form door arch and its design are chosen to match the design style of the room. This takes into account the height of the ceiling, the size of the opening and the features of the premises on both sides. In some houses, classic shapes with a regular curve in the form of a semicircle will look ideal, while in others - a rectangular portal. This is more a matter of the taste of the home owners and the general style of interior decor. Some people even prefer cone-shaped contours.

    • It is recommended to choose the classic option only when high ceilings in the area of ​​3 meters and above.
    • In typical panel high-rise buildings, it is better to design the entrance to the kitchen with a “MODERN” arch.
    • For a wide doorway from the hall to the corridor, “ROMANTIC” with large wide racks is more suitable.
    • The rectangular “PORTAL” looks best in an interior where clear horizontal and vertical lines predominate in the decoration. Similar option doorway design is ideal for houses made of timber or logs. In such a home, its rectangular corners will look elegant and fit the theme as much as possible.

    Classic in the interior

    What to build a designer doorway from with your own hands

    To quickly make an arch in the doorway of an apartment, it is enough to purchase a set of prefabricated elements made of plastic or laminated chipboard lumber. They need to be trimmed the desired height, and then secure it in the places specified according to the instructions. But such options are standard and quite expensive. Plus - not every opening can be fitted with a ready-made model with the right sizes.

    Components interior arch system

    To make panels of arched posts and arches you will need one of the following materials:

    • drywall;
    • plywood;

    Advice! It is better to choose plasterboard sheets for covering the frame. GCR can be further finished with more various materials. However, thin plywood is much easier to bend.

    Finished veneered arch

    The frame for an interior arch can be made:

    Brick decoration is ideal for connecting a balcony

    You can also make an arch instead of a door from concrete, brick or aerated concrete blocks, and only then decorate them with one or another finishing material. But these options are more for those who like capitalism and solidity. Plus they weigh a lot, in old apartments apartment buildings It is impossible to build anything from them.

    The use of metal is limited not only by its weight, but also by its high cost. Manufacturing of metal structures complex shape at home - this is a very difficult project to implement in practice. The easiest way to do it yourself is to work with drywall and its profile.

    Step-by-step instructions for self-installation

    The photos and recommendations below will allow even a novice master to cope with the improvement of a doorway. To do this, you first need to create a frame, and then sheathe it and decorate it. You can do everything yourself, you just need to do everything consistently and without errors.

    Scheme of a plasterboard arch

    Preparing the doorway

    1. First, the leaf and frame of the existing door (if it exists and is in place) are dismantled.
    2. Then the opening is expanded to the planned dimensions.
    3. There is no need to plaster the cut walls under the frame; they will still be covered with sheathing. It is enough to straighten them and remove everything that can fall off (plaster, pieces of concrete, falling bricks). The main thing is that the supporting profile can be secured securely and in a strictly vertical position without tilting.
    4. If you are planning a backlit design, then you need to install the wiring in advance.
    5. Measurements are always taken at several points in the opening so as not to miscalculate the dimensions.
    6. If the walls are uneven, then the thickness of the racks (depth of the arch) is selected according to the thickest point.
    7. To simplify the marking and cutting of sheet material for covering the arched frame, it is necessary to make a life-size template from cardboard. This will allow you to avoid mistakes and preview how the contours of the structure being formed will look.

    Important point! The upper part of the arch takes about 10–15 cm away from the height of the doorway. At least 20 cm should remain from it to the ceiling. When calculating and marking, these numbers must be taken into account.

    Fastening the guides

    Creating a load-bearing frame

    1. To make a frame for an arch, you first need to create a main contour from a profile around the perimeter of the opening, fixing it to the walls.
    2. Then the upper curved part of the frame system will be attached to it. Sometimes only a curved element is made on top, but this is only possible with perfectly smooth slopes.
    3. Vertical guides in the doorway are attached with an indentation from the plane of the interior wall by the thickness of the plasterboard sheet plus 2 mm for subsequent plaster on top of it.
    4. After plastering you should have a single, flat surface.
    5. On each side and at the top of the arch being created, you will need to secure two such profiles parallel to each other.

    Advice! If the walls are made of wood, then self-tapping screws are sufficient to attach the guides, but in the case of concrete or brick, dowel screws will be required. The spacing between fasteners should not exceed 30 cm.

    If the columns of the arch are made of small thickness, then two arches can be easily replaced with a wide profile. All cutting and bending manipulations in this case are carried out according to a similar pattern. However, transverse installation will no longer be necessary. When using wooden blocks instead of a profile, the frame for the arch is made using a similar technology. Only the original material of the supporting frame structure changes.

    Two ways to bend plasterboard sheet

    Rough sheathing of the frame

    After completing the assembly of the arch frame, all that remains is to mount the gypsum board or wood board. To give plywood or fiberboard the desired shape, they will have to be pre-moistened, fixed on a template and steamed with a hot iron.

    Ideally, you need to use special arched plasterboard, reinforced on both sides with non-woven fiberglass. It is enough to stretch it in the longitudinal direction and give it the desired shape.

    There are two ways to bend a regular plasterboard sheet: wet and dry.

    • Wet technology involves soaking the back side of the plasterboard with water and gradually bending it onto a template of the required shape and fixing it on it. This process is lengthy; haste can lead to rupture of the cardboard layer of the sheet. And the resulting part can be installed and secured with self-tapping screws on the arch frame only after the plaster has completely dried.

    Advice! It is possible to speed up the process of moistening gypsum board to give it elasticity using a needle roller.

    • The dry method involves making parallel cuts on one side of the sheet, which affect the plaster and the upper outer layer of cardboard. But the front cardboard layer remains intact. The bend is smooth and of the correct shape.

    Installation of the main element of the arch

    Cutting sheet material is best done with a jigsaw. When using a hacksaw, the cutting edges will certainly be less even. The sheathing is fastened with self-tapping screws in increments of 5–6 cm. After fixing it, the edges of the plasterboard and plywood sheets. And then a special plastic corner with perforation is attached to the curved edge to protect it from chips.

    GKL fastening

    Putty for perfect surface leveling

    The next stage of finishing a plasterboard arch is primer and putty. After applying the first one, you need to wait until it dries. And for reinforcing the second layer it is used fiberglass mesh. The corners are also reinforced and leveled using a mesh.

    The edges must be smooth

    Surface putty

    Putty joint with wall

    Mesh reinforcement

    Edge reinforcement with mesh

    Next apply the third finishing layer. The putty, which has hardened after 10-2 hours, is sanded with sandpaper to remove excess and make the surface as smooth as possible. There should be no protruding screw heads or dents left on it.

    This is what the arch should look like

    Decoration of the structure and design techniques

    You can finally decorate the arch in the apartment with your own hands and make it beautiful:

    • painting in color with the walls;
    • wood paneling or plastic panels;
    • wallpapering or veneering;
    • finishing with decorative stone on a gypsum base;
    • decoration with mosaics and mirrors;
    • decorating using stucco or ready-made columns.

    Simple finish with backlight

    Both natural and artificial materials are used in the finishing of the interior arch. The choice here depends on the overall design idea for the interior design of the apartment. To improve the doorway, you can use polyurethane stucco molding and even textiles. All options are acceptable, the main thing is that they are in harmony with the surrounding decor.

    Shelves in the design of an arched passage to the corridor

    The frame of columns made of clinker or decorative stone. Personal installation It will take time and diligence, but the result will definitely please the master. The uniqueness of the apartment with this method of decoration is guaranteed.

    Artificial stone decor

    Arch finishing natural wood will bring solidity and grace to the house, and the mosaic pattern invented by the owners will make the decor unique. The main thing is not to overdo it with the design, making the design a tasteless heap of elements. different styles. All interior details should be in harmony with each other and complement each other.

    Stucco columns in an arched doorway with wide walls

    Often conventionally painted white or Brown color It’s quite enough to complete the design, making the arch with your own hands beautiful and elegant. However, some require built-in lighting and additional decorative elements in accordance with the style chosen for the apartment. It will take more time to finish the arched opening, but it will be worth it.

    Decor with corner and wallpaper

    It’s not difficult to install and decorate an interior arch instead of a door yourself. For work, it is enough to have metal scissors, a screwdriver and a hacksaw in the house. But if you have no experience in handling these tools, it is better to trust professional installers.
