What do ostriches eat in the wild and at home? In natural conditions. Foods that can be given in small quantities

Many farmers who keep and breed different kinds poultry, claim that keeping ostriches in household no more difficult than chickens or ducks. After all, each breed has its own characteristics. Breed this exotic look can be used for several purposes: to obtain delicious meat, beautiful feathers and eggs.

Most biologists classify birds as herbivores, however, in fact, they can easily be classified as omnivores. They eat well both food of plant and animal origin. With an abundance of greenery around, the basis of the bird's diet is grass, leaves of shrubs, seeds and roots of some savannah plants. African birds are also not averse to feasting on small insects and even reptiles. During drought they can easily cope without water.

What to feed at home

We suggest starting to consider the composition of the diet and feeding habits of ostriches from.

Newly hatched ostrich chicks do not need to be fed at all right away.. This is due to the fact that they feed from the yolk sac, which is located in the umbilical cord for the first few days. IN wildlife They first peck the manure of adults, thanks to which they receive into their intestines a set of microorganisms that subsequently help them in the breakdown and digestion of plant fiber in the intestines, and also contribute to the development of the baby’s immune system. They start feeding ostrich chicks with crushed alfalfa, which contains a lot of easily digestible protein.

Experts recommend making a slide of sand or shell rock in powder form in an aviary with chicks. This will help improve the digestive processes of young animals. The feed also needs to be enriched with B vitamins and biotin. These elements are important for correct formation healthy musculoskeletal system.

Adult ostriches can be raised in three ways: intensive, semi-intensive and extensive. The first method is very similar in essence to keeping cattle in a stall. The extensive system is based on housing exotic birds in conditions very similar to their natural habitat. The semi-intensive method is a compromise between the two methods described above. In each case, their own feeding habits of ostriches are revealed.

Ostrich nutrition under an intensive housing system

When birds are constantly in limited space enclosure, you should provide them with a sufficient amount of hay and green food. They must be given mixed with grain-based foods. One can eat up to 3 kg of this assortment per day.

The basis of the daily diet should be rich, juicy feed on chopped grass. The ideal solution rapeseed, alfalfa or forbs will grow here. Do not forget to leave coarse river sand or fine expanded clay available to the ostriches.

When the female is preparing for pregnancy, the intensity of feeding should be increased for the entire period of “motherhood”. If you suddenly make adjustments to your existing diet or change the content of food necessary elements(fats, proteins, carbohydrates and others), the ostrich may stop laying eggs.

What to feed in an extensive housing system

Feeding costs with this method are the lowest: the bird itself searches for food. To implement an extensive housing system, it is necessary to fence off a sufficient area of ​​unplowed field where ostriches will graze, like other livestock. The disadvantage of this system is that success and effectiveness depend on climate, terrain and weather variability. In case of drought or, conversely, prolonged rains, the pasture may be unsuitable for walking and feeding ostriches.

Semi-intensive feeding

This is a combination of walking the ostrich in the field and feeding it with specialized feed mixtures. Ideal option here is to design and try to create conditions for ostriches close to their natural habitat. However, it is very important that they themselves produce their own food in sufficient quantities.

How to prepare food yourself

The basis of the ostrich diet consists of approximately the same components as any other poultry: feed, alfalfa, vitamins, shell rock. Alfalfa can be used both in the form of hay and as green mass.

Also, ingredients for ostrich food can be crushed corn, millet and wheat, soybeans, fish meal, and yeast.

In winter, ostriches' diet mainly consists of dried herbal mixtures (hay). For example, the composition may be as follows: meadow fescue, meadow bluegrass, meadow (red) and creeping (white) clover, fodder sainfoin and seed seradella. In the table below we consider the feed requirements of ostriches throughout the year.


The diet of ostriches kept in food must be designed so that their body weight is close to ideal. You cannot feed birds to the point of obesity - if ostriches are actively gaining weight, it is necessary to reduce the amount cereal crops, replacing them with green succulent feed or hay. If the birds are exhausted, you need to increase the amount of cereal food, as well as animal feed. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the birds move enough - this factor affects both their weight and the taste of the meat.

Breeding ostriches - albeit not widely popular, but very promising direction farming. Of course, their maintenance requires special specifics compared to other poultry, including with regard to diet. In this article we will look at what ostriches eat in the wild and how to adapt their diet to home conditions.

Ostriches are noticeably different from the usual poultry in their structure. digestive system . Firstly, ostriches do not have a crop, which speeds up the digestion of roughage. Secondly, these birds have a powerful stomach, capable of easily handling rough food; it has a special tuberous cuticle that plays the role of “teeth” and grinds food like a millstone. The intestines are very long, due to which the body receives the necessary substances even from low-nutrient foods. In some of its sections there is a special microflora that helps process cellulose, which is rich in coarse plant foods.

Eating at home

Their productivity (rate of weight gain and egg production of females) largely depends on what ostriches eat. Ostriches at home usually receive mainly plant food: leaves various plants and grass, carrots and beets, as well as beet tops, cabbage, zucchini and apples. Alfalfa is very suitable - fresh in summer and in the form of hay in winter. Also in winter, the ostrich can be fed with cereals and concentrated feed.

Good mineral supplements include chalk, chicken egg shells, bone meal, and crushed shell rock. Mineral feed should not be mixed with regular feed; it should be in a separate feeder. At home, this bird also eats food waste, which further increases its profitability on the farm. There are several nutrition systems: intensive, semi-intensive, and extensive. By adjusting the amount of what ostriches eat, as well as the type of food, you can achieve the desired result.

  1. Intensive system. The birds are kept on the farm in small enclosures without access to pasture. In this case, you will need a sufficient amount of hay and green food, which should include alfalfa, spinach, canola and forbs. In winter, corn-based mixtures work well.
  2. Semi-intensive system. Birds are grazed on pasture in the warm season, and they are provided with additional feeding in the form of concentrated feed and mixtures: in December and January, an additional kilogram, increasing the weight of supplements to 3 kg by March.
  3. Extensive system. The bird eats only what it finds on its own in the pasture (in the warm season, of course). Ostriches can be released into the same place where sheep, goats or cows graze. They will not harm each other if there is a good and reliable fence around the area. Of course, if the summer is too rainy or, conversely, dry, when the grass burns out, an exception must be made. With this system, concentrated feed is given to ostriches only in winter and little by little.

During oviposition, males and females are fed separately: females must receive a large amount of calcium so that the eggs have a strong shell, but if the male eats more of it than usual, this, on the contrary, inhibits reproductive functions.

Natural nutrition

In the wild, an ostrich usually consumes up to 4 kg of food per day - this allows them to receive required quantity energy for running. Green food includes young shoots of bushes, fresh herbs, seeds and roots of various plants. However, ostriches are omnivores; in addition to plant foods, such birds often eat insects and even reptiles and small animals (for example, rodents).

Feeding the chicks

Their harmonious growth and health in the future depend on what to feed the chicks - due to an incorrect diet, limbs may not develop properly. What is unusual compared to poultry is that the baby ostrich does not eat anything for the first four days of its life: it receives nutrients from the resorption of the yolk sac. But then feeding must be done carefully: the chick must receive food as soon as it gets hungry, so the feeders should always be full. IN in this case It is especially important to monitor the quality and freshness of the feed, especially wet mash.

During this period, you can add alfalfa leaves to the feed, but not the stems - they can upset digestion. Boiled chicken eggs are good for protein feeding. You can create a sand mound in the aviary for chicks: ostrich chicks love to swim in the sand and rummage in it, looking for insects, pebbles, shell rock, etc. If this is not possible, mineral supplement should be in any case - limestone, shell rock, and shells help bones form correctly and also ensure good digestion.

Video “Ostrich Breeding”

In this video you will hear useful tips on the maintenance of ostriches.

In our article we want to talk about, although not flying. The ostrich is a funny and unusual bird. Generally speaking, each breed is unique and has its own characteristics. Ostriches fascinate, first of all, because they are different from others. In our country, these beautiful birds can be seen rarely, and that is why it is so interesting to watch them.

What kind of bird?

It is believed that these special birds appeared on the planet 12 million years ago. Absolutely all types of ostriches belong to the subclass (flightless), they are also called running ones. Ostriches live in the warm countries of Australia and Africa, preferring semi-desert areas and savannas.

These special birds are completely different in behavior from their counterparts. An interesting fact is that, translated from Greek language the word "ostrich" means nothing more than "camel sparrow." Isn't it a funny comparison for such a person? How can one and the same creature at the same time resemble two completely different individuals? It’s probably not for nothing that people who hide from problems are called ostriches. After all, there is even such a popular expression: “Hide your head in the sand like an ostrich.” Do birds actually behave this way and what did they do to deserve such an unflattering comparison?

It turns out that in real life Ostriches don't hide their heads. In a moment of danger, the female may rub her head on the ground to be less noticeable. In this way she is trying to save her offspring. From the outside it may seem that the bird is sticking its head in the sand, but this is absolutely not the case. Animals in the wild have many enemies: lions, jackals, eagles, hyenas, snakes, birds of prey, lynxes.


No other bird on earth can boast of such large sizes. The ostrich is undoubtedly the largest bird on the planet. But at the same time, such a strong and large creature cannot fly. Which, in principle, is not so surprising. The weight of an ostrich reaches 150 kilograms, and its height is 2.5 meters.

At first it may seem that the bird is rather awkward and awkward. But this is not true at all. The difference between this creature and all other birds is simply confusing. Ostriches have a large body, a small head, but at the same time a very long neck. Birds have very unusual eyes that stand out on the head and are bordered by thick eyelashes. The legs of an ostrich are long and strong.

The bird's body is covered with slightly curly and loose feathers. Their color can be brown with white, black with white patterns (mainly in males). What distinguishes all types of ostriches from other birds is the complete absence of the so-called keel.

Types of ostriches

Ornithologists classify ostriches as running birds, which include four families: three-toed creatures, two-toed ones and cassowaries, as well as kiwis (small wingless ones).

Currently, several subspecies of African birds are distinguished: Massai, Barbary, Malay and Somali. All these types of ostriches still exist today.

But two more species once lived on earth, but are now considered extinct: the South African and the Arabian. All African representatives are of impressive size. It is difficult to find another bird with such parameters. The weight of an ostrich can reach one and a half centners (this applies to males), but females are more modest in size.

It is also worth remembering the rheas. This is the second species that is very often classified as ostriches. It includes two representatives: Darwin's rhea and the great rhea. These birds live in the Amazon basin and on the plateaus and plains of the South American mountains.

Representatives of the third order (cassowaries) live in New Guinea and Northern Australia. It includes two families: cassowaries (cassowary muruka and common cassowary) and emu.

But the latter type includes kiwi. They live in New Zealand and are even its symbol. Kiwis are very modest in size compared to other running birds.

African ostriches

The African ostrich, although it is the largest bird on earth, is deprived of the ability to fly. But nature has endowed him with the amazing ability to run incredibly fast.

The bird has one more feature that we mentioned - it is a small head, which gave rise to talk about the fact that ostriches have very poor mental abilities.

The African ostrich has only two toes on its feet. A similar phenomenon cannot be found in other representatives of the avian world. The interesting fact is that these two fingers are very different. The larger one is more reminiscent of a hoof, while the smaller one is much less developed. However, this does not at all prevent you from running fast. In general, the ostrich is a strong bird; you should not get too close to it, as it can strike with its powerful paw. Adults can easily carry a person. The animal can also be considered a long-livers, since it can live up to 60-70 years.


The ostrich is a polygamous animal. In nature, during the mating season, males are surrounded by a whole harem of females, among which there is the most important one. This period lasts from March to October. Over the entire season, the female can lay from 40 to 80 eggs. The ostrich egg is very large. The shell is very white on the outside, giving the impression that it is made of porcelain. In addition, it is also durable. from 1100 to 1800 grams.

An interesting fact is that all females of one ostrich lay eggs in one nest. The father of the family hatches his offspring with the female he chooses. An ostrich chick is born sighted and weighs about a kilogram. He moves quite well and within a day begins to independently obtain food for himself.

Features of birds

Birds have good eyesight and horizons. This is due to the peculiarities of their structure. The flexible and special arrangement of the eyes makes it possible to view large spaces. Birds are able to focus on objects located at long distances. This gives them and other animals on the pasture the opportunity to avoid danger.

In addition, the bird can run well, reaching speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour. In the regions where the ostrich lives, in the wild it is surrounded by an incredible number of predators. Therefore, good eyesight and the ability to run quickly are excellent qualities that help avoid the claws of the enemy.

What does an ostrich eat?

Since animals live in hot climates, they cannot always eat well. That's why they are omnivores. Of course, the main food is plants. But ostriches can also eat the leftovers left by predators, insects, and reptiles. In terms of food, they are completely unpretentious and tolerate hunger quite steadfastly.


In the mountains South America Rhea lives. This bird is similar to an ostrich, but has a more modest size. The animal weighs about forty kilograms, and its height does not exceed one hundred and thirty centimeters. Externally, the rhea is not particularly beautiful. Its plumage is completely inconspicuous and sparse (it barely covers the body), and the feathers on the wings are not too lush. Rheas have powerful legs with three toes. Animals mainly feed on plants, tree shoots, and seeds.

During the breeding season, females lay from 13 to 30 eggs, each of them weighing no more than 700 grams. The male prepares a hole for the eggs and incubates them all himself and then takes care of the offspring.

There are two types of rhea in nature: common and northern. At the beginning of the twentieth century, these animals were quite numerous, but soon found themselves on the verge of destruction due to mass extermination. And the reason for this is delicious meat and collecting eggs. In natural natural conditions Rhea can be seen only in the most remote places. Only there they managed to survive. But rheas are quickly bred on farms and kept in zoos.


The emu slightly resembles a cassowary in appearance. The bird reaches 150-190 centimeters in length, and its weight ranges from 30-50 kilograms. The animal is capable of speeds of about 50 kilometers per hour. This is facilitated by the presence of long legs, which enable birds to take steps up to 280 centimeters long.

Emus have absolutely no teeth, and in order to crush the food in their stomach, the birds swallow stones, glass and even pieces of metal. Animals not only have very strong and developed legs, but also excellent vision and hearing, which gives them the opportunity to detect predators earlier than they can attack.

Features of emu

Emus can have different plumage depending on where they live. The animal's feathers have a very special structure that prevents them from overheating. This allows birds to lead an active life even during very hot periods. Emus generally tolerate temperature differences from -5 to +45 degrees very well. Female and male individuals do not have any special differences in appearance, but they make different sounds. Females usually scream louder than males. In the wild, birds live from 10 to 20 years.

Emus have small wings, a long light blue neck with gray-brown feathers that protect their skin from ultraviolet radiation. The birds' eyes are covered with nictitating membranes, protecting them from debris and dust in windy and arid deserts.

Emus are distributed throughout almost all of Australia, as well as on the island of Tasmania. The exceptions are dense forests, arid regions and large cities.

Animals feed on plant foods, such as the fruits of bushes and trees, plant leaves, grass, and roots. They usually feed in the morning. They often enter fields and eat grain crops. Emus can also eat insects. But animals drink quite rarely (once a day). If there is a large amount of water nearby, then they can drink several times a day.

Emus often become victims of animals and birds: foxes, dingoes, hawks and eagles. Foxes steal eggs, and birds of prey try to kill.

Emu breeding

During the mating season, females acquire a more beautiful shade of feathers. They are quite aggressive and often fight among themselves. They can fight intensely for a lone male.

Emu lay 10-20 eggs per season dark green with a very thick shell. Each of them weighs about a kilogram. Emus are also polygamous, and therefore several females lay eggs in one nest, after which the male incubates them. The hatched chicks weigh about half a kilogram, while their height is 12 centimeters. At a time when males are busy breeding offspring, they become incredibly aggressive, and therefore it is better not to disturb them.

In the Australian wild, birds are protected by law, but this is just a formality. In reality, many populations have long been on the verge of extinction. The emu is the symbol and pride of the Australian continent.

From the history…

It is believed that ostriches appeared on the planet 12 million years ago. And the trade in the feathers of these animals dates back to the early Egyptian civilizations and goes back three thousand years. In some countries, even before the beginning of our era, animals were kept in captivity. IN Ancient Egypt Noble ladies rode ostriches to festive ceremonies. Animal feathers became in great demand at the beginning of the nineteenth century, which led to a significant reduction in the number of birds. In the middle of the century, a period of rapid development of ostrich farming began. The first farm in Africa appeared in 1838. Animals were bred solely for the purpose of obtaining valuable feathers. For example, in South Africa at that time, the export of feathers was in fourth place after the export of gold, wool and diamonds.

Gradually, ostriches began to be bred in captivity in other countries and on other continents: in the USA, Algeria, Egypt, Australia, Italy, Argentina, New Zealand. But during the two world wars this type business almost ceased to exist, and the number of farms decreased significantly.

Instead of an afterword

African ostriches, rheas and emus are classified in the zoological literature as suborders of running birds. However, as we have already mentioned, only the African ostrich, which is rightly considered the largest bird, can be classified as ostrich-like.

The world around us is full of unusual and outlandish animals. And one of them can be considered ostriches. You just can't help but like these cute and charming creatures with big eyes. Currently, even in our latitudes, ostriches are bred in households to obtain valuable meat, eggs, feathers, and simply as exotic pets.

It is the largest bird on Earth. It grows to 250 or more centimeters in height and can weigh about 150 kilograms. Since farmers today increasingly keep such birds on their own farms, they are interested in what ostriches that live in the wild eat and what to feed the ostrich at home. Our article today is about all this.

Under natural conditions, the ostrich can be found in the semi-desert or savannah of America. It is possible to see such majestic birds in the Middle East, namely in Iraq, as well as in Arabia and Persia.

It should be noted that the digestive system of birds is structured in a special way. Unlike other farmland dwellers who have goiters, they do not have one. Therefore, roughage is digested in the digestive tract quite quickly. They are also characterized by the presence of a powerful stomach. There is also elongation of the part of the intestine that is located behind. This way birds get a lot of healthy fiber.

The ostrich, contrary to popular belief, is not a purely herbivorous bird, since feeding ostriches also involves introducing plant and animal food into the diet.

When birds are convinced that there is a sufficient amount of green food, they prefer to eat grasses, seeds and roots of crops, as well as succulent foliage. So, what do ostriches eat in the wild and when kept at home? Let's try to figure it out.

Video “Life in the natural environment”

From the video you will learn how ostriches live in freedom.

In natural habitat

In the vastness of the African savanna you can find a large amount of greenery and leaves of young shoots. This is an excellent food for ostriches that happen to live in natural conditions. In the vast expanses of the savannah with its characteristic long plains, these birds can always find abundant food. Since such birds are able to go without water for a long time, their habitat is often semi-arid desert areas.

What do ostriches living in such conditions eat? They love to eat roots, branches and seeds of various shrubs. Instead of greenery, which is very scarce in the territories, birds eat reptiles, insects, and some types of rodents. It is known that an adult ostrich needs to eat about 4 kg of food every day. This is the amount of food that will allow the bird to run well, be healthy and feel good.

At home

Homemade daily diet large birds not much different from what they are used to in the wild. The only difference is the amount of food consumed. Domestic ostriches eat less because they move little and do not need much food. vital energy. The basis of their diet on farms is a variety of grasses and foliage crops.

In winter, owners prepare a sufficient amount of hay for their birds, which is then mixed with special concentrated feed and grains. But it is also recommended to offer your pets beet tops, cabbage leaves, beets and carrots, zucchini and apples. Although ostriches continue to be considered exotic birds, they willingly eat a variety of food waste, which makes keeping them at home economically profitable.

Feeding ration

At rational system feeding, it is possible to achieve rapid and complete growth of young animals, and increase the degree of productivity of females several times. In modern farming Several ostrich feeding systems have taken root. Among them are intensive, semi-intensive, extensive and standardized. Alfalfa is recognized as an excellent type of food for such birds. It can be used in winter period in the form of hay, and in the summer it is offered fresh to pets in combination with high-quality feed. Norm for adult is 1.5 kg.

Alfalfa, grass and compound feed are the three main types of feed that are used when choosing an extensive housing system. With intensive or semi-intensive feeding, in addition to greens, pets receive grains, legumes, and food high in minerals and vitamins. How much food to give to birds? It all depends on the degree of their productivity. When choosing a feeding system, you should take into account the age, weight, living conditions and purpose of the poultry.

In summer, ostriches mainly feed on pasture, which they obtain in the pasture. Once a day they definitely need 1.5 feed, which is placed in a feeder. In order to prevent protein deficiency in the body, poultry is offered soybeans, meal and cake, and lupine.

In order for them to be properly absorbed by the body, you cannot do without mineral supplements. They can serve as bone meal, shell chicken egg, chalk, crushed shell rock. Well-known bran is also suitable. In order for your pets to receive a supply of vitamins, you need to feed them grass meal, silage, and alfalfa hay. This is especially true with the arrival of winter. Thus, from green types of food, vegetables, leaves, grass are suitable, among grains it is worth choosing soybeans, corn, oats, barley, as a source of protein meal, cake, yeast and bone meal are indispensable, and in the form of hay, birds are given soybeans, silage, alfalfa and forbs.

The form of feed supply is important. For example, grain should be fed in the form of derti, proteins should be ground into flour, vegetables and root vegetables should be offered cut into small pieces. If the main food is placed in one feeder, then gravel and pebbles must be poured into additional feeders.

Ostrich chicks begin to be fed only a week after they are born. During the first walk, the young animals should receive water and food - a mixture of pieces of alfalfa leaves no larger than 1 cm each and protein feed. Instead of alfalfa, it is permissible to use clover. As a source of protein, ostrich chicks need cottage cheese with a boiled egg mixed into it. Chicks that have reached the age of 1 - 3 months are advised to add 12% fiber and 18% protein to their feed. Kids enjoy nibbling grass in the summer and eating flour and silage in the fall. winter time. To be able to eat tough greens, ostrich chicks must receive small pebbles.

Video “How to keep ostriches at home”

From the video you will learn how to keep ostriches at home.

The ostrich is a feathered giant that looks like prehistoric animals. He is the largest flightless creature with wings on our planet. This is due to the fact that it does not have a keel in the sternum. However, someone born to run does not need to soar: he has powerful, strong legs and is an excellent runner. The weight of an adult can reach 150 kg and height - 250 cm. Many people wonder what ostriches eat? Despite its impressive size, this gigantic creature is a herbivore, although sometimes it can indulge itself in small amphibians or bugs.

Ostriches do not live in the most fertile corners of the Earth. They prefer to graze in savannas or prairies - places where you can not often find lush greenery or shrubs, which are the basis of their diet. In order to feed themselves and their offspring, they should make a lot of effort in finding suitable food.

​​​One unique feature helps ostriches cope with difficult climatic conditions in arid areas: they are able to exist for a long period of time without water. When there are not enough green bushes for food, they switch to feeding on seeds, twigs and roots, interrupting from time to time with small reptiles. Along with basic food, they swallow small pebbles contained in the soil, which contribute to better digestion of food.

During the day, this giant absorbs as much as 4 kg of food, but is absolutely not picky about food. drinking regime. Habit for a long time being content with a small amount of water led to the choice of a desert area as a habitat, in the vastness of which birds even nest.

On home farms, the diet of ostriches is more varied and nutritious:

  • all types of grains;
  • alfalfa;
  • clover;
  • corn silage;
  • nettle;
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • legumes.

Features of the digestive system

Birds of this species do not have a crop, and the intestines, on the contrary, are too long. These character traits The structures of the digestive system were not invented by nature by chance: they are “sharpened” for the processing of coarse fiber of plant origin. The cecum is especially elongated because the process of decomposition of plant fibers occurs in this place. The stomach looks like a fairly powerful organ with thick walls.

The function of the goiter is taken over by the proventriculus, in which food is temporarily collected. Then it passes into the stomach, in which small pebbles and sand are found in sufficient quantities, which have a beneficial effect on its grinding. The further path lies to the small intestine, which is about 5 m long, and passes into the 8-meter rectum, ending in the cloaca.

Diet of ostriches living on a farm or in a private household

The issue of ostrich nutrition is still under study, but many years of practice have proven that alfalfa is the best food for them. It is most quickly absorbed, which is probably why birds are ready to eat it all year round. In summer it is added to compound feed, and in the cold season it is offered in the form of hay

The specifics of feeding African birds kept in conditions not typical of their natural habitat depend, first of all, on the time of year: in summer it is much easier to provide them with high-quality food than in winter. Most of the time they graze and get their own food. The farm owner can only make the necessary adjustments to the feeding schedule, supplementing them with mixed feed or grains. Ostriches love grain crops in all possible variations: corn, oats, barley, etc.

In a saturated diet, it is advisable to diversify the menu with nutritious legumes, which will significantly increase the energy value of the feed. Feathered giants eat grass in all varieties. Nettle, clover and dandelions are very beneficial for their body.

Fattening young shoots deserves special mention. To feed young animals, the menu for adults should be diluted with all kinds of mineral baits that will promote their growth. Suitable for these purposes fish fat, chalk or bone meal. It is recommended to introduce these components into the diet of ostrich chicks starting from 72 hours of life. Until this time, nutrition is based solely on the residual yolk.

There are intensive, semi-intensive and extensive nutritional methods. These systems are still under development, but are already showing good results after being used in ostrich farms. When choosing a specific scheme, it is necessary to take into account the particular climatic conditions of the ostrich’s habitat, its age and physiological characteristics.

Intensive technique

When birds are free-range, they should be provided with a sufficient amount of hay and dispersed green feed, which must be mixed with grain-based food. One individual can consume up to 3 kg of this assortment.

The main component of the “lunch” should be in the form of rich, juicy grass-based food. Rapeseed, alfalfa or forbs are perfect for these purposes.

At the stage of the female’s readiness to lay eggs, the intensity of feeding is increased for the entire period of “motherhood”. If you suddenly make adjustments to the existing “culinary” regime or reduce the degree of saturation of the body with nutrients, the bird may stop laying.

Note! We should not forget about the need for sand and pebbles in the diet of ostriches: they must be constantly available.

Semi-intensive technique

This diet involves walking birds on pastures and abundant feeding with concentrated mixtures. If possible, birds should be provided with conditions reminiscent of their natural environment habitat, and feed them with food on a natural basis. It is very important that they themselves produce their own food in sufficient quantities.

During the laying stage, additional feeding should be provided to the birds. In winter, it is advisable to give ostriches 1 kg of feed, gradually raising this figure to 3 kg.

In addition, it is important to ensure the constant availability of dispersed green mixtures. When birds do not show much interest in the mating process, it is necessary to increase the intensity of feeding.

Extensive technique

Feeding costs according to this method are minimal: the bird independently obtains food. In order to apply this method, the owner of an ostrich farm will need a fenced large plot non-arable land on which birds can graze freely along with livestock. The only disadvantage of this system is its dependence on climatic conditions and natural characteristics. In the event of a dry period or, conversely, a prolonged rainy season, the pasture may turn out to be unsuitable for walking birds.

Feeding during laying period

The need to increase the saturation of the bird’s body with nutrients during egg laying differs between the female and the male. For example, in expectant mothers, due to the maturation of the shell, the need for calcium increases significantly. But for proud fathers, the presence of a large amount of this element in the diet can do a disservice: calcium will inhibit the absorption of a substance such as zinc, which is so necessary for the formation of sperm.

During this period, a separate feeding method is recommended. It is advisable to keep the male in an adjacent enclosure with the female, taking her to her territory every other day for mating. It is very important to ensure that the female is fed at the time of intercourse.

Feeding ostriches

Nutritious feeding and quality conditions contents are the main components that contribute to good survival of chicks. Newborn ostrich chicks do not need feeding from the first day of their birth: at first they exist at the expense of the yolk sac. Then you should constantly ensure that the feeders for the chicks are always full. Mature individuals can be fed twice a day, but babies should be given 24-hour access to food consisting of liquid mixtures High Quality based on concentrated feed and alfalfa, from which the stems have previously been removed.

This point is very important, since alfalfa stalks cause constipation in ostrich chicks.

Gradually, starting from the 16th week, food with a fiber content exceeding the previous norm should be introduced into the baby’s menu. Also, before this period, they are prohibited from grazing in meadows with alfalfa. In addition to food, for the first 4 months, babies happily eat chicken shells, limestone, carrots, small pebbles, apples, in short, everything they can find in the walking area.

It is recommended to make a slide of sand and crushed shell rock in the enclosure in order to improve the digestive processes of the young animals. It is also advisable to add B vitamins and biotin to the food. These elements are important for the good formation of a strong musculoskeletal system.

It is not advisable to keep mature individuals in the same enclosure with the younger generation. This ban is associated with the risk of infection.

Drinking regime

Feathered giants tolerate thirst with ease. However, if you provide them with a large amount drinking water, they will drink a lot, and with great pleasure. It is advisable to give them water at the same time as feeding. To maintain the number of chicks, it is very important to constantly add fresh water. In addition, drinking bowls must always be cleaned and comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. Recommended cleaning frequency is once a day.

Features of catering on ostrich farms

In order to organize a bird breeding business, it is important to understand how much elements they need for full development.

Accepted standards of nutrients

IndicatorsStarting diet typeFor young animalsFor an adult bird
Metabolic energy, kcal/g2540 2430 2485
Crude protein, %18 19 20
Crude fat, %4 4,25 4,40
Crude fiber, %8 10 10
Dehydrated fiber, %15 15 16
Calcium,%2 2 2,5
Phosphorus, %1 1 1
Lysine, %1 1 1,2
Methionine, %0,34 0,34 0,4
Cystine, %0,3 0,3 0,3

In the form of additional nutrition, you can feed the birds cake and meal. It is very important to give babies only soybean meal until they reach 12 weeks. Boiled potatoes and chopped vegetables will also have a good effect on their body. Under no circumstances should you feed parsley.

Annual food intake for birds

Taking into account the fact that the ostrich is a rather large and active creature, the space for its breeding should be quite large in terms of area. Beginning farmers should equip a pen and paddock for birds. A pig enclosure can be converted into a living area for birds. A pigsty is ideal for housing ostriches, but you need to ensure that the ceiling height is approximately 3 m. These African birds prefer to live together in families. As a rule, one male takes care of 4 females at the same time.

If desired, you can fence off the walking area from the “home” territory using metal mesh with slight cellularity. This is necessary so that a naturally curious bird does not have the opportunity to stick its head through the hole.

Popular questions when breeding ostriches

Beginning farmers who have decided to start a feather farm for the purpose of breeding birds will be interested in familiarizing themselves with the statistics that make the ostrich business so attractive.

How profitable is the ostrich business?

Ostrich meat is priceless because it is dietary. The amount of fat in it is extremely small, the cholesterol level is very low, and the protein content, on the contrary, is very high. Such positive meat characteristics allow this type of meat to top the lists of the most popular products. An important point is the rapid weight gain of poultry: in terms of the speed of weight gain, they will give a head start to any farm animal. One can also add to the list of undeniable advantages the fact that ostriches are quite unpretentious in feeding, with one adult producing up to 40 kg of pure meat.

The skin of this bird is in no way inferior in popularity to the skin of a crocodile or snake. It is used in the production of belts, shoes, bags, clothing, and about 1.5 square meters comes out of one mature bird. meters of leather.

Ostrich feathers are also widely used: in filling pillows, jewelry and all kinds of accessories, in the lining of down jackets and jackets, etc. With a standard haircut once every 8 months, you can get up to 2 kg of feathers from one adult.

Ostrich eggs are known throughout the world, although they are not very suitable for culinary use. But this product is of great value for farmers who want to start breeding birds. During one season, the female lays up to 50 eggs.

Tips for ostrich farmers

For the purpose of artificial breeding of ostrich chicks, it is necessary to use a double incubator. For the first 39 days, eggs should be kept in the main incubator. Afterwards they are placed for about 1 week in a brood incubator, which differs in conditions of detention: more low temperature and higher humidity.

The baby ostriches continue to live in it for about 3 days after hatching, then they are transferred to separate room in compliance with strict temperature regime- 25°C. Let on Fresh air the younger generation is possible if the air warms up to 18°C.

Video - How to keep ostriches at home

Due to the fact that ostriches gain weight very quickly when fed with relatively inexpensive food, and their meat has excellent taste, breeding birds of this breed is a very profitable investment with a quick return on investment. In addition, in addition to dietary meat, ostriches have beautiful plumage, which is widely used in industry. Despite the fact that these African birds come from warm, southern countries, thanks to their unpretentiousness, they take root well on our continent and give full-fledged offspring.
