Infrared sauna: benefits and harms, features of use and recommendations. What is an infrared sauna - its benefits and harms The effect of an infrared sauna on the human body

The infrared sauna is one of the most affordable types of steam relaxation, which is why its popularity is growing. Today, anyone can install a small infrared cabin, even in their small apartment.

You can make a cabin with your own hands, or you can. But before taking infrared procedures, you need to analyze your own condition, since this type of relaxation can both bring great benefits to the body and cause irreparable harm. Against the backdrop of the fact that the infrared sauna is presented as effective remedy To lose weight, you should consider the situation as closely as possible.

Exposure to infrared radiation

To make it clear what we are talking about, a few words should be said about how infrared radiation acts on the human body. The cabin of an infrared sauna is somewhat different from the steam room in a simple Russian bathhouse or Finnish sauna. This room also contains a bench that can accommodate from one to several people, and the interior of the cabin is also made of wooden elements. This is where the similarities end.

Along the walls of the cabin there are infrared emitters that operate from electrical power. The IR cabin has nothing to do with water. A person simply sits on a bench and is exposed to radiation, and heavy sweating occurs. To enhance this, many take a towel with them; if you constantly wipe the sweat from the skin, the effect of radiation will increase.

Cleansing the body

Infrared radiation has a much stronger effect on the human body than a steam room in a bathhouse. IR waves do not heat the room like steam in a steam room; in this case, all the energy is concentrated on the human body. The waves effectively warm the body, starting from the soft tissues. Such heating increases the speed of cell movement, that is, it accelerates the metabolic process, thereby activating the potential of organs and systems. Vessels throughout the body dilate and blood circulation improves significantly.

An infrared sauna is especially effective on the body of a person who has just had a good workout in the gym. As a result of power load, lactic acid accumulates in a person’s muscles, which leads to unpleasant sensations and even pain. But if you visit the IR cabin after training, the lactic acid will come out along with sweat and the person will feel much lighter. This is confirmed by

Weight loss and metabolism

The metabolism in the body, that same metabolism, is significantly accelerated as a result of infrared procedures, which can lead to some weight loss. In addition, increased sweating leads to the removal of excess fluid from the body and skin. It is thanks to these facts that some can be achieved. But it is worth noting that if a person does not comply with the following measures, then his weight will return in a few hours:

  • monitor your diet
  • load the body with physical activity
  • drink enough liquid.

Therefore, procedures in an infrared cabin can only be a pleasant and effective addition to the overall set of weight loss measures, and not as a non-core component.

How to prepare for the procedure

Since a person can lose up to 120 kilocalories in 20-30 minutes in an infrared cabin, you should have a snack before visiting the cabin. The optimal time for a light snack would be approximately forty minutes before the procedure. This will maintain balance in the body and prevent blood sugar levels from plummeting. in addition, during the procedure the person, as already mentioned, sweats a lot.

To increase sweating and still feel normal before the procedure, it is advisable to drink a couple of glasses of mineral water. You should drink mineral water, because plain water It is eliminated from the body very quickly, and mineral water retains beneficial substances in the cells. Also, before visiting the infrared sauna, you should take hot shower to prepare skin to the procedure.

In addition, it should be noted that you cannot use any masks, creams or oils during the procedure under any circumstances. The skin of a person going into the cabin must be completely clean and dry. Decorative cosmetics must also be washed off before visiting the cabin, and the face must also be perfectly clean.


Treatments in the infrared sauna are very helpful for radiculitis and osteochondrosis. Smooth heating of the systems allows you to relieve residual inflammation and restore the joints to their former flexibility. The only condition for such procedures is the absence of acute inflammation in the joints. That is, during severe attacks of radiculitis or osteochondrosis, when the cartilage tissue of the joint becomes inflamed, visiting the sauna is strictly prohibited.


A sauna is also effective for colds. If a person feels unwell or has become hypothermic under some circumstances, then the procedure in the cabin can prevent the development of the disease. But if a person is already sick, has a fever and inflammation has begun in the throat and nose, then the cabin will no longer help, but will only worsen the situation. At the first sign of a cold, you should sit on a bench in the cabin so that your feet are closer to the emitter.

Sexual activity

For some reason, there is not a lot of information on this topic, but it should be said that improving blood circulation in the body significantly increases a person’s sexual activity. Often married couples who do not have children, after regularly taking procedures in an infrared sauna, give birth to a long-awaited baby. Infrared radiation fills systems and organs with blood and oxygen, and this is often enough for a woman to become pregnant.

In addition, accelerating metabolism increases sexual activity and the attraction of sexual partners to each other. Therefore, couples who have problems in this area can be recommended to visit the IR cabin more often. Only here we must remember that pelvic diseases in women and pelvic diseases in men can lead to a lack of sexual desire and sexual activity. Therefore, before starting active procedures, you must undergo an examination by a gynecologist and urologist.


Patients with nervous diseases, various neuroses, psychoses and even nervous tics can also feel a noticeable calming effect from visiting the infrared cabin. But these are very serious diseases, so nervous patients should not be prescribed such procedures on their own. Before visiting an infrared sauna, a nervous patient must obtain the consent of a doctor.

Useful properties of the cabin

After analyzing the information provided, we can draw the following conclusions about the benefits of an infrared sauna:

  • The IR cabin effectively accelerates metabolism, which in many situations gives very positive results.
  • Procedures in this sauna dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation, which allows you to effectively saturate the cells with nutrition.
  • During the procedure, lactic acid is removed from the muscles, which helps reduce pain after training in the gym.
  • At the first signs of a cold, the IR cabin helps prevent the development of an acute disease.
  • For joint pain in patients with radiculitis and osteochondrosis, the IR cabin allows you to return activity to the joints.
  • When carrying out complex procedures aimed at losing weight, an infrared sauna shows effective results, as it allows you to remove excess water from the body.
  • Since blood circulation in the infrared cabin is greatly enhanced, the work of the heart muscle is significantly improved.
  • Also, active blood circulation allows you to fill organs and systems with oxygen and nutrition.

Harmful effects of infrared sauna

Despite such a large list of positive indicators, there are also contraindications. It is impossible to say that a sauna is harmful; this is an incorrect formulation. In this case, we can say that any item, if used incorrectly, can cause irreparable harm to the body. But it is imperative to know what the incorrect use of an infrared sauna can lead to.

To avoid big trouble You need to understand that infrared radiation has a strong effect on the body and leads to active processes. From this it becomes clear that such active processes can harm a person if he is in an unhealthy state. It is also worth noting that the abuse of infrared procedures is very harmful; it is optimal to visit the cabin approximately 3-4 times a week. In this case, the duration of the procedure should be about 30-40 minutes, and the first time only 15-20 minutes. All these recommendations are suitable only for healthy people who have no contraindications to the procedures.

In what cases is a sauna contraindicated?

It is necessary to list and describe situations in which visiting an infrared sauna is completely contraindicated:

If a person has metal prostheses, artificial joints, rods and shunts, as well as any other types of implants in his body, he cannot visit the sauna. The fact is that infrared radiation is reflected from the metal and does not heat up evenly, the place where the prosthesis is installed. In this case, a person may experience very unpleasant sensations and even pain. But silicone prostheses are not a contraindication.

Women during their menstrual cycle are not recommended to visit the sauna, as heating the pelvis and lower back will certainly increase bleeding. Therefore, you should either significantly reduce the time of procedures during this period or completely abandon them.

Pregnant women are not recommended to visit an infrared sauna, and if the desire to receive procedures does not give rest, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

If a person has malignant tumor diseases that have already been diagnosed or are only suspected, visiting the sauna is strictly prohibited. Under no circumstances should such patients receive infrared treatments.

Any purulent acute processes are also a categorical contraindication for visiting the cabin. In this condition, a person may experience a breakthrough of purulent inflammation; if it is internal, then it can end in peritonitis.

People suffering from diabetes should also visit the cabin with great caution, since diabetes is usually accompanied by other concomitant diseases. Before visiting an infrared sauna, such a patient should definitely consult with his doctor.

People suffering from alcoholism should also not visit an infrared sauna, since the condition of their body may be far from ideal.

Systemic blood diseases are also a categorical contraindication for visiting an infrared sauna. Regardless of the stage of the systemic disease and its condition, visiting the cabin is absolutely contraindicated.

If a person has any chronic diseases, ranging from sinusitis to stomach ulcers, and they are in the acute stage, then visiting the cabin is prohibited.

If a person suffers from arthritis or arthrosis, he should also not visit the infrared cabin, since these diseases can progress after warming up.

Also, the following diseases are an absolute contraindication for visiting an infrared sauna:

  • hormone-dependent tumors
  • uterine fibroids
  • prostate adenoma
  • mastopathy
  • liver and kidney dysfunction
  • diseases that can cause bleeding
  • heart failure
  • increased thyroid function
  • cachexia
  • angina pectoris.

Also, for people who have acute fungal diseases of an internal or external nature, an infrared sauna can aggravate the situation.

It is believed that an infrared sauna is more likely to be useful for people suffering from changes in blood pressure. This opinion is due to the fact that the vessels dilate during the procedure and blood circulation improves. But it should be said that each such case is strictly individual and people suffering from hypertension or hypotension should definitely consult a doctor before proceeding with the procedures.

People with tuberculosis should also be very careful about infrared procedures. Before going to such a sauna, you should always consult a doctor.

Having studied this list, it becomes clear that an infrared sauna does not cause any harm as such. But if a person has a diagnosed disease or suspected serious illness, then it is better not to take risks. That is, before going to an infrared sauna, you should consult a doctor. Also, if a person takes any strong medications, then you should consult with a pharmacist or doctor to see if their use is compatible with procedures in the IR cabin.

Short wave emitters, namely the infrared emitter, have quite deep penetration into the human body. Many people believe that this indicator only brings benefits, but this is not so. The penetration of infrared waves reaches about 2 cm, and this figure is quite acceptable for the body. But no one says that the radiation penetrates and reaches the cerebral cortex to the same depth. Such exposure to infrared radiation cannot pass without consequences, and how it will affect the functioning of the brain is unknown. If you focus on this information, it becomes clear that a person must protect his head during the procedure, if not with a soldier’s helmet, then at least with a bathing cap. Japanese scientists recommend leaving the IR cabin when the emitters are in active working condition.


In conclusion, it should be said that infrared radiation acts on human body quite strong, so you have to be very careful with it. In limited quantities and under the strict supervision of specialists. This is especially true for people suffering from any diseases.

Infrared radiation is inherent in all living organisms, including humans, and our body is constantly in the zone of influence of thermal, in other words, infrared radiation. It comes from the sun, heating devices, from another person or animal. Our senses perceive this radiation as heat. Infrared saunas use emitters whose wavelengths are close to those emitted by our body, which facilitates the penetration of these waves into body tissue to a depth of 4 cm. At the same time, a gradual increase in body temperature is observed, which leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes.

This invention is an excellent solution for those who care about their health but cannot regularly visit the steam room. A small booth with emitters can be installed even in an apartment. And no preliminary preparation: turned on and immediately warmed up.

When we are in the sun, we feel a pleasant warmth, under the influence of which the muscles relax, while metabolic processes are activated. This effect is due to the infrared part solar radiation. This is exactly how infrared saunas work: the emitted waves almost do not heat the air, acting directly on our body and heating it (as well as walls and other objects in their area of ​​effect).

The waves warm up the skin deeply - by 4-5 cm. Such deep layers are heated that are not affected under any other conditions. Wherein temperature regime gentle: the temperature in the cabin is kept within 43-50 ° C. In this case, oxygen is not burned, there is no hard radiation, since there is no furnace. Instead of a stove there are emitters. But still, if the atmosphere in the booth is not tolerable, you can open the doors. This does not have any effect on the intensity of heating or the effectiveness of the procedure: you are heated not by air, but by rays. And they don’t care whether the doors are open or closed.

As a result of exposure to infrared rays, bones, ligaments, skin and muscles warm up, blood moves faster, carrying more nutrients. All this leads to the fact that you feel better, goes away nervous tension and fatigue, strength is restored.

All this leads to an increase in body temperature to approximately 38.5 ° C. As a result, profuse sweating begins. Moreover, according to the results of clinical studies, sweat released in an infrared sauna contains 4 times more particulate matter (20% versus 5%) than in other saunas, i.e. faster cleansing.

Visiting an infrared sauna allows you to recover faster after heavy physical activity. Lactic acid, which forms under increased loads, is removed from the muscles faster. After a gentle warm-up, the joints move better, they practically stop hurting and the effect is felt for several days (if you don’t freeze afterwards). An infrared sauna has a positive effect on those who suffer from back pain: the pain becomes less severe and the mobility of the spine increases. Regular visits also reduce menstrual pain (visiting during menstruation is prohibited due to the possibility of bleeding).

Since the atmosphere in an infrared sauna is softer, such procedures can be used by those for whom traditional baths are contraindicated: people with high blood pressure and problems with the cardiovascular system. After the procedure, the pressure decreases, and regular expansion/constriction of blood vessels due to heating/cooling restores the elasticity of blood vessels, training them. Active removal of toxins, including cholesterol, prevents the formation of sclerotic plaques. The general condition improves significantly.

Infrared radiation also has a calming effect: sleep improves, a person becomes calmer, and stressful situations are more easily tolerated.

You can also visit an infrared sauna to improve the condition of certain skin diseases. This procedure definitely has a positive effect on acne-prone skin. After the visit, the inflammation goes away; with regular use (1-2 times a week), you can get rid of them altogether. You just need to enter the booth with clean skin, without cosmetics. It also gets better with urticaria, the discomfort with sunburn. The healing of wounds and the formation of new skin in case of burns are accelerated, and scars are reduced.

Important! If you have any disease, visiting infrared saunas is possible only after consulting a doctor.

There is one more positive point when visiting infrared saunas: due to active sweating, a persistent anti-cellulite effect and weight loss are observed. Subject to correct mode nutrition and sufficient physical activity, weight loss can be significant. According to various sources, from 400 to 800 kcal are lost per session (20-30 minutes) (450 kcal per hour of running). However, consider infrared saunas as independent remedy for weight loss is not possible: only a complex of proper nutrition, sufficient physical activity and infrared procedures can provide a lasting and significant effect. But, if you want to lose weight and get healthier, go to an infrared sauna.

Infrared sauna is one of the components for weight loss

Possible harm

Like any procedure related to the activation of metabolic processes, an infrared sauna can be harmful. Exceeding the duration of procedures (usually 20-30 minutes) is definitely harmful; you should not increase the power. You should not use it during a cold or viral disease, when the temperature is already elevated. Under the influence of infrared rays, it will become even higher, and you will not get better from it.

The same applies to chronic diseases during an exacerbation. If the doctor does not mind, you can warm up during remission, but during an exacerbation this is definitely not necessary.

It is also necessary to comply rules for visiting infrared saunas:

  • Do not use cosmetics or any cosmetic products during the procedure. When heated, substances contained in creams, ointments, oils, gels, etc. can cause allergies and cause burns.
  • Before the procedure and immediately after it, you should not eat heavily, although you should not eat on an empty stomach either. The best option– eat a light meal an hour before the procedure.
  • Must be observed drinking regime. People sweat intensely in an infrared sauna. Some “losing weight” try to lose weight due to this. But a lack of water will lead to dehydration, which will cause the formation of new wrinkles, the skin will become flabby and gray. In the most severe case, you can end up in the hospital. Therefore, we drink water in small portions, but often. So it does not go into the tissues, but is excreted through the kidneys and sweat.
  • Before entering the cabin, in a hot shower, wash off all cosmetics from the skin, while warming up a little. Then they wipe themselves well and dry: the water slows down the heating of the body. For the same reason, people take a towel with them to the sauna: to remove sweat. In general, a towel is probably the only attribute that is really needed there. But if you are planning to visit a public steam room at a gym or fitness center, ask the administrator what you need to take with you. In some establishments, the infrared sauna requires slippers, in some - a swimsuit, etc., but dry towel will definitely be needed.
  • At regular intake medications, consultation with a doctor is required: elevated temperature and accelerated metabolism may have unexpected effects.
  • After the procedure, you need to take a cool shower and rest for 10-15 minutes. Then, if necessary, you can use creams or other cosmetics.

For children

Visiting infrared saunas has a positive effect on children's immunity, activating protective forces body. At the same time, an increase in body temperature contributes to the death of pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria. In some medical centers, saunas are used. According to experts, this helps to maximize the strengthening of the immune system.

Since children's skin is more delicate, shorter sessions (up to 15 minutes) and lower radiation power are recommended for them - 65% (for women the recommended power is 75%, for men - 85%). In infrared cabins, the emitters are installed based on the average height of an adult, so children are recommended to wear Panama hats on their heads so as not to overheat their heads. Even if your child is healthy, be sure to consult your pediatrician.


Any thermal procedures have contraindications, infrared radiation is no exception. You cannot visit infrared saunas if you have the following diseases and conditions:

  • Benign or malignant neoplasms: elevated temperature can cause their growth.
  • If you have neurodermatitis and skin diseases during an exacerbation, consultation with a doctor is required.
  • Prostate diseases, fibroids, endometriosis, mastopathy.
  • Heart failure, tachycardia, ischemia, very high or low blood pressure.
  • Cystitis and nephritis during an exacerbation (a visit is possible after consultation with a doctor).
  • Inflammation of joint capsules, arthritis, arthrosis.
  • Pregnancy at any stage, six weeks after birth.

It must be said that visiting an infrared sauna during pregnancy is not prohibited, but the effect of such procedures on the fetus has not been studied, therefore, it is better to refrain from them. There are no studies about radiation during lactation, but the risk here is many times less, although an increase in temperature can cause the milk to “burn out.”

Types of emitters

There are three types of infrared waves:

  • Long (50-2000 microns, heating element t up to 300 o C)
  • Medium (2.5-50 microns, heating element t 300-600 o C)
  • Short (up to 2.5 microns, heating element temperature 800 o C and higher).

Long-wave radiation is the most comfortable and safe for humans. You can be within its coverage area unlimited amount time. This is because the human body itself emits heat in this range (70-200 microns). Waves of this length penetrate to the greatest depth in the tissue, causing a feeling of pleasant warmth and without having a negative effect. Waves of medium or short length can cause thermal burns.

Long-wave and most medium-wave emitters are usually used for heating premises, especially large-volume (industrial) premises. Such heaters are located at high altitudes.

Short-wave infrared emitters are usually installed in small sauna cabins. They can be ceramic, metal (stainless steel, galvanized or chromed metal, a special alloy - Incoloy) or quartz glass. Often infrared emitters are made in the form of a tube in which there is a spiral emitting radiation in the infrared range. To prevent short circuits, the spiral is filled with dielectric.

Today, the best emitters are incoloid (an alloy of iron, nickel and chromium). They create uniform radiation, providing deep heating of the body and a good therapeutic effect. There are also panel heaters and infrared foil, but they create rather thermal radiation: the intensity is too low and it is almost completely absorbed by the air and the cabin lining. The effect on human skin is weak.

DIY infrared cabin

The advantages of infrared saunas include the ease of their manufacture: you can do it yourself in a few days, and there are ready-made cabins that can be assembled in a matter of hours. This is due to the fact that no special thermal insulation is required, and for ventilation, a few vents covered with grilles are sufficient. After all, the essence of the procedure is not in high temperature or humidity, but in the presence of radiation of the required intensity.

The main thing when building an infrared sauna with your own hands is to place the emitters so that the radiation spreads over the entire area. This way the procedures will be as effective as possible.

The video shows a version of an infrared sauna (1000 * 1200 * 1700 mm), which is quite possible to place even in a small apartment.


An infrared sauna has many benefits: it has a positive effect on all systems of our body, helps eliminate toxins, stimulates resistance to infections, and improves overall physical and mental condition. Making cabins for an infrared sauna is much easier than cabins for Finnish saunas or Russian baths.

A sauna in which you sweat at 40-50 degrees? There is something suspicious about this - am I being exposed to harmful radiation? Am I in a big microwave that is slowly killing me, and scientists have not yet managed to ban this infernal mechanism? – these are probably the questions that arise in every second person who visits an infrared sauna. Zozhnik understands how this can be harmful and useful.

How does an infrared sauna work?

Let's start with the fact that the temperature in an infrared sauna is relatively low and is much easier to tolerate than traditional baths or saunas, where (depending on humidity, of course) the temperature can exceed 100-120 degrees.

Infrared saunas usually use 120-watt elements that emit infrared waves with a length of approximately 10 microns; such waves are absolutely safe for humans and in moderate doses do not have a negative effect on the body.

The method used here is direct heating: the body is heated directly (about the same as a cookware on induction cooker), and heating the air takes no more than 20% of the energy released. For comparison, in a regular bathhouse, up to 80% or more of the energy can be spent on heating the environment.

Thanks to this technology, an infrared sauna warms the human body to a depth of up to 4-6 cm, much deeper compared to the warmth of a traditional bath. In addition, the effect on the human body occurs from the first minutes of stay, and the body itself heats up more evenly. The body in an infrared sauna heats up to approximately 37.5 degrees . Thanks to the increase in body temperature, protective mechanisms are activated, resistance to bacteria and viruses increases, blood circulation accelerates, and unnecessary and waste substances are removed from the body along with sweat.

Infrared radiation is even used for medical purposes in physiotherapy - to stimulate blood circulation and improve metabolic processes.

Misconceptions about infrared radiation

Microwaves have nothing to do with radiation, are not radioactive and cannot “infect with radiation”. Microwaves are classified as non-ionizing radiation; they do not have any radioactive effect on substances, biological tissues or food.

Microwaves too cannot affect tissue structure. Microwaves operate on a different principle than X-rays or ionizing radiation.

Scientists about the benefits of infrared sauna

Scientists from the Finnish University Jyvasyla in their study showed that visiting an infrared sauna after intense exercise has a beneficial effect on the neuromuscular system of athletes.

They compared 2 groups of athletes whose recovery took place using an infrared sauna and under normal conditions. Subjects were then tested on the Running Jump Test to test their speed, explosiveness, and reaction time. After a 30-minute visit to the infrared sauna, the test was performed better than after a 30-minute recovery under normal conditions. Scientists associate this with better recovery of leg muscles after visiting an infrared sauna.

An infrared sauna course, according to a study by scientists from the University. P.F. Lesgafta, renders positive effect on increasing overall physical performance according to the PWC 170 test.

According to research by Russian scientists in 2013, visiting an infrared sauna leads to pronounced oxidative stress, which in turn gives way to development of adaptive reactions of the body and activates antioxidant protection. Scientists conclude: visiting an infrared sauna can be recommended to increase the body’s adaptive capabilities.

Another positive effect of an infrared sauna: lowering blood pressure. According to scientists, an infrared sauna can be used as an additional measure in the fight against hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Scientists at the University of British Columbia found a decrease in blood pressure due to exposure to infrared radiation in an infrared sauna.

What an infrared sauna can't help with

According to the already mentioned study by Finnish scientists, visiting an infrared sauna did not reduce blood cortisol levels in athletes– it was at the same level as that of athletes whose recovery took place without visiting the infrared sauna. No changes in the blood parameters of the subjects were also found in a number of other studies.

In addition, the effect on increasing strength indicators is also not clearly positive: for example, the same Finns did not find a positive effect of an infrared sauna on strength shown in the bench press and leg press.

Contraindications – who should not use an infrared sauna?

You should not sit in an infrared sauna for more than 20-30 minutes, just like in a regular sauna or steam bath.

Pregnant women can heat themselves in an infrared sauna, but it is recommended (as in the case of a regular bath) after consultation with a gynecologist.

But visiting the infrared sauna is prohibited for people suffering from blood diseases, kidney diseases, skin diseases and malignant tumors.


  • Science and life,,
  • Zhemchuzhnova Natalya Leonidovna, Khodarev Nikolay Vladimirovich, Olempieva Elena Vladimirovna, Kuzmenko Natalya Viktorovna, Zhinko Margarita Nikolaevna. The effect of a general infrared sauna on the antioxidant status of the blood of volunteers. Medical almanac. 2013, no. 3 (27). P.42-43.
  • Semenova Yulia Borisovna, Afanasyeva Irina Aleksandrovna, Levin Miron Yakovlevich. The influence of a course of general massage and infrared sauna on the state of peripheral gas exchange and skin microcirculation in gymnasts. Scientific notes from Lesgaft University. 2014, No. 7 (113). P.151-155.
  • Beever R. Far-infrared saunas for treatment of cardiovascular risk factors Summary of published evidence. Can Fam Physician. 2009, vol.55, pp.691-696.
  • Beever R. Do Far-infrared saunas have cardiovascular benefits in people with type 2 diabetes? Canadian Journal of Diabetes. 2010, vol.32, N2, pp.113-118.
  • Mero, J. Tornberg, M. Mantykoski, R. Puurtinen. Effects of far-infrared sauna bathing on recovery from strength and endurance training sessions in men. SpringerPlus.2015, vol.4, p.321.
  • Nguyen Y, Naseer N, Frishman WH. Sauna as a therapeutic option for cardiovascular disease. Cardiol Rev. 2004, vol.12, pp.321-324.

Relatively recently, such a type of service as an infrared sauna has appeared in spa salons and sports clubs. In its appearance and atmosphere, it bears little resemblance to a real bathhouse, more like an ordinary small cabin, inside of which there are infrared heaters. Unusual appearance and the method of “heating” makes people wary and wary of innovation. Some are confident in its healing effects, others believe that an infrared sauna is both beneficial and harmful. Let's try to understand the properties of this type of sauna and determine what they have more of - advantages or disadvantages.

In an infrared sauna, the human body warms up due to heat waves emitted infrared heaters. This radiation is perceived by us as a pleasant, soft warmth, which primarily heats objects rather than air. That is, in this case, the body of a sauna visitor. Heat waves penetrate the body to a depth of 4 cm, which is several times more intense than warming up in a regular Finnish sauna (up to 5 mm). More intense exposure to heat rays also provokes more sweating. Accordingly, the amount of harmful waste and toxins that a person loses through sweat in an infrared sauna is also much greater than in other types of baths.

For comparison: in a regular bath, when sweating, the body loses 95% of water and only 5% of harmful substances (fat, toxins); in an infrared bath, the amount of toxins released increases to 20%.

Will the impact be beneficial?

Despite the intense heating and sweating, an infrared sauna cannot be associated with exclusively therapeutic effects. Whether an infrared sauna will be beneficial or not will depend on the following indicators:

  • infrared wavelengths;
  • session duration;
  • individual human ability to tolerate thermal radiation.

Infrared wavelength

Any body or object heated to a certain temperature is a source of infrared radiation. And the human body is no exception - it continuously emits invisible IR rays with a wavelength of 6 - 20 microns. Scientists have proven that infrared waves will be perceived by a person as “our own” if their length corresponds to the radiation of the human body.

The heaters in the infrared sauna are “tuned” to emit rays with a wavelength of 7 - 14 microns. Accordingly, this radiation is in the “native” range for humans and theoretically cannot act harmfully. Of course, if you use it without fanaticism and strictly follow the regime and duration of visiting the IR cabin.

Session duration

Any therapeutic procedure, including an infrared sauna, can harm a person if used in excess. An infrared sauna affects the human body more intensely than other types of baths. Therefore, doctors do not recommend staying there for longer than 20–30 minutes. If you have problems with the heart or brain, the duration of your stay in the infrared sauna should be reduced to 5-10 minutes. It's better to make several short visits than one long visit!

Individual characteristics of a person

There are people who are not able to withstand intense heat radiation for long. This may be due to both diseases and individual characteristics. Therefore, if, after entering the IR cabin, you feel a burning sensation in the skin and nasopharynx, watery eyes, headaches or dizziness, leave immediately. You should not take procedures “forcibly” - such a sauna will not bring benefits, on the contrary, it can be very dangerous.

In addition to individual intolerance, there are also contraindications for an infrared sauna, justified by doctors - painful conditions in which long-term thermal exposure is undesirable.

Therapeutic effects of an infrared sauna

Infrared sauna with minus sign

Dosed infrared radiation helps to cope with many problems. However, some diseases do not disappear when exposed to heat, but, on the contrary, begin to manifest themselves even more actively. Such painful conditions are contraindications for an infrared sauna. Avoid visiting cabins with thermal heaters if you have:

These diseases can intensify in an infrared sauna and progress to an acute or severe stage. Therefore, if you suffer from any disease, even not included in the above “black” list, it would not hurt to consult a doctor about the possibility of visiting an infrared sauna.

The infrared sauna (cabin) was invented by the famous Japanese doctor Tadashi Ishikawa. It gained popularity in the West more than 10 years ago (30,000 infrared cabins are sold per year in Europe alone). Infrared cabins appeared on the Russian market relatively recently, but their popularity among the population is steadily growing. They are used both in medical institutions, fitness centers, beauty salons, and at home.

Infrared sauna - Benefits, harm and effect

Infrared radiation is part of the spectrum of light radiation that can heat objects. It should be noted that radiation in this spectrum is inaccessible to the naked human eye, but the human body is able to feel it with the whole body, receiving infrared energy as heat coming from a heated object. Waves of infrared radiation are natural and safe, emitted by any warm object. The human body also emits infrared radiation - these are thermal infrared waves - heat.

Infrared radiation does not include ultraviolet, x-ray, or any other harmful radiation.

Infrared radiation, in essence, is deep heating of tissues.

Infrared heat is distinguished by its ability to penetrate the human body to a depth of up to 4 cm, providing a therapeutic effect by warming tissues, organs, muscles, bones and joints. At the same time, blood circulation in the human body improves, metabolism increases, the effect of the body’s immune system increases, and the nutrition of tissues and organs improves.

Infrared waves are emitted by any warm object, including the human body, and are absolutely safe for the body. The most powerful source of infrared (thermal) radiation is the sun. It should not be confused with ultraviolet, which is potentially dangerous and can harm the skin. Heat can be transferred from one object to another in three ways: contact, when a hotter object heats a colder one upon contact, convection, when heat is transferred through an intermediate coolant (water, air, etc.) and wave, when heating is carried out using infrared waves . It is this method of heat transfer that is used in infrared cabins. In traditional baths, the convection method is used.

Infrared sauna - Benefits

The infrared sauna begins to act from the first minutes, providing benefits for the human body.

Within a few minutes from the beginning of the session in the infrared sauna, your body temperature rises to 38 degrees, while having a suppressive effect on most pathogenic microbes.

At the same time, the pores of the skin expand, which allows the body, along with the abundant sweat released, to remove a significant part of the accumulated toxins. The infrared sauna causes a natural sweating reaction.

For reference: the sweat released in an infrared sauna contains about 80% water and 20% solids, such as lead, cadmium, nickel, copper, sodium, whereas when steaming in a regular sauna, the sweat released sweat contains 95% water and 5% solids.

Infrared sauna - Effects on the body

The mechanism of the effect of heat on the body of an infrared sauna is basically the same as a regular one. The fundamental difference between them is that in a regular bath the body is heated indirectly, that is, the air is heated first, and then it heats the body. In an infrared sauna, infrared radiation heats the body directly, and not the air (heating the air takes no more than 20 percent of the energy released, whereas in a regular sauna - up to 80). The infrared cabin has infrared radiation sources that emit infrared waves with a length of 4.5-5.5 microns, which warm the human body to a greater depth - up to 4 cm, compared to the heat of a traditional bath (in a sauna - by 3-5 mm). As a result, the body experiences a more intense therapeutic effect than in a sauna. Infrared waves warm tissues, organs, muscles, bones and joints, speed up the flow of blood and other body fluids.

Deep heating of the body also causes stronger sweating (2-3 times stronger than in a traditional sauna), pores open wider, waste and toxins are eliminated more intensively. If in a regular bath, when sweating, 95% of water and 5% of subcutaneous fat and toxins come out of the human body, then in an infrared sauna - 80% of water and 20% of toxins and fat. A general cleansing of the body occurs, the body is charged with energy, and well-being significantly improves.

Infrared sauna - Therapeutic effects

The therapeutic effects of infrared cabins are multifaceted:

  • As a result of regular use of infrared procedures, cholesterol levels in the blood are reduced, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and stabilizes blood pressure;
  • The walls of blood vessels become stronger and more elastic;
  • The functioning of the immune system improves, the overall resistance of the body increases, and this in turn allows you to effectively counteract colds and flu (in addition, pathogenic bacteria and viruses die as a result of an increase in body temperature to 38.5 degrees, as in the body’s natural reaction to illness );
  • Heavy sweating facilitates the functioning of the kidneys, vasodilation stimulates blood circulation;
  • Infrared radiation helps treat chronic diseases of the ear, nose and throat;
  • Relieves pain in joints, muscles, back, menstrual pain and headaches;
  • Leads to accelerated healing of wounds, bruises, injuries, fractures, resorption of hematomas;
  • The comfortable warmth of infrared radiation has a calming effect on nervous system, eliminating insomnia, stress, nervousness;
  • Some researchers claim that infrared radiation suppresses the growth of cancer cells.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that an infrared sauna provides comprehensive disease prevention and overall health improvement for the body.

Infrared sauna - Cosmetic effect

Sweating profusely requires significant energy expenditure, resulting in a lot of calories being burned. In one session in an infrared sauna, approximately the same number of calories are lost as during a 10-kilometer run. Therefore, the use of an infrared cabin, especially in conjunction with diets, allows you to successfully lose weight.

Taking procedures in an infrared sauna also gives an excellent cosmetic effect. Under the influence of infrared radiation, pores open and profuse sweating begins, resulting in deep cleansing of the skin, freeing it from dirt and dead cells. Increased blood circulation during an infrared sauna is accompanied by an increase in blood flow to the skin, resulting in an increase in the supply of nutrients to its surface. The skin becomes smooth, firm, elastic and looks younger. Nourishing creams applied to the skin after infrared procedures have a much greater effect.

Regular visits to the infrared cabin help cure a number of skin diseases:

  • Dermatitis;
  • Eczema;
  • Acne and pimples;
  • Dandruff;
  • According to some reports, psoriasis;
  • Scars soften and, in some cases, dissolve.

Deep penetration of infrared radiation (along with physical activity and a balanced diet) allows you to effectively fight cellulite, breaking down its subcutaneous deposits, consisting of water, fat and toxins.

Infrared sauna - What is it?

Externally, the standard infrared cabin is a cabinet made of environmentally friendly pure materials(natural wood), with glass door. Infrared emitters mounted in walls and under seats. Depending on the size, it can accommodate from 1 to 5 people.

Infrared sauna - Features of the procedure

The bath procedure in an infrared sauna differs from the traditional one. Normal wellness session should be continuous and last about half an hour. The ideal position in the infrared cabin is sitting, legs down, back straight and arms extended along the body. Despite the deep heating, the body does not perceive these conditions as overheating, so after a session in infrared cabins you should not take contrasting water procedures. It is enough to limit yourself to a warm shower to wash off the sweat. To compensate for the loss of moisture, after the session you need to drink tea (preferably green) or mineral water.

In addition to providing deeper heating and increased sweating, an infrared sauna has a number of advantages compared to a traditional sauna and steam bath:

  • Since the air in it heats up less (the optimal temperature in an infrared cabin is 45 - 55 degrees, in a Finnish sauna - 90 - 110 degrees), and there is no steam formation, it is easier to tolerate, people in it are in more comfortable conditions, the possibility of burns (for example , when touching walls) is excluded. An infrared sauna allows even elderly people and children, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, and those who feel discomfort due to the heat to fully receive the therapeutic effects of the bath.
  • The infrared cabin allows you to significantly save time. It has a short warm-up period compared to a regular sauna - 10-15 minutes (it takes 1-2 hours to heat up a regular sauna, depending on the stove). If a visit to a regular bath involves a fairly long bath procedure (2-3 hours), then to obtain a healing effect it is enough to spend half an hour in the infrared radiation cabin. After receiving the infrared heat treatment you will not experience the feeling deep relaxation and drowsiness as after a regular sauna. On the contrary, you will have a feeling of joy, energy and good performance. In addition, thanks to the lower temperature in the infrared cabin, you will not come out steamed and with reddened skin, as after a regular bath, and will be able to immediately start doing your current tasks. That is, the infrared procedure can be taken even in the morning before work, while the bath procedure, which involves several visits to the steam room and rest in the dressing room, requires a significant investment of time. Therefore in traditional bath or they usually go to the sauna once a week, and you can visit the infrared cabin at least every day (of course, you should focus on your well-being).
  • A number of other advantages are associated with the design features of the infrared cabin. Since there is no stove inside the infrared cabin, unlike a sauna, and its walls are thin, it takes up little space. Electric stoves used in saunas consume a lot of power and require a separate electrical supply. Infrared cabins are connected to a regular household electrical outlet. Due to low energy consumption (1.5 - 3 kW, for comparison, an electric kettle consumes 2.2 kW), their operation is much cheaper than conventional saunas. In addition, the infrared cabin is easy to assemble, it will take no more than an hour. Therefore, the infrared cabin is mobile and can be installed in any room, including a city apartment. No fire department permission is required for its installation. So you can have a home fitness center where, after gymnastics or aerobics, you can relax and relieve tension in the infrared sauna.

The rapid spread of infrared cabins does not mean that they will eventually replace ordinary baths and saunas. A traditional bath procedure is a whole ritual, which, along with therapeutic effect provides an opportunity to have a good time and have fun. An infrared sauna should be considered as a highly effective therapeutic procedure that does not require much time, is comfortable and convenient and can be used quite often, including for those who cannot tolerate high temperatures. Therefore, many amateurs prefer to visit both traditional and infrared baths.

Infrared sauna - harm

Using an infrared sauna does not cause harm to the body, but there are some contraindications that you need to pay attention to before visiting an infrared sauna.

Infrared sauna - Contraindications

  • All amateurs need to take into account the individual ability of their body to tolerate thermal loads;
  • When accepting the lebo leaf-ups or medical preparies: pronouncing with the healing vice or FARMETAL CHANGE in the lecturerings of Vosmotvytvy, which are shut-off of the leaks. The combination of infrared heat with certain medications is fraught with side effects and undesirable consequences;
  • The presence of tumors (benign or malignant) or the suspicion of their presence are also included in the list of contraindications for the use of an infrared sauna;
  • Also, visiting the infrared cabin is contraindicated for women during the menstrual cycle. Heating the lower back in women during the menstrual period can cause bleeding. Therefore, it is better to avoid visiting the infrared cabin during this period of time;
  • It is contraindicated for any person, regardless of his physical characteristics, to take a cold bath or cold shower immediately after an infrared sauna. You should also avoid situations where the body sweats but the feet remain cold. Warm feet promote sweating;
  • Pregnant women, hypertensive patients, infectious patients, as well as patients who have undergone surgery can use an infrared sauna only with the permission of a doctor;
  • There are contraindications to visiting the infrared cabin if you have a cold: if you have a high body temperature caused by colds, starting with acute respiratory infections and ending with the influenza virus, then visiting the infrared Different saunas can complicate the course of a cold.

In most cases, an infrared cabin is a method of prevention, but it does not replace drug treatment prescribed by a doctor. If you have any doubts about the possibility of using an infrared cabin in the treatment of your disease, consult your doctor.
