How to place a mirror in your home according to Feng Shui and improve your well-being. The use and correct placement of mirrors in the apartment

This interior detail most often has practical benefits for residents, and besides, such a piece of furniture is capable of managing energy.

For example, a mirror opposite a window, according to Feng Shui, can repel the favorable energy flowing into the house Qi, mirroring it and interrupting its flow. That is why experienced specialists recommend that you approach the placement of such a detail in the interior of an apartment or house very seriously.

Feng Shui mirror shape

Mirrors play an important role in decorating a house or apartment according to Feng Shui. It is known that the well-being of a family living under one roof, even the health of its members and harmony in their relationships depends on the flow of favorable energy Qi. This invisible living energy passes through the entire house, so it is necessary to ensure that its flow is powerful and penetrates into every room and into every corner of the home.

In this case, absolutely all troubles, failures and lack of money will bypass your home, and you yourself will forever forget about any illnesses or illnesses. Harmony and tranquility will reign in the house. In order to correctly direct flows Qi, and also close negative flows Sha, and we need mirrors.

The shape of the mirror can be absolutely any: round, rectangular, square. Of course, greater preference is given to those models that have rounded corners or generally round or oval in shape.

Flows of energy Qi, as you know, they do not like sharp corners in any of their manifestations, this applies not only to reflective surfaces.

Feng Shui round mirror Shu- reflects energy very well, while being positive Qi does not dissipate, but circulates along the rounded edge of such a mirror, remaining and accumulating in it and concentrating its power.

It is important to note that the presence of a frame on the mirror will also have a positive effect on the quality of transmission Qi. A border or frame is a powerful barrier for any energy, thereby allowing it to be stored inside the mirror surface and sealed.

An excellent example, combining both a rounded shape and a frame, is a mirror in the shape of the Sun. Such a thing can fully saturate with energy Qi even the largest room , but at the same time she herself is of modest size. You will certainly be surprised when you see how your room will change after the appearance of this item in it.

What you should definitely pay attention to is the presence in the house of at least one large mirror, such that it fits in full height the largest member of your family.

A prerequisite is that there should still be room above the head; this is necessary for future growth, both physically and spiritually. If the house has at least one such mirror in any room, then small mirrors are allowed in all other rooms.

Bagua mirror shape

Separately, it is necessary to mention the Bagua mirror. Feng Shui highly values ​​this symbol as it is one of the most powerful. This type of mirror reflects and neutralizes negative energy Sha.

Bagua is an octagon made of wood, in the center of which there is a mirror. Eight trigrams are written around the reflective surface. These ancient symbols protect absolutely all areas of human life, from financial well-being to health.

There are two types of Bagua: precelestial(Yin) and post-heavenly(Yanskoe). The first designates the place of the male owner in the house, and the second - the female owner. These symbols also differ in the shape of the mirrors used in them. The convex Bagua mirror reflects the entire Sha away from itself, concave - absorbs all negative energy inward, flat - has a neutral effect.

It is very important to follow the rules for placing the Bagua, as these mirrors have a powerful negative effect. The fact is that by directing this mirror, for example, at your neighbors’ home, you rid your home of negative energy Sha, but bring it into their home, so use this symbol with great care!

Do not place such a protective mirror against your neighbors, it is best to direct the reflection in a neutral direction, where no one lives so that its surface reflects nature or emptiness.

Where to hang a mirror according to feng shui

The main task of mirrors is to direct the flow Qi and make sure that this current is very powerful, and also prevent it from being accidentally blocked. Below we will look at good places for placing reflective surfaces, for example, the placement of a mirror in the hallway according to Feng Shui or in the living room, and also note those places in the house where weighing mirrors is strictly prohibited or simply not recommended.

Feng Shui mirror in the hallway

According to Feng Shui, a mirror in the hallway is almost always mandatory. The layout of most apartments and houses is designed in such a way that the main entrance, through which the energy itself Qi and enters the home, is located either around the corner, or is directed only at a specific room.

Imagine, for example, an apartment in which the front door is located opposite the children's room, and the remaining rooms, kitchen and bathroom are located on either side of it. Of course, the children's room will always be filled with energy Qi, the flow of force entering the house through the front door will be very powerful. However, all other rooms of such an apartment will be completely empty and devoid of favorable flows. Qi. In such a situation, a mirror in the hallway is exactly what is needed.

The mirror surface located opposite the corridor will bifurcate the flow Qi, which breaks out of front door.

The energy will enter those rooms and spaces where the mirror will be directed. In addition, the flow will receive an impulse and become more powerful and concentrated.

To more easily understand how this works, imagine a powerful river. It carries its waters along a certain channel and does not spread to the sides. In order to saturate any area on the side of the river with water, we need to dig a trench and make a diversion. It is in the role of such outlets that mirrors act.

Remember that the corridor is the beginning of the path Qi in your home, so this place should be given close attention. It is best to place the largest mirror in the apartment in the hallway, since it is from here that the energy of all other rooms will be saturated with energy.

Feng Shui bathroom mirror

The bathroom and toilet are considered a place where energy disappears. It is in these places that sewer drains are located, which are very often used by humans and through which positive energy flows.

The main task when arranging these rooms with mirrors is to prevent people from getting into them. Qi, or protect the rest of the house from negative Sha, all coming from the same drains.

Experts recommend hanging a mirror on either side of the door leading to the bathroom, while the door itself should always be tightly closed. Also, do not forget to close the toilet lid tightly. If we talk about the restroom, then Feng Shui allows you to hang a mirror in the toilet on the door on one or the other side, while its size does not matter significantly.

There are no special prohibitions inside the plumbing unit itself. You can hang a mirror as large as you like in the bathroom, that’s even good. The only thing that is not advisable to do is use mirror tiles. Crushing the reflection by regular polyhedra always has a negative impact on the internal Qi a person and is even capable of changing its charge to negative.

Feng Shui mirror in the bedroom

If you are wondering where to hang a mirror according to Feng Shui in the house, then the worst place for this is the bedroom.

We will talk about the negative effect that a mirror hanging opposite the bed has below. But if you simply need to have a reflective surface in the bedroom, then try to hang the mirror so that it does not reflect sleeping people (as well as the bed), and its size is modest.

Feng Shui kitchen mirror

The kitchen is considered a good place to place mirrors. Reflection dining area will, as it were, double all the dishes placed on the table and guarantee a constant abundance of food in the house. And a mirror, which allows you to look behind the back of the person who is cooking, ensures his peace and tranquility of all people in the house.

Therefore, you can place small mirrors above work surface housewife and above the cutting table in the kitchen.

Mirror in the living room according to feng shui

The mirror will fit perfectly in the living room. This is one of those places in the house where it cannot cause any harm and brings only benefit. It will be great if the mirror reflects a beautiful painting on the wall that pleases your eye, or a luxurious vase, a living beautiful flower.

The reflection of the breathtaking landscape outside the window will have a very good effect on the energy in the house. But if you don’t see a beautiful landscape in your window, then it would be better to hang the mirror somewhere else. Remember that the mirror carries exactly what is reflected in it, and if it is positive energy, then you yourself will notice how your home will be transformed.

Use this clever and simple trick to double your positive energy and increase your grace.

Feng Shui mirror in the office

We have looked at the rules for placing mirrors for all rooms in a living space, but how to properly hang a mirror according to Feng Shui in an office? Experts generally do not recommend using such strong guides for energy flows as mirrors in office premises. There are too many different circulating forces in such places, and in such energetic chaos the mirror is more likely to strengthen the negative Sha rather than help strengthen Qi.

If you still need a mirror at work, then place it inside the closet or use a pocket mirror that can be easily stored in a drawer or worn in clothes. A really bad idea would be if you placed a reflective surface in front of your workspace. The reflection of the workplace doubles your work, and you get tired faster, and the amount of work increases. It's also a bad move for anyone who craves more career recognition or increased earnings.

The best place to install a mirror in the office is the break room or any other place where you and your colleagues relax and do not work.

The mirror surface will improve the recovery function of your body and speed it up. You will replenish your full reserve of strength in much less time and do it better. Also, a mirror in the rest room will help to remove nervous tension and neutralizes negative energy.

Unfavorable places to place a mirror according to Feng Shui

In this part we will look at the worst places to place a mirror. There are few such places, but if at least one mirror in the house hangs at such a point, then this upsets the energy balance in the entire house and can lead to catastrophic consequences.

If you already have a mirror hanging in any of the listed places, you need to wipe it thoroughly in order to remove any remaining negative energy. Then hang it in one of the most successful areas in the apartment, which we already talked about earlier.

Feng Shui mirror opposite the window

A common mistake that Feng Shui considers unacceptable is a mirror opposite the window. Windows, like doors, are entry points for flow. Qi in the home. By placing a mirror opposite the window, you seem to create a barrier for incoming energy, reflecting it outward.

In turn, negative energy, reflected, enters the house, and then spreads throughout all rooms and premises.

Feng Shui mirror opposite the toilet

Above in the article it was said that it is necessary to hang a small mirror on the door of the restroom on one side or the other. So why doesn't the reflective surface opposite the door work?

The fact is that a mirror installed in this way drives all the positive energy inside the toilet, from where it flows into the sewer. We independently “dig” a trench that carries away our flow of favorable Qi from home.

At the same time, this arrangement of the mirror surface does not cover the negative Sha, oozing from sewer drain, in contrast to the example when the mirror hangs on the toilet door.

Mirror opposite mirror according to feng shui

Even children know that if you place one mirror opposite another, you can create an endless optical tunnel. Now imagine that in such an endless long tunnel will receive a stream of favorable Qi. This kind of thing should be avoided most of all.

Even when you accidentally direct Qi into the bathroom or toilet through mirrors, it does not flow there without a trace. Infinity, created by two mirrors, devours all Qi without leaving a drop. Avoid having one mirror surface reflect another (even partially).

Feng Shui mirror opposite the bed

Feng Shui experts believe that if a mirror is installed in the bedroom and a sleeping married couple is reflected in it, then the mirror surface acts as a third partner in their relationship. This certainly entails betrayal, quarrels and discord in any relationship, no matter how strong they are.

The mystery of sleep is a rather sensitive thing, and placing such a powerful conductor of energy as a mirror next to you when you and your spirit are defenseless is not very wise.

If you can’t get rid of the mirror in the bedroom and there is no way to remove it, throw a thick piece of fabric over its reflective surface at night so that it completely covers the entire area.

Feng Shui mirror opposite the front door

A mirror opposite the entrance is strictly prohibited by Feng Shui. It was said earlier that the front door is the mouth of the river Qi in your house. By placing a mirror opposite this energy gate, we simply send all positive force back outside, and the negative Sha penetrates into the home without any difficulties.

The situation is absolutely similar to the case when the mirror hangs opposite the window.

What can you put in front of a mirror according to Feng Shui?

So, the mirror surface enhances both positive and negative flows. This item in the house is given Special attention Feng Shui. What to put in front of the mirror?

In front of the reflective surface there should be only that which brings positive emotions to you and your family. Items associated with well-being in any area are also suitable. Like a mirror with a candle next to it, it will illuminate your home with positive currents Qi and will feed its main current.

If you dream of financial well-being, then place in this zone what you strongly associate it with. In the same way, you can double your health, happiness in your home, success in business or creativity.

Talismans should not be installed various items feng shui in front of a mirror surface. Symbols and trigrams turned upside down can carry a completely different meaning than before.

How to throw away a mirror correctly according to Feng Shui

We have already figured out how to hang a mirror according to Feng Shui, but what to do if the mirror is cracked or broken and needs to be thrown away?

First, it should be noted that a cracked mirror does not mean the arrival of terrible misfortune in the house. On the contrary, this means that it has already absorbed enough negative energy, and its service life has therefore expired.

In order to safely throw away a broken mirror, you must first collect all its pieces. Rinse them under running water cold water to wash away all your traces on it. It is very important after this procedure not to look at your reflection and try not to be reflected in the fragments at all, since you will again leave a piece of yourself inside.

Wrap the remaining mirror in a thick cloth and then safely throw it away.

Is it possible to sell a mirror using feng shui?

Selling a mirror is a very risky step, because while it is in the house, it becomes saturated with your energy and the energy of all family members who were reflected in it, so experts do not recommend doing this.

A mirror can be used both against you and against the person who buys it.

If you do decide to sell a mirror from your home, follow the disposal instructions - wash the mirror surface with cold water, and then wrap it in a cloth.

This will at least wash away your energy a little.

As noted above, a mirror opposite the window according to Feng Shui is not the best idea for placing this powerful energetic piece of furniture in the house. Therefore, try to avoid the mirror reflecting the window or door. This rule especially applies to the front door.

It is also important to ensure that other reflective surfaces (for example, tiles or a mirror vase, etc.) follow these rules. It is especially bad if the reflective surface of any object greatly distorts reality, then the negative effect of incorrect placement can be even greater.

Avoid decorating your home with items and decor that are overly reflective or shiny. Traditionally, Feng Shui avoids glossy and mirror surfaces.

We can say with confidence that every apartment has at least one mirror. You can hang a mirror in all rooms. At the same time, a mirror can bring both benefit and harm to the inhabitants of the apartment. The main thing is to know how and where to hang it.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, you cannot hang a mirror directly opposite the front door of the house and opposite the windows. In this position, it will reflect the energy of good luck: everything good will come, when the opening is opened, it will immediately “come out!” Bthe blessed energy of Qi simply does not will linger in your house, she will constantly fly outside along with your well-being and success.

Depending on its location and size, a mirror can negatively affect a person’s life or, conversely, bring him tangible benefits.

Mirror size in Feng Shui .

Any house or apartment must have a large mirror in which all family members can see their reflections in their entirety, in full height. From the point of view of beauty, this is the only way you can evaluate yourself entirely, as a single image, and not separately your face, waist or legs, because beauty does not come in pieces, and those around us evaluate us exclusively as a whole.

From the point of view of Chinese Feng Shui, the complete reflection of a person is especially important because it inner strength always united, and the creative and energy potentials are very high. It is especially good if the mirror leaves a free area above a person’s head, thereby providing people with the opportunity for “growth” where it is necessary: ​​physical, spiritual, career, financial.

Reflection in the mirror . If you want mirrors to bring well-being and positive emotions to your home, then they should reflect only views that are pleasing to the eye. Place flowers, photographs that capture important and joyful moments in the lives of people dear to you, and other beautiful furnishings opposite or next to the mirrors. You can go to a Feng Shui store and buy special Feng Shui talismans of love, prosperity or others, and the mirror will enhance the energies that you need at that particular moment.

How should mirrors be placed in different rooms?

Mirrors in the bedroom .

It will be better if you put paired symbols or feng shui souvenirs in the bedroom, they will add to the union additional forces and attraction. As for mirrors, the strict requirement of Feng Shui is that sleeping people should not be reflected in mirrors categorically.

If you need a mirror in the bedroom, but it is impossible to hang it so as not to see the bed, you should put a screen between the bed and the mirror at night or cover the mirror with a cloth. And this is not only a matter of Feng Shui - it is still not clear what a dream is and where our soul goes, where it dreams, and since ancient times a mirror has been considered a guide to other worlds or dimensions and it is still actively used by magic and fortune telling and generally esoteric, so it’s better not to experiment here.

Mirrors in the kitchen.

It is considered correct when the mirror reflects the table at which the family eats - according to the teachings of Feng Shui, this increases the wealth of the home, and there will always be enough delicious food in it. In addition, this is useful for a woman who wants to lose weight and eats small portions - the amount of food thus visually increases, plus the woman really has a constant incentive to see herself more slender.

Toilet room

Useful energy can quickly leave the house if a bathroom is located close to the front door.

On the contrary, a large mirror will help you cope with this situation. Hang it on outer side bathroom doors, and then all the energy entering the house will be reflected into your living spaces, and not flow along with the water into the sewer.

Mirrors in the hallway.

If in different rooms from the hallway you can only get through a long narrow corridor, from the point of view of Feng Shui this is also not very favorable. The energy coming into the house accelerates, acquiring properties harmful to humans, and also rushes past residential premises, thereby worsening the success of their owners.

This situation can be corrected in several ways, including using mirrors. Hang them in a checkerboard pattern - in the walls - on both sides, thereby you will give the energy a smooth flow and give it the opportunity to penetrate into the living quarters.

They will “work” on the same principle mirror surfaces in a passage room if two doors in it are located opposite each other. This is also an unfavorable position, since energy entering the room will not be able to stay there. Hang mirrors next to each door, but so that they do not reflect the opposite door, and the situation will be corrected.

Feng Shui tips for mirrors .

Here are a few ways you can normalize space and relationships in your home with the help of mirrors.

Mirrors should be framed - this way they will retain good energy and direct it in the right direction.

Mirrors must be clean, then the energy emanating from them will be clean and positive.

There is no need to hang mirrors opposite the doors or opposite the windows - in this case, everything good, instead of going into the house, will go back outside.

And one more thing - it is very important to immediately remove and throw away the broken or cracked mirror. Do you remember why, according to Slavic beliefs, glass cracks in a house? The mirror works the same way, taking on all the bad things, and it is important to throw this bad stuff out of the house as quickly as possible.

It is not advisable to lay out any surface in the house with mirror tiles, even for design purposes. Visually, it will “cut” you, and therefore you will often feel overwhelmed.

Also refuse mirrored ceilings: As a rule, they have a depressing effect on a person - it’s not easy to perceive yourself upside down even if it’s only a few hours a day.

A mirror is the most mysterious object in the world of things around us. It was previously believed that this is a symbol of the connection between our world and the parallel world. And very often they gave the mirror a special magical meaning. People thought that in the depths of the mirror lies the future and at the same time hides the entire past that has ever been reflected in it. For many peoples, a mirror was an amulet, a bearer of magical power, a source of knowledge, and a guardian of the true meaning of the things reflected in it.

The magical power of mirrors according to Feng Shui

The Chinese attach particular importance to mirrors. It must be said that the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, having learned in ancient times the power of energy that nature gives, were able to put together their knowledge into a coherent system, giving it the name Feng Shui. As legends tell, this happened back in the 21st-20th century BC, in the Chinese province of Kwailin during the reign of the Chinese dynasty and the emperors of the Xia dynasty. In those distant times, only emperors could have mirrors, and they endowed their owners with unprecedented power, making them conductors between two Worlds.

“In order to change something, you need to turn to the mirror for help” - this is what the Chinese sages say.

In accordance with the laws of Feng Shui, the Chinese believe that a mirror can double the power of things reflected in it, attract missing energy into the home or reflect unwanted energy. And they used this power of mirrors in all cases of life.

In Hong Kong, for example, “mirror wars” even took place. After all, if you direct a mirror towards a neighbor, it can cause energetic destruction to him, but if you put a larger “reflecting” mirror opposite the “destroying” mirror, then you can return the negative energy back, and even increasing the power of its energetic destruction. Things got to the point where the government had to ban such symbolic “mirror wars.” But even today on many doors in Hong Kong you can see the Bagua mirror - a sort of all-powerful remedy for destructive energies..

The teaching of Feng Shui sees in a mirror such a serious attribute that can change both the home itself and the fate of its inhabitants, which gives completely accurate recommendations on where and how to install: according to Feng Shui, a mirror is a magnet that can attract positive, And negative energy.

Feng Shui about mirrors in our home

The mirror has long become common and necessary item in our homes. We hang it in the hallway and bathroom, living room and kitchen. Sometimes we don't even notice them . But, according to Feng Shui, they can play a very important role in our lives.. The degree of influence it has on us and our family members depends on how the mirror is located, what shape or size it has, whether it will bring benefit or, on the contrary, become a source of trouble.

Mirrors, according to the Chinese, have the ability to absolutely amazingly correct the space around us and attract the necessary energy.

The size of the mirror is very important in Feng Shui. An apartment or house must certainly have at least one large mirror of full human height. Such a reflection, according to Feng Shui experts, is very important, showing the entirety of not only the reflection itself, but also concentrating the energy potential of the reflected . In no case should the upper part of the mirror cut off part of the reflection’s head; on the contrary, a free area should be reflected above the head for further “growth”.

All mirrors in the house must be framed so that energy does not go into space aimlessly. Mirrors must be constantly cleaned and dust must not be allowed to settle on them.

You also need to pay attention to what exactly will be reflected in the mirror - there is no point in multiplying what is unimportant. In order to Vital energy Qi brought prosperity to the house; only everything that pleases the eye should be reflected in the mirror.

According to Feng Shui, the vital energy Qi loves to move smoothly around the entire house in a circle; it should not encounter any obstacles. Therefore, mirrors must be positioned so that they help this movement.

It is very good if the mirror is with outside doors to the toilet or - then it will not allow the Chi energy to go uselessly down the drain

, what size it is, how free it is from unnecessary things - everything matters. And the place where you need to hang or place a mirror is also very important.

In a small and cluttered hallway, Qi energy will only bump into objects, and it will be difficult for it to get into other rooms. And this can bring bad luck to the residents and take away their vitality - that’s what the sages of Feng Shui say.

Mirrors will help to visually expand the hallway. But this must be done according to certain rules. The basic rule is that a mirror cannot be hung opposite the front door, as well as opposite the door to the bathroom or toilet or stairs. If you do not follow this rule, all the Qi energy will fly by without stopping in the house. And this can give rise to illness or financial problems for the family. However, it is good if the “wind chime” amulets or a plant that is located in front of the front door are reflected in the hallway mirror. On the other hand, if the hallway is very small and immediately from the threshold the person entering faces a blank wall, then the mirror can be hung on the wall opposite from the entrance, but so that the front door itself is not reflected in it, but the wall will visually move apart.

Often small wardrobes are installed in hallways for outerwear and street clothes. If these cabinets have mirrored doors, then a kind of mirror corridor is created, along which the Qi energy can easily move into the house.

What is completely prohibited by the rules of Feng Shui is hanging a mirror on the front door itself: this completely blocks the entrance to the house of vital energy Qi.

So, the bedroom.. The place where we relax and gain strength. And of course, there are always mirrors in the bedroom - large or small. When decorating a bedroom, it’s worth finding out how best to place mirrors here in accordance with Feng Shui recommendations?

Sleeping people should not be reflected in mirrors. It is believed that a sleeping person is deprived energy protection and his own energy can be absorbed at this moment by the mirror.

Moreover, some experts generally do not recommend installing mirrors in the bedroom at all: by reflecting light, they accelerate the movement of energy, and this is not desirable in the bedroom. However, most often, it is difficult to refuse a mirror in the bedroom. Therefore, when installing them, you need to adhere to certain rules.

Mirrors should not be placed so that the bed is reflected in them. It is best if there is a mirror round shape, because smooth forms restrain and calm energies. Therefore, mirrors are rectangular, square, triangular and simply with sharp corners. All these angles can cause an influx of yang energy, which will interfere with restful sleep.

Dining room and mirrors according to Feng Shui

The dining room is also included in the scope of Feng Shui. The Qi energy must be able to move within this room without restrictions. If the dining room and living room are combined in one room, then it must be zoned so that the living room area is separated from the dining room area. Various lattice partitions and mirrors can help with this.

Feng Shui welcomes the presence of a mirror in the dining room. It is believed that thanks to them a favorable atmosphere is created in the dining room, vital energy Qi flows freely. The dining room should give the impression of spaciousness, comfortable lighting. And thanks to mirrors, you can improve these favorable qualities of the room.

Mirrors in the dining room create a feeling of increased space and enhance the illumination of the room.

It may seem unusual to us, but the Chinese generally advise hanging mirrors in the dining room in such a way that the mirror reflects the table at which meals are being held. According to Feng Shui, this doubles the amount of food on the table, which means you will not be tormented by hunger. The reflection of a set table should lure wealth into the family.

According to Feng Shui, a woman who periodically sees herself in the mirror while eating will eat half as much food and this will help her become slim.

We must always remember that mirrors in the house are not only its decoration, but also a source of well-being. Therefore, never keep a cracked or broken mirror at home. By caring for the mirrors in our home, we can attract and retain the life-giving force of Qi energy in it.

A mirror is one of the most mysterious objects. Knowing how to place mirrors in your apartment, you will be able to create the necessary optical illusions to attract attention, expand the space, fill the room with the maximum amount of light. Mirror surfaces are the first assistants in questions "increasing" the room. Even a small hallway will seem larger if you hang a wide mirror on the side of the front door. The surface of a wardrobe door is also suitable for this purpose. You will learn about other special capabilities of mirrors very soon.

How to place mirrors in your apartment to make the most of the potential hidden in these mysterious objects? Our ancestors used them not only to look at their reflection before leaving home, but also as part of various rituals. The history of the appearance and production of the first mirrors is interesting events.

Some historical facts

The first surfaces of platinum and gold polished to a shine were found by archaeologists - back in the Bronze Age, people used them as mini-mirrors. More modern version associated with the monk John Peckham, who learned to coat glass with a layer of tin. His invention was worse than modern mirrors in apartment interiors, because the concave elements distorted the reflection.

Flat mirrors are an invention of the 16th century. The crystal purity and transparency of the mirror sheet was so beautiful that even the Queen of France bought 119 mirrors for her office! One of them is now kept in the Louvre as the most expensive in the world, because its frame is covered precious stones, and the glass itself is decorated with onyx and agate. IN modern design apartments with mirrors can also be included royally beautiful frames, decorated with gilding or carvings.

Various mirroring functions

How to place mirrors in an apartment is a secondary question. First you need to determine what function these items will perform in your home. Many people on a subconscious level consider mirror surfaces to be a kind of holes in the wall that illusorily expand space, resembling doors and windows.

The first function of mirrored objects in an apartment is to reflect appearance its inhabitants, so that they can appreciate it by looking at themselves from the outside. Young people use this function with pleasure, because without a mirror in the apartment it would be extremely difficult to take a full-length photo of yourself. The second function concerns the relationship of its surface to the water element. This connection is used when choosing Feng Shui placement of mirrors in the apartment.

Where is the best place to install mirrors?

Before placing mirrors in the apartment, you need to determine for what purpose and in what room you have chosen them. Usually one large mirror per one-room apartment enough. Its height must be at least a meter. If you decorate a room with it, the size of the mirror canvas may vary both up and down.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, you need to install a mirror in your apartment in those areas where it is necessary energetic expansion of space. This could be a place with excellent energy or a housing plot that lacks space. Experts in this field suggest where and how to hang a mirror. Here some tips:

  • Set it opposite dining table so that your family meals are reflected in the mirror surface. This technique will allow increase wealth in the home– there will always be an abundance of delicious food;
  • Make sure that the location of the mirror in the apartment coincides with the location of other positive objects and things that have good energy. It’s good if paintings, figurines, vases and other similar objects are reflected in it;
  • You need to place mirrors in the apartment at a level that will be above your head. If your family has more than tall people, be guided by their height. By constantly bending over to see your reflection, you will only see yourself in an unattractive way. In addition, there has been a connection between this position of the mirror and an increase in headaches.

As you can see, location of mirror objects plays a bigger role than their shape, so try to take these recommendations into account and place mirrors in your apartment for the benefit of yourself and the energy of your home.

Where should you not place reflective surfaces?

Our favorite mirror reflects not only our beauty. It can harm your health, take away prosperity if you neglect the tips described in Feng Shui. Firstly, do not keep cracked or broken mirrors in your house, because they can store negative energy and bring it into your life. Secondly, remember where and how to hang no mirror:

  • To have a good rest, do not place a dressing table or other mirrored objects opposite the place where you sleep - this will cause unnecessary psychological stress;
  • According to feng shui experts, the reflection of a sleeping couple will lead to the fading of feelings. In general, it is better to refrain from even the desire to buy a mirrored wardrobe for the bedroom if you plan to place it opposite the bed;
  • Hanging any mirror opposite the entrance to the apartment is wrong. It is believed that the reflection of the entrance doors makes you leave the house with all the benefits that you have. On the contrary, favorable Qi energy should be preserved and accumulated inside your home, making sure that only "the right thing. The same applies to the display of windows - try to prevent them from getting caught in the reflections in the trellis;
  • To make the housewife less tired in the kitchen, do not place even small mirrors in front of her. Experts also advise not to use mirror tiles in the interior, so as not to “break” your happiness into pieces,
  • Do not install mirrors in corners or too close to the floor, avoid your the image was cut into pieces.

Mirror tour of the rooms of the house

In the hallway you will definitely want to evaluate your appearance, so install here beautiful large mirror close to the exit from the house. It should be at least half your height in height.

For the kitchen, mirror surfaces do not carry a functional load, so here you can completely do without them. You won't fix your hair or apply makeup while cooking. As an exception, you can create a small reflective area on the wall in the dining area, and other mirror techniques can be used in the kitchen only to increase space.

In the toilet and bathroom, as in rooms related to the water element, mirrored objects will always be appropriate. You need to place mirrors in the apartment so that you like your reflection, but do not bother you. It all depends on the character of the person and his attitude towards himself. Better buy special bathroom products, which relate more to the plumbing section than to decor. Such mirrors will resist moisture well due to the protective layer on the glass. Choose models with light green or green backs, but not purple on the back.

In the living room and bedroom it is better to get by without space reflection effect. If in the bedroom you want to be able to see your reflection in order to perform cosmetic procedures, make sure that the bed does not fall into the mirror. This item has the ability to absorb the energy of a sleeping person.

How to place mirrors in an apartment - according to the teachings of Feng Shui or according to your own feelings - is an individual decision. The main thing is that you feel that when you come to the house, you want to be in it, and that everything is good and safe in the family. Try to do everything to make this increase comfort. The WESTWING shopping club will help you with this - a storehouse of exclusive designer goods for the home and garden. Subscribers also have access to inspiring articles.

The teachings of Feng Shui will help you create the energy of coziness and comfort in your home. So that your home becomes a source positive energy, hang mirrors correctly.

Mirrors have attracted people with their secrets since ancient times. According to many esotericists and feng shui specialists, they have exceptional power, capable of both harming and helping us. According to ancient Chinese teaching, mirrors are a link between the material and subtle worlds, as well as conductors of Qi energy. You can avoid troubles and fill your home with positive energy if you position the mirror correctly.

Where can't you hang mirrors?

Do not hang mirrors opposite entrance doors or windows. A mirror hanging in these places is not able to let in the streams of positive energy that rush into the house from the outside. It blocks its flow, depriving you of luck.

The bedroom is also a negative place for mirrors. Reflecting sleeping people can cause a lot of trouble. You may begin to experience problems with sleep, conflicts in your family will become more frequent, and your health will worsen. It is not without reason that many esotericists believe that in a dream a person is vulnerable. Taking into account the fact that mirrors are used to communicate with the world of the dead, it is strictly contraindicated for a person in a state of rest and sleep to be reflected in a mirror. Our ancestors believed that living souls could find themselves through the looking glass or that otherworldly forces could inhabit a person.

Don't place mirrors in places where they will reflect something negative. Unfinished renovations or fallen tiles in the bathroom, a mess in the room - all this enhances the negative energy that the mirror generously returns to the room.

Do not position the mirror so that it reflects your work area. Feng Shui practitioners believe that this way you increase the volume of work. Doubling is one of the distinctive features mirrors, so exclude the possibility of falling under such influence.

Do not place mirrors opposite each other. This way you will create a corridor that can provoke negative emotions, scandals in the house and a deterioration in the well-being of all family members.

Pay attention to the shape of the mirror. Do not use chipped mirrors in your interior. Avoid newfangled trends that involve breaking mirrors into pieces. If a person is crushed in the mirror, his internal integrity is violated, which leads to problems with the biofield.

Remember to wipe down your mirrors frequently to keep them clear. Don't swear or think bad things in front of the mirror, otherwise you won't be able to avoid problems.

Where can you hang mirrors?

A good decision there will be a mirror in the hallway. The Qi energy coming from the front door, reflected in the mirror, will circulate freely throughout the apartment. However, as mentioned above, you cannot hang it opposite the door.

To keep the positive energy flowing, hang a mirror on the outside of the bathroom. Then it will circulate evenly in the space of your home, “without leaking into the pipe.”

A mirror will bring good luck if it reflects a beautifully decorated and served table. The energy of abundance and prosperity will increase.

Use the teachings of Feng Shui to ensure that only positive energy has a place in your home. Talismans, which have been known since ancient times, will help attract happiness. remember, that broken mirrors must be thrown out immediately. When looking at your reflection, think and say only pleasant things, otherwise you can transfer double the negativity onto yourself. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.12.2017 01:00

A mirror is an integral part of the interior; hardly anyone can imagine life without this important thing. ...
