How to paint rusty iron outdoors. Why you can work faster with rust paint. About preparing the surface for painting

In every home, among household utensils and interior items, there are materials, tools or parts made of metal. They are practical, wear-resistant, but sooner or later they corrode. How to prevent this process? How to treat metal so that it does not rust?

There are several methods that can extend the life of iron parts and objects. Most effective method– this is processing chemicals. These include inhibitor compounds that cover metal objects with a thin film. It is this that allows you to protect the product from destruction. Such drugs are often used for preventive purposes.

Let's look at the main methods to prevent corrosion:

  • mechanical rust removal;
  • chemical treatment;
  • anti-corrosion substances;
  • folk remedies for rust.

Mechanical cleaning

To execute machining from corrosion manually, you need to purchase a metal brush or coarse abrasive sandpaper. Items can be processed dry or wet. In the first option, the rust is usually scraped off, and in the second, the skin is wetted in a solution of white spirit or kerosene.

You can also mechanically clean rusting materials using hardware, such as:

  • Bulgarian.

  • Sander.

  • Electric drill with a metal brush attachment.

  • Sandblasting machine.

Undoubtedly, manually You can clean the surface more thoroughly. But it is applied to small areas. Hardware materials will speed up the workflow, but they can also harm the parts. During processing, a large layer of metal will be removed. Most best option, which will carefully remove corrosion - sandblasting machine. Such equipment has its own small drawback - high cost.

When processing objects with sandblasting equipment, the metal surface is not ground down, but retains its structure. A powerful jet of sand gently removes rust.

Treatment with chemicals

Chemicals are divided into two groups:

  • Acids (the most popular is phosphoric acid);
  • Rust converters.

Acids often mean ordinary solvents. Some of them have orthophosphorus composition, which allows you to restore rusting material. The method of using acid is quite simple: wipe off dust from iron or metal damp cloth, then remove any remaining moisture, thin layer Apply the acid to the item using a silicone brush.

The substance will react with the damaged surface, leave it for 30 minutes. When the part is cleaned, wipe the treated area with a dry cloth. Before using anti-rust chemicals, wear protective clothing. During the work, take care that the composition does not get on you. open areas skin.

Orthophosphoric acid has a number of advantages over other compounds. It is gentle on metal objects, removes rust and prevents the appearance of new areas of infection.

Rust converters are applied to the entire metal surface, thereby forming a protective layer that will subsequently prevent corrosion of the entire item. After the composition has dried, you can open it with paint or varnish. Today in construction industry A large number of converters are produced, the most popular of them are:

  • Berner rust modifier. Designed for processing bolts and nuts that cannot be dismantled.

  • Rust neutralizer VSN-1. Used in small areas. Neutralizes rusty areas, forming a gray film that can be easily wiped off with a dry cloth.

  • Aerosol "Zinkor". The degreasing composition allows you to restore rusted objects and forms a protective film on the surface.

  • This is a fast-acting gel, does not spread, and removes all types of corrosion.

  • Converter SF-1. Used for cast iron, galvanized, aluminum surfaces. Removes rust, after treatment protects the material, extends its service life up to 10 years.

Most anti-corrosion substances consist of toxic chemical compounds. Make sure you have a respirator. This way you will protect the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract from irritation.

Application of anti-corrosion compounds

One of the leading chemical companies, Rocket Chemical, offers a wide range of anti-corrosion products. But the most effective is considered to be a line of five substances:

  • Long acting inhibitor. Metal products treated with the substance may be all year round on the street. At the same time, they are protected from any weather influences that provoke a corrosion process.

  • Protective lithium grease. The material is applied to the surface to protect and prevent rusting. It is recommended for application to door hinges, chains, cables, rack and pinion mechanisms. Forms a protective film that is not washed off by precipitation.

  • Waterproof silicone grease. Thanks to its silicone composition, the lubricant is applied to metal surfaces with elements of plastic, vinyl and rubber. Dries quickly, forms a thin, transparent, non-sticky coating.

  • A solution that removes corrosion stains. The solution contains non-toxic substances. It can be used for processing building materials, and various kitchen utensils. How to prevent a knife from rusting? Feel free to treat it with the solution, leave it for 5 hours, then wash it well with detergent. And the knife is ready for use again.

On video: WD-40 rust destroyer.

Folk remedies

What should you do if you are allergic to chemicals and need to remove rust from metal objects? Don't despair, there are plenty folk remedies, which are in no way inferior to factory-made drugs:

  • Cilit is a product for cleaning plaque and rust in the bathroom and kitchen. This gel is often used for taps, mixers, if the knife becomes rusty, or other metal appliances. Also used to remove corrosion from any iron and metal products. But it should be remembered that it chemical composition may corrode the paint.
  • A solution of kerosene and paraffin. It must be prepared in a ratio of 10:1. Leave to brew for a day. Afterwards we treat the items damaged by rust and leave for 12 hours. Finally, you need to clean the treated area with a dry cloth. This method is suitable for building materials and tools.
  • Coca Cola against rust. Its alkaline composition eats away corrosive stains. To do this, immerse the item in a container of drink or dampen a rag. Leave for a day, then rinse the item under running water.

As you can see, nothing is impossible. Therefore, choose a more acceptable option for yourself in order to return your metal products to their original appearance.

Top 5 ways to remove rust (1 video)

Many of us are familiar with the situation when we suddenly need to paint some metal surface, but it turns out to be completely covered with rust. And with the question "how to paint a rusty pipe" Everyone who lives in old Soviet-built houses has faced this problem.

Indeed, under the influence of aggressive external environment metal surfaces often rust. Many people don’t pay attention to this and simply paint over the rust. However, after some time, they are convinced that it was worth preparing the metal for painting correctly. Not only does a surface painted over rust look very unsightly, but the paint begins to peel off very quickly.

This short article will tell you how to properly prepare a rusty surface for painting.

Depending on the amount of rust and the extent of its penetration into the metal, you can use one or more of the following steps to prepare the surface to be painted.

Mechanical cleaning of surfaces from rust

The first step, of course, is to remove large pieces of rust using mechanical cleaning surfaces. This is usually done using a metal brush for manual cleaning or a metal attachment on a sander or drill to speed up the process.

The stage of mechanical cleaning from rust, unlike the subsequent ones, is mandatory, although quite labor-intensive. However, even if you complete the pre-paint process at this stage, your painted surface will already look much better and the paint will last much longer.

After cleaning the surface in this way, it is highly advisable to smooth it using grinder in order to remove and smooth out all the unevenness and scratches on the metal. Of course, if you have to paint a very large surface, it will be faster and easier to use a sandblasting machine, but not everyone has access to such equipment, so we will not delve into this issue.

Chemical surface cleaning

If it is not possible to remove all rust mechanically, it makes sense to use chemicals. These are acid-based products that simply eat away and dissolve rust on the surface.

Do not forget that when working with such products, as with any acids, you should be very careful and follow safety precautions.

Degreasing, priming and painting the surface

After removing the main layer of rust using one of the above methods, the surface must be degreased to ensure good paint adherence. Any strong detergent will do for this.

Next and the final stage Preparing the surface for painting is to coat it with a primer. This step should not be skipped if you want your surface to look smooth and evenly colored. Apply the primer according to the instructions mechanically or using a spray gun.

That's it, now you can paint. Apply paint to the surface using a brush, roller or spray. It is recommended to paint in two layers, so that there will definitely be no unpainted areas left on the surface.

And if the metal is so rusty that there is no point in painting it, it may still be worth replacing the part with a new one and getting rid of the old one. You can do this even by earning a little extra money. You can find out where to donate scrap metal on this website. They will gladly accept your metal products and pay good money for it.

How to paint iron: choice of material, coating technology, preparing metal for painting, priming and painting

At first glance, the question of how to paint iron does not cause any particular difficulties or difficulties. A cleaned surface, paint, a brush and the golden hands of the owner. Take a brush in your hands, dip it into a can of paint and paint, the main thing is to apply it carefully. But this simplicity is only apparent.

The photo shows the coating process

Difficulties will arise at the very first stage - purchasing paint, since the variety of paints and varnishes in construction stores very large. The base for coloring itself can also be varied. Let's try to figure out how to paint rusty iron or other metal that has not been lucky enough to experience corrosion.

Choosing material

For a long time, oil-based types of paints were used to color metals; such coloring even acquired the status of traditional.

Today, thanks to the excellent properties of modern primers, it has become possible to use the following types of materials for painting such bases:

  • Acrylic (water-soluble and non-water-soluble);
  • Alkyd;
  • Materials based on epoxy resins.

Advice. Do not use water-dispersed compositions for painting metal. Do you need those Decoration Materials, which contain anti-corrosion additives, and also the best option can be products with the addition of a rust converter, forming a dense protective film on the surface.

The price of materials with anti-corrosion additives and rust converters will certainly be higher than that of conventional enamels, but you can save on repair work thanks to their durability.

In addition, you will save effort and time on cleaning the surface from rust. The coating created by such materials has elasticity, which remains unchanged throughout the life of the finish.

Some features of metal coloring

Every caring owner who is thinking about what and how to paint an iron fence or other structures should know some of the features of this process:

  • The best result can be achieved only if iron paint is used;
  • Iron is a material that, without proper protective coating covered with rust in the shortest possible time. Therefore, to finish it, you should use an alkyd primer containing phosphate or chromate. Primers of this type are able to protect the surface of iron much better than others;
  • Today, galvanized iron is often used to create roofs, due to the fact that its resistance to corrosion is much higher. Painting the iron will further increase the lifespan of galvanized metal, which will also give the structure a much more attractive appearance;
  • The coating created with alkyd paints is much more durable than the finish produced using acrylic or oil paints;
  • Instructions included with each paint and varnish material, certainly contains information about which surfaces it is advisable to paint with it. Don't forget to read it carefully before starting work.

Coating technology

Spray painting

If you are thinking, for example, about what to paint iron garage or another metal structure, then you should definitely know that this procedure must consist of three main stages of work, the order of which must not be disturbed:

Preparing metal for painting

Brushes for removing a layer of old finish

Anti-rust paint for iron with anti-corrosion additives or regular paint for iron cannot be applied directly to old, uncleaned finishes. The surface to be painted must be properly prepared.

Note! The quality of material preparation can affect the durability and aesthetic characteristics of the created coating.

The essence of surface preparation lies in cleaning and removing everything unnecessary from it.

This process consists of the following stages of work:

  • Remove debris and dust from the surface;
  • Remove rust and old material from the surface paintwork , if any. For this purpose, you can safely use a scraper, a metal brush, sandpaper and even a metal dishwashing sponge;
  • Remove stubborn dirt, dust, greasy spots etc.

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Advice. To remove stains of dirt and grease, do not use abrasives; it is better to treat the surface with a soap solution.

If large areas are intended for painting, it would be advisable to use gas burner. The flame of such a device will burn the paintwork, and the remaining scale and rust will peel off easily after treatment.

Many people are concerned about the question of how to paint rusty iron? The preparation of such material can be done using rust converters. IN in this case the product is lubricated with the product and after some time it is washed and dried.

Advice. In cases where rust cannot be dealt with, paint with anti-corrosion characteristics should be used.


Priming rusty metal

A primer is a composition that helps protect metal from aggressive influences. environment, and also these compositions perform the functions of rust converters. In addition, the primer allows you to increase the adhesion of the created finish. Apply primer to the prepared surface.

Applying the primer yourself can be done in any way convenient for you - pouring, spraying, brush, roller, etc.

Painting metal

The next stage is applying paint.

This process should be carried out taking into account the following recommendations:

  • Products with fairly complex shapes should be painted with a brush;
  • The paint should be applied in 2-3 layers;
  • Small areas can be tinted using an aerosol can, applying a coating of 4 or more layers;
  • It is more advisable to paint large surfaces using a roller, diluting the paint with a solvent. Roller painting requires a minimum of 2-3 coats of paint.

Whatever painting method you choose, you need to remember that at least 3 hours must pass before applying each subsequent layer so that the paint does not harden.


A properly prepared and primed metal surface is a guarantee that the paint will lie smoothly on it, and the created coating will be of high quality and durability.

Even greater useful information will open the video in this article for you.


How to paint metal

At first glance, the issue of painting metals does not pose any problems. Prepared surface, brush, paint, yes own hand. Take a brush in your hand, dip it into the paint and apply it carefully. But this is only at first glance. Already the first stage of selecting paint may puzzle you - the variety of paints on store shelves is very large. Metals are also not the same. What kind of paint do you need? Let's try to clarify this issue.

Choosing paint for metal

Traditionally, metals were painted using oil paints. Now, with the advent of modern primers, you can use acrylic paints, both ordinary and those that are diluted with water, as well as paints on epoxy and alkyd bases. But don't use the regular one water-dispersion paint, you need those that contain anti-corrosion additives, and even better, paints that contain rust converters and form a dense coating.

Such paints, of course, cost more than conventional alkyd or oil paints, but you will save money due to their durability. These paints have high elasticity, which does not change over time.

Features of metal painting

The best painting result will be obtained if you select the paint in accordance with the type of metal.

The most common material in manufacturing metal structures- This is black iron, it becomes covered with rust very quickly, and its painting is necessary. Both alkyd and oil paints are used to paint it. It is better to choose an alkyd primer containing chromate or phosphate (zinc compounds), then the surface of the black iron will be more reliably protected.

The galvanized surface is much more resistant to corrosion; it is widely used to cover roofs to this day, although now a wide variety of types have appeared roofing material. A roof made of galvanized material will last up to 15 years, but if you paint it, you will increase the service life even more. In addition, the roof will look much more aesthetically pleasing.

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The color will last for several seasons if you apply alkyd enamel, not oil or alkyd paint.

The need for painting non-ferrous metals arises extremely rarely. As a rule, they are varnished rather than painted. Polyurethane and epoxy varnishes can be used.

In the instructions for use supplied with the paint, manufacturers always indicate the most appropriate ways to use it. Don't forget to check it out.

Preparing metal before painting

Regardless of the type and quality of paint, the metal surface must be properly and efficiently prepared; the result of your work almost entirely depends on this. To prepare a surface means to clean it of everything that has accumulated on it.

First, remove debris from the surface. Then you need to remove the rust and old peeling paint; you can use a scraper, wire brush, emery, or even a regular metal dishwashing sponge for this purpose.

Wash away stubborn dust, dirt, oil, grease, salts, etc. But do not use abrasive products; it is better to use a regular soap solution. Then rinse the surface clean water and let dry.

If a massive product is intended for painting, then you can use an oxygen-acetylene torch. The paint will burn from the burner flame, and scale and rust will peel off due to corrosion products and the difference in the thermal expansion coefficients of the metals.

In advanced cases, you can use a rust converter. This is a solution made on the basis of phosphoric acid. The product is lubricated with the solution, left for some time, but not less than 3 hours, and then washed with water and dried.

In cases where the rust is completely impossible to remove, be sure to use paint with anti-corrosion additives and apply it directly to the surface that you managed to obtain.

Metal priming

After cleaning the surface, priming should be done. The primer acts as an obstacle to environmental aggression and also serves as a rust converter. In addition, priming the metal creates better adhesion to the final coating.

Primers are also divided into types. You can find out what the primer is intended for from the attached instructions. A general recommendations the following. For processing ferrous metals, primers with an anti-corrosion coating are better suited; for non-ferrous metals, good adhesion is important. Primers are applied different ways– pouring, spraying, roller, brush and others. Choose any one that is convenient for you.

Metal painting technology

Next comes the actual painting. First try the paint on a small piece, not on the “frontal” area, let it dry. If the paint adheres well, without defects, then you can begin the main painting process.

If your product complex shape, then it is better to use a brush. The more curved the surface, the thinner the paint layer should be. Usually the paint is applied in 2-3 layers, but as the layer thickness decreases, their number is increased to 5 or 6.

The painting tool plays an important role here. We already wrote once about how to choose the right tool for painting work. Anyone can take a look.

If the surface is small, or you just need to touch up a small area, then it is suitable for painting aerosol can. The paint is applied in a thin layer, optimal distance from the sprayer to the surface 15-20 cm. There should be at least 4 layers in total with this painting method. Before applying the next layer, you must wait 20 minutes.

When painting large, flat surfaces, it is advisable to use a roller. When painting with a roller, it is recommended to dilute the paint with a solvent by about 10%. Use a brush to paint edges and corners, and a roller for the main surface. Painting with a roller requires 2 – 3 layers.

We have already talked about how to paint with a roller correctly in one of the articles. We will not dwell on this in too much detail.

For any painting options, it is necessary to maintain a time of 20-30 minutes between applying layers, but no more than 3 hours, in order to avoid hardening of the paint. If the paint hardens, the next coating can only be done after a month and a half. The total thickness of the coating should be more than 0.1 mm.

It is almost impossible to completely prevent the formation of metal corrosion: sooner or later the metal will begin to rust. At the same time, there are ways to significantly extend the service life of the material if you follow the operating rules metal product and use special means, slowing down corrosion processes. If rust has already appeared, it must be removed (chemical or mechanically) to prevent corrosion processes from developing.

Preventive actions

To prevent the harmful effects of corrosion, it is recommended to use special chemical protection agents. These agents include inhibitors, which are substances that slow down or completely stop a particular chemical process. As a result of the action of the inhibitor, a thin coating in the form of a protective film appears on the surface of the material. It is this film that protects the metal from rusting.

One of the most popular inhibitors today is “Rust stop”. The drug has a penetrating effect, as a result of which moisture is removed from the material and a polymolecular layer is created on the surface. The product is non-toxic and easy to use.

Mechanical removal

For a mechanical one, you will need a metal brush or coarse-grained abrasive sandpaper. Using sandpaper, you can clean the material using the “dry” method or the “wet” method (wetting the sandpaper with kerosene or white spirit).

Other mechanical cleaning options include the use of the following hardware:

  • orbital sander with abrasive wheels;
  • sandblasting machine;
  • electric drill attachments;
  • Bulgarians.

Application manual means(brushes or sandpaper) is justified on small surfaces. The advantage of manual surface treatment is that it allows for a more thorough pass in small or hard-to-reach areas.

Electric drill attachment Grinder or a grinder can speed up surface cleaning significantly. However, these methods are no different high accuracy: Too much metal is removed.

Sandblasting equipment – the best way removing rust.

Removal of corrosive products occurs by treating the metal with a powerful jet of sand. In this case, the undamaged metal completely retains its structure.

The disadvantage of this method is the high cost of new equipment.

Chemical methods

Chemical methods involve the use of the following groups of drugs:

  • rust converters;
  • acids (primarily phosphoric acid);
  • folk remedies.

This substance is a classic solvent and is included in many rust control products.

The method of using phosphoric acid is described below:

  1. The substance is applied in a thin layer to the area affected by corrosion.
  2. Next you need to wait for 30 minutes until the reaction is completed.
  3. The procedure is completed by wiping the treated surface dry.

Phosphoric acid removes traces of rust and also promotes the formation of a phosphate water-repellent film. This film slows down the process of metal oxidation, preventing further development of the corrosion process.

To remove rust, use a 30% acid solution. The advantage of orthophosphoric acid compared to other acids (for example, sulfuric acid) is that it has a more gentle effect on the metal.

Rust converters

The principle of rust conversion products is to convert corrosive products into a harmless or protective layer, which can then be treated with paint or varnish.

Listed below are the most famous rust converters available on the market:

  1. VSN-1. After applying this acid neutralizer, the treated area becomes grey colour. All that remains is to wipe off the stain with a dry cloth along with any remaining rust.
  2. Spray aerosol based on zinc “Zinkor-Auto”. This product is a degreasing solution that can remove traces of corrosion from metal surface. After applying the solution, a protective film.
  3. Rust converter SF-1. The composition is made on the basis of phosphates. Used to treat steel, cast iron, aluminum and galvanized surfaces before applying varnish or paint. The modifier has an inhibitory effect, since the film that appears on the metal after its processing extends the service life of the painted surface by 10-12 years.
  4. Rust modifier "Berner". The drug has a deoxidizing effect. The basis of the modifier is molybdenum. The product is effective even on heavily rusted surfaces. For example, the converter processes rusty bolts, which cannot be dismantled using standard means. Available in spray form.
  5. Anti-corrosion agent B-52. This acid modifier is available in gel form. Its main advantage is the lack of spreading over the surface. After the rust has dissolved, the remaining gel is washed off the metal.

Line of anti-corrosion products "WD-40"

The American company Rocket Chemical produces a popular line of anti-corrosion products on the market - WD-40. The drugs are widely used by both professionals and home craftsmen.

The line includes five products: long-lasting inhibitor, protective lithium grease, waterproof silicone grease, spray and rust removal solution.

The drug is used for year-round protection of metal products located outdoors. The manufacturing company guarantees rust protection for two years if the product is located indoors, and for those located outside outdoors Items are guaranteed for a year.

The composition is a spray that includes a vapor-phase anti-corrosion inhibitor, which creates a protective layer on the metal surface, preventing direct contact of the material with air and moisture. The inhibitor is recommended to be used to protect locks, gas cylinders, working tools, door hinges, technological chains and cables, steel doors, automobile parts. The drug can also be used to treat any other items that are used in conditions of high humidity.

The drug is applied to the metal for the purpose of preventive protection, that is, in essence it is an inhibitor. A thin protective film forms on the surface. Moreover, the film is not washed off under the influence atmospheric precipitation, does not melt in the sun and does not freeze in cold weather.

In addition, lithium grease is often used to preserve products placed in a warehouse for long-term storage.

A characteristic feature of the lubricant is its ability to dry quickly. It is also worth noting that the lubricant leaves virtually no traces after lubricating the parts. In addition to the described areas of use for inhibitors, silicone grease is recommended for treating moving mechanisms. The lubricant does not contain petroleum products, and therefore does not damage rubber, plastic and vinyl surfaces. After drying, a transparent, non-sticky coating is formed.

The spray is based on the capillary principle, according to which the liquid moves through small channels and cracks, despite the force of gravity. Due to this feature, the spray is suitable for treating hard-to-reach areas where it is difficult to remove rust even by hand.

The spray can not only remove rust, but also act as an inhibitor, preventing it reappearance in future. The drug is used to treat heavily rusted surfaces, including bolts and threaded connections. The spray is safe for non-metallic surfaces.

Rust removal solution

The contents of the solution consist of non-toxic elements that are biodegradable. The solution is designed to remove the effects of corrosion from surfaces. To clean rust from metal, the part is immersed in a container with a solution for 3-4 hours. If the product is heavily rusted, the procedure will take 7-8 hours. The solution is suitable for both processing miniature parts and cleaning large items (if an appropriate container is available).

Traditional methods of removing rust

In addition to factory-produced preparations, so-called folk recipes. More often we're talking about about Coca Cola drink, Cilit cleaning product or a mixture of kerosene and paraffin.

Below is more information about each of the tools:

  1. The effectiveness of the Coca Cola drink against rust is associated with the presence of orthophosphoric acid in the drink. To remove rust, apply the drink to problem area. You can use a soaked rag or a piece of foil. The method of immersion in a container with a drink is also used.
  2. "Cilit" is often used to remove rust from household appliances in bathrooms and kitchens. In this case, the cleaning agent can be used to remove traces of corrosion on other metal objects, for example, car parts. However, it should be borne in mind that this product can corrode paint.
  3. You can also clean the surface from rust with a solution of kerosene and paraffin in a ratio of 10 to 1. Before use, the composition must be kept for 24 hours. Next, the mixture is applied to the rusty area for 12 hours. The procedure is completed by cleaning the surface with a rag.

When handling chemicals safety precautions must be observed. First of all, it is necessary to protect the skin, respiratory and vision organs from hazardous particles. You will need a respirator, safety glasses and gloves.

Metal structures are among the most durable, but they are prone to oxidation. Therefore, such designs require reliable protection. To isolate their surface from air, you can paint it. In addition to protection, painting will extend the service life of the product.

Of course, painting a metal product involves a number of difficulties - you will have to choose the type of paint to match the type of metal available. If you make a serious mistake - for example, choosing the wrong paint - the metal may be completely destroyed, and pinning your hopes on repairs will be useless. Next, we will look at how to choose the right coating and paint metal.

How to paint iron

The most popular metal, divided into many types, is iron. Its cost is low, so this material actively used in the manufacture of drainpipes, roof repair and covering, and others construction work. The interaction of metal with air is quite active, so the paint covering the iron should protect it from rust.

The most best coatings for this case - oil or alkyd paints, containing rust converters or additives with an anti-corrosion effect. If you use cheap paints, they are unlikely to be able to protect the iron from rust. In this case, you will have to use additional anti-corrosion compounds or thoroughly prepare the metal.

To paint metal, you need to treat the surface with a soap solution. It will also need to be brought to a metallic shine using a metal brush or sandpaper. Use acid to remove residues. Next, the surface must be washed and dried, and then coated with a primer. After the structure has dried, apply paint to it using a sprayer, brush or roller.

How to paint steel

Products made of steel are heavier than those made of iron, and stains can be removed by heating: fats are evaporated by heat, and existing rust is peeled off along with scale. Paint for steel is suitable with alkyd base. The procedure is the same as with iron.

Painting products with deep rust damage

It is useless to repair such steel products, and cleaning will not bring any tangible effect. Therefore, the main thing you should pay attention to in this case is how to paint the product correctly. Paints must contain rust converters and a primer.

Copper painting

Unfortunately, non-ferrous metals are also susceptible to oxidation. Clean the product using any of the above methods, then degrease using a solvent for nitro varnishes numbered 649 or 646. Then comes painting, and the paint can must have the inscription on it - for copper. If the product is embossed, flat and has small size, then it can be painted using spray paint, applying it evenly in the thinnest layer.

How to paint aluminum products

Aluminum oxidation occurs in the form of a powdery coating, which has White color. Clean the product and then apply a primer. Final stage- painting, and it is necessary to paint the metal in 2 layers. One of them is applied in a short time in order to prevent oxidation of the metal, and the second can already be applied without haste, carefully. And finally, we invite you to watch a video on the topic: how to properly paint metal products.
