Is it possible to enlarge the toilet at the expense of the kitchen? Expanding the kitchen at the expense of the living room

Recently, it has become an increasingly popular solution to expand the kitchen at the expense of the living room area, however, such work should be trusted only to highly qualified specialists, such as private master in Moscow. The whole point is that in the overwhelming majority apartment buildings, both panel and brick ones have a very big drawback, namely the small kitchen area. This is especially typical for houses built in Soviet times, although not all new buildings have solved this problem properly. True, options for solving it still exist. And as practice shows, enlarging the kitchen at the expense of the living room is a great opportunity to expand the kitchen. Which, in turn, has already been properly appreciated by many owners of apartments in apartment buildings.

The most important thing before do redevelopment, turn to the documentary side of the issue, since all work must be coordinated and not contradict regulations. The current legislation establishes certain procedures on the basis of which work on the redevelopment and expansion of apartments should be carried out.

Kitchen floor area in sq. m.

Price for redevelopment and redecorating in rub.

Price for redevelopment and euro renovation in rubles.

From 35,000 rub.

From 70,000 rub.

The fact is that SNiPs and SanPiNs do not contain data regarding prohibitions/permissions for moving kitchens above living rooms, all this is regulated by clause 22 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2006 No. 47: “it is not allowed to place restrooms, bathrooms (showers) and kitchens above the rooms.” The fact is that, if you act according to the law, enlarging the kitchen at the expense of the living room is possible only if a number of conditions are met. First of all, it should be taken into account that if the kitchen is gasified, then increase its area by apartment building It’s unlikely to work out, because, one way or another, we’ll get into the territory of the living room.

Coordination of an increase in a gasified kitchen with part of the living room area is not possible on any floor, due to the fact that it is not allowed to place living quarters either above or below the living quarters. The fact is that when the apartment is on the ground floor, the kitchen crawls under the living room of the neighboring apartment from above, on top floor it exceeds the boundaries below. If the apartment is located on the middle floors, then both may well happen. The maximum that can be done in this situation is to dismantle part of the wall connecting the kitchen with the room and install it here sliding partitions. And thus carry out a small redevelopment of an apartment in an apartment building.

It’s a completely different matter if there is electric stove, here you can already invent various possibilities how to enlarge the kitchen at the expense of the living room. Of course, it is strictly prohibited to install kitchens above living quarters, however, there are exceptions that can be taken advantage of.

It is allowed to move the partition to the living room areas only if there is a non-residential premises (basement, shops, offices, etc.). True, such work can only be carried out if the partition between the kitchen and the room is not load-bearing. If, however, we have to deal with load-bearing wall, then enlarging the kitchen at the expense of the living room can only be done in the form of an opening in the load-bearing wall. It will not be possible to completely remove it, as this threatens to collapse the ceiling onto the floor. Among other things, you should think about the fact that the kitchen should have water supply and sewerage and their installation. Practice shows that this aspect is often forgotten and enlarging the kitchen at the expense of the living room becomes problematic. Often holding to new kitchen communications is associated with difficulties in the form of the latter crossing openings. And if the pipes are hot or cold water can be placed under the ceiling or in a screed, then with a gasket sewer pipes the situation is somewhat more complicated. There are rules for laying domestic sewerage, which state that when laying it, a slope of 0.02-0.03 is made. Thus, for every meter of pipeline length it must be raised by 20-30 mm in height.

How to start increasing the kitchen area.

Also, before starting work on enlarging the kitchen at the expense of the living room, you should think about the redevelopment project and technical report, and obtaining them from the relevant authorities. If you don’t do this, you face a fine and going through all the same authorities. According to the rules, before starting work on redevelopment and enlarging the kitchen at the expense of the living room, you must have a permit for redevelopment in your hands.

It is strictly forbidden to demolish the partition that separates the kitchen from the living room if there is a gas equipment: stove, boiler, geyser etc. Although sometimes this is still done to arrange the so-called. kitchen-living room, which is a gross violation, due to the fact that there will be living spaces above and below the kitchen-living room, and this is unacceptable, since it is risky for the neighbors. Of course, all work to enlarge the kitchen at the expense of the living room should be entrusted only to a professional, such as a private master in Moscow. You can be sure that the work of expanding the kitchen at the expense of the living room will be carried out in the most top level. Years of experience, professional skills and use necessary tools allows everything to be done very efficiently and in a short time. Regarding the redevelopment of the apartment, it should be said that there are clearly established standards, according to which the minimum kitchen area is one-room apartment must be at least five square meters. meters. And for two-room apartment- no less than eight. Doors to a bathroom or bathroom should only open outward. Recently, apartment owners in old houses have been paying more and more attention to expanding the kitchen at the expense of the living room, due to the small area of ​​​​kitchens and the excellent opportunity to make it larger by attaching part of the room to it and thereby fulfilling the so-called. zoning of the premises.

It is necessary to make a reservation about how the kitchen can be moved into the room.

First of all, a non-residential space is created in the living room by creating partitions. Next, repairs are made, and the work is legalized through the receipt of a new BTI plan. After this, the kitchen will be moved to a new non-residential space. Such a move of the kitchen to a new location is not prohibited, but there are several disadvantages. In other words, the non-residential premises must be completed in kind, partitions must be erected, the first repairs must be completed, and only after its completion can the commission issue an acceptance certificate. Next, the second stage of repair can be performed. Of course, this is a lengthy procedure, and if you deal with these issues yourself it will take you a lot of time. Therefore, it will be better if you entrust a professional to a private master in Moscow.

To summarize, I would like to note that all redevelopment work must be coordinated with the relevant authorities and not contradict current legislation. Otherwise, if you remodel yourself, you will be subject to penalties. In addition, all work should be trusted only to professionals.

The kitchen in the house is presented special requirements. This is not surprising, since this is where family members spend a significant part of their time. Therefore, the kitchen should be spacious and functional. But what to do if the dimensions of this room are limited by the standard layout? The answer is simple: expand it by combining the kitchen with the balcony. Let's consider all the nuances of this difficult matter.

Types of redevelopment

Expanding the kitchen due to the balcony can be done in 2 different ways:

  1. Without dismantling the wall. A simple method in which only the door, window and threshold are removed. The remaining ledge of the wall can be used as a tabletop or bar counter. In this case, permission from the relevant authorities is not required.
  2. Dismantling the wall. This difficult option redevelopment and it must first be legalized in the BTI. Difficulties may arise if the wall separating the balcony and the kitchen is load-bearing. It is easier to obtain all permits before dismantling than to pay fines after. And it is almost impossible to sell an apartment with unauthorized redevelopment.

Combining a balcony with a kitchen is a very good solution

Advantages and disadvantages of combining a balcony with a kitchen

By thoroughly thinking through the layout and impeccably implementing it, you can achieve a brilliant effect. Let's list its main advantages:

  • expanding the space makes the kitchen more functional: in addition to cooking, you can now create a relaxation area or dining room;
  • increase usable area in an apartment where you can put a washing machine or dishwasher, refrigerator and other household appliances, thereby relieving the small kitchen space;
  • If you connect the balcony and the kitchen, it becomes possible to create an unusual interior.

At the same time, such a project also has disadvantages:

  • the complex procedure for obtaining permission from the relevant authorities, as well as from the chief architect, requires a colossal investment of time and effort;
  • associated costs: in addition to directly destroying the wall, it will be necessary to glaze the balcony or loggia (if they are not already glazed) and insulate and cladding the walls, floor and ceiling; for everything you will need at least 150 thousand rubles;
  • elimination of the balcony, which will now, in fact, turn into part of the kitchen (this applies to small balconies).

Thus, the advantages prevail over the disadvantages. This means that such a redevelopment makes sense. This is especially true for small apartments.

IN small apartments combination can be a very convenient option

Load-bearing wall definition

The key issue in legitimizing redevelopment is determining whether the wall between the balcony and the kitchen is load-bearing? You can do this as follows.

Good to know!
We study the structural plan of the house. It will be provided to you by the Municipal Construction Department upon request. Information about the type of walls is also contained in the registration certificate for the apartment.

If it was not possible to obtain a plan, then you can determine which walls are load-bearing by their thickness (meaning a clean wall without cladding), according to which:

  • V panel house load-bearing walls are all those whose thickness exceeds 12-14 cm (and these are the majority); in the case of a value bordering on the norm, you must consult with the specialist to whom you are submitting the project for approval;
  • brick house: walls with a thickness of 3 or more bricks (38 cm) are considered load-bearing; usual partitions between rooms in such houses range from 12 to 18 cm, and denser ones between apartments - 25 cm;
  • monolithic houses usually have load-bearing walls with a thickness exceeding 20 cm; however, to be on the safe side, it is better to clarify this issue in the structural floor plan, since in such a house there are also quite thick partitions; and in a monolithic frame house there are no load-bearing walls at all.

When working with a load-bearing wall, you must follow the following safety rules:

  • You cannot leave the ceilings at the top without support, therefore, even with partial demolition of the wall, it is necessary to strengthen the opening with retaining metal structures, which can then be disguised with false beams;
  • If, nevertheless, a decision is made to demolish the entire load-bearing wall, then it is necessary to secure the structure as much as possible through columns and racks, the dimensions of which must be agreed upon with the engineers approving the redevelopment project.

First you need to destroy the wall between the kitchen and the balcony

Obtaining permission for redevelopment

In order to legitimize the expansion of the kitchen through a loggia or balcony with the demolition of a wall, it is necessary to carry out the following list of actions.

Ask to send an expert from the BTI who will make changes to the technical passport of the apartment. After payment for this service, a receipt is issued.

On the appointed day, receive it at the BTI new plan for an apartment.

Take the old and new plans to the housing commission, which makes a conclusion that the redevelopment is safe and that there are no bad consequences as a result.

Wait for the second visit of the expert, who, after the examination, must write a conclusion within 2 weeks. Payment for this service is directly proportional to the size of the premises being inspected.

Coordinate the redevelopment with a special department of the SES. To do this, you need to justify that you can efficiently and safely combine a balcony with a kitchen, using non-toxic and non-flammable materials. As an additional argument, present the conclusions of two previous examinations. The result of the visit to the SES should be a stamp of this organization on the plan.

Obtain an opinion from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Receive the following documents:

  • personal account (at the house management);
  • a certificate stating that the object that has undergone redevelopment is not an architectural monument;
  • permission to expand the kitchen from people registered in the apartment;
  • certificate of family composition.

Submit all collected documents to the court.

Get a conclusion and come back to the BTI with it. Get a new registration certificate for the apartment there. Take it to the registration chamber, receiving in return a certificate of ownership.

It is important to properly insulate the balcony

Reasons for refusal of permission for redevelopment

To obtain permission to connect the balcony with the kitchen, a lot of effort must be made. But they are not always successful. Let us analyze in what cases representatives of authorities may refuse to legalize redevelopment.

  • If the fire evacuation plan stipulates that a balcony or loggia is a place for sheltering people and subsequent evacuation of people in the event of a fire.
  • If the redevelopment leads to the destruction of the facade and, thereby, a violation of the integrity of the structure.
  • In the case of increasing the heating volume in the building due to the addition of a balcony, when the throughput of the heat pipes should increase, but there are no reserves for this.

Installation of double-glazed windows

A kitchen combined with a balcony requires glazing double-glazed window. This is done before demolishing the wall if the balcony is still not glazed. Pre-select the size and color of the frame, the number of sashes. Then install balcony frame, and the gaps are filled polyurethane foam. At the end they make slopes.

Dismantling wall fragments

To work you will need the following tools:

  • jackhammer;
  • pick;
  • perforator;
  • chisel;
  • steel wedges;
  • sledgehammer.

The layout involves demolishing the wall that separates the kitchen from the balcony according to the project, in this order.

  • Remove the door from its hinges.
  • Remove the window frame.
  • Mark a section of the wall for demolition, dividing it into squares.
  • Dismantle the wall by breaking it into fragments with a sledgehammer, cutting it, or chiseling it with a hammer drill.

Insulation of walls and ceilings

The walls and ceiling of the balcony need additional insulation, which is laid to protect against temperature fluctuations and natural phenomena. For this purpose in advance installed frame lay insulation (mineral wool board or extruded polystyrene foam), vapor barrier and waterproof film. All joints and gaps are treated with sealant and foam.

You can insulate the balcony with foil materials

Floor finishing

Even in the case of very high-quality insulation walls and ceiling, on former balcony it will still be colder than in the room, since it is undesirable to install radiators there. The way out of this situation is to install a warm infrared floor, which ensures air movement from bottom to top. Its simplified analogue would be an oil-fired electric radiator, which is periodically turned on for heating at the right time.

Wall covering

The layout of the kitchen, expanded to include a balcony, involves a variety of wall finishing options from plastic panels to drywall for subsequent wallpapering. The floor is usually covered with linoleum tiles or laminate.

Options for designing a kitchen after combining it with a balcony

A combined kitchen project with a balcony provides inexhaustible inspiration for the flight of design ideas. Even a small inconsistency can be used to advantage. So, from the window ledge you can make an original small table or a sofa on a raised podium made from a threshold. Zoning the expanded kitchen will visually expand it even more.

Most commonly used in in this case design techniques are:

  • photo wallpaper as a means for visual expansion walls, complete with which they will look good Appliances and furniture with a shiny or reflective surface;
  • for interior in classic style it is appropriate to use a soft corner, a la Provence successfully combines wicker furniture;
  • final accents can be placed using spotlights, which are evenly distributed across the ceiling.

When two rooms are combined, there are many interesting options design solutions

Thus, despite certain bureaucratic delays in obtaining permission for redevelopment, combining a kitchen with a balcony has many advantages. By following the instructions given, you can do it yourself.

Majority standard series panel and brick houses have one significant drawback - small area kitchens.

Today, one of the most common types of redevelopment is the expansion of the kitchen, increasing its area.

The owner has the following options:

  • Increasing the kitchen area at the expense of the living room
  • Enlarge the kitchen due to the corridor
  • Move the kitchen to the hallway area, thereby creating a kitchen - a niche with usually large area dining room, which is obtained from the living room located nearby
  • Expanding the kitchen by dismantling it ventilation ducts
  • Extending the kitchen by adding a balcony

First of all, let's look at the legislation:
In SNiPs and SanNPiNs, there is no information about prohibitions/permissions for moving the kitchen above living rooms; this is regulated by paragraph 22 of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2006 No. 47:
“Placement of a restroom, bathroom (shower) and kitchen above the rooms is not allowed.”

Option 1. The kitchen is gasified (the stove in the kitchen is gas)

A gasified kitchen will negate all the owner’s plans regarding the approval of redevelopment.

It is impossible to agree on the expansion of a gasified kitchen at the expense of a living room on any floor, this is due to the fact that the placement of gasified rooms “above” and “below” living rooms is prohibited. If the apartment is on the first floor, our kitchen “crawls” under the living room of the neighbors above, on the top floor it “crawls” onto it, and on the middle floors both happen.

Option 2. Kitchen - electrified (electric stove in the kitchen)

In this case, expanding the kitchen at the expense of the living room is also quite problematic. Now we have a new rule coming into force - placing kitchens above living rooms is prohibited, that is, if there is a residential apartment below, then it is impossible to expand the kitchen like that. (our kitchen will have its enlarged part “overhanging” the living room of the neighbors below)

But there is a nuance here:
Enlarging the kitchen by moving the partition to the living room area is possible in the case when the apartment is located on the ground floor, or higher, but below there should be a non-residential premises (shops, office, etc.). Again, all this “works” if the partition between the kitchen and the room is not load-bearing.

If the wall between the kitchen and the room is load-bearing :
then moving the partition to the living room area and thereby expanding kitchen area, are not feasible due to the fact that the wall is load-bearing. The maximum that can be done with the carrier wall panel- make an opening in it. It will not be possible to move or demolish the wall completely.

The owner must remember that in order to undergo the redevelopment procedure he will need development project documentation, which includes:

  • Redevelopment project and technical report. In some cases, only one redevelopment project is enough.
  • If the house has mixed floors, the development of a technical report from the State Unitary Enterprise Moszhilniiproekt will be required.

Our company has been developing redevelopment projects with their subsequent approval for several years now. Behind free consultation Contact us by phone, send questions by email or in the form "

During redevelopment, many different events are carried out, some of which are quite predictable. It's about about redevelopments in standard houses, especially at home panel And brick type. Standard projects have their own characteristics associated with the designs, materials used, and, accordingly, their own prohibitions.

But this does not in any way affect the “flight of thought” of ordinary people who want to bring their personal space to mind. After all, who wouldn't want to add a few extra meters to their small kitchen?

Actions taken to remodel the kitchen

There are a number of activities that we encounter in our practice all the time and not all of them can be approved.

You can enlarge the kitchen by adding areas of other rooms, for example, the area of ​​a corridor or hallway.

They often do this: they move the kitchen to the hallway area (if it is large). If there is a living room nearby, the result is a kitchen and a dining room, visually combined into one, but only then formally does this living room cease to be a living room. This method is called a device niche kitchens and very popular.

There are also options that cannot be formalized in any way on paper or agree upon after the fact. These are two very common options - dismantling ventilation ducts and enlarging the kitchen using connecting a balcony.

The first is prohibited due to the fact that any impact on ventilation affects the ventilation of the entire house and affects common property.

The connection of a balcony cannot be realized due to the fact that:

  1. Dismantling is prohibited window sill threshold (in some types panel houses- due to the fact that in them it acts as a supporting structure);
  2. Reconstructing a balcony without creating door block according to current standards not agrees.

We are interested in increasing the kitchen area at the expense of the living room. This is a common type of repair, despite legal restrictions.

Types of expanding the kitchen at the expense of the living room

If your apartment has a gas-fired kitchen, you will not be able to officially carry out the redevelopment, and even if you have already done it, you will not be able to approve it under any circumstances.

The fact is that enlarging the kitchen at the expense of the living room turns the living area into a gasified one. Placing gasified rooms (as well as wet areas, which is the kitchen) under or above the living quarters of neighbors is strictly PROHIBITED - in this way you create a potentially emergency situation.

When creating a connection between a gasified kitchen and a room, it is necessary to erect sliding partitions or doors with a TIGHT rebate to delimit the room.

For the reasons described, expanding an electrified kitchen into a living space is also impossible. The same prohibition applies here. When you extend your kitchen, you create a wet area above the living area below.

However, there is still one option in which you can enlarge the kitchen at the expense of the living room. To do this, your apartment must be located on the first floor of the building. In this case, non-residential basement premises will be located below you.

It is also possible that you live on the second floor, and the first floor is occupied by some organization, a store, that is, also non-residential premises. Then the repair will be agreed upon.

Note: all of the above cases are valid when working with NON-LOAD-LOADING partitions. If you have between the kitchen and the room bearing wall, it is within your ability to coordinate the creation of a doorway in. There is no other way to enlarge the kitchen at the expense of the living room.

You can always contact us for advice on redevelopment. Our highly qualified specialists will be happy to help you. You will find our company data in the section " Contacts».

It’s not difficult, because most of our apartments do not have sufficient area of ​​these premises.

Having set the goal of somehow expanding the bathroom in their apartment, owners often forget that housing legislation strictly outlines the boundaries within which functional changes in the configuration of the living space can be made.

Why expanding the bathroom at the expense of the kitchen is unacceptable

Let's consider the “classic” example of enlarging the bathroom at the expense of the kitchen, taking into account the absence of any additional conditions and factors. For example, the apartment is located on the 5th floor of a nine-story building panel house, and the neighbors below identical layout yours.

According to housing legislation, increasing the area of ​​a bathroom or toilet at the expense of a living room or kitchen is prohibited, since in fact thisredevelopment is an extension of the “wet zone” above the above-mentioned areas of the apartment below.

Clause 9.2 SP 54.133320 "Multi-apartment residential buildings" Updated version of SNiP 01/31/2003.
“It is not allowed to place a toilet and bath (or shower) directly above living rooms and kitchens. Placing a toilet and bath (or shower) above the kitchen is allowed in apartments located on two levels.

Exceptions in which expanding the bathroom onto the kitchen area is possible

Option 1 : The owner's apartment is located on the first floor of a residential building. In this case, there are no obstacles in approving the redevelopment project, since there cannot be any residential premises below, and even if there is a basement under this apartment, this will not affect the approval process in any way.

Option 2 : The floor below is completely occupied by non-residential premises. As a rule, this applies to apartments on the second floor, either when the first floor was originally non-residential, or when the apartment on the first floor was transferred to non-residential stock for its conversion into a store, boutique, point service etc.
In this case, it will be necessary, in addition to the set of documents submitted for consideration, to attach some document proving that the non-residential premises are located below. There is no clear regulation on the form. This could be a reference from management company that there is a non-residential premises under your apartment on the ground floor, a BTI certificate, photographs of the facade with a clear link between your apartment and the premises on the ground floor, etc.

Option 3 : Under the area of ​​the bathroom expansion due to the kitchen there is a non-residential area of ​​the apartment , for example, a dressing room, pantry or corridor.
This option is possible if the owner of the apartment below has completed ( and officially agreed! ) redevelopment in favor of increasing the area of ​​the above premises at the expense of the kitchen.
That is, in this case, we are not expanding to the kitchen area, but are expanding to the area of ​​another room which, before the redevelopment was approved, belonged to the kitchen of the neighbors below. In this case, the BTI documents of the neighbor below must be included in the set of submitted documents.

Option 4 : Second floor of a two-level apartment. In practice, such a case is extremely rare, however, it is also an exception in which the owner has the right to enlarge the bathroom at the expense of the kitchen, even if there is a living space under the bathroom, because it worsens living conditions only for myself.

Option 5 : If in the apartment on the floor below the bathroom has already been enlarged by part of the kitchen area. In practice, we have not encountered such a case, but theoretically it is possible. Here again, under your neighbor’s apartment below, there must be non-residential premises, otherwise he would not be able to approve this redevelopment. And then, within the same boundaries as your neighbor’s, you can expand the bathroom at the expense of the kitchen.

This option looks something like this. Suppose there is an apartment on the ground floor and on the first floor the owner can safely increase the bath or toilet at the expense of the kitchen. He did it and agreed. Then the owner can make exactly the same expansion on the second floor, and so on. Let us also note that if any of the owners, say, on the fourth floor does not want to do such a redevelopment, then on the fifth floor the owner will no longer be able to agree on this, despite the fact that this has already been agreed on on the first, second and third.

Mandatory requirements for enlarging the bathroom and toilet

Within the newly formed area of ​​the bathroom, toilet or combined bathroom, waterproofing work must be carried out and a report on the hidden work carried out must be drawn up.

This type of redevelopment requires the mandatory development of design documentation; in some cases, it may be necessary to develop a technical report on the current condition load-bearing structures, this usually applies residential buildings old buildings.

If the floors in a residential building are wooden or mixed, it is necessary to carry out additional calculations of the loads on the floors taking into account the new configuration of the apartment area. Installation of floors in a thick layer cement screed prohibited due to increased loads on the floor.

Features of expanding the bathroom into the living room

In some brick houses old building, standard layout apartment practically “provokes” the owner to increase the area of ​​the bathroom at the expense of the living room, as a result of which quite often there are cases of illegal redevelopment that cannot be agreed upon.

An example of illegal redevelopment of a bathroom with an extension into the living space:

