How much does a BTI certificate for registration of inheritance cost? BTI certificate - why you need it and where you can get it

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Registration of inheritance of a BTI apartment

Registration of inheritance of an apartment in BTI from another city

Is it possible to register an inheritance based on the inventory assessment of the BTI? The notary said that now, due to the new legislation, when registering an inheritance, the apartment is assessed at market value by independent experts, and not according to the inventory...

Give a power of attorney to someone from Neftekamsk to collect documents, obtain a certificate of inheritance and register the transfer of ownership.

What does BTI have to do with it anyway?
Find cadastral registration here
and in general you need to see a notary

The inheritance is registered at the location of the main part of the real estate.

The case is already open. What's the hurry now? You will be able to come to Neftekamsk someday, and then you will finish everything. Yes, even in 100 years.

When registering an inheritance in Ukraine, who should evaluate the apartment? BTI or appraisers?

Appraisers - only if you declare the value in a commercial structure (BANK FOR EXAMPLE). when registering an inheritance - BTI.

Certificate from the BTI Bureau of Technical Inventory about the value of the apartment on the day of death of the owner. What documents need to be prepared to register an inheritance? What documents are needed to inherit an apartment?

Tell me, within what limits (financially) will it be possible to register an apartment as an inheritance - BTI, etc.? How much to cook?

The notary claims that he will not accept a certificate from the BTI on the inventory value of the house for registration of inheritance, since

This notary should read the Tax Code
Section 333.25. Features of paying state fees when applying for notarial acts
1. For performing notarial acts, the state fee is paid taking into account the following features:
5) When calculating the amount of the state duty for issuing certificates of the right to inheritance, the value of the inherited property, determined in accordance with subparagraphs 7 - 10 of this paragraph, is taken.
At the choice of the payer, to calculate the state duty, a document indicating the inventory, market, cadastral or other (nominal) value of the property, issued by the persons specified in subparagraphs 7 - 10 of this paragraph, may be submitted. Notaries and officials performing notarial acts do not have the right to determine the type of value of property (method of valuation) for the purpose of calculating state duty and require the payer to submit a document confirming this type property value (method of assessment).

You can open the inheritance the next day after receiving the death certificate. But you will receive a certificate of the right to inheritance six months later, from that moment the established tariff will apply. In general, as soon as “Right” appears somewhere, its sisters immediately appear - taxes, duties, and other levies. As for bti. They continue to do what they did before. But the problem of how to fully equip the owner does not give anyone peace of mind. Therefore, today the owner is being sold on non-inventoryization. . the cadastral value, which by the way may be higher than the market value

What documents are needed to obtain a certificate from the BTI when registering an inheritance?

Contact a notary office, the notary will give you a list of all necessary documents both for BTI and for justice.

Registration of inheritance for an apartment. In order to have no problems and judicial trial To register an inheritance for an apartment, you need to check the cadastral passport of the BTI. certificate of the value of the apartment on the date of death of the testator BTI.

Title documents for the object of inheritance and death certificate

The BTI usually says: bring ALL documents. this means that you need to bring a certificate of inheritance, an old passport and old documents (agreement) for the property. Based on this data, they will check their information and make a certificate.

Notary request

Death certificate and its copy, passport, documents confirming that the heir (from a notary). If you live in the same apartment (house), then the latter may not be required

The notary gave a list of documents for registration of inheritance for the apartment, 1) BTI certificate for inheritance, technical passport 2) Oc

Collect. complete the question.

What documents are needed to register an inheritance? How to correctly register an inheritance for a house, apartment or garage. You also need a cadastral passport of the house and a certificate of its value as of the date of death of the person who left the inheritance, which will be given to you by the BTI.

Yes, there's a big list. Cadastral passport, BTI assessment - required.

The certificate of inheritance right itself must indicate the inventory value of the object, regardless of whether you are charged a fee for the notarial act performed or not. There is no real estate valuation at the time of the testator's death - there is no certificate of right to inheritance.
From payment of legal and technical work You will not be released.

Inheritance! Validity period for the BTI certificate? Let’s call now and we can register the inheritance in May!

Validity period - 5 years.

N registration of inheritance for an apartment - other documents. Scroll additional documents, necessary for registering an inheritance and a certificate from the BTI about the cost of the apartment on the day of death, the explanation is not for all the Federal Tax Service! . Note.

To register an inheritance, you do not need a technical passport; you present to the notary an extract from the technical passport of the BTI, which indicates the valuation of the property. The main thing is to submit an application for acceptance of the inheritance within six months from the date of death of the testator, and how long you will collect documents is up to you...

Now it is possible too. The deadline will not pass. You need a cadastral passport, a floor plan, and a certificate of value at the date of death.

If the heir filed an application for acceptance of the inheritance within the forty-fourth period established by law (before the expiration of 6 months from the date of death of the testator), and the inheritance case is open, there are no deadlines for the documents for the inheritance case.
Including documents received at the BTI are indefinite, since the inventory valuation of property is indicated in in this case on the date of death of the testator.
An heir can receive a certificate of inheritance at ANY time after 6 months from the date of death of the testator (if all necessary documents are available).
Good luck!

The main thing is to submit an application for acceptance of the inheritance within 6 months from the date of opening of the inheritance (death of the testator) or actually accept the inheritance. and even if the grass doesn’t grow there, you have the right, but not the obligation, to register an inheritance, that is, to obtain a certificate of the right to inheritance and subsequently register your ownership on the basis of this certificate. There are no deadlines in this case

More likely we're talking about about a certificate indicating the cost of the apartment on the day of death
testator. Since the date of death cannot change, the certificate has no expiration date.
time restrictions. A BTI passport is now, as a rule, not required. All documents
you must submit before the expiration of 6 months, and then only receive a certificate.

Our lawyers can provide you with explanations about the procedure for receiving an inheritance. If you have inherited an apartment, house or other real estate, and you are To register the inheritance, you must collect a complete package of documents from a notary for the BTI.

Not a certificate, but a passport. 5 years validity period. Personally, I didn’t make a certificate of value on the day of death, but gave the notary a passport that was more than a year. Everyone was happy with everything.

I will inherit a share of the apartment, do I need to call the BTI for measurements?

All measurement results have been available at BTI for a long time. You just need to take them there together in explication

How to register an inheritance for an apartment? The process of registering an inheritance for an apartment can be conditionally divided into the following stages: a certificate from the Bureau of Technical Inventory BTI on the value of the property at the date of death

You will go to the BTI, and they will tell you what to do.

Since August, when providing government services, it is prohibited to require documents available from other government agencies. However, the cadastral passport of real estate is updated every five years

You don't need any BTI.

BTI for an apartment is an inheritance. How long is a BTI passport for an apartment valid for registering an inheritance?

5-year cadastral passport

You inherited an apartment, and you have a lot of questions related to registration of the inheritance. Technical passport for the building. Certificate of the value of the object. Certificate from the BTI or Rosregistration confirming the absence of arrests and encumbrances.

The validity period of the Technical Passport is 5 years (if no changes have occurred during this time)

All documents are valid for five years. BTI

The technical passport of the BTI is valid... as long as there is no need to make changes like reconstruction... wear and tear, etc.... The cadastral passport does not change unless the technical passport changes. If in those The owner's full name is indicated in the passport, but in the cadastral document it is not indicated... only the address and those character....of the object.
Changes are made to the BTI passport when the owner (proprietor) changes - you can simply add your full name and reason... and assure.

It will remain in effect until you make a redevelopment. All this talk about 5 years and 1 year is nonsense, not supported by a single regulatory act.

Certificate from the BTI about inheritance

No. They could only take a copy from the BTI. The original always remains on hand. Look for it or you will have to order a duplicate from the Federal Registration Office. service.

Documents required for registration of inheritance. What documents must be provided to register an inheritance.3. Cadastral passport from the territorial body of the BTI for real estate, including a floor plan, explication and assessment...

Certificate from the BTI (assessment of property on the day of death of the deceased) when registering an inheritance....

The certificate is apparently needed for tax purposes if it is not issued under a benefit.

In this article we will consider the procedure for registering an inheritance using an example personal experience correspondent of the Vecherniy Donetsk portal. Trips to the BTI are not a cheap pleasure. To continue processing documents for the apartment, you must bring a notary certificate...

When registering the inheritance, the notary took all the documents from the BTI, should she return them after completing all the papers or

Of course you should, they make a photocopy, put a stamp, which is notarized and return it to you.

Not everyone can inherit an apartment today. Documents from the BTI, etc. Full list A competent lawyer will help you collect and prepare documents for registration of the right to inherit an apartment.

Yes, she must return it with the issuance of her document (or certificate of inheritance, or whatever). Documents are your property - you paid for them.
Good luck.

I want to ask a question to a lawyer. Are there any lawyers?

What's the question?

Registration of inheritance with a notary. Is it possible to register an inheritance without a will? We register an inheritance for an apartment - how and where? From the BTI you can get a cadastral passport and a certificate of the inventory value of the apartment, which was on the day of her death...

Yes it's me. I'm hearing you.

Ask. I'm listening

There are lawyers, there is no question....))) They have already answered....

Nothing. The measurement technology has changed.

In addition to the above documents, in order to register inheritance rights to an apartment, additional documents will be needed, namely a certificate from the Bureau of Technical Inventory of the BTI on the value of the property at the date of death. It is important to not delay the registration of inheritance...

Where is the question, I don't see it

Lawyers are not here, but in legal consultations and for a fee.

Tell me, is it necessary to go through the BTI when registering an inheritance?

It depends on what kind of real estate you inherit.

The fees for notary services when registering inheritance rights to real estate have become as follows - for issuing a certificate of the right to inheritance. You should not be afraid of such figures, since the cost of the apartment is determined according to the BTI estimate on the day the inheritance is opened. - behind...

But what about it? ! I'll tell you right away, fuck it

Yes, a certificate of assessment of the apartment, an explanation and a floor plan.

Needed, unfortunately

Take heart, you must!


Registration of an apartment upon inheritance. advanced search search by users. for an apartment 1000 rubles, but before that the notary receives a percentage of the assessment that the BTI will perform. You would have to order a certificate from the BTI without visiting...

How much does it cost to make a will? (Ukraine)

I definitely don’t know

Registration of an inheritance for an apartment - what documents need to be prepared for this? property to the testator, will check everything specifications objects and their location according to title documents and BTI certificates, and...

If my stepfather writes a will for his share in the apartment in my name (officially I am a stranger to him, he did not adopt me) (+)

You will be an heir according to the will!

Registration of inheritance for an apartment - what documents need to be prepared for this? cadastral passport, floor plan and extract from the technical passport for a garage or parking space from the BTI

13%. If he is married and his wife is a pensioner or disabled, then she should also be given a share.

An inventory assessment (cost of housing) is written in the informational certificate from the RGUP BTI regarding the registration of an inheritance.


In this article we will try to consider the procedure for registering an inheritance of an apartment. The BTI certificate on the assessment of the apartment is a form similar to Form 11A on the day of death of the testator. with a note indicating the absence of arrests and prohibitions.

Lost documents for an apartment, where can I get a duplicate?

It will be difficult - I mean expensive!! !
They will force you to go through all the authorities again!! Contact customer service

Power of attorney for a person located in Neftekamsk or go yourself.

In the old days this was the name of the office

To the justice institution for registration of rights with real estate or BTI

First, file an announcement about the loss of documents, then with this announcement go to the betei and they will tell you everything

First at BTI. And if documents were issued, then you need to go to the registration chamber. Maybe they'll just issue a duplicate?

Obtain a copy of the ownership of the apartment from the registration chamber (...BTI, depending on the date of acquisition). This is an equivalent document about where to get a “duplicate”.
... As for registering an inheritance, you need to write an application to the notary at the place of opening of the inheritance about entering into the inheritance; if any documents are not enough to formalize it, the notary will provide a list of them (if the question is about entry, and not about will - not specifically stated) ...

In the Federal Registration Service (justice) or in the BTI, depending on the year when the right arose

Yes, varied and varied. If you succeed, let me light a cigarette, otherwise I have nowhere to stay for the night. And the main thing is that everything that was written must be circumvented. . And not only this. You can’t do without a lawyer, and it’s better than a lawyer - that’s for sure. I think the legacy is worth it. And time passes and you were not given the main advice, although all the answers were given. .

Which form of contract is better to choose: will, annuity or deed of gift?

Enter into a rental agreement.
Good luck

Having received an apartment as an inheritance from a relative, it is necessary to formalize this inheritance. BTI references Services Our prices Articles Contacts. Registration of certificates from BTI, Rosreestr, Cadastral Chamber, Unified State Register of Real Estate Registration, Support, Transactions.

Let him draw up a deed of gift with the right of residence and encumbrance on you in the form of its maintenance. The deed of gift will no longer be disputed by anyone. True, there may be high taxes.

PURCHASE - SALE agreement only!! ! ONLY!! ! fictitious, it is not necessary to pay money, but the most reliable! Believe me, I have come across this issue.... A donation or a will can always be challenged!! ! This person may have the most distant relatives!! ! I wish you good luck, take the advice!!!

A rent agreement is better, then the apartment will definitely be yours, and the heirs will not be able to sue it after death! in the case of a will, a court may challenge your rights in favor of other heirs - well, a deed of gift is also a way out, but it seems like a tax is paid there =)

You can lose money on taxes with a deed of gift. It is better to make a purchase and sale instead of a deed of gift. The main thing to remember here is that such an apartment will become the joint property of the spouses (if you are married).
So, if you are married (and don’t want to share with your husband, if anything), it might be better to do this. Your mother (father/brother/sister/grandfather/grandmother) buys it from your grandfather, and then makes a deed of gift in your name.

I would not recommend entering into a life annuity agreement with dependency at all! There are many pitfalls, namely they are associated with the termination of this agreement, and in your favor. however, the will can be challenged by relatives; I consider and recommend that the most successful is a gift agreement certified by a notary and registered with the registration chamber; such an agreement is more difficult to challenge!

Registration of inheritance and its registration. To re-register an apartment by inheritance, you need to contact a notary to open an inheritance case and issue requests for documents from the BTI. We help you register an inheritance for an apartment...

You need to draw up what you have in mind.
Apparently, in this case a will is meant. Here (as for any other transaction, including purchase and sale), is it possible for the grandfather, due to his senile mental characteristics, to understand what he is doing and why.
Does he confuse you, for example, with some relative?
Therefore, before or after making a will, it makes sense to obtain a written consultation from a psychiatrist-gerontologist on these issues.
And keep it all until grandfather’s death.
It is also advisable that after the will the heirs do not take actions to speed up the opening of the inheritance.

I think it’s worth making a will and canceling the previous one. Buying and selling is also nothing, but can get burned.
Under a will and under a gift, in any case, income tax
In any case, the previous will should be revoked

Giving is completely reliable. Personal income tax - 13%, since not close relatives. Indeed, a will can be bequeathed to anyone, not necessarily to a relative. Relatives then try to challenge, prove that the person could not be aware of his actions (sclerosis, mental illness etc., it is not always possible, since the notary, when certifying a will, also certifies sanity). Personal income tax 13%, again because they are not close relatives (you write this yourself). With an annuity agreement, there are virtually no taxes on the purchase or sale. But ideal option No. You can try to challenge everything, including the purchase and sale agreement. Grandfather has relatives, which means there is a possibility of a lawsuit

Question about a will (inheritance)

To the notary who executed the will.

Registration of inheritance. In the technical inventory bureau of the BTI you can obtain the following basic certificates: floor plan of the apartment, technical passport, explication, certificate of value.

Notary at the place of residence at the time of death, documents in Chelyabinsk.

If we are talking about a certificate about the value of the apartment at the time of opening the inheritance, then you need to get it from the BTI, at the location of the property.

My father died (I am his only child), what part of the inheritance can I claim?

Half and half with his wife (widow). Both of you are heirs of the first stage

But the most relevant today is the assessment of apartments for the purposes of registering an inheritance, donation, rent or other notarial actions. It is necessary to distinguish between concepts market price and assessment of the apartment according to the BTI.

It will be divided into two: his wife and you, your grandmother should get her share and give it to you, then you will have 2/3 shares of the inheritance

You are the first heiress.

You are equal to your wife.

Big Girl very smart advice gave. . Let your grandmother not be lazy, come with you and claim her rights to the inheritance. . Everyone gets 1/3 share. . and after that the grandmother gives you her 1/3 share - a Donation Agreement in simple written form in the Unified State Register for 1000 rubles. . You will have most (2/3) of the apartment. . When inheriting, DO NOT forget to provide a certificate from the BTI (!!) about the value of the apartment ((10-20 times less than the market and cadastral value, which the notary will impose. . state duty for inheritance by close relatives is 0.3% (if everyone lived in this apartment it will not be) accordingly 10-20 times less))..

If grandma refuses the inheritance, then you will get 1/2
and if she refuses in your favor, then 2/3

Through registration of the BTI, such forms of transactions as, for example, registration of an apartment in the BTI, as well as the registration of a house in the BTI. Do not forget that if you need, for example, registration of an inheritance in the BTI, this process will take you a lot of time from -behind...

Half of the apartment belongs to the wife, only if the apartment was purchased during marriage, then all the heirs share the remaining half.
If an apartment was purchased before marriage, privatized even during marriage, or received as a gift, the entire apartment is divided among all heirs.

You got it right. Register with a notary.

It is absolutely correct that if the apartment was purchased during marriage, then 1/2 of the apartment (the other half of the wife) will be divided into three (you, wife and mother), but the grandmother and wife can refuse these shares (1/6) in your favor by notarizing this and then you will have a 50/50 split with your wife

What documents do you need to go to the natary for the first time to enter into an inheritance after the death of your husband?

Home Our services Registration of inheritance Registration of inheritance for an apartment. Documents from the BTI at the location of the apartment. cadastral passport of the testator's apartment

Certificate of death, documents for property that need to be registered and money accordingly

Take everything. Including title documents for housing and cars. The notary himself will determine which documents are needed and advise on the missing documents.

Death certificate. an extract from the house register. documents confirming the relationship - this must be done before six months - the notary will open the inheritance case - you need to pay him for it - he will tell you the rest .. documents for property and all the crap that others wrote to you later - when you draw up a certificate of title for inheritance...

Passport (yours). Saint about death. Marriage certificate. Other documents according to which your husband was the owner of something (documents on: movable and immovable property, bank account, etc.). Remember that when you enter into an inheritance, you also assume all the debt obligations of your late spouse (receipts, loans, and much more).

A document confirming the absence of arrears in payments will NOT be required!

Registration of a real estate transaction, including obtaining the right of inheritance, as a rule, BTI certificates, for example, a BTI certificate on the condition of the building, are issued for a fee. An officer and his wife today live in the same apartment, but, according to the stamp in the passport...

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To register an inheritance, a BTI certificate is not required. A cadastral passport is required, in which, in the event of a change in the area of ​​the residential premises, special marks may indicate the presence of redevelopment, the implementation of which has not been agreed upon with the competent authorities. However, the presence of an uncoordinated redevelopment does not prevent the heir from receiving a certificate of right to inheritance.

According to Article 1110 of the Civil Code Russian Federation(hereinafter - the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) upon inheritance, the property of the deceased passes to other persons in the order of universal succession, that is, unchanged as a single whole. The inheritance includes inherited property that belonged to the testator on the day the inheritance was opened (Article 1112 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
Article 25 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation defines that redevelopment of a residential premises means a change in its configuration, requiring changes to technical passport living space. Thus, the redevelopment of a residential premises does not create a new property that requires recognition of ownership, but only changes the characteristics of an existing property.
In this connection, the Federal Notary Chamber believes (letter dated June 18, 2013 N 1335/06-09) that a notary can issue a certificate of inheritance rights to a redeveloped residential premises. Regarding the question of what area of ​​the apartment the notary must reflect in the case under consideration in the certificate of inheritance, the following is noted.

A certificate of inheritance is a document confirming the heir's right to specific property that belonged to the testator. The certificate of the right to inheritance issued by a notary, among other things, reflects the characteristics of the inherited property (certificate forms No. 3 - 14, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated April 10, 2002 No. 99), which eliminates any doubts about the individualization of the object inheritance.
According to Part 1 of Article 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the redevelopment of residential premises is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the law in agreement with the local government body on the basis of a decision made by it. Redevelopment of residential premises carried out in the absence of a decision from the local government to approve the redevelopment is unauthorized. At the same time, residential premises can be preserved in a redesigned state only on the basis of a court decision, if this does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of citizens or does not create a threat to their life or health (Article 29 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).
Based on the foregoing, in the opinion of the Federal Chamber of Notaries, when determining the information to be indicated in the certificate of inheritance as characteristics of the object of inheritance (including the area of ​​the object), the notary in this case should proceed from the title documents of the testator.
