DIY deep metal detectors with separate frames. Diagram of a deep metal detector - Metal detectors - Designs for home and garden. Assembling a metal detector from improvised means

Many radio amateurs dream of making a metal detector with their own hands. It can be used to detect metal objects in the ground at different depths. On the Internet you can find many photos of metal detector circuits that are simple to use. Any beginning radio amateur can make them.

Easy assembly

For example, let's take the circuit of a simple metal detector. It is of the pulse type, but due to the simplicity of its design it is not able to distinguish between types of metals. Therefore, it will not be possible to operate such a device in areas where objects made of non-ferrous metal are found.

How to assemble the device

To assemble a simple metal detector circuit with your own hands, you will need the following tools and parts:

  • Presence of KR1006VI1 microcircuit and IRF740 transistor;
  • Presence of K157UD2 microcircuit and VS547 transistor;
  • Copper conductor 0.5mm (PEV);
  • NPN transistor;
  • Corps, and various materials for him;
  • Solder, flux, soldering iron.

Other details are shown in the diagram. To assembled circuit was securely fastened, a plastic case should be prepared for it.

The bar can be made using a small diameter plastic tube. A metal detecting coil will be installed in its lower part.

Beginning of work

The circuit diagram of a metal detector using transistors is a common option for many models. Assembly begins with the manufacture of a printed circuit board. Next, all radio elements are mounted on it exactly as shown in the diagram.

To ensure stable operation of the device, film capacitors are used in the circuit. This will allow you to use it in cold weather without any problems.

Power type for device

The device can operate on a voltage of 9-12 V. Due to its sufficient power, energy is intensively consumed. It is recommended to install up to 3 batteries and connect them in a parallel circuit. You can use a small battery that has a charger. Thanks to its capacity, the metal detector will work longer.

Coil installation

Available different types and circuits for the manufacture of metal detectors, but in the pulsed version, inaccuracies are allowed in the installation of the coil. When making a mandrel, the winding should be up to 25 turns, and the diameter of the ring should be 1900-200mm.

All turns of the coil must be insulated with electrical tape. Reducing the number of turns to 22, and the mandrel diameter of 270 mm will allow you to detect objects at a deeper location. The wire cross-section on the coil is 0.5 mm.

When the winding is ready, it is mounted on a durable housing with sufficient rigidity, on which there should not be any metal parts. Otherwise, they are able to shield the magnetic field, and the operation of the metal detector will be disrupted. The body can be made of wood or plastic, but so that it can withstand various impacts that can damage the coil.

The leads on it should be soldered to a conductor of several cores. The best option is considered a two-wire wire.

Installation of the non-ferrous metal detector circuit is a little more complicated, and when making the coil you must follow high accuracy. The number of turns reaches 100pcs, and a vinyl tube is used as the core. Foil is wound on top of the winding, which forms an electrostatic screen.

Device setup

If the installation of the circuit is done exactly, then the metal detector will not need additional settings. Its sensitivity indicators will be maximum, but fine adjustment is possible through variable resistance R13. It must be performed until rare clicks begin in the headphones.

If the adjustment fails, then the resistances must be replaced with R12. When the resistor adjustment is in the middle, this will be considered normal.

An oscilloscope is suitable for checking the device. The frequency of transistor T2 is measured on it, and the pulse should last up to 150 ms. The optimal operating frequency is up to 150 Hz.

How to use the device

You should not rush and start working immediately after turning on the metal detector. It should stabilize, so you need to wait up to 20 seconds. After adjusting the resistor appropriately, you can start looking for metal.


Photo of the metal detector circuit



Instrumental search is simply enormously popular. Adults and children, amateurs and professionals are looking for it. They are looking for treasures, coins, lost things and buried scrap metal. And the main search tool is metal detector.

There are a great variety of different metal detectors to suit every taste and color. But for many people, buying a ready-made branded metal detector is simply financially expensive. And someone wants to assemble a metal detector with their own hands, and someone even builds their own small business on their assembly.

Homemade metal detectors

In this section of our website about homemade metal detectors, I will be collected: best schemes metal detectors, their descriptions, programs and other data for manufacturing DIY metal detector. There are no metal detector circuits from the USSR or circuits with two transistors here. Since such metal detectors are only suitable for visually demonstrating the principles of metal detection, but are not at all suitable for real use.

All metal detectors in this section will be quite technologically advanced. They will have good search characteristics. And a well-assembled homemade metal detector is not much inferior to its factory-made counterparts. Basically, there are various schemes presented here pulse metal detectors And metal detector circuits with metal discrimination.

But to make these metal detectors, you will need not only desire, but also certain skills and abilities. We tried to break down the diagrams of the given metal detectors by level of complexity.

In addition to the basic data required to assemble a metal detector, there will also be information about the required minimum level of knowledge and equipment for making a metal detector yourself.

To assemble a metal detector with your own hands, you will definitely need:

This list will include necessary tools, materials and equipment, for self-assembly all metal detectors without exception. For many schemes you will also need different additional equipment and materials, here are just the basics for all schemes.

  1. Soldering iron, solder, tin and other soldering supplies.
  2. Screwdrivers, pliers, wire cutters and other tools.
  3. Materials and skills for making a printed circuit board.
  4. Minimum experience and knowledge in electronics and electrical engineering as well.
  5. And also straight hands will be very useful when assembling a metal detector with your own hands.

Here you can find diagrams for self-assembly of the following models of metal detectors:

Principle of operation I.B.
Metal discrimination There is
Maximum search depth
There is
Operating frequency 4 - 17 kHz
Difficulty level Average

Principle of operation I.B.
Metal discrimination There is
Maximum search depth 1-1.5 meters (Depends on the size of the coil)
Programmable microcontrollers There is
Operating frequency 4 - 16 kHz
Difficulty level Average

Principle of operation I.B.
Metal discrimination There is
Maximum search depth 1 - 2 meters (Depends on the size of the coil)
Programmable microcontrollers There is
Operating frequency 4.5 - 19.5 kHz
Difficulty level High

As an example, let's look at the most common metal detectors that can work with deep frames - Koschey,. If you follow the suggested diagrams, creating a deep metal detector with your own hands will not be difficult.
The first stage will be the manufacture and configuration of the electronic unit. At the next stage, you will need to build a deep coil. In the material below we will examine in detail existing methods creating coils for deep metal detectors with your own hands.
It is important to take into account the size and weight of structures. For example, if we take the Pirate, the indicators will be quite modest, and the highest result will be when using units such as Koschey 5IG or Koschey 4IG. Such results are obtained due to the presence of a separate deep firmware in the latter.

DIY depth frame for a metal detector

The most common practice is to install small depth frames directly on a rod or a standard reel. In this case, there are some restrictions on weight and size parameters. For this reason, this design is suitable only for those frames that have a diameter of up to sixty centimeters. A product with a larger diameter will be too heavy, so it will be quite uncomfortable to carry.
You can make the frame for the coil using ordinary pipes made of plastic. The pipe should be selected depending on the method by which you plan to connect it. Also, when choosing a pipe, you need to take into account the dimensions of your frame, since it is important that the pipe can provide maximum rigidity to the overall structure.

Depth coil design shape

Reels that have small in size, it is best to make them non-separable and shaped like a circle or square. When creating frames with large dimensions, a non-dismountable design will be inconvenient during transportation. It is quite difficult to move a frame of this type from place to place. Therefore in in this case It is better to make a collapsible type structure. It is better to build a structure with a collapsible frame in the shape of a square, which is equipped with an overhead search loop. Therefore, the frame frame should be made only from pipes that are made of durable plastic. The search coil will need to be wrapped using insulating stranded wire. Most often, frames of this type are carried in pairs. There is also the option of creating a structure that you can move yourself.
A few photos as an example:

Depth frame winding process

In order to wind frames, it is best to use stranded wire in insulation, which has a diameter of approximately 0.5-0.75 mm. At the end of the work, you need to tighten the coils tightly enough together using standard electrical tape or tape. This will make the loop much stronger. After this, to achieve maximum structural strength, it is necessary to compress it with a heat-shrinkable tube or secure it with electrical tape.
Using the detailed instructions provided, you can build a deep metal detector with your own hands quite easily. To do this, you will need elements that every radio amateur must have in stock. A device created with your own hands will not be inferior in functionality to its factory counterparts, and it will cost you an order of magnitude cheaper.

A metal detector is electronic device for searching and distinguishing metals, metal objects that can be hidden at different depths under a layer of sand, earth, in the walls of rooms and various structures.

Schematic diagrams of metal detectors made on transistors, microcircuits and microcontrollers are given. A factory-made metal detector is a fairly expensive device, so self-production a homemade metal detector can save quite a bit of money.

The circuits of modern metal detectors can be built according to different principles works, we list the most popular of them:

  • Beat method (measuring changes in reference frequency);
  • Induction balance at low frequencies;
  • Induction balance on spaced coils;
  • Pulse method.

Many novice radio amateurs and treasure hunters are wondering: how to make a metal detector yourself? It is advisable to start your acquaintance with assembling a simple metal detector circuit; this will allow you to understand the operation of such a device and gain first skills in searching for treasures and products made of multi-colored metals.

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The metal detector allows you to detect any metal object at a distance of up to 20 cm. The detection range depends only on the area of ​​the metal object. For those for whom this distance is not enough, for example treasure hunters, we can recommend increasing the size of the frame. This should also increase the detection depth. Schematic diagram metal detector is shown in the figure. The circuit is assembled using transistors operating in...

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The circuit shown in the figure is a classic metal detector. The operation of the circuit is based on the principle of superheterodyne frequency conversion, which is usually used in a superheterodyne receiver. Schematic diagram of a metal detector with an integrated ULF; it uses two radio frequency generators, the frequencies of which are 5.5 MHz. The first radio frequency generator is assembled on a T1 transistor type BF494, frequency...

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This metal detector, despite the small number of parts and ease of manufacture, is quite sensitive. It can detect large metal objects, such as a heating battery, at a distance of up to 60 cm, while small ones, for example, a coin with a diameter of 25 mm, can be detected at a distance of 15 cm. The operating principle of the device is based on a change in frequency in the measuring generator under the influence of nearby metals and. ..

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A simple compact metal detector is needed to detect various types of metal in walls under a layer of plaster. metal objects(e.g. pipes, wiring, nails, fittings). This device is completely autonomous, powered by a 9-volt Krona battery, consuming 4-5 mA from it. The metal detector has sufficient sensitivity to detect: pipes at a distance of 10-15 cm; wiring and nails at a distance of 5-10...

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You can buy it for about 100-300 dollars. The price of metal detectors is strongly related to their detection depth; not every metal detector can “see” coins at a depth of 15 cm. In addition, the cost of a metal detector is also greatly affected by the presence of a metal type recognizer and the type of interface; fashionable metal detectors are sometimes equipped with a display for convenient operation .

This article will look at an example of do-it-yourself assembly. powerful metal detector called Pirate. The device is capable of catching coins underground at a depth of 20 cm. As for large objects, it is quite possible to work at a depth of 150 cm.

Video of working with a metal detector:

This metal detector received this name due to the fact that it is pulsed, this is the designation of its first two letters (PI-pulse). Well, RA-T is consonant with the word radioskot - this is the name of the developers’ site, where the homemade product was posted. According to the author, the Pirate is assembled very simply and quickly; even basic skills in working with electronics are enough for this.

The disadvantage of such a device is that it does not have a discriminator, that is, it cannot recognize non-ferrous metals. So you won’t be able to work with it in areas contaminated with various types of metals.

Materials and tools for assembly:
- microcircuit KR1006VI1 (or its foreign analogue NE555) - the transmitting node is built on it;
- transistor IRF740;
- K157UD2 microcircuit and BC547 transistor (the receiving unit is assembled on them);
- wire PEV 0.5 (for winding the coil);
- NPN type transistors;
- materials for creating the body and so on;
- electrical tape;
- soldering iron, wires, other tools.

The remaining radio components can be seen in the diagram.

You also need to find a suitable plastic box for mounting the electronic circuit. Will still be needed plastic pipe to create a rod on which the reel is attached.

Metal detector assembly process:

Step one. We create printed circuit board
Most the hard part The device is, of course, electronics, so it makes sense to start with that. First of all, you need to make a printed circuit board. There are several board options, depending on the radio elements used. There is a board for NE555, and there is a board with transistors. All the necessary files to create the board are included in the article. You can also find other board options on the Internet.

Step two. Install electronic elements for a fee
Now the board needs to be soldered, all electronic elements are installed exactly as in the diagram. In the picture on the left you can see the capacitors. These capacitors are film capacitors and have high thermal stability. Thanks to this, the metal detector will work more stably. This is especially true if you use a metal detector in the fall, when it is sometimes quite cold outside.

Step three. Power supply for metal detector
To power the device, you need a source from 9 to 12 V. It is important to note that the device is quite voracious in terms of energy consumption, and this is logical, because it is also powerful. One Krona battery will not last long here; it is recommended to use 2-3 batteries at once, which are connected in parallel. You can also use one powerful battery (best rechargeable).

Step four. Assembling a coil for a metal detector
Due to the fact that this is a pulse metal detector, the accuracy of the coil assembly is not so important here. Optimal diameter The mandrel is 1900-200 mm, in total you need to wind 25 turns. After the coil is wound, it needs to be thoroughly wrapped on top with electrical tape for insulation. To increase the detection depth of the coil, you need to wind it on a mandrel with a diameter of about 260-270 mm, and reduce the number of turns to 21-22. In this case, a wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm is used.

After the coil is wound, it must be installed on a rigid body; there should be no metal on it. Here you need to think a little and look for any suitable housing. It is needed to protect the coil from shock while working with the device.

The leads from the coil are soldered to a stranded wire with a diameter of about 0.5-0.75 mm. It is best if there are two wires twisted together.

Step five. Setting up a metal detector

When assembling exactly according to the diagram, you do not need to adjust the metal detector; it already has maximum sensitivity. For more fine tuning metal detector, you need to twist the variable resistor R13, you need to achieve rare clicks in the dynamics. If this can only be achieved in the extreme positions of the resistor, then it is necessary to change the value of resistor R12. The variable resistor should set the device to normal work in middle positions.
