Finishing the shower room with plastic panels. Plastic panels for bathroom wall decoration

Everyone would like to see their bathroom cozy and unusually decorated. Finishing a bathroom with PVC panels is a cheap and practical idea!

DIY bathroom renovation

Laying tiles in the bathroom: detailed instructions

Finishing the bathroom with plastic panels

Bathroom tiling

Bathroom and toilet interior

The bathroom is a very important room in the home. If it is beautiful and cozy, it is easier for a person to relax while performing water procedures. In addition, an originally designed bathroom is always a reason for pride: after all, guests pay attention to its condition almost in the first place. It often happens that the condition of the walls gives little reason for happiness: peeling and darkened paint, old Soviet pipes and streaks of rust evoke despondency and boredom. Of course, you can start a renovation, cover everything with new tiles, and replace the old pipes with plastic. But the cost of this event in modern times is such that it can drive anyone into depression.

Is there any finishing method that does not involve taking out a loan and mortgaging own apartment in the bank? Yes! Finishing your bathroom with plastic panels will easily solve all your problems. Their modern assortment is so rich that everyone can easily choose an option to their liking and budget.

Read also about tiling the bathroom.

Advantages and disadvantages of PVC panels

The advantages of finishing with such material

Traditionally, it is worth starting with the advantages of technology. Let's list them in more detail:

  • Firstly, ease of operation. If you know how to hold a tape measure in your hands, construction knife and a stapler with a screwdriver, you can probably cope with this task without difficulty.
  • Cheap materials. The cost of PVC panels rarely exceeds 100-130 rubles per piece, and very little is required to decorate the average bathroom.
  • They are very hygienic. PVC does not absorb odors and water does not penetrate into it. Even if the panels get dirty, they can be easily wiped off with a sponge and regular soap solution.
  • Polyvinyl chloride practically does not burn. Even if in contact with an open flame, this material only melts. For a bathroom in which there is a high probability of a short circuit, this circumstance is quite important.
  • Behind the panels you can easily hide various communications: wires and even pipes (if you make a special box for them).

Other advantages of PVC panels, such as safety from an environmental point of view, soundproofing and thermal insulation properties, are of interest mainly to sales consultants, since they have practically no real significance. If you don’t know how to choose them correctly, we suggest watching the video.

Disadvantages of PVC panels

As in many other cases, the material has not only strengths, but also weak sides. Let's take a look at the " Achilles heels» PVC:

  • Fragility. If you have ever worked with these panels, you probably remember to handle them carefully. Inaccurate cutting, strong pressure - all this leads to the formation of cracks and dents, which are not highly decorative.
  • Sheathing PVC walls panels always “eat up” part of the useful internal space, something that owners of cramped bathrooms should always keep in mind.
  • If you decide to save as much as possible, there is a high risk of purchasing “purely Chinese” panels, for the production of which anything can be used. The strong, suffocating smell of phenol will not only make taking water procedures particularly pungent, but can also have an extremely negative impact on your health.
Comparative table of characteristics of PVC panels


Regular Chinese panel

Average European panel

Thickness of front PVC sheet, mm

Stiffening ribs, pieces

Condition of the stiffeners

The thickness is not uniform, fractures and other deformations are possible

Smooth, the number of defects tends to zero

Weight of one panel (kg/m²)

Raw material quality

If pressed lightly, it may become deformed or crack.

Withstands relatively strong mechanical stress


Coloring may be uneven, colors are often faded

Uniform surface color, high-quality texture

As you can see, in most cases it is better not to try to save money at any cost, since low-quality panels will not decorate your bathroom.

What tools will be needed for the job?

  • Of course, you will need the panels themselves in sufficient quantities. In order to calculate the required purchase volume, it is better to contact an experienced sales consultant.
  • Self-tapping screws and profiles for installing sheathing.
  • Corners (purchased with panels).
  • Electric jigsaw, metal hacksaw.
  • Dowels, screwdriver and/or screwdriver.
  • Glue.

Installation methods

You should know that this finishing material can be mounted on walls in two ways:

  • On a pre-assembled frame (sheathing).
  • With help " liquid nails"or even polyurethane foam.

The advantage of the first method is that wiring and even pipes can easily fit under the panels. If necessary, you can also place it there. heat insulating material. This is especially important in cases where the bathroom is located in an old panel “Khrushchev” building. The frame itself can be made of metal or wood. If you plan to use wooden beam, it must be made of hardwood. In addition, the material should be thoroughly impregnated with antiseptic compounds and covered with drying oil. This will protect the wood from moisture and prevent it from rotting. The cross-section of the timber should not exceed 10x30 mm.

Note! Even if you carefully treat the wood with protective substances, it is still possible for it to swell (especially if you actively use the bath). So we strongly recommend using plastic profiles!

The second method is good for its speed and simplicity: take the panels, coat them with glue and immediately attach them to the wall. But! It is important to clearly understand that the walls in this case must be absolutely straight. As a rule, leveling surfaces costs a pretty penny, and therefore, if you have a limited budget, it is better to use lathing.

Instructions for finishing bathroom walls with plastic panels

Preparatory work

Note! In most cases, no expensive preparatory measures will be required, but if the curvature of the walls in the bathroom resembles a mountainside, they need to be leveled!

First, leave the PVC panels you purchased in the bathroom for exactly one day. This is very important condition! The fact is that during this period the material will “get used” to a certain level of humidity and subsequently will not be deformed. Then you should pay attention to the walls themselves: the sagging needs to be removed from them. Large cracks and potholes should be repaired using putty for this purpose. Important! If somewhere on the wall there are pockets of fungus or mold, or there are damp areas, then all these shortcomings must be corrected immediately! Under panels that practically do not allow air to pass through, mold can form entire “plantations.” Fungi have an extremely negative effect on human health, contributing to allergies and even cancer.

Before starting work, we invite you to watch a thematic video that describes the main points in sufficient detail.

After once again checking the availability of all tools and materials, you can begin to work. Remove all objects that interfere with you from the bathroom, turn off the valves on the pipes, remove switches and sockets, and insulate exposed parts of the wires. In case you are planning a replacement flooring, this must be done before starting work with PVC panels. Otherwise, there is a very high probability of damage to the panels during installation of new floors.

Installation of sheathing, corners and moldings

When installing the beams, carefully level them: it is very important that they are located strictly in the same plane. The pitch between profile elements should be about 40-50 cm on the walls and 30-40 cm on the ceiling. The lowest crossbar is installed close to the floor, and the highest one is installed at the level of the edges of the panels. This installation method provides an optimal degree of rigidity. So, having marked the wall using a building level, we begin to attach the profile. Installation is carried out using dowels. If the walls are made of foam blocks, you can use ordinary self-tapping screws. The same applies to those cases when it is necessary to make boxes to hide water supply and sewer risers. However, thicker timber can be used for them to ensure high strength and reliability.

Note! The location of the bars must be strictly perpendicular to the panels. Simply put, if the PVC cladding will be installed vertically (the best option, by the way), then the sheathing for it must be made horizontal.

Once you have finished with the sheathing, you can begin installing guide profiles and corners that mask the panel joints. With joints at the level of walls and ceilings it is much easier: for this purpose special plastic skirting boards. If desired, you can choose models with a wiring box. The corners and guides are attached to the same dowels, screws or “liquid nails”. Of course, when using metal profile Only special screws will do.

Installation of panels on the sheathing

Finishing should begin from any corner of the room. However, we would recommend first “getting rid of” the most complex and hard to reach places. After measuring the panel, cut it with a construction knife (or an ordinary stationery knife), and then fasten it in the guide. The panels are attached to the profile with self-tapping screws. The first of them must be carefully leveled before installation. Measure the next panel in the same way and attach it to the first until you hear a characteristic click in the locking joint. Place it on the screws again. The panels must be attached to the profile over a wide area of ​​the lock! However, it will not be possible to fasten them to each other in any other way, since the heads of the screws will get in the way, preventing the fastener from clicking into place.

When installing, calculate the length of the panels so that there is a gap of 2-3 mm near the floor and ceiling, as this will promote better air circulation (remember what we said about mold?).

Gradually we reach the opposite corner. Typically the width last panel turns out to be redundant, and therefore it has to be trimmed. To do this you should use the usual stationery knife and a fairly long square (or just a straight section of profile). PVC cuts well, so you can easily handle it. In some cases, it is necessary to achieve maximum tightness of the locking connection between the panels. If this is your situation, then a colorless silicone sealant, which need to lightly coat the inner surface of the joints.

Installation of panels using “liquid nails”

First, thoroughly clean the wall of all greasy stains, old paint and whitewashing. Use a medium-hard brush to remove dust and plaster residue. If the wall has been whitewashed, we strongly advise you to wash it with a mild soap solution. The work is labor-intensive, but it will save a lot of your nerve cells, since panels glued to whitewash may simply fall off. It is strictly forbidden to use any types of adhesives that contain any organic solvents.

The glue should be distributed as evenly as possible over inner surface panel, after which it must be applied to the installation site and pressed firmly for several minutes. We recommend using spacers for this purpose, since holding each panel is very tedious. If you need to hide pipes or water risers, it is best to use a combined installation method, in which panels are glued to the walls with “nails”, and a frame is assembled in difficult places to fasten them. Don't forget about ventilation gaps, since in such places the humidity will inevitably be increased!

Photo examples of finishing a bathroom with PVC panels

To convince you of how beautiful a bathroom professionally decorated with plastic panels looks, we suggest you look at photos of such interiors. We are sure that among them you can easily choose the most suitable option for you!

As you can see, if you wish, you can make your bathroom fabulously beautiful!

Photo gallery (35 photos)

The ceramics on the bathroom walls have become no longer interesting, even despite the originality of the designs on the tiles. The painting looks boring and old-fashioned. Recently, it has become possible to refresh the interior of sanitary facilities using plastic panels. Despite the relatively low cost, they look quite respectable.

alternative to ceramic finishing

Plastic will facilitate repair work, minimizing the alignment of walls. This helps save time, effort and money. And as a result of the completion of the work - a minimum of construction waste. A lot of positive aspects are collected in one PVC material.

bathroom design features

Plastic panels - alternative bathroom finishing

When decorating a bathroom, difficulties arise immediately and are determined by the internal climate of the room. To the conditions high humidity and not every material is suitable for temperature changes. Ceramic tiles fit perfectly, which is why they have remained popular for so long.

variety of plastic panels

When it comes to budget, ceramics with its high prices may not be affordable for everyone. In addition, installing it on the walls is labor-intensive and requires great care. Careful leveling of surfaces is necessary. Ultimately, mountains of garbage are collected, which will also require some effort.

one of the most budget materials

Therefore, the strength and durability of tiles is slowly beginning to give way to products made from polyvinyl chloride. Despite the lightness of the material, it has many advantages.

  • PVC fits perfectly into conditions of temperature changes and is resistant to moisture.
  • The panels are easy and quick to install. No special skills are required to work with them.
a decent option for finishing a wet room

  • The lining is quite easy to maintain - easy to clean.
  • At a low cost, the market provides big choice color solutions and textures.
  • The material is safe for human health.
practical and stylish design

When choosing plastic panels, you should pay attention to one important point - the degree of rigidity that the ribs provide, protecting the finishing material from mechanical damage. The surface of the panels is chosen to be smooth, without waves or other defects. There should be no unnecessary parts on the back side.

focus on durable panels

To make the whole room look attractive, you need to carefully select the match color shades on the panels. Therefore, it is better to purchase all sheets of plastic from one batch. It is also worth paying attention to the size match.

plastic must be from the same batch

You should not chase too cheap material - this is an indicator of poor quality. PVC panels are already inexpensive compared to other types of finishing, so you only need to buy a certified product, which you rarely find on the market. If you want to make a beautiful bathroom, ensuring the durability of the finish, you need to make a purchase at a building materials store.

cheap panels can't be good

Installation and maintenance - main points

Installation of PVC panels is simple, but still requires attention when performing the work. By making them carefully and competently, you can be confident in the durability of the finish. And a beautiful appearance is also of great importance.

There is no point in starting the installation of panels from the front end - first they study the features of the technical process. And you need to start by letting the lining sit in conditions room temperature a day or two for the material to straighten out. Wall covering will need to be carried out at an air temperature in the bathroom of at least +10°C.

Even a novice in finishing can handle the installation of plastics

Algorithm for performing installation work

On initial stage engaged in preparing the surface of the walls for fastening the panels. The features of this moment will depend on a number of factors:

  1. when installing the sheathing, you can only get by by removing the old coating;
  2. If you plan to place the panels on glue, then you will have to make more efforts to level the surface.
bathroom decoration with panels

Don’t forget about such an important point as protecting walls from fungus and mold. You should go over the surfaces with a deep penetration antibactericidal primer.

When installing the sheathing, you need to use a level so that the final wall finish looks even.

prepare the walls for finishing in advance

The guides are located horizontally and are fixed evenly on small substrates. You should not choose the lathing material wooden blocks– they are susceptible to moisture. Ideal option there will be a plastic profile.

wet rooms require special attention

The panels are attached in different directions, but experts recommend choosing a vertical one - this way the moisture will evaporate better, and the room will look more spacious. The start of installation should begin from one of the corners of the room, laying the panels joint to joint. If it is necessary to change dimensions, use a sharp assembly knife with jagged edges.

variety of fastening of plastic panels

When attaching panels with glue, they operate on the principle of decorating walls with wallpaper. Apply to the surface area adhesive composition, and a plastic sheet is immediately attached. The same is done one by one with the remaining panels, trying to remove excess glue in time.

Installation is easier and faster if you purchase wider panels. Then there will be fewer joints on the wall and less waste. For ease of fastening, it is recommended to use special clamps.

combined finishing methods

Style solutions

Plastic panels can be called a universal finishing material, as they organically fit into any interior style - from classic to hi-tech. Some people are deterred from choosing this type of finish for fear that the bathroom will look cool. But this is far from true - with the help of PVC you can bring warmth and comfort to the interior.

universal finishing material

You should not be afraid that the panels will depersonalize the room - this will not happen. True, the lining does not have such an abundance of patterns and ornaments usual for ceramic tiles, but the variety of textures and colors helps to make Beautiful design. In addition, the finishing process is simplified and it costs 2 times less. In case of unsuccessful selection of shades, the panels can be easily removed and replaced.

easy installation and dismantling

You can move away from a boring monochromatic interior if you play a little with color. For example, a smooth transition from one tone to another looks interesting, creating the illusion of a wave. The contrast of alternating two polar colors will also look original.

don't be afraid to play with color

Among the various shades available for sale, you can choose panels with imitation marble or wood. They will give the bathroom a chic look, despite the cheapness of the finish. Even a meager selection of patterns on the panels will help turn the bathroom into a comfortable room.

wood imitation

Color solutions

By choosing white panels, you can not only give the interior tenderness and freshness, but also visually expand the room.
The steel color of the finish will not look boring or strict if it fits organically into modern style, combined with sanitary fixtures (toilet, bathtub, shower) and other design elements.

light shades in bathroom decoration

It will be interesting to look at the fusion style in the bathroom, when white colors are combined with bright shades.

Delicate blue seems to be specially created for bathrooms. Such panels look quite original in combination with cream pastels.

The decoration of the room in dark warm colors looks very stylish.

stylish design of a room for water procedures

Beige and peach colors make the room not only attractive, but also cozy.

You can also find other colors of lining on sale that will easily fit into the intended style. You shouldn’t give up such a practical and cheap option for decorating your bathroom. After all, this will bring some newness to the interior.

neutral tones in the decoration of walls and floors

plastic panels in the bathroom interior

A successful combination of economy and aesthetics is the interior design of a bathroom made of plastic panels. But only in case the right choice material and a competent approach to design.

Plastic panels are excellent for finishing walls and ceilings in wet areas, besides modern manufacturers are paying more and more attention to them appearance.

PVC panels are not necessarily temporary, budget renovation, because with their help you can create a very nice interior with minimal costs strength from financial investments.

Plastic panels: savings or rational choice?

Of course, ceramic tiles are the most the best option for finishing, but its high cost and complexity installation work This method is not always made available. As for plastic, it can be a worthy alternative. But it is worth considering that not all panels are of the same quality. When choosing a material, pay attention to the number of stiffeners, surface evenness, degree of impact resistance and moisture protection.

Variety of colors of plastic panels

Of course, color is not the last thing. The pattern should be uniform. As in the case of ceramic tiles, it is also important to purchase material from the same batch and protect yourself from possible differences in shade.

Panels are indeed a relatively inexpensive way of finishing, but you shouldn’t save too much and purchase obviously low-quality products, because first of all the aesthetics of the room will depend on this.

Advice! It is not advisable to install panels with a relief texture or three-dimensional pattern in a toilet or bathroom. There is a possibility that mold and mildew will find relief ideal place for reproduction, which is also difficult to clean.

Design features and design ideas

Many people think of plastic finishing as a cheap, monochromatic and uninteresting option, but you just have to look at the photos of finished bathrooms to be convinced that this is not the case. And some techniques and ideas will help you create a very interesting and original interior.

  • Plastic goes well with painting or textured plaster. For example, narrow matte panels can be installed from the floor to a height of up to 1.5 meters, and the rest of the wall to the ceiling can be painted in the appropriate shade.
  • Alternating contrasting colors or even panels of different widths will help diversify the decor.
  • A material that imitates the texture of wood can be used well in the right style, for example, ethnic. Along with simple wooden furniture and light cotton curtains in small flower they will create a cozy village atmosphere. But even with high-quality marbled plastic, the decor will look unnatural and cheap.

You can create drawings using color panels

  • Followers tiles They will say that it is impossible to lay out an interesting design with borders, friezes or columns from plastic panels and they will be completely wrong. On modern market You can find a huge number of panels with imitation ceramic tiles, both plain and with all kinds of patterns and prints.
  • It is possible to apply any pattern on the PVC panel using photo printing, and it can even be a whole picture located above the bathtub or on open area walls.
  • WITH plastic trim will look great slatted ceiling with regular or mirror inserts.

Interior style

It would be a mistake to think that with PVC panels you can follow only one style - budget. In fact, if you think through the design wisely, you can implement almost any stylistic direction. Some of the easiest to implement include the following:

  • Minimalism. The main concept of this style is a minimum of furniture, maximum space. It is distinguished by clear lines and discreet shades. Metal and glass elements are desirable in the setting.

Decorating a bathroom in a minimalist style with plastic panels

  • Country or country style Ideally, it involves the use of natural materials, but plastic panels imitating wood can also create a similar atmosphere and atmosphere. You will have to approach the rest of the design thoughtfully. The furniture should be simple, preferably wooden, perhaps instead of a door there will be light curtains, and instead spotlightsmatching chandelier.
  • Provence is the spirit of simplicity and comfort. Easily implemented with PVC panels. The interior is kept in light pastel shades, the furniture is chosen simple, without frills. They complement the decor with light floral patterns and porcelain or ceramic decor.

Panel installation method

There are two ways to install plastic panels: on lathing or guides and directly to the wall, using glue or self-tapping screws. And here it is not only the order of work or the requirements for the evenness of the walls that differs, but also the amount of area that can be saved. This is especially true for small bathrooms, for example, in Khrushchev-era buildings, where every centimeter counts.

Fastening plastic panels to the sheathing

Important! If a radiator or heated towel rail is installed in the bathroom, between heating device and panels, it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 3-4 cm. Otherwise PVC case may be deformed under the influence high temperatures.

In the event that the panels will be mounted on a lathing, wooden or metal, it is not necessary to level the walls; it is enough to dismantle them old finishing and treat the surface with fungicidal compounds, but along the entire perimeter the finishing will take at least 3 cm. It would seem not much, but there is room for washing machine Now it may not be found.

Installation of plastic panels with glue

Finishing a bathroom with plastic panels: video

Plastic panels in bathroom design: photo

Bathroom decoration with plastic panels is rapidly gaining popularity. Photos, design, repairs, features of selection and installation - you need to familiarize yourself with this before purchasing materials so that the entire bathroom turns out beautiful.

When renovating a bathroom, the material used to decorate the walls will probably raise the most questions. It is desirable that it looks beautiful, is practical and is inexpensive. And given the constant temperature changes and high humidity levels, it is very difficult to find such material. The wall decoration should not be damaged in such conditions and should be easy to maintain.

Of course, the most popular option for bathrooms is ceramic tiles. But high-quality tiles are quite expensive, and not everyone can handle the finishing; you’ll have to hire a professional. If alternative options? Of course there are, and one of them is plastic panels. In appearance they are a little inferior ceramic tiles And wooden boards, but installation is quite simple. PVC panels are also notable for their long service life and affordable cost.

Selecting panels for finishing

To make PVC panels look beautiful and last a very long time, you need to choose the right materials. Today in stores there are many options for panels that differ in color, width, thickness and plastic density.

First of all, you need to evaluate the evenness of the panels. There should be no “waves” on the surface of the material, because after using such panels the walls will look ugly and cheap.

An important parameter is the strength of the material, or rather its ability to break when bent and be pierced by sharp objects that are found in any bathroom. Typically, panels with dimensions of 2700x250x10 mm are used to decorate a bathroom.

Rules for choosing quality panels:

  • When choosing, look at the number of stiffeners. The strength of the panels directly depends on their number, therefore, the more ribs, the better;
  • The thickness of the material must be at least 1 centimeter, and the thickness of the coating must be from 0.5 millimeters;
  • In the store you need to take the PVC panel in your hands and look at the condition of the stiffeners. If they are deformed, this means that the material is of poor quality and was not stored in proper conditions. Such panels will not last long;
  • Also carefully examine the color of the panels. If the pattern is blurry or the panels of the same color are not monochromatic, then such a finish will not look beautiful, and high quality it doesn't say;
  • Joint density. This can also be checked directly in the store by connecting two panels. If they are of high quality, then the seams will be almost invisible;
  • Dimensions finishing materials Usually indicated on the label, but it’s better to double-check. If the values ​​do not match, then the reason is either an unfortunate mistake by the manufacturer, or that they are trying to sell you a fake;

  • Before you go to hardware store, you need to take all the measurements and calculate how many panels you will need. If you take too much material, then it will be a waste of money, and if you take too little, then you will have to run to the store again, where there may already be another batch with a slightly different shade.


Available in stores today different variants plastic panels that differ in important characteristics:

  1. Depending on the type of coating, there are matte and glossy PVC panels.
  2. If we take into account the method of applying the pattern, then there are printed and film options. Film models are produced in this way: first, the required image is applied to a special film, and then glued to the surface of the panels. In the printed version, the image is applied directly onto the plastic using paints.

  1. Joint of panels. There are suture options in which the design includes a small joint. Seamless panels, on the contrary, are tightly connected.

Advantages and disadvantages of panels

Plastic panels are highly durable and reliable. And the properties of the material are called the best for such special premises like the bathroom and toilet.

The advantages of PVC panels include:

  • Moisture resistance. Increased level humidity and splashes of water will not damage the integrity of the structure;
  • Fire safety. The material ignites quickly;
  • Resistance to different temperatures. After acceptance hot bath the temperature in the room rises significantly, and if this causes harm to some types of finishing, then polyvinyl chloride tolerates such conditions well;
  • The service life of the products is at least 20 years;

  • Light weight of panels. The design of this finish is cellular, which makes the material is light. This means that there will be no problems during transportation and installation;
  • Compared with ceramic tiles or wood panels, plastic is much cheaper;
  • Various options for finishing the bathroom with plastic panels. Photos of the panels show that PVC materials can significantly improve the design of the room;

  • The material is environmentally friendly;
  • You can install the panels yourself; there is nothing complicated in this process, so there is no need to call a specialist;
  • Easy to care for. To clean the panels, simply wipe them with a damp cloth.

Panels made of polyvinyl chloride really have a lot positive aspects, but there are also negative points that are definitely worth mentioning:

  • Panels are subject to mechanical damage. If the finish is hit, its surface will quickly become covered with cracks;
  • Exist interesting solutions by design, but the most regular options the panels look very simple;
  • Even though there are many various options By design, the panels are not suitable for every interior.

As we can see, the negative aspects of the material are associated in most cases with its low price. If you don't want to spend large sums money for finishing the walls in the bathroom, then PVC panels will the best option. The design issue is also not critical; if you choose the right materials, you can create a truly beautiful finish.

Tools and features of cutting plastic

For installation finishing panels made of plastic, you only need a few tools, including a construction knife, hammer, screws, wire cutters, a construction stapler and a screwdriver. In addition to these tools, it is advisable to have a pencil and a building level on hand. But if there are no questions with all this, then the process of cutting panels will still make you think. The fact is that this material is quite fragile.

Panel cutting:

  • Experts advise cutting PVC only from the front side. Thus, if a chip forms, it will remain inside the structure, and the front side will be smooth and intact;
  • If the panels are very thin, then you can try using a regular knife for cutting. The only important thing is that it be really sharp;
  • To perform the work, you can buy a special plastic cutter. But the purchase of such a tool will be justified only if you are going to work a lot with plastic;
  • For cutting, you can use a hacksaw with fine and sharp teeth;

  • In order not to do everything manually, some craftsmen use electric tools - a jigsaw or a grinder. But in such a situation, you need to cut the material very carefully.

Preparation for finishing with PVC panels

Main advantage of PVC panels is the ease of their installation, everything goes quickly, and for this it is not necessary to call a team of specialists. The panels, which practically do not form seams when connected, will make the walls smooth without exhausting and expensive putty. Also plastic structures help to hide all communications of water supply systems, sewage systems and electrical appliances. If one of the panels becomes damaged during operation, it will not be difficult to replace it. It's also easy to remove all the trim if you suddenly want a different color or pattern.

You need to prepare to decorate the walls with such materials, for this it is enough:

  • Clean the surface of the walls from previous repairs;
  • Remove pockets of fungus and mold, if any;
  • Sweep up any remaining debris;
  • The last step will be to treat the walls with antiseptic substances.

In general, there is nothing complicated, but problems will begin if already worn out, old pipes are installed in the bathroom. If you have already taken up the renovation of the premises, then you should immediately change the pipes. Experts advise installing a plastic pipeline; it will be located closer to the wall, thereby saving space and also protecting the system from leaks. To the benefits plastic pipes They also include an affordable price.

Cladding options with plastic panels

Decorating the walls in the bathroom with plastic panels can be done in two ways. The first option is gluing the panels directly onto the wall, and the second option involves arranging a special frame or sheathing made of metal or wood. Each option has its positive and negative sides.

Frameless installation

This installation method is quite messy and time consuming. But this method also has important advantages, in particular – saving space. Yes, the difference will only be a few centimeters, but for bathrooms with a small area this plays a significant role. And the difficulty with the fact that this method is very long lies in the need to prepare perfectly smooth walls under the panels.

Features of the frameless method:

  1. When houses were built several decades ago, a lot of sand was added to the plaster. Therefore, it is not difficult to tear off old materials; within an hour of work you will see brick or concrete panels in front of you. An important factor is the shape of the corners, if they are rounded, you will have to correct this with a hammer drill.
  2. If you managed to achieve a smooth surface, then all that remains is to plaster the walls, clean them and treat them with a special primer against fungus and mold. After the wall has dried, you can begin finishing.
  3. If the walls are uneven, then you need to plaster and putty the problem areas, and only then begin renovations in the bathroom PVC panels. A photo of the process will help you understand all the features in more detail.
  4. For the frameless method of finishing walls with plastic panels, a special glue called “liquid nails” is usually used.
  5. Next, you need to cut out the panels and apply “liquid nails” on them in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, you must try to ensure that the glue is not near the edge.

  1. The material with glue must be pressed tightly against the wall, then torn off, wait 5 minutes, and glued again. Such unusual way gluing is used when working with liquid nails.
  2. The first strip must be glued in strict compliance with the level indicators.
  3. We do the same with the following panels. It is important that the connections are tight and that there are no gaps.
  4. Front pages and places corner connections are not mounted anywhere. If you want to install skirting boards, then such connections will not be required.
  5. In general, experts advise installing skirting boards when decorating walls with PVC panels; this will make the structure more durable.
  6. After finishing the walls, you can begin installing the panels on the ceiling.

Frame method

For this finishing option, you do not need to perfectly level the surface, which can significantly save time. But as already mentioned, the frame takes up a little free space, which is very problematic for bathrooms small area. Therefore, it is better to remove the plaster from the walls, treat the surfaces with a special primer, and begin installing the frame.

After installing the base, you can begin finishing the walls with PVC panels. An important point is the density of the joints and their location, they must be exactly in the center of the fastening strips. Each subsequent panel must be installed in the groove of the previous one, and the connections are masked with special combs that are located at the end of the panel. Corners are installed using a corner profile.

In fact, there is nothing complicated, and covering the bathroom walls with PVC panels is quite simple. You just need to prepare a little and study the features of the process.

Design issue

Can finishing a bathroom with PVC panels look beautiful? Interesting ideas, photos of which are available on the Internet, completely destroy the myth that plastic panels look cheap and ugly. If you think through the design wisely, you can arrange the room in almost any interior style. There are at least 3 styles that are quite simple to make, but look incredibly beautiful:

  1. Minimalism. To adhere to this trend, the bathroom should have a minimum amount of furniture and maximum free space. Minimalism is characterized by clear lines and subdued colors. To complement the interior, experts advise using metal and glass elements.

  1. Country. Of course for this style the best material will natural wood, with which you can recreate the style of a country house. But, it will be more affordable to use plastic panels, with the help of which you can also give the bathroom a country style. To do this, you need to buy panels that are made to look like wood. To create a complete interior, not only wall decoration, but also other elements are important. Bedside tables and cabinets should be simple, it is better if they are made of wood. A medium-sized chandelier is suitable for lighting.

  1. Provence. This style of interior design helps create comfort and simplicity. And plastic panels are an excellent option for decoration. This style uses pastel colors and ordinary furniture, without any bells and whistles. They complement the interior with floral patterns and objects made of porcelain or ceramics.

