How to make fire at home. How to light a fire without matches in the forest - effective methods and videos. Chemical fire making

You will need:

The most ancient and the hard way- making fire by friction. Exist various techniques this process, but the most important thing is to choose the right type of wood for the board and rod. Poplar, juniper, aspen, cedar, willow or walnut are suitable for this role. Of course, for effective ignition we need dry wood.
The rod is placed in a small hollowed-out recess in the board and clamped between the palms. You need to quickly spin the stick around its axis, creating friction. In this case, the wood will begin to smolder, a spark will appear, and the resulting coals are already used to further ignite the fire.

Hand drill

Another primitive and rather difficult method.

In addition to a stick and a plank, we will need tinder. Collect dry leaves, grass, bark in a pile, build something like a bird's nest - this material will help us get fire from the coals.

You need to cut a v-shaped hole in the board, and make a small depression next to it, under which you place pieces of bark.

Place a rod about 60 cm long in the hole and begin to rotate it between your hands until signs of smoldering appear in the hole. Carefully fan the fire to red coals, then transfer them to the tinder and, adding dry twigs and pine cones, try to ignite a full flame.

Let’s say right away: the two options described above are a long, labor-intensive process that requires enormous patience. But it may happen that you don't have anything else at hand. In this case, the forest and this knowledge will help out.

The method is similar to the previous one, but much more effective and simpler. If you do everything correctly, you will very quickly achieve the required speed and pressure, which will allow you to get the coveted coals and start a fire even in a wet forest.

Your task is to make a bow drill. To do this, prepare planks, a rod, a deck and a bow. Now let's talk about everything in order.

Look for a block or stone that we will need to apply pressure to the rod. The wood must be harder than the core.

For onions, use a strong and resilient vine, about the length of your arm. Rope, lace, leather belt and other durable material that is resistant to tearing are suitable as a bowstring. Pull the string onto the rod.

Next, prepare the fire board. Make a funnel and place the tinder under it. Then pull the string onto the rod so that you end up with a loop. Place one end of it into the cavity on the board, and press the other end with the block.

Now, in fact, the process itself that will help us make fire. Move the bow back and forth as if you were sawing. Rotate the rod quickly until coals appear. Throw the coals onto the tinder and blow gently.

When going on your next hike, take a flint with you. If you don’t have such a device, make it yourself - quartzite and a knife with a steel blade will be enough!
Also search charcoal. Its main purpose is to smolder when struck by a spark. But for this purpose, any fabric and even moss that can smolder for a long time without fire will do.

How to use flint? Hold the flint between your fingers so that its tip protrudes 6-8 cm forward. Hold the ignition material between the flint and thumb. Now take a knife and hit the stone with it a couple of times. As a result of your actions, sparks will fall on the coal or fabric and begin to smolder. Place them in a tinder nest and blow. Then you can safely build your fire.

Jar and chocolate

Everything here is extremely simple. Run a chocolate bar along the bottom of an aluminum beverage or canned food can. Then wipe the bottom with a regular cloth. Chocolate is an ideal polishing agent and will make your jar shine like glass. You can use toothpaste instead of chocolate.

Once you completely polish the bottom of the jar, the sun's rays will be able to reflect off of it and create a focal point.
This principle is reminiscent of the operation of a telescope. Again, turn the surface towards the sun's rays and direct them to the tinder made, located 3-4 cm from the focal point. Soon the flame will appear.

True, the downside is that you don’t always have an aluminum can at hand. And we definitely eat the chocolate bar before the fire appears!

This is the easiest way to get fire, but it will only work in sunny weather. Many of you probably melted soldiers or set fire to newspapers with it as a child. Now, using a lens, magnifying glass, magnifying glass, glasses or binoculars, let's try to make a fire.

To speed up the process, moisten the surface with water.

Place the lens at the angle of sunlight, focusing the beam at one point. Place the tinder in this place and wait just a few minutes.

As we already understood, the easiest way to create fire is with a lens. Unfortunately, it may not always be at hand, but a condom may well be lying around in the inner pocket of a real man. The same method can be taught to a child using an inflatable ball.

Fill the condom with water until it fits easily in your hand and is shaped like a sphere. Don't forget to tie the item tightly.

Then squeeze the ball so that a direct beam of light passes through it. As a result, you will get two lenses of small diameter. The focal length will be shorter than that of real lenses, so you need to keep them at a distance of 5-7 cm from dry objects that should catch fire.

With ice

Water and fire are seemingly two completely opposite elements. However, it is quite possible to start a fire from a piece of ice. This method is especially relevant in winter weather.

It is advisable to use clean water so that the ice is transparent. If it contains specks, then you simply won’t succeed.

An icicle or piece will do pure ice from the river. You can also collect water from a reservoir or pre-melt the snow in your hands.

Let the liquid freeze in a container. The resulting piece of ice should be about 5 cm in size. Then cut the lens in the center of the ice, polish and shape it. Point the lens at sunlight and wait for the result.

  1. For the first method, you will need a piece of foil - from chewing gum, chocolate, a pack of cigarettes, etc. Cut a short and narrow strip - about 1-1.5 cm - from the foil. Then shape it into a crescent shape so that the wide ends are just at the edges of the ribbon.

    How less power batteries, the narrower the strip should be!

    In the battery next to the pressing area, scrape a little of the surface down to the adhesive layer and fix one end of the foil on it. Place your hands over the tinder and press the other edge of the strip against the contact - the paper will flare up instantly.

  2. Another method requires a piece of animal hair. Form a strip of it 1 cm wide and about 15 cm long and rub it with the battery on the side where the contacts are. Ignition will occur quickly, so prepare tinder and wood for the fire first.

Spoon and toilet paper

Surely any tourist will have these items, namely: a spoon, a pot and toilet paper.

Roll the paper into a tight rope 3-4 mm thick and roll it between your palms to make something similar to a cigarette. Then coat one end with soot from the pot.

Now let's move on to the spoon. It needs to be bent slightly inward towards the handle, and the bed should be slightly flattened so that your reflection inside does not have strong distortions.

Catch a beam of light with a spoon and place the paper directly above it on the soot side. After a few seconds the tourniquet will begin to smoke. Wait until intense smoldering begins and start building a fire.

Lighting a fire without matches is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Having learned this, you can get out of a difficult situation. The length of your survival depends on your ability to start a fire. In this article we will look at how to start a fire using a knife (any piece of steel). First of all, choose a place to build a fire. It must be sheltered from rain and wind. If you need to make a fire in the snow, then the snow is either cleared from the site of the fire pit within a radius of several meters, or a platform is created from thick logs and stones, on which the fire pit is subsequently built.

Dried tree branches can be used as fuel. In wet weather, look for branches on standing trees, and not on the ground. They will be drier, since they are covered from moisture by the tree crown, and dry faster in the wind. In addition, dry wood can be found under the trunks of fallen trees. In areas with sparse vegetation, you can use dry roots, grasses, peat, animal fat and even coal and shale tar. Spongy threads of puffball mushrooms, pine needles and cones, tree bark, ferns and lichens, scraps of clothing, twine, and bird feathers also ignite well. An excellent material for starting a fire is dust, which can be found even in the rain by clearing away wet upper layer rotten log.

The bottom of the fire pit is lined with dry, even branches a finger thick, so that a layer of air remains under them. This will provide access to oxygen, and the branches will act as a blower in the stove. Thin dry twigs, birch bark, pine needles or other previously described highly flammable materials are placed on top in the form of a hut.

The next step is to make a pipe-forge for starting a fire. Birch bark is an excellent material for this. If it is not available, dry pine bark, removed with a tube entirely from a dry branch, will do. In addition, you can use dry grass, fern leaves, etc. Several thin resinous twigs, pine needles, and thin strips of birch bark are placed inside the tube.

Now you need to decide on tinder. It is also very important that it is dry and flammable. A piece of cotton wool from the lining of a jacket, dust, felt, tiny shavings, etc. can be used as tinder. Now we come directly to making fire. All it takes is a small spark for the tinder to start smoldering. Such a spark is struck in an ordinary lighter and is well known to everyone. To do this, the hard stone is struck or struck with a steel bar.

Select a fist-sized rock on the ground - silica, granite, marble and other hard rocks will do. If the stone is smooth and does not have sharp corners, break it between two larger ones. A piece of tinder is applied to the edge of the stone at a distance of a millimeter, after which a knife is struck on the edge of the stone in the direction of the tinder. A spark that hits dry tinder will certainly cause it to smolder, and you will see a faint thread of smoke. Gently, not forcefully, but evenly and for a long time, blow on the tinder to increase the source of smoldering.

If the stone crumbles and no sparks are produced, do not despair. Select another stone and try again. If you don't have a knife or other piece of steel, a spark can be created by striking the edge of one stone against the edge of another.

After receiving a smoldering piece of tinder, it is placed in a pre-prepared tube. Holding it at a distance of 25-30 centimeters from your face, begin to blow the coal smoothly and evenly. The air will pass through the tube, heating its contents, the ember will grow, and soon the birch bark and needles will ignite. Using the bundle as a large match, light small dry twigs in the fire.

There are some tips to keep in mind for preserving your fire. If you put a thick rotten log or, conversely, a freshly cut log into the fire overnight, the fire will burn slowly and for a long time. If you save the red coals of the fire, sprinkle them with ashes and top them with a layer of soil, it will be easier for you to get a fire in the morning. In addition, several small fires around will warm you better than one large one.

Another way:

Making a fire without matches.

To do this, you will need what is available in any home - potassium permanganate and glycerin.

Pour in about 1 gram of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) ground into fine powder. Then from a pipette or from glass tube carefully drop 2-3 drops of glycerin onto it and quickly remove your hand. Only 2-3 seconds will pass and you will see the fire break out.


How to make a fire correctly? How to light a fire without matches? Types of fires

Fire is necessary for heating, drying clothes, signaling, cooking, and purifying water by boiling it. Survival time will increase or decrease depending on your ability to start a fire.

If you have matches, you can start a fire in any conditions and in any weather. If operations are expected in remote areas, stock up on a sufficient number of matches, which should always be kept with you in a waterproof bag. It is necessary to learn how to maintain the flame of a match for as long as possible in strong winds.

Fire pit

Fire pit.

Selected in an open but protected from the wind safe place, preferably near water. A fire should be made on already trampled areas or on old fire pits. It is advisable to have a sapper shovel with you: it is convenient for removing turf from the place chosen for the fire. As a last resort, an ax is used for this. In any case, all dry leaves, branches, pine needles, grass can catch fire; you should remove them from the fire at a distance of 1–1.5 meters.

Fire safety.

Do not light fires in areas with dry reeds, reeds, moss or grass. The fire hits them at high speed.

Do not light a fire on peat bogs. Remember that smoldering peat is very difficult to extinguish, even by filling it with water. Unnoticed smoldering can easily turn into a destructive peat fire.

Lighting a fire


Lighting a fire begins with preparing kindling, which is made from small spruce branches, birch bark, dry moss, lichen, shavings, and splinters. In wet weather, kindling is obtained from chips of dead wood split with an ax, from dry pine litter, sheltered from the rain by tree crowns.

The prepared kindling-fuse is placed tightly under small brushwood folded in a hut or well and set on fire, and thicker brushwood and other firewood are carefully placed on top.

When it rains, a fire is lit under the cover of a cape or cloak held by two tourists. The stronger the wind or rain, the denser the kindling and fuel should be placed on the fire. In bad weather, you need to have dry alcohol, old photographic film, a candle stub, and a piece of plexiglass or rubber with you.

Starting a fire without matches.

Before you try to light a fire without matches, have some dry, flammable materials ready. Then shelter them from wind and moisture. Good substances can be rot, scraps of clothing, rope or twine, dry palm leaves, wood shavings and sawdust, bird feathers, woolly plant fibers and others. To stock up on them for the future, put some in a waterproof bag.

Sun and lens.

A camera lens, a convex lens from binoculars or a telescope, and finally a mirror can be used to focus the sun's rays on flammable substances.

Flint and steel (steel plate).

If there are no matches, this The best way quickly light dry tinder. The flint can be the corresponding side of a waterproof matchbox or a solid piece of stone. Hold the flint as close to the tinder as possible and strike it against a steel knife blade or some small piece of steel. Strike so that the sparks hit the center of the tinder. When it starts to smoke, blow lightly on the flame. You can add some fuel to the tinder or transfer the tinder to the fuel. If you fail to strike a spark with the first stone, try with another.

Friction of wood on wood.

Considering that making fire using the friction method is quite difficult, use it as a last resort.

Bow and drill.

Make an elastic bow by stretching it with lace, rope or belt. Use it to spin a dry, soft shaft through a small hole made in a dry, hard block of wood. As a result, you will get powdery black dust, in which a spark will appear with further friction. Lift the block and pour this powder onto a flammable substance (tinder).

Firewood for the fire.

Up close settlements, as well as in populated areas, firewood can be used as fuel that is not suitable for the economic needs of the local population, for example, small dead wood, dry crooked forest, old stumps. If there is no such fuel nearby, firewood for the fire should be purchased through the forestry department or take primus stoves and gas stoves with you on a hike.

In taiga areas there is enough brushwood, dead wood, and dead wood. When preparing fuel, you should keep in mind that damp and rotten firewood produces a lot of smoke, but little heat; small brushwood burns out in the first two or three minutes; Aspen and fir firewood are bad because they “shoot” sparks too much.

For cooking, it is better to use dead wood of birch and alder, which burns evenly and with almost no smoke. If you need to make a big hot fire, for example in winter when you have to spend the night, the best firewood will be made from pine, cedar and spruce dead wood.

Dry wood felling.

When preparing dead wood for a fire, first determine the natural slope of the tree and the place of its possible fall, then look at the probable path of the falling tree to make sure that it will not hang on the neighboring crowns, and only after that, on the side where it is planned to fell the tree, make cut or saw down a third of the diameter of the trunk.

Spring has arrived, which means it's time to go outdoors. What can you do to have fun in nature, besides a field kitchen and setting up a camp? We invite you to try several ways to start a fire without matches or lighters. It’s exciting, and most importantly, if the result is positive, you will gain invaluable experience that may be useful to you someday in life.

Every experienced hunter, fisherman, and just an avid traveler should know how to make fire without matches. This is the basis for survival in any unforeseen situation. Fire is life, and you can do without it in harsh conditions. hiking conditions extremely difficult. Matches can simply become damp and then traditional and not so traditional matches come to the rescue. traditional methods and methods of making fire. Some of the methods described below have been familiar to people since ancient times, and some are the know-how of modern times, they were invented recently and in some respects are not inferior traditional ways making fire. Lighting a fire without matches is a painstaking and time-consuming task. You can find yourself in the wilderness under absolutely any conditions, and only a fire can save a person.

1. Making fire using friction

This is perhaps the most famous and affordable way receiving fire. It is long and painstaking, so you need to prepare for the fact that it will take a lot of time to get the first spark.

There are certain criteria for the success of such an event, one of which is the correctly selected wood as a rod and plank. The wood should be dry, not damp. A rod is a wooden stick that must be rotated on a piece of wood around its axis to create fire, creating the effect of strong friction.

The best types of wood suitable for making fire by friction are Walnut, cypress, cedar, willow, aspen, pine.

It is necessary to collect the tinder into a compact pile. Don't put too much tinder on the wood base. The tinder itself is made from dry leaves or grass, it is lightweight material, which should flare up from a spark. IN wooden base a V-shaped hole is cut and some tinder is placed in the recess of the hole. After this, the wooden rod is placed in the recess and the rod begins to rotate. To make it more convenient to rotate the rod with your hands, you need to take a wooden stick to create a rod at least sixty centimeters long. You need to press the rod onto the wooden backing very carefully, while quickly rotating it between your palms.

After a spark is obtained, dry moss, juniper, and aspen bark should be placed on the board.

Another interesting way making fire without matches is the Fire Plow. To make fire using this method, a wooden base made of dry wood is useful, in the middle of which a recess is cut for the rod. You have to forcefully move it up and down. As soon as the tree begins to smolder, it is necessary to add tinder.

A bow drill is another versatile way to make fire without using matches. Unlike manual friction, producing a spark from a bow occurs more quickly. Since the bow maintains ideal pressure and maximum speed rotation of the wooden rod. As a result, strong friction occurs, which helps to get fire within short time. What will you need for this method? This is, first of all:

  • Wooden rod;
  • Wooden backing;
  • Bow and weight;

When friction occurs, the weight is pressed onto the end of the rod, and the rod rotates with the help of the bow. In order not to break the rod, you need to use a less dense and hard weighting material.

Water or oil can be used as a lubricant, so the process will go faster. Let's talk about the onion itself. You can do it yourself. The length of the bow should correspond to the length of the arm ordinary person. It is better to choose a flexible and pliable vine; the bowstring is made from rope or shoelace. The bowstring can be made from absolutely anything, but it must be strong and not break during the making of fire. It is simply pulled over the ends of the vine branches and the bow is ready to use. A hole is cut in the wooden backing and a wooden rod is placed in the loop of the bowstring. One end of the rod should be placed in the hole in the backing, and the other in the bow string. The bow moves in a forward motion, and through this process, fire can be quickly produced. Tinder is added to the smoldering coals, and the fire slowly but surely flares up.

2. Making fire using lenses

We all know the standard physics course at school, from which we remember that a beam passing through glass solar energy concentrated at one point. The temperature is so high at this point that just holding a paper napkin to it will cause it to light up. This method of making fire is good for everyone, but there is also a significant disadvantage. You can get fire using a lens only in dry and sunny weather. What will you need?

  • Lens of any type;
  • Tinder collected from dry leaves or grass;

If you don’t have a lens, then regular glasses, a piece of glass, the bottom of an aluminum can, or even ice will do. By the way, you can dwell in more detail on making fire using ice. It would seem that these are two mutually exclusive concepts: ice and fire. But thanks to ice, you can light a fire, this is especially useful in winter period, when it is difficult to find dry leaves or grass. The principle of operation of this interesting method was also described by Jules Verne. You need to create a lens from regular ice, but the ice should be as clean and transparent as possible.

Thanks to the coordination of the sun's rays, even paper can be set on fire. It is not always possible to find pure ice in nature, but you can freeze simple drinking water. The resulting piece of ice is carefully processed and polished using improvised means. Ice can also be frozen in a spherical container, such as a shallow saucer. But you need to remove the ice as carefully as possible so as not to damage it. Ice melts quickly and such a lens should be used as quickly as possible.

As for simple lenses, it’s enough to just take some dry twigs, leaves, grass and build something similar to a nest. After the lens is pointed at the tinder, you must carefully monitor the appearance of smoldering and smoke, and try to fan the fire.

3. Making fire using chemicals

Simple knowledge of elementary chemistry will help you make fire. Some chemical compositions ignite when rubbed or mixed. But when using this method, you must exercise individual caution so as not to harm yourself. It is important to avoid physical contact chemical substance with the metal surface. The following compounds promote ignition:

  • Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and regular sugar in a ratio of nine (sugar) to one (potassium permanganate);
  • Potassium chlorate and sugar (proportions three to one);
  • Potassium permanganate and glycerin;
  • Sodium chlorate and sugar (proportion three to one);
  • Potassium permanganate and any antifreeze;

Now the question is: where to get these chemical elements? Potassium chloride is included in some drugs against throat diseases (Furacillin). And potassium permanganate and glycerin can be found in the first aid kit. The most basic example: take a small piece of cotton wool, add potassium permanganate, then sugar and begin to rub this kind of tinder with a stick.

After a couple of minutes, the cotton wool will ignite. Common mistake inexperienced people is that they do not follow the correct dosage of ingredients.

4. Making fire using flint, steel or flint

Another method, rooted in centuries-old history: making fire using flint. Flint was especially popular in the eighteenth century before the invention of ordinary matches. To strike a spark and make a fire, it is enough to have a silicon stone. A couple of blows are enough and you can bring tinder from leaves or dry grass to ignite the fire. Flint was often used in camping conditions or in war. And also, many people wear it in theirs. The chair must be metal.

If you're lucky, you can make sparks for a future fire using silicon. Flint, consisting of hard rock minerals, can be easily found among stones. By the way, flint steel was used in ancient firearms.

5. Condom

After we have considered the traditional and quite usual ways To make a fire without matches, you can pay attention to alternative methods of making a flame. Let's talk about the most interesting of them. The condom is not only a means of protection, but also excellent remedy for making fire without matches. It needs to be filled with water, the main thing is not to overdo it.

The result is something like a lens. The light from the sun passing through the condom is focused on the pre-prepared tinder on a wooden backing. As a result, the tinder begins to slowly smolder, all that remains is to fan the flames of the fire. This is such an interesting and creative way.

6. Flashlight

You can make fire using a regular flashlight, if you don't feel sorry for it, of course. The flashlight will have to be broken. The electrical part of the light bulb on the lantern is carefully broken (we need to expose the electric arc itself).

We quickly place a little tinder, bring the bare arc and set the tinder on fire.

7. Skating

If we don't wash, we'll ride! IN in this case you will need regular cotton wool. This old prison know-how consists of forming a kind of roller from a simple piece of cotton wool.

The roller begins to roll out over the wooden surface. After some time, the cotton wool begins to smolder, the cotton wool increases in size, becoming saturated with oxygen. Oxygen itself is a catalyst for the combustion reaction.

8. A can of Coca-Cola and a bar of chocolate.

How can these delicacies help in making fire, you ask? Everything is very simple. The ingredients for success are a sunny day, chocolate and a soda can (tin). Open the chocolate and start rubbing it on the bottom of the tin. Of course, it’s a pity for chocolate, but you don’t have to sacrifice anything to make fire!

This clever polishing will make the tin bottom shiny and shiny. After polishing, the Coca-Cola can turned into a kind of parabolic mirror. We turn the polished bottom towards the sun and try to set fire to the previously prepared tinder.

8. Wool and batteries

Wool and regular batteries can also come in handy when performing the difficult task of starting a fire without matches.

Just stretching wool fabric(it is desirable that the wool be natural) and begin to quickly rub a piece of wool with a battery. The optimal battery power suitable for such actions is approximately 9 W. After much effort, the wool slowly begins to ignite, all you have to do is blow lightly on it and add tinder to make the fire start faster.

10. Firearms

You can get life-saving fire if you have a firearm. The shot is simply removed from the cartridge itself, the cartridge case can be filled with tinder in the form of dry moss, leaves, rolled dry bark, and a blank shot can be fired at the place where the fire is planned. The rest is just a matter of technique, you need to fan the fire and throw dry branches into it.

A rather exotic method at first glance, but still very effective in emergency situations.

As you can see, there are many ways to start a fire if you don’t have matches. It is important to know some basic rules, folk tricks and tips that can keep you warm in the forest or even save your life if you suddenly get lost. Experience accumulated over centuries allows us to obtain life-saving fire from almost any available materials. This does not require special skill; it is important to apply the maximum amount of effort to make fire. Fire is life. And a cheerful, crackling fire will warm you in any situation and in any weather.

Do you consider yourself a modern person? Do you really believe that you can handle any complexity or problem? In principle, we can assume that this is the case. But, as practice shows, the average person can be proud of his omnipotence only as long as he does not leave his usual habitat. Shall we check?

Section 1. How to light a fire without matches? Relevance of the issue

The 21st century is just around the corner. We have learned to fly to the moon, with the help of the Internet you can find almost any information, and foreign languages You can already study without leaving your computer. All this is called scientific and technological progress.

What about simpler, but still vitally important things? Have you ever wondered whether it could modern man to survive, say, wildlife? Does he know, without matches, or how to build at least a temporary shelter from the rain? As sad as it may be, the answers to these questions will most likely be negative.

In general, if you look at the statistics, it turns out that most city residents cannot light a fire even with a lighter, but various ways they have no idea about making fire.

That is why you should not forget about survival school. You never know where and when it might come in handy. There is an opinion that every man should know how to start a fire without matches, but women should also listen to our advice today. This, you see, is the most important skill for survival.

Section 2. We list the main ways to solve the problem

How to make fire without matches in the forest? Is this even possible?

It is absolutely clear that any moisture or dampness will ruin all your endeavors. Here, it would seem, there is nothing to argue about. Even junior schoolboy guesses that in order to get a fire in the forest without matches or using them (at this stage this is not so important), you will need dry rags or leaves; by the way, ropes, gauze, chopped bark or dry moss and etc. Let me note that this is only a minimum set of components. So to speak, the most accessible to the common man.

From a scientific point of view, there are four main methods to solve the problem:

  • chemical;
  • textbook (using a lens);
  • using friction force;
  • solid.

Now let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Section 3. Chemical method

Probably, from school, some of us remember that a flammable mixture can be caused by the reaction of potassium permanganate and glycerin. If you have access to these ingredients to “cook” a fire, go for it! In this case, you can easily solve the problem of how to light a fire without matches in field conditions. Just 1 g of potassium permanganate, poured onto previously prepared cloths, and a couple of drops of glycerin are enough. But I would like to immediately warn you: as soon as you drop the glycerin, quickly remove your hand, because the fire will immediately begin to devour the offered “gifts”.

Section 4. How to light a fire without matches. Long, but reliable - a textbook method

Using a lens from glasses, binoculars, a telescope, a convex bottle, an aquarium or other figured glass You can focus the sun's ray to create a fire. For example, Robinson Crusoe from the well-known and beloved book from childhood, before getting fire without matches (what kind of matches and lighter could there be on an island?!?), diligently used watch glass.

Section 5. Ready to work hard? Tiring way

You can make a fire, although this is a very tedious and not always fruitful activity. To begin with, a bow is made from soft wood, but a rope will perfectly serve as a bowstring. The “drill” will be any pointed stick. The support should be made of dry hardwood logs, such as pine or oak.

The source material is first cleared of bark. Then you need to drill a hole 1-1.5 cm deep in it and carefully cover it with tinder. The drill needs to be wrapped in a bowstring, inserted with one ring into the hole, and tinder placed tightly around it. Only after this, firmly pressing the drill with your palm, you need to use right hand move the bow quickly. This should be done perpendicular to the drill. Important: to avoid damaging your palm, place a fabric pad between the drill and your hand; you can replace it with tree bark. After the tinder has smoldered, you need to fan it well and add kindling, which has been prepared in advance.

Section 6. Hard way

For this method, any stone can serve as a material. It is quite convenient to knock out a spark using a steel knife or other metal objects. The success of such an activity is difficult to predict, because everything depends on luck and a very dry base for the fire.

Section 7. “Diligence and labor will grind everything”

You should immediately warn that making fire by friction is the most difficult method. It's definitely not for the faint of heart.

In general, there is various methods, allowing you to get fire by friction. However the most important aspect is the type of wood used for the board and spindle.

The spindle is the stick that you will spin to create friction between it and the board. Juniper, cypress, aspen, willow, cedar, walnut are considered the best materials for board and spindle. To use wood to make fire using the friction method, as well as, in principle, any other method, the wood must be taken exclusively dry.

Section 8: Hand Drill Method

Honestly, it is the most primitive, but also the most basic and difficult. All that is required in this case is wood, tireless hands and determination.

Build a tinder nest. For tinder, a material that ignites with a single spark, it is best to use:

  • birch bark;
  • dry grass;
  • pine needles;
  • wood shavings;
  • tinder fungi (crushed and dry mushrooms);
  • wax paper;
  • fluffy cotton wool;
  • burnt cotton fabric;
  • fir cones.

Make the cut by cutting a small indentation into the board. It is worth placing a bark under this cutout to catch the ember that arises from friction. Start rotating by placing the spindle in the recess. Typically, it needs to be about 50 centimeters long for this method to work properly. Rotate the stick between your palms until an ember appears.

As soon as a spark appears, quickly transfer it to the previously prepared tinder nest. Blow on it carefully, everything is ready - the fire is burning.

Section 9. Fire bow method

It is considered the most effective way to make fire, which is based on friction. In this case, you will need to use a bow and auger.

Make a tight bow. To do this, pull a rope, belt, or cord around the stick. Then make a hole in the dry wood. Next, quickly and for a long time twist the shaft in the hole using the bow. You should end up with a black powder. As soon as a spark appears in it, it must be transferred to the tinder.

Section 10. Flint and steel

In general, it should be noted that this is an old and reliable backup option for those who do not know how to make a fire without matches in the forest or in open areas.

Basically, good idea- this means constantly taking flint with you on a hike. After all, matches can get wet and will be useless. Otherwise, you can still get a spark from a piece of flint.

Flint remains the ideal option. In addition, you can always improvise using quartzite and the steel blade of any knife.

But that's not all. According to experts, you will definitely need a charred piece of cloth, which can be replaced with a dry piece of mushroom or birch bark.

  1. Take stone and cloth.
  2. Place a piece of stone between your thumb and index finger, with the edge protruding 7 centimeters.
  3. Pinch the fabric securely with your thumb and flint.
  4. Start striking sparks. To do this, hit the flint with steel or a knife blade several times; you will see that sparks will fly off onto the fabric, thereby causing a glow.
  5. Place the spark cloth on the tinder and blow gently to start the fire.

Section 11. Using the Lens

In general, all methods based on producing fire using lenses are considered the easiest. Before starting a fire without matches, you just need to focus the sun's rays on a specific place.

Also suitable for this purpose:

  • magnifying glass;
  • glasses;
  • binoculars.

By the way, if you add a little water to the lens, the beam of light will become more intense. Try to tilt the glass in such a way as to focus the rays to a point with the smallest possible diameter. Place tinder in this place, you will soon be able to get fire.

The only drawback of this method is that it only works in the presence of sun. And at night you will have to use other methods.

Section 12. Creative approach

Don't know how to light a fire without matches? Try to do it in an original way - you will have fun yourself and surprise your friends.

So, in addition to the traditional methods, there are three completely unusual, but quite effective methods, which are based on the refraction of rays.

  1. Balloons and condoms. If you fill balloon or a condom with water, they will turn into a lens. True, they should be kept less from the tinder - 1-2 cm.
  2. Fire from ice. Make fire from a block of ice. This method is extremely useful for winter camping. But for the method to work, the ice must be completely transparent and about 5 centimeters thick. Then shape the ice into a lens shape, polish it with your hands until smooth, and use it like a traditional lens.
  3. Coca-Cola and chocolate. You will also need chocolate. Moreover, the bottom of the first should be polished with the second; toothpaste will also work. After grinding, you will get a parabolic mirror. All that remains is to catch the sunlight and place tinder where the rays focus.

Perhaps the most ancient and reliable way to make fire in the wild - use dry wood. Remember how Tom Hanks scrubbed his hands until they bled in the movie Cast Away? In fact, such sacrifices are not at all necessary.

First, dig a small hole in the ground to allow air flow. After this, take a dry flat piece of wood and drill a small hole in it - this can be done with an ordinary sharp stone. All that remains is to find a long thin stick that will act as a drill and sharpen one of its ends. You will also need to collect some tinder - the smallest wood chips, tiny pieces of bark and bird fluff will do, as long as all materials are dry. Now simply place the tinder in the recess, press it with the sharp end of the “drill” and begin to rotate it in measured, sharp movements, applying as much force as possible. If the flow of oxygen is stable, the tinder will soon begin to smolder - all that remains is to carefully fan the coals and place them in the prepared kindling. Voila, you've got fire!


Modern flint consists of steel, flint and tinder. Kresal is any pyrophoric material. Previously, ordinary iron was used for these purposes, but over time special alloys appeared, the most popular of which is currently ferrocerium - an alloy of iron, cerium, lanthanum and lanthanides. The principle of operation of the flint is extremely simple: when it hits the flint, it removes thin chips, which in the process heat up and ignite - this phenomenon is akin to a grinding stone that produces sparks during sharpening. So you will need a piece of ordinary flint, an iron surface and a little skill - sooner or later dry tinder will definitely catch fire.


This method is familiar to many of us from childhood. In sunny weather, making a fire with it is as easy as shelling pears: just pick up correct angle and focus the sun's rays on a flammable material, and it will quickly heat up to combustion temperature. The obvious disadvantage of glass is that it is completely useless in cloudy weather.

No glass? Just take a soda can and polish it with chocolate. The fat contained in it will make the metal smooth and turn it into a miniature parabolic mirror that perfectly reflects the sun's rays. Even ordinary ice can be polished into a lens that focuses ultraviolet radiation - this will help you not freeze if you are left without matches in winter. You will need a piece of ice approximately 5-7 cm thick, the edges of which should be slightly thinner than the convex middle. You can polish the ice with a piece of rough cloth or even with your hands.


You will need a little natural wool, as well as a battery (optimal power - 9 W). Simply stretch the wool and start rubbing it with the head of the battery. Steel wool or wool is also suitable for these purposes. As a result of friction, the wool will heat up and ignite, all that remains is to put it in the fire.


If you are lucky enough to go on a hike with a set of chemically active substances, then they can come to the rescue. Here are the three most popular compounds that ignite when mixed:

  • Potassium chlorate and sugar (3 to 1)
  • Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate, familiar to everyone) and glycerin
  • Potassium permanganate and antifreeze

It is worth noting that in this case it is necessary to strictly observe safety precautions and prevent the body from coming into contact with the reagents.
