How to properly store carrots: proven storage methods. About how to store carrots in jars and boxes for the winter. Tips from experienced gardeners How to store carrots at room temperature

Carrot. It is delicious both fresh and prepared in different ways. The main advantage is not only this.

The vegetable is high in nutrients. It is a storehouse of B vitamins, as well as C, E, H, K, A (beta-carotene). For better absorption, it is recommended to use it with vegetable oil.

This is important for uninterrupted operation almost all organs in the human body - from the heart to the eyes.

You can store carrots at home, on the loggia, in the underground.

You need to make a decision by first assessing the existing conditions. With all the advantages and disadvantages different methods, the most common option for storing carrots is in the cellar in winter.

Preparing for winter

How to store carrots in winter? To do this, you need to take care of cleaning it from the garden in a timely manner. The ripening period of a vegetable depends on many conditions.

Having cleared the vegetable from the ground, we first cut off the tops just above the root crop, then the head itself, about half a centimeter. This will protect the vitamin vegetable from sprouting during winter and prolong winter period storage

After this, it is important to dry the carrots outside or in a well-ventilated area.

Storage duration

  • Boxes with carrots in sawdust or treated clay - all winter;
  • Boxes with carrots in sand - from six months to 9 months;
  • Storing carrots in the cellar, in boxes - from six months to 8 months;
  • In plastic bags in the freezer - about 2 months;
  • In the garden all winter.

The time that should be allocated for growing carrots is indicated on the bag of seeds. Therefore, there is no need to throw it away (or immediately determine the harvest date using the calendar).

Unripe carrots will be tasteless. Overripe - too sweet and attractive to insects and rodents.

Some gardeners believe that it is much easier to preserve early-ripening varieties of carrots. The explanation for this is simple - the longer the root crop ripens, the more vitamins it accumulates.

This makes it sweeter, more aromatic, but at the same time leads to rapid fading. But there are gardeners who are ready to argue with this.

Vitamin vegetables that ripen on average in 100 days do not rot for a long time. Plus or minus ten days. But it is worth taking into account the conditions created during cultivation. The soil should be rich in nutrients, watering should be moderate, and fertilization should be done strictly according to the instructions.

How long carrots will not lose their qualities depends on a number of factors:

  • variety;
  • quality of preparation of root crops;
  • storage temperature;
  • humidity percentage;
  • protection from pests.

The highest shelf life indicators are carrots of the Berlicum, Forto and Nuance varieties - 7 months of storage.

Storage methods carrots in winter

Sand storage

Storing carrots in sand is the most suitable method for those who have cool rooms.

Needed: water, a box (treated with lime) and sand (preferably clay). It will prevent vegetables from drying out and rotting, and will also help maintain a suitable temperature. This will enable root vegetables for a long time remain unchanged without losing taste.

How to store carrots in sand? One bucket of sand will require a liter of water. Approximately 5 centimeters of wet loam cover the bottom of the box. Carrots are placed on it, leaving a small gap between the root vegetables. Everything is covered with a layer of sand. A new row of vegetables is placed on it and so on until the box is full.

Some summer residents use dry sand instead of wet sand. Instead of boxes there are ordinary buckets.

Freezer for a small harvest

Storing carrots at home using a freezer is the easiest way.

Vegetables are chopped using a grater or special electrical devices. The resulting mass is decomposed into plastic bags and goes into the freezer. This is also true for storing beets.

Bag storage

You need a cool room and large polyethylene bags. We put vitamin-rich vegetables in them.

To prevent them from rotting, there is no need to tie the bags, then the air humidity will be on average 95% - optimal conditions storing carrots. Carbon dioxide in unclosed bags will collect in small quantities, which will prevent the process of rotting and the development of diseases.

If condensation begins to collect on the polyethylene, it means the humidity level in the room exceeds the permissible values.

Slaked lime can improve the situation. It is also called fluff. When laid out next to the bags, it will absorb excess moisture. And the question of how to preserve carrots for the winter will no longer bother you.

Storage bed

With this option for storing carrots, there is no need to remove them from the garden bed. Another question is how to trim the tops.

For this, it is better to use garden shears. The ridge is filled with wet sand and covered plastic film. Sawdust is laid on it. You can use dry leaves of trees and shrubs or peat.

The harvest stored in this way is harvested closer to spring.

Onion-garlic storage

You will need: boxes, onion and garlic peels. It contains active essential oils that will provide protection against rot.

The husks are laid out at the bottom of the box, and carrots are placed on top. Let's alternate. This way you can store not only carrots, but also beets.

Storage pan

The first step is to trim the carrots.

The second is vertically, close to each other, place it in enamel pan, cover with a napkin and a lid on top.

It is better to leave the dishes with their contents in the cellar for the winter. This is the best way to store carrots.

Sawdust storage

For this method of storing carrots you will need: sawdust (preferably coniferous trees) and boxes.

Phytoncides, which the needles are rich in, prevent root crops from sprouting sprouts and tops, and also protect against the development of harmful fungi.

Sprinkle sawdust on the bottom. We put vegetables on them. Cover with a layer of sawdust and make a new row of carrots and continue until the container is full.

Clay storage

You will need: water, boxes, film and clay.

Covering a vegetable thin layer, it creates protection against withering. Bring the clay and water to a homogeneous mass. Cover the top of the container again with about 2 centimeters of water. Leave the mixture for 3 days.

We cover the bottom of the boxes (you can also use cardboard boxes) with plastic film. You can store carrots and beets in them. They are stacked without touching each other.

Everything is filled with clay, the consistency of which resembles sour cream. After it dries, there is again a row of root vegetables. We repeat the steps until the box is full.

You can do it differently. Vegetables are dipped into clay, thick as sour cream. Dry in warm room. Then they are put away in boxes.

Moss storage

Dry, peeled carrots are laid out in a cool place for a day. Later they put it in a box where a layer of moss (sphagnum) has already been laid.

The root vegetables are covered with sphagnum moss and a new row of vegetables is placed on it. Beetroot can be stored in the same way.

Film storage

How to store carrots in an apartment using cling film?

The answer is simple - each carrot is wrapped in film, placed in a cardboard box and covered with a piece of natural fabric. It is recommended to keep vegetables in a cool room.

Paraffin storage

Dry root vegetables are immersed in hot paraffin. To improve elasticity, you can add beeswax.

We store processed vegetables at an average air temperature of 0 degrees. They will not lose their taste for up to six months.

Miracle - infusion

This question is simple when you know the recipe for a special infusion. You will need: 1 liter of water and 100 gr. onion peels. Combine the ingredients in a glass container. Leave for five days.

Immerse the carrots in the resulting liquid for a few minutes. Dry thoroughly and place the vegetables in a cardboard box without touching each other.

Vegetable storage

How to prepare and store beets and carrots for the winter when the harvest is large?

Use vegetable storage! They make it possible to maintain the required temperature and humidity conditions. But, in this case, it is important to get rid of root vegetables that have even the slightest damage.

Broken and crooked specimens also cannot be placed in the general mass. Often, there are containers in vegetable stores. They should be no higher than 3 meters. Otherwise, you will have to regularly ventilate the room and cover the vegetables with burlap or similar materials.

Despite constant care to preserve the crop, at least 20 percent spoils in winter. This figure is significantly lower when gardeners use vegetable storage facilities equipped with freezers. But few people have these, due to the high cost.

Protecting crops from pests

The storage period will not be shortened if access to vegetables by insects is limited.

How can you achieve this:

  • we disinfect the place where the crop will be stored;
  • We place bait for insects or rodents, or traps, a meter or two from the boxes with vegetables;
  • We use special repellers.

Root crops are often damaged carrot fly. This happens during the maturation period. Such vegetables will be difficult to preserve in winter.

Very a good option– storing processed carrots in winter. You can cut out the damaged areas and leave the root vegetables in a ventilated area until the cut areas are sealed by a crust.

Where to store carrots

Storing carrots for the winter at home or in the cellar

There are still ongoing debates about where and how best to do this. In the first case, preserving vegetables will be much easier. But even in the second case, if you choose the appropriate technology, you can keep vegetables until spring.

How to store carrots in the cellar?

Despite the fact that this is one of the oldest and most proven methods, novice gardeners often have this question. Carrots, like many vegetables, are stored well there. But it is important to comply with the main requirement - the storage should not freeze and water should not collect there.

It is advisable that the room be dark most of the time. Having mastered the simplest rules, the question of how to properly store carrots in the cellar will no longer bother you.

Where to store carrots in an apartment?

The easiest way is to keep it in cardboard boxes, V dark place, in the coolest room. Whether the box will be filled with husks, sand or something else depends on what is easiest for the housewife to get.

Harvest and winter storage

The relevant question is not only how to properly store carrots in winter, but also how to properly harvest. These vegetables are not afraid of frost, but it is better to remove them before the onset of cold weather. Otherwise, such a crop will not be stored for long. Vegetables will be juicy if they are not watered the day before they are removed from the ridge.

It is important to carefully clean the root vegetable. Some gardeners wash it before storing it for the winter. Moreover, each fruit separately, under running water. However, many summer residents are convinced that this measure reduces the protective functions of carrots and they do not last long in the winter.

Root vegetables are stored for about a week at an average temperature of 12 degrees Celsius. This time is enough for the cuts and other damage to heal. After this period, the carrots must be carefully sorted, discarding the spoiled fruits. Slightly damaged ones are suitable for pickling cabbage. After this procedure, the carrots are ready for storage for the winter.

General conclusions

How to store carrots at home?

Many people ask this question. The best option would be plastic bags. They allow you to preserve throughout the entire storage period optimal humidity. And to avoid an excess of carbon dioxide from the carrots in the bags, several holes are cut into them, no more than 1 centimeter in diameter.

Kraft bags are also convenient. The harvested crop is selected and cooled, and then placed in bags. They cannot be closed. The carrots are covered with sand on top. It should be moist.

If we are talking about peeled root vegetables, then it is better to immediately think about how to store carrots in the refrigerator. The freezer will significantly increase the shelf life of vegetables.

Another important requirement to remember: sunny vegetable cannot be kept in the same room with apples and potatoes. There is an opinion that this leads to rapid spoilage of all vegetables. First of all, the orange root vegetable. But the proximity of beets and carrots is acceptable.

Whatever storage option you choose - in winter at home or in special premises, it is important to remember that it likes humidity of about 90% and air temperature within 0 degrees.

Changes of even 5 degrees can lead to crop germination and withering. That is why many housewives who do not like difficulties store winter supplies of carrots in the refrigerator. But this option is not suitable for everyone.

Carrots, familiar to everyone, are among the top 10 most economically important vegetable crops in the world. About its nutritional and healing properties many know firsthand. At the same time, carrots are a rather finicky product when it comes to storage. To enjoy summer and autumn root vegetables in winter, you need to know how to properly store carrots at home.

Preparatory stage

The primary task is to select the right varieties of carrots and sort the root vegetables themselves. All varieties of carrots are suitable for months-long storage, but experts especially highlight “Moscow winter”, “Nantes” and “Chantane”. These varieties of carrots are resistant to negative external factors, and the fruits are able to retain juiciness and aroma for a long time even after freezing.

For storage, choose only high-quality root vegetables without damage, dents or rot. Before freezing, be sure to trim the tops, leaving about 1 cm of greenery. Some people prefer to leave no more than 2-3 mm, but it has not yet been proven whether this decision is correct or incorrect.


For residents of private houses, the basement will be an excellent place to store carrots in winter. It is best to store root vegetables in wooden or plastic boxes with lids. It is advisable to place no more than 20 kg of vegetables in each container. The boxes themselves should be placed on a platform or stand, rising approximately 15–20 cm above the floor and located at the same distance from the walls.

Many vegetable growers advise covering the bottom of the boxes with pine sawdust. Essential oils needles will prevent the germination of the vegetable and the appearance of rot. Ordinary sand will also help protect carrots from rotting and spoilage.


If your home has a cellar, great! Place the carrot crop there in pyramids no more than 1 m high. Place the carrots with their heads facing out, sprinkling each layer with wet sand.

For lovers original ways The method of storing carrots in clay clothing is suitable. Prepare thick clay mortar, place the carrots in it for a couple of minutes and dry thoroughly. Vegetables in clay casings can be safely stored in open drawers or on shelves.


In an apartment, carrots can be stored on the balcony, but only if it is glazed. Place the carrots in a box and wrap them tightly with an old blanket or terry towels. On an insulated balcony, carrots can be simply stored in boxes with damp sand without a lid. Another option is dry onion peels. Place a layer of husks on the bottom of the box, then carrots, then more husks, and so on until the very top.

Refrigerator and freezer

If the apartment does not have a balcony or its space is occupied by something else, a small amount of Carrots can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer. So, put 2-3 carrots in thick plastic bags, roll them tightly, preventing moisture from entering, and place them in the lower section of the refrigerator. For this storage method, carrots should not be washed, and about a day before packaging, you just need to keep them in the refrigerator, without covering them with anything. This is necessary so that in case of contact warm carrots In a cold place, condensation did not form in the bag and ruin your supplies.

It is better to store carrot preparations for cooking in the freezer rather than whole root vegetables. Wash the carrots, peel them and grate them on a coarse grater. Place the grated vegetables in special freezer bags and send them for the winter.

Shelf life

Picking up best option When storing carrots, consider the period during which the orange vegetable will remain suitable for consumption. So, carrots can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 months, on the balcony - about six months, in the basement and cellar - from 8 to 12 months, depending on the filling of the boxes (carrots will last a little longer in sawdust), in the freezer - up to a year.

Experienced vegetable growers recommend storing the harvest in two or three ways at the same time (for example, part - in the freezer in grated form, part - in the cellar entirely). This little trick will give you confidence that even if one of the storage options does not justify itself, in winter you will not be left without sweet and crunchy carrots on the table.

In general, when it comes to storing any vegetables - carrots, beets, onions, etc. - there are quite a few different aspects, which simply need to be taken into account. Otherwise, all the efforts spent will go down the drain. We have already written. Some of the same tips can be applied to carrots, with the exception that the orange beauty is a more delicate vegetable to store.

Everything about storing carrots

There are many ways and methods for preserving vitamin-rich orange root vegetables - you can choose the right one, even if you don’t have a cellar or basement. And it all starts with the selection of varieties for planting, correct agricultural cultivation techniques and timely harvesting.

Features of collecting and storing carrots

To preserve the quality and usefulness of carrots, it is necessary to properly harvest the crop and prepare the root crops for storage. Depending on the variety, the latest harvest is made in mid-autumn, so that the earth has already cooled down from the heat, but the time of the first frost has not arrived. The first signs of root ripening early varieties is a change in the color of the lower leaves of the tops, they turn yellow.

Early varieties ripen in no more than 110 days, then carrot growth stops. To avoid deterioration in taste, it is better not to keep the crop in the ground. Also late varieties do not like autumn frosts. When temperature changes in the soil (plus during the day, minus at night), it begins to progress gray mold, impairing the ability of root crops to be preserved for a long time.

Don't water the garden bed before it's time to harvest the carrots. Then it will be moderately juicy and will not crack.

After harvesting, it is necessary to immediately remove the tops, otherwise they will take away all the beneficial substances and moisture from the root crops. The tops must be cut off or carefully unscrewed completely, leaving no chance for them to germinate.

Preparing carrots for winter storage

It is important to give the fruits 2.5-3 hours to ventilate and dry well in the air under a canopy. We must beware of sunlight and overheating of root vegetables. Then provide a place with a temperature of +10 +14 degrees for a week. This will provide an opportunity for all minor damage and the root crops themselves to dry out, and for those affected by rot to reveal themselves. After a few days, you need to carefully sort through the vegetables again.

Ideal carrots for storage:

  • varieties long-term storage;
  • mature, dried, clean, size-sorted specimens;
  • intact, not damaged by mechanical objects, mice, insects, rot.

Before laying, the fruits must be cooled to zero temperature. You can wash carrots beforehand, but if there are a lot of them, it’s not easy. But you need to dry them thoroughly in any case. The big plus is that washed root vegetables additionally get rid of harmful microorganisms.

Basement or cellar?

Carrots are very fastidious when stored. Choose convenient way and available materials.

I would like to note the difference when storing vegetables in the underground and cellar. The subfloor, also called the basement, is always located under a residential building. The temperature and moisture there are not always stable, therefore the storage methods are different from storage in the cellar.

The cellar can be located directly in the ground at a certain depth or under a garage, that is, under a non-residential structure. A caisson cellar is somewhat different from a regular cellar in its design. It is more airtight and can be located either under a residential building or in a regular garden, maintaining stable temperature and humidity all year round.

The room allocated for storage must have optimal humidity (90-95%), otherwise the fruits will be flabby. Temperature from 0 to +4 degrees is the norm. If the temperature exceeds +5, then the carrots may begin to germinate. To store carrots for a long time, the room and container must first be disinfected and ventilated. Will do copper sulfate or lime.

We store carrots in the apartment

Typically, a balcony, glassed-in loggia or refrigerator is used to store root vegetables in an apartment. It is important to maintain the correct temperature conditions, not to overheat or freeze the root crop. Avoid sunlight, which has a detrimental effect on the quality of vegetables. Carrots may change color, turn green, and have a bitter taste.

A perfect storage method is in plastic boxes with sand or sawdust.

To keep carrots clean in the refrigerator for a long time, you need to:

  • wash and dry for 2-3 hours;
  • cut off the place where the tops grow 0.2 cm;
  • take cling film and 3-4 carrots and wrap tightly, then another layer of root vegetables on top and wrap tightly with film again;
  • Place in small batches in the refrigerator in a vegetable storage drawer or on a shelf.

Make sure that the carrots do not freeze. Instead of film, you can use plastic bags. Many city residents store vegetables in special wooden thermal boxes, placing them on the balcony.

Storage methods at home in a city apartment also include preservation. Various preparations from the orange root vegetable will last in the jar not only until spring, but even until the next harvest.

Popular ways to store carrots

Storing carrots in sand is very convenient if you have a hole, cellar or basement. The fruits perfectly retain their freshness and all their beneficial qualities, since the sand does not allow moisture to evaporate. Typically, loamy sand is used, after moistening it (for 1 bucket of sand, 1 liter of water). The first layer of up to 5 cm of sand is poured into the box and the carrots begin to be placed at a certain distance from each other.

Root vegetables should not touch each other. And this is repeated several times: a layer of sand 3-5 cm, a layer of carrots. Sand ideally maintains a constant temperature. If there is sufficient humidity in the storage, the sand does not need to be moistened.

In sawdust, especially from coniferous species, any root vegetables are also well stored, not just carrots. The phytoncides contained in sawdust perfectly protect fruits from destructive bacteria, rotting, fungi, and do not allow them to germinate. Sawdust is placed at the bottom of a clean container, then layers are formed, as in the version with sand.

This method can be used for storage on the balcony at a temperature not lower than 0 degrees, otherwise the moisture inside the fruit will turn into ice.

Sometimes they prefer to store carrots in bags or large plastic bags. The bags should not be tied, as this will cause the carrots to quickly rot. This fruit produces abundant carbon dioxide, so the bags must have a hole. Polyethylene prevents moisture from evaporating and creates optimal moisture conditions.

To from excess moisture I didn’t gather it indoors, you can put lime next to the bag.

Storing carrots in the garden after insulating them from frost is a popular method among many gardeners. It is important to follow the scheme here:

  1. carefully trim the tops;
  2. pour a layer of sand on top;
  3. lay a layer of film;
  4. the next layers are peat, foliage, sawdust (everything that insulates);
  5. layer of roofing material;
  6. the final layer is film.

This method is good because no additional storage is needed and the fruits ideally preserve all their qualities until spring.

You can store carrots in a hole until spring, but it is important to choose the right place for the hole so as not to flood melt water and the rodents did not find the storage. Depth - 50-60 cm. The bottom layer is covered with sand to a depth of 5 cm, then unwashed, but dried and sorted carrots are placed with their nose down tightly to each other. The tops are cut off. Everything is covered with sand on top and covered with a layer of earth 8-15 cm. Then you can insulate it with coniferous branches, leaves, and peat.

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Carrots are a type of agricultural crop that is universal in terms of use. It is used fresh, for storage and processing. Late varieties and hybrids are grown for, which meet the following requirements:

  • correct shape of carrot root;
  • relatively high yield;
  • storage capacity.

Because of low level Due to the keeping quality of table carrots, during long-term storage, part of the harvest may be completely lost.

To wash or not?

To wash or not to wash harvested? It all depends on the total amount of carrots. If there are, for example, 10 buckets, then you need to decide whether there is time for this, power, water, a place for drying root vegetables. If everything is available, then you can start preparing root vegetables.

Clean carrots will last much longer than unwashed ones. The soil may contain pathogens of various diseases and rots.

Besides, on a clean peel all damage is visible, even the smallest: wormholes, small cracks, scratches. Place the already washed and sorted carrots on burlap under a canopy.

Attention! You cannot dry it in the sun, as the root vegetables will lose moisture.

Read more about whether you can wash carrots before storing them and how to do it correctly.

Storage duration

If the washed crop is kept in the cellar at a temperature from 0 to +3 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 90%, it will last 6 months.

More details about the shelf life of carrots can be found in.


The following varieties of carrots intended for storage are in great demand among gardeners:

Read about which varieties are best suited for storing carrots in winter.

How to preserve root vegetables for the winter at home?


  1. Wash root vegetables that are too dirty, place them under a canopy and dry them. Excess moisture should not remain on them, as it negatively affects the preservation of the crop.
  2. Install boxes in the basement. You can fill them with sand or sawdust. Place carrots there. The boxes should be located at a height of 1 m from the floor. Instead of a box of sand, you can use plastic bags. Place them on wooden flooring. Do not tie the bags tightly, otherwise moisture will form inside them.
  3. The optimal air temperature for carrots remains 0…+5° with a humidity of 90%. Air circulation should be minimal.
  4. You can store carrots in the basement only if it is not flooded with water.
  5. If you don’t have a cellar, you can do without it. To do this, you will have to dig a hole in the ground, insulate it and fill it on top. With this method, the harvest can be preserved until spring.

Storing washed carrots in winter:


The process of storing unwashed carrots also has its own characteristics:

On a note. When all the preparatory activities are completed, you have to decide on how to store unwashed carrots.

There are several of them:

  • In bulk. This method is one of the most effective. At the same time, the basement should not freeze in winter and become damp. In addition, place carrots on wood flooring, rising above the floor at a distance of 1 m.
  • In sand. This method is labor-intensive, but the harvested crop is stored for a long time. Prepare a wooden box, cover it with a layer of sand up to 3 m. Place root vegetables on top so that they do not touch. On top there is again a layer of sand, 1.5 cm thick.
  • In boxes and baskets. Cover the root vegetables with a thin layer of clay or slaked lime. The consistency of the solution should resemble sour cream (1 kg of lime or clay per 10 liters of water). To drain excess solution from carrots, spread them out for 1-2 days in a thoroughly ventilated area. Due to the resulting film, it is created reliable protection from rot and decay. Place the dried root vegetables in a deep, large box.
  • In plastic bags. Their capacity should be 30-35 kg. After filling the bag, do not tie it. Simply when they breathe, carrots release carbon dioxide, which is an excellent protection against the development of diseases. Place the bags close to each other in the cellar. But most often this option is used for industrial storage.

To keep carrots for as long as possible, the following conditions must be observed:

Besides, When storing the crop, root crops must be trimmed, following the following recommendations:

  1. Remove the tops when harvesting, leaving a small tubercle.
  2. Then trim the “butt” of the carrot. It is cut from 1 to 3 cm. It all depends on the damage present.
  3. Cut off the root part of the carrot where the diameter of the tail is 5 cm.
  4. For trimming use sharp knife. Its blade should be even and smooth.
  5. After trimming, the sections should dry thoroughly.

You can find out more about how to properly trim carrots for winter storage, and more information about proper preparation you will find root vegetables for storage.

Storing washed carrots is not a difficult task, but very responsible. In this form, the crop will be stored quite longer, retaining its appearance and taste. All you have to do is choose suitable way to preserve root crops and strictly follow the recommendations presented.

Useful video

The best ways to store carrots:

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The sunny root vegetable is considered one of the most capricious and demanding. Almost anything is wrong - it instantly rots, sprouts, partially or completely loses its taste, becoming unsuitable for consumption. For proper storage of carrots, it is important to maintain a stable temperature regime(from 2 °C to -2 °C) and maximum humidity (90-95%). However, this is far from the only nuance that allows you to store root vegetables for a long time so that they look as if they were just picked from the garden.

Preparing vegetables for wintering

Successful storage of carrots depends not only on temperature conditions, but also on other important factors. For example, on the type of vegetable, as well as on the correct harvesting and sorting.


It is unlikely that you will be able to influence the quality of carrots lying on the supermarket counter. But you can harvest the harvest from your own garden bed correctly by laying reliable foundation for long-term storage of grown root crops until spring. Below are three rules that are intuitive for any summer resident.

  1. Dry weather. It is best to harvest carrots in dry weather.
  2. Small shovel. You should avoid using a large shovel when digging. A pitchfork or miniature garden trowel will do this task much better.
  3. Drying. After harvesting, root crops must be dried in a well-ventilated place until they are sent for long-term storage.

When digging, you should try not to damage the root crops. Any scratch in the basement with high humidity will cause decay.


By by and large, it is not so important where the carrot supplies come from - from the supermarket or from summer cottage. The answer to the question of how to properly store carrots lies, among other things, in the secrets of sorting. Three basic rules can be distinguished.

  1. We clear the soil. A dry, dirty vegetable should be carefully cleaned of any soil adhering to it. Firmly stuck pieces of soil can be left on the root crop, otherwise you risk tearing off the skin.
  2. We remove damaged ones. To prevent carrots from rotting in the refrigerator or basement, you need to carefully sort healthy fruits from damaged ones. Moreover, even a miniature scratch is a reason to eat a vegetable here and now, without sending it for long-term storage.
  3. Sort by size. Root crops must be sorted according to their size. According to the rules, small vegetables are eaten first, medium ones later, and only then large carrots, which, due to their impressive size, are stored the longest.

To extend the shelf life of root vegetables stored for the winter, you need to carefully sort through the carrots every two to three weeks, removing rotten vegetables and trimming overgrown tops.

Long-lived varieties

You can store any variety of carrots in the refrigerator or basement. However, some varieties are particularly resilient. The table shows several of the most popular ones, which last longer and are better than others.

Table - The best varieties carrots for storage and their features

In addition to those listed in the table, “Samson” and “Cascade” are considered good varieties for storage, as well as root vegetables with the foreign name “Nigel”. But it is not always possible to find out the variety of carrots purchased in a store. Therefore, when choosing root vegetables for long-term storage, it is better to give preference to long, cone-shaped fruits. Short carrots spoil quickly.

How to store carrots in the basement: 4 ways

Owners of a basement or cellar are the real lucky ones. For such people, the question of where to store carrots in the house in winter is not pressing. However, basement storage also requires compliance with certain rules.

In a wooden box

Peculiarities . A solid wooden box is the cheapest and easiest way to stock up on root vegetables for the coming cold weather. It is also considered the most economical, because it allows you to place up to 20 kg of vegetables in one container.

Implementation method

  1. Carefully place the carrots in the box.
  2. Cover with a tight, solid lid.
  3. We send it to the cellar and place the container with carrots near the wall so that the box does not touch it.

In sand pyramids

Peculiarities . It will not be possible to implement this method without a basement or cellar. In fact, when organizing such a storage, you will need to pour a mountain of sand on the floor to store the root crops.

Implementation method

  1. Pour a layer of sand onto the floor of the cellar.
  2. Place the carrots on the sand so that the vegetables do not touch each other.
  3. Cover the laid out root vegetables with the next layer of sand.
  4. We lay out the second row of vegetables - perpendicular to the first row.
  5. Pour a layer of sand on top again and lay out the vegetables again.
  6. We continue to alternately pour sand and lay carrots until the height of the sand pyramid reaches one meter.

To prevent carrot flies from infesting the sand and to ensure that the shelf life of vegetables is as long as possible, the sand must be sifted before use and then calcined.

In a “shirt” made of liquid clay

Peculiarities . This method will allow you to store washed carrots for as long as possible. Its main disadvantage is that it is too dirty for home use. However, in terms of efficiency, this method is considered one of the best.

Implementation method

  1. We dilute the clay with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  2. Stir the mixture until the resulting thick mass becomes homogeneous.
  3. Dip each root vegetable into diluted clay.
  4. Dry it.
  5. After complete drying, we put it in a box or basket and send it to the cellar.

In chalk powder

Peculiarities . Mel has alkaline properties, preventing the proliferation of microorganisms and acting as a natural disinfectant.

Implementation method

  1. Dust each carrot with chalk powder.
  2. Place in a basket or wooden box so that the vegetables do not fit too tightly against each other.

To store 20 kg of orange vegetable you will need about 400 g of chalk powder.

On the balcony: 3 methods

Most of us are children of the metropolis, living in high-rise buildings and high-rise buildings. The best place for wintering root vegetables - not a freezer, but glass balcony or loggia. On open balcony It's too cold in the cold. And carrots cannot be stored at temperatures below -2°C. It freezes instantly and becomes unfit for consumption.

In onion skins

Peculiarities . Onion peels are an absorber of excess moisture. If the temperature conditions are observed, root vegetables wrapped in onion peels will definitely not rot.

Implementation method

  1. Pour into the bottom of the bag or wooden box onion peel.
  2. Lay out the carrots.
  3. Sprinkle each layer with husks and add root vegetables again.
  4. We continue until the storage is filled with vegetables “drowning” in the husks.

In sawdust

Peculiarities . Wood sawdust– an excellent talisman against rot and pests, which often cause damage to vegetables stored for the winter.

Implementation method

  1. Place a layer of sawdust 8-10 cm high at the bottom of the wooden box.
  2. We lay out the root vegetables without touching the neighboring ones.
  3. Add another layer of sawdust of similar thickness on top.

The orange root vegetable is stored longest in the sawdust of coniferous trees. They cope better than others with disinfecting and protective functions. The method is also suitable for basement storage.

In a plastic bag

Peculiarities . It is not recommended to store carrots in plastic bags. However, if there is no other option, this method may well be applicable for short-term storage.

Implementation method

  1. We make several small holes in the bottom of a bag made of dense polyethylene using a nail.
  2. Place dry, clean carrots into the bag.
  3. Place the bag on a stand to allow condensation to drain if it forms.
  4. We take it out to the balcony along with the stand.

In summer, it is best to store carrots in the refrigerator or cellar using any of the methods listed above. And in winter, when the temperature on the balcony is too low, it makes sense to cover a bag or box with vegetables with felt.

Due to the proximity of different products, it is not advisable to use the refrigerator for long-term “storing” of orange root vegetables. Most often, boiled or fresh, but already peeled carrots are sent to the refrigerator, which today or tomorrow will turn into an ingredient in one of the homemade dishes. But even short-term storage in the refrigerator can be extended and keep the vegetable fresh for several weeks, thanks to the following three tips.

  1. Vacuuming. Root vegetables can be vacuum sealed. For this you will need special vacuum bags and a vacuum cleaner. Before sending root vegetables into a bag, they must be thoroughly dried and cooled in the refrigerator. After sucking the air out of the bag with carrots with a vacuum cleaner, the temporary storage must be tightly closed with a zip lock.
  2. Bookmark in glass jars . Another way to ensure that washed fresh carrots are stored for a long time and do not wilt is to temporarily preserve them in a sterilized glass containers. True, this method is not at all ergonomic, because jars of carrots will take up everything free place in a refrigerator.
  3. Freezing. Root vegetables can be chopped using a blender or hand grater, put in a plastic freezer bag and send to freezer. After defrosting, the taste of the product will no longer be the same as before, however, such carrots can be safely used as a secondary ingredient.

Storing carrots in the refrigerator involves placing the vegetable on the bottom shelf or in a compartment intended for fruits, vegetables and berries. It is better to keep a plastic bag with root vegetables brought from the supermarket open. Air circulation in the refrigerator will reduce the risk of condensation forming inside the bag, and therefore protect vegetables from rapid rotting.

Which method has better shelf life?

At in different ways Storage times may vary significantly. The average storage periods for root crops, depending on the method used, are shown in the table.

Table - Shelf life of carrots for different methods

Regardless of where you intend to store vegetables stored for the winter, each root vegetable must be processed. Namely, to competently and accurately cut off the tops from it. Tops that are too long entail the risk of vegetable sprouting, while tops cut at the root lead to rapid rotting. “Tails” 2-3 mm long are considered ideal for storage.

You can, of course, not fool yourself with the question of how to keep carrots in your apartment longer, and buy your favorite vegetable in the quantity necessary for preparing a particular dish. But do not forget that carrots stored in the fall and properly preserved can save family budget. After all, cunning sellers raise prices for vegetables three to four times during the cold season.

Reviews: “I wash, dry and put in plastic tanks”

Root vegetables are stored well if they are first sprayed with an infusion of pine needles or onion peels. For 100 g of husk or pine needles, take a liter of water and infuse for 5 days. This infusion can not only be sprayed, you can immerse carrots in it for 10 minutes, dry it and store it.


Our 3 families store carrots in the same cellar. When I started storing my vegetables in the first year, they told me why you wash carrots - you can’t do that. I’ve been storing it this way for about 10 years. After harvesting, I soak my carrots in 2 waters, lay them out to dry in the sun and put them in plastic tanks - and in the cellar. In the spring, looking into other people's barrels with unwashed carrots - I didn't even want to take them out - half-rotten. My carrots are one to one, just like they were just laid. I think that during the washing process you can better see damaged root vegetables. Now all my relatives wash carrots.

Klementieva Natalya,

We tried to store carrots in different ways, but for about 10 years now we have been doing this: we wash them (it’s easier to see spoiled root vegetables), air dry them, if the weather is humid, then under a fan, then put them in plastic bags small sizes. On the packages we mark with numbers 1, 2... the order of use. So we take it out in bags to the storage facility (we have a cell in a shared storage facility). The packages are of course open. If it grows or gets sick, it's easy to see and take action.

Lyudmila Samodova,
