How to landscape a summer cottage plot on 6 acres. Basic elements of site arrangement and landscape design

You have become the owner of a desired plot of 6 acres for establishing a vegetable garden, planting garden shrubs and trees, and construction country house, but don’t know how to plan it correctly? Then we are in a hurry to help you!
How many square meters are there in 6 acres? This is a small piece of land measuring 20x30 or 15x40 meters (600 m2), and I want to place so many things there. Planning a plot of 6 acres is not an easy task, and therefore requires careful preparation.

First you need to decide what you want to see on your site. After all, we are all different, and our needs are also different. Some people want to build a comfortable residential building for relaxation in their free time from work, and simply plant the remaining territory lawn grass, arrange a recreation area, bathhouse, barbecue; others give preference to various plantings and cultivation of organic vegetables and fruits; for others, both the first and the second are important.

Let's start planning

For clarity, it is better to draw a plan diagram on a scale, where, according to current standards, we will locate all the necessary buildings and plan the various zones. You can make the drawing yourself on a scale of 1:500 (1 cm - 5 m).

When filling out the documents, you obviously received a land deed, which indicates the dimensions of your plot. Transfer the dimensions onto a piece of paper. Next, determine the size of the desired house, bathhouse, barn - everything that you would like to have in the future on the site.

This you need to know:

According to SNiP 2.07.01-89*"Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements", as well as SNiP 2.01.02-85"Fire safety standards":

It is forbidden to locate a residential building or other buildings closer than 5 m from the red line of the street (unless otherwise provided by the detailed planning plan for the territory);
- the distance from the house to the boundaries of neighboring plots must be at least 3 meters;
- distances from outbuildings to the boundaries of neighboring plots - at least a meter;
- the distance from the windows of the house to outbuildings (barn, bathhouse, garage) located on the neighboring site must be at least 6 m;
- the distance from outbuildings housing poultry and livestock to the windows of a residential building is at least 15 meters;
- distances between residential buildings depending on the degree of fire resistance - from 6 to 15 meters.

If the width of your plot, subject to all standards, allows you to move the house in one direction or another, then to save usable area it's better to do it. By retreating the required 3 m from the neighboring plot and observing the fire gap, you will leave a free area between the house and the fence of the neighboring plot on the other side for the construction of various areas, lawns, gardens or vegetable gardens.

You should also pay attention to the orientation of the site to the cardinal points.

Residential premises must be continuously insulated for at least 2-2.5 hours a day:
- living room in one room apartment(at home);
- at least one living room in a 2- and 3-room apartment (house);
- two living rooms in a house with more than 3 rooms.

Based on this norm, it is better to locate the kitchen, bathroom, wardrobe, and pantry on the north, north-west and north-east sides.

And, of course, an important point in the location of the house is the view from the windows. Determine the most interesting viewpoints, and when designing a house, take them into account when determining the location of window openings, terraces and verandas.

Territory zoning

Correctly positioning a house on a plot of 6 acres is half the battle. It is necessary to consider the location of associated outbuildings, and different zones(garden, vegetable garden, recreation area, barbecue, etc.).

◻ When arranging a garden plot of 6 acres, you should not place garage or carport in the depths of the site, since the passage to them will take up a significant part of the usable area of ​​the territory.

The garden should not shade the vegetable garden, so as not to interfere with the normal growth of plants, which means that it cannot be located in the southern part of the site. For the same reason, the garden should not be planted in the shadow of a house or other buildings. The recreation area may not be located in the most illuminated place, since relaxing on a hot sunny day is pleasant in a shaded area.

Setting up a barbecue or fire pit, take an interest in the prevailing wind direction in your region, and locate this area on the windward side, so the smoke from the fire will not spread throughout the entire area.

If the area has a significant slope, then melt and melt will accumulate in the lowest place rainwater, this is the most worst place for planting a vegetable garden. But you can plan a plot of 6 acres in the form of terraces and additionally provide a drainage system.

Each terrace will become an independent zone, and they can be combined with a system of paths and steps. You can strengthen the terraces retaining walls from rubble, monolithic concrete or concrete blocks.

When starting landscape design of a plot of 6 acres, you should know a few simple rules.

1) The entire small area is visible, and the clear boundaries defined by the fence make the area tight. To soften the contours of the fence, decorate it with vegetation (vines, flowers), or make a mesh fence so that the eye is directed beyond the territory.

2) If this is not acceptable to you, then paint the blank fence in neutral shades or combine it from various materials to avoid monotony. Visually this will expand the space.

3) To prevent the entire area from being visible at once, install several pergolas entwined with vines. Thus, the gaze, lingering on an oncoming object, will move more slowly across the rest of the territory.

4) Avoid row plantings. Garden trees It is better to distribute throughout the territory.

5) A free area, sown with lawn and framed with ornamental plants, will also expand the space. This zone can occupy a small area near the house and be a viewing point of the site, or be located in the central part of the garden.

6) Clear, regular lines of paths for a small area are not desirable; it is better to make paths in the form of curved and smooth lines, forcing the eye to slowly follow an arched path.

7) By the way, instead of regular planting, arrange the beds in the form of a circle, semicircle or any free shape.

This is not only unusual and beautiful, but also practical, especially in a small area. Such plantings of parsley, dill, carrots and other vegetables will look like a flower bed.

8) When planning zones on your site, determine priorities. It is impossible to arrange a large number of zones in a small area without creating crowding. If a residential building occupies a significant part of the site, then the remaining territory should be harmoniously combined with it.

The general plan diagram shows the layout of the site with a house and a two-car garage.

In the far right corner there is a bathhouse and a recreation area with a pond and a gazebo. Below the recreation area is framed by a small round-shaped vegetable garden, which does not disturb the overall composition. We are also planning to plant decorative flowering trees here.

On the side of the main façade we are creating a front area with a flower garden and lawn where thujas are supposed to be planted. In the upper left part of the site is a place for planting fruit trees. On the back side of the house there is a paved area where you can take out garden furniture and an umbrella.

In this diagram we see an area stretched upward. There is a house in the left foreground. In front of the house is an open area with a lawn and decorative landscaping (shrubs, trees, flowers).

A winding path is decorated with pergolas and leads us through a mini-garden to outbuildings and a vegetable garden. On the left behind the house you can plant raspberries, blackberries, and between the fence and the garden - shrubs (currants, gooseberries, etc.).

Design of a 6-acre summer cottage with your own hands

The size of six acres is a compact plot that will be clearly visible from all sides. Therefore, you need to make each zone aesthetically attractive and functional. This is especially important for beds, because often plantings can spoil the overall picture with their disproportionate plantings.

So, in order for your dacha or house to be functional, you must provide the following important areas on it:
● parking or garage;
● bathhouse;
● sheds, toilets and other household buildings;
● relaxation area and barbecue;
● children's playground;
● garden and vegetable garden;
● flower beds or other “highlights” of the site.

1. Parking or garage
This place is very important, because most people come to their dacha using a car. It is advisable to make a little more space for the car, because guests will most likely come to you. Therefore, the site must have two parking spaces.

As for the garage, its presence is, of course, important, because then the car will be safe from theft and from negative weather conditions. But if there is no space for a garage or there is no extra money for construction, then you can make a canopy. You can arrange it with your own hands; all you need is a metal frame and polycarbonate. One part of the canopy can be attached to the wall of the house.

Advice! You should not build a canopy in the middle of the yard, then the entire landscape will be blocked by the parking lot, this is non-functional. It is best to park on the side of the house.

2. Bath
If you are not a fan of steaming, then you will not need a bathhouse, and this place can be used, for example, for a garage. But for most people, the bathhouse is one of their most favorite places. You should not place the bathhouse in the southern part of the site, since you need to make beds for the vegetable garden there, and it should not cast a shadow on your plantings, otherwise you will not get a harvest and beautiful flower beds. Consider the location of the sun on the site.

Important point! Make wiring very carefully in all commercial buildings, including bathhouses. These places are very fire hazardous. Therefore, it is better to entrust all wiring on the site to a professional.

3. Sheds, toilets, other household buildings
They can be placed next to the bathhouse. That is, in a place where they will not cast a shadow on the beds, outbuildings can also serve as a fence for the site. But be sure to keep in mind that the toilet should be as far as possible from the house, from neighbors, from the recreation area and playground. If possible, it can be arranged behind a bathhouse or shed. Then he won't spoil appearance. If you rarely visit your dacha, you can use dry closets. They take up minimal space, do not spoil the landscape, and do not carry unpleasant odors.

Sheds are best placed in the form small room where garden supplies will be stored. There is no need to install a large outbuilding, where a large number of unnecessary things are most often stored. You don’t need much space for gardening tools, a couple of buckets, a hose and a lawn mower.

4. Relaxation area and barbecue
It is best to place them so that flower beds, a pond or an alpine slide are visible. Also, the barbecue and gazebo should be located longer from the neighbors so that no one interferes with each other. Yes, and the smoke from the fire, which will go to the neighbors’ property, can cause a conflict. Take into account the features of your neighbors’ buildings, and then plan the improvement of your summer cottage.

If there is a swimming pool in your recreation area, then do not plant trees nearby, as they will constantly cause debris on the water in the form of pollen and leaves. Also, your beach should be located on the sunny side. By the way, a place next to the beds is suitable. Then the water from the pool can be used for irrigation.

5. Children's playground

If you have small children, then you must constantly supervise them. This means that their recreation area needs to be located where you can see them, and children’s loud games will not greatly disturb you while relaxing with your family. Do not locate the playground next to a large pool so that you cannot see and control the children's activities. Because it is dangerous, and children can accidentally throw sand or toys into the water.

6. Garden

What's a summer house without garden beds? After all, your own vegetables and fruits are healthy and environmentally friendly. For a good harvest, the beds need to be located on the south or southeast side. The garden should not cast a shadow on the vegetable garden. It is very functional to use columnar varieties of fruit trees in a small area. They give good harvest, at the same time they do not take up much space and do not shade the area.

The gardening area does not necessarily have clear boundaries. If you plan to grow a large fruit garden on your plot, then trees and bushes can be grown at all convenient ends of the plot, this will give it romance and charm. Beds with berries and vegetables can be placed close to the recreation area, so you and your guests can enjoy the fresh fruits of the garden right where you are relaxing.

Also, when arranging beds, you need to take into account the presence groundwater and lowlands. If there is water in this place in the spring, then it is better not to plant anything here.

The beds can be made vertical to save space.

And so that the garden is not like everyone else’s and does not spoil the landscape, it can be made from wooden planks, pallets, if you have extra money for their stone. Lots of ideas. The design of a summer cottage with your own hands can be made from any available materials: plastic bottles, bricks, slate, old tires, etc.

Advice! Since a plot of six acres is not large, then geometric figures beds in the form of rectangles, squares and any straight lines will emphasize a small area. It is best to choose oval, round and soft lines. This applies to beds, paths, and flower beds.

7. Flower beds or other “highlights” of the site

Design of a summer cottage without these landscape solutions simply cannot be complete. After all, flowers in a flowerbed are a joy for the eyes. Therefore, it is best to do them where they can be clearly seen. Especially when receiving guests or relaxing in the gazebo. If there is little space left, you can always use vertical gardening.

You can also put a high rock garden in the center of the site. It will not take up much space in width, but will create a unique look. Among the plants for a rock garden, various creeping herbs, thyme, sedum, saxifrage, young, and crocuses are perfect.

Another common solution recent years reservoirs have become. They can be made from improvised materials or bought ready-made containers. And remember about right angles that should be avoided. And also don’t forget about garden lighting, where beautiful solar-powered lanterns can help.

Photos from the article will help you arrange your summer cottage plot with your own hands. You can use their ideas while planning.

Alpine slide in a garden measuring 6 acres

Scheme alpine slide.

The most popular, conservative and at the same time attractive option to decorate a 6-acre dacha in a landscape style is to create an alpine slide. It does not require any expensive or rare materials, as well as special skills in implementing the plan. The main materials for a rock garden are stones. They can be absolutely different sizes and shapes, they can be laid in different ways.

But there are several features to consider. Begin laying stones from bottom to top, from large to small. At the top of this rock there should be a large cone-shaped stone that can depict a real mountain peak. It is necessary to take into account that subsequently some vegetation will be planted on the hill. Therefore, it is necessary to pour some sand and gravel between the stones.

Plants for an alpine hill must be chosen that are unpretentious and those that can grow even with insufficient watering. This is impossible because frequent watering can lead to erosion of the soil and crumbling of the slide. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to correctly position the plants in the rock garden. At the foot of the hill it is necessary to plant large, lush plants that can be watered as much as you like without fear of damaging the shape of the hill. Small and unpretentious plants located closer to the top of the hill. Water the rock garden from top to bottom.

As for choosing a place to build a slide to decorate the dacha, no special events are required here. After all, this structure is not massive enough to somehow damage the soil surface. The exception is too mobile soil, which is subject to a variety of chemical and geological processes occurring in the bowels of the earth.

In such cases, you will need to build a small sand and gravel cushion under the hill. To do this, first a certain amount of sand is compacted onto the area allocated for the hill, then crushed stone or gravel is laid on it. After this, you can begin laying stones and planting plants.

How to correct the shortcomings of a small plot (up to 6 acres)?

* * *
As you can see, any, even the smallest, area can be arranged in such a way that staying at the dacha will be pleasant. We wish you the same. Finally, watch a video on how to decorate a small area.

Roses for a small garden (2, 4, 6 acres)

Watch a lot of videos about what and how to grow on six acres

Have you become the owner of a desired plot of 6 acres for establishing a vegetable garden, planting garden shrubs and trees and building a country house, but you don’t know how to plan it correctly? Then we are in a hurry to help you!
How many square meters are there in 6 acres? This is a small piece of land measuring 20x30 or 15x40 meters (600 m2), and I want to place so many things there. Planning a plot of 6 acres is not an easy task, and therefore requires careful preparation.

First you need to decide what you want to see on your site. After all, we are all different, and our needs are also different. Some people want to build a comfortable residential building for relaxation in their free time from work, and simply sow the remaining territory with lawn grass, arrange a recreation area, a bathhouse, and a barbecue; others give preference to various plantings and cultivation of organic vegetables and fruits; for others, both the first and the second are important.

Let's start planning

For clarity, it is better to draw a plan diagram on a scale, where, according to current standards, we will locate all the necessary buildings and plan the various zones. You can make the drawing yourself on a scale of 1:500 (1 cm - 5 m).

When filling out the documents, you obviously received a land deed, which indicates the dimensions of your plot. Transfer the dimensions onto a piece of paper. Next, determine the size of the desired house, bathhouse, barn - everything that you would like to have in the future on the site.

This you need to know:

According to SNiP 2.07.01-89*"Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements", as well as SNiP 2.01.02-85"Fire safety standards":

It is forbidden to locate a residential building or other buildings closer than 5 m from the red line of the street (unless otherwise provided by the detailed planning plan for the territory);
- the distance from the house to the boundaries of neighboring plots must be at least 3 meters;
- distances from outbuildings to the boundaries of neighboring plots - at least a meter;
- the distance from the windows of the house to outbuildings (barn, bathhouse, garage) located on the neighboring site must be at least 6 m;
- the distance from outbuildings housing poultry and livestock to the windows of a residential building is at least 15 meters;
- distances between residential buildings depending on the degree of fire resistance - from 6 to 15 meters.

If the width of your plot, subject to all standards, allows you to move the house in one direction or another, then to save usable space it is better to do this. By retreating the required 3 m from the neighboring plot and observing the fire gap, you will leave a free area between the house and the fence of the neighboring plot on the other side for the construction of various areas, lawns, gardens or vegetable gardens.

You should also pay attention to the orientation of the site to the cardinal points.

Residential premises must be continuously insulated for at least 2-2.5 hours a day:
- living room in a one-room apartment (house);
- at least one living room in a 2- and 3-room apartment (house);
- two living rooms in a house with more than 3 rooms.

Based on this norm, it is better to locate the kitchen, bathroom, wardrobe, and pantry on the north, north-west and north-east sides.

And, of course, an important point in the location of the house is the view from the windows. Determine the most interesting viewpoints, and when designing a house, take them into account when determining the location of window openings, terraces and verandas.

Territory zoning

Correctly positioning a house on a plot of 6 acres is half the battle. It is necessary to consider the location of associated outbuildings and various areas (garden, vegetable garden, recreation area, barbecue, etc.).

◻ When arranging a garden plot of 6 acres, you should not place garage or carport in the depths of the site, since the passage to them will take up a significant part of the usable area of ​​the territory.

The garden should not shade the vegetable garden, so as not to interfere with the normal growth of plants, which means that it cannot be located in the southern part of the site. For the same reason, the garden should not be planted in the shadow of a house or other buildings. The recreation area may not be located in the most illuminated place, since relaxing on a hot sunny day is pleasant in a shaded area.

Setting up a barbecue or fire pit, take an interest in the prevailing wind direction in your region, and locate this area on the windward side, so the smoke from the fire will not spread throughout the entire area.

If the area has a significant slope, then melt and rainwater will accumulate in the lowest place; this is the worst place to plant a vegetable garden. But you can plan a plot of 6 acres in the form of terraces and additionally provide a drainage system.

Each terrace will become an independent zone, and they can be combined with a system of paths and steps. Terraces can be strengthened with retaining walls made of rubble, monolithic concrete or concrete blocks.

When starting landscape design of a plot of 6 acres, you should know a few simple rules.

1) The entire small area is visible, and the clear boundaries defined by the fence make the area tight. To soften the contours of the fence, decorate it with vegetation (vines, flowers), or make a mesh fence so that the eye is directed beyond the territory.

2) If this is not acceptable to you, then paint the blank fence in neutral shades or combine it from different materials to avoid monotony. Visually this will expand the space.

3) To prevent the entire area from being visible at once, install several pergolas entwined with vines. Thus, the gaze, lingering on an oncoming object, will move more slowly across the rest of the territory.

4) Avoid row plantings. It is better to distribute garden trees throughout the territory.

5) A free area, sown with lawn and framed with ornamental plants, will also expand the space. This zone can occupy a small area near the house and be a viewing point of the site, or be located in the central part of the garden.

6) Clear, regular lines of paths for a small area are not desirable; it is better to make paths in the form of curved and smooth lines, forcing the eye to slowly follow an arched path.

7) By the way, instead of regular planting, arrange the beds in the form of a circle, semicircle or any free shape.

This is not only unusual and beautiful, but also practical, especially in a small area. Such plantings of parsley, dill, carrots and other vegetables will look like a flower bed.

8) When planning zones on your site, determine priorities. It is impossible to arrange a large number of zones in a small area without creating crowding. If a residential building occupies a significant part of the site, then the remaining territory should be harmoniously combined with it.

The general plan diagram shows the layout of the site with a house and a two-car garage.

In the far right corner there is a bathhouse and a recreation area with a pond and a gazebo. Below the recreation area is framed by a small round-shaped vegetable garden, which does not disturb the overall composition. We are also planning to plant decorative flowering trees here.

On the side of the main façade we are creating a front area with a flower garden and lawn where thujas are supposed to be planted. In the upper left part of the site is a place for planting fruit trees. On the back side of the house there is a paved area where you can take out garden furniture and an umbrella in the warm season.

In this diagram we see an area stretched upward. There is a house in the left foreground. In front of the house is an open area with a lawn and decorative landscaping (shrubs, trees, flowers).

A winding path is decorated with pergolas and leads us through a mini-garden to outbuildings and a vegetable garden. On the left behind the house you can plant raspberries, blackberries, and between the fence and the garden - shrubs (currants, gooseberries, etc.).

Design of a 6-acre summer cottage with your own hands

The size of six acres is a compact plot that will be clearly visible from all sides. Therefore, you need to make each zone aesthetically attractive and functional. This is especially important for beds, because often plantings can spoil the overall picture with their disproportionate plantings.

So, in order for your dacha or house to be functional, you must provide the following important areas on it:
● parking or garage;
● bathhouse;
● sheds, toilets and other household buildings;
● relaxation area and barbecue;
● children's playground;
● garden and vegetable garden;
● flower beds or other “highlights” of the site.

1. Parking or garage
This place is very important, because most people come to their dacha using a car. It is advisable to make a little more space for the car, because guests will most likely come to you. Therefore, the site must have two parking spaces.

As for the garage, of course, its presence is important, because then the car will be safe from theft and from negative weather conditions. But if there is no space for a garage or there is no extra money for construction, then you can make a canopy. You can arrange it with your own hands; all you need is a metal frame and polycarbonate. One part of the canopy can be attached to the wall of the house.

Advice! You should not build a canopy in the middle of the yard, then the entire landscape will be blocked by the parking lot, this is non-functional. It is best to park on the side of the house.

2. Bath
If you are not a fan of steaming, then you will not need a bathhouse, and this place can be used, for example, for a garage. But for most people, the bathhouse is one of their most favorite places. You should not place the bathhouse in the southern part of the site, since you need to make beds for the vegetable garden there, and it should not cast a shadow on your plantings, otherwise you will not get a harvest and beautiful flower beds. Consider the location of the sun on the site.

Important point! Make wiring very carefully in all commercial buildings, including bathhouses. These places are very fire hazardous. Therefore, it is better to entrust all wiring on the site to a professional.

3. Sheds, toilets, other household buildings
They can be placed next to the bathhouse. That is, in a place where they will not cast a shadow on the beds, outbuildings can also serve as a fence for the site. But be sure to keep in mind that the toilet should be as far as possible from the house, from neighbors, from the recreation area and playground. If possible, it can be arranged behind a bathhouse or shed. Then it will not spoil the appearance. If you rarely visit your dacha, you can use dry closets. They take up minimal space, do not spoil the landscape, and do not carry unpleasant odors.

Sheds are best placed in the form of a small room where garden supplies will be stored. There is no need to install a large outbuilding, where a large number of unnecessary things are most often stored. You don’t need much space for gardening tools, a couple of buckets, a hose and a lawn mower.

4. Relaxation area and barbecue
It is best to place them so that flower beds, a pond or an alpine slide are visible. Also, the barbecue and gazebo should be located longer from the neighbors so that no one interferes with each other. Yes, and the smoke from the fire, which will go to the neighbors’ property, can cause a conflict. Take into account the features of your neighbors’ buildings, and then plan the improvement of your summer cottage.

If there is a swimming pool in your recreation area, then do not plant trees nearby, as they will constantly cause debris on the water in the form of pollen and leaves. Also, your beach should be located on the sunny side. By the way, a place next to the beds is suitable. Then the water from the pool can be used for irrigation.

5. Children's playground

If you have small children, then you must constantly supervise them. This means that their recreation area needs to be located where you can see them, and children’s loud games will not greatly disturb you while relaxing with your family. Do not locate the playground next to a large pool so that you cannot see and control the children's activities. Because it is dangerous, and children can accidentally throw sand or toys into the water.

6. Garden

What's a summer house without garden beds? After all, your own vegetables and fruits are healthy and environmentally friendly. For a good harvest, the beds need to be located on the south or southeast side. The garden should not cast a shadow on the vegetable garden. It is very functional to use columnar varieties of fruit trees in a small area. They give a good harvest, but do not take up much space and do not shade the area.

The gardening area does not necessarily have clear boundaries. If you plan to grow a large fruit garden on your plot, then trees and bushes can be grown at all convenient ends of the plot, this will give it romance and charm. Beds with berries and vegetables can be placed close to the recreation area, so you and your guests can enjoy the fresh fruits of the garden right where you are relaxing.

Also, when arranging beds, you need to take into account the presence of groundwater and lowlands. If there is water in this place in the spring, then it is better not to plant anything here.

The beds can be made vertical to save space.

And so that the garden is not like everyone else’s and does not spoil the landscape, it can be made from wooden boards, pallets, if you have extra money for stone. Lots of ideas. The design of a summer cottage with your own hands can be made from any available materials: plastic bottles, bricks, slate, old tires, etc.

Advice! Since a plot of six acres is not large, the geometric shapes of the beds in the form of rectangles, squares and any straight lines will emphasize the small area. It is best to choose oval, round and soft lines. This applies to beds, paths, and flower beds.

7. Flower beds or other “highlights” of the site

The design of a summer cottage without these landscape solutions simply cannot be complete. After all, flowers in a flowerbed are a joy for the eyes. Therefore, it is best to do them where they can be clearly seen. Especially when receiving guests or relaxing in the gazebo. If there is little space left, you can always use vertical gardening.

You can also put a high rock garden in the center of the site. It will not take up much space in width, but will create a unique look. Among the plants for a rock garden, various creeping herbs, thyme, sedum, saxifrage, young, and crocuses are perfect.

Another common solution in recent years has been ponds. They can be made from improvised materials or bought ready-made containers. And remember about right angles that should be avoided. And also don’t forget about garden lighting, where beautiful solar-powered lanterns can help.

Photos from the article will help you arrange your summer cottage plot with your own hands. You can use their ideas while planning.

Alpine slide in a garden measuring 6 acres

Scheme of an alpine slide.

The most popular, conservative and at the same time attractive option to decorate a 6-acre dacha in a landscape style is to create an alpine slide. It does not require any expensive or rare materials, as well as special skills in implementing the plan. The main materials for a rock garden are stones. They can be of completely different sizes and shapes, they can be laid in different ways.

But there are several features to consider. Begin laying stones from bottom to top, from large to small. At the top of this rock there should be a large cone-shaped stone that can depict a real mountain peak. It is necessary to take into account that subsequently some vegetation will be planted on the hill. Therefore, it is necessary to pour some sand and gravel between the stones.

Plants for an alpine hill must be chosen that are unpretentious and those that can grow even with insufficient watering. This is impossible because frequent watering can lead to erosion of the soil and crumbling of the slide. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to correctly position the plants in the rock garden. At the foot of the hill it is necessary to plant large, lush plants that can be watered as much as you like without fear of damaging the shape of the hill. Small and unpretentious plants are placed closer to the top of the hill. Water the rock garden from top to bottom.

As for choosing a place to build a slide to decorate the dacha, no special events are required here. After all, this structure is not massive enough to somehow damage the soil surface. The exception is too mobile soil, which is subject to a variety of chemical and geological processes occurring in the bowels of the earth.

In such cases, you will need to build a small sand and gravel cushion under the hill. To do this, first a certain amount of sand is compacted onto the area allocated for the hill, then crushed stone or gravel is laid on it. After this, you can begin laying stones and planting plants.

How to correct the shortcomings of a small plot (up to 6 acres)?

* * *
As you can see, any, even the smallest, area can be arranged in such a way that staying at the dacha will be pleasant. We wish you the same. Finally, watch a video on how to decorate a small area.

Roses for a small garden (2, 4, 6 acres)

Watch a lot of videos about what and how to grow on six acres

In most cases, for owners of small plots, garden design comes down to determining where to put the greenhouse and deciding what vegetables to plant in the beds.

But now more and more people have begun to use their dachas as a place for outdoor recreation, so landscape design has become in demand even in Russia.

Features of designing small areas

Proper planning allows you to turn a small piece of land into a cozy corner where every detail pleases the eye. At the right approach The miniature nature of the dacha becomes its advantage. Easy to maintain in a very small area perfect order, because the owner knows each plant practically “by sight”.

The main difficulty in planning is to link the owner’s desires with the size of the territory. Designers advise not to break away from reality.

You shouldn’t draw up a three-page plan, writing down everything you would like to have at your dacha. In such cases, the site is cluttered with buildings, even very necessary ones, such as a bathhouse, garage or cellar. Once ambition is matched to opportunity, design becomes simple and enjoyable.

Landscape designers disagree on what is and is not possible on a small plot of land. Some recommend abandoning regular planning and making a garden in natural style. Others are categorically against winding paths. In fact, the design of a small area can be anything. The main thing is to know when to stop.

The basic principle of arranging small gardens is that less is more. Buildings should be few in number and proportional to the area of ​​the site. Plantings should not consist of large trees that take up a lot of space and shade other plants.

The second principle of creating beauty is high-quality planning. If a large area can be left unfinished, a small dacha deserves to put every centimeter of it in order.

Six acres leave no room for extravagance. To avoid the appearance of useless areas, the site is divided into zones, allocating separate places for a vegetable garden, a lawn for relaxation, a lawn, a flower garden, and a pond. Several zones, well defined and isolated, create the illusion of a spacious garden that has everything you need.

Vertical gardening is a must. In any place you can place containers on elevated surfaces, hang flowerpots and pots, and allow plants to climb up railings and arches. Vertical gardening makes the site multifaceted and visually increases its area.

Zoning and design

Below, the design of the garden and vegetable garden on 6 acres is shown in the photo. Examples of the design of each zone will help you choose an option to your taste.


The closest attention should be paid to the design of the entrance. The entrance is the “face” of the site; it should be well-groomed and memorable.

Beautiful flowering plants, standing like a wall on both sides of the gate, make a lasting impression. This entrance resembles a path leading to a fairy tale.

Red, yellow and pink, lined with white and large-flowered gypsophila underneath - very romantic. Delicate lilac islands of lavender greet those entering with a refreshing aroma.

A girl's grapes are spread over the arch above the gate. An indispensable condition is not to create a tunnel from it, since all the plants that form the entrance are extremely light-loving and cannot tolerate shading.

Decorative foliage plants can look no less impressive than bright roses. A vertical wall of ivy, running from the very threshold, immediately attracts attention with lush, juicy greenery without a single gap.

Looking at this riot of leaves, the guest immediately understands that he has entered the real kingdom of Flora. To the left of the entrance, juniper and juniper fascinate with all shades of green and gray. Bushes sunny flowers They dilute the greenery - without them the landscape would be monotonous.


The garden is the place where they reign fruit trees. Sometimes it is adjoined by a berry garden of raspberry, currant, and gooseberry bushes.

In a small area, it is better to divide the garden from trees into dwarf rootstocks. Miniature apple trees bear fruit well and look charming. They will not clutter up the area.

To make the garden more luxuriant, trees are planted in groups, leaving between them passages paved with tiles or covered with turf. In the latter case, the paths will have to be trimmed regularly.

Important. In cold regions, the garden is laid out on the south side of the plot, closer to the house. This allows trees to better cope with winter cold. Vegetables and strawberries are given a place away from the house - on the western and eastern sides. The house itself is being built as close as possible to the northern border of the site. This arrangement allows all plants to receive enough light and heat.

In a small garden there is a place under the crown standard tree wisely use to create beautiful landscape composition from shade-tolerant plants. In the photo these are ferns, and. The gray gravel backing highlights the bluish color found in all three plants, which usually goes unnoticed.

Combining beds with flower beds

On a small plot, even a vegetable garden must be decorative and delight the owner’s eye. An elegant, bright garden bed can be created from vegetables alone, for example, by planting multi-colored lettuce in rows.

The unusually shaped beds with a wide variety of edible plants look beautiful. always appropriate among vegetables. They not only bloom beautifully, but also repel pests and cleanse the soil of infections.

If the task is to combine flowers and vegetables in one bed, you will have to work hard - first with your head, and then with your hands. Vegetable plants do not like shading, so not any flowers are suitable for the garden bed, but only those that will not block the sun. Besides, mixed plantings need more meticulous care. They are more difficult to weed and fertilize, and the plants have to be watered more.

But the result can be stunningly spectacular, as in the photo below. A small vegetable garden near the house combined several types of vegetables, decorative foliage, decorative flowering plants and medicinal herbs.

Rest zone

They usually place adjustable furniture (sun loungers, chairs, table), a kebab or barbecue, and sometimes a canopy. The main thing is that the gatherings take place with their backs to the prevailing winds. In a small area, it will not be possible to protect yourself from drafts and prying eyes with the help of a blank wall. On help will come pergola - a wooden lattice covered with plants.


It makes sense to combine utility rooms on a plot of 6 acres into a block consisting of a tool shed, summer shower and toilet. Collected under common roof the premises will be occupied less space than those scattered around the site.

Modern ones will help you make your utility block beautiful and original. Construction Materials and of course, ornamental plants. In the photo, a utility block with a corner-shaped toilet and shower is located in the far part of the site, where it will not disturb anyone.

The simplest building made from inexpensive building materials is transformed if you place a well-chosen composition of decorative deciduous and coniferous plants, and camouflage the walls with fast-growing vines.

A plot of 6-4 acres can be charming if used in its design interesting ideas landscape design. Even very small space there is an opportunity to organize a vegetable garden, plant a garden and create a recreational area, and then the dacha will become a favorite vacation spot.

Six hundred parts is standard size land plots. In Soviet times, most of the working population of the USSR were endowed with them. For this reason, it is the most common size of the land area of ​​a garden or vegetable garden.

If a few years ago no one was interested in design on 6 acres and the land was used for economic needs, today the priorities land owners have changed.

Modern trends provide the opportunity to turn even a small area into a place for comfortable rest and pastime, while the garden fades into the background. But with proper planning and design, you can ideally combine both a place for and a relaxation area.

We divide the site into functional zones

The improvement of a summer cottage can be divided into several stages, the first of which is zoning. The optimal location of the zones can ensure a good harvest and comfortable rest.

Regardless of the area of ​​the plot, it is necessary to clearly determine where the area for recreation, garden, vegetable garden, amenities and residential area will be located. It is recommended to draw plan and try to identify all objects in as much detail as possible.

There can be many zones, but three main ones should be highlighted:

  • Home zone. The central place of any site is the territory where the house is located. The location of other zones depends on this. On 6 acres, the residential area in most cases includes a garage and an area for household needs. They are located in close proximity to the house or adjacent to a residential building.

  • Ogorodnaya And garden area. Most people who like to grow vegetables on their plot have their own priorities and favorite plant varieties. Based on this, it is possible to plan the location of beds and fruit trees in a small area. At the same time, experienced gardeners take into account that some crops cannot be planted next to each other. Experts recommend dividing the garden and fence zone into several small areas for berries, vegetables, fruit trees and shrubs.

Trees and berry bushes can also be placed in a recreation area, where they will protect from scorching rays and please the eye.

  • Rest zone. It should be located away from the road where cars pass, in the depths of the site and not visible to strangers. It is possible to attach a recreation area to the house.

You can also consider the presence of other zones: for playground, For flower garden and or . It depends on the priorities and interests of the owners of six hundred square meters.

When zoning, it is necessary to distinguish zones of sun and shade, since some plant species are quite thermophilic and require a lot of light, while others prefer to grow in the shade.

Rules for creating landscape design on 6 acres

Once the zones have been finalized, a plan has been created on paper, and decision taken, what exactly does a person want to see on six acres: beds, flower beds or trees, it is necessary to start installing amenities and think about the location of the paths. At the same time, do not forget about the material from which the country paths will be made.

Features of landscape design on 6 acres

Smart design can transform a small area into a spectacular and functional area. When carrying out work, it is necessary to take into account some aspects:

  • a fence made of wooden boards or stone will make the area visually smaller, so it is advisable to create hedge with your own hands;
  • After identifying the dominant zones, you can think about the location additional elements, if space allows: well or. They can become the center of attention and the highlight of the site;
  • modern designers they recommend creating a small clearing in the center of the territory, which will visually enlarge the area and give it originality;
  • It is better to place fruit trees around the perimeter, rather than in one place - this will help save valuable space and create a three-dimensional effect;
  • Don’t forget about the beautiful front gardens and flower beds. Even a small flower garden can transform a site;
  • No need parking for personal vehicles, place them in the depths of the garden, since it will be impossible to use the area through which a car will regularly pass;
  • if the house has not yet been built, then it is recommended to determine its future location so that the building does not cast a shadow on the site;
  • in low areas where rainwater accumulates, you can create water. It could be small pond with thoughtful design, the role of which they perfectly cope with various flowers, plants and animal figurines sold in shopping centers especially for dachas.
  • for construction summer kitchen , arrangement or barbecue, personal observations of wind direction must be taken into account. In some places on the site, gusts are especially sensitive, while in others they are not felt, since the air flow is hampered by buildings and structures located on your own or a neighbor’s site;
  • the southern part of the dacha plot is best used for garden beds;
  • a small or children’s play area looks harmonious in the center of the site;
  • The flower beds near the main entrance, along the paths and gazebos look organic.

Considering these simple rules, you can create a truly attractive, functional and original area.

  1. On 6 acres, regular and straight lines emphasize a small area, so it’s worth paying attention rounded shapes and all kinds bends. This rule applies to almost all elements; even zoning is recommended to be done with ovals rather than rectangles or squares.
  2. The idea of ​​creating blind fences should be abandoned. If you can't grow it yourself hedge, then you can use an ordinary chain-link mesh and plant your favorite climbing plants at the base.
  3. Do not clutter the space with an abundance of flowers. Only a specialist will be able to combine a large number of colors in a small area.
  4. Modern specialized stores offer a wide range of items and products for decoration land plot : figurines of animals, birds or fairy-tale creatures, artificial stones, fountains and much more. These elements can be placed on the site. They will emphasize individuality and add originality to the garden.
  5. Recommended to do large accents: a gazebo, alpine slide or other element that does not take up much space, but looks impressive and beautiful.
  6. Many land owners forget about very important detail- This lighting. Today in shopping centers you can buy a variety of flashlights that can be powered by solar energy, without electricity.

To create a truly beautiful and unique one with your own hands, without forgetting functionality, you can view photos finished works. After looking at the images, it is possible to finally decide what will be on the ground and what the six-acre dacha plot should ultimately be like.

Many people dream of spending their free time away from the bustle of the city in their own country house, around which there is a beautiful garden where you can relax both body and soul. Even if this garden is small, with an area of ​​6 acres. Despite the small area, such a site great prospects and opportunities.


If in years past many summer residents tried to plant the area garden plot all kinds of vegetables and fruits, then in our time the owners of small and neat gardens spend considerable effort in order to ennoble it and make it a unique place of relaxation and harmony.

The design of such a site must meet the requirements of beauty and practicality. The shape of your 6-acre plot is also considered an important factor.

It’s safe to say that a 6-acre garden today is more relevant not as an opportunity to grow healthy and tasty vegetables, but as a place for a cozy rest.

Of course, given the size of the plot, you will have to deny yourself a lot - it will be possible to build small house, even two-story. A separate guest house cannot fit into your cozy garden. To meet guests, it will be possible to allocate a room in the main building.

If you decide to definitely build a bathhouse on the site with your own hands, place it next to a veranda or gazebo to save space. You can try to place a place for a car on your site.

A thrifty housewife even small area will find a couple of square meters for a “vegetable garden.” After all, sometimes you need fresh herbs or cucumbers for the table. But a fence or fence in your garden can be made “alive” using the advice of experienced designers.

And, of course, don't forget about the rules fire safety. This is very important for small garden plots where the premises are located in a certain proximity to each other:

  • Residential premises must be located no closer than 3 meters from the border of neighbors and at least 5 meters from the street.
  • Any utility premises should also be located a meter from the garden border.

The design of your garden can be arranged with your own hands, and the result can be a wonderful relaxation area where you can not only relax in comfort, but also spend quality time.


When starting to plan the arrangement of your summer cottage, you need to take into account all the nuances; for this, it’s a good idea to first depict your future dacha project on paper, which will allow you to avoid surprises and mistakes, as well as calculate your budget.

Your project may consist of the following items:

  • plan of the entire site;
  • site zones;
  • garden design;
  • breakdown of electrical networks;
  • watering and drainage.

At the very beginning, when planning your entire home, you will have to take into account the landscape horizon around the future home, that is, the lowlands or, conversely, the hills of the site. Next, you will need to choose the most suitable place for the foundation of the house, and also figure out the location of outbuildings, verandas or terraces.

The shape of your 6-acre plot is also considered an important factor. Most often, it is rectangular and square, however, given small size area, it can also be L-shaped. Therefore, the location of a small pool or alpine slide will have to be moved to the far corner of your garden. And it’s not scary if they are located next to garden beds, the main thing is that everything is calculated and thought out.


Properly dividing your garden plot into certain zones is a guarantee that in the future you will be able to quite comfortably enjoy well-groomed garden beds, beautiful flower beds, and a small and cozy bathhouse.

If you got a plot without buildings, then you can plan everything “from scratch”, and not deal with transfers and rebuilding on it.

Think about what exactly you need to have on hand suburban area how many people plan to live with you, how often will friends or relatives visit you. Many owners try to place all the delights on their 6 acres country life, including a swimming pool, smokehouse, bathhouse, guest house, paths and alleys.

However, everything together will look too cumbersome in a small area, so let’s focus on the most basic:

  • Residential building. The house itself is one-story or two-story, with an attic, a terrace, and always a room for guests.
  • Car parking – it can be located closer to the exit.
  • The bathhouse may not be very large, but be sure to attach a gazebo to it - it will also be useful for relaxation not only after the steam room.

  • Toilet area – not all houses have a bathroom, therefore, if necessary, a toilet can be built separately. Such a structure does not take up much space, there should be no problems with it.
  • Relaxation area – you can put a barbecue and a table there. Nowadays, a grill with a roof, metal or brick, is very popular. This model fits perfectly into any garden design.

The main thing is not to place it in the very hot sun.

  • A playground for children - for this you can allocate several square meters, cover them with ecological sand, install swings or slides, and sometimes an inflatable pool. A mandatory requirement is that such a playground must be visible from the window of the house, then your children can always be supervised.
  • A small plot can also be designated as a vegetable garden for zealous owners. Beds planted with strawberries or cucumbers will delight you in the summer.

  • An alpine slide or a dug pool - with skillful zoning, even in a small area you can find a place for such decoration dacha zone. The natural heights of your garden are ideal for alpine slides.

No matter how you “zone” your site, remember the designers’ advice: you do not need to place the house in the center of the site; in this case, all other zones will hardly “fit” into your project.


Many owners of small plots believe that a blank fence separating the boundaries own plot from neighbors, creates a dull mood.

Therefore, the choice of a “hedge” instead of a classic fence is increasingly becoming popular in our time. Decorative shrubs and coniferous trees will create indescribable comfort around the perimeter of your site. Popular in this case is western thuja, whose height reaches 150 cm, or a Christmas tree that can grow up to 3 meters.

If you want even higher, then choose evergreen tree– Canadian hemlock, it is very unpretentious and reaches a height of more than 3 meters.

To more clearly separate the boundaries, you can stretch a chain-link behind the coniferous fence, and in some cases, plant legumes or grapes along it - both useful and beautiful.

A living fence will visually increase the space of your 6-acre plot, and tips from experienced designers will help maintain the illusion of space:

  • When planting green spaces, avoid strict geometric lines. Let the paths be winding, the flower beds round.
  • A jungle in your small area will be superfluous - there is no need to plant trees without thoughtful options. Shrubs can become intertwined, and instead of a well-kept garden, you end up with an impassable thicket.
  • Use arched structures, which will twine around liana-like plants.
  • Consider the lighting of the garden - in the evening, decorative lighting that provides diffused light will look good.

How to plant correctly?

Proper planting of plants is an important fact. Each flower or tree reacts differently to the sun's rays, many of them survive only under the sun. Therefore, it is important to be realistic about the humidity and sun exposure in your area.

Any garden will benefit from a variety of small flower beds or flower arrangements - both annuals and perennials.

For example, if you only go to the dacha on weekends, you need plants that do not require special care, such as marigolds. They can become a bright spot in your flower gallery and can easily survive a week without watering. But if you are a fan of roses, then you will have to visit the garden plot much more often, since roses are capricious creatures.

Coniferous trees also require proper seating:

  • They love spruces dark places, so they need to be planted where the sun's rays do not fall directly, from the north side.
  • Pines are more unpretentious and can be planted wherever you decide when designing your garden.
  • In order to still protect coniferous beauties from the bright sun, if we are talking about the southern regions, then protect them on the south side with linden or birch. The foliage of these trees will become a kind of shield for conifers.

Fruit trees Do not plant too close to each other on the site. In this case, they will not bear fruit. Experienced summer residents advise planting trees of the same type nearby: pears with pears, plums with plums, and so on. True, it will look rather sad, and therefore many trees are “combined” with each other, for example, an apple tree can be planted with a pear and a quince, but with an apricot it is better for it to be at a certain distance.

If your site is on a slope or hill, plant trees across the hills. The distance between trees is 5-6 meters.

Choosing plants

We plant heat-loving plants, for example, grapes, only on the south side of the garden plot. You can also plant spices there that will add zest to your garden. Sun rays Raspberry bushes are also useful.

In the corners of your garden plot you can plant shade-tolerant plants. Neat flower beds of asters, petunias, and tricolor violets will look colorful. Less often, owners plant Siberian iris, lily of the valley or astilbe, although they are also worthy of the attention of summer residents.

Cloves, calendula and many bulbous perennials decorate sunny sides garden They can be planted in front of the house and behind the playground. Daffodils, tulips, peonies, delphiniums will greet you with bright buds from early spring to hot summer.

A flower garden in the form of a flowering carpet will look great in your garden - you can sow the lawns with simple wildflowers.

Consider daisies, cornflowers or poppies as options.

Planting flowers along neat garden paths or next to the veranda with your own hands will take a lot of time and will reward you with an idyllic picture: daisies, salvias or other low-growing annual plants will delight both hosts and guests.

Bright hydrangea inflorescences in a round flowerbed can be located both in the center of the site and not far from the recreation area.

Multi-colored lupins will create the effect of a blooming rainbow.

Relevant in summer cottages and ornamental shrubs, which grow for a long time and do not clutter up the space at all. For example, spring-flowering spirea, which will delight the eye from the beginning of May until the hottest summer. Spiraea grows well and is a decoration for any border.

Mock orange or garden jasmine captivates, first of all, with its aroma. He loves the light fertile soil and cannot tolerate stagnant water.

As for the arches, which can become a “feature” of your site, use clematis or maidenhair grapes for them, however, climbing roses will look most impressive.


The individual and unique design of your site will be original decor– from an alpine slide to thoughtful lighting. For example, if you are an amateur English style, That mandatory element There should be wooden benches on your site, maybe even handmade ones.
