Decorative finishing of old electric fireplaces. How to decorate a fireplace: plaster, tiling, stone. Fireplace decoration with natural and artificial stone

Gained great popularity. Many began to create a place in their homes where they can sit with their families, sitting comfortably near a warm fireplace. But before this can be achieved, it is necessary to create such an atmosphere according to all the rules. It is necessary not only to lay out a fireplace, but to choose a facing for it so that the hearth fits harmoniously into the room and becomes its “highlight”. Quality facing materials They have a long service life and are easy to use. If you don’t know which ones to choose, be sure to pay attention to, which can be used for finishing.


The great popularity of natural stone is due to the following advantages:

Aesthetics The natural material looks very good; in terms of attractiveness, it is unlikely that any other cladding can compare with it.
Resistant to high temperatures and non-flammable When heated, such a finish will not release toxic substances into the atmosphere.
Resistant to physical damage The stone can withstand all kinds of impacts and is difficult to scratch or damage in any other way.
Processable From this material it is easy to create any shape that will make your fireplace original and individual.

How to choose the right material?

Almost any of those available on construction market natural stones may be suitable for decoration, and they all have unlimited design capabilities. Materials differ in terms of durability of use. The most short-lived are limestone and colored marble– they change after 30-70 years.

Note! The service life depends on external conditions and factors that affect the material, as well as on whether the fireplace was properly cared for.

On a note! The most popular options are granite and marble. The first is a durable rock that is easy to polish and process. However, such material has a fairly high cost due to the complexity of its extraction..

Marble is not as popular as granite, but it is particularly beautiful and allows designers to create bright, extraordinary masterpieces.

On a note! In addition to these materials, limestone, tuff or sandstone are often used for cladding. The latter has high heat capacity, which ensures its rapid warming up. This stone retains heat longer.

When choosing material for cladding, it is worth considering the following criteria:

  1. The price of the product depends on the manufacturer and will be significantly higher for imported manufacturers.
  2. Availability of a certificate of compliance with sanitary standards.
  3. An important point is the good reputation of the manufacturer and the length of time it has been on the market. An experienced manufacturer will provide quality products.
  4. The strength of a stone is affected by its structure.
  5. The packaging must be branded with the manufacturer's logo.
  6. Pay attention to the production date of the product.

Quality is also important adhesive composition For . Choose only a reputable supplier and a composition recommended by the stone manufacturer. If artificial turf is glued, then a specific adhesive on a base is usually recommended for it, which ensures strong adhesion of the material to the surface.

How to make cladding correctly? Stages of work

It should be noted that such work will require certain skills and effort. There are some nuances that you need to know before starting the cladding process.

First stage. Preparatory

First of all, surfaces are cleaned of dirt and dust. The joints of the masonry must be deepened by at least 1 cm. The entire surface of the fireplace must be sewn up metal mesh. Next we move on to the process of adjusting the cladding.

It is best to draw one of the vertical walls of the fireplace on the floor with chalk. It is important that the size and shape are exactly the same. We lay out all the cladding elements on the prepared template and adjust them to each other.

Note! If you have selected a material with smooth surface, then all that will differ in thickness must be put aside and selected with the same parameters. If the structure is uneven, you can use materials of different thicknesses. The thickest ones must be fixed at the very beginning on thin layer glue: they will become a guide for further work.

Second phase. Securing the stone to the fireplace surface

Work starts from the bottom corner and works from bottom to top. After this, the horizontal top row is fixed, and then the remaining space is laid out. Provided that the height of the fireplace is more than half a meter, to which thick tiles are fixed, additional wire fastenings will be required in order to create a reliable structure.

Advice! This mount is attached to reinforcing mesh, and a tile is fixed to the bottom edge. It is necessary to use fasteners more often, the thicker the cladding is chosen.

Important! Having secured the entire stone to the surface, you need to wait two days, after which you can rub the seams. It is worth checking in an inconspicuous area how the component fits and whether it leaves marks.

A fireplace made of brick or made from modern fireproof mixtures needs finishing. Decorative cladding the fireplace with stone or tiles gives the hearth a complete look, reliably hiding all the technical details that disrupt the harmonious perception of the home hearth. Stone cladding can confidently be considered one of the most durable and practical finishing– such a fireplace will not need repairs and will retain its luxurious appearance for a long time.

Artificial or natural: which stone to choose for finishing

Natural minerals created by nature emit a special energy that fills the house with warmth and comfort. In artificial finishing material There are also many advantages, but at a quick glance it is difficult to distinguish it from the original.

Advantages and disadvantages of natural minerals

Natural stone is strong and durable; it is not afraid of mechanical damage and high temperatures. No minerals are released during heating unpleasant odors and harmful chemical substances. Fireplace cladding natural stone remains attractive for tens and even hundreds of years. Natural aging of the surface in most cases is only beneficial and gives the decor a special zest.

Stone cladding increases the load on the foundation

The main disadvantage of natural raw materials is their heavy weight, which requires a serious approach to the foundation. When building a new fireplace, you should decide in advance on the decor and take into account the total weight of the structure when installing the foundation. Natural minerals are not recommended for finishing portals made of plasterboard and other materials that cannot withstand excessive loads.

Advantages of artificial stone

Unlike natural rocks, artificial stone has a smooth back surface and regular geometric shapes - this greatly facilitates installation and allows for economical use. adhesive mixtures. For finishing corners, special elements are produced that make it easy to obtain perfectly smooth contours.

Artificial decor is difficult to distinguish from the original

Imitation of natural minerals is significantly lighter in weight than the original, so facing a fireplace with artificial stone is possible not only for brick buildings, but also for decorative plasterboard portals. Laying artificial decor no different from working with facing tiles, so almost everyone can handle it House master.

Affordable price is not the last argument in favor of purchasing. Can be purchased at a reasonable price finishing tiles, imitating granite, coil, marble, onyx. Decorative stone is made from cement and structure-improving additives; it is not afraid high temperatures and doesn't burn. There are no natural pores on the surface of stone tiles, so it is much easier to care for than natural minerals.

What minerals are suitable for finishing fireplaces?

A variety of rocks are used to decorate furnace equipment, including sandstone, limestone, tuff, dolomite, quartzite, slate, and basalt. When choosing natural stone for facing a fireplace, you should take into account not only the prestige of the material and its cost, but also designer style dwellings. The fireplace should be combined with the finishing of the floor and ceiling, wall decor and furniture.

The most durable and beautiful material is granite - it lends itself well to processing and polishing, but is deterred by its high cost. Marble attracts with its beauty and texture, ideally fitting into classic and modern design trends.

Marble fits organically into any interior

For budget finishing you can choose cobblestones, gravel, pebbles or stone chips. IN luxurious interiors There is fireplace decor made from semi-precious minerals: jasper, onyx, rhodonite, and serpentine.

Natural stone decor: installation features

Work with natural material will require certain skills and serious training. If a stone was purchased different shapes, all elements will have to be adjusted in size and selected according to shade. To make adjustments, you need to get a stone-cutting machine or grinder with a suitable disc.

Preparing the stone and choosing glue

Before attaching the decor to the surface, facing stone for the fireplace should be laid out on the floor, indicating the diagrams of the areas to be decorated. With this method, it is easier to select adjacent elements and file the parts for a perfect fit. When laying out, it is important to consider not only the shape, but also the thickness of the material. In practice, this is easiest to do by placing elements next to each other and visually assessing the result.

To avoid confusion during work, it is recommended to number all parts. You can also mark from the inside out the joints with the adjacent part or draw an arrow indicating the direction of installation.

Heat-resistant glue is suitable for cladding a fireplace with stone. Only glue is suitable for working with marble. white If you use a gray solution, ugly stains will soon appear on the surface of the chic decor. Some manufacturers produce special series of adhesives for marble - they are easy to find on sale.

Technology of cladding with natural minerals

The surface of the fireplace is strengthened using a reinforcing mesh with a cell size of 5*5 cm. Work begins from the bottom corner, lay out the first row horizontally, and then move upward. The largest and thickest pieces are laid first, and then the remaining space is filled with small parts, adjusting their position using an increased amount of glue. Small gaps are eliminated at the end of the work using small pieces.

Small parts posted last

For grouting, if necessary, heat-resistant solutions are also used, taking into account the shade of the rock. You need to fill the seams between the stones very carefully; if glue gets on the surface of the mineral, the contamination should be removed immediately, without waiting for the solution to dry. Some types of stones are varnished - this adds shine and extends the life of the finish.

Cladding without grout

For those who do not have the skills to work with natural stone, we recommend gaining experience in the country by updating a fence, well or concrete flowerpot. If the result is far from ideal, it is better to seek help from specialists, entrusting the difficult work to professional craftsmen.

Video: facing the fireplace with natural stone

The hearth is the “heart” of the house, and this truth has not changed over the years. In the era of advanced technologies, complex life rhythms and constant stress, people begin to gravitate towards truly homely and cozy things. This rule also applies to the interior, and in particular to the fireplace in modern designs.

Features of cladding

The fireplace easily fits into almost any interior, regardless of style, color range and variety of shapes and textures. It quickly fills the space with special warmth and becomes the main “highlight” of the room. At the same time, the fireplace not only makes dreams come true home comfort, but also acts as a heating element and part of the heating as a whole.

If everything is clear with the functions of this piece of furniture, then appearance raises a lot of questions, because the variety of shapes, colors and textures is simply amazing. The result depends solely on the designer’s vision and the materials used to decorate the fireplace. They can be of both natural and artificial origin. It is difficult to determine by appearance how the material was produced and what its cost is, which allows you to reduce the cost of installing and finishing the fireplace, and the beauty of the product will not suffer.

There are a lot of advantages of stone finishing, but there are also certain disadvantages that can influence the master’s decision.

  • the high cost of the materials themselves, especially such beautiful stones as marble and granite;
  • problems in terms of installation, since it is difficult to find a specialist who has experience in this matter and is familiar with cladding surfaces with stone;
  • marble and granite are heavy, which also creates great installation difficulties.

At the same time, the market building materials replete with decorative stone, which represents a regular tile with a surface that imitates the natural texture of individual materials. Its cost is not so high and installation does not cause much difficulty, so such materials are chosen by those who prefer a budget, simple, but no less attractive option. A false fireplace often has a wide variety of designs. Such portals can be covered with all kinds of materials.

Fireplace finishing methods


Ceramic tile is the most popular material for facing a fireplace. It is distinguished by its relatively low cost, durability, long service life, ease of installation and attractive appearance. Specifically for the fireplace, those types of tiles are used whose surface is an imitation of natural materials.

This solution allows you to significantly reduce your budget and at the same time create a unique fireplace that will be relevant in any room.

The main advantage of using ceramics to decorate a fireplace is that you can do it at home and with your own hands. The tiles are easy to install, so you don’t have to spend extra money on the services of repair specialists.

At the tile selection stage, it is important to consider that unusual tiles should be used, which is laid on the floor or walls in the bathroom, are types with high thermal conductivity. The main materials for its production are ceramics, porcelain stoneware and clinker.

In some interiors you can find fireplaces lined with gypsum tiles that imitate natural stone.

The main reasons for choosing tiles as a material for finishing a fireplace are:

  • Wide choice in terms of design, since tiles are made from different shades, textures and shapes, which makes it possible to choose the most suitable option.
  • High thermal conductivity, which is the main criterion for using the material when decorating a fireplace.
  • Easy to care for.

Such tiles are not afraid of aggressive cleaning agents, mechanical damage occurs extremely rarely, and cleaning means wiping the surface from dust with a dry or damp cloth.

  • Not only specialists are familiar with tiles, but also many men who have at least once carried out renovation work with your own hands. The cladding process does not require special knowledge, so installation occurs without any particular difficulties, which is important when doing DIY repairs.
  • In addition to the fact that the tiles must have special thermal conductivity, the adhesive for masonry must be heat-resistant. Experts recommend choosing tiles small sizes, because in this way the risk of cracking is reduced, and the material will last much longer, and the appearance will always be attractive.

If we talk about the cost of tiles, the price varies greatly depending on the manufacturer, composition and collections, which are constantly updated. The average price will be 700-800 rubles per 1 sq. m. m.

Installation is carried out in the same way as with regular tiles, but after finishing the work it is advisable to cover the entire surface with heat-resistant varnish. This will greatly facilitate the cleaning process, getting rid of soot and other unpleasant contaminants, since it is extremely difficult to remove them later.


An equally popular material for finishing a fireplace is ordinary brick. This is especially convenient if the fireplace is made entirely of brick, since such masonry can be left in natural form. You just need to decorate the surface a little and tidy up the seams to get a finished and attractive look.

Experts advise finishing in several stages:

  • The surface of the brick requires grinding, although some options can do without these manipulations.
  • At the second stage, the edges of the brick are chamfered.

  • Brickwork becomes more attractive when treated with sulfuric acid or saline solution. This makes the surface bright and beautiful, and the finishing touch Painting can be a big part of the fight to make your fireplace look attractive. There are special paints for brick, with which it can easily take on any shade.
  • After painting, it is advisable to take care of the appearance of the seams. To do this, it is necessary to treat all these elements with a special solution and decorative grout.

Quite often, the brick is covered with tiles, mostly clinker, but this will require a lot of expense and labor.

Facing bricks are completely unsuitable for such work., since it gives a too “heavy” look, since the material itself is quite heavy and takes up a lot of space. This is especially inappropriate in a city apartment, where every meter counts. Besides the cost facing bricks high, and there is no point in spending money on something that can overload the interior and thereby ruin it.

Decorative rock

This material has long been used for finishing interior surfaces, including fireplaces. The main advantage of this solution is its attractive appearance, since decorative stone is available in different shades and textures. Such a surface fits into the overall space and becomes an integral part of the interior, attracting the main part of attention.

In addition to appearance, decorative stone is highly durable and long term services. Natural stone is always durable material, and if we talk about marble or granite, then its service life is simply unlimited. A shelf made of this material looks very elegant against the backdrop of a home fireplace.

The material is also easy to install because it does not require perfect evenness in terms of the fabric and seams. Natural origin gives no restrictions in terms of appearance, since there is plenty to choose from here too. It must be understood that the service life and future view fireplace completely depend on the material that will be used for decoration.

Most budget option is a shell rock. At the same time, it has an attractive appearance, is sold in most modern stores and is easy to install even by non-professionals. Among the disadvantages, one can note its low strength, since it is easily damaged, and its porous structure is easily contaminated with soot and dirt.

Granite is superior to other types of natural stone in strength and durability. Such material will last for centuries and will delight several generations of home or apartment owners. The color scheme allows a fireplace trimmed with granite to harmoniously fit into the interior design, while the surface looks attractive both in polished and natural form.

Granite is not afraid of aggressive detergents , it is resistant to mechanical damage and does not require cleaning special effort, because any dirt can be easily washed off. A granite countertop looks very beautiful and stylish - such a fireplace stove will last for many years.

The main disadvantage of this material is its heavy weight and price, which not everyone will be happy with.

It is also worth noting such natural stones as sandstone and limestone, the cost of which starts at around 1,700 rubles per 1 sq. m. m. Compared to other materials, it is not so expensive. At the same time, sandstone and limestone have a wide palette of shades, as a result of which they can be used in different interiors. Just like shell rock, these types of stone are not durable and create a lot of problems when cleaning due to their porous structure.

A strong competitor to granite is marble, the price of which starts from 3,500 rubles per 1 sq. m. m. The main advantage of marble is its unique appearance, wide range of colors, special strength and ease of maintenance. If we talk about the installation of marble, then the hand of a professional with extensive experience in this matter is definitely required. It's clearly not worth saving on work.

Slate has a relatively low cost, which in its natural properties is very similar to shell rock and limestone. It can hardly fit into the interior, but with the right design solution it looks harmonious, interesting and quite unusual. It is also used for stoves.

Experts have come up with several options for solving the problem with the porous structure of some types of natural stone. One such solution is to treat the structure after installation with a special transparent coating, which prevents the appearance of complex contaminants.

Today, fireplaces made of natural stone are not so common. More and more people are leaning towards cheaper options. However, facing the fireplace with natural stone still has its fans. Like any other, this material has its pros and cons, let's study them before you decide to buy.

Each material has positive and negative qualities. Therefore, before purchasing natural stone for cladding, it is worth learning about it in more detail.

  • The most significant thing is that facing a fireplace with natural stone looks quite rich and elegant. Moreover design solutions There is a great variety for this material.
  • Natural stone tolerates temperature changes well and high humidity, so it can be installed in almost any room, even without constant heating.
  • In addition, facing the fireplace with natural stone is quite resistant to mechanical stress and therefore durable.
  • Natural stone is environmentally friendly pure material, which does not produce harmful odors when heated and therefore will not harm your health.
  • In a fireplace clad with natural stone, you can safely use solid fuel, since the casing will withstand the highest temperatures .
  • Fireplaces lined with natural stone retain heat for a long time; such a fireplace is very convenient if you use it to heat your home.
  • The work of cladding with natural stone can be completely done with your own hands, thereby significantly reducing the cost of the structure. This is not to say that laying a stone is an easy task, but it is quite doable. The main thing is to do everything according to the instructions and take your time.
  • However, processing this material is not so simple, because it is quite durable.
  • Cladding with natural stone is an expensive pleasure. But if you take into account the service life and quality of the cladding, the material completely pays for itself.

We carry out finishing with natural stone

Cladding fireplaces with natural stone is a completely doable task, but it is important to follow the technology. This will determine the appearance and durability of the structure. Also, before starting work and purchasing material, you should look at photos and videos on this topic and decide on the finishing design. The amount of material and the fastening system will depend on this. There are two options:

  • Seamless fastening method. This option is the simplest, you just need to properly adjust all the details.
  • Seam fastening. This option is more labor-intensive; you will need to fully maintain the correct geometric shape structures, the angle of attachment of each element and the correctness of the seam.

So, we’ve decided on the pattern, we can get to work.

Surface preparation

Cladding a fireplace with natural stone begins with this. The strength of the finishing material and the durability of the structure will depend on the quality of surface preparation. This work is carried out in the following sequence.

  • First, let's decide on the solution layer. We measure plane deviations using a plumb line and a level rod. If our deviation is up to 1 cm, then it is quite possible to do the fastening at a time. If more, then you will need to apply several layers of solution.
  • We have determined the thickness of the layer, now we will deepen the seams by 1 cm. To do this, we use a chisel and a hammer. This will allow the solution to adhere better.
  • Apply to a plane construction mesh, it will strengthen the cladding. To do this, we immerse nails into the seam. If the masonry is strong, then you need to make holes using a hammer drill and place screws in them.

  • After this, you need to put washers on the screws that will prevent the mesh from falling off.

Attention: When attaching the mesh, washers should be used on the caps. They will hold it more firmly and will not allow it to slip.

  • Pay attention to the weight of the cladding parts and the fireplace itself. If the parts are heavy, then when fastening it is worth using metal hooks that will hold the elements and prevent them from floating through the solution. It is also worth paying attention to the foundation. After all, such cladding is quite heavy, and the foundation may need to be strengthened.

After that, all we have to do is apply a layer of primer. To do this, use a brush or spray.

Preparation of the solution

Natural stone for facing fireplaces is best mounted on the mortar from which the main masonry was made - homogeneous materials are better compatible. Three types of compositions are most often used for this.

Clay mortar

This is, of course, the most best option. This composition perfectly withstands temperature changes and high humidity, which means it is suitable for any room. It is durable and will withstand even the heating of solid fuel. This composition is prepared as follows.

  • The solution consists of clay and sand. For proper preparation, you need to determine the viscosity of the clay and the correct proportions of the composition.

Attention: It is best to use mountain sand for preparation. It will make the solution more resistant to external factors.

  • First, we pass the clay through a sieve, while we separate all the debris and knead the lumps. The composition must be completely homogeneous.
  • We make about ten balls with a diameter of 1 cm. In this case, we use different proportions of materials.

Attention: The balls should be numbered immediately. Otherwise, you will forget everything, and you will have to do the work in a new way.

  • Now we wait for the balls to dry completely and then drop them onto a hard surface. One that won't break or become deformed and will have the correct composition.
  • Prepare a container for mixing. It is best if the container is without stiffeners along the walls and bottom. This will greatly facilitate your work and allow you to make the solution as homogeneous as possible.
  • Pour clay into a container, fill it with water and leave for a day. It should sour and gain the desired viscosity.
  • Add sand in the required proportion and mix. The mass must be completely homogeneous, so it is better to use a drill with an attachment for this; this tool will allow you to achieve the best result.

Attention: If you plan to light a fireplace solid fuel, 10-15% fireclay powder must be added to the solution. It will improve the quality of the composition.

The resulting composition should have the consistency of thick sour cream. You should not make it very liquid, otherwise the elements will simply “float” on it.

Cement mortar

This composition is used most often. However, it is designed for much lower temperatures. Of course, you can heat such a fireplace with solid fuel, but this will significantly reduce the service life of the structure.

  • The solution contains sand and cement. At M300, a sand to cement ratio of 3/1 is used.
  • Pour sand into the container and add to it required quantity cement.
  • Mix dry first and then add water.
  • Mix thoroughly using a drill with an attachment to achieve homogeneity of the mass.

Solution using dry mixture

This composition will be useful for finishing decorative fireplace. Its price is much higher than the previous ones, and such a solution will not be able to withstand strong heat.

  • Pour the powder into a container and add the required amount of water.
  • Mix using a drill with an attachment to achieve complete homogeneity of the composition.


This work requires patience. After all, this is the face of the structure; not only must it be beautiful, the cladding must be firmly fixed. This type of work requires compliance with certain rules.

  • Before work, you need to lay out the intended pattern on the floor plane in full size. We distribute all the details correctly. If there are inaccuracies, you should adjust the elements using a grinder and a stone circle.
  • Before fastening, you should take out all the finishing parts from the pack and re-sort them. We break them down by size. We will get three packs and the middle one will be the largest. This is where you should start working. Laying the stone should start from the corner of the structure.

Attention: If for finishing you need to apply a layer of mortar up to 1 cm to the stone, then you can do the fastening immediately. If more, then first prepare the surface by applying required quantity solution. Only then apply the facing material.

  • Never attach an element at once, first try it on “live” and adjust it well. After this, we lay out the entire row to dry, and only then can installation begin.
  • Installation starts with the whole part. After this, the next row should start from the middle. Do not allow the seams to match.
  • After fastening each row, we check using a building level. Everything must be perfect. We pay special attention to the corners. When doing this, be sure to use a plumb line and check the correct direction of the angle.
  • The solution is applied to the surface using a notched trowel. After this, we begin to press the element to the surface with slightly rotational movements. The material should completely shrink without any air formation inside.

  • To ensure the correct direction of the laying angle, plastic crosses should be used. They will not allow the order to deviate. To ensure uniformity of the seam, wedges or a template are used. Then the seam will be uniform.

Attention: If the parts are heavy, do not immediately lay the second row. Fastening is done using steel hooks, which prevent the element from sliding. Give the solution time to harden. And only after that install another row.

  • When fastening, the mortar will fill the seam and come out. It must be removed immediately with a spatula. Make sure that it does not get on the front part. If this happens, immediately remove it with a rag; after drying, this will be quite difficult to do.
  • To fill the seam with mortar, use plastic bag with a cut corner.

  • After installing the row, you must immediately clean the mortar from the seam. Otherwise it will be difficult to remove it later. This is especially true if you plan to fill the seam with a solution of a different color.
  • If you are doing it for jointing, then fill the seam and let the solution dry, but not completely, it should remain wet. After this, the plane is jointed.
  • Never try to make the cladding surface completely flat. The protrusions add naturalness to the composition. Only heavier parts should be placed at the bottom of the structure.

After complete finishing of the plane, it should be applied protective covering. There are many types of coatings; you should give preference to wax materials. They are the least whimsical and perfectly retain the original gloss. Now you know how all the work is done. On the website you can find many finishing options. Before purchasing natural stone for your fireplace, you should carefully read about its properties; it is likely that some other material will suit you.

Video: DIY fireplace cladding

View of a fireplace lined with artificial stone

One of the most current methods decoration is finishing the fireplace with artificial stone (see). Moreover, natural materials are constantly becoming more expensive. Artificial components are produced with such quality that a non-specialist will have difficulty identifying the product (see).

Let's figure out why decorating a fireplace with artificial stone is better than other design methods. Main advantages:

  • decorating a fireplace with artificial stone is quite simple, this is achieved due to its soft mechanical characteristics;
  • preparing and laying the structural elements will not be difficult; you may only need a grinder;
  • The finishing stone for the fireplace contains soft and light fillers, this lightens the weight of the entire structure;
  • V retail trade there is a large amount of such material, the elements of which have different shape and configuration, this will allow you to choose any pattern;
  • artificial stone for finishing a fireplace will cost much less than natural stone, which will reduce the cost of the product;
  • This material can fully reflect the course of your design thoughts and will allow you to create any pattern.

Choosing artificial stone

High-quality stone finishing of a fireplace is possible with making the right choice product components.

Criterias of choice:

  1. Material cost. As a rule, the price of foreign-made products exceeds the cost of domestic ones.
  2. When purchasing a product, check the hygiene certificates and the certificate of conformity. If they are missing, it is better to refrain from purchasing. This chemical production, so you should take only high-quality goods, otherwise the finishing can be harmful to health.
  3. Pay attention to the time the manufacturer has been present on the market. The more it is on the market, the better.

The time it takes to complete the work allows us to refine the technology and produce high-quality products.

  1. Inspect all the elements and pay attention to the structure of the material. If the production technology is incorrect, the structure of the front surface will be porous, which affects the strength and, accordingly, the service life of the structure.
  2. A high-quality product arrives at sales points in appropriate packaging, which has the manufacturer’s logo.
  3. Find the date of manufacture. The maximum strength of the elements is gained only after 28 days after manufacture. If you saw more early date production, then the product cannot be of high quality.

Fireplace finishing

The finishing work can be completed by a person without special qualifications (see).

But stone finishing of fireplaces is carried out according to certain rules that should be followed:

  1. Finishing of fireplaces with stone is carried out on metal, chipboard, wood and other elements of this type only with certain surface preparation. It is different for each material.
  2. Finishing work should be carried out at temperatures above 5°C.
  3. The finishing stone for the fireplace should be mounted from top to bottom, starting from one end to the other, this will avoid contamination of the elements.
  4. Pay attention to what glue or solution the manufacturer recommends to use.
  5. The elements can be cut using a regular hacksaw. Do not use a tool with a large tooth, you may damage the material.

Surface preparation

Fireplace finishing stone Can be used with any fireplace material.

You just need to properly prepare each surface for installation.

  1. During processing wooden surface It should first be covered with waterproofing so that it is not susceptible to moisture. You can use pigment for this. It is laid in a horizontal position, the top row should overlap the top row by 4 cm. The vertical seam is also overlapped by about 8 cm.
  2. When this work is done, you should secure plaster mesh, this is done using special fasteners.
  3. The vertical distance between the fastening points should be 12-15 cm and horizontally about 40 mm.
  4. A layer of plaster about 1 cm thick is applied to the top of the mesh.
  5. After this, the plaster is given time to dry completely.
  6. If the fireplace or portal is made using metal or concrete, then the preparation procedure differs only in that it does not require the installation of additional waterproofing, which is available in retail trade.
  7. If the fastening is carried out to brick or concrete, this plane must also be plastered, but first a notch should be applied along the plane.

Rules for laying artificial stone

Decorating fireplaces with natural stone and artificial performed almost identically.

In order to correctly imagine all the structural elements, to further facilitate subsequent work, you should first lay them out in front of the cladding site.

  1. Do not install one type of element, they should be alternated. This will give the design more natural look. Change color, texture, thickness. Use elements in your work from different boxes.
  2. If you use laying elements with subsequent jointing, start installation only from the top part of the structure.
  3. When laying, try to make the seam approximately the same, you can use a template, do not make the seam too even, it should have one plane, but vary slightly in thickness. Do not make horizontal seams located on top of each other.
  4. If there are significant discrepancies in the thickness of the material and its surface has an uneven structure, do not try to eliminate the unevenness and correct the material, the structure will still look quite harmonious in its overall mass.
  5. When using seamless masonry, elements should be fastened from bottom to top. When installing, you should press the elements against each other.
  6. When making brick cladding and using rectangular elements, pay attention to Special attention on vertical seams. Control the intersection of horizontal and vertical lines; the intersection angle should be 90°. Use the template to check.

Required Tools

To begin work, you should prepare the necessary tools:

  • screws or nails for fastening auxiliary materials during the installation process;
  • sprayer or brush to moisten the surface of the masonry and material;
  • construction trowel;
  • hammer;
  • grinder with cutting wheel;
  • drill;
  • a flat block of wood;
  • container for mixing the solution.

Let's start work

The beginning of fastening is a crucial moment.

As you start, so will you finish.

  • At the beginning of facing the fireplace with stone, finishing is carried out from the corner. Laying should be done alternately, alternating long and short elements.
  • First of all, attach the thickest tiles and use the minimum amount of mortar for this. This will help you in further work.
  • To make the structure look more natural and aesthetically pleasing, the installation elements should be adjusted to size. To adjust the size, use wide nippers or a hacksaw. Try to mount the treated sides so that they are either below or above the viewing angle.
  • Apply a layer of mortar about 1.5 cm onto the installation element. Use a trowel for this. Control the distribution of the solution on the surface; it should be completely and evenly covered.

After laying the mesh, apply a layer of mortar

  • When laying the element, it should be lightly pressed and slightly moved to different positions by pressing. This will help to completely fill the seam and secure the element most correctly.

Seams are being adjusted

  • When installing, the solution should protrude slightly from the seams.
  • When carrying out seamless masonry, attention should be paid to the end seams. They must be completed. To do this, you need to apply the solution to the entire surface of the element (excess is removed during shrinkage). After squeezing out, excess mortar should be removed using a trowel.
  • When fastening onto a surface that is too dry or when installation work in dry weather, the surface of the elements and the laying plane should be moistened using a sprayer or paint brush. The styling elements can simply be placed in a container of water, and after 2 minutes in the water they are ready for installation.
  • When installing elements seamlessly, they must be wetted, regardless of weather conditions.
  • After the solution gets on the surface of the cladding, do not remove it immediately, let it dry a little.

How to properly unstitch seams?

To give the masonry For a more natural and aesthetic appearance, the joints are completely filled with mortar. To perform jointing, it is better to use only branded jointing materials.

Do not use mixtures that are intended for laying tiles.

  1. To completely fill the seam, you can use a seam filling bag. You can do it quickly yourself, you just need to cut off 1 corner of a regular plastic bag, only the hole should be slightly smaller than the seam to be filled.
  2. Fill the bag with mortar (do not pour too much, the volume should fit in the palm of your hand), apply pressure and force the mortar into the seam. Try to avoid getting liquid on the front surface.
  3. We wait until the mortar in the seams begins to set, after which we need to remove its excess using a trowel and at the same time press it into the seam. Do not try to remove the sagging immediately after filling, you will only stain the front part.
  4. After removing the excess, you should finally clean the seams using a broom, which should be made of plant materials. Do not use solvents for cleaning.
  5. Jointing is an extremely important work process that completely prevents moisture from entering the surface. If moisture penetrates under the cladding, the surface may crack.

End of work

After the surface of the structure has completely dried, it can be treated with a special hydrophobic composition. It forms on the surface protective film translucent color. This coating does not allow moisture to pass through and is not destroyed when the structure moves. It is good to remove dust from it. It especially helps with temperature changes (if the fireplace is located in a country house where there is no constant heating).

The job was done correctly. You can take a few steps away from the structure and admire your work.
