Annual dahlias - growing from seeds, when to plant. Planting and care

Our grandmothers, growing garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, did not particularly worry about mulching. But today this agricultural technique has become fundamental in achieving High Quality berries and reducing crop losses. Some might say it's a hassle. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off handsomely. In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with the nine best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that “little ones” have always been considered more fashionable, it’s worth taking a closer look at the range of succulents with which you can decorate a modern interior. After all, colors, sizes, patterns, degree of prickliness, impact on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article we will tell you about the five most fashionable succulents that amazingly transform modern interiors.

The Egyptians used mint as early as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils, which are highly volatile. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article we will look at the most interesting varieties of mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in open ground.

People began growing crocuses 500 years before our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the harbingers of spring next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, flowering times may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article is dedicated to the earliest varieties of crocuses, which bloom in late March and early April.

Cabbage soup made from early young cabbage in beef broth is hearty, aromatic and easy to prepare. In this recipe you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup with this broth. Early cabbage It cooks quickly, so it is placed in the pan at the same time as other vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup turns out tastier than freshly prepared cabbage soup.

Blueberries are a rare and promising berry crop in gardens. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins and have antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and tonic properties. The berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, microelements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. Blueberries taste like a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it’s hard not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners are sometimes confused by it! However, understanding the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself” is not so difficult. The main thing is to delve into the peculiarities of the culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest groups of tomatoes to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been valued by those gardeners who do not have much energy and time to care for their beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleus today is one of the most colorful garden and indoor plants. It is not for nothing that they are considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are primarily looking for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant monitoring. But if you take care of them, bushes made of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provençal herbs provides tasty pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The champignons are lightly fried in olive oil and then sprinkled with apple cider vinegar. These mushrooms are tastier than regular pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Wild garlic and fresh dill get along well in one salad, highlighting each other’s aroma. The garlicky pungency of wild garlic will permeate both the salmon flesh and mushroom pieces.

A coniferous tree or shrub on a site is always great, but a lot of conifers is even better. Emerald needles of various shades decorate the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils released by plants not only aromatize, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, most zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require proper care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the canopy flowering trees have long become an integral attribute of welcoming spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when the magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese take place under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain species can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

I am very interested in analyzing how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and was an object of trade, lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century B.C. e. About 6 varieties of quince were known, and even then methods of its propagation and cultivation were described.

Delight your family and prepare themed cottage cheese cookies in the shape of Easter eggs! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration as the pieces of dough turn into real ones. Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read our step by step recipe!

Among tuberous crops, there are not so many decorative deciduous favorites. And caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of interiors. Not everyone can decide to own a caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all, it requires care. But still, rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of caladiums are never justified. Attention and care can avoid any difficulties when growing caladiums. And the plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply easy-to-prepare dish for you today. This sauce is one hundred percent universal, as it goes with every side dish: vegetables, pasta, or anything. Chicken and mushroom gravy will save you in moments when you don’t have time or don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Take your favorite side dish (you can do this in advance so everything is hot), add some gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.

The choice of landing site has great importance for successfully growing dahlias.
To get beautifully flowering plants, it is better to plant dahlias in a sunny place protected from drafts. Dahlias planted in the shade become elongated and bloom poorly.

Perennial dahlias

Since tubers are prone to rotting if there is excess moisture, the planting site should not be located in a low area where moisture can stagnate. It is not advisable to grow dahlias in one place for more than two years to avoid damage to the flowers by diseases and pests.

Pre-planting bed preparation

Soil preparation is carried out in autumn and spring immediately before planting tubers or seedlings. The soil should be loose, air and water permeable, slightly acidic or neutral acidity.

In the fall, add organic fertilizers to the ground: rotted manure - 3-5 kg ​​per 1 sq.m. or bird droppings in the amount of 100 g per 1 sq.m. You can add humus and compost. If the soil is heavy or clayey, adding coarse sand and ash will help improve the structure. Dig the beds to a depth of 30-35 cm. The width of the bed is about 1 m, the length is arbitrary.

In early spring, rake the beds to retain moisture in the soil. And immediately before planting dahlias, dig up the ground with a pitchfork or treat it with a flat cutter to a depth of 5 cm. This is necessary to clear the beds of sprouted weeds and roots of sow thistle, wheatgrass, and bindweed.

Preparing dahlia tubers for planting

  • Preparation of planting material begins in late March - early April when planting dahlia seedlings.
  • If you decide to plant the tubers directly in the ground, then preparation is carried out two weeks before planting - in the first half of May.

We take the dahlia tubers out of their storage location and carefully inspect them. It is necessary to remove all dried roots and nodules, cut out the rotten parts. Treat all cut areas with brilliant green or sprinkle with ash and crushed activated carbon.

These tuber roots must be divided into divisions with 1-3 tubers.

If the rhizomes were not divided in the fall, then this must be done before planting. Why divide? From a large tuber with a large number buds, you will get a thickened plant that will shade itself and bloom poorly. This is especially true for large-flowered, tall varieties. Tubers of low-growing border dahlias do not need to be divided before planting.

If the buds on the root collar have not yet awakened, the tubers should be placed in a bright, warm place. As soon as the sprouts hatch, you can begin dividing.

Dividing dahlia tubers.

Using a sharp knife, starting from the stump, you need to carefully cut the root tubers so that the resulting sections have a root collar and have 1-3 growth points. One division can contain 1-3 nodules. Sprinkle the cut areas with ash or crushed coal and grease with brilliant green.

To plant tubers, the resulting divisions are placed in boxes or transparent bags with holes for air access and lightly sprayed. This is done two weeks before planting. In a bright, warm place, the buds will quickly wake up and sprouts will hatch. The tubers are ready for planting.

We grow seedlings

Growing seedlings is used to obtain earlier flowering.
We plant the resulting divisions in small plastic containers or pots, which must have drainage holes. We use light soil: coconut substrate, sand, sawdust, light soil.

We cover the tubers with substrate so that the root collar with buds is on the surface. This planting will protect the root collar from rotting.

Growing dahlia seedlings

Seedling care: The place for seedlings should be bright, but straight Sun rays destructive to tender sprouts. Optimal temperature 15-18 degrees. Watering is minimal. No fertilizing is needed, since the tuber contains enough nutrients that will last until the seedlings are planted in open ground.

Planting perennial dahlias in the ground

Planting dahlias in open ground with seedlings is carried out in late May - early June. At this time, the threat of spring frosts has usually passed and warm weather has set in.

Before planting, seedlings need to be hardened off. For this purpose, pots with plants should be taken out to open air gradually increasing the residence time.

Planting holes with a depth of a shovel bayonet are dug at a distance of 30 cm for low-growing species and 50-80 cm for tall varieties of dahlias. The size of the hole should be such that the seedlings, together with the lump of earth, are located freely.

Plant the dahlia in the prepared hole.

An hour or two before planting, water the seedlings well. Pour a quarter of a bucket of rotted manure or humus into the bottom of the planting hole, add mineral fertilizers and mix with the soil. Place the seedlings together with a lump of earth, stick a peg nearby to tie the bush up as it grows, and cover it so that the soil covers the lower pair of leaves. Water the planted plant and mulch it with dry soil.

Planting with tubers

You can plant dahlias in open ground as tubers by mid-May. Planting holes are dug as deep as a spade, with a diameter of 30–40 cm. Rotted manure, humus, and mineral fertilizers are added and mixed with part of the excavated soil.

Prepared sprouted tubers are placed horizontally, a peg is inserted for future garter and covered with soil so that the root collar is covered with a layer of 5 cm. After planting, the bed is watered and mulched with dry soil.

Caring for dahlias

Caring for dahlias includes weeding, watering, fertilizing, bush formation, and staking.


Weeding is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the beds so that weeds do not interfere with the development of plants. If the dahlias were planted as tubers, then the areas around the pegs must be weeded by hand without using a flat cutter or hoe, so as not to damage the small sprouts.

Care perennial dahlias usual: weeding, watering, fertilizing.

Plants that have grown to 15 cm must be hilled. This will cause the formation of additional roots, improve stem growth and the bush's resistance to wind. Hilling up dahlias at the end of summer will help protect the root collar from damage by autumn frosts. It is advisable to carry out weeding and loosening the soil after each watering or rain.

Don't forget to water the dahlias

Watering is required abundantly - 4-5 liters of water for each bush. The frequency of watering depends on weather conditions. In dry, hot summers, we water frequently, but so that there is no stagnation of water. Two waterings per week are sufficient. Mulching the soil with peat, humus, and compost after watering helps retain moisture longer.

Plant nutrition

Fertilizing is done 2-3 times before flowering begins. The day before feeding, dahlias must be watered. There are many options for using fertilizers. We give just a couple of examples.

  1. Dahlias are very responsive to fertilizing with organic fertilizers in the form of mullein infusion (1:10) or bird droppings (1:20). For 10 liters of water, take 2 liters of infusion. 1.5 - 2 liters of the prepared solution is poured under each plant.
  2. Potassium and phosphorus fertilizers have a good effect on the development of tubers, budding and flowering. For 10 liters of water, take a teaspoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate. 2-3 liters of solution is poured under each bush.

The first feeding is carried out two to three weeks after planting, the second - during budding and the third - before flowering begins. Starting from the second half of August, do not feed dahlias anymore. If overfed, especially with nitrogen fertilizers, the tubers will not be stored well.

Bush formation.

In a young plant, 2-3 of the strongest shoots are left, all other stems are removed. All side shoots are also pinched to a stem height of 40-50 cm. This is necessary for better growth and flowering. The flowers will be larger and richer in color.

It is better to remove side shoots.

The very first flower can be broken off without regret, then the side shoots will begin to grow faster and the flowering will be more luxuriant. Regular removal of dried flowers stimulates the growth of new inflorescences and prolongs flowering time.

In August you need to cut everything off lower leaves on stems up to a height of 30-50 cm to accelerate the ripening of the root collar. All these measures are relevant for tall and medium-sized dahlias.

Dwarf low-growing dahlias grow as a lush bush with several stems. Such varieties do not need to be planted. The only thing you can do is pinch the stem at a height of 30 cm.

Gartering of dahlias is necessary for tall and medium-growing varieties. Dahlias have a hollow, fragile stem that can easily break under the pressure of the wind. To protect the bushes, already when planting, a peg about 1 m high is placed in the hole. The plant begins to be tied at a height of 50 cm and higher as it grows.

Propagation of perennial dahlias

Perennial dahlias reproduce vegetatively: by dividing tubers and cuttings. Only annual varieties reproduce by seeds.

Dividing dahlia tubers.

You can divide dahlia tubers in both autumn and spring.
in autumn The rhizomes, dug up and cleared of soil, are cut into several pieces. If the bush grew in two or three shoots, then first you need to divide the nests so that each has one stump. We loosen and carefully stretch the nests to the sides, trying not to damage the root collar, which is attached to the stump of the stem. On the root neck there are renewal buds - eyes.

Now you need to cut the tubers so that each part has a piece of root collar with one, two or three eyes. You need to divide with a sharp tool (knife, pruning shears, scissors), starting from the stump. Each such division can have from one to three tubers and always a part of the root collar with 1-3 buds.

During spring division We take the tubers out of their storage location and carefully inspect them. All rotten parts need to be cut off, dried roots and nodules removed. Treat the cut areas with green paint or ash. To make it easier to divide, we place the tubers in boxes with sand or sawdust and place them in a warm, bright place.

When the buds wake up and sprouts appear, it will be clearly visible how best to cut the tubers. You can start dividing. The procedure is the same as in the fall.

Cuttings of dahlias.

Dahlias are propagated by cuttings when there is little planting material and you need to get a lot of bushes. This method is also good for rejuvenating a degenerating variety.

At the beginning of March, tubers intended for cuttings are removed from storage and inspected. The prepared tubers are planted in boxes or other containers, covered with a light substrate (sand, sawdust, coconut substrate, etc. mixtures), and moistened. The root collar should be uncovered on the surface.

Try to cut the stalk with part of the tuber.

Place the containers in a bright, warm place for germination. As soon as the sprouts hatch, the temperature is reduced to 16-18 degrees so that the shoots do not stretch. After two to three weeks you can begin cuttings.
Shoots with two or three pairs of leaves are cut off with a very sharp tool, trying to capture a small piece of the tuber. Such cuttings with a “heel” take root better. But you can simply cut off the shoot at the very base without damaging the tuber. In this case, the cuttings will take longer to take root.

For better rooting, you need to dip the cuttings in a root formation stimulator (kornevin, heteroauxin). Plant the cuttings to a depth of 2 cm in light nutrient soil, water and cover with a plastic bag or a transparent plastic bottle. The optimal temperature for rooting is 20-25 degrees. The care is normal. The cuttings should be ventilated periodically and moistened if necessary.

Dahlia shoots take root within two to three weeks. When the roots grow, the cuttings begin to grow, the shelter can be removed and the temperature reduced to 16-18 degrees.
Before planting in open ground, seedlings need to be hardened, accustoming them to fresh air. Plant in late May - early June, when the threat of frost has passed.

Other useful articles about dahlias:

  1. . You can grow wonderful dahlias from seeds. They will bloom all summer, will cost you much less and can be replaced every year.
  2. On this page you can get acquainted with a wide variety of dahlia varieties: small, large, simply huge. There are varieties for growing in pots and on balconies.
  3. . Dahlias must be dug up in time in the fall and stored properly in the winter. You can store tubers not only in the cellar, but also in a city apartment. All this will be discussed in this article.
  4. Detailed recommendations on how to deal with pests and diseases of dalia.
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​There are perennial cacti, they have large rhizomes (or potatoes).

Crossbreeders and self-pollinators


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​calendula​ ​We figured out how to collect seeds correctly. Now an equally important question is how to preserve them.​ ​This must be done when the fruits located in the lower part of the peduncle begin to crack. We cut off the upper part of the peduncle, on which the green fruits are located, and throw it away. For the rest of the shoot we put on a narrow paper bag, for example, the kind used to pack a baguette. We tie a rope at the bottom of the bag and cut off the peduncle below the bag. Turn the bag over and the seeds fall out of the boxes. Since the seeds spill out gradually, we hang the bag in a dry, warm room and wait.​ The indicator for collecting seeds of this crop is waxy ripeness. Then you need to ripen them. Such precautions are necessary so that the boxes do not open and the seeds do not spill out ahead of time.​To stimulate the appearance of new buds, faded inflorescences need to be trimmed. Flowering usually continues until late autumn. If the first frosts appear early in your region, we recommend covering the plants with agrofibre or other non-woven material.​ ​The next stage is to separate the seeds from the heap and clean them. To do this, use various sieves - a flour sieve or colander are suitable. First, use a sieve with larger holes to separate out any larger debris. Then sift out the dust through a fine sieve. When you are left with a fraction of debris comparable to the seeds, they can be separated in several ways.​​,​ ​Collect seeds from your garden - what could be easier? However, such a thought does not even occur to most people. We hope these tips will help you get your own “harvest”.​​And there are cactus annuals. I sowed them and they really grew double with curling petals. And I tried to preserve the roots of annual dahlias, “the game is not worth the candle,” they take up a lot of space and are stored much worse than perennial ones. It’s better to buy seeds again and sow them, especially since they are always on sale. And there are so many varieties!! ! I also liked Dandy. And if you buy several varieties and collect the seeds, then next year you will get something that you cannot buy in the store. They cross-pollinate and get something new. Lobularia - cabbage family; ​4 - 5 years:​ ​marigolds,​ ​Even if it seems to you that the seeds are completely dry, you still shouldn’t take the risk; they need to be dried.​ ​There are other ways to collect the seeds of these crops. You can cut off the entire peduncle when at least a few of the lower bolls turn brown, lay it out in a dry place and wait until some of the upper bolls ripen. Or you can collect seeds gradually, picking only ripe boxes. ​But balsam fruits cannot be cut in advance, since ripening will not have an effect - the boxes will not open, and the seeds inside will rot. Impatiens must be cut at the moment of ripening. How to determine this? Rub the fruit flaps in your hands; if they open, it means you can already collect the seeds, since they are ripe. You should collect balsam seeds very carefully and carefully, as the fruits can crack right in your hands.​​It often happens that you like the variety you try for the first time and you want to decorate your lawn with it next year. You just need to learn how to collect the seeds of annual dahlias and use them in the spring. To do this, let the flower dry on the bush. Carefully pick off the inflorescence, remove the dry petals, and place the seeds on a sheet of paper to dry. Seeds should be stored in a paper bag in a dry place. Sign the package so as not to make a mistake with the variety.​

Winnowing in the wind

Collecting seeds: when and how


Where to store

It is not possible to collect seeds from any plant. A significant part of the assortment of decorative and vegetable crops occupied by F1 hybrids. Some of them are sterile, that is, they do not produce seeds at all. For others, the seeds set well, but the plants grown from them can differ greatly from the original ones, and not in the same way. better side. If you do not strive for ideality, take a risk - sometimes you get a very interesting result, especially since when collecting seeds you don’t always know whether it is a hybrid or a variety. Of course, a trial batch of seeds should not be sown in the most visible flower bed.​

After collection

By the way, perennials have much larger flowers.

​Amaranth and cellosia are from the amaranth family.​



​We place all the seeds, capsules, heads, pods and inflorescences in separate boxes or other containers, placing paper, canvas or mesh so that the fruits can dry on all sides and not rot or mold anywhere from the accumulation of moisture.​

​Selectively pick off dried fruits that contain brown or black seeds. Alternatively, you can cut the entire plant when most of the seeds have reached maturity.​

​They begin to collect them when their bean fruits turn yellow and begin to dry out. We collect selectively and in several stages. Please note that the ripe fruits of these crops crack.

​You can take seeds from the variety “Merry Guys” from faded inflorescences.​

​On a windy, dry day, spread a piece of cloth or thick paper outside and, lifting the container with the seeds about a meter from the ground, slowly pour the seeds onto the cloth. Heavier seeds fall down, and light debris is carried away by the wind. You can do this at home using a hairdryer.​

According to the method of pollination, all plants are divided into cross-pollinators and self-pollinators. The latter (among ornamental plants This annual asters, sweet peas, gillyflower and some others) each flower pollinates itself, therefore almost all plants obtained from such seeds will be similar to the original ones. In cross-plants (ageratum, snapdragon, helichrysum, marigolds, cloves, calendula, nasturtium), different specimens cross-pollinate with each other. If different varieties of a cross-pollinating crop grow close to each other, then the plants obtained from their seeds can either be similar to one of the parents or differ significantly from them. By sowing such seeds, you can get not only a beautiful mixture, but also specimens with unusual characteristics that can become the ancestors of a new variety. If you want pure seeds, you will only have to plant one variety of cross-pollinated plant.​

It will definitely bloom in the summer, it is an annual. If you want to get seeds, sow them for seedlings in April, and after the end of the night spring-summer frosts, plant them in open ground. I have a front garden next to my house; at night (if frost is expected) I cover the flowers. If you don’t need the seeds, sow them in the ground; I think I sowed them in early May. Don't be afraid, they will bloom. Select sunny place, the bushes will not stretch.

Annual dahlias

​You should not take the indicated shelf life of seed germination as an axiom, since much depends on other factors: what weather the seeds were collected in, what the weather was like that year, how the seeds were dried and how they were stored.​

Varieties of annual dahlias


Planting and caring for annual dahlias

​Asters and the entire aster family.​

​We sign all the material so as not to get confused later.​

​Selectively collect dried and browned boxes and pour out the seeds from them.​

​We start collecting when the bottom boxes begin to crack, and we do it in several stages. But you can also pick the fruits at the stage of waxy ripeness, and then ripen them in a dry, ventilated area.​

​Dahlias have tubers.​ ​Beating seeds on a plate​


How to collect dahlia seeds?


​Even if you collect seeds varietal plants, that is, not F1 hybrids, only the best specimens should be selected for propagation: with beautiful color and shape of flowers or inflorescences, optimal sizes, blooming profusely. Attach labels to them or tie them with pieces of twine, and when the plants finish flowering, it will be easy to know where to collect seeds.​

Polina Vysotskaya

​Annual dahlias look very good if you plant several varieties together, in tiers - from low-growing ones (about 20-30 cm in height) to high ones (more than a meter). Always bright, always blooming, pleasing to the eye. As far as I remember, annual cacti are about a meter tall.​

​Only from fully ripe and healthy fruits. If we notice cracks or signs of disease somewhere, we immediately discard such fruit.​
Schizanthus - nightshade family.
​3 - 4 years:​


​We place the boxes in a warm, dry place with good ventilation.​


​We cut off the entire flowering shoot when the lower flowers turn brown, without waiting for the entire inflorescence to turn brown. If you wait, the seeds will fall off. We lay out the cut flower stalks in a dry place for ripening.

​The most difficult thing is not to wait for the moment X. It is better to collect the seeds in the morning so that the air is not as dry as during the day, in which case the valves will not crack. We pick off the fruits at the ripe stage and wrap them in paper or a linen bag, where the seeds can spill out. We collect seed pods selectively as they ripen.​

if the fruits scatter seeds

​Country house - Dahlias​

​Pour a little heap of seeds into a large flat plate, tilt it slightly and shake with quick short movements. In this case, the seeds are poured into the lower part of the plate, and the garbage rises to the top.​
​sweet pea

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​In crops with ripening or well-ripening seeds (gypsophila, lobularia, lobelia, nigella, snapdragon, phlox drummonda, iberis, cornflower, godetia, clarkia, toadflax, nemesia, schizanthus, carnation, forget-me-not), as a rule, the entire plant is cut off entirely at the moment when most of the seeds are ripe and the capsules or pods begin to open. In other species -

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​I repeat once again, the annual dahlia blooms in the first year. And don’t worry, don’t store annual tubers. Then it’s better to buy perennial ones.

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​Cut the fruit in half and remove the inner pulp (core) with seeds into a container (plastic cup or cut plastic bottle), where fermentation will take place. The temperature in the room where the fermentation container is placed should be above +25 °C. After about a day or two, we wash the seeds. To do this, fill the glass with water, stir the contents so as to remove any remaining fruit pulp. When only clean seeds remain at the bottom and the water in the glass is clear, stop washing, drain the water and pour the seeds onto newspaper or paper. We dry the seeds for 3 - 4 days, maintaining a temperature of +28 - +30 ° C. Mix the seeds once or twice a day. After complete drying, pour into a paper envelope and store in a dry place.​

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​More than 5 years:​

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From time to time we mix the seeds and make sure that mold does not appear anywhere.

if the seeds develop in an inflorescence, a basket

Seeds of asters, gatsania, arctotis, rodanthe, helichrysum

​We cut off the entire inflorescence when most of the boxes (pods) dry out and take on a brown color.​

​They need to be collected when the baskets lighten, then they should completely close or fluff will appear in the center of the inflorescence.​

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​Dahlia is a perennial tuberous plant with amazingly beautiful flowers, attracting attention with a variety of shapes and bright, cheerful colors.​

How to collect dahlia seeds

​Rolling out round seeds on a plate or sheet of thick paper​

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​and others - seeds are collected selectively, in several stages, as they ripen.​

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​Perennial: they reproduce by dividing the corms.... Yes, and Merry Guys can be used as perennials if the root ripens
​Cucumber fruits left for seeds, the so-called “yellows,” should acquire a slightly brownish tint in the beds and be covered with small cracks/scratches. Then you can pick them and get the seeds. Cut the cucumber and take the seeds into a container. Then we rinse them thoroughly to get rid of the adhering cucumber pulp as much as possible.

Sunflower seeds


if the fruits ripen unevenly

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​When the seeds are completely dry, thresh them, removing excess garbage. In some cases, you can use a sieve.​

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​We cut off the whole plant when the first lower bolls turn black. Then we lay it out for ripening for at least 1 month.​

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​If a rainy, rainy autumn is expected, then you can collect the baskets in advance, without waiting for the fluff to appear, but only after the flower has withered. Then the boxes should be left to ripen. If asters and gatsanias did not have time to form seeds, this happens with late-flowering species, then they can be transferred to a warm place (greenhouse, veranda or other cool room) by completely digging them up and replanting them in a pot.

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Seeds are sprinkled in small portions on one side of the leaf, the leaf is tilted so that the heap is at the top, and shaken slightly. Round seeds are poured into a box placed below, and the debris remains on the paper.​

How to collect ankhusa seeds

​Baskets of asters, helichrysums, and acroclinums are collected when all the petals dry out and fluff appears in the center of the inflorescence. Marigold baskets are harvested a little earlier, when the petals have already faded and the filmy cup-like wrapper at the base of the inflorescence has not yet dried. It is better to collect the seeds of annual dahlias when the fruits are dry, but this can be done earlier, since the seeds of this crop can ripen. Green, not dried nut seeds are also collected from nasturtium, but only those that have reached large sizes and easily fall off when touched. Such seeds also need to be ripened for 2-3 weeks at room temperature(20-25°C). But the seeds of cosmos and calendula almost never ripen, so they need to be collected when ripe and almost completely dry.​

How to collect kermek seeds

if the fruits ripen evenly

​Well, she’s undersized to a meter, maybe she wasn’t fed well.​

if the fruits do not crack

How to collect cornflower and leftover seeds

Place the washed seeds on paper to dry. Let it dry for a week or two, as needed. Then we hide it in dark place in a paper bag for storage.​

if the seeds fall at the same time

How to collect seeds of amaranth, kochia, resin, phlox Drummond, alyssum, mignonette, celosia, iberis.


​Gypsophila - the entire carnation family;​

How to collect nasturtium seeds

​Important! Containers with fruits of plants that scatter seeds over long distances (Drummond phlox, pansies, eschscholzia, sweet peas), should be covered with gauze or linen.​

​Selective cutting is carried out on scutes that have turned brown or turned yellow and have faded, faded funnel cups.​

rules for storing seeds

​To collect the seeds of this crop, the filmy wrapper-cup must turn yellow and dry, and the petals must dry completely. If the weather is rainy, it is better not to wait for the seeds to ripen, as they are more likely to rot than to ripen. In this case, we remove the inflorescences after the petals begin to wilt and leave them to ripen.

​Pick now faded and dried flowers... they will lie in a dry place, ripen, then just peel the flowers and there will be seeds there

Drying rules:

  • ​Dahlias are beautiful garden flowers that amaze with their variety of colors and the splendor of their buds. There is hardly a person indifferent to their splendor and grace. However, many gardeners do not like to tinker with perennial varieties, which require special care in the fall in preparation for wintering. But there is a way out - growing annual dahlias. Caring for them is much easier, and besides, the flower pattern in the lawn can be updated annually at your discretion. True, it’s still worth getting acquainted with the peculiarities of growing and caring for annual dahlias.​
  • ​It is advisable to do this on a clear, dry day. If the fruits of the plant do not crack and the seeds do not scatter, as, for example, in most Asteraceae, harvesting is carried out in the afternoon, when the dew has completely dried. If the fruits may crack (viola, balsam, eschscholzia, cleome, etc.), collect better in the morning until the boxes or pods dry out and the seeds scatter.
  • ​aster
  • ​And I dig up the annuals, store them in a cool place and plant them together with the big ones - and that’s fine - big and beautiful.​
  • ​In order not to lose the onion bulbs, the arrow with the seeds should be wrapped in gauze, like in a bag. Then the ripened seeds will fall directly into the gauze. All that remains is to collect them, then dry them and store them in a ventilated area. You can also pick the arrow with the seeds during the period when there are at least a few fully ripened seeds and ripen them in a warm, dry place on the canvas.​

​China - legume family;​

Storage rules:


  1. Place the peeled seeds in paper bags, envelopes or linen bags. We sign each one, not forgetting to indicate not only the variety and crop, but also the year the seeds were collected.​

​You can collect the seeds of gypsophila, vaccaria, xeranthemum like this: tie the shoots and fruits into a bunch, tying them with a cord. Then we cut the stem below the dressing. The cut stems must be hung with the cut side up and paper or canvas placed under them so that the seeds can fall on it. The optimal time for collecting dahlia seeds is when the fruits dry out and the scales begin to diverge in different directions. But it is also not necessary to wait for the seeds to fully ripen. For example, if there is frost on the nose, then you can pick the inflorescences green.​

​How to properly collect and store plant seeds​

Preservation of flower seed germination:

​Bright colors are popular dwarf variety annual dahlias “Jolly Fellows” with various colors of tubular flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. The cheerful colors of the low-growing variety “Piccolo” (up to 45 cm) often decorate lawns, pots and small flower beds. Among the annual low-growing dahlias, the variety “Dandy” is also of interest, the stems of which are decorated with unusual semi-double collar flowers. There are also varieties “Lark”, “Unvis Dwarf”, “Mary” and others. But generally, annual dahlias are characterized by a height of up to 60 cm and flowering from July until the first frost.​

  • ​It is best to collect seeds in paper bags or in fabric bags. If there are few seeds, they can be left in the same bags, arranged more loosely in boxes and taken to a warm, dry room. On each bag you must write the name of the crop, variety and date of collection. If there are a lot of seeds or you have cut the plants completely, they can be scattered in boxes thin layer or put on sheets of paper laid somewhere in a barn, attic or other warm and dry room. Each sample is supplied with a label indicating the crop, variety and date of collection. Be sure to cover any cracking boxes and pods with paper to prevent the seeds from scattering.​
  • ​the tuber in the fall is like ordinary dahlias, I think it can be saved until spring and planted on the trail. year.​
  • ​It’s very simple - we collect yellowed or browned pods with seeds. Then we open/exfoliate them over a container where the radish seeds themselves pour out.​


  • ​snapdragon,​
  • ​Seeds must be stored at a temperature of 0 - +10 °C, relative humidity 60%.​
  • ​Since the fruits do not tend to crack, it is necessary to wait until the fruits are fully ripened. Then we cut the whole plant or tear it out with roots, hang it tied up in a dry place to dry.​
  • ​The signal for collecting seeds is the inflorescences-baskets that have turned brown and have begun to dry out.​
  • Not only beginners, but also experienced gardeners and gardeners have problems with collecting seeds. For example, if a crop is being grown for the first year or seeds have never been collected from similar plants, then even an experienced amateur gardener may wonder how to properly collect flower seeds in certain cases. Today in this article we will talk about ways to collect seeds from different types fruits and plants.​
  • As a rule, these plants are planted in open ground through seedlings. This will allow you to enjoy the first flowering at the end of June - beginning of July. Growing annual dahlias from seeds, by the way, is not such a labor-intensive task.
  • ​Drying​
  • ​marigolds​
  • I have 4 cactus dahlias - Apache, Cha-cha (although it looks more like a decorative one, but is called cactus), Yellow Star and Tsukki-yori, but I bought them not with seeds, but with rhizomes. Prosperously form new tubers
  • ​No more difficult than dill seeds. Ripe - blackened or browned carrot seeds on an umbrella, shake off or tear into a seed container and dry.​

Sage is a family of Lamiaceae.

  • ​nemesia - the entire family of noricaceae;​
  • ​Important!​
  • The fruits of these crops open very slowly, and not at the same time. If you wait for them to fully ripen, you may not get seeds at all, since with the onset of autumn they will begin to become moldy. We cut the fruits in advance, dry them and ripen them in a warm place.​

​The seeds of these plants must be collected in the phase of almost full maturity in several stages. By this time, the seeds should dry out and take on a yellow-brown and black color.​

  • ​Probably one of the most controversial cases is when fruits scatter seeds over long distances. So you don’t know whether to pick the fruits in advance and ripen them, or whether you still need to wait for full ripening and seize the moment in order to collect the seeds before they are scattered tens of meters around. There are little tricks that allow you to save seeds from such plants as much as possible.​
  • ​In a seedling container (box, basin, wide pot) on wet soil Place the plant seeds, cover them with a small layer of sand, and lightly trample them. Seeds are planted at the end of April. The container is placed in a room with a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees. A few weeks later, when shoots appear, the seedlings dive into separate cups or pots. Seedlings are planted in open ground in May, when the danger of frost has passed. You can sow seeds in open ground in mid-May.
  • Seeds should be dried at a temperature of 20 to 30-35 ° C, periodically turning the plants over, mixing the heap (fruits with seeds) or shaking the bags. Finish drying when the mass seems dry, and the leaves, boxes, twigs break easily when bent.
  • ​Cactus is about the shape of the petals in a flower​

​When the entire inflorescence turns brown, the seeds are fully ripe. You can pick the entire inflorescence entirely. We put them in a container where they can dry completely within 1 - 1.5 months. Then we grind them on a sieve and winnow them in the wind to remove any remaining inflorescences and debris. We still dry the peeled phacelia seeds.

  • ​More than 6 years:​
  • ​mallow,​
  • ​You cannot store seeds in areas with high humidity: in the kitchen or bathroom. Also don't use plastic bags or plastic container.​
  • ​There is another way: place a large, wide container (for example, a plastic bowl) under a plant with partially ripened seeds, shake the plant, the seeds should pour out directly into the placed container.​
  • ​You should not collect the seeds of these crops in advance, as their seeds are not ripened.​

​The trick is to disable the catapult mechanism that shoots the seeds from the capsule or pod.​

collecting seeds from common vegetable crops

How to collect tomato seeds

​Planting of annual dahlias is carried out in a well-lit area, since the plant is quite light-loving. In a shady place, the flower stretches out and does not develop buds well. As for the soil, the dahlia is unpretentious, but grows better in loose and neutral soils. It is advisable that organic or mineral fertilizers be applied to the site during digging. The seeds are simply scattered, and then sprinkled on top with a small layer of soil and trampled down a little. It is better to plant young plants at a distance from each other, since in the future the plants will grow well.​


How to collect cucumber seeds


​Last year I sowed the seeds in the ground at the beginning of May. The buds began to grow but did not have time to bloom. It was not possible to save the roots. This year I sowed it for seedlings. already present leaves have appeared. If they don’t bloom anyway, I won’t grow any more seeds.

How to collect onion seeds

​When collecting seeds, one of the most critical moments is drying. If moisture remains in the seeds, it can cause the seeds to rot or become moldy. Even if this does not happen, there is a high probability of seeds germinating at the most inopportune moment, as soon as the air temperature rises.​

How to collect radish seeds

​balsam family;​

How to collect carrot seeds


How to collect phacelia seeds

​To further protect the seeds from moisture, you can store them in a glass container with a screw-on lid. As a last resort, you can add a drying agent (silica gel) to the jar, just like in shoe boxes.​

Ripe nasturtium fruits fall to the ground and can be collected without hindrance directly from there. You should not pick fruits from the plant, at least those that do not adhere well to the stalk.​

So follow the technology to preserve planting material as much as possible for many years.

​The peculiarity is that calendula’s most beautiful and double bright flowers come from strongly curved thin seeds.​

Who grew dahlia cactus? Is it really annual?

Marina Crow

​B further care for annual dahlias mainly comes down to timely watering, especially during the period of active growth. However, it is necessary to water, although in a timely manner, but not abundantly. Overmoistening of the soil often leads to the death of young plants. Therefore, aim to water your dahlia lawn once a week. In August, dahlias no longer need additional moisture.
​If the seeds spill out of the boxes easily, turn the branches over so that the holes are at the bottom and shake them over the paper - some of the seeds will spill out. In most cases, you have to grind the heap with your hands or, after pouring it into a bag, trample it or beat it with a mallet. Especially strong boxes are crushed with a rolling pin, glass bottle, kettlebell or other heavy object.​

​if you want it to bloom this year, plant it quickly, by May there should be a bush of at least 20 cm, then it will bloom

​from here​




​Rosa-rose - malvaceae family;​
​1 - 2 years:​

Elena the Wise

If frost is approaching, then you can pick unripe fruits, and then lay them out for ripening within 1 - 1.5 months. A signal that the seeds are ripe - they should turn brown.​

Tatyana Savchenko SIBERIA

​How to collect them with minimal losses, because birds love to peck them. To do this, the sunflower inflorescence must be wrapped in a linen bag, so there will be no access for birds, and the seeds will fall directly into the bag.​


​We cut off the sharp tip of the fruit, this does not allow the valves to curl, they open and at the same time bend down. In this position, they are no longer able to scatter seeds. But it's important to remember that this method Suitable only for working with unripe fruits. If the fruits are already ripe, but still closed, then we cut them off along with the stem (as long as possible).

How to grow wisteria from seeds Preparing seeds for sowing carrots Sowing cauliflower seeds for seedlings

Dahlias are rightfully considered one of the most decorative flowers due to their long flowering period from mid-summer until frost, their varied colors and many shapes. A representative of the aster family became an inhabitant of European gardens in the 17th century, after being brought from Central America. Europeans appreciated the beauty and grace of the plant, taking into account the fact that planting and caring for dahlias in the open ground does not require special skills or effort.

Varieties and types

In the wild, the genus unites under its name about 30 species, which have become the basis for breeding work and the development of more than 15,000 varieties, which are divided into 12 classes.

Among the huge variety of shapes and colors, the following varieties stand out:

  • Collared dahlias are varieties whose height ranges from 70 to 120 cm, with one row of outer petals covered by a second row consisting of shortened, twisted flowers of a different color. Noteworthy: Chimborazo, La Gioconda, Claire de Luna.
  • Needle-shaped - varieties that stand out with petals twisted into a dense tube that resemble needles. Popular are Danny, Pirouette, Visit, Doris Day.
  • Peony-shaped - varieties with multi-row inflorescences, the lower tier of which is represented by wide petals, and the center - short, twisted into a tube. Fascination, Symphonia are common.
  • Globular dahlias - representatives have lush rounded inflorescences with a loose structure with a diameter of up to 15 cm. Doreen Hayes, Esmonde, Crichton Honey stand out.
  • Simple dahlias are varieties with simple single-row inflorescences with a diameter of 10 cm, not exceeding 60 cm in height, among which Yellow Hammer, Princess Marie Jose, and Orangeade are common.

Dahlias: nuances of growing

An unpretentious flower will decorate the garden with long and lush flowering, if you take into account a number of features:

  • ensuring the necessary soil composition;
  • competent selection of seedlings and cultivation sites;
  • timely preparation for winter;
  • regularity of fertilizing and water procedures.

Planting in open ground

Planting work includes a number of important full development dahlia activities - selection of a site, its preparation and direct planting of tubers.

Soil and site preparation

When choosing a site, preference should be given to sunny places, protected from drafts, with fertile, loose soils. Acidity is not a very significant parameter, however, if there is an excess of it, the soil is limed, and if there is a deficiency, it is acidified with peat.

Site preparation is carried out in two stages:

  • In the fall, when digging, compost is added at the rate of 3-5 kg ​​per 1 m2.
  • In the spring, another portion of compost and a little wood ash is scattered over the dug up area, after which the area is harrowed with a rake.

Selection of planting material

The issue of choosing planting material must be approached responsibly: the success of crop cultivation depends on it.

When purchasing, the following is taken into account:

  • timing - seedlings are purchased no earlier than mid-April;
  • appearance - the tuber should be fleshy and strong, without visible damage;
  • the presence of sprouts - they should be short enough.

How and when to plant?

After the soil has warmed up, you can begin planting the tubers in open ground. As a rule, planting is carried out in late spring - early summer.

During the procedure:

  1. Holes are dug with dimensions of 40x40x40 cm, which are at least three times larger than the size of the tubers.
  2. Manure is laid out at the bottom and covered with soil.
  3. Then the tubers with sprouts are placed and closed so that the stem is buried 2 cm into the soil.
  4. In the case of planting a tall variety, additional strong support is installed at this stage.
  5. The soil in the tree trunk circle is watered abundantly and mulched with a 5 cm layer of a mixture of sawdust and peat.

Caring for dahlias

In order for dahlias to grow healthy and not waste energy fighting for survival, it is necessary to follow simple care requirements.

Watering the plants and hilling

Dahlias need abundant watering 1 or 2 times a week, depending on the weather, during which it is necessary to ensure that there is no stagnation of moisture in the roots, which are prone to rotting.

With the arrival of hot summer, dahlias are hilled after each watering, which allows them to retain moisture longer.

Loosening, weeding and mulching

To ensure a good level of air permeability, one day after the next watering, the soil in the tree trunk circle is loosened, and weeds are removed. To reduce time and effort during these procedures, as well as to avoid rapid evaporation of moisture, the tree trunk area is mulched.

Feeding and fertilizer

During the period of active development, dahlias need regular feeding, which is carried out twice a month alternating mineral and organic fertilizers.

  1. At the beginning of the month, ammonium nitrate is added at the rate of 15 g per 1 m².
  2. In the second half - a solution of bird droppings prepared in a ratio of 1:20.

Important! After the formation of the first buds, nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers are replaced with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers - 15 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate per 10 liters of liquid.

Shaping and garter

Pinching, which allows you to form a beautiful bush of 2-3 powerful stems, is carried out throughout the season as lateral shoots form. A mandatory procedure is to tie tall dahlias to a support installed during planting: strong winds or precipitation can break the hollow stem of the plant.

Advice! If the stem of a dahlia breaks, you should immediately support the damaged shoot with a branch, and then secure it well.

Such treatment in the form of splinting will save the plant, which will definitely thank the grower with its flowering.

Plant pruning

The dahlia bush is pruned to achieve high quality inflorescences, which will be much larger while maintaining only 2-3 shoots. After the formation of buds, no more than 2 pieces are left on each peduncle. It is mandatory to remove side shoots from tall varieties and faded inflorescences, which speeds up the budding process.


When growing dahlias, we must not forget about observing crop rotation: representatives of the crop return to their original place of growth no earlier than after a three-year period.

Caring for dahlias in the fall: when to dig up tubers for the winter

When the first frosts arrive, the plant tubers must be dug up:

  1. The stems are shortened to 10 cm in height and covered with foil to prevent moisture from entering, causing the development of rot.
  2. After 2-3 days, on a dry morning, the plant is dug up at a distance of 30 cm from the central shoot.
  3. The villas are built under a lump of earth.
  4. The tuber is pushed out of the soil and carefully cleared of it.
  5. After digging is completed, the tubers are washed to remove soil residues that may contain pathogens and pest larvae.

Carefully! Delay in digging up tubers, when short-term warmth returns after a cold snap, can lead to awakening of the buds, which is unacceptable.

Protecting plants from diseases and pests

Among the pests on dahlias, slugs and earwigs are often noted, which are attracted by the succulent stems and buds of the crop. To combat them, a folk remedy - a decoction of wormwood - is used weekly.

When attacked by aphids, thrips, mites and caterpillars, plantings are treated with a systemic insecticide as a protective measure.

Of the diseases that often affect dahlias, the most common is rot. The cause of the development of this disease is excess moisture, the avoidance of which is the best preventive measure.

Dahlia propagation

Dahlias reproduce generatively and vegetatively.

Seed method

If the owner of a plot of land does not have the time or desire to dig up and store tubers every year, then you can grow annual dahlias, which are so called conventionally - the name implies the annual sowing of dahlia seeds, which are cultivated in the garden as an annual crop.

The immediate procedure for sowing a crop with seeds in open ground is carried out according to the standard scheme:

  1. Seed material is sown in shallow furrows, then the crops are moistened.
  2. After the seedlings have formed two pairs of true leaves, the seedlings are seated.

Tuber division

The procedure is carried out in the second half of April 1-1.5 months before planting in open ground:

  1. The sprouted tuber is planted in a nutrient substrate so that it protrudes 2-3 cm above the soil level.
  2. Plantings are kept in a well-lit place with a temperature of 18°C.
  3. After the formation of buds, the tuber is divided into parts, each of which must have at least one bud with a root collar.
  4. Then the divisions are returned to the same container where they are grown.
  5. When the side shoots reach a height of 10 cm, they are removed and the cuttings are planted in open ground.


Side shoots that are cut before planting cuttings can be used as cuttings:

  1. The cuttings are planted in a container with nutrient soil.
  2. The box is moved to a dark place, and the plantings are systematically watered.
  3. After rooting, new specimens are planted in garden soil.

Thus, there is nothing complicated in caring for dahlias. If you follow all the recommendations, the gardener will become the owner of beautiful flowers that decorate the garden with their lush caps from July until the autumn frosts.

Dahlia is a beautiful plant that has a long flowering period. There is a legend that dahlias grew only in the gardens of the royal nobility and were protected by guards. And one day a young man managed to steal a flower from the garden and planted it under the windows of his beloved girl. The young man was locked up in prison, but the dahlia became available to ordinary people.

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Another legend says that the dahlia grew as soon as the ice age ended. The emergence of culture marked the beginning of a new era.

The culture first appeared in the mountainous regions of Mexico. There is a legend that the ancient Aztecs ate dahlia roots. On the contrary, in Europe dahlias were grown solely for aesthetic purposes.

The culture received its Latin name Dahlia in honor of the Swedish botanist Dahl. In Russia, dahlias got their name in honor of the geographer and botanist Johann Georgi.

Types of dahlias

Today there are several classifications and many varieties of this crop. You can plant flowers from seeds, and also with the help of tubers. Among so many varieties you can find the most amazing and incredible shapes and colors.

There are also mini-dahlias with compact bushes, and there are also giant shrubs more than a meter in height:

  • Collared dahlias- have petals of different sizes. In the middle of the bud the petals are short, rolled into tubes. The outer petals are long and flat;
  • Pompon dahlias- belong to spherical varieties. Dahlia inflorescences are fluffy and consist of curled petals. However, such dahlias are smaller in size than other varieties, and the inflorescences are much denser;
  • Needle dahlias- have thin petals that are twisted into dense tubes. Each bud has different petal lengths. There are special subspecies - semi-acicular dahlia flowers. The petals of the buds are cone-shaped;
  • Peony dahlias- dahlias with lush inflorescences. Each bud has several rows of oval wide petals. The middle consists of short twisted tubes;
  • Globular dahlias– shrubs have lush round inflorescences. The petals are fleshy and quite large. Each individual petal is twisted into a tube. The bud is soft and loose;
  • Nymphaealdahlias- have several differences from their counterparts. The inflorescences are flat. In the center they have a fluffy center consisting of short petals. The outer part of the flower consists of flat, wide petals;
  • Anemoneaceaedahlias- have similarities with collar flowers. Inside dahlias there are short tubes. There are flat petals around the perimeter.

Place to grow dahlias

Culture does not require much attention. Flowers can grow comfortably in shaded areas. However, their location can affect the size of the buds. In order for dahlia buds to be beautiful and large, you need to choose semi-shaded places. This will extend the flowering period without compromising the beauty of the plants.

A moderate level of humidity is the only condition that must be observed when growing dahlias. Since the tubers of the plant are prone to rotting. This is why you should avoid planting plants in lowlands. Experienced gardeners It is advised to make a layer of expanded clay or broken bricks on the bed before planting.

As for the soil, you don’t have to worry about its structure. The bushes feel good on sandy, loamy soils, as well as black soil.

Planting dahlias

When to plant the crop? Plant tubers should be planted after winter in spring or early summer, after all frosts have passed and the soil has warmed up. If dahlias are planted in the spring, then it is necessary to protect the seedlings from frost. Low temperatures are dangerous for plant tubers.

Watch the video! Preparing dahlia tubers for planting

To plant plants, you need to dig holes, taking into account the size of the root system. It should be taken into account that the hole must also have room for compost or manure. Therefore, the dimensions of the hole must be appropriate. The tuber should be positioned so that the root neck rises several centimeters above the ground.

The root collar is the area that is located above the rhizome. Here are the growth buds from which new shoots grow. If you cover this area with soil, it can lead to rotting. That is why it is important to comply with this condition.
In order for plants to begin flowering earlier, dahlia seedlings need to be germinated. The tubers should be placed in a layer of soil or sawdust and covered with polyethylene. It is necessary to leave a small hole to create air circulation. Tubers should be constantly irrigated using a spray bottle. In such a mini-greenhouse, the buds will become active much earlier.

Plant stems must be tied up, as they can easily break from strong winds. That is why before planting you need to make a special support. To do this, you will need to insert a peg into the hole and bury it along with the tubers. This must be done precisely at the time of planting, since after a few months it will be difficult to do this carefully without damaging the roots.

For low-growing bushes, pegs of approximately 30 cm are suitable. And for tall varieties, pegs of 50 cm are required. It is recommended to drive in several supports for comfortable plant growth. With their help you can firmly fix the bushes.

Advice! Dahlia tubers can die in severe frosts. That is why in the regions of central Russia it is recommended to dig up tubers in the fall.

Caring for dahlias

In order for plants to delight with beautiful buds, you need to follow certain agricultural practices.

Support for dahlias

If it happens that the stems of dahlias are broken, then the situation can be corrected. It is necessary to apply a splint to the stem. To do this, you should attach a branch to the shoot, secure it and support the stem so that it does not bend. Competent and timely care of flower bushes can preserve even a broken shoot, which will continue to bloom.

Stepsynching dahlias

Stepsonning - the process of removing excess stems. However, this method is not prerequisite for growing plants.

This method will help improve powerful branches and large flowers. Because the fewer shoots there are on a bush, the more powerful and faster they can develop. The optimal number of shoots is 2-3. It is not recommended to leave more. The pinching procedure must be done throughout the season. To do this, it is necessary to remove all shoots that appear at the base of the foliage.

Watering and fertilizing

Watering dahlias should be moderate. If you overdo it with moisture, the plant will lose its attractiveness or even die. You need to water the bushes in such a way that the water moistens the soil by 30 centimeters. This moisture level will be enough for the plant to receive the required dose of moisture.

During the watering process, you need to apply plant fertilizer:

  • Organic fertilizers;
  • Nitrogen fertilizers;
  • Wood ash;
  • Superphosphate.

If fertilizer was applied during planting, the next application should be delayed until green foliage of the plants begins to form. If the soil has not been fertilized, then after a week you can apply organic fertilizers. The procedure is simple. It is necessary to dig holes around the entire perimeter of the bush and pour fertilizer into it, then level it. The procedure is carried out once every two weeks.

Advice! Planting and caring for dahlias in the open ground the process is not complicated. However, if a beginner decides to take up the matter, you need to seek advice from specialists or look Photo and video instructions for proper agricultural technology.

Pests of dahlias

Young shoots of bushes can attract slugs, and earwigs are terrible for buds. That is why, after the first signs of pests appear, you need to treat the dahlias with a decoction of celandine or wormwood after sunset. In hot weather, you need to spray the bushes with systemic insecticides to combat aphids, mites and thrips. You can use a soap solution against aphids.

Harvesting dahlia tubers

After the first frosts appear, you need to dig up the tubers and cut off all the foliage. It is necessary to leave 5-10 cm of the stem. Many gardeners start cutting stems and leaves a few days before digging up the tubers. It is important to know that if moisture gets on the cut part of the stem, the base of the stem will begin to rot. Therefore, after the stem is cut, you need to cover it with aluminum foil.

Since the neck of the tubers is quite fragile, you need to dig up dahlias in the morning, in dry weather, so that they can have time to dry. It is also much easier to remove soil residues from dry tubers.

How to dig up dahlia tubers

It is necessary to dig up the bush on 4 sides at a distance of 30 centimeters from the stem in order to cut off the conductive roots. Using a fork, dig the tubers out of the soil. The tubers should be thoroughly cleaned from the soil and left to dry. After all the tubers have been dug up, they need to be washed with water to remove all remaining soil that contains microorganisms and diseases. It is important not to be late with the timing of digging up tubers. Because after frost it may begin warm period and the buds on the tubers will begin to sprout again. This can lead to plant death.

How to store dahlias in winter

With proper storage of dahlias, tubers can be preserved in 90% of cases. Tubers should not dry out during storage - this can lead to the plant producing weak shoots in the spring. On the contrary, if the dahlias are not dried enough, rotting may begin. It is important that the tubers are not damaged; to do this, you need to trim them and then fill them up charcoal. Before the winter period, the root collars should be powdered with chalk or ash.

Dahlias should be stored at a temperature of 3-5 °C and a humidity of 60-70%. The room should be well ventilated. A basement is perfect for such purposes. However, the vegetables that can be stored in it can create high humidity, which increases the risk of various diseases. It is recommended to place the tubers in a container with dry peat; the dahlias are also sprinkled with peat on top. If it is not possible to use peat, then pine sawdust or sand will do.

If the tubers begin to dry out, the covering material should be moistened. If the room has poor ventilation, then you need to turn on the fan several times a week for 30 minutes. If it is not possible to store plant tubers in a cellar or basement, then you will have to do this in an apartment. To do this, place the dahlias in boxes and in a cool place. It is optimal if it is next to the balcony.

It is recommended to put the tubers in a plastic bag along with sand, peat, sawdust and tie them up. Many summer residents wrap each individual tuber in newspaper. Next, the package must be placed in a cardboard box.

If you store plants in such conditions, you need to monitor temperature changes outside. Hard frosts can cause damage to plants. Warm and damp rooms are not suitable for storing dahlias. However, if you treat the tubers with paraffin, you can store the seedlings in such conditions. To do this, you need to melt the paraffin in a water bath and lower each tuber there. After the paraffin has hardened, lower the tuber into the paraffin again. After this procedure, the tubers, coated with paraffin, together with peat, sawdust or sand, should be placed in a plastic bag and tied.

Before planting the tubers, you need to rub them a little so that the paraffin film cracks. It is important to inspect dahlias throughout the winter to avoid plant rotting.

If it suddenly happens that the tubers are affected, then you need to treat them with charcoal or brilliant green.


Subject to basic growing conditions, you can grow as perennial dahlias, annuals, and border dahlias. The crop can be grown in different regions of the country, in Ural, Siberia and middle lane Russia. If you follow all the recommendations, you can grow beautiful flower buds that will delight you with their flowering for a long time.

Watch the video! 7 secrets of growing dahlias

The homeland of these beautiful flowers Guatemala and Mexico are considered to be. Dahlias appeared in the Old World in the 18th century, where they began to be successfully planted and cared for in open ground. The flowers were immediately given two names - dahlia and dahlia. The plant received its first name in honor of the famous botanist from Sweden - A. Dahl, and the second - a scientist from St. Petersburg - I. G. Georgi.

Flower varieties

Dahlia – gorgeous flower. In addition to the variety of shapes, it is distinguished by a variety of colors. Today, scientists have identified about 30 species and approximately 15,000 varieties of dalia.

Botanists divide the flower into the following groups:

  1. Simple.
  2. Anemone-like.
  3. Collared.
  4. Peony-shaped.
  5. Decorative.
  6. Globular.
  7. Pompons.
  8. Cactus (needle-shaped).
  9. Semi-cactus.
  10. Nymphaeaceae.
  11. Mixed - other varieties that are not included in the previous groups.

Colorful, magnificent dahlias of different colors (white, burgundy, scarlet, pink, cream and many others) are the decoration of our summer gardens.

A blue dahlia is a breeders dream. However, the efforts of botanists have not yet been crowned with success.

However, these delicate flowers do not tolerate harsh Russian winters, so those who want to enjoy the beauty of their bright buds all summer should plant tubers annually. So, in the Moscow region, you can plant dahlias in open ground in mid-May. But in its homeland - in Latin America - this amazingly beautiful flower is a perennial.

Planting dahlias in open ground

The most convenient and most effective method growing dahlias - planting and care in open ground.

Land preparation

The soil for flowers is prepared in advance. The soil for planting dalia should be prepared before the onset of winter frosts. In the fall, the soil is dug up and fertilizer is added to it - either compost or humus, which is added to the soil at the rate of 4 kg per 1 m2.

In spring, the soil is enriched again with a mixture of compost and ash, which are scattered over the entire area of ​​the flower bed. Then the soil must be loosened with a rake. Fertilizer can also be added to holes prepared for planting.

Dahlias are planted in spring in soil with a loose structure. Gravel, river sand, and crushed coal slag will help increase its water permeability and fertility. Such drainage will protect the crop from excess moisture, which causes destructive mold and rot.

Dalia quickly deplete the soil, so they should not be planted in one place for two years in a row.

It is desirable that the soil reaction is slightly acidic or neutral. Slaked lime is added to the peroxidized soil, and a little peat is added to the alkaline soil.

Tuber preparation

Dahlia tubers intended for planting in open ground require special care. With the onset of April, transfer the root tubers from the cellar to the greenhouse and remove rotten areas. Place in boxes, cover half with fresh turf soil, peat, sand, sawdust. The root collar is left open. Water the substrate periodically. After about ten days, the eyes will appear. Remove the root tubers from the soil, shake them off, and place them on a hard surface.

A thin knife blade must be sterilized with a manganese solution or calcined in a fire. Using a vertical cut, divide the stem into four parts (quarters). Each division must have several root tubers and at least one renewal bud, otherwise it will not be able to germinate. The cut is sprinkled with crushed activated carbon. Keep the tubers in the greenhouse until they take root.

Approximately 30 days before planting, planting material is removed from storage. The tubers are cleaned of damaged tissue by sprinkling the cut area with activated carbon. You can treat the culture with foundationazole, or hold it for 17–18 minutes in a weak solution of manganese. Next, the processed tubers are placed in low containers with a mixture of soil and river sand.

Initially, the containers are kept in a warm, shaded place, with moderate watering. When the sprouts reach a height of more than 2 cm, they are transferred to a lighted place. You rarely need to water the sprouts; it is advisable to just moisten the soil. They are planted in the first ten days of May. No need to cover.

When is the best time to plant dahlias in open ground in spring? The planting time is related to the climate of the region. For central Russia, this is the third ten days of May. For the southern regions - April. For the northern ones - the beginning of summer.

Planting and caring for dahlias in open ground in Siberia should be carried out in the second ten days of June.

Preparing the site

This culture loves warmth, so it is important to choose the right place. The flower bed should be located on sunny area, which is not subject to drafts.

Some varieties have a fairly tall stem that can easily break off from a strong gust of wind. These varieties require support - wooden stakes 1.5–2 meters high. It is advisable to install them in advance.

Ideal location: near the wall, on the south side of the building. It is recommended to plant flowers next to a group of bushes and trees, in a sufficiently lit place. However, trees located near flowers should not provide dense shade, since dahlias love light. These freedom-loving flowers are not suitable for cramped conditions and impenetrable thickets.

First, the area is leveled, then the holes are prepared. The tubers are planted in open ground, then they are covered with a few centimeters of soil. The tubers should be provided with enough sun and light watering.

There is another method of propagating this crop - cuttings. But this is a very labor-intensive and responsible task. And if you are worried about these troubles, then you can grow an annual plant from seeds, this is:

  • ColtnessHybrids;
  • redskin;
  • Rigoletto;
  • Figaro.

Seeds are sown in open ground in mid-May and bloom by mid-August. To get early flowering, the seeds will have to be germinated.

Collection and storage of root tubers

Dahlias planted in open ground in the fall also need care. Before frost, the bush should be hilled up and the leaves on the lower part of the stem should be removed. It is recommended not to rush into digging up the tubers! When the above-ground part dies, it is cut off and the tubers are left in the ground. Over the course of two weeks, their peel will thicken and starch will form. And only after the first frost (before the onset of big frosts) should the root tubers be dug up and washed. This is done in the morning so that they dry in the air during the day.

Planting material is stored in the cellar, in a box with a mixture that includes soil, vermiculite, sand, sawdust, and peat. The optimal room humidity is 60–70%.

Ventilate the storage area periodically.

In January, it is necessary to re-inspect the tubers in order to separate large ones. If affected areas are found, it is necessary to remove them, and treat the cut areas with a brilliant solution of brilliant green (can be lubricated with crushed activated carbon).

Dangerous pests

The most important enemies of the plant are:

  • slug;
  • flower beetle;
  • caterpillar;
  • earwig;
  • etc.

To combat slugs, the ground is sprinkled with metaldehyde. For aphids - dip the shoots in a soap solution or spray them with a 0.2% solution of chloroethanol. Hot weather favors the development of spider mites, which infect the lower part of the leaves. They turn yellow, dry out and die. The diseased crop is irrigated with keltan (0.2%). A decoction of celandine and wormwood is also used against pests.

So, magnificent dahlias are distinguished by a variety of shapes and colors, lush and long flowering. If you follow the above recommendations, you can easily grow these gorgeous flowers in your garden.

All about planting dahlias in open ground - video

Dahlias are perennial flowering plants of the Asteraceae family. Large flower heads amaze with the variety of their colors. There are spherical, double and variegated forms.

They are sometimes grown as annuals. In this case, the tubers are not dug up or stored for the winter.

When designing a flower garden, it is very important to choose the right companions for these plants with similar requirements for lighting and soil composition. Bright yellow and orange dahlias work best with delicate purple verbenas and purple delphinium.

I don’t plant more than 2-3 varieties of different shapes and colors in one flower bed. Failure to comply with this rule will lead to oversaturation of the composition and make it tasteless. You can dilute the flower garden with ornamental herbs and cereals.

In the Moscow region, dahlias bloom from the end of June until the first frost.

Selection of planting material

Dahlias can be grown either from seeds or by planting tubers. Propagation by seeds is used only for planting these flowers as annuals. If you plan to grow the plant for several seasons, purchase dahlia corms.

Before purchasing, you should carefully examine the contents of the transparent packaging. The size of the tuber depends on the variety and age. The main thing is that it is not wrinkled and dry. A good division has a small piece of the former stem, a root collar with slightly emerging buds and at least one nodule.

Old tubers are different large size and a wide root collar, as a rule, they have a dark and wrinkled appearance. They are planted only for one season, since they do not produce young offspring.

You should not purchase nests of root tubers. Such plants will produce many shoots, but will bloom sparingly. Over time, they begin to get sick, and by the 4th year they die.

If planting material is purchased immediately before planting dahlias in the ground, it is better to choose partially germinated specimens. The buds should be clearly visible on the root collar of such plants. In the case when the time of planting is still far away, the purchased tubers are wrapped in thick paper and stored in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment.

Types and varieties

Depending on the shape and structure of the flower, dahlias are divided into several groups.

The most popular are simple single-row dahlias with a flower diameter of about 10 cm. Giving preference to this species, you should pay attention to the variety Merry guys with a varied color scheme and the height of the bush is from 30 to 60 cm. It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and increased resistance to drought. Due to the fact that this variety reaches maximum decorative value in the first year after planting, it is often grown from seeds as an annual.

Anemoid dahlias are distinguished by petals that are shortened closer to the core, which often have a lighter or darker color. A striking representative of this species is the Boogie-Woogie dahlia. The rich pink outer petals of this variety border the bright yellow dense center of the flower.

Cactus-shaped dahlias look unusual. Their distinctive feature is pointed petals-needles, rolled into narrow elongated tubes. The advantage of cactus-shaped dahlias is that they do not accumulate rainwater, and the inflorescences do not become heavier. The Stars Lady variety amazes with its white and pink fluffy buds, which bloom from mid-summer to mid-autumn.

Globular dahlias are often grown as annuals. Their dense inflorescence reaches a diameter of 15 cm. The Fanny Face variety will delight you with bright yellow flowers speckled with red splashes, which, when cut, will last for at least a week.

Among double decorative dahlias, the most popular variety is Meloni Dixie. Its compact bushes do not exceed 60 cm, and the petals, beige at the base, acquire a rich pink hue towards the edge. This variety has the longest flowering period from early summer to late autumn.

Growing from seeds

They begin to sow dahlia seeds for seedlings at the end of March. To do this, seedling boxes are filled with nutritious soil composed of 1 part turf, 1 part humus, 1 part coarse sand. Then the soil is moistened abundantly and grooves 1-2 cm deep are formed at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Seeds are placed in the grooves, maintaining a gap of 3 cm, after which they are carefully sprinkled with earth. The boxes are covered with film and kept in a well-lit room with an air temperature of 22-25°C.

Shoots appear in 7-10 days. At this time, the film is removed, since newly emerged seedlings need regular ventilation. You need to moisten the seedlings daily, preferably with a spray bottle.

Picking into individual peat cups carried out when each plant has at least 3-4 true leaves. When transplanting, each sprout is buried down to the cotyledons.

Dahlias are planted in open ground in the second half of May, when the threat of night frosts has finally passed. In order for the seedlings to successfully take root in a permanent place, 2 weeks before the expected planting date, the seedlings begin to be hardened off, gradually accustoming them to the coolness of the street.

Growing with tubers

Before planting dahlias with tubers, they are first germinated. To do this, dig a 20x40 cm trench in a specially designated area. The tubers are carefully placed in it, and then covered with earth. To ensure a greenhouse effect, the trench is covered with polyethylene, which is secured to the surface of the earth with stones or other available material. There is no need to additionally moisten the soil during germination.

In approximately 2-3 weeks, green sprouts will appear on the surface of the earth. The film is removed, and the young plants are dug up, divided and planted.

To properly separate the tubers, they are washed under running water and cut with a knife so that at least one sprout remains on each onion. Finally, the corms are disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Division rejuvenates the plant and prevents it from producing too many shoots. The buds on such a specimen will be larger and brighter. In addition, this is the best way to propagate varietal dahlias.


The area where dahlias are supposed to be grown should be well lit or in partial shade. The main thing is that it is protected from cold winds. For this purpose, dahlias are often planted next to annual sunflowers, which, with their powerful foliage, protect their delicate buds from drafts.

The land for planting flowers is prepared in the fall. The soil is dug up and fertilized with compost at the rate of 3 kg per 1 sq.m. In spring, the soil is enriched again by scattering a mixture of humus and ash over the surface. If the soil is highly acidic, it is limed, since dahlias prefer neutral soils.

To plant plants, dig holes 10 cm deep, which are well watered beforehand. warm water. Depending on the variety, the planting pattern can be 30x30, 50x50 or 80x80. 2 specimens are planted in each hole, this will allow the bushes to achieve maximum lushness. In order for plants to develop correctly, it is necessary to place the tubers strictly horizontally.

Agrotechnical requirements

Additionally, young dahlias should be watered only in dry weather; for this, warm, settled water is used, since low temperatures will negatively affect the root system of plants. During the flowering period, the bushes require almost daily irrigation, and on hot days the soil is mulched with peat or straw. In between waterings, the soil is loosened and weeded.

As the bush grows, excess shoots are removed, leaving only a few of the strongest branches. If you properly plant the plant throughout the entire growth period, you can get large and bright buds. The exception is dwarf species.

Fertilizing begins only after flowering begins, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. A weak infusion of mullein prepared with water in a ratio of 1x10 is well suited for these purposes. The lack of nitrogen is eliminated by adding ammonium nitrate to the soil at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. per 1 sq.m.

Tall varieties must be tied up in time so that, under the weight of blossoming buds, the fragile stems of dahlias do not break and lose their decorative effect.

In October, perennial corms are dug up and stored. To do this, the entire above-ground part of the plants is removed, and the tubers are freed from excess soil and treated with potassium permanganate. For the first month, the bulbs are stored in a well-ventilated area with high humidity at 90% and a temperature of 8-10°C. Then the tubers are moved to a dark place with a temperature of 3-5°C and a humidity of 50-60%.

To avoid rotting, dahlias should not be stored in closed plastic bags. In addition, future planting material must be regularly sorted at least once a month.

Diseases and pests

Violation of the conditions for planting and growing dahlias can lead to the occurrence of a number of fungal diseases. The most common are gray rot and leaf spot. At the same time, the leaves of the plants become deformed and dry out, and the flower stalks die without opening.

To combat such ailments, powerful fungicides such as Fundazol or Topsin are used. Severely damaged specimens are removed and burned.

Strawberry and chrysanthemum nematodes damage the entire above-ground part of dahlias. It is almost impossible to fight it, so the affected plants are dug up with a large lump of earth and destroyed.

Growing dahlias in the Moscow region

Dahlia- queen autumn garden, a plant of the Asteraceae family, root-tuberous. In the conditions of the Moscow region, annual digging of dahlia tubers, as well as begonia tubers, is required.

It was impossible to imagine the gardens of our grandmothers without dahlias, as well as without golden balls. For some time, these flowers for the soul disappeared from the front gardens. But fashion, as we know, comes back. Thanks to the work of breeders, dahlias began to appear little by little.

Guatemala and Mexico are considered the homeland of dahlias. Wild species that require short days and cool nights still grow there. In Russia, dahlias began to appear at the beginning of the last century, and received their name in honor of the geographer, botanist, ethnographer, academician of the St. Petersburg Botanical Garden Johann Gottlieb Georgi.

Depending on the size of the bush, the shape and color of the inflorescences, dahlias are divided into groups. Here are some common ones:

Non-double– small inflorescences up to 5 cm in diameter, bush height up to 60 cm.

Pompons– spherical inflorescences up to 5 cm in diameter, bush height up to 1 m.

Cactus-shaped (needle-shaped)– large double inflorescences up to 20 cm in diameter, bush height up to 120 cm.

Decorative– large inflorescences with recurving reed flowers up to 20 cm in diameter.

Location, soil

The planting site for dahlias should be open sunny, illuminated for at least 6 hours a day. Varieties with pink and red flower colors will retain their color longer if protected from midday sun. Dahlias have fragile stems, so their planting site should be protected from the wind by trees, shrubs or buildings. However, it is not recommended to plant in lowlands, as cold air accumulates there and early frosts occur.

The soil for planting dahlias must be structural, permeable, slightly acidic or neutral. From experience I can say that dahlias grow in any soil. However, if you want to achieve lush and long-lasting flowering, it is recommended to improve the soil by adding organic fertilizers (compost, rotted manure). If the soil is clayey, then sand, peat and dolomite flour, and if the soil is sandy, which does not retain moisture well, then it needs to be diluted with peat and clay.


In the Moscow region, for earlier flowering, dahlias are planted in open ground after the threat of return frosts has passed (usually June 6-10). If dahlias are planted earlier, then temporary shelter is required (with half plastic bottle, For example).

Dahlia grown in a container

It is recommended to dig a hole for planting dahlias in advance. Under one bush add a shovel of humus (compost), 30 g of complete mineral fertilizer and a tablespoon of lime. All this is mixed well with garden soil to a depth of about 30-40 cm. Dahlias are planted in cloudy weather or in the evening at a distance of 60 cm from each other. In the prepared soil, dig a hole slightly larger than the pot in which the plants were grown, and carefully, trying not to destroy the earthen lump, plant dahlias. Dahlias are placed in landing hole a little deeper than they grew in the pot. The necks of the tubers should be covered with 3-4 cm of soil. Immediately drive a stake 150-180 cm high for tall varieties, to which the stems are subsequently tied. Planted plants are watered abundantly. I recommend drenching each bush with Epin’s solution (5 drops per bucket of water). The soil around the stems must be mulched to retain moisture and reduce weeds. It is recommended to use rotted manure, compost or peat as mulch.

Feeding, care

Dahlias respond well to feeding with weed infusion or mullein solution (1 liter per 10 liters of water). Such fertilizing is carried out before flowering every 2 weeks. When the dahlias begin to bloom, scatter superphosphate (2 tablespoons per bush), embedding it into the soil. From mid-August, nitrogen fertilizing is stopped altogether and increased

Caring for dahlias involves timely watering and pruning faded inflorescences. When dahlias begin to bloom, water them only in abnormally hot weather, otherwise the growth of leaves will outpace the growth of flowers. I don’t recommend pinching (who doesn’t know what this is, look in the dictionary) or pinching out side shoots, as specialized literature advises, since otherwise you end up with a rather bald bush with leaves and flowers only on the crown. In addition, many varieties are now sold that form a large number of buds - flowers. If the variety is very tall, then it is better to cut off the top above the third (second) pair of leaves so that the flowers are not somewhere in the clouds. It is recommended to remove the lower one or two pairs of leaves from the bush. This will provide better access of air, heat and light to the roots, thanks to which the tubers will ripen better. In autumn, dahlias are earthed up to protect them from the cold and prolong flowering.

Dahlias grown from seeds and small-flowered varieties must be pruned to stimulate the growth of new inflorescences.

Harvesting and storing tubers

Dahlia root tubers are harvested when the first frosts kill the stems and leaves, but there are no major frosts yet. I recommend not to rush too much with digging. When the above-ground part dies, it is cut off and the tubers are hilled up (you can simply pour a bucket of new soil on top of the bush). The tubers are left untouched for about 2 weeks, during which time their skin thickens and starch forms. Then they are dug up (you cannot pull the stem!) To do this, around the bush, 20 cm from the stem, carefully dig a circle with a shovel and pry up the tuber. It should be remembered that dahlia tubers are very fragile and weakly adhere to the root collar, so they can break off. If a tuber breaks off, do not throw it away; it is rare, but buds may appear on it in the spring. The tubers are washed from the soil (dipped well in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate for 10-15 minutes), allowed to dry, and the small roots are cut off. All cuts must be treated with crushed coal to prevent rotting.

dahlia needle

I recommend dividing the tubers in the spring, this way they are stored better, and in March-April you can already see where the buds have awakened. To dry, the tubers are brought into a cool room (about +4-10 degrees) for 15-20 days, covered with newspaper. Then they are stored until spring in the basement at a temperature of +3-5 degrees and at a humidity of about 60-80%.

I recommend tested by me way to store tubers in the basement. In any box I line the bottom with wrapping paper, lay out the dried tubers and cover them with ordinary universal purchased soil for plants, in a layer of about 5 cm almost to the root collar. I cover the top of the box with newspaper (paper), on top of which I lay film or sealed bags. Once every 2 weeks you need to open the box and check it. If rot (mold) appears on the root collar, which is very rare, then I take out the tuber, treat it with potassium permanganate, trim the rotten parts to healthy tissue, sprinkle them with charcoal and dry them for about a day. Then I again place the tuber in a box (preferably in a separate one) and cover it with new, drier soil. If the tubers begin to wilt (dry out), then I spray the ground a little.

Pests and diseases

The most common pest is aphids, which suck out cell sap, which leads to deformation of leaves, flowers and young shoots. Can be used for fighting folk remedies– solution of tobacco dust.

Can cause great harm to plants spider mite and thrips. Treatment with biological preparations (Iskra-bio, phytoferm) is recommended.

Application in landscape design

In the garden, dahlias look great in the front garden, along paths, in ornamental garden. Low varieties can be used in container gardening.

In group plantings, dahlias look great next to aconites, delphiniums, phlox and other perennials. And annuals such as cosmos and zinnia will be indispensable companions to dahlias for country-style gardens. If you plant a strip of low bushes of the same color, size and shape, you will get a wonderful border. If you plant dahlias with a shrub growing alone on the lawn or include it in a flower garden composition, then the bright colors in late summer and early autumn will delight you for a long time.


Dahlias are popular garden plants that can decorate any flower garden.

Planting and caring for dahlias in the open ground does not require much effort or special skills, but there are still nuances in agricultural technology.

Growing dahlias from seeds

Dahlias are not propagated by seeds as often as by tubers. This method is mainly suitable for annual varieties and breeding work.

Sowing directly into the ground

Dahlias are heat-loving plants, so sowing in open ground in the spring can be done only after the last frost has passed, approximately in the third decade of May.

Dahlias grown in open ground from seeds will bloom no earlier than August, so many gardeners practice earlier sowing at the end of March with the obligatory use of mini-greenhouses or greenhouses.

Before sowing, the bed is dug up and left for 2-3 days to allow the soil to settle. The seeds are placed in shallow furrows, the distance between which should be at least 60 cm.

The soil is carefully leveled with a rake, sprinkled with rotted humus to avoid the formation of a surface crust, and watered abundantly.

As they grow, thickened areas are thinned out so that there is a sufficient gap between the bushes for normal development (about 60 cm).

Growing dahlias for seedlings

Annuals are sown for seedlings in April, while perennial varieties- already in early March, so that by autumn the plant has formed a viable tuber.

Seeds are sown in prepared seedling boxes, placing them horizontally, and covered with a thin layer of sand or loose soil (no more than 0.5 cm). The soil mixture is prepared from peat, sand and agroperlite.

“The substrate for dahlia seedlings cannot be fertilized either before planting or during growth.”

Seedlings should be planted in open ground as soon as the seedlings have formed 2-3 leaves, not counting the cotyledons. The distance between young dahlias should be at least 5-7 cm.

Many gardeners pick and plant dahlias in small pots with soil made of sand, peat and turf soil in a ratio of 1:1:2.

Watering should be moderate, since the root system of dahlias is very sensitive to excess water in the soil. This threatens the development of fungal and bacterial infections.

When to plant dahlias in open ground

The timing of planting dahlias in open ground directly depends on the climatic conditions of the region. The seedlings should be hardened by this time.

To do this, pots or boxes are placed on open balcony or taken outside during daylight hours, gradually increasing the duration of stay in the fresh air.

In Siberia on permanent place dahlias are planted no earlier than mid-June, in the Moscow region and central Russia - from the beginning of June, in the southern regions and Ukraine - from the third week of May.

Planting dahlia seedlings in the ground in spring

If the seedlings are in glass, clay or plastic containers, then 2 hours before planting in a permanent place, it needs to be thoroughly shed with warm water. Peat and paper containers can be placed in the soil along with the seedlings without disturbing root system.

A little wood ash and compost are poured onto the bottom, mixed with soil and the seedlings are planted so that the first cotyledon leaves are slightly higher than the ground. The flowerbed is watered and mulched.

Planting dahlias with tubers

Growing dahlias from tubers - traditional way, known to all flower growers. Planting material begins to be prepared in the spring, in April or early May.

Landing dates

Perennial dahlias are planted in open ground after spring frosts. For central Russia, this is around the 20th of May or early June, you need to be guided by the weather.

In the south, the dates are shifted back a couple of weeks; in northern latitudes, they are planted a little later.

Tuber preparation

Before the first frost, dahlia tubers are dug out of the ground, washed under running water and dried. Long conducting roots and stems are cut off, leaving a few centimeters.

The root collar is sprinkled with ash or crushed coal, this is a good preventive measure against rot. Planting material is stored in basement at a temperature of 3-5 ° C, in boxes with peat, sawdust or sand.

For storage in warmer and more humid conditions, the tubers are pre-dipped in heated paraffin - this will reduce the evaporation of moisture, keeping the planting material from drying out.

Preparing tubers for planting involves choosing quality material and keeping it in a nutrient substrate. Dried roots are removed from them and examined for possible diseases.

Healthy planting material should be free of rot and stains. The tubers are elastic and not wrinkled, the stem is about 2-3 cm, the root collar should have buds.

A month before planting in a flowerbed, the tubers are placed in containers with soil so that 2-3 cm remains on the surface. The containers are left in a well-lit place at a temperature of 17-20 ° C for 1.5-2 weeks until they hatch kidneys

If the dahlia variety is valuable and the tubers are well preserved, several plants can be obtained from them.

Separating tubers before planting

Tubers are cut into segments sharp blade so that each has a bud and part of the root collar, usually 3-5 fragments. The cut sites are processed and returned back to the substrate for further germination. Before planting in open ground, side shoots are removed from mature plants (about 15 cm tall).

Attention! “To disinfect a fresh cut, you need to sprinkle it with crushed activated carbon.”

Planting tubers

In the flowerbed, holes are dug 30 cm deep (for the bayonet of a shovel) and 40 cm in diameter. Rotted manure or humus is placed at the bottom and sprinkled with soil so as not to cause burns to the root system.

The cuttings are placed in the holes to such a depth that the tubers are covered with soil by 5-8 cm, and the stems of the sprouts by 1-2 cm. After planting, the place is watered abundantly and sprinkled with mulch from sawdust, peat or pine needles.

Caring for dahlias in the open ground

How to plant and care for dahlias so that they grow powerful and beautiful bushes With big amount large and long-lasting flowers? It is important to choose the right place for them, not to overwater, feed them on time and periodically pinch the stepsons.

Location and lighting

Dahlias love a lot of light and warmth; it’s not for nothing that their homeland is sunny Mexico. They grow well in partial shade, but they stretch out a lot compared to plants planted in full sun.

Location in deep shade has a detrimental effect on the growth and development of dahlias. In this case, you should not expect decorativeness and lush flowering.

Watering rules

Dahlias are drought-resistant plants, but they should not be left without watering. In hot weather, the bushes are moistened generously once a week, and the next day they loosen the soil and weed out the weeds. Towards the end of summer, watering is stopped so that the tubers are better prepared for winter.

“Mulching the soil around plantings will not only prevent wild growth weeds, but will also retain moisture, which will allow watering less often.”

Selection and timing of fertilizing

During the summer, it is recommended to feed dahlias every 2 weeks, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. To prevent the bush from actively growing its green mass and devoting all its energy to flowers, it is not recommended to fertilize dahlias with nitrogen-containing products.

If there is a large amount of humus in the soil, preference should be given to mineral supplements, newly developed lands need organic matter.

In the fall, during digging, half-decomposed manure or compost is added to the soil at the rate of 3-5 kg ​​per 1 m² or bird droppings (1-2 kg per 1 m²). In the spring, peat, wood ash, and superphosphate are added.

It is not advisable to fertilize the soil when digging with such agents as urea, potassium salt, potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate, since they are quickly washed out of the soil and are not absorbed by the roots.

Photo: © Steven Nadin/EyeEm/Getty Images

The best feeding for dahlias during flowering is potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Dilute 50 g of superphosphate and 2 cups of ash per 10 liters of water. To feed the tubers in August, 30 g of potassium sulfate is added once. In September, dahlias are not fertilized.

Support for dahlias

Tall varieties need supports. The stems of this crop are hollow and can break in strong winds or under the weight of the flower.

Wooden or plastic pegs are suitable as supports, which should preferably be dug into the hole at the time of planting the tubers. In this case, damage to the roots can be avoided. As they grow, the stems are tied to a support with twine.

Pruning dahlias

Caring for dahlias includes forming a bush and timely cutting off the shoots. If you want to get large and prominent inflorescences, only 3 stems are left on the bush. On each one you need to remove excess buds, saving only 1-2.

Side shoots also need to be docked during the season, but they can be used as cuttings. Fading flowers are cut off immediately so that the plant does not waste energy on ripening the seeds, but directs them to new blossoming buds.

Diseases and pests

Common diseases of dahlias are:

  • viral mosaic;
  • ring spot;
  • blackleg;
  • powdery mildew:
  • fusarium;
  • white rot;
  • dry rot.

There are not many pests that attack dahlias, mainly thrips, greenhouse and bean aphids, and cutworm caterpillars.

Reproduction by cuttings

Many people know how to plant and care for dahlias, which are propagated by tubers and seeds, but there is another interesting method of propagation - cuttings.

To do this, the tubers need to be planted for germination in January, so that by mid-spring the sprouts reach a height of 6-7 cm. They are carefully cut with a blade or broken off, preferably together with part of the root collar (in gardening jargon, such cuttings are called “with a heel”).

Over time, new shoots will grow in place of the cuts, but not as strong as their predecessors.

Cuttings with heels are planted in containers with a well-moistened but not soaked substrate and placed in a greenhouse, which is periodically ventilated. You can simply cover the pot with a plastic bag to create the desired humidity.

Cuttings that are too long and overgrown are usually rooted in water. Planting in open ground is done in the same way as seedlings from seeds.

Experienced flower growers advise planting cuttings in tight containers, then the tubers will grow thick and compact.

Varieties of dahlias

Today, the number of dahlia varieties has already exceeded 15,000. In the international classification, they are divided into 10 groups:

Simple. The height of the bush is 45-60 cm, the diameter of the flower is up to 10 cm. The inflorescence is a tubular center surrounded by one row of reed petals. Popular varieties are “Murillo”, “Yellow Hammer”, “Alpen Sarah”, “Agnes”, “Mignon”, “Rote Funken”, “Jolly Guys”.

Anemone-like. They grow up to 90 cm, the inflorescence is up to 10 cm in diameter. In the center there is a voluminous disk of large tubular flowers, framed by one or several rows of reed flowers. The most famous varieties are: “Lambada”, “Blue Bayou”, “Boogie-Woogie”, “Polka”, “Asahi Chokhi”, “Brio”, “Honey”.

Decorative. The height of the bush can reach 1.5 m, the diameter of the inflorescence can be up to 25 cm. The marginal reed flowers are more rounded in shape. The most popular decorative dahlias are “lacquered nambre”, “tartan”, “prince carnival”, “Arabian night”, “rosabela”, “orange”, “ecstasy”.

Globular. There are low-growing (up to 40 cm) and tall varieties (up to 1.5 m). The inflorescences are round, double, from 7 to 20 cm in diameter. More often than others in flower beds you can see such varieties as: “Evelyn”, “Peter”, “Sandra”, “Kenora Fireball”, “Sylvia”, “Rocco”, “Annushka”, “Aurora’s Kiss”.

Pompons. They differ from spherical ones in having wrapped marginal flowers; the shape of the inflorescence can be slightly flattened. The height of the bush ranges from 50 cm to 1.2 m, pompons - 3-9 cm. Interesting varieties: “Gretchen Heine”, “Acrobat”, “baby”, “bantling”, “crumb”, “anke”, “albino” , “Andrew Lockwood.”

Nymphaeaceae. Terry inflorescences reminiscent of a water lily. Varieties: “angora”, “nabat khatyn”, “kens flame”, “bahama red”, “sedation”, “angela”.

Collar. They grow up to 1.2 m, the diameter of the inflorescence is up to 10 cm. Distinctive feature These dahlias are a basket of three types of flowers: at the edges there are reed flowers, then a ring of collar flowers, in the center there are short tubular ones. Varieties: “Night Butterfly”, “Fashion Monger”, “Impression Fantastico”, “First-Grade”, “Flamenco”, “Heart Danko”, “La Gioconda”.

Cactus. They reach a height of 1.5 m, with flowers larger than 25 cm. This group is distinguished by the needle-shaped shape of the marginal flowers. Among the varieties one can note “blutenteppih”, “white star”, “black bird”, “Jessica”, “Windhaven Highlight”, “Florida”, “ambition”.

Semi-cactus. They differ from the previous group only in that the marginal flowers are rolled into a tube only up to half their length. Popular varieties: “Aitara Success”, “Adlerstein”, “Ice Princess”, “Anne”, “Andrew Mitchell”, “Meteor”, “Verda”, “Vicky”, “Island Delight”, “Kenora Sunset”.

Transition group. This includes varieties that cannot be classified as one of the above. Bright and unusual varieties are “pink giraffe” and “bishop of Llandaff”.

Even a novice gardener can grow dahlias in his dacha. The key to success is choosing the right place, planting it on time and regularly caring for it throughout the season. Planting and caring for dahlias in open ground is usually not difficult.

If you follow the simple rules of agricultural technology, by mid-summer a bright rainbow of flowers will spread out in the garden, which will delight you with its diversity until the fall.

Dahlias – perennials from the Asteraceae family. They reproduce by tubers and do not overwinter in open ground, so the tubers have to be dug up in the fall and stored in the basement until spring.

Mass flowering of dahlias occurs in August-September, when the days become short and the nights are cool. Such conditions remind plants of their homeland - Mexico.

Preparing dahlias for planting

In spring, the tubers are taken out of the basement. In the middle zone this happens at the end of April. The quality of the tubers is carefully checked. Rotten, dried out, with long sprouts are unsuitable for planting - they will grow into sickly and weak plants.

Tubers selected for planting should be soaked for 5 minutes in a solution of copper or iron sulfate to protect against diseases. The pesticide is diluted according to the recommendations on the packaging:

  • iron sulfate – 30 g. substances per 10 l. water;
  • copper sulfate 10 gr. substances per 10 l. water.

The fungicide will protect dahlias from rotting and fungal diseases if spring is long and cold.

The processed tubers are placed in a box with peat or sawdust and covered with a thin layer bulk material so that they don't get damp. The boxes are placed in a room with a temperature of about +20C.

If dahlias are grown through seedlings, each tuber, immediately after soaking, is planted in a container of appropriate volume with nutrient soil, and covered with a 3-5 cm layer of river sand on top. The pots are left in bright warmth room, where sprouts will soon appear from them. Dahlias can be germinated indoors for no more than one month.

Most gardeners do not bother growing tubers indoors, but plant them in a permanent place as soon as there is a threat of frost. With this agricultural technology, shoots will appear 2 weeks after planting.

Planting dahlias

A sunny place, protected from the wind, is suitable for planting dahlias. Dahlias do not like open areas. Even varieties with strong stems can break under sharp gusts of wind.

The soil should be non-acidic, moist, but not swampy. Loams and sandy loams, rich in humus, deeply dug and well fertilized, are preferable. The beds are prepared in the fall - the soil is dug up and fresh manure is added.

Tubers are planted in planting pits 20-30 cm deep with a root collar depth of 5 cm. The distance between the bushes depends on the height of the variety. After planting the tuber, supports are immediately driven in nearby.

The cuttings are planted with a clod of earth and immersed in the soil until the first pair of leaves. Make a small hole around the stem and immediately water it generously.

Care and cultivation of dahlias

Dahlias require careful and constant care - this is the only way the plants will delight you with large, bright inflorescences, and the flowering will last for a long time. As soon as the tubers are in the soil, it must be kept loose, weeds must be constantly removed and watered.

The soil will have to be loosened after each rain and watering. Weeds are harmful to dahlias because they compete with flowers for nutrients - as a result, cultivated plants develop poorly.

To reduce watering, weeding and loosening, the soil under the bushes can be mulched with a thick layer of peat or last year’s leaves. Mulching with compost or humus will protect dahlias in open ground from drying out and provide additional nutrition.


Watering is especially important during flowering. At least 5 liters of clean warm water is poured under each bush. The larger the bush grows, the more water it needs. During budding and flowering, 10 liters can be poured under each plant. water. In the evening, it is useful to spray the bushes with warm water - under such a refreshing shower, the plants feel blissful.

Wind protection

Plants planted in open areas should be protected from strong winds by tying them to high stakes. Broken stems can be healed:

  1. Wash the broken stem with clean water.
  2. Soak in propolis solution - 6 g. substances per liter of water.
  3. Soak sphagnum moss in the same liquid and wrap it around the stem.
  4. Secure the place of wrapping with birch bark and tie it with twine.
  5. Tie the broken stem on both sides to pegs.

After a month, sagging will appear at the site of the breakdown and the plant will continue to develop.


The cut dahlia is not a flower that can be left to grow as it pleases. To get large inflorescences, the bush will have to be formed:

  • To ensure large flowers, regularly remove small side shoots on the main trunk;
  • Remove the bottom four pairs of leaves when the top ones develop;
  • Leave shoots on the main stem starting from the fourth pair of leaves;
  • If you need particularly large buds, pinch off two competing ones and leave only the central one.

Shaping speeds up flowering, the flowers turn out to be larger - after all, the bush stops wasting nutrients on forcing the stepsons coming from the lower leaves.

Cut dahlias grown from cuttings are formed differently:

  1. Pluck all shoots to a height of 70 cm.
  2. Leave two side shoots above - you should get a bush on a high stem.

Dwarf varieties intended for border cultivation do not shoot.

Organic feeding

In autumn, when cultivating the soil, manure is applied - up to 5 kg per square meter. Manure is the most valuable fertilizer for dahlias. It easily decomposes into nutrients available to plants. Many beneficial microorganisms live in manure, which provide plants with nitrogen and protect them from mold and rot. One-time autumn application manure provides the flower garden with nutrition for 3-4 years.

Manure can be mixed with phosphate rock - this improves the quality of both fertilizers. Phosphorite flour. You can also apply it separately, in the fall, at the rate of 200 g per square meter.

Humus and compost are highly rotted organic matter, an analogue of fresh manure. Both fertilizers are very valuable. Humus or compost is applied in the fall or spring before planting at the rate of 6 kg per square meter.

Doses of mineral fertilizers

Dahlias take a lot of nutrients out of the soil, as they develop quickly and produce many leaves and flowers. Therefore, in addition to pre-planting filling the soil with organic matter, it is necessary to feed the plants several times with mineral fertilizers during the season.

The first feeding should be done at the beginning of budding. Per square meter contribute:

  • a tablespoon of ammonium nitrate;
  • a tablespoon of potassium chloride.

The second feeding is needed at the beginning of flowering:

  • two tablespoons of superphosphate;
  • two tablespoons of potassium chloride.

Nutrition diagnostics

With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves turn pale and thin. If the leaves have changed color from green to yellowish, feed the plants with calcium cyanamide. This fertilizer contains 46% digestible nitrogen. It is applied 12-15 days before budding, 10-15 g per 5-10 bushes, until the leaves acquire a normal color.

Phosphorus is necessary for the development of flower buds and full flowering. If the soil was not filled with phosphorus during planting, it can be added during the mass regrowth of shoots from the tuber and then phosphorus fertilizing is carried out every two weeks:

  1. 50 gr. dissolve superphosphate in 10 l. water.
  2. Water 5-8 plants.

Potassium fertilizers increase resistance to frost. A lack of potassium affects the leaves - they turn yellow, and only near the veins the green color remains.

The best fertilizer for dahlias is potassium chloride. It contains up to 60% of the active substance. To properly apply potassium fertilizer, you need to dissolve it in water:

  1. Add two tablespoons of potassium chloride to 10 liters of water.
  2. Distribute among 5-8 bushes.

In August, especially in the northern regions, dahlias need to be planted in order to protect the root collar from night cold snaps. In September, dahlias are planted again - to a height of 10-15 cm. The soil will protect the tubers from the first autumn frosts.

The roots are dug up when the above-ground part dies from the cold. The excavation cannot be postponed. After the above-ground part dries out, dormant buds will begin to awaken on the tubers, and they will become unsuitable for storage.

How to store dahlias in winter

After digging, the tubers are air-dried for 1-2 days without shaking off the soil. They need to be covered at night. Immediately after digging, the stems are cut to the level of the root collar. After drying, the tubers are divided into separate sections, dusted with ash and placed in a basement or cellar.

In the cellar, dahlias are sometimes sprinkled with clean, dry sand to keep waste to a minimum. Once a month, the planting material is inspected and rotten or moldy roots are separated. Damaged areas can be cut out, if they are minor, sprinkle the sections with ash or chalk and dry.

If there is no underground storage, the tubers can be placed in boxes and placed in the corridor. Another way to store dahlias in winter is to put the root tubers in plastic bags, cover them with peat and tie them tightly. If dahlias are to be stored in a warm room, the dried tubers can be dipped in warm paraffin, sprinkled with peat and packed in plastic - this will protect them from drying out and dying.

How to wake up dahlias after winter

Wake dahlias dug up on own plot, not necessary. During the long winter they are relatively dormant and by spring they begin to sprout in the basement or cellar.

Experienced gardeners rightly believe that tubers that are not forcibly awakened wake up on their own, bloom better and form stronger plants than those with which gardeners fuss all spring, germinating them in a greenhouse or at home.

Sometimes it is necessary to wake up after winter tubers bought in a hypermarket, on which there are no visible germs of sprouts at the time of planting. Such planting material is wrapped in newspaper and polyethylene. You need to make sure that the newspaper is damp. In warmth and moisture, sleeping buds will wake up. After the sprouts appear, the tubers are carefully placed in a box, observing the “top-bottom” orientation, and sprinkled with wet sawdust.

Popular varieties of dahlias

Varieties of dahlias are divided into two large groups: double and non-double. Dahlia inflorescences reach 30 cm in diameter. They consist of two types of flowers:

  • reed- along the edges;
  • tubular- in the center.

Reed flowers are asexual or contain pistils. Tubular bisexual - they are able to set seeds.

Table: popular varieties of dahlias

Many gardeners who cannot grow classic dahlias or do not have space to store tubers in winter limit themselves to growing annual varieties.

Popular variety mixtures of annual dahlias:

  • Butterfly– a bright mixture with double flowers, suitable for cutting, height up to 65 cm;
  • Funny boys– a mixture of compact varieties with non-double flowers up to 10 cm in diameter, suitable for borders and flower beds;
  • Russian size– hybrid giant dahlias, height up to 120 cm, flower diameter up to 14 cm, double and semi-double flowers.

The dahlia genus includes 42 species. Some are grown in our climate as annuals, sowing seeds in rich, nutritious soil. Such plants manage to bloom in the first year. In winter they are not dug up, leaving them to freeze in the soil.

How to get dahlias from seeds: growing and caring for them worries many garden flower lovers. Dahlias are flowers with a huge number of varieties. Each variety has its own shades. They bloom all summer until mid-autumn. Bushes reproduce in several ways: roots and seeds. Caring for them is not very difficult.

Some varieties of dahlias

This crop, growing on almost every farm, is presented in stores in many varieties. In total, more than 15 thousand of them are registered! Let's look at some of them:

  1. Single row. This is the name given to varieties with flower petals arranged in one row. This plant has a flat bud that is always open. The stem grows 25-50 cm high.
  2. Peony-shaped. They have more lush inflorescences with petals arranged in several rows. The bud is quite large. It can reach a diameter of 20 cm. The height of the leg is from 60 to 120 cm.
  3. Collared. They look impressive thanks to two rows of petals of different sizes. Each row can be painted in different shades of colors.
  4. Pompons. These dahlias have gorgeous spherical buds with a diameter of 3 to 9 cm. Individual flowers grow up to 20 cm.
  5. Cactus. In appearance they resemble a bristling hedgehog. This appearance is created by inflorescences rolled into a tube. They look like needles.
  6. Funny boys. Very different lush flowering. Flower diameter is 10 cm. Does not form tubers. The plant is annual.
  7. Dandy. Semi-double variety with original inflorescences of various colors. The plant belongs to low-growing varieties.
  8. Piccolo can be grown in pots on the veranda and in the flower bed. The variety is low-growing, 40-45 cm high.
  9. Unwins Dwarf, up to 60 cm high, has branched stems with flowers 6-9 cm in diameter. Color shades so many.

Growing flowers from seeds

How to plant dahlias: should you choose to grow from seeds or tubers? If you buy seeds in a store, you will definitely get a bag of the mixture. different types, but approximately the same in height. By planting them in the garden, you will soon see many colorful buds different color, shape and size. But their growth will be approximately the same. Low-growing ones bloom earlier than their tall counterparts. For tall plants, it’s a good idea to build supports, otherwise the flowers may fly around, like a dandelion.

You can grow seeds for seedlings yourself. To do this, you need to carefully look at the faded buds. Many of them will show an achene. It is hard and has a light green tint. When ripe, it becomes dark beige and resembles a cone small size. When it dries (this can be seen by the peeling scales), it is time to collect the seeds. They are useful for growing dahlias from seeds. Seeds ripen in autumn when high humidity during the rains. The boxes need to be covered from precipitation with waterproof film. When frost occurs, it is better to cut off the stems with boxes and bring them into the house. In a container with water they will ripen in a couple of weeks.

Ripe boxes are cut from the stem and carefully opened. There are about 10-15 seeds inside. Under favorable conditions, they can be stored at home for 3-4 years. How to grow a crop and when to plant seeds?

Growing seedlings begins with preparing the soil. In the fall, you need to take an equal amount of sand, turf and humus, mix them and sift them. Next, the soil needs to be warmed up and treated with a manganese solution. This is done in order to combat diseases and various types of pests. The treated soil is poured into containers (containers, boxes) and moistened. Dahlias should be planted with seeds to a depth of 1-2 cm. The distance between them is 3 cm. Containers with soil and seeds are placed in a warm place where the temperature is maintained from 23 to 25 degrees. Boxes with future seedlings require good lighting. They need to be covered on top with transparent film.

After 10 days or a little earlier, sprouts appear. The film is removed from the boxes. To prevent the seedlings from becoming too elongated, they must continue to be well illuminated. Seedlings also need to be moistened. It is better to do this with a spray bottle without eroding the soil. Stagnation of excess water will lead to diseases in plants. For annuals, seeds are planted at the very beginning of April. If you plant them a month earlier, then by autumn the flowers will have a fairly powerful and strong root system.

When 3-4 leaves appear on the stems, dahlia seedlings need to be pruned. For this procedure, separate glasses are prepared for each plant. They need to be filled with the same soil in which the seeds grew. A hole is made at the bottom of each cup to drain excess water. Each seedling is carefully dug up and planted in a glass. The sprout is sprayed from a spray bottle. By May 10-20, the sprouts should be ready to plant in the garden. But there is no need to rush to disembark. It is better to wait until the threat of frost has completely disappeared. In the meantime, you can harden the seedlings by taking them out into the open air for 5-10 minutes.

Dahlias from seeds (video)

Planting plants in open ground

Summer dahlias: They should be grown in specific locations. Planting and growing dahlias is carried out in a well-lit flowerbed, fenced off from the wind. If a good wind blows, the dahlia can turn into a dandelion, which quickly loses its petals. It’s good if the flowerbed is located at some elevation. This will prevent water from stagnating in the soil. It is advisable to have a neutral or slightly acidic soil composition. In autumn, the place is fertilized with humus, manure or compost.

Before planting in open ground, each plant is watered abundantly and left for 2 hours. Then it is removed from the glass and planted in the ground. If peat cups were used when picking, the plants are planted directly in them. A little humus mixed with ash is poured into the hole. The distance between plants is about 25 cm. Plants usually take root quickly and without problems. By mid-summer, bright flowers of various shades appear. Dahlias continue to bloom until early November. Blooming flower beds can be seen in numerous photos and videos that are available in special stores, magazines and advertising brochures.

Dahlias from seeds: preparation for sowing (video)

Conclusion on the topic

Dahlias are beautiful and beloved flowers by many. There are a huge number of varieties. Photos of them can often be found on the pages of magazines. Congratulatory videos also feature these lush flowers. Many varieties are popular. For example: Merry guys (a whole big family), Figaro Mix, Piccolo, Harlequin Mix, Dandy, Bishop's Children, Rigoletto Mix, Diablo Mix, Minion, Monarch, Dandelion and many others.

You can grow dahlia seeds yourself.

In the spring you can plant them and grow seedlings. The seedlings are planted in open ground flower beds, where they bloom by mid-summer beautiful flowers.

Caring for the plant is not particularly difficult. You just need to monitor the possible appearance of diseases. The main ones are: gray rot, fusarium, white rot. With gray rot, brown spots appear on the leaves and spread to all parts of the plant. Leaves and buds dry out and die. The cause of the disease is waterlogging. Fusarium leads to the death of the root system, which rots at the base. White rot affects individual shoots, on which all the flowers die. Planting dahlias: seeds can be bought or grown - this cheap option decorating the area around the house. You can take a photo in the summer and admire it in the house in the winter.
