What's next for the twins this year? Famous personalities born under the sign of Gemini

Next year, according to the eastern calendar, will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. The patron saint of 2018 will be the Dog. The Fire Rooster 2017 brought life's joys and vicissitudes, prosperity and even anxiety to different zodiac signs. However, now the Rooster will hand over the reins to the Dog. What can you expect from this annual change of patron?

Each zodiac sign awaits its own ups and downs of life, destined by the stars. In general, the Dog is calm, faithful and will always protect our well-being. Let's figure out what Gemini can expect in 2018. Should you prepare for difficulties or can you relax in the hope of a good horoscope?

In 2018, the mistress of the year will only assist in any matter. You can safely rush into battle, plan any endeavors - the Dog will not let you down. The element of the Earth Dog, at the same time, does not like drastic changes. After the impulsive and desperate Rooster, it’s time to put things in order in life, work, family, and finances.

Yellow, which will be the leading color of the year, is the patron of finance. So you can count on some financial upswings this spring. He must lure money into the family. And those who are hardworking and thrifty should expect encouragement and all sorts of successful deals.

The color yellow attracts not only money, but also charges with energy, positivity, and vitality. This is the color of the sun and good mood.

Important! You should not argue with the Dog - she doesn’t like it.

The dog does not like fame and comfort. The most ordinary benefits are enough for her. She will unselfishly rejoice at them. But she won’t be against cute dresses and luxury items.

In 2018, honesty and devotion will be in fashion. After all, these are the main qualities of the Dog, the mistress of the next year. Therefore, get ready for a good year without deceptions and betrayals. You should be surrounded by people with whom you will feel comfortable and calm, as they say, without tricks and knives in the back. There should be many of these in the Year of the Dog.

Horoscope 2018 for men

The dog represents devotion. Gemini men are waiting for the Year of the Yellow Dog with great confidence and hope. After all, for them he will be more successful than ever. This year will be busy for them, even like a Western movie.

Single Gemini men should expect love adventures in the new year. Even short-term relationships are possible, but they will not lead to marriage. I advise the stars in the New Year for Gemini not to be picky and not to look too far for their soul mate. She will be very close, you just need to stop and calmly look around. She's your neighbor, co-worker, or even current partner.

Gemini men in the year of the Yellow Dog should be ready to decide everything on their own and not wait for the help of their acquaintances or friends.

In the financial sector, there may be upswings and salary increases, but this does not apply to those who conceived black schemes; luck will not smile on them this year.

Gemini men should not take risks with dubious acquisitions; they can significantly empty your wallet. A positive attitude will help you avoid many unpleasant situations.

As you celebrate the New Year, be sure that the Dog will be favorable to you and this will certainly be the case.

Horoscope 2018 for women

The Yellow Dog will have a strong influence on Gemini women in terms of activity. They will be much more energetic than men. Rather, this will be determined not by desires, but by a combination of circumstances. So expect a lot of bright moments from this year that will happen quite unexpectedly.

There is another side to the coin - the Dog prepares certain twists and turns for the fair sex Gemini. It is difficult to predict which ones, but this will make Gemini much smarter and stronger. Therefore, life lessons are simply necessary, and this year, alas, they cannot be avoided.

However, every situation can be changed in your favor - this is how Geminis learn to get away with everything.

Important! The Dog advises Gemini women not to rush and not to spend money without thinking it through in advance.

This year, the stars advise meeting with friends more often, throwing noisy parties, and opening up more. But don’t forget that a woman, especially a Gemini, must have a mystery; keep it and you are guaranteed success among the male sex.

Love horoscope

This year, Gemini will have many pleasant acquaintances and meetings. However, not all of them will develop into mutual love or strong friendship. Seize every moment of this communication and do not forget to look into the prospect of a future relationship with this person. The dog will help, so to speak, assist in ensuring that all relationships are honest and frank.

However, you should not return to those with whom you decided to break off all relations and burn bridges. Otherwise problems may arise.

In 2018 there is an opportunity to create a strong unit of society. Geminis should expect a partner with whom they can spend their entire lives. A partner in the broad sense of the word - a friend, lover, comrade, advisor, soul mate. But don't look for an ideal, fictitious person. Geminis tend to have their head in the clouds. And this, partly, will not lead to good things.

The love that will arise this year is doomed to be mutual and faithful. Like the Dog itself, which will never betray and remains faithful to its owner all its life.

A dog naturally loves to bark, but he does it for a specific reason. And if there is no threat, she will be affectionate and calm. So this year there is no need to swear in vain; the mistress of the year does not approve of scandals and quarrels.

Business horoscope

In 2018, Gemini will see the realization of long-standing ideas of finding a job they love. Even those who have already found their place in the labor market have a real opportunity to change jobs to a better paid one that they like.

In a professional path there is a chance to develop and improve. If Gemini receives a high salary, it is worth saving it. Those. this year of the Yellow Dog, the stars promise Gemini that money will quickly disappear.

Important! Savings should be a top priority this year. If you want financial stability.

To lend money means to quarrel. This year of the Dogs it is better not to borrow them from anyone, because they will not be able to return them to you. Everything related to finance and business is here, nothing personal, as they say, only business.

Things will go relatively well in 2018. Even if you are looking for additional income, your wishes will be taken into account and the Dog will definitely help. The main thing is to want this, not sitting on the couch and moaning about how bad everything is, but to do everything possible to realize financial opportunities.

The hardworking Dog does not like idleness, but she also does not like it when work does not bring pleasure and the necessary finances. So don't hold on to what you're not happy with. Don't hesitate to give it up and something better will come your way. After all, everything that is not done is for the better. In this case, in 2018, luck in business will definitely smile.

Family horoscope

In 2018, Geminis need to work on strengthening family relationships. You should avoid spontaneous actions that can destroy a healthy environment in the family. It is better to spend more time with your household.

The dog loves noisy family gatherings. In a cozy home, when everything is fine, everyone is alive and well, on harmonious winter evenings everyone gathers together, the whole family at one table. It is better not to spoil family relationships. After all, this is the place where you will return after a hard day at work.

The family horoscope for Gemini predicts sincere relationships. Mercury, under the rule of this planet they were born, will protect them from adversity and endow them with decency.

We can expect a new addition to the family this spring. When you find out that you are expecting a new family member, you will be in seventh heaven.

So the Year of the Dog promises to be rich in pleasant surprises. In family life as well.

Horoscope 2018 for Gemini from Pavel Globa

Pavel Globa made an astrological forecast for the New Year of the Dog. So, Geminis, who are used to thinking for a long time before making a decision, need to forget about this character trait this year. At least sometimes you just need to let everything go with the flow and not give in to emotions.

At the end of winter or spring, Geminis who have not met their love should expect a pleasant surprise. Pavel Globa promises a fateful meeting.

However, you need to restrain your temperament; its lack of restraint can lead to problems. In August, Geminis can enter into legal marriage. In 2018, Gemini will experience success not only in the field of love, but also in their career. There is a chance of getting a good salary increase and promotion.

However, all this requires a lot of effort to achieve some success.

Horoscope for 2018 for Gemini by year of birth

Gemini – Rat

Gemini Rats will have a sharp increase in charisma and charm this year. And therefore they will have many fans. In 2018 there is a reality of meeting your soulmate for life. However, this year the Rats will have another character quality - frugality. This will help them accumulate considerable capital.

Gemini – Ox

Magic awaits the Bulls next year. Their desires will come true before you even think about them. Based on this, you need to be careful with your desires. If the Bulls have competitors in the love sphere, then in the year of the Dog you have the advantage of delicately getting them out of the way. You won't lack for charm in 2018.

Gemini – Tiger

Tigers in 2018 will remain hunters by nature. They will have good luck both in business and in love. Just don’t waste your money – financial difficulties may arise.

Gemini – Cat (rabbit)

Cats in the year of Dogs must be careful. The main thing is not to tease her. There is no need to strive for unattainable heights. This year we will have to be content with what we have. Make surprises for your household, they don’t get enough of your attention.

Gemini – Dragon

Dragons may develop psychic abilities in 2018. Just don't use them in work or family life. Moreover, next year you will have many suitors. You just have to choose one, otherwise you might end up alone.

Gemini – Snake

Snakes must be careful. They will be able to reach the pinnacle of fame. No need to be arrogant. It will be easy to deal with any problems when there is an idyll in the family; do not allow scandals and quarrels. By the way, this year there may be an addition to the family.

Gemini – Horse

Horses are expected to have love adventures. They will end in marriage. And also watch your health - it’s better to go somewhere for treatment or get examined by doctors.

Gemini – Goat (Sheep)

An earth dog will be favorable to Goats. She will give you charm. You can use it all year round and with its help achieve career growth and family well-being.

Gemini – Monkey

The monkeys won't be bothered by anything. The year will be surprisingly calm. No significant changes, no quarrels, no financial losses. So relax and get ready for a good year.

Gemini – Rooster

All doors are open for the Roosters. Good partners and financial stability will appear in business. You will have many fans who can make you happy. Perhaps this is your destiny. Don't ignore it.

Gemini – Dog

This is your finest hour. Capture the best moments from life. Luck will be on your side. Update your wardrobe, give gifts to your loved ones. Great financial success is expected at the beginning of the year.

According to the Chinese calendar, the new year begins on February 16th. The general mood of the year will correspond to the character of the patroness of the year - the Yellow Dog. And she, along with positive traits: devotion and peacefulness, can be self-confident and aggressive if she is angry.

People born in the year of the Dog are reasonable, honest, friendly, and they know how to keep other people's secrets. They make good diplomats. Representatives of this sign will be able to resolve any conflict peacefully, because they are delicate and well aware of the mood of others.

The horoscope suggests that patronage will be given to purposeful and disciplined people. Geminis who show interest in improving their professional skills will receive a promotion. The Mistress of the Year Dog does not encourage those who love gossip and empty talk. She is peaceful, so the coming year will be calmer than the previous one.

The year is favorable for travel; the mistress of the year will protect you on the road. The best time for a holiday is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. Marriages concluded in the year of the Dog will be happy and strong. It is recommended to invest in the purchase of a new home, but you should not borrow money, especially from people you don’t know well.

Gemini love horoscope

From the beginning of the year, Gemini will behave carelessly and self-confidently. They can easily win the sympathy of any person. This will give them strength on the personal front. Thanks to their assertiveness and even arrogance, they can choose the desired partner themselves, without waiting for the gifts of fate. Everything will work out, but Gemini may lose self-control and a situation will arise where they enjoy life at the expense of their partner.

This may continue for a certain period. If Gemini completely loses his boundaries, he may fail in the relationship. Therefore, if you feel that you are taking more than you are giving, it’s time to stop and find the right solution.

The question of choosing between two partners may also arise. In the Year of the Dog, you should trust the one with whom you have a longer relationship. At the beginning of summer, two-faced representatives of the sign will experience a strong love interest, but will not receive reciprocity to the same extent. This will be a strong blow to your pride.

However, you should not give in to depression; it is better to try to get the support of loved ones, this will help overcome stress. But by nature, Geminis are inventive and can independently find a way out of a difficult situation. The most important thing is to look at the situation from the outside, then everything will turn out well.

Those Geminis who have a child in the year of the Dog will be very lucky. Children born under her auspices will delight with their ingenuity. They are affectionate and this allows adults to turn a blind eye to their antics. But if you do not show firmness in upbringing from childhood, then with age it will be difficult to eradicate shortcomings.

Cash forecast for 2018

In the first ten days of March, despite great competition, Gemini will be able to get a new high-paying job. This awaits those representatives of the sign who can show professionalism and hard work. Thanks to the ability to win over your superiors and colleagues, everything will turn out just fine.

From February to April, Gemini will be able to get a higher position by enlisting the support of the right people. After all, they are inventive, sociable, able to quickly find a common language, and this quality is very useful for career growth.

In the Year of the Dog, you should not engage in any financial fraud, especially using other people's money. Such actions can lead to loss of money, and then it will be necessary to sacrifice your personal budget. You will regret this very much. The horoscope does not recommend agreeing to dubious projects - this can end very sadly. It is necessary to foresee all consequences and refuse if the risk outweighs the benefit.

In 2018, the best option would be to try to save your savings, since at the end of the year there will be an opportunity to invest money profitably and make a good profit. It is possible to purchase real estate.

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Health horoscope

It is better to check your blood sugar levels throughout the year. There may be problems with the pancreas, so you should avoid overloading your diet. You should pay close attention to your joints throughout the year. Nervous breakdowns are possible due to problems at work, so do not forget to rest on time.

Geminis born in the first decade of the sign will be in good physical and emotional shape all year. Despite this, you should maintain your condition and lead a healthy lifestyle. To strengthen the immune system, natural remedies are recommended - these can be bee products or herbs.

Those who were born in the second decade of the sign need to pay close attention to chronic diseases. Despite being constantly busy, you need to take care of your health. At the beginning of the year, be careful on the street and on the road - you can get injured. And Geminis really don’t like to get sick, because without communication they can become depressed.

Those who were born in the third decade of the sign must definitely pay attention to rest. He should be active: walking, swimming. If you neglect this, you can end up with stress or an exacerbation of a chronic disease. It is highly advisable to plan a vacation at sea in the fall.

Gemini Woman in the Year of the Dog

In the first half of the year, the representative of the sign will feel a surge of energy, there will be a desire to gain new knowledge and expand her horizons. It is necessary to curb your ambitions and reckless behavior, this can negatively affect your relationships at work and at home. Single representatives of the sign, if they show restraint and diplomacy, will soon be able to meet their chosen one.

In the summer or early autumn, by showing hard work and perseverance, you can get a high position. The offer will be unexpected, but if you are not afraid of responsibility, then you should agree. Geminis know how to establish contact with any person, they are hardworking and the mistress of the year will be your assistant in this matter.

The horoscope foretells frequent quarrels with your other half, but reconciliations will also be emotional and warm. A married woman in the summer may experience strong emotions towards the opposite sex on the side; she will be irritated by any little things of her other half. It is necessary to contain your feelings, as this may end badly. You should pay more attention to your home and children and wait until passions subside.

In the fall, an exacerbation of a chronic disease is possible, in connection with this there will be an interest in quality medical care. Work and household chores should not prevent you from paying more attention to your health. We should not forget about rest. At the end of summer, a trip with your other half will strengthen the family unit.

Astrological forecast for Gemini man

The Year of the Dog will be significant professionally for the male half. Hardworking, assertive, sometimes arrogant, the representative of the sign will do everything to achieve his goal. For colleagues and management, he is a wonderful, sociable friend and a reliable business partner, so everything related to work will be profitable.

In March there will be an opportunity to get a high position. If you want to change your job, the horoscope recommends doing this in March. Financially, everything will work out well if you do not enter into dubious transactions. Try to hold off on a large purchase until the end of the year, then it will be a successful investment. It is possible that it will be real estate or a good car.

In terms of love, two-faced Geminis may want to have an affair on the side. This will be a new influx of energy, an explosion of adrenaline - everything that they love so much! However, he is known in society as a good family man. Because of this, a storm of passions and family disputes awaits. If you don’t want this, stop your attraction in time.

But for free representatives of the sign, it’s time to go all out on the love front: even if you don’t find a worthy companion, you’ll still have a good time.

Drivers should be careful on the road in the first half of the year; injuries are possible. However, they will be small and after a short time Gemini will return to active life again.

The horoscope for Gemini 2018 advises being vigilant in everything in the year of the Dog, and not relaxing, which they are used to doing in the year of the Rooster. The dog will not tolerate lazy people and those who rest on their laurels prematurely. Of course, Gemini will cope with many problems themselves, but the help of friends will not be superfluous. By the way, the Yellow Dog will also support Gemini in difficult situations.

Spring 2018 for Gemini will be a time of romance, blossoming and love. So many fans are expected that the Twins will even be confused - who exactly should they choose? In professional affairs, everything will also work out well. The main thing is to trust yourself, your intuition and, of course, your faithful Dog.

The horoscope for Gemini for 2017 predicts a stable financial situation. If you draw up a budget correctly, then the money will come in, and not flow through your fingers. will throw up a lot of tempting offers that will lead to replenishment of your wallet. But no one has canceled competitors, so Gemini needs to be more careful when dealing with dishonest individuals. "Trust but check!" - Geminis must learn this rule, like the multiplication table.

The dog belongs to the element of Earth, so he loves everything related to nature, fresh air and a garden. In the summer, Gemini will have to work hard at the dacha in order to reap a good harvest in the fall and preserve vegetables for the winter. Many will even develop new varieties of tomatoes and strawberries, and distribute some of the grown crops to friends and neighbors.

The horoscope for Gemini for 2018 (Dog) promises a busy summer period. Some will register as entrepreneurs, engage in commerce, and some will occupy high positions. If Gemini's plans include a vacation, then it is better to write an application for the middle or end of summer. The dog will secretly tell Gemini where you can buy tour packages to exotic countries with impressive discounts.

The dog has pleasant surprises in store for lonely Geminis. In 2018, they will meet “their” person, who will become for them not only a lover, but also a sensitive friend. Engagement and wedding celebrations are just around the corner! Family Geminis are expected to move, buy a home, and have a child. Numerous changes will have a beneficial effect on your relationship with your spouse. Autumn will be fruitful for Gemini for dates, romantic acquaintances and official proposals. The dog is not averse to performing at a wedding as a witness or toastmaster. Just keep in mind that those who treat this feeling with tenderness and gratitude will be lucky in love.

The 2018 Gemini horoscope does not recommend being too frivolous and careless. Especially in the financial and love spheres. Despite the fact that the Dog will support and forgive you in many ways, the positivity may decrease after failures. In December, you should weigh every word and decision so as not to get into trouble. In difficult moments, it is better to seek advice from older family members or long-time friends. Although, Gemini may only outwardly seem weak and weak-willed. In fact, in 2018 they are more confident and serious than ever.

The horoscope for 2018 for Gemini recommends not to lose composure and fortitude. Then any obstacles will be within your reach, both in material and personal matters. Geminis were born under the Air sign, so they can be overly gullible and inconsistent. In the Year of the Dog, they need to boldly face changes, improve their social status and take the initiative in their personal lives into their own hands. There are no problems with finances at the end of 2018, but only if they are spent wisely. Otherwise, you won’t have to count on wealth and major acquisitions.

Love horoscope for Gemini for 2018

The love horoscope for Gemini for 2018 predicts many meetings, acquaintances and unforgettable dates. Of course, not all of them will result in something serious and concrete, but the romantic mood will not leave Gemini until the end of the year. The dog will do everything possible to ensure that love is real and mutual. But there is no need to return to former lovers. Otherwise, problems in your personal life will only increase.

Many Geminis dream that the Year of the Yellow Pig will be a turning point, and they will finally feel like happy people. Representatives of this zodiac sign will find out whether problems will fade into the background by reading the horoscope for 2019. It contains accurate forecasts for various areas of Gemini’s life - romantic, financial, career and others. Horoscopes for 2019 for Gemini men and women are presented separately.

Horoscope for 2019 for Gemini

The forecasts for Gemini for 2019 are quite positive. That is why the year of the Pig will be calm and harmonious for people born under this sign. Although a lot depends on the Gemini themselves. Representatives of this zodiac sign, after reading the horoscope, will be able to build their future in accordance with the most rosy plans.

Overall the year will go well. There are several absolutely good dates for Gemini in 2019. They are full moon days. But this does not mean that the remaining days of the Year of the Earth Pig will become favorable. People born under this zodiac sign will have a hard time only during periods of Venus’ dominance.

According to the horoscope, in 2019 Gemini should be wary of adventures. Fortune will not be on their side. But the year of the Earth Pig favors hard work. By demonstrating charisma and natural abilities, Geminis will be able to achieve unprecedented success. The horoscope encourages people born under this sign not to become arrogant. Success will be a little intoxicating, but maintaining sober thinking will not hurt in any situation.

Romantic horoscope for 2019 for Gemini

The romantic horoscope for Gemini for 2019 is full of surprises. People of this sign will be able to feel like truly happy people. The horoscope gives them hope for love from the people dearest to their hearts.

Geminis of both sexes will be surprised when they read their romantic horoscope for 2019. The astrological forecast makes it possible for representatives of this sign to begin a completely new relationship during the period of the dominance of the Earth Pig. People born under the sign of Gemini will be able to enjoy relationships with their lovers to the fullest. The horoscope for 2019 guarantees them a peaceful calm in love.

Although some Geminis will not get by in the Year of the Pig without disappointments on the romantic front. But the crisis in relations will begin only towards the end of the year.

The New Year 2019 will be happy for Gemini even if they previously experienced only failures in love. The horoscope for 2019 promises this sign special conditions for building harmonious relationships with the opposite sex. In 2019, Gemini will easily make new, good acquaintances. The horoscope for Gemini for 2019 predicts for many a beautiful and long-lasting romance, which risks ending in a wedding.

The stars make the only exception - people of the Gemini sign, who tied the knot a long time ago, will have a hard time this year. Many people will be deceived by their closest and most beloved person. Representatives of the Gemini sign will certainly experience disappointment in family life, but its intensity depends on individual characteristics. Some women and men simply won’t notice it. For sensitive Geminis, the horoscope for 2019 predicts grievances and showdowns. At the same time, maintaining harmony in the family depends only on the behavior and efforts of the Gemini themselves.

Financial horoscope for Gemini for 2019

Financially, the year will be less successful than in the romantic sphere. The horoscope for 2019 predicts a lot of unreasonable spending for them. The sign of Gemini in the new period will undergo serious tests. As a reward for this, they will receive invaluable experience.

The horoscope for Gemini for 2019 promises the assistance of the stars in endeavors that require financial investments. How to determine their success and not burn out will be understood only by those who are not afraid of difficulties and have a sharp mind and natural acumen.

Financial success will not await Gemini in 2019. However, with the right approach, representatives of this sign will be able to live this year without need.

The horoscope for 2019 for Gemini also predicts positive moments. Suddenly, representatives of this zodiac sign may receive a substantial gift or become the happy owners of real estate. Whether this fact will bring joy to Gemini or lead to additional troubles, one can only guess.

Gemini career in 2019

The career horoscope for 2019 for Gemini is replete with positive predictions. Representatives of this sign will have many opportunities for self-realization. A business horoscope will help them find themselves in the new year. Work will bring genuine pleasure to Gemini, who has never been enthusiastic before.

In 2019, many Geminis will experience dizzying success. Being unambitious, people of this sign will at first be confused and afraid of such changes. The horoscope for 2019 recommends being prepared for such events, so that unexpected career growth does not take them by surprise, but only brings them joy.

For Geminis who are involved in business, the horoscope for 2019 predicts difficult times. The profits of their companies will decrease significantly, but this will not affect Gemini's reputation in any way.

Those Geminis who are trying to realize themselves in their profession will be favored by the stars. The horoscope for 2019 predicts significant achievements in their work and successful management decisions. It will also be a good year for Geminis involved in science. Gemini scientists will take part in prestigious conferences, and all scientific work will be extremely easy for them.

Gemini health in 2019

The Gemini horoscope for 2019 contains positive health predictions. However, people of this zodiac sign are at risk of getting sick in the Year of the Pig. The health horoscope for Gemini recommends paying attention to sports. This year you should move more to maintain good health. At risk for people of the Gemini sign are the respiratory organs and the circulatory system.

New Year 2019 will bring problems with reproductive health for Gemini women. Women need to check the health of their pelvic organs as often as possible and consult a doctor in a timely manner. Only Gemini children will be the luckiest. For many of them, the horoscope promises a long-awaited recovery.

People who have reached retirement age should take care of their musculoskeletal system. In the first half of the year, the risk of injury increases. The horoscope for Gemini for 2019 recommends spending time swimming and other types of water recreational procedures.

Horoscope for 2019 for women - Gemini

The horoscope for 2019 for Gemini women is extraordinary. Representatives of the fair half will have to experience a number of exciting events this year. Once again, Gemini will understand that life is a real zebra. The horoscope for 2019 does not promise an easy life for Gemini women. The girls will experience both disappointment and joy, but most of all there will be communication. This is what the fiery symbol of the New Year focuses on.

What Geminis definitely cannot feel is boredom. New impressions, acquaintances and an endless sea of ​​work await women in 2019. Soon, Gemini will feel very tired, but they will not be able to rest at all. To replenish vital energy, Gemini girls will constantly have to move and achieve something.

But the efforts shown by Gemini will not go unrewarded. The result of hard work and patience will appear in the second half of the year. During this period, you need to tune in to the main goal. The horoscope promises Gemini women their achievement in December 2019.

Horoscope for 2019 for men - Gemini

Gemini men will not have as active a life as the fairer sex. Men, on the other hand, will feel bored in the first months of the year. Older men will not sit idle, but they will not have such bright prospects as girls expect.

But Gemini can rest as much as possible and gain strength for further achievements. No sign is as lucky in this regard as Gemini men. The horoscope will help them choose the right direction so as not to overload their body or thoughts, but at the same time remain active and useful to society. To do this, you just need to know that a decline in activity for Gemini is expected in March and August. But in June and October 2019, the stars will reward Gemini men with the opportunity to take advantage of a successful coincidence of circumstances.

Horoscope for 2019 for other zodiac signs

The stars promise a year of optimism, freedom, and knowledge of the world. Openness to new things plus a bit of recklessness will begin to push representatives of this zodiac sign to unexpected actions. Sometimes they will even need to pacify themselves, and also remember the word “responsibility”. A detailed horoscope for 2018 will give Gemini a complete picture of what to expect in the Year of the Dog.

In the cycle of new acquaintances, they will have to look at their familiar surroundings differently. Such analysis will not always be pleasant. They will be able to reveal with particular insight the true motives of people, which means that separation or breaking off old friendly ties will inevitably occur. However, there is a positive grain: there will be an opportunity to consider those whom Gemini often did not notice next to them. Accordingly, some of them will be lucky enough to find a loved one or a close friend.

  • January will pass easily, naturally, carefree. Representatives of the air element will move along the path of least resistance, without burdening themselves with solving minor problems.
  • February will bring popularity, Gemini will be the life of the party wherever they appear. Accordingly, they will make a lot of useful contacts, and maybe come up with a couple of ideas for additional income.
  • March will allow you to quickly increase your income thanks to the ability to profitably manipulate money.
  • April is the time to reconsider your guidelines. Representatives of this sign will not be satisfied with financial income. Those who are subordinate will want promotions or leave altogether to start their own business.
  • May is a month of relaxation. A wave of laziness and indifference will come. If in April Gemini has not decided where he intends to move next, then in May there is a risk that losing the course of development will be detrimental to health. He may become addicted to alcohol, drugs or other types of addiction.
  • June will provide an opportunity to cheer up. Gemini may be entrusted with responsible work, which he can handle. Apathy will remain a thing of the past, optimism and cheerfulness will prevail.
  • July can present a fateful meeting that will make the representative of the sign in love and happy. He will lose his head because of the desire to be with his loved one. Some actions will seem rash, decisions will seem hasty.
  • August is the time of love, dating, charm.
  • September is the time to pay attention to your health.
  • October will ensure the expansion of horizons both territorially and mentally. Short term trips are possible. And also a representative of a curious sign will show interest in alternative medicine.
  • November will be dedicated to loved ones, family, children.
  • December will make you realize that it is time to stop searching. Everything I was looking for is already nearby: security, prosperity and a person who warms my soul.

Horoscope for 2018 for Gemini woman


A playful lady will easily seduce men. Sometimes just to stroke your ego. Don't get too carried away with these types of games. Broken hearts and caused heartache may boomerang come December. It’s bitter to realize that a promising year for love has been missed, and the woman is still lonely.

In the fall, ladies will be keen on finding wealthy suitors. And if you are ready to play the role of a mistress, then the goal will become achievable. Those who are more focused on feelings will be able to consider a friend of their heart in an already familiar person.

In the love horoscope for 2018 for Gemini, the stars promise that long-term relationships will change status and become registered. And already created families can boast of news about pregnancy or the imminent birth of a child.


You need to focus on solving important issues in the spring. The year will bring profit in everything related to additional sources of income. A permanent job will not provide the desired income. If there are plans to consider vacancies, then you need to do this in April.

You should be careful with dubious offers: in pursuit of quick money, you can get involved in financial fraud. Such troubles will lead to the loss of company funds, personal savings, and the trust of management. The best tactics for 2018 on how to handle finances are saving, investing, increasing.

It may happen that a Gemini woman will improve her financial situation thanks to a successful marriage. At least, many of them will begin to strive for this in the summer.

Women's health horoscope

In the fall, a woman may become interested in oriental medicine, which will entail a change in eating habits. This will only benefit the body. Physical activity in the morning is also recommended, especially running or walking long distances. Regular fitness classes will strengthen your overall muscle tone.

For those women who are critical of their appearance and want to change it slightly, the stars advise not to make plastic corrections. The horoscope for 2018 warns Gemini about the dangers of any operations. You should postpone surgery or abandon this idea altogether.

You need to monitor the condition of your bones and eat foods rich in calcium. Then there is definitely no danger of injury due to negligence.

Horoscope for Gemini man


From the beginning of the year he will lead a carefree life. The representative of the air sign is confident in his irresistibility and that the choice is always his. He knows how to choose the right tactics of behavior with different girls: to be a sweet erudite or an assertive invader. The first half of the year promises an intense sex life.

By the beginning of summer, a man will be overtaken by true love. If the feeling is not mutual, it will be an unexpected blow for the seducer. Whether it will be possible to create a trusting and lasting relationship depends only on his sincerity.

For family people, summer will also be bright and memorable. A married couple can please their relatives with the news of a new addition to the family. A couple who has tested their marriage over time will want to have a wedding ceremony.


In the spring, men will start looking for additional income. 2018 favors those who work in trade, resell, offer services, and organize holidays. Thanks to their mobility and sociability, already in the summer they will be able to boast of rapid career growth.

Autumn promises a lot of spending, there is a danger of getting into debt. Also, business trips are coming from the end of September. A man can act as a sales representative of a company, go on frequent business trips, and communicate with clients.

By the end of the year, the level of income will reach the desired level. The man will spend the December days resting, relaxing, and spending the money he earns.

Men's health horoscope

From the beginning of the year, men need to remember the consequences of a frivolous attitude towards health. Possible food poisoning and liver disease. If pain occurs, a thorough examination is necessary.

In addition, the skeletal system and pancreas are at risk for 2018. You should also closely monitor your blood sugar levels.

A mature Gemini man should avoid nervous tension, as this can lead to a heart attack. Careful health care, attention to diet, and physical activity will help avoid unpleasant consequences.
