Emma Morano biography. Emma Morano, the oldest person on Earth, has died (8 photos). Emma Morano: biography, personal life

The life of this unassuming woman, who celebrated her 117th birthday on Tuesday, has captivated three centuries. This life had everything: a marriage that began with blackmail, assault by her husband, the loss of her only son, and a diet that could not be called balanced.

Emma, ​​the eldest of eight children in the family (she outlived all her brothers and sisters), was born on November 29, 1899 in Italian Piedmont.

This year, after American Suzanne Mushatt Jones died in May, Emma officially became the oldest person on the planet. In addition, Morano is the last living person born in the century before last.

Raw eggs and cookies

According to Morano herself, the secret of her longevity partly lies in her genes: her mother lived to be 91 years old, and several sisters overcame the century mark. Part of the reason is that she had a very unusual diet: for more than 90 years, she ate three eggs every day, two of them raw.

She has been following this diet ever since doctors discovered she was anemic. And this happened shortly after the First World War.

True, today she already eats two eggs, but she allows herself cookies.

According to Emma's attending physician, Carlo Bava, who has been seeing her for 27 years, such a diet defies all recommendations regarding healthy image life.

“Emma has always eaten very little fruit and vegetables. When I first met her, she ate three eggs a day: two raw at breakfast, an omelette for lunch and chicken for dinner,” says Dr. Bawa, “and despite all this she seems to be immortal.

Photo: Antonino Di Marco, AP

"Marry me, or I'll kill you"

According to Emma, ​​if she did anything right for her long life, so it kicked her husband out of the house in 1938, a year after the death of her six-month-old son.

By her own admission, the marriage was not happy from the very beginning. She loved a young man who died in the First World War, and had no intention of marrying anyone else.

However, as she told the La Stampa newspaper on the occasion of her 112th birthday, she had no choice.

“He told me: if you are lucky, you will marry me, otherwise I will kill you,” Emma recalled. “I was 26 years old and I got married.”

Having gotten rid of her husband, Emma never married again and continued to work until she was 75 years old.

“I didn’t want anyone to boss me around,” she said in an interview with another newspaper, the New York Times.

This determination forms the basis of a play dedicated to Emma Morano, which is performed in the northern city of Verbania, where she lived most of her life.

However, it is unlikely that Emma herself will ever attend the performance, since over the past 20 years she has never left her two-room apartment. However, she will certainly have no shortage of visitors who decided to wish her all the best and good health in the coming days.

Among them will be Dr. Bava, who has recently felt increasingly responsible for his patient, feeling like “the caretaker of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.”

“After all, on the day when it does collapse, someone will definitely be called to account,” he explains.

November 29, 2016 Emma Morano (Emma Morano) from Vercelli, Italy, celebrated her 117th birthday. Emma is the most an old man of the living and the last of those born in the 19th century.

Incredible, but when did the First World War Emma was already 14 years old and 28 when television was invented.

Her long life was not cloudless. She was engaged in her youth, but her fiancé was called to the front during the First World War and she never saw him again.

In 1926, Emma married another man and gave birth to a child, who died at just six months old. The marriage was extremely unsuccessful - Emma recalls that her husband even threatened to kill her. After the death of her son in 1938, she kicked out her husband and never remarried.

Emma Morano's diet: two eggs and a cookie

Emma is constantly asked about the secrets of longevity. In 2011, she took part in a global study of centenarians, conducted by George Church of Harvard Medical School in Boston. The Italian has excellent genes - many in her family lived to be 90 years old. But Emma's diet baffles her supporters healthy eating, a sober lifestyle and, especially, vegetarianism.

On the advice of doctors, Emma ate three eggs daily for many years - raw or soft-boiled, according to various sources. The doctor gave this advice when she was only twenty, that is, 97 years ago - and she followed it impeccably all her life. But she never took medications - she allowed her body to cope with illnesses.

Emma also ate meat every day, and also often allowed herself a chocolate bar and a glass of brandy. Now, of course, the diet of the centenarian has changed, or rather, it has been reduced to a minimum:

“I eat two eggs a day. This is all. Although no, more cookies... But only a little, because I don’t have teeth,” says Emma.

But above all, Emma is an optimist, and no amount of trials could change that. She has no doubt that this is what prolonged her life... Well, and also the fact that she was not married for long.

The oldest person on Earth has died

MOSCOW, April 15 - RIA Novosti. Italian Emma Morano, considered the oldest person on Earth, died at the age of 117 years and 137 days, reports the Italian publication La Repubblica.

© Fotolia/painless
A centenarian from the Guinness Book of Records has died in the United States.

Emma Morano, born in 1899, was also the last of the known centenarians who were born in the 19th century, France Press clarifies.

Morano has been considered the oldest living person on Earth since May 2016, after American centenarian Suzanne Mushatt Jones died in New York.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Emma Morano, by her husband Martinuzzi (Italian: Emma Morano; November 29, 1899 - April 15, 2017, Italy) - Italian centenarian. From May 12, 2016 to April 15, 2017 - the oldest inhabitant of the Earth.

She was the oldest person to ever live in Italy, the second oldest person in Europe after the Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment, and the last living person born before 1900.

Of all the reliably known Italian centenarians, she held the status of the oldest resident of Italy for the longest time.


Emma Martina Luigia Morano was born on November 29, 1899 in Civiasco (province of Vercelli, Piedmont, Italy) to Giovanni Morano and Matilda Bresciani. Emma was the eldest of their eight children - five daughters and three sons. Members of her family also turned out to be long-lived: her mother, aunt and some of her siblings lived to be over 90 years old, and her sister Angela Morano (1908-2011) died at the age of 102.

When Emma was a child, she moved from the Sesia Valley to Ossola because of her father's work. But the climate was so harsh that the doctor advised the family to live in a place with a milder climate, so she moved to Pallanza on Lake Maggiore, where she lived until her death.

In December 2011, she was honored as a Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic by Italian President Giorgio Napolitano.

Longevity records

On April 2, 2013, with the death of Maria Redaelli, Morano became the oldest living person in Italy and Europe.
On November 29, 2015, Morano became the 14th person in the world to officially reach 116 years of age.
March 27 - entered the top ten oldest verified people who have ever lived.
May 12 - became the oldest living verified person.
November 11 - took sixth place in the list of the oldest verified people who have ever lived.
November 29 - became the sixth person in history to officially reach 117 years of age.
December 27 - entered the top five oldest verified people who have ever lived.

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Let's look at the FULL NAME code tables. \If there is a shift in numbers and letters on your screen, adjust the image scale\.

30 43 56 57 70 85 102 103 117 132
132 102 89 76 75 62 47 30 29 15


18 37 52 70* 76* 89* 103*104 109 132*
S T O S E M N A D T...
132*114 95 80 62* 56* 43* 29* 28 23

We see a match of columns 56\\89.

The numbers 52 = STO and 80 = SEVENTEEN can be obtained as follows if the code of the letter “O”, equal to 15, (in the sentence EMMA MO...) is decomposed into its components:

Then 47 + 5 = 52 = STO; 70 + 10 = 80 = SEVENTEEN.


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