Eggplant does not set fruit. Why is there no ovary on eggplants? Soil is an important factor

The lack of ovary on eggplants is a problem that many summer residents and gardeners face.

Indeed, it is very unpleasant when so much work and time has been spent growing plants and waiting for them to bloom, but there is no ovary on them.

Some attribute this to a lack of heat, some to the length of the day (eggplant is a short-day plant), and some to excess nitrogen in the soil.

Eggplants are really very fastidious plants and it can be difficult to get fruit from them. Why don't eggplants set and what to do if this happens on yours? summer cottage or in a greenhouse?

The most common reasons for the ovary not to appear are:

  1. Exceeding the temperature above 30˚С (it should be remembered that exceeding the air temperature by more than 30 – 32˚С makes the flower sterile);
  2. Irrational application of fertilizers (lack of boron, phosphorus or calcium or excess nitrogen);
  3. Rainy and cold weather (night temperatures should not fall below 15˚C);
  4. Lack of moisture - the plant is a moisture-loving plant, and if there is a lack of moisture, the ovary does not form;
  5. The soil. These plants will not produce good ovaries and bear fruit in heavy and acidic soil.
  6. Shading. In case of shortage sunlight the ovary falls off.

How to fix the problem

In order to eliminate the problem of the absence of ovaries, it is necessary to optimize all factors leading to disruption of their formation.

The use of boric acid for spraying plants has a fairly good effect. Boron, in addition to increasing the number of ovaries on eggplants, promotes better growth plants and improves the quality of vegetables.

To prepare the solution, use one to two grams of boric acid per ten liters of water.

Only hot water is used to dissolve boric acid. When preparing a solution for spraying, the powder is diluted in a liter very hot water, after which water at room temperature is added to it.

If there is excess nitrogen in the soil, its effect can be weakened by adding wood ash- 1 cup per 1 m2 of area, ash is used previously diluted with water.

Wood ash will also help deoxidize the soil. It should be remembered that fertilizers are applied to well-watered soil, and watered after application to prevent burns to the root system of the plant.

It is necessary to organize sufficient watering. You should only water warm water.

Watering the plants should be carried out within a radius of 35 centimeters around the bush, abundantly, but rarely - as needed. Watering is carried out early in the morning or in the evening.

Eggplant is a self-pollinating plant. And if eggplants bloom but do not set, you can help them using artificial methods.

  • It is sometimes recommended to gently shake the flower stalks - this technique will help increase pollination and save the pollen on the plants from drying out.
  • You can apply treatment with drugs that promote the formation of the ovary - “Bud” or “Epin”. Gibberellin contained in these drugs stimulates their formation.
  • If eggplants do not set in a greenhouse, the pollination process can be controlled by using a brush or simply gently tapping the plant.

In hot and sunny weather (30˚C and above), when grown in the ground, eggplant plants can be briefly shaded with branches, saving them from overheating; in greenhouses, ventilation can be organized.

With constant shading, the ovaries will also not appear, so it is recommended to tear off the leaves that shade the flowers.

How to prevent

The problem of the absence of ovaries on eggplants lies in the violation of agricultural techniques for cultivating the crop.

To prevent barren flowers on eggplants, you need to have a good knowledge of the biology of this crop. Eggplant is a light-loving, heat-loving and moisture-loving plant - you need to take this into account.

Eggplants cannot withstand sudden temperature changes. Optimal temperature regime for them 25 – 28˚С. At temperatures below 13˚C they begin to turn yellow and die.

Therefore, to prevent temperature changes, experienced gardeners prefer to grow this vegetable in a greenhouse.

To prevent problems with the formation of ovaries caused by unsuitable soil for the crop, you should immediately take care of its physicochemical properties.

Be sure to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in the fall. The crop prefers light, well-fertilized soils, so they must be made as suitable as possible for cultivating eggplants.

If the soil on the site is clay or loamy, the structure can be improved by adding sand, manure, peat and sawdust. For 1 m - 1 bucket of sand, 1 bucket of manure, 2 buckets of peat, half a bucket of sawdust.

First of all, it is necessary to follow the agricultural technology of the crop, which includes appropriate soil, fertilizers, planting seedling method, temperature conditions, watering, care necessary for this particular crop.

In addition, it is necessary to use zoned varieties.

  • The Almaz variety is zoned in many regions of Russia, and even in Siberia. The variety is mid-season, the yield reaches 6 kg/m2. Beginners in growing eggplants are recommended to start with this variety.
  • For growing in areas Middle zone The Banana variety is also intended for Russia, the Urals and Siberia - ultra-early ripening, yield up to 4 kg/m2.
  • Zoning for cultivation in open ground in the southern regions it has the variety “Epic (F 1)”, early date maturation.
  • In warm, southern climates, the “Black Beauty” variety grows well in open ground, and in areas with cold climates, these varieties are grown mainly in greenhouse conditions.

If the conditions in the eggplant cultivation zone are cold, with a short summer, then you need to choose early ripening varieties and it is better to grow them in a greenhouse.

When favorable weather conditions the choice of varieties is expanding significantly.

The range of eggplant varieties is very large. Their colors are also diverse, they are represented by both purple, blue, black, and white eggplant colors, as well as unusual red, striped, and orange colors of the fruit.

Taking into account the recommendations given, the cultivation of this crop in all its diversity should be successful.

Eggplants are tasty and healthy vegetables. They are always on sale in the supermarket, but what distinguishes an avid gardener from an ordinary buyer is the desire to grow vegetables on their own plot. Greenhouse eggplant can please you with a luxurious harvest, but if you do not adhere to the rules, disappointment cannot be avoided.

We solve the problem of lack of ovary depending on the cause

Eggplant is a capricious crop that loves warmth and light. Therefore, in cool areas, for example, such as the North-West region or the Non-Black Earth zone of Russia, the fastidious vegetable is best grown in greenhouses. Growing eggplant requires patience and care from the gardener. And how frustrating it can be when you try to follow all the rules of agricultural technology, but there is no harvest.

A real gardener would prefer to grow his own eggplant crop.

Very often in greenhouse conditions this problem occurs - the crop blooms very profusely, but the fruits do not set. What interferes with the process of crop formation?

  1. Temperature in the greenhouse during planting of seedlings. It is necessary to plant eggplant seedlings in protected soil when the temperature in it is not lower than 16°C. In a heated greenhouse there are no problems. But in an unheated room, difficulties may arise due to fluctuations in day and night temperatures. Therefore, seedlings should be planted in such a greenhouse at the end of May, when the threat of return frosts has completely passed.
  2. Temperature during flowering and ovary formation. In order for a crop to set fruit safely, it needs comfortable temperature- 25 – 28°С. If there is an increase in these indicators, pollen viability decreases. At 35°C it becomes completely sterile, and the plant can shed the formed ovaries. When the thermometer drops sharply to 8°C, you can also forget about a good harvest.

    In order for the eggplant to bloom normally and form ovaries, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime

  3. Watering. Eggplant is a crop that loves abundant watering. But overwatering and overdrying of the soil lead to shedding of flowers.. When moisturizing, use only warm water - about 25°C. The plant experiences shock from cold moisture, which can cause the ovaries to fall off.

    To heat water for watering eggplants, just place the bucket in a sunny place

  4. Humidity. High humidity environment(above 80%) has a detrimental effect on yield. Therefore, when watering, try to prevent moisture from getting on the leaves and flowers of the eggplant.
  5. Feeding. There is no way to do without fertilizer when growing eggplants. But excess nitrogen during seedling growth will lead to excessive growth of green mass to the detriment of fruiting.
  6. Neighborhood. Many sources advise growing eggplants in a separate greenhouse. But not everyone can afford this. Therefore, try to maintain crop rotation. Do not plant them after nightshades, tobacco and physalis. Cucumbers, legumes and cabbage are good predecessors. A wonderful neighbor to eggplant is bell pepper.

    Eggplant and pepper in one greenhouse - a great combination

  7. Pests. If the eggplants bloom well, the ovaries begin to appear, but then, suddenly you discover that the flowers and the ovary have fallen off, check the bushes for the presence of the Colorado potato beetle. This pest loves to nibble on the peduncle.

Nuances with which you can increase the formation of ovaries in a greenhouse

In addition to following the rules listed above, there are some other nuances that, if followed, will help you get good harvest.

  • choice of variety - for greenhouse cultivation, try to choose only hybrid varieties early and medium ripening;

    From the many varieties of eggplant, choose those that are suitable for greenhouses

  • before planting, be sure to check the seeds for germination and treat them;
  • prepare the soil - eggplant will not grow in acidic, heavy and infertile soils. Therefore, before planting you need to carry out preparatory work:
    • reduce acidity;
    • increase looseness by adding coarse sand or peat for digging;
    • increase nutritional value by adding balanced fertilizers to the soil, including nitrogen, boron, potassium, phosphorus, iron and manganese;
  • plant strong and hardened seedlings - weak plants usually drop flowers and ovaries. If this happens, you can increase the immunity of the eggplant by treating the bush with Epin Extra solution or Novosil;
  • increase the level of flowering and fruit set by spraying with one of the fruit formation stimulants - Ovary or Bud;

    To increase fruit formation, you can treat eggplant with a special preparation.

  • To reduce the temperature in the greenhouse and normalize the humidity level, it is necessary to carry out ventilation. But make sure that the eggplant is not in a draft;
  • despite the fact that eggplant is a self-pollinating plant, poor fruit set can be observed in the greenhouse due to the lack of normal movement air masses. To help the plant, carry out artificial pollination - to do this, lightly shake the flowering branches, then the pollen can move from one flower to another. You can also use a soft brush to transfer pollen;

    The eggplant flower is bisexual, that is, self-pollinating

  • Lighting is another factor influencing fruiting. In dense shade, the plant blooms late, and the fruit may not set at all. Eggplant is a plant of short daylight hours; for a normal level of ovary formation, 10–12 hours a day is enough for it.

So that the capricious eggplant blooms and bears fruit for a long time, create comfortable conditions for him. This is easy to do indoors. But if a problem arises, carefully analyze the situation and eliminate unfavorable factors.

Eggplant - An unusual vegetable that needs careful and regular care. If you do not follow the basic rules of care and cultivation, the plant will not bear fruit. Many people ask why eggplants don’t set in the garden and in the greenhouse? Let's look into this.

Reasons for the absence of ovary

  1. They don't like eggplants wet air, but have a very positive attitude towards wet soil.
  2. Planting seedlings in a greenhouse should be done when the temperature in it reaches more than 18 degrees.
  3. Many experienced vegetable growers recommend walking in the morning and shaking branches with flowers in order to spread pollen to other flowers.
  4. Also the reason for the lack of ovary is too high temperature above 32 degrees.
  5. Beware of the Colorado potato beetle and aphids, as they are dangerous pests and can negatively affect the development of the plant.
  6. Use only high-quality and proven seedlings. To get a good harvest, you always need to purchase only the best planting material. Ask friends or experienced salespeople for advice.

How to solve the problem of eggplants not setting

Vegetable growth

For seed germination and sprout development, the plant will need about 60 days. During this period, it is important to monitor the soil so that it is sufficiently warm, as well as air humidity. If the temperature is less than 16 degrees, then there is a high probability that the seeds will not have any effect. Ideal temperature It is generally accepted to be 23-28 degrees.

Excess nitrogen

If the soil contains a huge concentration of nitrogen, the vegetable will try to shed buds and flowers. Potassium and phosphorus, which must be added to the soil, can solve this problem. Also, many summer residents use ash, which helps plants cope with the abundance of nitrogen.

Improper watering

Some people are accustomed to watering eggplants according to the principle of watering peppers. This is wrong; eggplants need to be watered rarely, but abundantly. It is important that when watering the soil is moistened to a distance of 35-55 cm. Frequent watering is not recommended, as this may cause the absence of ovaries.

Feeding eggplants

After planting, wait a few weeks and give the plant its first feeding. This period is excellent, and the plant will quickly absorb all the necessary nutrients. If fruits have not yet been observed, then you can use complex mineral supplements containing microelements (about 2-3 tbsp per bucket of water).

If the plant begins to bear fruit, then nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers can be applied. It is also not recommended to use frequently organic fertilizers, it is best to alternate them with mineral ones.

  • Also on topic -

Not enough light

The plant needs sun, so try to choose a site that is not too shaded. In addition, it is important to take into account the fact that eggplants grow and will gradually take over required amount each other's light. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to form plantings using pruning shears.

Why the buds of peppers and eggplants fall off - video

A lot of effort was spent, but the harvest turned out to be meager - this is the most offensive situation for a gardener. Very often, vegetable growers complain about eggplants - it seems that the conditions for planting, watering, and fertilizing were met, the crop bloomed, but the fruits never appeared.

We should start with the fact that eggplant is a complex crop that bears fruit strictly under certain conditions. Perhaps the ones you create do not meet the needs of the plant, and if you left things to chance, then you should not be surprised at all that the plant does not bear fruit.

Why do eggplants bloom but not set?

The main reason for the absence of fruits in the presence of ovaries is non-compliance with growing conditions.

Among the possible errors

  1. Lack of fertilizer or incorrect application fertilizing The first time eggplants need to be fed with nitrogen a couple of weeks after transplantation, the second time - after the start of mass flowering. Add manure infusion when fruits begin to set. Helpful advice. Add about 100 grams of superphosphate to a bucket of organic matter. Teach that excess nitrogen is just as bad as its deficiency - in the first case, the formation of fruits slows down, in the second, plant growth.
  2. Lack of moisture in the soil. If you water your bushes rarely or in insufficient quantities, the soil may dry out and eggplant growth may slow down. What happens - the more water, the better? No, the crop also does not grow well in damp soil. To keep everything in order, water the plantings once a week or 10 days at the rate of 400 liters of water per 10 square meters. And keep in mind that the water must be warm - at least 20 degrees.
  3. Little light. Fruits will set only if the plantings are well lit. A little shading of the bushes - and that’s it, you can forget about a good harvest. It is recommended to additionally tear off the leaves covering the flowers, but do not get carried away too much - without foliage the plant will also not be able to develop normally.

Eggplants bloom and bear fruit strictly at a temperature of 20-28 degrees Celsius - if it is lower, the development of the plant is suspended, and if it is higher, the flowers fall off, so during frosts the plantings are covered. During periods of prolonged rain, it is recommended to spray the bushes with a solution of calcium nitrate.

The ovary is a reliable storage for the ovule, which after pollination turns into a fruit. To form an ovary, the plant must be in favorable conditions, for each variety they are different. But if you neglect the rules of agricultural technology, then there will be much less ovaries, and therefore fruits.

Reasons why there are no ovaries in the greenhouse and open ground

Let's look at why plants don't grow ovaries.

  • Temperature violation. Eggplant is a heat-loving plant, so it is predominantly grown. 25-27 degrees – optimal temperature for the growth and development of fruits. The plant does not tolerate cold, so if the temperature drops to 15 degrees while it is blooming, the process of ovary formation will be disrupted.

    And if the ovary has already formed, it will most likely dry out and fall off. When the temperature rises above 32 degrees, eggplants stop pollinating. This means that ovaries are also not formed.

  • Unsuitable soil. Eggplant is suitable for soil with good drainage and neutral acidity. The reason for the lack of ovaries is often the location of the greenhouse or bed on clay, podzolic soil. Also, their appearance is prevented by poor soil heating.
  • Incorrect watering. The plant requires regular, abundant watering; the soil should be moist but well-drained. Large eggplant leaves actively evaporate moisture, so watering should be regular. When moisture stagnates, oxygen access to the roots is disrupted.

    If the greenhouse is too humid, the wet heavy pollen will settle without reaching the pistil. Eggplant is a self-pollinating plant; ovaries will not form in a too humid greenhouse.

  • Excess nitrogen. Nitrogen is needed by the plant initial stages growing season, it is usually applied in early spring, but not during flowering. Excessive nitrogen content in the soil leads to rare flowering and absence of ovaries.
  • Excess pollen. Most eggplant varieties are self-pollinating. Although it is convenient, there are some disadvantages. If excess pollen is produced, it causes it to stick together and become heavier. Under the weight, the pollen settles without falling on the flower stalks of neighboring plants. Pollination will not occur.
  • Fertilizers. If it is incorrectly selected, as well as if it is not applied in a timely manner, a bush is actively formed. All efforts are spent on growing greenery, but the ovaries are almost not formed. Already formed ovaries can dry out and crumble. Applying too much fertilizer is also harmful to the plant. Excess substances gradually accumulate in the soil, and over time it can become toxic.

For proper development and fruiting, eggplant needs boron, phosphorus and calcium.

How to fix the problem?

If there are no or very few ovaries on the eggplants, you need to analyze the reasons and act based on them.

  1. It is necessary to water the eggplants early in the morning or in the evening with warm water so as not to cool root system. To prevent the soil around the plant from drying out, it is mulched with sawdust.
  2. Experienced gardeners advise periodically shaking the flower stalks to help the plant pollinate. Alternatively, you can use a brush and hand pollinate them.
  3. You can stimulate the appearance of ovaries by treating plants with special preparations: Bud or Epin. They contain a phytohormone that stimulates the growth and development of the plant. This method is good, but it is not sufficient; it is still important to follow the rules of agricultural technology.
  4. Loamy soil can be corrected by adding sawdust, peat, sand and manure.
  5. To eliminate boron deficiency, it is recommended to spray the bushes with a solution of boric acid. Boron not only affects the number of ovaries, but also the growth and quality of fruits.

    The solution is prepared at the rate of 2 grams of boric acid per 10 liters of water (mix boric acid very necessary hot water until completely dissolved).

  6. To reduce the acidity of the soil, ash, previously diluted with water, is added to it. At the rate of 1 cup of ash per square meter. Ash can be replaced with dolomite flour.
  7. If there is excess nitrogen in the soil, it is important to apply potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.

Why do the buds fall off?

Sometimes, even if all the rules of agricultural technology are followed, the buds of eggplants fall off. To help a plant that does not set fruit, you need to understand why this happens. There may be several reasons.

  1. Excess of zinc, copper and other elements.
  2. Spider mite infestation.
  3. Stress suffered by the plant - watering cold water, drafts.
  4. Lack of light and low temperature in a greenhouse, for example, due to prolonged rains.
  5. Excess nitrogen in the soil.


In order to get a good eggplant harvest, it is necessary to make efforts at all stages of the plant's growing season. The most important measures to prevent bud drop and to increase the number of ovaries:

  1. Pick off excess flowers, leaving 4-5 of the largest ones for the formation of ovaries, then all efforts will be directed only to their growth.
  2. Considering that the plant is self-pollinating, hand pollination must be carried out, especially in closed greenhouse conditions. For pollination, it is better to choose a newly bloomed flower. Also attract insects to the greenhouse, for example, place a saucer with sweet water in the greenhouse. You can tie eggplant shoots to a trellis, then a simple shake will be enough to spread the pollen to neighboring flowers.
  3. It is important to ensure that the plant is not harmed by insects such as aphids and spider mites. You can get rid of aphids by treating the bushes with an infusion of onion peels, garlic or mustard powder. From spider mite will help special drugs– Fitoverm, Apollo. We wrote more about diseases and pests.
  4. Maintain the temperature and do not forget to ventilate the greenhouse.
  5. Since eggplant light-loving plant, you need to make sure that he has enough light, and therefore in a timely manner. When ensuring distance between bushes so that they do not shade each other.
  6. Harvest on time, since fruits that are not removed from the branches take away the strength of the buds and interfere with the formation of new ovaries.
  7. Choose high-quality seeds, giving preference to zoned varieties (?).
  8. Do not plant eggplants in the same greenhouse as tomatoes and cucumbers, as these plants prefer completely different conditions.
  9. Maintain humidity in the greenhouse at 75-80% and avoid drafts.
  10. It is necessary to plant in a greenhouse only when the soil has warmed up well.