Carp caviar cooking recipes. Carp caviar beneficial properties

Carrot caviar is a real delicacy that is loved by many gourmets for its interesting and bright taste. Such a dish can decorate any table, and it is almost impossible to spoil it during the cooking process. In addition to its excellent taste properties, the caviar of this fish also has a whole set of useful qualities that are important and necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

There are many ways to prepare carp caviar; you should choose those that you will love and then delight your family and loved ones with delicious dishes. One of the most popular options for preparing caviar is frying it. Carp is a river fish, so you should thoroughly heat-treat the caviar to ensure that all bacteria that could get into it from the water are destroyed.

How to fry carp caviar?

You can prepare caviar using the usual classical method.


  • half a kilogram of carp caviar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 100 g vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Preparation progress:

Wash the caviar, remove all excess films from it. Cut the caviar into separate pieces, salt them and lightly pepper them. Place the caviar in the refrigerator for an hour so that it is better saturated with spices. If you don’t have time, you can start cooking right away. Dip each piece in flour and fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil to form a crispy crust. Mashed potatoes are a perfect side dish for fried carp caviar.

Fried carp caviar with eggs

This dish is easy and simple to prepare. Wash the caviar, remove all films from it, add salt and mix. Sprinkle a little with ground pepper. Heat a frying pan, lightly grease it with oil and heat the caviar in it until the caviar becomes crumbly and turns pink. Stir all the time. In a separate bowl, break two eggs and mix them until smooth. Add fried caviar to the carp egg mixture and mix again. Add more vegetable oil to the frying pan, heat it up again and add the egg-caviar mixture. Cover the pan with a lid and bake. The result should be a yellow cake. Before serving, the cooked caviar must be cut into pieces.

Carp caviar cutlets

Caviar can also be prepared in the form of cutlets. They will be very appetizing on their own, and served with mashed potatoes and green onions will exceed all your wildest expectations!

Grocery list:

  • half a kilogram of carp caviar;
  • vegetable oil;
  • a couple of tablespoons of flour;
  • one egg;
  • half an onion;
  • salt.

Preparation progress:

Wash the carp caviar, remove all films from it. Place the caviar in a bowl. Chop the onion. Add onion, flour and egg to the bowl with caviar. Salt the mixture and mix. The consistency should be similar to pancake batter. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Spoon the caviar mixture into the pan. Fry the cutlets over low heat until a nice crust appears on both sides.

There are several ways to salt this type of fish. Let's try to sort each one out.

Dry method of salting carp

You will need wooden utensils. There must be cracks or holes in the bottom and sides. Place a clean cotton cloth in the container. Sprinkle in some regular table salt (not iodized). Now place whole carp carcasses in a layer on one fish. Sprinkle with salt. And so on until the main product runs out. It is important that the carp is evenly covered with salt and do not forget to sprinkle it into the mouth and gills. Place pressure on top. Place in a cool place.

The salt will take moisture from the fish, and the resulting brine will escape through the holes, which is why the method is called dry. Keep the carcasses for 3-5 days. After this, remove, wash and soak for 2-3 hours in cold water. Now you can hang it in a dark place in a draft.

Wet method of salting carp

Take a large, clean, dry enamel container. Sprinkle a few tablespoons of salt on the bottom. Place whole carcasses. Salt on top. Then fish. You can simply mix the carp with salt. Place it under pressure and put it in a cool place for 4-5 days. The fish will be salted in brine, which will form within a day. Then remove, wash and soak for several hours (3-4) in cold water. Hang in a drafty shade.

In order to salt carp using a dry or wet method, you should adhere to the following proportion: 5 kg of fish: 0.8-1 kg of salt.

Salt carp fillet

In this case, take prepared boneless carp fillet. Rub the fish with salt on both sides (not too much). Peel a few cloves of garlic (add the vegetable to taste). Wash them and squeeze them through a press. Now rub the garlic over both the flesh and the skin. Then sprinkle everything with freshly ground black pepper and add a few bay leaves. Place baking paper on both the skin and the flesh. You will get a so-called sandwich. It should be like this: paper: spices: fish: spices: paper. After this, starting from the side of the head, roll the fillet into a roll.

Next, put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Then take it out, rinse with cold water, and dry. Let it dry for 1-2 days. You can serve it immediately, however, experienced chefs recommend keeping the carp salted in this way for another day in the refrigerator before eating.

Carp caviar - how to cook, salt or fry carp caviar

Carp is a fairly large commercial fish; it is caught not only for its tasty, tender, almost boneless meat, but also for fish roe. If you want such a dish, carp caviar, you will now find out how to prepare it. Fish roe can be added to the mixture if you bake stuffed carp in the oven. Based on this product, you can prepare an appetizer, fish sauce or salad dressing, or use it as a culinary decoration for a gourmet fish dish.

In this material we will look at how to salt carp caviar, as well as how to fry carp caviar.

Carp caviar: properties

Eggs are fish eggs; they, like any eggs, contain an amazing range of useful components. Carp caviar is rich in vitamins and microelements, polyunsaturated fatty acids and lecithin.

Although caviar is considered a dietary product, its energy value is almost 180 kcal. The set of proteins and fats in caviar is perfectly absorbed by the human body.

A simple way to prepare caviar is to salt it

When salted, caviar will be stored for quite a long time. You can always enjoy a sandwich with butter and fish caviar. This product can also be used as a savory ingredient in other dishes.

Only fresh products are suitable for pickling

So, how to salt carp caviar? If you like such a dish as salted carp caviar, you will learn how to prepare it best from our article. You can choose one of the following methods for salting a fish product.

Method one: simple

For half a kilo of caviar we take 1 liter of water, 70 g of rock salt, 80 g of ghee. Let's prepare a hot brine: dilute salt in water and bring to a boil. Remove the carp eggs from the film. Place the fish product in a colander, and then lower it into boiling salted water for a few minutes.

We take it out, put the carp caviar in jars, put a layer of oil on top, close the container and put it in the refrigerator for half a day. The salting is over - bon appetit!

Method two: normal

You will need 17 g more salt, plus 250 ml of water. You also need 3 allspice peas, 1 bay leaf, and instead of melted mala, lean mala.

Scald fresh caviar directly in the film with brine (17 g of salt per 250 ml of water). Then we pass the “bags” through a fine sieve so that the eggs are separated and the film remains. Prepare the second brine: the remaining water and salt, bay leaf and pepper.

Bring the solution to a boil.

This brine should be cooled before use. Then pour the eggs over them. Keep the container with salted carp caviar in a cold place for 24 hours. The last step is to drain the remaining brine; for easy storage of caviar, add a little vegetable oil to the jar.

Method three: special

How to prepare salted carp caviar in an original way? For example, like this. Ingredients: half a kilo of caviar, 100 ml of vegetable oil, 2 onions, freshly squeezed lemon juice (30-40 ml), 35 g of finely ground table salt.

Dry salting of caviar is used: remove the caviar from the film, cover with salt, mix and put in the refrigerator for 6 hours. When the salting time has expired, mix carp caviar and vegetable oil in a deep container.

Use only clean, dry dishes!

We begin to beat slowly with a mixer, gradually adding lemon juice to the mixture. Whisk until the mixture becomes foamy. It is better to grate the onions on a fine grater or chop them in a blender and mix with the caviar mass. A unique appetizer of carp caviar is ready.

Fried caviar: a quick option

There are many ways to fry carp caviar. For example, fish fritters. Fried carp caviar is a recipe for fish pancakes or cutlets, a very common one, the semi-finished product is quick to prepare, and the dish itself is quickly fried.

You will need fresh caviar, salt and spices, an egg and flour for viscosity, finely chopped or grated onions. Mix all the ingredients in one container, the consistency of the batch will be liquid. Leave the semi-finished product to brew, after which you can fry.

Typically, fish roe cutlets are fried in sunflower oil, fried on both sides until golden brown. Due to the fact that the batch is liquid, portions are laid out in the pan with a spoon.

Fried carp caviar omelette recipe.

A quick nutritious breakfast with a healthy fish product - omelette with caviar. Separate the eggs from the film and add salt and pepper. Grease a well-heated frying pan with oil and fry the caviar until pinkish.

Beat the eggs in a bowl, then our caviar goes there, stir everything well and pour into the frying pan, again greased with oil. Cover with a lid and bake until done. The result is a fish frittata that can be eaten hot or cold.

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Carp caviar. Properties and calorie content of carp caviar

Calorie content: 179 kcal.

Energy value of the product Carp caviar (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 18.5 g (~74 kcal) Fats: 12.5 g (~113 kcal) Carbohydrates: 1 g (~4 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 41%|63%|2%

Carp caviar: properties

Nutritional information | Vitamins | Minerals

How much does carp caviar cost (average price for 1 ban.)?

Carp or Cyprinus carpio belongs to the freshwater fish species from the Cyprinidae family. This type of carp like carp fish lives in the basin of the Black, Aral, Azov and Caspian seas. In addition, the carp fish is found in Lake Balkhash, as well as the Amur River. Carp is an important commercial fish that is caught for its meat and caviar.

In cooking, carp, like other representatives of the Cyprinidae family, has found quite wide application, as has fish roe. For culinary purposes, both whole fish and fillets are used, as well as carp caviar. Carp is subjected to various types of culinary processing. Fish is fried and boiled, as well as smoked, salted, pickled and canned.

Carp caviar, like the fish itself, is in stable demand and popular among the population of our latitudes. Carp caviar is a product that is obtained from mature eggs of carp fish. In the food industry, carp caviar is classified as the so-called white caviar variety. It's all about the light shade of natural carp caviar.

On sale you can most often find carp caviar tinted orange or yellow. It is worth noting that despite its availability and fairly low cost, carp caviar is a rather rare guest on the tables of the vast majority of domestic consumers. And this is completely in vain, since the taste, consumer, and, in addition, beneficial properties of carp caviar make this product simply irreplaceable for humans.

The unique properties of carp caviar are due, first of all, to the vitamin and mineral composition of the product, which is enriched with lecithin, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential for the human body. It is also noteworthy that the caloric content of carp caviar is 179 Kcal, the product is considered dietary. It turns out that the calorie content of carp caviar does not affect the status of a dietary product.

The thing is that the chemical composition of carp caviar contains proteins, as well as fats of natural origin, which are incredibly easily, and most importantly, completely absorbed by the human body. Carp caviar, like other types of fish caviar, is used as an independent snack or culinary decoration for main dishes, as well as salads.

Carp caviar is often used as a filling for tartlets or served in the form of sandwiches or canapés. It is worth noting that carp caviar is suitable for preparing sauces for fish and seafood appetizers, and the product can also be used in the preparation of pates.

Product proportions. How many grams?

1 teaspoon 12 grams 1 tablespoon 35 grams

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Name* How to fry carp caviar?

Carrot caviar is a real delicacy that is loved by many gourmets for its interesting and bright taste. Such a dish can decorate any table, and it is almost impossible to spoil it during the cooking process. In addition to its excellent taste properties, the caviar of this fish also has a whole set of useful qualities that are important and necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

There are many ways to prepare carp caviar; you should choose those that you will love and then delight your family and loved ones with delicious dishes. One of the most popular options for preparing caviar is frying it. Carp is a river fish, so you should thoroughly heat-treat the caviar to ensure that all bacteria that could get into it from the water are destroyed.

How to fry carp caviar?

You can prepare caviar using the usual classical method.


  • salt.

Preparation progress:

Wash the caviar, remove all excess films from it. Cut the caviar into separate pieces, salt them and lightly pepper them. Place the caviar in the refrigerator for an hour so that it is better saturated with spices. If you don’t have time, you can start cooking right away. Dip each piece in flour and fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil to form a crispy crust. Mashed potatoes are a perfect side dish for fried carp caviar.

Fried carp caviar with eggs

This dish is easy and simple to prepare. Wash the caviar, remove all films from it, add salt and mix. Sprinkle a little with ground pepper. Heat a frying pan, lightly grease it with oil and heat the caviar in it until the caviar becomes crumbly and turns pink. Stir all the time. In a separate bowl, break two eggs and mix them until smooth. Add fried caviar to the carp egg mixture and mix again. Add more vegetable oil to the frying pan, heat it up again and add the egg-caviar mixture. Cover the pan with a lid and bake. The result should be a yellow cake. Before serving, the cooked caviar must be cut into pieces.

Carp caviar cutlets

Caviar can also be prepared in the form of cutlets. They will be very appetizing on their own, and served with mashed potatoes and green onions will exceed all your wildest expectations!

Grocery list:


Carp is a fish that belongs to the carp family of the order Cypriniformes. It lives in the freshwater basins of the Black, Azov, Aral and Caspian seas, as well as in Lake Kapchagai and the Amur River. The diet of carp varies depending on the time of year. Thus, in spring and early summer, fish prefer young shoots of cattails, reeds, pondweed, egg capsules and other types of aquatic plants; they can also feast on the eggs of frogs and fish. In summer, the basis of the carp's diet consists of worms, insects, egg capsules, snails, small leeches and crayfish.

Carp is a related form of carp, bred through selective breeding.

This fish has an elongated body, covered with large scales of a golden-yellow color with a bluish tint. On the belly of the carp the color changes to a lighter shade, and the back is a darker shade. Each scale is bordered by a black stripe, and the base is covered with dark spots. A distinctive feature of the carp is the presence of a dark gray dorsal fin with a characteristic, highly jagged ray.

Despite the fact that carp can live up to 35 years, the fish stops growing at the age of 7 years. Its average weight is approximately 2-3 kg. However, there are individuals whose length is over one meter and whose weight reaches 25 kg.

Carp. Calorie content, composition and beneficial properties

The low calorie content in carp fillet - only about 97 Kcal per 100 g of product - is a reason to classify the fish as a product suitable for dietary nutrition. In addition, carp meat is characterized by high digestibility. It is easily digested due to the small amount of connective tissue, which also makes the fish attractive to those whose lifestyle cannot be called active. At the same time, fish contains a large amount of protein, which is useful both during active loads and during the period of active growth of the body.

Carp meat is rich in various vitamins and minerals. Thus, fish has a high content of vitamins A, PP, C, E, as well as B vitamins, in particular thiamine - B1 and riboflavin - B2. The complex of macro- and microelements contained in fish consists of phosphorus, iron, calcium, chromium, magnesium, fluorine, chlorine, potassium, sodium, nickel and molybdenum. Carp also contains a balanced content of unsaturated fatty acids.

Carp caviar

Dense and small, with a characteristic reddish color, carp caviar belongs to the “white caviar” category. Due to its low cost, it is counterfeited more often than other products in this category.

Real carp caviar is a true delicacy, which is consumed together with finely chopped onions as a pate, and added to creamy and sour cream sauces for fish.

Carp spawns from April to June, near vegetation, in the area of ​​coastal waters. The mature age for fish spawning is considered to be between 3 and 5 years.

Carp caviar reaches the consumer's table after lengthy processing, which includes salting and pasteurization. The shelf life without loss of beneficial and taste qualities is high when manufactured in compliance with the necessary rules.

Cooking carp

Carp meat has a delicate, slightly sweet taste. The rich and bright taste of fish is not easy to change even with the help of spices and other ingredients, which is why carp always remains the dominant feature in the dish.

The juiciness, appetizing and rich taste of fish is almost impossible to spoil, regardless of the choice of cooking method for carp. Fish can be baked, fried, dried, stuffed, salted and even prepared as first courses. Carp is especially popular during Lent.

Whatever method of cooking carp is chosen, it is important to properly clean the fish. Using only fresh carcasses, the carp should be freed from scales, after which the insides must be removed through an incision on the back, avoiding damage to the gallbladder.

Carp. Contraindications

A huge number of beneficial properties and features of carp make fish a desirable dish on any table, but its excessive consumption is undesirable. Due to the fact that fish are extremely picky in food (carp can eat mollusks, worms, insect larvae), and also due to the fact that polluted water bodies often become its habitat, the carp’s body accumulates harmful substances in significant quantities.

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Medical reference / Food / C


Carp is a fish of the carp family. Lives in the Black, Aral, Azov and Caspian seas. Four times a year, the nutrition of the fish changes in accordance with the changing seasons. It can eat both plants and the eggs of other aquatic inhabitants, and the insects themselves, and aquatic inhabitants.

Carp and carp are related fish to each other, since the latter was bred through selection.

The body of the carp is elongated, has golden scales with a bluish tint. Its peculiarity is the dark gray fin located on the back, which has a jagged ray.

Properties of carp

Carp can live for more than three decades, but the fish itself is small in size. On average, it weighs about three kilograms, but sometimes you can find very large fish: they reach a length of 1 meter or more, and their weight can be approximately 25 kilograms.

Fish fillet tastes good and at the same time has beneficial properties. The calorie content of the product is 95 kcal per 100 g.

The benefits of carp

The first positive property of carp is its low calorie content. Since 100 g of this meat contains just under 100 kcal, it is useful for proper nutrition and especially for those who are on a diet, wanting to lose extra pounds.

In addition to its low calorie content, this meat is easily digestible, and this is due to a small amount of connective tissue. Therefore, this fish is recommended for those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle due to various circumstances. At the same time, fish contains easily digestible protein, which is especially useful during high physical activity, as well as for children whose bodies are actively growing during this period.

Carp meat contains various minerals and vitamins. It contains large quantities of vitamins B, PP, E, A and C. It also contains about a dozen micro- and macroelements, including such important and beneficial substances for humans as fluorine, phosphorus, calcium and iron. In addition, meat contains unsaturated fatty acids in sufficient quantities.

Application of carp

This fish is valued for its benefits, low calorie content, and, of course, taste. The meat has a delicate taste and differs from other fish flavors in that it is slightly sweet. Due to the fact that the taste of carp is quite pronounced, it is not particularly possible to change it with the help of spices and additives of varying complexity. Therefore, the taste of carp will be very noticeable in any dish. Therefore, it is recommended to preserve the original taste of fish, only by flavoring it with flavoring additives with a “transparent” taste and aroma.

It is also important that the taste of this fish is difficult to spoil, regardless of how it was prepared. It will always remain juicy and appetizing. And you can cook fish in different ways: use it to create first courses, fry, salt, bake, dry-dry. Stuffed fish is no less tasty.

Before processing carp, you need to properly prepare it. To do this, fresh fish must be removed from scales, and the insides must be removed through a dorsal incision. Particular care must be taken when getting rid of the gallbladder: it is very important not to damage it.

The caviar of this fish is very tasty and healthy, so it can also be found as a separate product sold in grocery stores. Before caviar is sold, it is processed for a long period: it is salted and pasteurized. This caviar contains large quantities of lecithin, PUFAs, and many vitamins. Carp caviar is a dietary product, a delicacy, and simply a healthy product.

Harm of carp

Carp should not be consumed in case of individual intolerance. In addition, you should not overuse fish, since they often live in polluted waters, and also consume not the most healthy food, such as insect larvae, worms, so harmful substances accumulate in individuals during their life. In this regard, it is best to be content with carp in moderation.

As for carp caviar, before purchasing you should carefully inspect the packaging for composition and expiration date. It is recommended to choose products from well-known manufacturers, since quite often it is carp caviar that is counterfeited, and not any other.

Carp caviar

4550Number of views Carp caviar has a reddish or grayish color. Its consistency is dense, and the eggs are very small. Of all the cheap varieties of caviar, this caviar is most often counterfeited - after all, despite its low cost, it is considered a delicacy. Both fresh and salted carp caviar is used for culinary purposes. A delicious casserole is prepared from fresh caviar with lemon juice and eggs. And punchy salted caviar is often added to sour cream and cream sauces served with fish, or filled with sandwiches. In general, carp caviar can be salted at home (you get lightly salted caviar) or fried. It goes great with mashed potatoes and green onions! Benefit: Attention! All the properties of carp caviar listed below refer to a fresh, not a salted product! Remember that the high salt content in fish caviar has a negative effect on the body, especially in case of specific diseases!

1. Raw broken carp caviar contains 17.5 g of protein, 2 g of fat and 88 kcal. Salted caviar contains 26 g of protein, 3 g of fat and 131 kcal.

2. Carp caviar is rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, PP and group B. In addition, it contains phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, selenium, sulfur, magnesium, iodine, and ash.

4. Carp caviar is useful for people who have suffered serious illnesses or are experiencing serious physical exertion.

5. Unsalted carp caviar is useful to eat for hypertension and low hemoglobin levels.

6. Carp caviar (in the form of masks, as well as as a tasty dish) is indicated for consumption for aging and weakened skin.

7. Carp caviar is beneficial for the human body due to the vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and lecithin it contains.

8. Carp caviar can be considered a dietary food product. Harm: 1. Individual intolerance to carp caviar is possible.

2. It is better to avoid eating carp caviar if you have allergic reactions and high cholesterol levels.

If you are interested in how to pickle carp caviar at home, then below we will describe detailed recipes that will help you enjoy the beneficial qualities and amazing taste of this product.

Dry pickling

First you need to cut the fish. Cut it from the belly side and remove the bags of caviar.

Make the incision carefully so as not to damage the gallbladder. Otherwise, the caviar will turn out bitter and unsuitable for consumption.

The removed oysters should be washed thoroughly under running water. There is no need to clean them from the film. The caviar will be salted right in it.

Now take a deep aluminum pan and pour salt into the bottom. The layer should be at least 1 cm thick. Place the yastyki on top and sprinkle with salt again (2-3 mm). And so on until the very end.

Place the pan in the refrigerator or any other cool place for 3-5 days. After the specified time has passed, drain the brine from the container, remove the berries and rinse them twice under warm water.

Now take glass jars and scald them with boiling water. Place caviar in containers, pour sunflower oil on top, lemon juice (1 tbsp), red pepper (on the tip of a knife), roll up and place in any cool place.

Salting with brine preparation

Here is another simple recipe for salting carp caviar. For it you will need products:

  • carp caviar – 500 gr.;
  • water – 5 glasses, or 1 liter 250 ml;
  • salt – 5 tbsp. l;
  • bay leaf;
  • peppercorns – 5-6 pieces;
  • red pepper;
  • 3 tbsp. l. sunflower oil.

First you need to free the eggs from the film. Place the bags in a colander and cut them open. Now carefully and slowly wipe the eggs so that the entire film remains on the surface of the sieve, and the eggs pass through the grate and become granular.

The diameter of the colander holes should be larger than the diameter of the eggs.

The next stage of salting is the preparation of brine - a salt solution for cleaning caviar. To do this, place a pan of water (1 cup) on the stove. Pour 1 tbsp into a container. l. salt and stir.

When the liquid boils, pour it over the caviar. Stir the caviar thoroughly with a fork for several minutes until the hot water covers all the eggs. Leave the container for 20 minutes, covering with a lid.

Then drain the excess liquid and prepare a new solution, again leave for 20 minutes. And so 3 times until the water becomes clear. After this, place the caviar in a colander to remove excess moisture.

Put the water back on the stove. Add peppercorns and bay leaves. Boil for a few seconds, remove the container from the stove and let the liquid cool. Now pour the brine over the caviar and put it in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning, drain the liquid, season the dish with vegetable oil, add lemon juice, and season with red pepper. Caviar is ready to eat.

The recipe for salting caviar at home can be slightly varied. Scald the jars with boiling water, pour 2 tablespoons of oil into the bottom. Fill the jar approximately 75% with pre-cleaned and dried caviar, add 1 tsp. salt, a pinch of red pepper and mix thoroughly. Now fill the jar to the end and pour sunflower oil on top (5 mm above the caviar level). Close the container tightly with a lid and place in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning the dish is ready to eat.

If all the equipment used - colander, fork, spoon, lids, jars - is sterilized, this will extend the shelf life of the finished product by more than 1 month.

Classic salting of caviar

Here is another simple way to pickle carp caviar at home. For the recipe prepare:

  • 400 gr. carp caviar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • lemon juice or vinegar – 40 ml.

Place the cleaned caviar in a container and sprinkle with salt. Place the container in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours. After the specified time has passed, remove the caviar, place it in a bowl and pour over vegetable oil and lemon juice. Now it's the onions' turn. Grate it and mix with the caviar mass. To get a delicious pate for breakfast, grind the mixture in a blender.

To clean the caviar from the film, you can use a meat grinder.

Lightly salted carp caviar

To the question of how to quickly salt pheasant caviar at home, there is an answer - salt it. The recipe is quite simple, and most importantly, the dish can be consumed within 30 minutes. Pour the cleaned caviar with brine. To prepare it you should take:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 60-70 gr. salt;
  • 3 black peppercorns;
  • laurel – 2 pcs.

Add all ingredients to water, stir, bring the mixture to a boil. Pour the resulting brine over the caviar, cover with a lid, and leave to salt for half an hour. Now filter using a sieve. Caviar is ready to eat. The finished product should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3-4 days.

We hope that the question of how to pickle carp caviar will no longer arise for you. Bon appetit!

Carp caviar is considered a gourmet food that will be appropriate on any table. In addition to its taste, the product also contains a large amount of essential substances that are so necessary for good nutrition.

Carp caviar can be prepared in different variations, based on personal preferences and your menu. In addition, caviar dishes are invariably very unique, and they can amaze both guests and family.

Dishes from carp caviar: recipes

Fried carp caviar: recipe


  • Carp caviar 500 g
  • Flour 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable fat 100 g
  • Spices, salt


  1. Wash the caviar, see if any fish waste has gotten into it, remove it. Cut the product into pieces, salt and pepper. After that, put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, since it needs to be soaked in salt and spices.
  2. Roll any piece in flour and fry in warm vegetable fat until golden brown and crispy. This dish goes great with mashed potatoes and sour cream sauce.

How to pickle carp caviar?

It is possible to salt any type of fish at home; only sturgeon will not work, since salting them requires special skills and special culinary equipment. The recipe for salting carp caviar will be the same for salting the caviar of any river fish. This dish takes about 20 minutes to prepare.



There are two different methods for salting fish gifts.

  1. Carefully cut the fish so that the bile does not stain the caviar, otherwise it will become unpleasant and tasteless. When finished, dip the eggs with caviar into boiled water for cleaning.
  2. Take a deep saucepan and pour salt about a centimeter thick on the bottom. Place the yastyki on the salt in even rows.
  3. Sprinkle the top of the caviar with salt. Calculate its amount correctly; salt should occupy about 12-15% of the total weight of the fish delicacy.
  4. Place the pan with caviar in a cool, black place. The dish will be salted for 3-5 days.
  5. When the time is up, drain the brine that has appeared from the pan. Remove the eggs and rinse them twice in boiled hot water, then place them in jars suitable for pickling. Glass ones, scalded in advance with boiling water, are suitable. Roll up the jars well and place them in a cool, black place.
  1. Place carp caviar in a bowl. Take a knife with a narrow sharp blade and cut the films on the fish product.
  2. Now you need to prepare a saturated brine salt solution. To do this, take 100 g of salt per liter of water and boil in a saucepan. When the brine boils, do not cool it, but immediately pour this solution over the fish delicacy.
  3. About three minutes. Stir the eggs continuously with a fork to cut another whole film. Drain the brine solution. After this, prepare a new brine and pour it over the carp caviar.
  4. Stir the eggs and brine again for about three minutes. The films will wrap themselves around the fork.
  5. Drain the brine. Black balls will appear in the mass; this is a curled film. Select and delete it.
  6. At the end of this, prepare the brine again and pour in the caviar one last time. Gently stir the caviar. In most cases, the third time the brine will be much more transparent and cleaner.
  7. Place the fish gift on a small strainer and leave the min. at 15, let the excess water drain.
  8. Take a glass liter jar and scald with boiling water. Pour 2 tbsp into it. l. sunflower oil.
  9. Fill the jar approximately 3/4 full with caviar, pour a teaspoon of salt on it (topped) and stir.
  10. After this, add caviar to the very top of the jar and pour sunflower oil on top. There should be a layer of about 5 mm.
  11. Cover the jar with a plastic lid and place in the refrigerator overnight. The dish can then be used for food.

Carp caviar cutlets

At a time when there is often quite a lot of fish product, it is possible to make cutlets from it.


  • Carp caviar or milk 500 g
  • Breadcrumbs 3 tbsp. l.
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Onions 1 pc.
  • Fresh thyme to taste
  • A pinch of ground cloves
  • Fresh finely chopped dill
  • Tomato paste
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Dark ground pepper, salt to taste.


  1. If there is milk, cut it as finely as possible and mix with caviar.
  2. Beat the chicken eggs carefully using a mixer or blender, then mix them with the caviar. When finished, add breadcrumbs and mix everything as directed.
  3. Now it is possible to take up herbs. Chop the dill and thyme as finely as possible and add to the mixture, seasoning it all with salt and dark ground pepper. Mix the resulting minced meat evenly.
  4. The fish delicacy is fried just like meat cutlets. Preheat the frying pan in vegetable oil and arrange the fish cutlets using a tablespoon or spatula. Fry the cutlets until golden brown.
  5. After this, prepare the tomato sauce. Cut the onion into small cubes and simmer it in a hot frying pan for about 10 minutes. over low heat. At the same time, remember to stir the onion, as it should not fry too much.
  6. While the onions are cooking, dissolve a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste and add it to the onions. Continue to simmer the onion for about 5 minutes. After this, season everything with spices and salt.
  7. Turn off the flame, and while the tomato sauce is infusing, finely chop the dill, then mix it with the sauce. Place the fried cutlets on a baking sheet and pour the gravy over them evenly, distributing it so that there is no free space between them. Now preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the cutlets for 10-15 minutes.
  8. The fish delicacy cutlets are ready. The process does not take a lot of time and effort, and the result is impressive: they become juicy, and the sauce gives them a piquant flavor.
  9. When you take the cutlets out of the oven, do not rush to eat them, let them sit for about 10 minutes. Just before serving, sprinkle them with tarragon or rosemary.

By the way, carp caviar is quite often sold not only with fish, but also separately. You probably won’t find it in ordinary stores, but in specialized fish departments or at the market it is fully possible.
