Electronic queue for an apartment. What are the rules for forming queues and lists for housing? Reasons for withdrawal

In Russia, thanks to a large number of interesting and relevant social programs, you can get housing with the help of special subsidies. However, in order to use this opportunity, you must provide certain documents and get on the waiting list for housing.

Most families cannot afford to purchase housing on their own and this opportunity is the only option for them. Therefore, it is very important to ask questions to members of such a family about how to find out their turn for an apartment.

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How to find out?

You can find out your queue for housing using the website of your city administration. To do this, enter “City administration and your city” into the search engine. It is very convenient and fast, which allows you to monitor your turn constantly.

Online services, unfortunately, do not work for every city, but this information can be found immediately when filling out the application for social benefits for housing. The Internet allows you to find out all the information as quickly and accurately as possible, and always be aware of any changes.

Residents of Moscow can find out about their priority.

Queue for housing

The well-known “Young Family” program allows citizens of the Russian Federation who meet certain requirements to obtain housing simply by registering.

However, desire alone is not enough; the family must also provide one of the possible options:

  • personal funds;
  • credit loan or mortgage;
  • maternity capital funds.

Queue for housing– this is an opportunity to purchase an apartment or build a house, attracting small funds, which allows you to save significantly. However, not everyone is eligible for this incredible opportunity.

The list of persons who can use this subsidy includes:

  1. The age of family members must not exceed 34 years.
  2. Subsidies are calculated based on the citizenship of family members, that is, foreign citizens will not be included in the calculations.
  3. Recognition of a family as suitable for social payments of such a plan by a special commission, if the family has three or more children, that is, it has many children, it is considered primarily in the next list.

Who has the right to register?

Any government program can only be used by certain individuals who meet a certain set of laws and regulations:

  • families who do not have an apartment or lived. squares;
  • the housing area is considered unacceptably small for a family;
  • living conditions;
  • housing is recognized as dilapidated;
  • the family did not receive government subsidies for housing and did not use any program to purchase it previously;
  • the family is not a participant in any other social programs.

All persons included in the above list can freely stand in line for housing and wait for their opportunity to finally purchase an apartment or house at a price acceptable to them. Also, you should provide information about the income of the spouses so that government officials can assess the capabilities of citizens and offer them the most suitable option.


In order not to worry about the priority, you need to know exactly all the deadlines that apply during the registration and subsequent validity of the housing subsidy.

The entire operation involving the conclusion of a subsidy may take six months. The application itself is reviewed within 10 working days, and the family who applied for admission to the program will receive a response after their expiration. After receiving a positive answer, the family can wait for assistance in purchasing housing.

Subsidies are divided into 2 types:

  • family without children – repayment of 30% of the cost of housing;
  • family with children – repayment of 35% of the cost of housing.

The rest of the remaining amount is contributed independently by family members using personal funds, credit or material capital.


Thus, now there is absolutely no need to contact the authorities; you can find out everything yourself without even leaving your home. In order to get your apartment on the most favorable terms for yourself, you just need to work as hard as you can, and also get on the waiting list for housing.

Thanks to the fact that Russia still supports its citizens and allocates free apartments on a first-come, first-served basis, a large number of people have the opportunity to finally get their own living space and use it as they wish.

Unfortunately, all this is done in very limited quantities and considerable efforts will have to be made in order to obtain an apartment using government programs. Everyone knows that it is simply impossible for a middle-class worker to save up for an apartment, so the housing waiting list is the only option for getting one.

In Russia, housing is provided under certain circumstances. For the most part, it is received by families with low incomes or low-income citizens who have been able to demonstrate a serious need for housing.

Local government will evaluate the citizen who contacts it based on several factors:

  • income;
  • area per citizen and each member of his family.
  • orphans;
  • citizens suffering from any chronic diseases who live in an apartment with several families;
  • residents of houses that are being demolished or are considered dilapidated, such citizens can immediately contact the management administration of their year and get an apartment.

In Moscow, obtaining living space can be a big problem. However, this does not apply to the mandatory list of citizens who can receive priority housing. But for a citizen who wants to get an apartment in Moscow with the help of the state, this may turn out to be absolutely impossible.

In our state, an apartment can be provided free of charge only to those citizens who cannot save up for their own housing within 20 years.

However, this is a controversial fact, since the cost of living even in the capital is considered very low. After all, it doesn’t even reach 10 thousand rubles. Everything else is considered a “surplus” that can be saved for future home purchases.

So it is possible to get an apartment from the state in order of priority, but the easiest way to do this is through the “Young Family” program. That is, when the state covers only part of its citizens’ housing costs.

Residential space is provided to citizens of the Russian Federation in a strict order of priority if they are registered as in dire need of housing or in need of improved housing conditions, in accordance with Article 33 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Only special categories of citizens can receive housing out of turn due to their resettlement after various natural and man-made disasters. For example, a family is not on the waiting list for housing, but there is an earthquake or flood, as a result of which their existing housing has been destroyed or is in danger of collapse.

According to the same legislative norms of the Russian Federation, all citizens of the country who need improved housing conditions or who do not have permanent housing are recorded according to a single list. But on the basis of a single list, three separate lists are compiled: first-priority, non-priority and those on the list for receiving housing on a general basis.

This principle of priority cannot in any way be violated in favor of the needy, regardless of the degree of citizens’ need for housing and regardless of the personal merits of citizens. Citizens receive the right to provide housing at the moment in time when they register the documents submitted for housing.

According to amendments to the Housing Code of 1996, in case of violation of the rules of priority for obtaining housing, bailiffs may decide that the issued housing warrant is illegal. Institutions, organizations, local administration bodies (who are in charge of distributed residential premises) or a prosecutor acting in the interests of one of the parties can file a claim for violations of priority standards in obtaining housing.

It is noteworthy that citizens themselves do not have the right to file claims in court if they believe that their rights as people on the waiting list have been infringed. They can only act through a legal institution or local government. On the one hand, such legislative norms can be regarded as a restriction of the rights of citizens, but on the other hand, the law is the same for everyone and should not be violated. In fact, in judicial practice there are often cases when applications from citizens are nevertheless accepted and considered on an individual basis, based on the situation that has developed at a particular point in time.

In what cases are changes made to the waiting list of citizens for housing not in favor of those in need?

According to Article 34 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, changes in the waiting lists of citizens in need of housing can be made by local governments with a valid reason or by the administrations of enterprises/organizations (after coordination with the trade union committee).

For example, for malicious violations of labor regulations at an enterprise, a citizen may be “shifted” by several points on the waiting list for housing. But according to legislative norms, no one can exclude a person in need from the waiting list for housing, no matter what violations of discipline he is accused of (hooliganism, constant lateness to work, drunkenness, theft of property, if it does not entail the scale provided for by criminal law). code, etc.).

The administration of an enterprise has the right to change the priority of a citizen on the list for receiving real estate from the housing stock even for one serious offense. In fact, there are quite a lot of cases in which those on the waiting list for housing can be legally shifted from the general lists.

Which category of citizens of the Russian Federation has an extraordinary right to receive housing?

Citizens have the right to receive housing in the Russian Federation out of turn if they:

  • Lost housing (public or government) due to a natural disaster.

  • They were staying in a children's state institution and they reached the age of majority, and also if they were dependent on trustees, guardians or relatives and now, for a number of reasons, they cannot be returned the living space that their parents had.

  • They were assigned as specialists to work in another region or region.

  • Studied at a higher, vocational, secondary technical institution, graduate school, residency, etc.

  • According to the Law on the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation, the local administration must provide housing to city judges within six months from the date the judge takes office. This means comfortable housing, if the judge did not have one in the locality. Extraordinary housing is also provided to employees of the prosecutor's office and district inspectors on the same conditions - within six months after taking office.

  • Disabled people and citizens of retirement age, if they were treated in inpatient institutions, and then were discharged from these medical institutions and now need housing. They may be returned to their previous housing if it complies with sanitary living standards or is provided with another residential premises out of turn.

Which category of Russian citizens have priority rights to housing?

Based on Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the following citizens can be included in the priority lists for housing:

  • Disabled people of the Great Patriotic War and those participating in combat operations in defense of the Motherland and citizens of the Russian Federation (including employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB and other military units).

  • Families of those who disappeared or died during the Second World War and in other hostilities on the territory of Russia and beyond its borders. Dependents of these categories of citizens, their spouses, parents, disabled children, etc. are also considered members of such families.

  • Heroes of Russia and the Soviet Union, Heroes of Labor, as well as persons who were awarded the Order of Labor Glory, the Order of Glory, the Order of three degrees “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces.”

  • Persons with severe forms of chronic diseases (a list of such diseases can be read in the corresponding article of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). For example, it could be tuberculosis, severe bronchial asthma, psoriasis, severe mental illness, etc.

  • Families whose relatives (spouses, parents) died in the performance of official or state duties, fulfilling their duty as a citizen of the Russian Federation, saving the lives of other citizens or protecting the law and order of the country.

  • Disabled people of groups I and II who were injured during combat or in civilian operations, as well as as a result of congenital injuries or serious illnesses.

  • Workers and employees of the housing and communal services sectors, social organizations, who have worked for a long time in the same field of production. Such citizens may receive priority rights to housing after a team meeting, at which an agreement is drawn up, signed by the administration of the organization or enterprise, as well as representatives of the trade union committee.

  • Women who have received the title of “Heroine Mothers,” as well as families raising three or more minor children, single mothers and families in which twins, triplets, etc. were born.

  • Rescuers from professional or community rescue teams.

  • Teachers, doctors and other employees whose services are needed by local medical, health, general education, preschool and other institutions or enterprises in populated areas of the Russian Federation.

  • The priority right to housing is given to police and customs officials.

  • Persons affected by political and economic repression.

In fact, all of these above lists of those who are not on the priority list and those who are first-priority for housing or for improving living conditions are far from exhaustive. According to the Legislative norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, there are other cases when citizens from the general list for housing can be moved to other categories of lists - first-priority and non-priority. Housing from the housing stock is distributed with the participation of the administration of settlements of the Russian Federation with the participation of trade union committees, as well as representatives of local enterprises, organizations, institutions, etc.

Every year, the government comes up with and adopts new amendments to the articles of the Housing Code in order to distribute available housing among categories of citizens who especially need it. At the same time, it is necessary not to violate basic legislative norms, so as not to infringe on the rights of other citizens in the general queues for housing. The situation, at first glance, looks like a “pathetic attempt” to meet the urgent needs of citizens for housing, but the state does not have the conditions for their free accommodation in normal living quarters. As a result, legal norms are implemented only on paper, but in reality the rights of those on the waiting list are not implemented.

Lawyer Alexey Abramov answers questions from the magazine's readers.

I have been standing with my mother and brother since 1998 in line to improve my living conditions. The three of us are entitled to (minus the available living space) 32 square meters. m. Recently, the district housing department calculated the meters in a new way: taking into account the apartment, the owner of which is my wife. In the end it turned out to be only 24 square meters. m. Is this correct? Why is real estate that belonged to my wife before our marriage taken into account?

In accordance with the Moscow Law of June 14, 2006 No. 29 “On ensuring the right of residents of the city of Moscow to residential premises”, when making decisions on providing for use or providing assistance in acquiring housing, authorized bodies of the city executive power check information on the availability applicants and members of their families have other residential premises in respect of which they have an independent right of use or right of ownership (clause 5 of Article 21 of the Law).

Since your wife’s apartment is her sole property (purchased before marriage), none of the three of you has the right of use, much less ownership, in relation to this residential premises.

Thus, I believe that the department took into account your spouse’s living quarters without legal grounds.

The five-story building is about to be demolished; five people are registered in a two-room apartment under a social tenancy agreement. The house began to be resettled in 2008. Friends advised us to urgently get off the waiting list. They say, if you are not on the waiting list, then resettlement will be according to the social norm - 18 square meters. m per person. Sounds somewhat dubious, maybe you know something about this?

In accordance with Art. 13 of the Law “On ensuring the housing rights of citizens during the relocation and vacancy of residential premises (residential buildings) in the city of Moscow”, citizens who vacate premises occupied under social tenancy agreements and who are on the housing register, with their consent, have their housing conditions improved in order of priority. In this case, the date of recognition of them as needing improvement of living conditions or living quarters is taken into account.

If citizens refuse to improve their living conditions, they are provided with living space equivalent in total area to the one occupied. Such citizens continue to be registered with housing until their turn arrives.

My husband and his daughter from his first marriage are registered in the Moscow region in a non-privatized apartment. I am expecting a child who we plan to register there. Please tell me, can we get in line to expand the area or is this only for Moscow? Now the apartment is 45 sq. m, three will be registered.

In order to register for housing, you must be recognized as low-income, and also have a housing area less than the registration norm.

The size of the accounting norm in each district of the Moscow region is established by the local government body. For example, in Pushchino or Yubileiny the norm is no more than 10 square meters. m. Therefore, if in one of these cities in an apartment with an area of ​​45 sq. m live three people, they cannot count on improved living conditions.

I'm an adult. I live with my parents and my sister’s family (her, husband, child) in a communal apartment. We occupy two of the three rooms. We have been on a waiting list for improved housing conditions since 1990. Should we be given an apartment in our area? What options are possible? Can we get three one-room apartments or a two-room and one-room apartment?

Preservation of the area of ​​residence is valid only for those citizens who are relocated from houses subject to demolition. Everyone else is provided with housing within Moscow.

Your family will be allocated housing at a rate of at least 18 square meters. m for each family member (when the turn comes). The law states that the demands of citizens, not based on the norms of federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow, for the provision of residential premises in a specific place, house, on the floor, at a specific address, with a certain number of rooms, cannot be satisfied.

The family was on a waiting list for improved living conditions. Recently housing was provided, but for each person there is less than the established standard. Will the family be taken off the waiting list?

In general, the provision rate is 18 sq. m per family member.

The grounds for deregistration from housing registration are specified in Art. 15 of the Moscow Law “On ensuring the right of residents of the city of Moscow to residential premises”:

In case of leaving for permanent residence outside the city of Moscow;

- when there is a change in the living conditions of residents of the city of Moscow who are recognized as needing to improve their living conditions, as a result of which the grounds for providing for use or acquiring residential premises with the help of the city of Moscow no longer exist (since they were given less than required, I believe that you cannot be removed from housing accounting);

- in case of loss of grounds for obtaining residential premises under a social tenancy agreement or free use by residents of the city of Moscow recognized as needing residential premises;

- when transferring subsidies in accordance with the established procedure;

- when the authorized executive authorities of the city of Moscow identify information that does not correspond to that specified in the application, as well as in the documents submitted by the applicant;

- when the authorized executive authorities of the city of Moscow identify cases of unlawful actions of officials during housing registration, which led to the unreasonable acceptance of citizens for housing registration;

- when submitting a personal application to the authorized executive authorities of the city of Moscow for removal from the housing register or in the event that they are provided with residential premises in accordance with this Law;

- in other cases provided for by federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow.

In connection with the resettlement of our house, we are given an apartment under a social rent agreement. We have collected all the certificates, as required, and we are waiting. But the fact is that I’m getting married soon, the marriage registration is planned for the period when the social rent agreement is not yet ready. If I get married and change my last name, will I have to redo all the certificates and wait again for another contract? What's the best way to do it? Maybe we should postpone registration?

I think there is no point in postponing marriage registration. After all, even if you change your last name, your maiden name will be indicated on the marriage certificate. You can present a copy and original of this certificate. Thus, your marriage will not affect your receipt of an apartment in any way.

I am an orphan, standing in line for housing, already included in the consolidated list. A distant relative wants to register me in her apartment. Will I lose my right to social housing in this case? I am a single mother, can this somehow affect the area of ​​the premises provided?

The right to housing for orphans is enshrined in Art. 8 of the Law “On additional guarantees for social support of orphans and children left without parental care”, it does not depend on the presence of registration. If you have stated everything correctly in your question, then registration will not be a basis for removing you from the queue.

The status of a single mother will not affect the housing area in any way.

Does a low-income family (who owns an apartment in a dilapidated building) have the right to be provided with housing out of turn? The city administration refused based on the availability of housing in the property. Is it worth going to court?

I think there is no point in filing a lawsuit.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, out of turn, apartments are provided under social tenancy agreements to citizens whose residential premises are recognized in accordance with the established procedure as unfit for habitation and are not subject to repair or reconstruction. You are not considered a tenant, as you are the owner of the property.


Make a written request. It must be prepared in two copies, one of which, with the date of acceptance and signature, will remain with you, the other will be considered in the housing department.

You can also send a request to advance your queue by registered mail with return receipt requested. The housing department of your district administration will be required to send a written response no later than one month after accepting your application.

Take advantage of online services. To simplify the system of working with waiting lists, electronic databases have now been created that contain complete information about the serial number of your queue, and generally allow you to verify that your name is in the unified register of waiting lists. In addition, you can check the objectivity of other information that is necessary to obtain an apartment: the date of housing registration, the number of family members and preferred place of residence.

You can also make sure that the data on the area of ​​housing is correct. For example, do you apply for natural “meters” or agree to personally search for housing using a state housing certificate. You just need to enter your passport details into the appropriate form and the system will provide you with an answer. Databases are constantly updated.

It should be noted that logging into electronic databases is quite secure. Unfortunately, such databases are not formed in all regions. Therefore, many are still forced to make written requests in person or by sending a letter.

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You will need

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  • - Internet.


Open uTorrent program window. To do this, double-click on the installation file, the desktop shortcut, or find the program icon in the taskbar. The files that you are currently making available for download to other people on the Internet are in the list of the main window. The program interface is usually written in language.

If the status column next to a file says “Distributed,” then these files are ready for downloading by other users. The file upload speed can be seen in the “Upload” column. Configure download and upload settings in the program. To do this, go to the settings by clicking on the corresponding menu item. Go to the “Queue” section. Set the number of simultaneously distributed files.

Check the box next to "Uploads have higher priority than downloads" if necessary. Set up the upload speed in the “Scheduler” - in the “Upload Limit” field and create a “Scheduler” in the same section. Try to store downloaded rare files for as long as possible so that other Internet users can use them. This will increase your presence on the torrent forum, which will have a positive effect on your download speed.

However, it is worth noting that in order to distribute files, you must have an internet connection so that users can download files. Also, do not forget that distribution priority will greatly reduce the speed when downloading files to the local drives of your personal computer. If you download unknown files from, be sure to scan them with anti-virus software, as the archive may contain various virus programs that will harm your computer.

Currently, citizens who have the right to receive it under a social tenancy agreement can stand in line to receive housing. According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, residential apartments are provided on a first-come, first-served basis, which is valid from the moment the application is accepted. Over time, the question arises: how to find out your number in the queue?


When registering for receipt, find out how you can control the progress of the queue. You should be given telephone numbers where you can ask about this; must name the person responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.

Send a written request to officials to provide information about your housing number. Prepare it in two copies and hand it in against signature. Can send

On the territory of Russia, a huge number of different social programs have been developed that make it possible to obtain housing issued by.

However, it is important to remember that not everyone can take advantage of such an offer. To get an apartment you need to provide a large list of documents and...

Not all families are able to save money for their own home, so government assistance is an effective way out of a difficult situation with housing conditions.

Over time, the queue for housing is only moving forward, so how do you find out what your housing score is? Let's look at this in our article.

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Who has the right to register

For many, the waiting list for housing is a chance to purchase their own home, without spending large personal sums of money on it, which are sometimes inaccessible to many families.

But it is important to remember that not everyone is allowed to register as those in need.

The list of people who are provided with this type of government assistance includes families:

  • in which the age of neither spouse exceeds 34 years;
  • whose members are not foreigners. Consideration of the possibility of providing a subsidy is carried out taking into account citizenship, the participant must be a citizen of Russia;
  • also receive privileges when queuing.

Absolutely any family that meets the requirements can receive assistance from the social program. a specific list of requirements. These include:

All citizens who meet the above requirements can freely register for housing and wait until they receive the opportunity to purchase an apartment at a reduced cost. When registering for participation in the program, you must present a certificate of income so that social housing employees can study the family’s solvency and offer better conditions.

How to determine your turn

Today there are many different ways to determine your priority for improving your living conditions.

The simplest one is to use online resources city ​​administration of the region.

Through the Internet

Unfortunately, online verification resources do not work in all cities. Information about the operation of the site (whether there is a check function) can be find out when checking out applications for social assistance in purchasing housing.

Searching for information on the Internet is much more convenient than constantly sending applications to receive priority information to the relevant structures.

Unfortunately, checking through city websites is currently only available in major cities: Moscow, Kemerovo, St. Petersburg and some others.

Instructions for verification (shown using the example of the state housing portal of Moscow):

There are also separate websites that offer a free queue tracking service. To obtain information, you need to go to the resource, fill out the case data and send a request. The queue appears on the screen after a few seconds.

Submitting a petition to the local administration

Any family that is on the waiting list for assistance in purchasing a home has the right to request all necessary information from the housing department.

Perhaps the simplest and most common way is sending an application about the serial number. It is compiled and then sent to the appropriate department of the city or district administration.

There are several ways to apply. The first is a request to the housing department; it is submitted in two copies in free form. All papers are sent by registered mail with a description of the contents and the possibility of a return notification (it is necessary to monitor the timing of the response, it should arrive no later than 30 days).

You can also simply contact the administration at your place of residence, they should tell you the current serial number.

Social programs help them develop, allowing them to get their own apartment. However, everything is not so simple; in reality, those wishing to purchase housing will have to make great efforts to prepare documents and get in line, because they will have to collect a large package of documents and contact several government organizations. But it’s worth it, because it’s very difficult for an ordinary family (especially a young one) to save up money for living space on their own; their only chance is to receive government assistance.

For another online option to find out your number in the queue for housing, see the following video:
