How to design an arch between the kitchen and living room. Arch in the interior - we divide the kitchen and living room between each other. Photo of beautiful arches between the kitchen and living room

IN last years Arches between the kitchen and the room are becoming fashionable. It is stylish, beautiful and functional: an arched opening allows you to make the room visually more spacious, adds light and air.

Many design solutions allow you to choose the right arch for any interior. In addition, the arch is easy to install yourself - a significant bonus for those who want to do the repairs themselves.

How to design an arch in the kitchen: highlights

When deciding to decorate a kitchen without a door, you need to remember that the arch must fit perfectly with the main design. Otherwise, it may seem ridiculous and ruin the impression of the design.

Much depends on the style of the room: it is better to choose wooden or plasterboard models with stucco.

At the same time for modern kitchen style or we recommend using plastic, stone or painted drywall.

  • If you are placing an arch between the kitchen and living room, make sure that the kitchen area has a powerful enough hood. Otherwise, the smells of cooking food will easily pass into the room.
  • For small rooms It’s better to limit yourself to a semi-arch with a minimum of decorative elements.
  • A decorative arch looks good in high rooms - if the ceilings are below three meters, it is still better to stick with a regular door.
  • If you are placing an arch between the kitchen and the hallway, think carefully about the lighting. Often for narrow corridor and kitchens are selected different types placement of lamps.
  • Make sure that the rooms connected by the arch are made in the same style - otherwise general form may look ridiculous.

Why are arches needed?

In addition to purely aesthetic properties, arches are often placed because of their functional features:

  • The arch serves additional source Sveta;
  • In small kitchens, where every square centimeter is valuable, decorative arch allows you to save precious space;
  • The arch prevents air from stagnating and allows you to quickly ventilate the kitchen;
  • In the studio apartment there is an arch - great way zone the premises without remodeling them;
  • Modern arches look very stylish, serving as a decorative element;
  • Even a typical layout using an arch looks unusual.

However, we should not forget about the disadvantages of arches: they allow odors and noise to pass through and require maintenance. perfect order in the kitchen area. Because of these shortcomings, opponents of arches argue that it is more convenient to install a regular door.

Which is better - a door or an arch?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the detailed table to draw your own conclusions.

VentilationThe arch prevents air from stagnating in the kitchen, but it does not prevent odors from spreading throughout the apartment.A tight door requires a good exhaust hood, but helps to completely avoid odors in other rooms.
Noise insulationIt does not control noise, so it is not suitable for apartments with children.A quality door can significantly reduce noise levels.
ErgonomicsThe arched opening does not take up space.The door frame takes up to 20 centimeters of usable space.
Operating restrictionsNot allowed in kitchens with gas stoves.There are no restrictions.
Visual propertiesMakes the room appear larger and taller.Depends on the model.

Important! To install the arch, be sure to completely remove the entire doorway. This means that you will face lengthy and “dirty” repair work.

As you can see, it is impossible to give a clear answer. It all depends on your preferences. Therefore, we advise you to carefully consider the moment of installing the arch and, if you decide that the pros outweigh the cons, move on to the next section.

Types of arches

An important aspect of the choice is the shape of the arch to the kitchen. It can either visually make the room more spacious or narrow it, ruining the entire design idea. Therefore, we recommend studying the popular types of arches so as not to make mistakes when designing.

The most popular type is the classic Romanesque, also known as semicircular arch. Thanks to its soft curve, it fits perfectly into the design of small spaces, for example, a kitchen combined with a corridor.

Another advantage is the ability to install the arch directly on the doorway, without dismantling it.

Wide Romanesque arches are ideal for studio apartments and spacious kitchens combined with living rooms.

Luchkovaya (English) arch with sharp corners at the base of the arc, it is more often used for wide openings. Its slightly irregular shape serves as an additional decorative element and looks great in large kitchens. See the photo for examples of such arches.

Semi-ellipse shape- a real find for those who want to place a small arch. It visually makes the opening wider and the room larger. It is good to place such arches in - the kitchen will seem much more spacious.

And here trapezoidal arch will not look good in a small kitchen - it needs space. Complex shape looks great in spacious rooms, but visually narrows small ones. Therefore, they are more often used in private homes.

Rectangular arches are perfect for kitchens in Khrushchev-era apartments - they look great in any size, and due to the simplicity of their shape they do not take up space.

How to decorate an arch in the kitchen

However, the correct form is not everything. Much depends on how you design the arched opening. What to make an arch from, how and what to decorate it with - these issues are best resolved at the design project stage. Let's look at the most popular materials for decorating kitchen arches.

More often modern designers use drywall. Inexpensive material, capable of taking on any shape and color - perfect solution for decorating interior arches. It is quite easy to install and lasts up to fifteen years.

One of the disadvantages of drywall is its low strength. However, the visual properties and low price compensate for this deficiency.

Less commonly installed arches made of stone or wood. Such designs are much more expensive and require special knowledge and experience. They look impressive, but they are not suitable for every apartment - unlikely masonry or an arch to the kitchen with bricks will look good in a small Khrushchev-era building.

Another fashionable material - plastic. It will cost more than drywall, but is much stronger and easier to maintain. Plastic arches are now used even in classic designs— Proper coloring allows you to disguise them as any material.

How to close the arch?

Even if you decide to combine a room or corridor with a kitchen using an arch, you may need to temporarily close it. In this case, you have several options.

The most popular are regular curtains. Choose the type that suits your interior. However, curtains are not very practical - the fabric absorbs odors and therefore requires constant washing.

Plastic or wooden blinds, vertical or horizontal, are more functional. Depending on their shape, they can visually make the room taller or wider, and when folded they are almost invisible.

An alternative option is roller or Roman blinds, which fold into a small compact roller and, if necessary, unfold.

A fashionable technique is glazing the arch. Sliding glass panels, if necessary, act as a door, closing the arch.

Advice! Such panels are suitable if you want to install an arch in the kitchen with gas stove. Nominally they can be considered a door.

How to make an arch yourself

One of the advantages arched openings— the ability to install the arch yourself, without resorting to the services of a specialist. We offer you step-by-step instructions that clearly explain how to make an arch instead of a door.

Important! If you are doing this for the first time, it is better to start working with plasterboard arches. Stone, wood and plastic are much more difficult to install.

First, decide on the form. If you are not confident in your abilities, choose a standard semicircular or rectangular arch.

You will need:

  • Screwdriver;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Hammer;
  • Hacksaw for metal;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Wooden ruler;
  • Pencil;
  • Engineering compass.

In addition, it is necessary to purchase materials in advance:

  • Plasterboard sheets are 12.5 millimeters thick. They will go to the frame of the arch;
  • A strip of arched plasterboard sheet for the end of the arch;
  • Metal profiles;
  • Self-tapping screws and dowels;
  • Primer and putty;
  • Finishing putty and, if necessary, paint.

Once you are sure you have everything you need, get to work. First, dismantle old door and box If you want to widen the opening, do it with a wall saw.

Important! The thickness of the walls must be at least 20 centimeters! Otherwise, the extension is not allowed.

  1. Proceed to fasten the arched frame. To do this, use a metal knife to divide the profile into three parts in the following ratio: 1 part should be equal to the width of the opening, two parts should be equal to the height of the planned arch.
  2. We fix the longest profile at the highest point of the niche, the rest - along the walls. We install the frame on the other side of the arch in the same way.
  3. Mount profiles with an indentation equal to the thickness plasterboard sheet. The fastening step is 10-12 centimeters.
  4. Make a template of your arch on whatman paper. Use an engineer's compass for rounded shapes. Cut out the template, then cut the drywall according to it.
  5. Important: Make sure that all parts are symmetrical, otherwise the arch will turn out uneven.
  6. Use a jigsaw or hacksaw to cut drywall.
  7. Proceed directly to installation. Using self-tapping screws, install the elements of your future arch, regularly checking whether they are symmetrical in level. If at any moment you notice an error, straighten the arch.
  8. Make the base for the end from the profiles. Measure the required length (taking into account the bend!), and then cut the sides of the profile at intervals of 2-5 centimeters, depending on the desired level of bend.
  9. Carefully cut out the end strip required sizes. Fasten it to the profiles, gradually giving the desired bend.
  10. Your arch is almost ready! All you need to do is level it and putty it. If you wish, you can paint or decorate the arch at your discretion.

How to make an arch in the kitchen with your own hands (video)

Video from step by step instructions How to make a plasterboard arch with your own hands.

Arch to the kitchen (real photo examples)

Redevelopment or reconstruction, in one way or another to refresh the situation. Of course, the interior of an apartment or household primarily depends on the layout, location, size, shape of rooms and auxiliary premises. And only then comes finishing, furnishing, decorating and filling the interior with accessories.

In this publication we would like to introduce you to the possible use of such architectural element, like an arch, within the kitchen space or rooms adjacent to it. Doorways in the form of arches are always simple, but effective method decorate the room, give it elegance, lightness and uniqueness. If we talk about making doorways in the form of arches, then this simple way It’s quite possible to decorate a room yourself; if you don’t have construction skills, you can turn to specialists; such work won’t take much time and won’t ruin your budget.

There are a considerable number of types of arch designs and methods of finishing them. Therefore, choosing an option that will look advantageous in your interior is not difficult, but very pleasant. Let's consider the most common types of arches, their shapes, which are used depending on the stylistic orientation of the room.

Arch types:

  • classic - when installing them, an arc of the same radius is used;
  • modern - the shape of the arch is more elongated, close to ellipsoidal;
  • Gothic - in the manufacture of such arches highest point formed by planes connecting at a slight angle;
  • romantic - when installing them, more complex design, which combines both straight and rounded elements.

Arched kitchen doorway

Even intuitively, we associate an arched passage with some kind of gate from one room to another, and this is reflected in our perception of the interior of the room as a whole. Design features premises influence the whole appearance room, perception of its decoration, arrangement of furniture and decorative items.

Last time technical progress reached so much high level in production kitchen hoods that the door to the kitchen has become less necessary than even 10 years ago. On the scale of standard city apartments and even more so “Khrushchev” - even a nuisance, taking up space that is already not enough in the kitchen. In this regard, homeowners often face the question of possible redevelopment entrance to the kitchen or dining room. After all, installing the arch in doorway, it can be significantly increased and expanded.

IN country houses and in urban private households with reconstruction, things are simpler. Firstly, many homeowners initially decide to use arches in their interiors and, depending on this decision, plan internal structures. If the idea of ​​​​installing an arch arose in a finished room, to refresh the atmosphere, for example, in a private house, this will not be difficult to implement quickly and without any particular losses for the entire home in general and the kitchen in particular.

Before you start planning the installation of the arch, you need to find out what material the walls are made of (if we are talking about apartment building) in your home. This question is often not relevant for small-sized apartments and “Khrushchev” buildings - there it will not be difficult to reorganize the kitchen doorway. But in panel houses you may encounter difficulties - reinforced concrete structures can put their plans into action.

As a rule, arches are made of plasterboard - this is a fairly practical, inexpensive and reliable building material that has already proven itself well. If you plan to completely change the shape of the opening and possibly expand the space of its walls, you can equip niches in the arch that will be used both as decorative items and as storage systems. Such a design solution will not only diversify the interior, but also personalize it and make it unique.

The design of the passage in the form of an arch immediately gives the room a touch of nobility and aristocracy. And if you decorate the doorway with the help of moldings and milled pilasters, decorated with lighting, just like a luxurious kitchen island unusual shape, then a harmonious atmosphere of wealth and comfort is guaranteed to you.

Facing a kitchen arch with wooden elements will look very organic in the kitchen, while a storage system made from the same type of wood is made from kitchen cabinets and finishing elements (plinths and cornices).

If in a kitchen or dining room it is possible to create not one, but two or three arched openings of the same shape, then the result is an incredibly harmonious room filled with smooth lines and original geometry.

In some design projects for kitchens connected to dining rooms or living rooms, arches play an exclusively decorative role, without enclosing the space, without affecting the size of the doorway or entrance to the room, but fulfilling the zoning mission.

Arch at the entrance to the kitchen, lined with stone

Perhaps the point is in the historical origin of such an architectural element as the arch, in the fact that many designers and homeowners associate it with country life, which means using natural materials in finishing. IN modern design projects In kitchens for country households, you can often find stone cladding of the arch or even a structure made from this durable, natural material.

Light stone to decorate the arched entrance to the kitchen, the use of the same material to decorate the space above the stove and camouflage the hood, classic furniture, stone countertops and wrought iron lamps - and your country mansion will have an atmosphere of luxury and comfort with a slight touch of ancient charm.

In this kitchen, not only the spacious entrance is made in the form of an arch, but also the space above the stove where the hood is located. The harmonious union of country styles, classicism and baroque within the kitchen-dining room created a truly interesting, comfortable and unique interior.

For the kitchen interior there will be harmonious combination the use of the same material, or at least similar, for cladding the arch and the material used to make the countertops color palette. Especially if the stonework or part of it is no longer reflected in the furnishings of the kitchen space.

Of course, the arched passage into the kitchen expands the space, making it more monumental and impressive. And if the arch is lined with stone, then the interior becomes similar to the premises of a medieval castle, in the decoration of which exclusively natural materials were used, which these days is equated with luxury and wealth.

We also include brickwork as stone finishing. Although it does not consist of natural materials, it produces an equally brutal impression and perfectly dilutes the classic decor of a kitchen space with a contrasting color palette.

Arches and columns

If you plan to install several arches at the entrance to the kitchen or dining room, then supports are needed to support them; they can be columns of any shape and configuration.

The snow-white design of the arched passages to the kitchen, supported by cubic columns, became an interesting touch in a very traditional interior.

On both sides of the doorway leading from the kitchen to the dining room, two hollow columns were made, in the depths of which spacious storage systems were located.

In this classic kitchen with Baroque elements, arches are present in all aspects of the interior - not only the passages are made in the form of arches, but also niches in the walls, the upper parts of the kitchen cabinets. The resulting room with a luxurious appearance literally beckons with its charm, wealth and comfort. And this happens, among other things, thanks to the arched elements of the interior.

Made from natural stone arches and columns can be a highlight country interior kitchen or dining room, where if not in the center of the family hearth, in the very common room show the country style that country life gravitates towards.

Kitchen-castle. This is how we can briefly describe this unique cuisine with stone walls, arches and columns. Spacious room with high ceilings can afford not only stone finishing, but also dark wooden beams on the ceiling, forged lamps hanging from the ceiling on chains - everything to create an extraordinary atmosphere of a primitive, but at the same time technologically filled interior.

Doors, windows and more

In addition to the entrance to the kitchen, there are many structural elements and interior items that can be designed in the form of an arch. Arched windows look luxurious and give the interior a special charm. Doors with an arch in the upper part give the premises a touch of antiquity and the mystery of medieval dwellings. Decorating the space above work area kitchens in the form of an arch, you bring into the atmosphere traditional cuisine a little variety, unexpected elegance, smooth lines and shapes.

Built-in wardrobe systems with arched solid wood doors are certainly the highlight of this original cuisine. The theme of arches was supported by the design of the space above the stove. Part of the hood is hidden behind the arch. Even in the elements pendant lamps as street lamps arched decor was used.

A window in the shape of an arch is interesting in itself and can diversify any, even the most trivial, interior, and if presented in the appropriate decoration, the room will be unique, interesting, and attractive.

Decorating the arched space above the stove with light stone and dark grout brings a country element to this eclectic kitchen-diner. Despite the many interesting items decor, the arch in this room comes to the fore as a decoration of the hearth, which is represented by the kitchen stove.

Small arched elements in this kitchen are present in doorways, above work areas and windows. Despite the fact that the arches in this classic kitchen are not striking, they certainly transformed the interior and decorated it.

Arched door, window openings and niches made using brickwork, colored in White color, became the focal point in this country-style kitchen. The arches look great against the background of snow-white brick wooden elements finishing and furnishings.

Dix https://www..png Dix 2015-04-08 10:01:25 2015-05-04 17:23:59 Kitchens with an arch – practical elegance

Have you ever noticed that coordinated renovation is not only quality materials and their installation is harmony even in the most ordinary little things. We've completed a kitchen renovation, but what about the door and the entrance in general? You can, of course, install ordinary doors, strictly designing the opening, or you can be more creative. For example, profitable solution there could be an arch to the kitchen instead of a door. Other skeptics may say that there is literally nothing good in such a decision, but let's look at it from all sides, deciding whether a kitchen with an arch is needed, and how to make the interior not only beautiful, but also practical.


First, you should look at what materials can be used for arches, and then look at the design of a kitchen with an arch, having decided on the types of structures themselves. After all, it only seems so that an arch is the design of a portal with a certain geometric shape. So, don't forget that we have a kitchen and a living room. That is, not quite an ordinary room, which means standard solutions it can't be here.

Firstly, the arch will not standard size, 60-80 cm wide, but like a spacious vault that emphasizes the foldability of the kitchen and living room, while delimiting them into certain zones. In general, in most of these layouts there is no corridor. This is practically a combined space with the difference that it has two places: for cooking and for relaxing. Photos of arches for the kitchen show all the variety of options for any size room.

Secondly, the materials used must be suitable for their intended purpose and be safe. Therefore, regarding designs, consider options from:

  • plastic;
  • drywall;
  • tree.


And first, let's look at the PVC options. In general, these are ready-made boxes, designs that come the right size and attach quite simply. However, PVC arches mostly have standard shapes and sizes, so you won’t be able to get too creative with the design here. But you can save a lot, because PVC is the most cheap option, which at making the right choice the colors can be quite pretty.


By the way, it must be said that you can design an arch not only with the help of ready-made structures. If the opening is non-standard, drywall can be used well. This design is universal: suitable for the construction of the most non-standard forms at. It can be effective not only when zoning a kitchen with a living room, but also with a corridor, hallway, hall or other room. After all, you can choose the optimal solution.

Drywall is attached to a pre-prepared metal frame. After this, the surface is puttied and painted. Therefore, you can get not only the desired shape, but also the color and coating. After all, instead of paint, you can use wallpaper, for example - it all depends on the choice finishing material for other surfaces of the room.


Wood is also an excellent material for constructing an arch in the kitchen and living room. You can look at the examples in the photo to see how attractive the result is. This creates a certain atmosphere that gives comfort and good mood. We must not forget that this natural material has a pleasant aroma that has a positive effect on humans.

The construction market offers many ready-made options wooden arches. It is enough to select a model by type and size, and then put a little effort into installation. Wood is a very malleable material, so securing such a structure will not be difficult. All that remains is to think about how to refine the joints between arched element and the opening. You can use a wooden frame.

If ready-made solutions are not satisfied, you can make your own structure out of wood, showing creativity and skillful use of tools. You can use not only solid wood, but also plywood. Here it is important to immediately draw a schematic diagram of what should happen as a result. Based on such a scheme, you can act. When the structure is ready, it will be enough to open it with varnish or paint and then secure it. It is better, of course, to use varnish - you will be more impressed by the presence of wood in the house. A living room kitchen with an arch of this type will look special.


Another classification of arches can be given:

  • symmetrical;
  • asymmetrical.

If earlier the former were more popular, now you can often find kitchen arches in photos of more non-standard shapes. Typically, curved lines are used. After all, at one time designs in the form of a semicircle were popular. Then, often now, they began to use portal arches: rectangular-shaped structures.

Arches have long become one of the most popular design elements, successfully combining decorative components and convenience. Thanks to the arched opening, the room visually expands, even if it is modest, small apartment. In studios, they help to separate the kitchen area from the general space without bulky, heavy ceilings.

The popularity of this universal frame is also facilitated by its accessibility; it is not necessary to hire a team of craftsmen and install an expensive structure. You can improve the interior yourself; the arch between the kitchen and living room will become the highlight of the apartment, and will cost a reasonable amount.

Variety of arched openings

Arches are one of the oldest architectural solutions, which has remained relevant for thousands of years. They go well with different styles and can combine spaces that are different in functionality and design. Most in demand in modern interior The following types of arches are considered.

  • Classic– with a smooth arch, the opening is framed by platbands, without accentuating elements.
  • Curly– interesting shape, with an emphasis on finishing.

Classic arches usually mark the partitions between the kitchen and the room, the kitchen and the hallway. Such an opening looks better than the standard one, and is made from cheap, easy-to-work materials - plasterboard, plywood or MDF. A symmetrical, oval arch between the kitchen and living room or in the form of an ellipse, there are a lot of options, just a little imagination is enough to enliven the most boring environment.

Figured arches more often found in luxury mansions or apartments with a substantial area. They are designed to emphasize the status of the owner and draw attention to the decor. They are used to decorate transitions to the dining room, large hall, and huge hallway. Naturally, such luxuries are assembled from expensive wood and decorated with stained glass windows and lighting.

Openings decorated with arches

Fashion trends tend to appear quickly and also quickly be replaced by new trends. There is no point in trying to keep up with extravagant ideas if you cannot renovate yourself every season. In this regard, arches win, they are always relevant, look amazing and perform several tasks at once.

  • They zone the room - they separate spaces with different functions, in studio apartments, this is just a godsend.
  • They increase the useful area - the absence of a door allows you to more actively use the desired meters.
  • They decorate – interestingly decorated arches become an additional decorative element.
  • Individualize - with the help of arches you can really change it beyond recognition standard layout, turning the dull “Khrushcheba” into luxurious apartments. The main thing is when you touch load-bearing wall, get a permit first, otherwise you will have to pay a hefty fine and return the laboriously hollowed out bricks to their original place.

Perhaps only bedrooms and bathrooms should be closed with doors for privacy, but for other openings arches are quite enough.

From the kitchen to the living room

The arch between the kitchen and the living room helps to connect two rooms that are completely different in purpose, erasing sharp boundaries. In typical one-room apartments, the doorway connecting the corridor with the hall is often moved to the kitchen. And in order not to take up space, which is already sorely lacking, an arch is made instead of a door. This move helps to move away from the standards and transforms both zones. An arch between the room and the kitchen is also very convenient - you can talk with household members without raising your voice, the distances traveled per day are reduced, and table setting in the hall for holidays is simplified. And it’s easier to control the kids, both what they watch on TV and when they interfere where they shouldn’t.

If the arch between the kitchen and the room is wide, the design of both rooms should coincide in direction and color scheme. Otherwise, there will be dissonance and instead of joy for the eyes, there will be a reminder of the mistake. A narrow opening is simpler in this regard, so before choosing an arch model, it is worth deciding on the possibilities in terms of furnishings.

Of course, arches fancy shapes They look more interesting than symmetrical ones, but they are more difficult to execute. In addition, not every interior is compatible with such bells and whistles. Having focused on individuality and uniqueness, do not forget about the rest of the design; the arch should fit organically into it, and not become an eyesore.

From the kitchen to the hallway

The arches between the kitchen and the hallway are more functional than decorative, although they undoubtedly add a certain elegance to the hallway. Replacing a door with an arched opening frees up space above the wall where you can place a beautiful painting, panel, photograph, or hang a shelf. In addition, the hallway becomes lighter and appears larger, which increases the options for using finishing materials.

The easiest way is to make it from the kitchen to the corridor arch - portal. At the same time, it remains rectangular shape, only ordinary platbands are replaced with relief ones and the top one should be wider and more massive than the side ones. In fact, a portal arch is an ordinary doorway, only beautifully finished and with an emphasis on the top.

We do it ourselves - a classic plasterboard arch

One of the most versatile and popular building materials, this is drywall. No one can do without him modern renovation, so the easiest and cheapest way to make an arch is from plasterboard. The frame is made of metal profiles, self-tapping screws are used as fasteners, parts are cut out using ordinary construction knife or a jigsaw, if available. You can also use a sharp, thin hacksaw for cutting.

Which drywall to use depends on the functionality of the arch; when it is purely decorative and does not imply the presence of shelves or lighting, you should choose a lightweight ceiling sheet. For an arch combined with lighting fixtures or complex decorative elements, dense is more suitable, wall material. Fasteners for profiles are chosen based on the quality of the walls; sometimes dowels or longer screws may be needed.

On the top and sides of the opening, load-bearing profiles are attached in parallel (on each side); the distance from the edge should take into account the width of the sheet so that the drywall does not protrude beyond the wall. If you decide to make an arch on finished walls, take into account the thickness of the finishing layer (reinforcement, putty). The length of the sidewalls depends on the dimensions of the sheet in which the arch will be cut. Some people advise using a whole profile, cutting it and bending it at the corners, but this is difficult. It is much easier to cut pieces of the required length and screw them around the perimeter.

Using a compass, stencil or other available means, the outline of the side parts of the arch arch is drawn on the sheet and cut out. The sidewalls are mounted to the profile with a screwdriver, the distance between the screws is about 10 cm. If you use the usual plastic threshold, it’s actually possible to draw a perfectly even, symmetrical arc. It is enough to use a tape measure to find the center of the sheet and apply the threshold to the corners. Gradually moving the resulting arc, it is brought to the central point and the border is drawn with a marker or knife.

For the frame under the end part, the measured profile is carefully cut at an equal distance, this allows it to be bent and screwed to the sidewalls. If the opening is wide, it is worth making several lintels from the same profile so that the sheet does not sag over time under the weight of the finishing layer. Self-tapping screws must be screwed at right angles into the middle of the sheet. The edge of the profile and the drywall must match perfectly, otherwise you will have to tinker with putty.

The end part of the arch is cut according to measurements in the form of a rectangular strip; it should close the arched opening without going beyond the boundaries of the sidewalls. To bend a part, you can cut it along the wrong side without touching the outer paper part. Or you can use a needle roller: the workpiece is moistened and rolled; it is best to use a spray bottle. Wet drywall becomes flexible and takes the desired shape when it sits for a while. Mount the end on self-tapping screws, retreating 10 or 15 cm. To ensure that the heads do not interfere with the finishing process, the screws need to be slightly twisted, but not too deeply. This will reduce the finishing layer and simplify the work.

When you plan to cover the arch with plastic platbands in the future, it is enough to reinforce the surface (primer, putty layer, fiberglass mesh, finishing layer putties). Before other types of finishing it is worth using a special plastic corner– it takes any shape and protects the edges from damage. A corner is also necessary if you plan to cover the arched opening with tiles, plasterboard or decorative bricks.

A little imagination, more patience and attention, a standard set of tools and available materials. Not so much, but the result is an arch that will become a decoration of the house and a source of pride for the handy owner. Decorative, functional, always in fashion - arches for all times and occasions.


Nowadays, many people are looking to decorate their living rooms.

There are a huge number of different ways to do this. Now we will talk about one of them.

Arches in the interior of living rooms have become commonplace. They are great for small apartments to visually increase space.

They are also a great eye-catcher, because arches are a very beautiful and successful solution for your living room.

Manufacturers are currently producing more quantity types of this decorative element, which will allow you to choose perfect option that suits your interior.

Types of arches

When we talk about arches, many people imagine a traditional bend, which helps to divide the apartment into several zones.

But modern manufacturers decided to add uniqueness to this decorative element. Now you can choose the most arches various forms. Here are some of them:

Classic or Roman arches. The oldest and most popular form. It is a semicircle, the diameter of which is equal to the width of the doorway.

Great for large living rooms that have high ceilings.

Modern arches. They are an elongated semicircle. Ideal for small living rooms and making them feel more spacious.

Slavic arches. They are a rectangle with smoothed corners.

Eastern arches. They are something like a dome.

Not suitable for every living room interior. Choose this option with caution.

Arches in the shape of a trapezoid. Characterized by specially beveled corners.

Arches in the form of a portal. They are ordinary rectangles or squares. Perfect for a wide range of interiors.

Arches in the shape of different figures. This opens up real scope for the creativity of designers.

The most incredible shapes are created that can complement the look of your living room.

Manufacturers can produce the most different shapes arches, but remember that when choosing you need to rely on your own feelings.

The arch should suit your interior, otherwise you may simply change the appearance of your living room for the worse.

What are arches for?

Arches not only complement the interior of your living room, but can also perform several tasks:

  • They visually divide the apartment into several zones. Doors perform the same task, but arches are a more unique option.
  • Arches visually correct some of the imperfections in your living room. For example, they can hide the problem of low ceilings.
  • They do not, like doors, reduce the space of the living room.
  • Arches add some personality to your apartment.

We can draw a small conclusion from this: arches are excellent substitutes for doors.

What are arches made of?

Many people believe that the material from which the arch is made does not matter at all. But that's not true.

In some cases, it plays an important role, and sometimes it can contribute to the final design of the arch without additional elements.

Arches can be made from certain materials:

  • Drywall. Very cheap and popular material. It allows you to create arches of various shapes. But it does not tolerate moisture well, which makes it a completely imperfect material.
  • Bricks or stones. Typically, arches are made to order from this material. They are characterized by very heavy weight and do not require additional registration.
  • Tree. Beautiful, but not the most popular material. It might cost a lot of money.
  • Plastic. Arches made from it are easy to make and cheap. But this material itself is completely fragile.
  • Metal. Arches made from it are heavy and expensive.

If you need simple and high-quality arches, then you should choose arches made of plasterboard or plastic. They are quite practical and easy to design.

A short summary

Arches are an excellent replacement for doors. Visually, they do not reduce space, but on the contrary, they can add it.

They can also hide minor imperfections in your living room layout.

If you decide to make an arch at home, then choose it using your personal preferences and then you will get the most successful result.

Photo of arches in the living room interior
