How to calculate the area of ​​a toilet in square meters. How to calculate the area of ​​a room: useful techniques and formulas. How to calculate square meters

It’s easy to check the work of builders, determine the volume of work and materials, knowing how to calculate square meters floors or walls of a room using simple geometric formulas, simple calculations and simple techniques.

It's called a square meter unit of area, adopted in international system units, SI. 1 m² is equal to the area of ​​a square with a side of 1 m.

Knowledge simple rules and several geometric formulas for calculating the number of square meters of walls, floors, and ceilings will allow you to avoid errors in calculations and correctly determine the required values.

Counting Tools

For measurement and calculation you will need the following: objects and tools:

  • measuring tape, required tape length is 3-5 m;
  • pencil;
  • a sheet of paper for notes;
  • calculator;
  • construction square.

A square is used to mark perpendiculars - lines intersecting at right angles.

Room area

Knowing the size of the room will be useful for determining cost of flooring, ceiling finishing, quantity and power lighting fixtures . By measuring the square footage of the room, they check the compliance of the area stated in the project.

It is more convenient to measure walls from below, at the level of the baseboard. Doubts about the correct shape of the room are eliminated by measuring the diagonals. If the diagonals of the room are equal, then the angles are right and the room is rectangular.

Square or rectangle

The most common room plan shape is square or rectangular. Calculating the square footage by floor will not be difficult:

  • measure the length and width of the room using a tape measure;
  • multiply numbers among themselves, writing the result on paper;
  • protrusions and columns are measured, the area of ​​the elements is calculated according to the same principles, multiplying two sizes;
  • the resulting numbers are subtracted from the area of ​​the room.

In this case, the ceiling area is calculated according to the same principle, that is, the length is multiplied by the width minus the technological openings, if any.

By counting the square meters of rooms and adding them up, you can find out the area of ​​the entire house.

Irregularly shaped room

Bay windows, attics and rooms of houses with complex architecture in plan often have an irregular shape. Footage non-standard room with semicircles, protrusions, and many angles it is more difficult to calculate. Make the task easier by using the principle of dividing complex figures into simple ones.

The floor, represented as a composite figure mentally or displayed on paper, is divided into standard geometric elements. Then the area of ​​the elements is calculated one by one and the resulting values ​​are added.

L-shaped, T-shaped room shapes in plan divided into rectangles and squares. Semicircular surfaces are taken as part of a circle.

The number of square meters of floor space in a room based on a trapezoid can be calculated in two ways:

  • imagining a trapezoid as combination of a square and two triangles. Having received the meaning of the figures, the numbers are added;
  • By formula area of ​​the trapezoid.

To calculate using the formula, measure two opposite long walls, these dimensions will give the values ​​of the bases. The height value is determined by measuring a perpendicular drawn from one of the corners of the smaller base to the larger one.

Trapezoid area formula S=1/2(A+B)*H, Where:

  • S – the required quantity, the area of ​​the trapezoid;
  • A – base of the trapezoid;
  • B – base of the trapezoid;
  • H – height of the trapezoid.

The area of ​​a trapezoidal room is half the sum of the numerical values ​​of the bases multiplied by the height.

Room volume

The cubic capacity of a room, or volume in construction, is used when calculating the required heating, ventilation, and air conditioning power of a room.

Volume is measured in cubic meters. The unit is written as 1 m³.

From the point of view of geometry, the room as a figure represents hexagon.

Measuring the length, width and height of the room rectangular shape, multiplying the obtained measurements, we get volume of a simple room.

The volume of a complex-shaped room is calculated as follows:

  • the floor of the room is divided into simple geometric shapes;
  • calculate the quadrature of each figure;
  • the resulting values ​​are added and multiplied by the height to the ceiling.

How to calculate the square footage of walls?

The size of the wall in square meters is needed to calculate the quantity finishing materials, placement of shelves, mirrors or wall cabinets.

Solid wall

The square footage of the wall is calculated similarly to the floor area - the length and height of the wall are multiplied after measurement between themselves. All depressions and protrusions, if any, are taken into account. Walls attic premises under the roof is often broken in shape, the segments are in different planes.

In this case, sections of the wall are measured separately and transferred to paper. Calculate the area of ​​each individual geometric figure and add up the numbers.

With window

Determining the number of square meters of wall, window openings, usually, exclude.

The end faces of the walls near the window are called slopes; their dimensions are also not included in the footage of the wall and are calculated separately, for example, when calculating plastering works or putty.

With door

Square doorway from the wall area when calculating subtract. Slopes, if necessary, are measured separately.

Measuring the area of ​​an irregular figure

Calculating the footage of decorative arched openings or lancet windows, proceed according to the same principle, breaking up a complex figure into a few simple elements.

Parts of a circle and triangles are combined with squares and rectangles.


A whole circle in the interior is quite rare. The window, columns, central part can be completely round multi-level ceiling. Basically you have to deal with parts of a circle: half or segments.

Using a tape measure, take the measurement between two opposite points of the circle. This segment will be called diameter. The radius of a circle is equal to half the diameter.

The area of ​​a circle is calculated using the formula S = π*R², Where:

  • R – radius;
  • S – area of ​​the circle;
  • π is a constant mathematical value, rounded to the value of 3.14.

The numerical value of the area of ​​the semicircle is obtained by dividing the result by 2.

The quadrature of a sector of a circle is equal to the product of half the length of the arc of the sector and the radius of the circle, calculated by the formula S = 1/2 L*R.


Triangle area formula S=1/2*H*A, Where:

  • S – area of ​​the triangle;
  • H – height;
  • A is the side of the triangle.

The height of the triangle is obtained by measuring the perpendicular from the angle opposite to the side with a tape measure.

Watch the video below useful tips to quickly and correctly calculate the square footage of walls and floors:

Using simple formulas from school course geometry, you can calculate any necessary value for construction or repair.

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If you decide to make one at home, first of all you need to choose and understand how many of them you need. To do this, you need to correctly calculate the area of ​​​​all surfaces in the apartment. Of course, you can resort to the help of professionals, but spend extra money. Or you can do this yourself. How to calculate the area of ​​a room different shapes, this article is devoted to.

Read in the article

Why do you need to know the area of ​​the room and what is needed for calculations?

In what cases is it necessary to calculate the area of ​​a room?

  • Of course, first of all to determine the quantity for repair. Many people buy them in reserve and return the excess to the store. However, in this case, a lot of time is wasted, and not all stores provide such a service. Therefore, it is more advisable to correctly calculate the area of ​​​​all surfaces before purchasing.

  • In addition, knowing the area makes it easier. After all, even the cost of the work employees in most cases it depends on how many square meters they have to cover.
  • The quantity also depends on the area. However, in most cases, complex calculations are not resorted to when choosing lamps; this issue is usually resolved experimentally.

  • And one last thing. One of the main quantities in an apartment is the volume of the premises (in this case, it is necessary to multiply the area by the height), because depending on it they select.

Important! Be sure to check the area when purchasing an apartment, especially if you bought it in a new building. After all, the size of utility bills and often the cost of the living space itself depends on it. For example, the developer (in the case of shared participation in construction) is obliged to reimburse the cost of the missing square meters.

Thus, there are a huge number of reasons why it is necessary to correctly calculate the area of ​​​​the room. But where to start? First you need to prepare the room to be measured and the tools.

It is advisable to carry out measurements in a completely empty room. If this is not possible, at least clear the areas near the walls, because it is along them that measurements will be taken.

Important! If the room is rectangular, check that its shape is correct before starting measurements. To do this, compare opposite diagonals. If they are equal, you have a regular equilateral rectangle.

So, to determine the area of ​​the room you need the following:

  1. Roulette. Certainly, electronic device more convenient, but it has a large error. In addition, such a tape measure cannot be used to measure complex shapes, when working with protruding elements, problems may also arise. Therefore, the optimal set is a simple tape measure and a ruler. The main thing is to check their accuracy, since many old or children's devices have a significant error.
  2. Pencil.
  3. A piece of paper for calculations and recording results.
  4. Calculator.

Additionally, you may need a long ruler to check the walls are level.

How to calculate square meter?

In most cases, the area of ​​any surface is calculated in square meters. So how to calculate a square meter?

First, if the room is rectangular, you need to measure its length and width. In this case, it is advisable to use a tape measure with marked divisions of centimeters and millimeters. If you only managed to find a ruler with feet, it doesn’t matter, they can easily be converted to square meters.

Next, the two obtained values ​​in centimeters are converted into meters (it’s easier to do this right away) by dividing by 100. Next, the two values ​​are multiplied, the resulting value is the area of ​​the room in square meters. If you have feet, first multiply the resulting values, this will give you square feet. Then, to convert to m2, multiply the resulting value by 0.093 (if the measurements were taken in yards, multiply the result by 0.84). In this case, to calculate square meters, the calculator is - perfect solution.

Interesting! There are many on the Internet online calculator ov square meters to calculate the area of ​​the room. If you have a computer at hand, this method will be the fastest.

When the figure is received, round it to 2 decimal places; a more precise value will be unnecessary.

How to calculate the area of ​​a room yourself?

Ideal room - very rare. How to find out the area of ​​a room with projections, niches or curved slopes? The simplest thing is to measure the lengths of all the walls, as well as the angles between them, and then draw a plan of your room on a piece of paper (the scale will most likely be 1:100, that is, one centimeter on paper will correspond to one meter in the room) . Then you need to divide the room into regular figures(rectangles, triangles, circles, etc.), if possible, and using formulas for calculating area, determine the square footage of each area.

Below are the most popular figures, descriptions of calculation methods for which will help answer the question: “How to calculate the area of ​​a room yourself?”

How to find the area of ​​a rectangle?

How to calculate the area of ​​a rectangle yourself? A room with a regular rectangular shape is the simplest case. To calculate the area of ​​a rectangle, simply multiply its length and width. However, this situation also has its own nuances:

  1. After measuring one of the sides, measure the second one strictly perpendicularly. Otherwise, measurements may result in significant errors.
  2. To avoid inaccuracies, measure both parallel walls, since often their lengths are slightly different, and for accuracy it is advisable to take their arithmetic average. That is, add their values ​​and divide by 2.
  3. Don’t forget to subtract all kinds of protrusions from the resulting area (or add niches).

Interesting! There are many programs on the Internet for calculating the area of ​​a rectangle; the online calculator is the simplest and most convenient of them.

If you are planning a bathroom renovation and have chosen ceramic tiles, then you need to know exactly how much material you will need. Otherwise, you can end up in an unpleasant situation when you have to urgently buy more tiles, but the exact same one may no longer be on sale, or you will simply overpay for extra material. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to calculate the exact number of tiles, but in order to make the calculation, you first need to know the area of ​​the bathroom. Let's look at how to do this.

When planning a renovation, it is important to accurately calculate the area of ​​the surface to be coated.

Where to begin

The first thing you need to know is the size of the room. In order to take measurements and calculate the area of ​​the bathroom, we need a minimum set of tools that are found in every home:

  • paper;
  • pen or pencil;
  • roulette;
  • calculator.

Before you start taking measurements, you need to draw a sketch of the bathroom on paper to make it easier to record the results and make calculations. For maximum convenience, mark each wall in the drawing (for example, a wall with a door, with a sink, etc.) and do not forget about the floor.

For comfortable work, try to remove all excess from the floor and walls to ensure free access to the entire perimeter of the room.

Example of a detailed sketch: wall layout indicating the location of plumbing fixtures and tile layout

Taking measurements

So, let's start taking measurements. Using a tape measure, first of all, you need to measure the width and length of the room, then the height of the walls. You will also need to measure the width and height of the doorway and other objects that will not be tiled. For example, some people choose not to tile behind the bathtub or leave an untiled surface behind the cabinet. All received data is recorded on paper.

When taking measurements, be sure to take into account possible unevenness of the room. Therefore, to avoid inaccuracy in calculations, it is recommended to take measurements of each side, checking the values ​​​​at several points.

Please note: in some rooms, differences in the sizes of opposite walls can reach several centimeters; in this case, it is recommended to take a larger value, this will allow you to make calculations with a small margin.

For accurate calculations, measurements should be taken at several points


Let's assume that the length of the room is 2.2 m, the width is 1.8 m, and the height of the walls is 2.8 m. By multiplying the length and width, we get the floor area in the bathroom:

2.2 x 1.8 = 3.96 m2

Similarly, we determine the area of ​​the doorway by multiplying its height by width:

2 x 0.6 = 1.2 m2

Then we calculate the area of ​​all the walls. Initially, we calculate the perimeter of the room:

2.2 + 2.2 + 1.8 + 1.8 = 8 m

Then we multiply the perimeter of the room by the height of the walls:

8 x 2.8 = 22.4 m2

Then subtract the area of ​​the doorway from the resulting value:

22.4 – 1.2 = 21.2 m2

This way we managed to find the area of ​​all the walls in the bathroom. To find the total area of ​​the room, sum up the areas of the floor and walls:

3.96 + 21.2 = 25.16 m2

Now, knowing the total area of ​​the bathroom, you can easily calculate required amount tiles To do this, you need to divide the area of ​​the room by the area of ​​one tile, round the result to a whole number and add 10%, this will help you avoid running out of materials. To summarize, I would like to note that using these skills, anyone can easily take measurements of a room without outside help.


If you are going to renovate your toilet yourself and use tiles, you will need to decide many important issues. First of all, you will need to decide on the type and design of the coating, and then correctly. This stage should be approached with all responsibility so as not to end up with unfinished walls and not to spend extra money on unnecessary material.

Before starting renovations, you need to decide on the design of the room and calculate the necessary materials.

Preparation for calculation

  • roulette;
  • calculator;
  • pen and paper.

Take a tape measure and measure the width and length of the toilet. Add the resulting values ​​and multiply the sum by 2. All measurements must be taken in meters. For example, you need to calculate the tiles for a toilet that is 2 m long and 1.5 m wide. Using the above formula, you will determine that in this case the perimeter of the room will be 7 m.

This simple calculation of toilet tiles also allows you to determine the required number of friezes and borders, if their use is included in the design project you have chosen. To do this, convert the previously calculated perimeter of the toilet into centimeters and divide by the length of one curb. The resulting value is the number of borders that will need to be purchased for cladding. Add a few in reserve.

In practice it looks like this. As an example, we consider the same toilet with a perimeter of 7 m, i.e. 700 cm. Subtract the width of the door from this perimeter (usually about 80 cm), and you will get a value equal to 620 cm. If the length of 1 border is 25 cm, then to cover the room you will need to purchase 620/25 = 24.8, t .e. 25 pieces.

When performing calculations, rounding should always be done to the nearest whole number.

Otherwise, you simply won’t have enough of one product.

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Instructions for calculating floor tiles

To accurately calculate the quantity required tiles you need to divide the floor area by the area of ​​one tile.

Now you need to count the tiles for finishing the floor. It's very simple. All you have to do is calculate the surface area. To do this, take a tape measure and measure the width and length of the floor. In the example under consideration, the surface area will be 2x1.5 = 3 m². Thus, you will need to purchase this quantity facing material, which would be enough to cover 3 m² of surface. Typically, finishing material is sold in packages, each of which is enough to decorate 1 m², so this will not be difficult for you.

Experts say that a piece-by-piece calculation of tiles is more accurate. To perform such a calculation, you must first determine the area of ​​one product. For example, if you are going to use square tiles with a side of 50 cm to finish the floor, then the area of ​​one such product will be 0.25 m². Thus, to cover a floor of 3 m² you will need to buy 3/0.25 = 12 tiles. Buy 3-4 more pieces for cutting, possible damage during operation, etc.

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The quantity of tiles for cladding the walls of the toilet should be purchased 10-15% more.

The calculation of tiles for wall cladding is also quite simple and understandable. This is easiest to do if the walls of the bathroom are lined with material of the same color and same size. In this case, you will need to find out the total area of ​​the room. To do this, multiply the previously calculated perimeter by the height bathroom, and then subtract the area of ​​the doorway from it. In the example under consideration, the perimeter of the toilet is 7 m. The ceiling is 2.5 m high. A door 80 cm wide and 2 m high was installed. As a result, the total area of ​​the room will be: 7x2.5 – 2x0.8 = 15.9 m².

After this you will need to determine the area of ​​one ceramic product. In this example, 60x30 cm tiles will be used for wall cladding. Thus, the area of ​​one product is 0.18 m². To determine the required amount of material for cladding, you need to take the total area of ​​the room and divide it by the area of ​​1 product. In the example under consideration, it will be necessary to use: 15.9/0.18 = 88.3 tiles. That is, you will have to purchase 89 pieces.

To all these values, you should definitely add about 10-15% in reserve. If you are laying the cladding according to direct method, then buy 10% more material. If the cladding is carried out diagonally or other complex methods, the calculated value should be increased by 15%.

From time to time we need to know the area and volume of a room. This data may be needed when designing heating and ventilation, when purchasing building materials and in many other situations. It is also periodically required to know the area of ​​the walls. All this data can be easily calculated, but first you will have to work with a tape measure to measure all the required dimensions. How to calculate the area of ​​the room and walls, the volume of the room will be discussed further.

Room area in square meters

  • Roulette. It’s better with a lock, but a regular one will do.
  • Paper and pencil or pen.
  • Calculator (or count in a column or in your head).

A simple set of tools can be found in every household. It’s easier to take measurements with an assistant, but you can do it yourself.

First you need to measure the length of the walls. It is advisable to do this along the walls, but if they are all filled with heavy furniture, you can take measurements in the middle. Only in this case, make sure that the tape measure lies along the walls, and not diagonally - the measurement error will be less.

Rectangular room

If the room is of the correct shape, without protruding parts, it is easy to calculate the area of ​​the room. Measure the length and width and write it down on a piece of paper. Write the numbers in meters, followed by centimeters after the decimal point. For example, length 4.35 m (430 cm), width 3.25 m (325 cm).

We multiply the found numbers to get the area of ​​the room in square meters. If we look at our example, we get the following: 4.35 m * 3.25 m = 14.1375 sq. m. In this value, usually two digits are left after the decimal point, which means we round. In total, the calculated square footage of the room is 14.14 square meters.

Irregularly shaped room

If you need to calculate the area of ​​an irregularly shaped room, it is divided into simple shapes - squares, rectangles, triangles. Then they measure everything required sizes, make calculations using known formulas (found in the table just below).

One example is in the photo. Since both are rectangles, the area is calculated using the same formula: multiply the length by the width. The found figure must be subtracted or added to the size of the room - depending on the configuration.

Room area of ​​complex shape

  1. We calculate the quadrature without the protrusion: 3.6 m * 8.5 m = 30.6 sq. m.
  2. We calculate the dimensions of the protruding part: 3.25 m * 0.8 m = 2.6 sq. m.
  3. Add up two values: 30.6 sq. m. + 2.6 sq. m. = 33.2 sq. m.

There are also rooms with sloping walls. In this case, we divide it so that we get rectangles and a triangle (as in the figure below). As you can see, for this case required to have five sizes. It could have been broken differently by putting a vertical rather than a horizontal line. It doesn't matter. It just requires a set of simple shapes, and the way to select them is arbitrary.

In this case, the order of calculations is as follows:

  1. We consider the large rectangular part: 6.4 m * 1.4 m = 8.96 sq. m. If we round, we get 9.0 sq.m.
  2. We calculate a small rectangle: 2.7 m * 1.9 m = 5.13 sq. m. Round up, we get 5.1 sq. m.
  3. Calculate the area of ​​the triangle. Since it is at a right angle, it is equal to half the area of ​​a rectangle with the same dimensions. (1.3 m * 1.9 m) / 2 = 1.235 sq. m. After rounding we get 1.2 sq. m.
  4. Now we add everything up to find the total area of ​​the room: 9.0 + 5.1 + 1.2 = 15.3 square meters. m.

The layout of the premises can be very diverse, but general principle you understand: we divide into simple shapes, measure all the required dimensions, calculate the quadrature of each fragment, then add everything up.

Another important note: the area of ​​the room, floor and ceiling are all the same measurements. There may be differences if there are some semi-columns that do not reach the ceiling. Then the quadrature of these elements is subtracted from the total quadrature. The result is the floor area.

How to calculate the square footage of walls

Determining the area of ​​walls is often required when purchasing finishing materials - wallpaper, plaster, etc. This calculation requires additional measurements. In addition to the existing width and length of the room you will need:

  • ceiling height;
  • height and width doorways;
  • height and width of window openings.

All measurements are in meters, since the square footage of walls is also usually measured in square meters.

Since the walls are rectangular, the area is calculated as for a rectangle: we multiply the length by the width. In the same way, we calculate the sizes of windows and doorways, subtract their dimensions. For example, let's calculate the area of ​​the walls shown in the diagram above.

  1. Wall with door:
    • 2.5 m * 5.6 m = 14 sq. m. - total area of ​​the long wall
    • how much does a doorway take up: 2.1 m * 0.9 m = 1.89 sq.m.
    • wall excluding doorway - 14 sq.m. - 1.89 sq.m. m = 12.11 sq. m
  2. Wall with window:
    1. squaring of small walls: 2.5 m * 3.2 m = 8 sq.m.
    2. how much does a window take: 1.3 m * 1.42 m = 1.846 sq. m, round up, we get 1.75 sq.m.
    3. wall without window opening: 8 sq. m - 1.75 sq.m = 6.25 sq.m.

Finding the total area of ​​the walls is not difficult. Add up all four numbers: 14 sq.m + 12.11 sq.m. + 8 sq.m. + 6.25 sq.m. = 40.36 sq. m.

Room volume

Some calculations require the volume of the room. In this case, three quantities are multiplied: width, length and height of the room. This value is measured in cubic meters (cubic meters), also called cubic capacity. For example, we use the data from the previous paragraph:

  • length - 5.6 m;
  • width - 3.2 m;
  • height - 2.5 m.

If we multiply everything, we get: 5.6 m * 3.2 m * 2.5 m = 44.8 m 3. So, the volume of the room is 44.8 cubic meters.
