Hero or flower starting with the letter G. Indoor plants starting with the letter G. Hibiscus - description

The encyclopedia of flowers has long attracted the attention of lovers of beauty. The varied color palette of plants and flowers, the whimsicality of their shapes and decorative effect are used in landscape design and when creating floral compositions.

There are a large number of indoor and outdoor flowering plants starting with the letter G. Among them there are completely exotic specimens, as well as flowers familiar to the general public. Let's look at their most popular names.


This amazing garden flower loved for its long and elegant flowering. Hydrangea is translated from Latin as “vessel of water.”

  • According to the range, hydrangeas are: white, greenish, pink, purple, blue and red.
  • Belongs to the hydrangea family.
  • The flowering is bright, lush and memorable.
  • Blooms from early spring to autumn.
  • Good for cutting.

Hydrangea is native to the regions of Asia and America. Varieties are found in China and Japan. On the territory of Russia it is only known.

Frost-resistant hydrangea varieties tolerate Russian winters well and do not require additional shelter.

The beautiful gerbera can solo in landscape design and serve as decoration for the room. Bright is a flower of mystery and flirtation.

  • Translated from English as Transvaal chamomile or daisy.
  • Belongs to the aster family.
  • Currently at the peak of floristic popularity.

Gerbera is most often used for cutting, less often as a potted plant. IN middle lane not very suitable for outdoor growing.


Hibiscus or Chinese garden rose- a child of the subtropics. It can become a decoration for any garden and is famous for its marvelous flowering. There are many types of this plant.

  • Hibiscus occurs as bushes and trees.
  • At home it is grown as a potted crop.
  • IN wildlife reaches gigantic proportions.

Hibiscus flowers are large and come in various shades. They can be scarlet, purple, yellow or white. Syrian and northern hibiscus are grown in Russia.

The petals of the hibiscus plant produce the popular red hibiscus tea.

The symbol of spring and the flower of rain - hyacinth, refers to perennial, asparagus plant. Hyacinth is used in perfumery and aromatherapy; its aroma relieves depression and headaches.

  • Small flowers of various shapes are collected in an elegant, cob-shaped inflorescence.
  • According to the color scheme, the flowers can be white, pink or purple.
  • Suitable for outdoor and indoor growing.

Hyacinth is most common in Holland. Wild hyacinth can be found in Europe and Asia. Currently, it is very popular among domestic gardeners and florists.

Modest, delicate and beautiful hesperis flowers are popularly called night violet or nocturnal violet. Translated from ancient Greek it means Venus.

  • Hesperis flowers are purple, yellow or white.
  • Some varieties emit a pleasant aroma.
  • Night violet has 50 species.
  • Tolerates cold well.

It can be found in the meadows of Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean. About 11 species of this flower grow in Russia. Is perennial plant. It manifests itself in the evening, when other flowers fall asleep.


Gentian is perennial, low growing plant. It got its name due to its bitter taste.

  • Gentian flowers bloom in spring, summer or autumn, depending on the species.
  • Grows up to 150 cm.
  • Gamma of sky blue, cyan and purple. Less common are varieties of yellow or white shades.
  • Particularly popular for decorating rock gardens.

Gentian has a wide geographic range of growth. In the wild, it can be found in the temperate climate of the northern hemisphere; some species grow in alpine meadows. In total there are about 400 varieties of gentian.

This herbaceous, garden plant. Its homeland is North America. It can be perennial or annual. Gelenium is easy to care for and practical in any role. It is grown in flower beds and as a free-standing, bushy plant.

  • Grows up to 160 cm.
  • The palette has shades of yellow, brown and red.
  • Flowering occurs in July or closer to autumn.

Each type of this plant differs in height and color. There are about 40 species of helenium.

Frost-resistant. It grows well.


The flower of Zeus, the carnation, popular all over the world, is associated with goodness. In our country, the carnation is a symbol of freedom. Some gardeners find it too strict to grow. However, cloves completely unpretentious creation and can decorate any flowerbed.

  • The carnation genus has about 400 varieties.
  • It is an outdoor and greenhouse plant.
  • Excellent when cut.
  • Carnation can be annual, biennial or perennial.

The color of carnation petals varies: from white, pink, red and yellow, to inky purple. Each has a different flowering period. It mainly occurs in the summer months.

The most popular is the red Dutch carnation.

Terry and classic, high and low, border and decorative varieties of carnations can please the eye of the most sophisticated viewer.


Geranium unpretentious, perennial and belongs to the geranium family. Grows in the form of shrubs and subshrubs. Today, tropical and newfangled indoor plants have displaced geraniums from the flower pedestal.

  • Geranium blooms elegantly and for a long time.
  • Its flowers are large and bright, regular and double.
  • According to the range, they are white, have all shades of red, pink, and rarer varieties with blue and purple colors.
  • Blooming dahlias are a riot of colors, splendor and duration of flowering. Beauty of shape and ease of care put it in the top ten among other garden plants.

    • Dahlia is a tuberous plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family.
    • It will undoubtedly serve as a decoration for any area.
    • Active flowering of dahlia lasts from July until late autumn.
    • The flowers are large and elegant.
    • More than 500 varieties of dahlia are used for cultivation.

    The shape of the dahlia is striking in its diversity. The petals are oval and tubular, needle-shaped and tongue-shaped. They are collected into pompoms or hemispheres. The palette comes in all shades of the rainbow. It comes in rare green and black colors.

    Dahlias are not frost-resistant flowers. They require autumn digging and winter storage under special temperature conditions.

    Life modern man is inconceivable without flowers and no matter what letter their name begins with. The silent beauty of flowering plants pleases the eye and colors gray everyday life with bright colors.

secret love, "You are beautiful." If you were given a gardenia, know that you are sincerely admired. Most likely, your admirer is very timid and considers himself unworthy of you.

harmony, "Be calm", "Contain your emotions"

charm, female love, passion, honor and freedom, fidelity... The meaning of carnations in the language of flowers can be very different: it all depends on their color.
Carnation (pink)
"I will never forget you", a symbol of maternal love. In the United States, pink carnations are traditionally given as gifts for Mother's Day. The person who gives carnations wants to express his gratitude to you and assure you that under any circumstances you can count on his help and support.
Cloves (red)
victory, success, leadership. It is customary to congratulate authoritative and respected people with a large bouquet of red carnations. It is better to give red carnations to your loved ones in mixed bouquets.
Carnation (white)
wish you good luck and success in everything. "May all your wishes come true." If you were given white carnations as a gift, this indicates that you are considered very charming, bright and positive person. Cloves (yellow)
“Are you avoiding me?”, “Are you offended?”, “I want you to be more attentive.”

whim, inconstancy, passing fancy. The person giving dahlias says: “I really like you, but I don’t promise anything,” “I’m not ready for a serious relationship,” “Why complicate everything?”

stupidity, recklessness. “You are a very frivolous person,” “It’s time to settle down.”

play, curiosity, wisdom, unpredictability. The range of emotions that can be expressed with the help of these flowers is quite wide - a lot depends on the shade of hyacinths. But you can be sure of one thing - you won’t be bored with the person who gave you hyacinths. Thanks to him, your life will become brighter.
Hyacinth (blue)
self-confidence, calmness, poise. “I know why I like you”, “I have no doubt that you are right for me”
Hyacinth (red or pink)
“I know what you want”, “Many pleasant surprises await you”, “Our whole life is a game...”
Hyacinth (white)
constancy. "I'm forever fascinated"
Hyacinth (yellow)
an attempt to hide jealousy and mistrust

caution, timidity. However, in a mixed bouquet, gypsophila, as a rule, is a kind of accessory, serves to give volume to the flower work and does not carry a semantic load.

“I am truly sincere”, “Fear nothing”, gladiator flower. The giver of gladioli is a strong, reliable person who does not accept compromises.

"Welcome!" Give wisteria to the person to whom you want to say “I’m always glad to see you!”

love at first sight, "My feelings are stronger than me"

"Remember Me"; modesty, sincerity, hope. Many peoples believe that hydrangea has the ability to ward off illness and misfortune.

Carnation - charm

Pink carnation – symbol of Mother’s Day, “I will never forget you”
White carnation - pure, tender love, innocence
Yellow Carnation – contempt and refusal
Red carnation - admiration, “My heart hurts for you!”
Striped carnation - “Sorry, but we can’t be together!”
Purple carnation – whim and antipathy
Garden carnation - dignity, restraint
Clove tree - sympathy
Heliotrope – devotion, eternal love
Dahlia – Good taste
Geranium / Crane grass – consistency and usefulness
Pink geranium – preference
Geranium, Oak leaves - friendship
Hyacinth – games and sports
Purple hyacinth – “Sorry, it’s my fault,” grief, sadness
White hyacinth – cuteness, “I will pray for you”
Hyacinth yellow – jealousy
Hibiscus - discreet beauty
Gypsophila - happiness
Gladiolus - sincerity, strength of character
Wisteria – youth and poetry
Gloxinia - love at first sight
Adonis / Adonis – Memories of the delights of life
Hydrangea – vanity, indifference, gratitude for understanding
Pear (flower) – health and hope.

Hemicyclic flower- from Greek. hemi - semi - and kyidos - circle, - a flower in which some parts are arranged in a spiral, others - in circles. Most often, the stamens and carpels are arranged in a spiral, and the tepals are arranged in a circle (some are from the Annonaceae family). Sometimes the calyx and carpels are arranged in a spiral, and the corolla and stamens are arranged in a circle (rose hips). The hemicyclic flower occupies an intermediate position between acyclic and cyclic flowers and is considered primitive.

Heterosis from Greek heteroicsis - change, cessation, or “hybrid power” - the superiority of hybrids in a number of characteristics and properties over the parent forms. As a rule, heterosis is characteristic of first-generation hybrids obtained by crossing unrelated forms: different varieties and even species. In further generations (crossing hybrids with each other), its effect weakens and disappears.

Heterostyly from hetero... and...style, or heterocolumnar - the presence in plants of the same species of two or three forms of flowers, differing in the length of the columns and the location of the stamens. There are even trimorphic forms of plants - with short-, medium- and long-columnar flowers, for example, loosestrife. Heterostyly is the adaptation of plants with bisexual flowers to cross-pollination. Known in representatives of 24 families of flowering plants.

Hypocotyl - from hypo... and Greek. kotyle - recess, cup, - subcotyledonous knee, a section of the stem of a seed plant seedling below the cotyledonary node. The hypocotyl passes down into the root and often has anatomical structure with characteristics of both stem and root. In some plants, the length of the hypocotyl is so short that it entirely remains in the soil, and the cotyledons are not brought to the surface (bast, peas). In others, the hypocotyl tissues grow so large that they rise high above the ground, taking fancy shapes(opurculicaria, ficus microcarpa) (see caudex).

Gibberellins plant hormones from the group of diterpenoid acids. They are designated GA 1, GA 2, GA 3 (in the sequence of isolation and establishment of the structure). Although they have the same molecular skeleton, gibberellins differ from each other in type, number and location functional groups. In low concentrations, gibberellins are widely distributed among higher plants as endogenous growth regulators. In higher concentrations, gibberellins are produced by the fungi Fusarium moniliforme (causes hypertrophied growth of rice), Sphaceloma manihoticola and, possibly, other microorganisms. In total, about 40 gibberellins have been identified in plants.

In plants, gibberellins are synthesized in intensively growing organs - developing seeds, apical stem buds, and less often in roots. During ontogenesis, the assortment and content of gibberellins change: during seed germination or flowering, physiologically inactive gibberellins - precursors or associated forms of the most active gibberellins - turn into the latter (for example, into GA 3), and during fruit ripening and transition to dormancy, active gibberellins form inactive forms ( glucosides, glucose esters, and catabolic products). The most characteristic physiological effect of gibberellins is the acceleration of organ growth (to a greater extent the stem, to a lesser extent the root) due to both cell division and cell elongation. In addition, gibberellins interrupt the dormant period in seeds, tubers and bulbs, induce flowering of long-day plants on short days, stimulate pollen germination, cause parthenocarpy of fruits, eliminate physiol and genetic dwarfism.

Gibberellins the only known phytohormones for which a direct effect on the biosynthesis of enzymes has been proven. For example, in germinating cereal seeds, gibberellins formed in the embryo pass into the endosperm, where they induce the formation of RNA responsible for the biosynthesis of alpha-amylase and other hydrolytic enzymes. This effect ensures the mobilization of seed reserve substances.

Hybrid from lat. hibrida, hybrida - a crossbreed, an organism (cell) obtained by combining the genetic material of genotypically different organisms (cells), i.e. hybridization. In natural populations of cross-pollinating plants, almost every individual is heterozygous for many genes, i.e., it is a hybrid, which is necessary to maintain a certain level of genotypic variability in the population. Distant hybrids (of different taxa - species, genera, families) are quite rare in nature and, as a rule, are sterile. This suggests that natural selection is preventing both their formation and their survival. Nevertheless, the appearance of some plant species was associated with the formation of distant hybrids.

Hybridization - the process of forming or obtaining hybrids (or obtaining different varieties, varieties, species and genera), which is based on the combination of genetic material from different cells in one cell. It can be carried out within one species (intraspecific hybridization - hybrids are characterized by heterozygosity for many or the analyzed gene) and between different systematic groups (distant hybridization, in which different genomes are combined).

Sexual and vegetative hybridization of plants have a common basis, which is the metabolism between the connecting components, their mutual assimilation activity (see assimilation).

During sexual hybridization, during the process of fertilization, both uniting sex cells, maternal and paternal, assimilate each other. Ultimately, instead of two cells, a new hybrid cell is obtained, which gives rise to a new organism that combines the hereditary characteristics of the paternal and maternal forms.

With vegetative hybridization, properties and characteristics are also transmitted to the offspring, i.e. vegetative hybrids do not differ from hybrids obtained sexually through crossing.

Hybridization causes wide variability in plants; they have loose heredity. This is especially true for those plants that are constantly in the process of breeding new varieties and species (Saintpaulias, roses, etc.). Hybrids often develop completely new properties that the original forms did not yet have. The art of hybridization consists in precisely consolidating the acquired characteristics.

The gynoecium is a collection of pistils on a flower.

Humus is the most fertile surface layer of the earth. This is an organic substance formed during the decomposition of plants and the processing of decomposition products by earthworms. Humus, garden compost, peat and black soil are especially rich in it. Humus is an indicator of soil fertility. Plants cannot absorb humic substances directly from the soil - microorganisms facilitate the absorption process.

Guttation - from lat. gutta - drop, - secretion by plant leaves (through water stomata - hydathodes - on the edges and tips of leaves) of droplet liquid under the influence of root pressure, when the flow of water into the plant exceeds transiiration. Often observed early in the morning or in conditions of high humidity in many plants (Monstera). The meaning of guttation, apparently, is that the plant is freed from excess water and salts.

Below is a list of indoor plants whose names begin with the letter G.

Gardenia - description

Gardenia (lat. Gardenia) belongs to the madder family and includes approximately 250 species. The plant lives in the forests of the subtropical parts of China and Japan. The genus was named after the gardener Garden A., who lived in America in the 18th century.

Gardenias are evergreen shrubs and small trees. Strong shoots are either pubescent or bare. The leaves are arranged oppositely, have stipules, and are glossy. The flowers are either collected in corymbs or grow singly, have a pleasant smell, are yellow and white, apical or axillary.

IN room conditions usually grown only gardenia jasminoides. The plant tolerates pruning normally. Despite the fact that you can quite easily form the crown of a plant, it is very whimsical: poor tolerance to temperature changes and excess moisture in the substrate.

Gardenia (lat. Gardenia)- a genus of the Rubiaceae family from the tropics, which is named after the American physician and naturalist Alexander Garden. In indoor conditions, the gardenia flower does not take up much space, but in nature - in East and Southeast Asia, as well as in South Africa - the gardenia plant sometimes reaches two meters in height. Gardenia, grown at home - jasmine, sometimes called "Japanese beauty" by gardeners; it came to England in 1760.

Flower growers grow it not only for the beautiful white, waxy flowers that emit a subtle jasmine scent, but also for the rich glossy leaves dark green, being worthy decoration gardenia when it is not in bloom.

I've been dreaming about this beauty for a long time - gardenia jasminoides. But the prices for this flower in our stores scared me away. Already a large adult flower costs a lot, but they say that specimens grown in a greenhouse practically do not survive at home. Changes in temperature and humidity levels have an effect. It is believed that you need to purchase adapted plants for your home. But they don't sell them.

They say gardenia is very difficult to grow from seeds. Well, let's wait and see. But there is also an opinion that gardenia grown from seeds is more adapted to home conditions. But even a purchased flower can be preserved and admired as it blooms, if you follow the rules of care. Let's look at it point by point, what kind of care does gardenia need at home?.

Hemanthus (lat. Haemanthus)- a genus of monocotyledonous plants of the Amaryllidaceae family, widespread in the nature of South America. There are more than 40 species in the genus. Pitton de Tournefort named the genus "Hemanthus" because of the bright red flowers of the type species: in Greek, "Hemanthus" means "bloody flower". In 1753, Carl Linnaeus, when describing the plant, did not change the name. In indoor culture, however, the main species grown is Haemanthus albiflos, which is also called elephant ear or deer tongue.

Like all houseplant lovers, I can't wait for them to bloom. Several years ago, I began to think that it would be nice to have plants that would bloom all year round and would not require special attention, and I soon came to the conclusion that I needed to try growing geraniums.

Geranium, or pelargonium, has more than a hundred species. Among indoor geraniums, the most popular are red, white, fragrant, ampelous and royal pelargoniums. For someone who does not like the scent of regular geranium, scented geranium might be suitable, different varieties of which can have the scent of mint, nutmeg, lemon, apple, or rose. Royal geranium is valuable for its especially large flowers. bright colors. But ampelous geranium looks great in hanging baskets. It seems to me that with a wide variety of geranium species, you can choose a variety to suit every taste.

Pelargonium (lat. Pelargonium)- a genus of the Geranium family native to South Africa, numbering up to 400 species and forms of annual and perennial plants. Representatives of this genus appeared in Europe at the end of the fifteenth or beginning of the sixteenth century. Relatives of pelargonium, or flowering geranium, are meadow geranium and common geranium. All types of pelargonium grown at home are united under the general name “indoor geranium”, and in this article we will tell you how to care for geranium and how to propagate geranium at home.

This is a continuation of the article about Indoor Gerbera. In it we will talk about caring for Gerbera at home. In the previous part, we talked about the lighting necessary for growing Gerbera indoors, and also provided general information about this already popular and widespread flower. Go ahead.

Gerbera - description

The birthplace of the flower gerbera (lat. Gerbera) are the subtropical and tropical zones of Africa; the genus itself is part of the Asteraceae family and has approximately 70 species.

The gerbera flower is a herbaceous plant that grows for more than one year. The peduncle of this plant has no leaves and grows up to 60 cm in height. Gerbera leaves are collected in a rosette at the root, long - up to 35 cm. Flower baskets come in different shades, large flowers grow one at a time and reach a diameter of 15 cm; Some varieties have semi-double flowers.

There is usually only one gerbera grown indoors - Jameson's gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii).

What could be more wonderful than a handmade gift? Or grown. Hyacinth can be just such a gift: alive, real and very pleasant. This flower, like no other, is suitable for germination by a certain time or date, because it has more or less exact dates forcing.

I received my first Hyacinth, as trivial as it may seem, as a gift on March 8th from my students. At one time I worked at a school. Then this flower was just gaining popularity. It was a very fashionable gift. And to be honest, I immediately fell in love with it - I smelled it all day. And then, when the Hyacinth blossomed, for a long time I regretted throwing it away. So it stood in my pot with ribbons. All that was left of all its luxury were long leaves, and even those gradually began to fade.

Hibiscus - description

Hibiscus (lat. Hibiscus) is a tropical plant belonging to the mallow plant family. IN indoor floriculture known as Indoor rose, Rozan Chinese, Chinese rose and others. In total, over 300 species of this plant are known, but not all are grown indoors.

Depending on the type, the hibiscus flower can be herbaceous plants, trees or shrubs, it can shed foliage, or it can be evergreen; the shoots can be bare or covered with hairs. The flowers are large, terminal, white, red, pink flowers, single-color and multi-color, with stripes and spots.

I want to note chinese hibiscus, which not only has a positive effect on human health, but also on the condition of neighboring flowers. Moreover, it is also quite unpretentious plant. The basic rule of care is proper pruning at the right time, which is the key to active growth of the hibiscus plant.

Hibiscus first appeared in European greenhouses in the eighteenth century. Hibiscus came to Europe, or rather, sailed from the tropics of Asia. In natural conditions, hibiscus is trees and bushes. Breeders managed to cultivate several types of hibiscus for home floriculture, so now this guest from the tropics often decorates our apartments.

The most commonly grown Hibiscus at home is Chinese Hibiscus., a beautiful plant with dark green leaves and bright red flowers.

Chinese Hibiscus, or Chinese Rosan, as it is also popularly called, is an unpretentious plant and proper care grows quickly and blooms generously. But sometimes it happens that, for unknown reasons, hibiscus stubbornly refuses to bloom at home. Let's try to understand the causes of this problem.

Hymenocallis (lat. Hymenocallis)- a genus of the Amaryllidaceae family, representatives of which are distributed in the tropics and subtropics of South America, the West Indies and the Antilles. In culture they are grown as indoor or greenhouse plants. In the literature, Hymenocallis is sometimes called “ismene” (“ismene”) or “pancratium”, but in fact these plants belong to different genera, united by one family. The genus Hymenocallis has been little studied, since many of its most interesting representatives grow in hard to reach places. This also explains the confusion in terms and the constantly changing taxonomy of the genus.

Gymnocalycium (lat. Gymnocalycium)- a genus of succulents of the Cactaceae family, which, according to various sources, includes from 50 to 80 species, many of which are popular indoor plants. The name of the genus is derived from two Greek words meaning “naked” and “calyx”, and indicates a characteristic characteristic of all plants of the genus - a floral tube not covered with pubescence. In nature, Gymnocalyciums grow in some areas of Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay and Southern Brazil: they can be found in the grass of flat areas and among rocks in the mountains at an altitude of up to 1000 m above sea level.

Plants of this genus were first described in 1844 by the German scientist Ludwig Pfeiffer. Today, more than a hundred species names have been published in the literature, to which new ones are added almost every year. However, in fact, most of them are not independent species, but forms of already described plants, and some new names are synonyms of names already described in the classification. In the thirties of the last century, Gymnocalycium species were divided into five groups, which united plants according to the properties of their seeds. There are now six groups in the family.

Ginura flower (lat. Gynura) belongs to the genus of plants of the Compositae family, numbering, according to various sources, from 47 to more than 100 species. They grow naturally in the tropics of Asia and Africa. Translated from Greek, ginura means “woman with a tail” - apparently, they meant the long lashes of the plant. Today, some types of ginura are grown in cultivation as ornamental indoor plants.

Family Asphodelaceae

Gasterias are attractive primarily due to their unusual appearance: fleshy two-row leaves form a dense fan, which in some species can reach 1 m. The leaves are usually decorated with alternating stripes of dark green, silver and brown. Sometimes the entire leaf is dotted with tiny rough tubercles, each of which carries a lump white fabric. This feature is characteristic of Gasteria verrucosa. Large single plants surrounded by numerous small children look especially beautiful. You can enhance the decorativeness of gasteria by making the fan of leaves grow in a helical shape. To do this, once a year, rotate the plant 45-90° relative to the light source. Decide in advance in which direction you will “curl” the spiral - clockwise or counterclockwise.
Like most succulents, gasteria are light-loving. They need maximum sun. Although gasteria can go without water for a long time, even in winter it is useful to lightly water them once every 1-2 weeks. In summer, watering is more abundant. Gasteria verrucosa is especially sensitive to lack of moisture. Species with smooth, shiny leaves are covered with a thick waxy coating (cuticle) and suffer less from drought. When kept in a moderately cool window (10-12°C) in winter, gasteria bloom regularly. During the flowering period of gasteria, it is important to water regularly, not to rearrange or change the temperature regime, otherwise the inflorescence will die without opening the flowers.
Among the dangerous infectious diseases, we note rot, which manifests itself in blackening of the leaves. On old specimens it occurs only at the base of the leaf; on small plants the entire leaf turns black. At the first signs of the disease, remove all affected tissue with a sharp knife, sprinkle the sections with coal or sulfur, dry and root in a new substrate. old land throw away, scald the pot with boiling water. From now on, water your pets more sparingly.


Dianthus flower

Family Cloveaceae

Chinese carnation is sometimes sold as a houseplant, but you are unlikely to find it in reference books because it is not usually classified as a houseplant. She needs coolness. Carnations do not live long, but they are easily propagated by seeds and bloom with beautiful white, pink or red flowers with petals ruffled along the edge. Place the carnations in a well-lit area and water thoroughly (the soil should never dry out). On hot days, ventilate the room.

Types of plants. For cultivation, we can recommend annual hybrids D. chinensis Baby Doll and Telstar. Annual hybrids of C. caryophyllus have larger double flowers.

  • Temperature: Requires coolness, about 12-15°C.
  • Lighting: Loves bright light, but it is better to shade it from the midday sun.
  • Watering: Abundant.
  • Air humidity:
  • Care after flowering: The plant is thrown away.
  • Reproduction: Seeds in spring.

Heliconia flower

Banana family

Heliconia in natural environment habitat or in a greenhouse reaches very large sizes. Large paddle-shaped leaves indicate its relationship with banana, and drooping inflorescences 30-60 cm long indicate family ties with Strelitzia. It is grown as a houseplant for beautiful leaves. This is definitely not an easy plant to care for and is a very rare plant - perhaps not worth the hassle.

Types of indoor plants

H.indica has larger pink leaves. The famous G. illustris aureostriata has an even more impressive appearance - each green leaf is covered with small yellow stripes extending at right angles from the median rib.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Heat-loving, in winter not lower than 18°C.
  • Lighting: Bright light; responds well to some direct sun.
  • Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn; In winter, watering is stopped.
  • Air humidity: During the growth period, it requires daily spraying of the leaves.
  • Transfer: Every year in the spring.
  • Reproduction: By division in the spring.


Heliotropum flower

Borage family

Heliotrope is the right choice if you are looking for an unpretentious flowering plant with a pleasant scent, available in violet, lilac and white colors. You can form the plant as a standard tree. Heliotrope can live indoors for many years, but flowering deteriorates sharply over the years.

Types of indoor plants

H.hybridum - wonderful, but not very common indoor shrub, whose large inflorescences, composed of tiny flowers, fill the room with fragrance all summer.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Moderate, in winter no higher than 8-12°C.
  • Lighting: Bright light with shading from the hot summer.
  • Watering: Abundant, moderate in winter.
  • Air humidity:
  • Transfer: Every year in the spring.
  • Reproduction: Stem cuttings in summer or spring. Phytohormones are used for rooting.

Helxine flower

Family Nettles

Gelksina is usually propagated at home - greenhouses are not needed for this. A small lump of earth with stems from the old plant is transferred to the surface of moist soil in a new pot - and after a while, tiny green leaves grow throughout the pot. Helxina is great for growing in a hanging basket or as a ground cover around tall plants. But keep in mind: in an indoor garden, gelxin can suffocate low plants.

Types of indoor plants

Mossy clumps of H. soleirolii were used to cover the surface of the soil in home greenhouses long before the current boom in the houseplant hobby. The form argentea has silvery leaves.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Moderate, in winter not lower than 8°C.
  • Lighting: Any, prefers bright diffused light.
  • Watering: Abundant.
  • Air humidity:
  • Transfer: If necessary in the spring.
  • Reproduction: It is very easy to propagate - transfer a small lump of earth with stems to a new pot at any time of the year.

Haemanthus flower

Amaryllidaceae family

The plant is attractive not for its flowers, although they have their own charm, but for their wide, fleshy leaves. The flowers are small, but very numerous; their elegant appearance is given by the stamens, protruding above the inflorescence and crowned with bright yellow “droplets” of anthers. The petals are white (Hemanthus white-flowered) or red (Hemanthus vermilion). Apparently, it was thanks to the scarlet flowers of some species that the genus Hemanthus got its name. Translated from Greek, this word means “blood-red flower.”
The two mentioned species of hemanthus tolerate drought without shedding their leaves. They contain a concentrated supply of water and nutrients. Unlike other amaryllis, hemanthus produces no more than two leaves in one growth period. If for some reason the plant has lost them, it will have to wait until the next season so that the leaves can grow again. As a rule, they appear simultaneously with flower stalks.
The planting container should be wide, although not very deep. Watering is very moderate: let the soil dry out between waterings. During the growth period, it is advisable to feed hemanthus with organic fertilizers. In the summer, plants are shaded from the bright sun, otherwise they may get burned: the tips of the leaves will turn white and die.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Moderate, in winter not lower than 10°C.
  • Lighting: Bright light with some direct sun.
  • Watering: Abundant, moderate in winter.
  • Air humidity: The leaves should be wiped with a damp sponge from time to time.
  • Transfer: Once every 4-5 years in the spring.
  • Reproduction: By daughter bulbs in summer or seeds in spring.

Haemaria discolor Lindl. flower

Orchid family

It will probably surprise many that some orchids are grown not for their flowers, which are generally inconspicuous, but exclusively as decorative foliage plants. They are even called "variegated jewels." One of them is Gemaria versicolor.
Each shoot of this orchid develops six or more leaves, and its growth form is not similar to ordinary orchids with pseudobulbs. The leaves are black-green, velvety, streaked with a pattern of white or silver veins. Gemaria received its name from the Greek “paeta” - blood - for the unusual reddish tint of the underside of the leaf.
This terrestrial orchid does not require lighting, and in summer it feels great even on a northern window. Gemaria also grows well under artificial light. But it is quite thermophilic and even in winter prefers a temperature of at least 18-20°C.
Care consists of regular spraying, preferably with distilled water (tap water creates unsightly spots on the leaves). Periodically, carefully remove dust from the leaves. Water so that the substrate is slightly moist all the time.


Hemigraphis flower

Family Acanthus

A creeping plant widely cultivated in the USA in hanging baskets; It's rare among us. It has colored leaves: silvery in the shade, they turn purple and acquire a metallic tint in sunlight. Hemigraphis is not an easy plant to grow, but it is not as difficult as some reference books say. It requires warmth in winter, high humidity and pinching as the stems grow.

Types of indoor plants

As a rule, you can find H.alternate on sale. Despite its name (English Red lvy - red ivy), it does not look like real ivy - it grows no higher than 30-60 cm, the leaves are up to 7 cm long, ovate. H. exotica has wrinkled leaves.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Moderate, in winter not lower than 14°C.
  • Lighting: Bright light or partial shade. With some direct sun the color of the leaves will be more intense.
  • Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn, moderate in winter.
  • Air humidity:
  • Transfer: Every year in the spring.
  • Reproduction: Stem cuttings late spring or in summer.

Geogenanthus flower

Family Commelinaceae

Geogenanthus blooms in summer with pinkish-purple flowers with wavy petals, but it is grown not for its quickly fading flowers, but for its unusual leaves with longitudinal folds running from the petiole to the tip of the leaf. Geogenanthus is not easy to find and difficult to grow - it needs warmth and wet air.

Types of indoor plants

Only the G.undatus species is grown indoors. The plant is compact, rarely exceeding 30 cm in height. The stems usually do not branch, the leaves are dark green with silver stripes.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Quite high - in winter not lower than 18°C.
  • Lighting: Bright diffused light.
  • Watering: Abundant, moderate in winter.
  • Air humidity: Requires frequent spraying of leaves in spring and summer.
  • Transfer: If necessary in the spring.
  • Reproduction:

Dahlia flower

Family Asteraceae

Indoor dahlias are much less common than indoor chrysanthemums. They are occasionally found on sale, but they are almost never described in reference books. In cultivation there are varieties with “flowers” different shapes and coloring. These plants are naturally miniature, unlike the chrysanthemum, whose dwarf forms are artificially bred. Can be grown from seeds. Care is the same as for chrysanthemums - bright light, abundant watering and moderate temperature.

Types of plants. Indoor dahlias are hybrids of D. variabilis. They reach a height of 35 cm; in seed catalogs of flowering crops they are designated as “Bedding Dahlias” (dahlias for flower beds). Varieties - Figaro and Rigoletto.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Prefers cool, preferably 12-15°C.
  • Lighting: Photophilous, should be shaded from the midday sun.
  • Watering: Abundant all year round.
  • Air humidity: It is useful to spray the leaves from time to time.
  • Care after flowering: The plant is thrown away.
  • Reproduction: Seeds in spring.

Heptapleurum flower

Family Araliaceae

A rapidly growing tree-like plant with approximately ten leaves from each petiole. The main advantage over the closely related Schefflera is that when the growing point on the main stem is removed, it can grow like a bush. In culture it is light if it is provided with warmth, good lighting and humid air in winter. With a sharp change in conditions, leaves may fall; Drying ends of leaf blades indicate waterlogging of the soil.

Types of indoor plants

With support, H. arboricola grows as an upright, unbranched tree up to 2 m in height. In cultivation there are forms Hayata (grayish leaves), Geisha (rounded leaves) and variegata (leaves with yellow spots).

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Moderate, in winter not lower than 17°C.
  • Lighting: Bright light, with shading from direct sun.
  • Watering:
  • Air humidity: Requires frequent spraying of leaves. The leaves should be washed from time to time.
  • Transfer: Every year in the spring.
  • Reproduction: From stem cuttings or seeds in spring.
Geranium (pelargonium)

Pelargonium flower

Geranium family

It is not surprising that pelargoniums are so loved all over the world. They are easy to care for, easy to propagate, and bloom for a long time with large and colorful inflorescences. These plants are usually called by amateurs blooming geraniums. A small group of scented pelargoniums are grown not for their flowers, but for their fragrant leaves.
The most common are zonal or garden pelargoniums. On a sunny windowsill at a temperature of 12°C and above, they can bloom almost all year round. Keep the soil slightly moist: waterlogging is the main enemy of pelargoniums. Pelargonium domestica is the most luxurious plant in the genus. Unfortunately, it doesn't bloom for as long and is quite difficult to grow. Overwinters at 8-12°C. Hanging pelargoniums are becoming increasingly popular. Inflorescences on tall peduncles remain on fragile stems all summer and autumn if the plants are located in a sunny place. There are a few general rules for caring for pelargoniums. Young shoots are pinched to enhance branching. Replant only when absolutely necessary. Provide access to fresh air and fairly low humidity. Withered flowers are removed. They are pruned in the spring (P. domestica is pruned in the fall).

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Moderate, lower at night - in winter not lower than 8°C (for hanging species - 12°C).
  • Lighting: Photophilous, demanding of direct sun.
  • Watering: Abundant as the soil dries. Over-wetting the soil should be avoided. In winter, water less often - outside the flowering period, the soil should be only slightly moist.
  • Air humidity: Does not require spraying leaves.
  • Transfer: If necessary in the spring.
  • Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring. There is no need to cover the cuttings or apply phytohormones. Seeds are sown in spring.

  • Yellowing lower leaves
    Cause: If the leaves remain elastic or only the edges dry out, the cause is a lack of moisture. If the leaves are limp or rotting, it is due to excess moisture. In both cases, leaves may fall off.
  • Redness of leaf edges
    Reason: Too low temperature. Move the pot away from the window on frosty nights.
  • Darkening of the base of the stem
    Cause: Blackleg disease. The diseased plant is destroyed. In the future, use sterilized soil and avoid overmoistening it.
  • Bare stems; dropping of lower leaves
    Reason: Lack of light - pelargoniums are light-loving.
  • Watery soft pads on leaves
    Cause: Edema is a non-contagious disease associated with waterlogging of the soil. Reduce watering.
  • Gray mold on leaves
    Cause: Gray rot caused by a fungus; occurs when the soil becomes waterlogged. Contagious disease - remove affected leaves, treat systemic fungicide, better ventilate the room and reduce watering.
  • Lack of flowers on pelargonium domestica
    Reason: If the plant looks healthy then probable cause- too much warm air in winter.


Gerbera jamesoni flower

Family Asteraceae

Gerbera has been grown as a flowering pot plant for many years. Blooms from May to August. The culture has both “single” and “double” forms with basket-like inflorescences (often incorrectly called flowers) of amazing color - with yellow, orange, red, pink and white marginal flowers (“petals”) around a yellow center. Plants of the original forms look overgrown due to high (up to 60 cm) peduncles. Recently, races with more compact bushes have been bred.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Moderate, during the flowering period - 16-20°C.
  • Lighting:
  • Watering: Plentiful all the time.
  • Air humidity:
  • Care after flowering: The plant is thrown away or transferred to a greenhouse.
  • Reproduction: Seeds in spring.

Hyacynthus flower

Liliaceae family

There is a Greek legend associated with the name of this plant. The favorite of the god Apollo was a young man named Hyacinth. Hyacinth and Apollo often organized sports competitions. One day, Apollo was throwing a discus, and the wind god Zephyr, apparently out of envy, picked up the discus and threw it straight at Hyacinth. Apollo immortalized the memory of his favorite with a cinnabar flower, which grew from the young man’s blood. This flower, tall and slender, was called hyacinth by the ancient Greeks.
The main quality of hyacinth is its unsurpassed strong aroma. The smell permeates the entire flower shop as soon as a batch of colorful plants is delivered for the holiday.
Give the hyacinth the lightest possible location, preferably with lights during the winter months. Water moderately, drying slightly between waterings. Once every 2 weeks, give complex fertilizer for indoor flowers. To curb excessive leaf stretching, try to keep it cool.
The main condition for regular flowering of hyacinth in a room is bright direct sunlight and coolness. At the first opportunity, take the pot of hyacinth to the balcony, not forgetting to accustom it to ultraviolet radiation.


Hibiscus flower

Family Malvaceae

Hibiscus is a wonderful single plant for a sunny windowsill. His large flowers with paper-thin petals, they bloom for only a day or two, but with proper care, new flowers will appear from spring to autumn. The hibiscus bush lives for 20 years or more, and lends itself well to shaping - at the end of winter, prune the stems to increase branching. Hibiscus can also be grown as a standard tree.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature:
  • Lighting: As bright a light as possible, but shade from the hot sun.
  • Watering: Abundant, watering is reduced in winter.
  • Air humidity: It is useful to spray the leaves occasionally.
  • Transfer: Every year in the spring.
  • Reproduction: From stem cuttings in late summer.

Particular difficulties when caring for a plant

  • The buds are falling
    Cause: The most likely cause is drying out of the soil. Other causes may include lack of nutrients and sudden changes in temperature.
  • The leaves are falling
    Cause: The most likely cause is drying out of the soil. Other reasons may be drafts and waterlogging of the soil.
  • The leaves are wrinkled
    Cause: Air too dry. Spray the leaves in spring and summer.
  • Pests
    Possible damage from aphids and spider mites.
Hydrangea (Hydrangea)

Hydrangea flower

Family Saxifraga

Hydrangea inflorescences can be spherical or corymbose, with large marginal flowers. The two main requirements for care are coolness and constantly moist soil. After flowering, cut the shoots to half their length.

Types of indoor plants

In culture there are forms of H.tacrophylla with flowers of white, pink, violet and lilac colors. Pink flowers can be made blue if you add a special additive to the soil before flowering.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Reduced, in winter not lower than 8°C.
  • Lighting: Bright diffused light.
  • Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn. Used for irrigation rainwater, if the water supply is hard.
  • Air humidity: From time to time the leaves are sprayed.
  • Care after flowering: They replant and continue to water and feed, and take them out into the open air for the summer. In winter, keep in a cool, frost-free room and water moderately. In mid-winter, move to a warmer, bright room and increase watering.
  • Reproduction: In indoor conditions it is too troublesome.

Hymenocallis flower

Amaryllidaceae family

If you try to freely translate this name from Greek, you will get “a hymn of beauty, a song of beauty,” which indicates the poetic inclinations of the botanists who first described this plant. Apparently, they were literally fascinated by the originality and perfection of hymenocallis flowers.
Hymenocallis is a close relative of Eucharis. Long-time lovers of indoor flowers are familiar with hymenocallis under the outdated name “pancratium”. There is another name under which it comes from Holland - ismene. Bulbs are delivered to the store in February - April. Then it can be planted in a pot with a diameter of 20 cm, slightly deepening the bulb or leaving only its top on the surface. A mixture of equal proportions of turf, leaf and humus soil and sand will suit them perfectly.
Hymenocallis love bright, but not direct, midday light, although they can tolerate southern window conditions well. Tender foliage evaporates a lot of moisture, so hymenocallis are watered somewhat more abundantly than hippeastrums. In case of insufficient watering, the leaves quickly lie down, losing turgor. But beware of even slight yellowing of the lower leaves - a sure sign of waterlogging. In this case, the bases of the leaves become watery and brown. Hymenocallis prefers mineral fertilizers (once every 3 weeks from May to July). If you have purchased enough large onion, then early hymenocallis will bloom in July - September of this year. Some specimens good care bloom twice a year.
Many species never shed their leaves; only early Hymenocallis is able to do without them during the dormant period. Only it can be given an absolutely dry winter (preferably in the refrigerator at a temperature of about 10°C). Other species should not shed their leaves, but watering is greatly reduced from October to February. Evergreen species do not tolerate transplantation well, so they are left untouched for 3-4 years. For the first time after transplanting, it is advisable to shade the plants somewhat, since the leaves wither a little. They will become elastic again after the formation of new roots.


Ginkgo flower

Family Ginkgo

At one time, the discovery of ginkgo excited the entire scientific world of Europe. This plant was known only from leaf imprints in ancient rocks, and suddenly the fossil turned out to be alive. Only a few specimens have been found in nature. Unusual tree It immediately gained popularity due to its amazingly shaped bluish-green foliage. There are legends about the ginkgo leaf. Thus, the famous German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe considered ginkgo to be the living embodiment of love. A deeply bilobed leaf with jagged edges, forked at the top, symbolizes two separate destinies, which, when moving to the base of the leaf, merge together: the leaf becomes smooth and even, and then smoothly turns into a thin petiole. And after the death of the poet, a ginkgo tree remained to grow near Goethe’s house, which is still carefully looked after. This is why in Germany ginkgo is known as the Goethe tree.
The life of a tree is subject to a strict seasonal rhythm. At the beginning of growth (until mid-summer), once a month, feed the ginkgo with half the dose of mineral fertilizers, water with soft, settled water. There is no need to spray ginkgo, but the tree needs light and fresh air. It is useful to dig a pot of ginkgo into the soil for the summer.
Bring the plant indoors before frost sets in. The leaves will begin to turn yellow, filling your conservatory with the colors of autumn. After leaf fall, watering is reduced, but the soil should not be allowed to become dry. Ginkgo does not need light during winter. It is best to keep the plant cool (5 - 10°C), but if this is not possible, ginkgo will rest at higher temperatures.
In March, the growing season begins: the buds open and the plant dresses itself with young foliage. At this time, you can replant the ginkgo or transfer it to a larger vessel. Increase watering and start fertilizing - at this time they are most effective.


Gynura sarmentosa flower

Family Asteraceae

Ginura grows quickly, is unpretentious, its leaves are covered with purple hairs. Due to its bright color, it requires lighting. In spring it blooms with small, dandelion-like inflorescences - they must be picked off at the bud stage, because they smell unpleasant. Pinch the stems from time to time.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Moderate, in winter not lower than 12°C.
  • Lighting: Bright, responds well to some direct sun.
  • Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn, moderate in winter.
  • Air humidity: It is useful to spray the leaves from time to time.
  • Transfer: If necessary in the spring.
  • Reproduction: Stem cuttings root easily.

Hypocyrta flower

Family Gesneriaceae

Numerous flowers of hypocyrta look like small goldfish. This is a beautiful bushy plant with shiny dark green succulent leaves. During the growth period, it requires careful watering and frequent spraying; during the dormant period, in winter, keep the plant in a cool, sunny room, trim the stems - flowers appear only on young shoots.

Types of indoor plants

H.glabra requires high air humidity. The stems are straight or graceful, arched, drooping, and waxy orange flowers appear in mid-summer. H. nummularia is grown as a hanging plant.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Moderate, in winter not lower than 12°C.
  • Lighting: Bright light or light partial shade, with some direct light sunlight in winter.
  • Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn, moderate in winter.
  • Air humidity: Requires regular spraying of leaves.
  • Transfer: Once every two years in the spring.
  • Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring or summer.

Hypoestes flower

Family Acanthus

Hypoestes is grown for its spotted leaves. In a well-lit place with some direct sunlight, the leaves have a variegated color; in partial shade they become green. The young plant is a beautiful low bush, which, with regular pinching, does not exceed 30-60 cm in height. Pale lilac flowers should be removed. After flowering, sometimes there is a period of dormancy. In this case, reduce watering until new shoots appear.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Moderate, in winter not lower than 12°C.
  • Lighting: Bright light; with a certain amount of direct sunlight, the color of the leaves becomes brighter.
  • Watering: Maintain constant soil moisture. From spring to autumn, watering is plentiful, in winter - moderate.
  • Air humidity: Requires frequent spraying of leaves.
  • Transfer: Every year in the spring.
  • Reproduction: By seeds in spring or stem cuttings in spring.

Hippeastrum flower

Amaryllidaceae family

Perhaps hippeastrum is the most common and famous plant from the amaryllis family. Hippeastrum is often sold under the incorrect name “amaryllis”. True amaryllis comes from Africa. So far it is found only in specialized collections and is very difficult to find on sale.
Every month the plant produces one leaf (although during the dormant period these leaves may not appear outward). Every four leaves an inflorescence is formed in the bulb. It is easy to calculate that hippeastrum forms approximately three inflorescences per year. So why does it bloom only once a year? This depends on two reasons: the size of the bulb (i.e. the supply of nutrients) and the duration of the dormant period.
Bulbs less than 10 cm in circumference (about 7 cm in diameter) practically do not bloom, although inflorescences are formed regularly. Therefore, the main task is to provide the plant with nutrients and prevent the bulb from decreasing in size. Bulbs become smaller in poor lighting, when there are too many babies or when there is too much abundant flowering. They compensate for the loss of bulb mass during flowering with regular mineral fertilizing.
There are several ways to make hippeastrum bloom. Industrial stimulation consists of treating the bulbs with hot water at a temperature of 43-45°C (higher temperatures can cause burns!) for 2.5-3 hours. Most plants will bloom in 20-25 days. These are the bulbs that go on sale. In the previous season, the bulb was fed abundantly or even deprived of a dormant period. After stimulation in the dark and without watering, the plant develops two or even three flower stalks. This is the maximum capabilities of the bulb. Therefore on next year hippeastrum is resting from flowering. Be sure to place the plant in direct sunlight and feed it regularly if you want it to bloom the next season.
At home, hippeastrum stops watering in August - September, after which the leaves should dry out. Without shaking the bulb out of the pot, move it to a dry, dark place (away from central heating radiators!).


Gloriosa flower

Liliaceae family

Large gloriosa flowers bloom in mid-summer. It has weak stems that need support. During the flowering period, keep warm in a well-lit place. Gloriosa is bought during the flowering period or grown from a tuber. The tuber is planted in spring in a pot with a diameter of 15 cm, deepening the top by 2.5 cm. Water little by little, and as the stems begin to grow, watering is gradually increased.
G. rothschildiana reaches a height of 1.4 m or more. The upper part of the tepals bent back is red, the base is yellow. In G. superba, the green color at the base of the tepals gradually turns orange, then red.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Heat-loving, during the growth period not lower than 18°C.
  • Lighting: Bright light, should be shaded in summer.
  • Watering: Abundant during growth period.
  • Air humidity: From time to time the leaves should be sprayed.
  • Care after flowering: Watering is gradually reduced, and after the leaves dry out, stop completely. The tuber is stored in a pot at a temperature of 10-12°C. Replant in spring.
  • Reproduction: Young tubers during transplantation.

Punica flower

Family Derbennikovaceae

The regular pomegranate is not suitable for growing indoors, but the dwarf pomegranate grows wonderfully in a pot on a sunny windowsill. The flowers may be followed by bright orange fruits. In the summer, the pot can be placed outdoors; in winter, it must be kept in a cool place. During the dormant period, the leaves fall off.

Types of indoor plants

P. granatum nana reaches a height of 1 m. The leaves are shiny, bright scarlet flowers appear in summer. If you're lucky, spherical fruit may set.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Moderate, in winter not lower than 6°C.
  • Lighting: Bright light, some direct sun required.
  • Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn, very limited in winter.
  • Air humidity: In summer, the leaves are sprayed from time to time.
  • Transfer: If necessary in the spring.
  • Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring. For rooting, phytohormones and bottom heating are used.

Grevillea flower

Family Proteaceae

Large indoor tree plants are very expensive, and if you grow them yourself from seedlings, it will take several years. In this case, grevillea will be a suitable plant for a cool and bright room - it can be easily grown from seed, already in the first season it grows up to 30 cm, and in four to five years it can stretch to the ceiling.

Types of indoor plants

In indoor culture there is only the species G.robusta. The fern-like leaves appear lacy, but become coarser with age; usually the wounds are either severely pruned to stimulate the growth of young leaves, or thrown away upon reaching a height of 70-100 cm.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Moderate or slightly below moderate, in winter - not lower than 8°C.
  • Lighting: Bright light, with shading from the midday sun in summer.
  • Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn, moderate in winter.
  • Air humidity: It is useful to spray the leaves occasionally.
  • Transfer: Seeds in spring or summer.

A list of plants starting with the letter G that are grown at home, in the garden and in the vegetable garden.

Growing Hyacinths (Hyacinthus) at the dacha, garden plot and even at home in a pot with minimum costs time and effort gives excellent results: you get to enjoy not only the beauty of the grown flower, but also the unusually pleasant aroma.

With the exception of a few Dutch varieties, known for their capricious nature, the plants are unpretentious in their care, so growing hyacinths is an exciting and rewarding endeavor.

Plant gaillardia (lat. Gaillardia), or Gaillardia, or Gaillardia, belongs to a genus of the Asteraceae family, numbering approximately twenty-five species that grow wild in South and North America. Gaillardias are drought-resistant herbaceous annuals and perennials, named after the French philanthropist and patron of botany, member of the Paris Academy of Sciences Gaillard de Charentonau, who lived in the 18th century.

Galtonia (lat. Galtonia), or cape hyacinthbulbous perennial The Liliaceae family is native to the Cape of Good Hope. The plant was named in honor of Francis Galton, an English explorer of the flora of South Africa. In Europe, galtonia has been cultivated as a late-flowering plant since the seventies of the 19th century. Of the four natural species of the genus, mainly one is grown in culture - Galtonia whitish, or whitening.

Gardenia - description

Gardenia (lat. Gardenia) belongs to the madder family and includes approximately 250 species. The plant lives in the forests of the subtropical parts of China and Japan. The genus was named after the gardener Garden A., who lived in America in the 18th century.

Gardenias are evergreen shrubs and small trees. Strong shoots are either pubescent or bare. The leaves are arranged oppositely, have stipules, and are glossy. The flowers are either collected in corymbs or grow singly, have a pleasant smell, are yellow and white, apical or axillary.

Usually grown indoors only gardenia jasminoides. The plant tolerates pruning normally. Despite the fact that you can quite easily form the crown of a plant, it is very whimsical: poor tolerance to temperature changes and excess moisture in the substrate.

Gardenia (lat. Gardenia)- a genus of the Rubiaceae family from the tropics, which is named after the American physician and naturalist Alexander Garden. In indoor conditions, the gardenia flower does not take up much space, but in nature - in East and Southeast Asia, as well as in South Africa - the gardenia plant sometimes reaches two meters in height. Gardenia, grown at home - jasmine, sometimes called "Japanese beauty" by gardeners; it came to England in 1760.

Flower growers grow it not only for the beautiful white, waxy flowers that emit a subtle jasmine scent, but also for the glossy leaves of a rich dark green color, which are a worthy decoration for gardenia when it is not in bloom.

I've been dreaming about this beauty for a long time - gardenia jasminoides. But the prices for this flower in our stores scared me away. Already a large adult flower costs a lot, but they say that specimens grown in a greenhouse practically do not survive at home. Changes in temperature and humidity levels have an effect. It is believed that you need to purchase adapted plants for your home. But they don't sell them.

They say gardenia is very difficult to grow from seeds. Well, let's wait and see. But there is also an opinion that gardenia grown from seeds is more adapted to home conditions. But even a purchased flower can be preserved and admired as it blooms, if you follow the rules of care. Let's look at it point by point, what kind of care does gardenia need at home?.

Wintergreen (lat. Gaultheria), or wintergreen, or gautieria, or holteria is a genus of the Ericaceae family, consisting of approximately 180 species native to North and South America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. The genus was named in honor of one of the first researchers of the flora of Canada, the French botanist and physician Jean-François Gautier. Several species of wintergreen are grown in garden culture as ornamental plants.

Plant Gazania (lat. Gazania), or gazania, or african daisy, belonging to the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family, is represented by forty species that naturally grow in Mozambique and South Africa, as well as in the Australian coastal dunes. In the 17th century, the gazania flower appeared in Europe and received its current name in honor of the Italian priest Theodore von Gaza, famous for his translations of the works of Theophrastus and Aristotle. In Western Europe, this plant is called “midday gold” due to the fact that its colored warm shades gatsaniya flowers open at noon.

Turkish cloves, or bearded carnation (lat. Dianthus barbatus)- a plant of the genus Carnation of the Carnation family. The generic name of the plant is translated from Greek as “flower of Zeus” or “divine flower”, and this carnation is called bearded for the presence of bracts with ciliated edges. Turkish clove is originally from Southern Europe. It grows on river sands, in groves, deciduous forests, meadows and rocks. The plant has been in cultivation since 1573, and today Turkish cloves can be found in almost every garden. It is used to create alpine slides, flower beds, borders and even as a ground cover plant.

Carnation Shabo (lat. Dianthus caryophyllus var. schabaud) is a herbaceous perennial of hybrid origin of the genus Carnation of the Carnation family. This hybrid form was obtained in the 19th century by the pharmacist Chabot from Toulon from crossing two types of cloves: Dianthus caryophyllus and Dianthus suffruticossus. In cultivation, this variety of garden carnation is grown for cutting and landscape design - ridges, mixborders, flower beds, as well as for decorating balconies, gazebos and terraces.

Heuchera (lat. Heuchera)- a genus of rhizomatous herbaceous perennials of the Saxifraga family, the cultivated species and varieties of which are extremely in demand today in landscape design. Heuchera received its name in honor of Johann Heinrich von Heucher, a German botanist and doctor. Heuchera comes from the rocky regions of North America and is a compact bush up to half a meter tall, attracting the eye with its luxurious, exquisite leaves. Heuchera is a plant for gourmets, because during one growing season it can change the color of its leaves, more than once. No other crop is distinguished by such a palette of shades and so many options for their combinations as heuchera, and especially its modern variegated varieties.

Video about helenium. There are many miracles in the world, but there are miracles in our flower garden, and now I will show you this miracle. Meet autumn helenium! Well, you say, some kind of yellow daisy. But don’t rush, I’ll tell you now about this plant, and why I call it a miracle plant: not only for its beauty, but also for one more property.

Flower helenium (lat. Helenium) is a genus of annuals and perennials in the Asteraceae family, numbering 32 species, which grow in Central and North America, mainly in the Western United States. It is generally accepted that the helenium plant was named after the wife of King Menelaus, the beautiful Helen, because of whom the war between Greece and Troy broke out, described by Homer in the Iliad.

What is remarkable about helenium flowers? First of all, precisely because of its unremarkability - for the time being. When at the end of summer the riot of colors in the garden subsides, you suddenly discover with interest somewhere on the side a modest helenium bush that you had not noticed yesterday. And today, its golden baskets, which can change their color, attract your attention with their not very elegant, but warm, calm and cozy beauty...

Heliopsis (lat. Heliopsis)- a genus of herbaceous annuals and perennials of the Asteraceae, or Asteraceae, family, growing in the Central and North America. The name of the genus in translation means “sun-like” and confirms the similarity of the shape of the plant’s inflorescences with an astronomical body. There are more than a dozen species in the genus. The type species of the genus is sunflower heliopsis (Heliopsis helianthoides), varieties and hybrids of which are mainly grown in cultivation.

Plant heliotrope (lat. Heliotropium) belongs to the genus of the Borage family, numbering about 300 plant species. Its representatives are subshrubs and herbaceous perennials growing in the Mediterranean and Americas - in the tropics, subtropics and temperate zones. The name of the plant consists of two Greek words, meaning “sun” and “rotation, turning” and reflects the way the flowers turn their heads after the sun.

The heliotrope flower, which became a popular plant in gardens back in the 18th century due to its vanilla scent, is popularly called “lichen grass”, “dye litmus”, the French call it “herb of love”, the British - “cherry pie”, and the Germans - "God's grass" Heliotrope is in demand not only in floriculture, but also in the perfume industry, as well as in medicine. However, in order to grow heliotrope in your garden and achieve lush flowering, you will have to arm yourself with knowledge and make efforts.
