How to decorate rubber wheels in a flower bed. DIY flower garden, how to make flower beds from tires. "Piglet" and "Ladybug"

Almost every summer resident strives to decorate his plot in the most interesting way. Various varieties of flowers and plants are used, original ideas landscape design. And for this it is not at all necessary to use expensive materials and spend a lot of time. You can decorate the area with your own hands using available materials. For example, with the help of tires, you can stylishly and very funly diversify an empty space.

For many years, summer residents and gardeners have been using car tires as decoration for their gardens. This method of decoration has many advantages:

  • Old tires can be purchased very profitably or even taken from someone for free. Surely a couple of your friends have unwanted wheels lying around.
  • This product is not in any danger. For example, moisture, bacteria, fungi are not able to have a negative effect on the product. And if the paint fades and cracks over time, it would be a good idea to update it.
  • With the help of car tires it is possible to bring to life the most daring design ideas.
  • The tire structure is compact, and if necessary, it can be moved to another place without any problems.

How to cut flower beds from tires: step-by-step instructions

Do beautiful flower bed Making car tires with your own hands is simple and profitable, you just need to put in a little effort. It is important to follow the sequence and recommendations when performing such a decorative element. Below you can study step-by-step instructions for making garden decorations from car wheels.

Select forms

The first step, of course, is to choose the idea and shape of your decoration. And there are many ideas - in the form of a flower, a well, a tea cup and much more. When determining the final option, be guided by your taste and the characteristics of the garden.

Choose the right tires

Of course, the ability to choose is always a plus. Therefore, it is better to select products with the greatest tread wear because... the worn-out tread layer softens the tires and makes them more suitable for making fancy shapes.

If you are faced with a choice - old car tires of Russian or foreign production, then it is better to go with the latter option. The thing is that they have thinner, softer rubber, from which it is more convenient to make figures.

And if you have to choose between winter or summer car tires, it is better to choose winter tires.

Draw cut lines

To draw the cut line, you need to determine what shape you want to make - a flower with sharp or smooth edges, a large bowl, a vase with wavy lines, or even a swan. It is advisable to apply the outline with a felt-tip pen or chalk.

The photo below shows an example of a contour:

Note! If you just want to beautifully color the tires for the flower garden, then you do not need to draw cut lines or cut them out.

Cut along the contour

To cut a beautiful flower bed out of tires, it is important to do everything carefully. This will help not only to obtain a non-standard product, but also to avoid injury. It is advisable to use a sharp knife or jigsaw, if you have it. In the video below you can see how the cutting stage goes.

Video: how to make a flowerbed from a tire using a knife in 5 minutes.

Video: how to cut and turn out a tire using a jigsaw.

Design the finished product

The final step in making a flowerbed from old tires with your own hands is the design, because black tires in the garden will look depressing and not aesthetically pleasing.

To paint old car tires for flower beds, it is recommended to use enamel, oil, nitro paints, as well as car paint. Their advantages include long-lasting coverage and ease of application.

There are absolutely no boundaries when decorating a product: you can use only one color or combine several of your favorite colors. It's not trivial to do beautiful drawings, ornament.

Video: flower beds made from tires and tires that you can make at your dacha with your own hands.

Ideas for flower beds made from old tires


Flower garden from car tire in the form of a flower bed - perfect solution for those who want to achieve a feeling in their area rustic comfort. In addition, the well will highlight the beauty of your flowers.

Instructions on how to make a flowerbed in the form of a well from rubber tires:

  • Take three old tires of the same size.
  • In each of the tires, do sharp knife on the opposite side of the slot. This action will help in the future to insert support posts for the roof of the well. But columns can also be made from the outside.
  • Lay the rubber tires on top of each other so that their sipes line up.
  • Insert supports, such as beams or beams, into the holes of the wheels. The support must be buried in the ground. However, the ground under the structure must be smooth for the well to be stable.
  • It is better to make the well roof as natural as possible, that is, similar to a real well roof - the structure will look even more beautiful and cozy. For this reason, the roof is best made from roofing materials.
  • It is necessary to install a roof support between the beams.
  • After this, boards, metal tiles, slate and other materials are attached to it. It is also not a sin to make a well cover using cut tires.
  • After that, start decorating - paint the well as you please.

Below you will find photos of a flower bed in the form of a tire well for inspiration and ideas:


The turtle tire design is truly very beautiful. Thanks to interesting looking she can literally revive any summer cottage and make it a little fabulous.

Tea cups

Tea cups made from rubber tires will look original in any garden. To make them yourself, just stick to simple step by step instructions:

  • Take two tires of different diameters.
  • Place them on top of each other - a smaller diameter wheel on the bottom and a wider wheel on top.
  • Fasten them with self-tapping screws.
  • To make the design more realistic, make a saucer out of rubber and a handle from scraps. The latter can also be attached with self-tapping screws.
  • There are several options for painting the cups: in one bright color or make the design as realistic as possible and paint it one color, and then draw polka dots.

Video: flower beds made of tires and tires in the form of tea cups


It is clay frogs that very often decorate summer cottages. Green beauties fit perfectly into the garden setting. But frogs made from rubber tires will also look extraordinary.

Look how cute the cheerful little frogs look!


Birds of paradise flamingos now have the opportunity to live not only in exotic lands, but also in your garden! All you need to do is stock up on tires and pink paint. Look at the photos below to see what beautiful birds you can make from car tires:

Video: how to make a flamingo from car tires.


Dangerous predators in nature can become cute animals made from tires at your dacha. Green structures will look organic next to flowers, shrubs, and trees.

Photo gallery of ideas

In fact, ideas for creating decorations from tires for the garden and summer cottages so many. You can be inspired by ready-made ideas or come up with something of your own, very original and unforgettable. Therefore, we invite you to look at photographs with a variety of options for inspiration and new ideas:

Beautiful designs made from old car tires will add a unique charm to your garden, garden and summer cottage. They will not only delight you every time, but will also pleasantly surprise your guests.

In contact with

Old car tires are a popular replacement for traditional flower beds. They are convenient to place in small yards without lawns, along roads, in places with high lying groundwater. A flowerpot made from a tire can be easily moved to any place on the site; if desired, it can be installed on legs. Another popular one garden form– wheels arranged in the form of a pyramid.

To create flower beds, it is better to use winter rubber products; they are much easier to cut. Old tires are thoroughly cleaned of crushed stone and other foreign matter, washed and dried. Then they can be painted in the desired shade or painted with an original pattern. Another popular option is flowerpots in the form of volumetric bowls. To make them, zigzag slits are made on the top of the tire with a sharp knife or jigsaw. It is difficult to turn the product inside out; this will require significant physical strength.

In order for plants to develop well, fertile soil with big amount compost. During the season, plantings in tires are periodically fed with complex fertilizer for flowers. It is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out; you need to water the plantings in a limited capacity daily.

What flowers can be planted in tires?

Most often, annuals are used for planting tires in flower beds. Seeds germinate for several weeks, so it is more convenient to use grown seedlings. When planting, the needs of each specific plant are taken into account. For example, for the normal development of bush petunia you need at least 5 liters of soil, hanging forms will require up to 7 liters.

For landing in tires, flyers with beautiful shape buds and varied colors. Regular and double petunias, bush or cascading, are popular. It is best to use modern hybrid forms; they form lush compact bushes with a large number of buds.

Nasturtiums look very impressive: orange, red, yellow. Nasturtium does not tolerate transplantation well, so seedlings are planted in tires in peat cups or sow the swollen seeds. You can plant decorative calendula and eschscholzia in rubber flower beds; these species form a beautiful composition. Another example of successful color combination– silver cineraria and bright red salvia.

Suitable annuals include viola, verbena, marigolds, awl-shaped phlox, and celosia. Look more interesting tall plants– lupins, cosmos, saffron, fragrant tobacco. As an accompaniment, you can plant ground cover plants, for example, alyssum with a delicate honey aroma.

Some gardeners plant perennials in homemade flowerpots. When dividing bushes, a lot remains planting material, tires will be an excellent field for experimentation. Small-flowered chrysanthemums can be planted in tires, different types carnations, primroses, daisies, daylilies, decorative onions. Beautiful flowering plants should be supplemented with aromatic herbs with elegant leaves - thyme, oregano, lemon balm, mint. They not only look beautiful, but also repel pests.

Just a few decades ago, flower beds made from tires could rarely be found on personal plots. Disposal wheel tires like this in an unusual way It was carried out only in villages remote from large cities and was of an exclusively practical nature. It was not customary to decorate a flowerbed made of a wheel or somehow modify the main material that served as a fence for the flower garden.

Today everything has changed. The fashion for interesting man-made details in decor has affected not only the interiors of apartments, but also personal plots. The flight of fancy of modern masters of household design is enormous. This allows you to create unique compositions that are not only useful in the garden, but also give it a unique style. Such original details can be found in almost every dacha. These include flower beds made from tires, which are quite easy to make with your own hands.

Almost every second person in the country has his own car. Some families have several four-wheeled vehicles. Every car requires periodic tire changes. It's not just about seasonal wheel types. Modern roads And weather contribute to the fact that the rubber used for the production of tires quickly becomes unusable.

The culture of recycling such waste in our country is very poorly developed. Therefore, you can often see a picture when on the outskirts settlements and in forest belts entire mountains grow from tires.

Flowerbed made of tires painted in the style of a nesting doll

There is no need to talk again about how harmful such garbage is to nature. Even schoolchildren know that the half-life of rubber is hundreds of years. Therefore, it is better to take the unnecessary wheel to a collection point, which can be found at the nearest car service center, or offer it to a familiar summer resident who knows how to make a flowerbed from a tire with his own hands.

Advantages of tires as a material for decoration

Tireless seekers of the most original way to decorate a personal plot are increasingly choosing such an interesting decorative element as a flower bed made from a wheel. The most enthusiastic craftsmen willingly share their creations, showing numerous photos in which the floral design of the territory, created using a flower bed made of tires with their own hands, looks unusual, beautiful and harmoniously combines with the overall design of the dacha.

The choice of such material for decorating a flower garden is explained by several factors:

  1. Rubber can serve for a long time in the country.
  2. The material is available and can be obtained completely free of charge.
  3. Tires are relatively easy to process, can take on a variety of shapes, and can be painted in different colors.
  4. A flower garden made from car tires allows you to change the design if necessary, because its elements are easy to replace.
  5. A flowerbed made of tires does not require special skills or the use of complex tools to make it.

All these obvious advantages force many summer residents to decorate their private land plots in such an accessible, cheap and in an original way.

Types of tire fencing for flower beds

It seems incredible, but ordinary rough rubber wheels removed from a car provide a wide field for creativity to a landscaping specialist. This material allows you to create compositions with a variety of shapes and designs.

The most famous option, how to make a flowerbed from a tire, is simple and does not require any additional funds. All you have to do is take a tire, paint it desired color, cover with soil and plant ornamental plants in the center of the improvised flower garden. Such round, low, single-tier flower beds are suitable for small areas.

In large areas it is better to create massive structures. Tires different sizes allow you to create multi-level compositions that become bright accent in any garden. Such a flowerbed of tires can be narrow, but high. In this case, the tires are laid out one on top of the other, from largest to smallest, creating a fancy tower, the top of which is decorated with bright flowers.

There is another way to create a multi-tiered flower garden. You can choose tires of the same diameter, but place them in a checkerboard pattern, gradually reducing the number of elements used from bottom to top. Each tire in this case will be a miniature flowerbed, which will integral part blooming pyramid.

Wheel flower beds can have different shapes. Most often you can find rubber flowerpots, as well as fancy figures cut out of tires. Animals and birds, fairy-tale characters, flowers, household items - all this can become a decorative idea embodied in an ordinary car wheel.

Another unusual method of creating decorative elements for garden - suspended structures from tires. They resemble flowerpots and give the whole area a special charm. To create such a flowerbed, it is enough to cover the bottom of the tire with improvised means so that the earth does not spill out through the wide hole, then you need to hang the finished product using an iron chain or cable to a support. This could be a house wall, a tree or a special metal carcass. After this, soil is poured into the finished flower garden and the plants are planted.

A variety of composition options that can be created based on rubber tires, open up great scope for creativity and make this material very popular in garden plots.

How to choose and prepare tires for making a flower bed?

Almost any type of tires is suitable for creating individual decorative elements in the country. However, there are several secrets that can make working with these products much easier:

  1. Winter tires are much easier to process and are more flexible. It is easier to make shaped compositions from this type of tire.
  2. To create a flower bed from tires, it is better to choose wheels that are as worn as possible; they are easy to cut. It is easier to turn a tire with worn tread inside out if necessary.
  3. Rubber for domestic car wheels is rougher and thicker. It's more difficult to work with her. If you have a choice, you should give preference to imported types of tires. They are more flexible and allow you to make beautiful compositions with less physical effort and time.

Before starting work, the materials must be thoroughly washed to remove dirt and sand. Then you need to mark the future details of the flower garden. This is done with bright markers, chalk or regular soap. A preliminary drawing makes the work much easier and guarantees that individual elements will be the same in shape and size.

After the product is ready, you need to paint it. It is not enough to apply the color composition only to the outer surface of the future flower bed, since some internal areas may also be visible. Therefore, the tire must be completely painted. The color that fits into the general style of the site is determined in advance.

Several types of paints are suitable for working with rubber: oil, enamel, automotive. If you decide to make the flowerbed monochromatic, you can use an aerosol. This method is very convenient; the paint goes on evenly, giving the surface a rich and bright shade. Patterns and ornaments can also be created using this method, using special stencils.

To avoid minor irregularities and prolong the life of the designs, apply a thin layer of primer to the tire before painting. Sometimes PVA glue is added to it, which increases the durability of the pattern.

How are flower beds made from car tires?

To work with tires you will need a minimum set of tools:

  • sharp knife or electric jigsaw;
  • marker, chalk or soap for marking on which the figure will be cut out;
  • wire of various thicknesses for connecting various decorative elements;
  • paints and brushes;
  • gloves.

Creating an ordinary round single-tier flower bed does not require special costs time and effort. But if you decide to make a flowerpot or an original rubber figure, you will have to work a little.

You can often see flower beds in the form of a tea set or a free-standing mug. To create them, one car tire with a rim is enough. The upper part of the tire is cut along the entire width, the lower part is cut along the diameter of the disk with a slight indentation. Both received parts are turned inside out.

The smaller element serves as a stand; most of the product in the form of a bowl is installed on it. A handle made of wire or other available material is attached to the side. All that remains is to fill the soil and plant the seeds of perennials. ornamental plants. Such a flowerbed in the shape of a tea or coffee cup will decorate any area.

In a similar way you can do original pot or a beautiful vase made from a wheel. A large number of color options are made from tires turned inside out, cutting out the edges of the product in the form of leaves of various shapes. To create such decorations on the site you need tires, paints and an electric jigsaw. Flowerbeds with a figured contour can be made either single-tiered or multi-stage, depending on the general idea landscape design.

Simple ideas for animal shapes made from tires

The most popular details for decorating a personal plot recently have been figures of animals, birds and representatives of the underwater world made from car wheels. The properties of rubber allow you to create quite realistic works that will not only decorate the area, but will also serve as flower beds or original boxes for seedlings.

The most simple options living creatures made from tires are considered to be a turtle and a spider. Their creation does not require difficult work with the source material. Enough to cut from one tire required quantity legs and attach them to another whole wheel. You can make a turtle or spider head from an old rubber ball, then draw eyes, nose and mouth on it.

It’s quite easy to make schematic images fairy tale characters. Often at the sites you can meet Masha and the Bear from the modern cartoon of the same name. The technology for making such flower beds is simple. The only difficulty is to securely fasten the tires of different sizes, which should stand on top of each other, indicating the torso and head of the hero of the fairy tale.

The bear's ears and paws can be made from leftover tires used in another project. On the top wheel you should draw the face of an animal, and in the central one, which serves as the body, you can plant flowers.

The most complex, but favorite figures in every garden are swans.

Their production requires application complex markup on a car wheel. The result will depend on its accuracy painstaking work. The figure of a noble bird is cut out according to a sketch made in advance, and then the tire is turned out in such a way that the wings, body and gracefully curved neck become clearly visible. To maintain it in this position, a wire is used. The bird's beak is made separately from rubber scraps and attached to the product at the end of the work.

Much easier to do vertical flower bed in the shape of a dolphin. To do this, an incision is made on the side of the tire. On one side, it is sharpened so that it resembles the shape of the nose of this amazing marine mammal, on the other, the tail is cut out. A fin made of an oblong piece of medium-sized rubber should be attached to the opposite part of the wheel. Complete the look with a matching tire color. Such a flowerbed can stand on the ground or be suspended on a special frame, reminiscent of a dolphin that has just emerged from the depths of the sea.

Household items from car wheels in the design of a dacha

The imagination of summer residents knows no bounds, so in their garden plots you can see a flower garden in the shape of almost any familiar object, made from tires. Interesting option- this is a clock. Round form tires allows you to create all kinds of models of similar devices. The most popular are flower beds in the form of alarm clocks or wall clock with a fight.

In both cases, flowers are planted in a tire turned on its edge. Only in the first - the wheel stands on the ground, and in the second - it is suspended on the wall of a house or other building, and sometimes it is fixed on a tree branch. The clock hands are made of wire, the dial is painted. Additional items can be made from any available means: from plastic bottles, to wooden blocks.

Flower beds in the form of round mirrors, antique telephones and even tables and chairs - all this can be made from tires with your own hands. This activity allows you not only to look beautiful, saving on expensive materials, but also to discover new talents, including in landscape design.

Do interesting flower bed You can even make it with your own hands from a car tire. Crafts made from tires have long been popular for decorating the garden, and today we will tell you how to make old tire make a simple mini flower bed.

DIY tire flower bed

The easiest option is when you use the entire tires, placing them in the chosen place and filling them with soil. But before this, a drainage layer of pebbles, expanded clay or organic mulch must be laid under the rubber.

This mini-flower bed looks good made from tires large sizes, When effective area wide enough to accommodate several rows different plants, creating interesting composition. It is advisable to choose for planting unpretentious flowers- tall zinnias in the center; marigolds, ageratum or cineraria - along the edge.

If you make the flower bed higher by placing tires one on top of the other, this will create additional convenience when caring for it. In this case, you can plant petunia or lobelia along the edges to cover the appearance of the cracked cord.

If you are using small car tires, then to increase the area of ​​the mini-flower bed, cut off the top with an electric saw or a special knife.

However, black tires themselves look gloomy and banal. Take it a step further and paint them a bright color. And you will see the flower beds, and the whole garden will become much more comfortable and fun.

How to paint tires for a flower bed

In order for an old and cracked tire to take on a bright color well, degrease the rubber with acetone or white spirit, paint it first with white or yellow paint, and only then apply bright paint. Then the color will not fade and will last a long time.

Good advice: do not put a thick layer of paint - under the influence of rain and frost it will fall off in pieces.

What brand of paint< использовать, в принципе, не имеет значения.

Special paint for rubber does not crack in the cold and covers cracks and depressions well, but it is quite expensive. Feel free to use old enamel or oil paint, which remained from the last renovation.

Spray paint will also work - it is even preferable, as it penetrates well into cracks and is applied thin layer. With this spray can you can make any pattern on a painted surface, even without special labor get a multi-colored base for a flower bed.

Paint your tires different colors and place them side by side or one above the other, or arrange them in a chaotic manner throughout the garden, or group them in one place - and your garden will noticeably come to life.

For those who know how to create crafts from tires using special knife or saws, you can cut out flower beds with your own hands, figurines of animals, birds or flowers. If you need ideas and ways on how to make beautiful and complex flower beds from tires, I recommend reading another yu.

Photos used by rlibunao, Jules.

With the return of fashion for all kinds of vintage, let's remember the old cute way of framing garden beds circles from wheel tires. Tires that have reached the end of their driving life are easy to get, simply cut and painted with your own hands, and you don’t mind replacing them with new compositions. Take a look at the photo - these are the kind of unusual installations you can make at your dacha, giving your yard a unique charm.

Car tire: a well-forgotten retro

It just seems that a flower bed made from a tire is out-of-date and cumbersome. In fact, if you wish, you can create a real work of art from tires, and with minimal costs, which is relevant at current prices for everything. In addition to the penny cost, such a flower bed has a number of other advantages.

Advice. Choose tires from foreign manufacturers - they are much more flexible in operation.

Having come up with the concept of a future flower bed, place the tire on a hard surface (asphalt, concrete, a piece of hardboard - whatever) and apply chalk to it lateral surface the line along which you will cut out the excess. Cut out the outline with a knife or jigsaw. Degrease with white spirit and paint immediately before dust sticks to the rubber.

It is better to paint first with white paint, then with colored paint: this way the finishing color will be brighter and more even. Using two or three colors, you can create a pattern. When the paint has dried, you can fill the flowerbed with soil and plant the plants.

Tires can be placed directly on the ground, hung on chains or cables, or folded into pyramids. It is better to select plants with a small root system: crocuses, marigolds, begonias.

Attention! Before work, thoroughly clean the tire from dirt, even rinse it under strong water pressure: this will protect the tools from quickly becoming dull.

How to easily unscrew a flowerbed tire

When arranging a flowerbed, the tire can be presented to the viewer not only externally, but also inside. A tire turned inside out makes a flowerpot “a la Peterhof”, and if you paint it like marble, no one will guess its origin.

To make a flowerpot you will need not a tire, but a whole wheel with a disk. Draw a wavy or jagged line on the sidewall of the tire, which will become the outline of the petals, cut it out and start turning it out.

To do this, lay the wheel with the cut side down, step on the disk with your foot and consistently turn the edges of the rubber upward. This is a job for a man, it requires considerable strength and the protection of hands with thread gloves. Watch the video to see how this operation is performed. The result will be a flowerpot on a rounded metal leg.

Advice. If you plan to turn the tire inside out, it is better to take tires with maximum tread wear: they are significantly softer.

Apply paint to it, and not just to outside, but also on the inside, just below the level to which you plan to fill the soil. Since the flowerpot will be raised above the ground, it can be planted hanging plants: petunia, fuchsia, bacopa.

The most original ideas for flowerbeds made of tires

The pliability of rubber and the flight of imagination of a gardener who is not burdened with extra money work wonders. Here are a few examples that are quite original and very simple ideas flower beds made from waste tires.

  • Wall flower bed. The tire is used in a vertical position. To do this, screw it to the wooden wall barn or bathhouse. A duet of lushly blooming ampelium (nasturtium, petunia) and climbing plant(beans), from the shoots of which you can lay a bright green wreath on top of the tire.
  • "Flower Mountain" This is a large building for those who have large plot and a lot of old tires accumulated. There is no need to cut them or turn them inside out: wash them, paint each one in its own color and arrange it into a composition. At the base of the “mountain” rest 6 tires, on them – 5 pieces, above – 3 pieces, the mountain is crowned with one tire, preferably of a smaller size. In each you can plant flowers of a certain type.
  • Hanging planter "Bird of Paradise". The tire is cut into strips, from which the tail and handle for hanging are subsequently assembled. Beak, eyes and crest are glued rubber glue. The finished bird is brightly painted and varnished, except for the inner part intended for soil and plants. Small flowers are planted in poultry, for example tagetes.

Your own garden is exactly the place where you want to show your imagination and individuality. You can decorate it with anything, any old things that usually accumulate a lot at the dacha. Try making a flower garden from a car tire: time will fly by, and the result will please everyone.

DIY tire flower bed: video

Garden flower beds made from tires: photo
