How to add playlist to music player on android? Play music for Android how to use Where are playlists on android

All people who use software players to listen to music or watch videos have come across the concept of playlists. What is a playlist, its purpose, creation and editing, will be discussed further. At the same time, we will not be limited only to music or videos, because the interpretation of the term itself is much broader.

What is a playlist in the broadest sense?

To understand what a playlist is, you need to simply start from the English counterpart. If you simply translate the two constituent words: Play and List, it will immediately become clear that this is, in fact, a kind of playlist, that is, a set of files or Internet links that are to be played.

It does not matter at all whether you are supposed to listen to music or watch videos from files located on your local computer or located on the Internet. But the question of what a playlist is on the Internet often has a broader interpretation. The fact is that in such lists, in addition to music and video, there may also be sets of Internet television or Internet radio channels.

How to create a playlist in any software player?

To begin with, consider the situation when the files to be included in the list are located on the user's terminal (on the computer's hard drive or on removable media). The proposed technique is perfectly suitable for any mobile devices.

Software players (Windows Media Player, WinAmp, AIMP, VLC Media Player, JetAudio, etc.) are used to organize your own list with a set playback order. Which player is used for playback does not matter.

The question of how to create a playlist in any such program is solved quite simply. In the player itself, you should find the Playlist menu and use the buttons for adding components to the future list. As a rule, you can add individual files or entire folders (or even disk partitions). However, if you add files without setting a specific sorting criterion (by type, by name, by size, etc.), the order will be the one used when selecting them.

On the contrary, folders in which the numbering of tracks and clips is set will have the corresponding number order in such a list. You can, of course, set a random playback order, in which tracks or videos will be randomly selected from the list, but this is not always convenient.

List editing

Now let's see how to edit the playlist to set your own play order.

In the simplest case, you can simply remove unnecessary files from the list and add them again to the end of the playlist. But this is inconvenient and takes a lot of time (you will have to add files one at a time). It is much easier to use the selection of an element with the right or left mouse button (depending on the player) and moving it up or down and setting it to the desired position while holding down the manipulator button. After that, you will need to re-save the playlist (usually this is the standard Ctrl + S combination).

IPTV, Torrent-TV: playlists of channels and programs

For Internet TV, you can use a playlist of channels that you want to watch. Again, both regular and specialized players like TV Player Classic (for IPTV) can be used for playback.

If free playlists for Internet TV based on torrent technologies are used, standard programs will not work. In this case, you will have to install a special Ace Stream utility on your computer with the appropriate player, without which playback will be impossible.

Since TV applications, by and large, also belong to software players, the principles for creating and editing playlists are practically no different from standard actions.

How to use playlists on the Internet?

It is for Internet TV that you should pay attention to one important nuance: usually, free playlists are updated automatically when you open and download them to the corresponding player, but sometimes (as, for example, for ForkPlayer) this needs to be done manually.

When using ForkPlayer on Smart-TV, the playlist must first be downloaded to the device or saved to the "My Account".

When you want to listen to music on the corresponding resource on the Internet, you do not need to save the playlist on the device in principle. With an active connection, simply download it to the player (either installed on a computer or mobile device, or to the player on the site itself).

Finally, a few words about what a YouTube playlist is and how to create one. Basically, it's the same playlist, but organized according to slightly different principles.

You can create a playlist either on the main page using the corresponding menu for this, or in the Creative Studio, where the video manager tab is used.

  • open - the list is available to all hosting users;
  • access by link - only for those with whom the user shares a link to the list;
  • limited - viewing only for the user himself.

Additionally, you can use the auto-add tab when the watched video, when you set a specific tag or phrase in the video description, will automatically be added to the desired list.


That's all in a nutshell about understanding the essence of defining playlists, creating and editing playlists of different types. In most cases, when using software players, all actions are very simple. Some difficulties for uninitiated users may arise with playlists for IPTV or YouTube, but if you spend a little time and figure out the settings, in this case there will be nothing particularly difficult.

However, when working with software players, depending on the developer and the specifics of the player, temporary difficulties may also arise (for example, in mastering the interface or menu sections), but in general terms, all the principles laid down in them are very similar to each other and can differ only in details.

I am making a player for android as my first application. You need to add a playlist with which the song selection will be made. That is, there will be a folder icon, when you click on it, a full-screen list of the tracks that are on the sd card will appear. The folder icon should be on the main screen of the application

What should be:

The tracks in this folder can change, that is, I can add or remove tracks from the computer. The folder should, when opened, show the tracks inside it. As well as other folders that also contain other tracks, you can call it albums. That is, when you open this folder, all other folders nested in it should be visible

When you click on the track name, it starts and goes to Main_Activity

How to implement it?

