10 spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns. Handbook of Russian Language

Spelling case endings of nouns

The spelling of the endings of nouns depends on what type of declension they belong to. Errors in choosing endings -e or - And usually appear not in all case forms, but only in the forms of three cases: genitive, dative and prepositional.

Nouns I declination(country, land, alley) in genitive forms have the ending -s(s), and in the dative and prepositional forms -e:

Genus. n. (who? what?) countries earth alleys

Dat. n. (to whom? what?) country earth alley

Suggestion n. (about whom? about what?) (about) country (about) land (about) alley

Nouns of the 2nd declension in the form of the prepositional case they have an ending -e: (in) the house, (on) the horse, (on) the window, (about) the heat, (in) the frost. There are usually no mistakes made here.

Nouns III declination(steppe, night, quiet) in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases have the ending -And:

Genus. n. (who? what?) steppes nights silence

Dat. n. (to whom? what?) steppes nights silence

Suggestion p. (about whom? about what?) (about) steppe (about) night (in) silence

Recommendation. To check the spelling of an unstressed ending in a noun, it is enough to remember the keyword with a stressed ending in the same form (according to the morphological principle of Russian spelling). For the first declension this could be the word Earth, for II - window, for III - steppe.

Indeclinable nouns

Word path, as well as ten nouns in -me (banner, flame, tribe, stirrup, etc.) are indeclinable and in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases they have the ending -And:

Genus. n. (who? what?) pathbannerflame

Dat. n. (to whom? what?) paths of the banner of the flame

Suggestion p. (about whom? about what?) (in) the way (on) the banner (in) the tribe

Case forms of nouns ending in -i, -i, -i

1. Nouns with a mixed masculine and neuter stem -th And -ies in the prepositional case female on -and I in dative and prepositional cases singular have an unstressed ending -And(but not -e By general rule), For example:
genius - about genius, sodium - about sodium, radium - about radium, Vasily - about Vasily, Yuri - about Yuri;
separation - in the department, return - upon return, assistance - with assistance;
army - to the army, about the army, line - along the line, on the line, station - to the station, at the station; Bulgaria – in Bulgaria, in Bulgaria; Maria - to Maria, about Maria

Note. If there are options for -ies And -ye, -and I And -ya the indicated case forms have different endings. Nouns on –ya And -ye are declined according to the general rule and have an ending in the dative and prepositional cases -e:
about skill - about skill, in flowering - in flowering, about verbosity - about verbosity, about Natalia - about Natalya, to Maria - to Marya.

2. Few nouns in -ii, -ii with a monosyllabic base have the ending in the indicated cases in an unstressed position as a general rule -e: serpent - about the serpent, ky - about kiy, Kiy (the legendary founder of Kyiv) - about Kiy, chiy (plant) - about chiy, "Viy" - in "Bue", Pius - about Pius, under Pope Pius; Biya (river) - along Biya, on Biya; Iya, Liya, Viya ( female names) – to Ie, about Leah, about Bie; Gia ( male name) – to Gia, about Gia. (§ 40 Code of Regulations 1956)

3. Few nouns have - no, -and I, with an accent on the ending, the indicated case forms end in - And on either - e, eg: judge - to the judge, about the judge, litia - in litia-, litany - in litany, being - about being, life - about life, in life, but: edge - on the edge, about the edge, Aliya, Zulfiya (personal names) - about Aliya, to Zulfiya.

Vowels in some unstressed case endings

Nouns with suffix -searching-, if they are masculine or neuter, they end in them. pad. units hours on -e , For example: house, camel, fishing rod, swamp. If they are feminine, then they end in them. pad. units hours on -A , For example: cows, hands, dirt.

Masculine nouns with suffixes -yushk-, -yushk-, ishk-, yushk- , denoting animate objects, as well as all feminine nouns with the same suffixes end in them. pad. units hours on -A , For example: grandfather, father, boy, old man, little man, nightingale, nanny, little hand.

Masculine nouns denoting inanimate objects, as well as all neuter nouns, have them in them. pad. units h. after these suffixes the ending -O , For example: bread, little yard, feather, coat.

At the end of them. pad. units h. animate nouns masculine after suffixes -To- And -l- is written A , For example: reveler, started singing, was big, ate; colloquial ones are also written proper names type Gavrila, Kirila, Mikhaila(used along with Gabriel, Kirill, Mikhail).

The exception is Old Russian and Ukrainian names and surnames in -ko , For example: Mikhalko, Shevchenko, as well as ancient and regional proper names on -lo , For example: Yarilo, Mikhailo Lomonosov.

In the family pad. plural hours from nouns ending in singular. h. on unstruck -ya And -ye , written -th , and from nouns ending in -ya And -ye under stress, written -to her , For example: shalunya - naughty, gorge - gorge, But: bench - bench, gun - gun.

Declension of proper names

In surnames on -in (-yn) and on -ov(s) is written in the creative work. pad. units h. -th (according to the declension of adjectives), for example: Pavel Lisitsyn – Pavel Lisitsyn, Ivan Turgenev – Ivan Turgenev.

Note. In foreign surnames -in And -s is written in the creative work. pad. units h. -om (according to the declension of nouns), for example: Green - Green, Darwin - Darwin, Bülow - Bülow.

In titles settlements on -in (-yn), -ov (-ev), -ino (-yno), -ovo (-evo) is written in the creative work. pad. units h. -ohm , For example:

the city of Pskov - the city of Pskov
city ​​of Lviv – city of Lviv
the city of Saratov - the city of Saratov
the city of Kanev - the city of Kanev
the city of Kalinin - the city of Kalinin
the city of Kirov - the city of Kirov
Maryino village - Maryino village
the village of Lisitsyno - the village of Lisitsyn
village Kryukovo - village Kryukovo

Subject : Spelling unstressed case endings nouns.

Target : 1. practice the ability to correctly write unstressed case endings of nouns;

2.develop attention, memory, speech, thinking, spelling vigilance;

3. cultivate accuracy, patience, curiosity, healthy image life.

Formed UUD:

Cognitive: independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal; semantic reading; analysis, comparison, classification of objects according to selected characteristics; synthesis; building a logical chain of reasoning; proof;

Communicative:proactive collaboration with the teacher and peers; control, correction, assessment of the partner’s actions;

Regulatory: setting a learning task; comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard; assessing the quality and level of material conditions;

Personal: moral and ethical assessment of the acquired content, ensuring personal moral choice based on social and personal values.

Equipment : presentation, presentation-simulator.

During the classes.


I'm starting the lesson.

It will be useful for the guys.

Try to understand everything

To write correctly.

So, what is the purpose of all our Russian lessons?2. Emotional mood.

Guys, what do you expect from the lesson? (Learn something new, interesting)

And I expect competent answers from you and activity in the lesson.

2.Work on the topic.

1) A minute of penmanship. Self-determination for activity.

Guess the riddle.

Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

His days are the shortest of all days,

Of all nights longer than night.

To the fields and meadows

It snowed until spring.

Only our month will pass,

We are meeting New Year. (December) Slide 2

What is typical for December? (Frost, snow, cold)

How can you explain the word "December"?

Write the first letter of this word.

Dd dya du de – 1 line

I rode along a narrow path across a wide square to the square. And then at a small river I was riding on a sheep _. Slide 3

Copy and insert missing letters.


In which part of the word will we solve spelling problems?

Who will tell you the algorithm for spelling case endings of nouns?

Methods for checking unstressed case endings of nouns.

According to the key words:

1st declension – game

2nd declension – Kolobok

3rd declension – steppe

According to the ending table: Slide 4

1 cl.

2 cl.

3 cl.


Y, -i

And I


U, -yu


So what are we going to learn in class today?

Formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson. Slide 1

2) An exercise in spelling unstressed case endings of nouns.

*With comments at the board.

Across the river, along the street, in a house, in the oven, without sweets, at dawn.

3) Game “Make no mistake.” (Work in pairs)

Errors need to be corrected.

Notebook without cover, drawing on fabric e , grew up in greenhouses s , bouquet of bird cherry, walks without shoes, handed out a handful, film about swan and , seam on the dress and , caring for a brother, a gift for a mother, according to the laws of honor and conscience e. Slide 5

*Check with the board. Slide 6

4) Work in groups.

1) - So, We have remembered all the testing methods, now we are starting to consolidate educational actions. As is often the case in reinforcement lessons, you will work in groups. Remember what rules must be followed during such work. (Work discipline, all group members participate in the discussion, final decisions are made collectively, submission to the requirements of the group leader.)

Open envelope No. 1, which lies on the table of each group. Discuss in the group how to solve the problem and make appropriate notes in your notebooks. To work - 6 minutes.

1 group. Write down the nouns by opening the brackets and putting them in the required form. Highlight the endings of these nouns and determine case and declension. Make up one sentence using these words, distributing them among group members.

to (river), on (top), with (cover), without (joy), in (notebook), about (grandmother), in (village)

2nd group . Arrange the phrases in case order. Fill in the missing letters, indicate the declension and case of the nouns.

Played the pipe..., went up to the aspen tree..., made it for the grandmothers..., saw a mouse..., walked through the grove..., lovely child.

3rd group. Divide the nouns into 3 groups according to declensions, insert endings, and indicate case.

On a branch.., daughter's heart, along the path.., on the window.., in the garden.., by the bird cherry trees.., in the west of the desert...

(one person from each group works on the board)

Let's check your work. A representative from the group answers (children answer, students from other groups correct or supplement the answers, everyone immediately compares their work with the answers, etc.)

5) We continue to work in groups.

Open envelope No. 2. Assignments: make up sentences from the words of each line and write them down in a notebook. Determine the case and declension of nouns. Parse the sentences by members.

1 group

Morning, the tops of the pines, the sun, slanting, illuminated, rays

Earth_, lies, on, snow, sparkling

With, day, joy, in, begins, Bratsk_, new

2nd group

Sparks, snowflakes, clearings_, lit up, on, forest

In, blue, bay_, beautiful, Bratsk, blue, reflected, sky

On, ate, high, kinglet, tops., lives


6) Exercise machine.

3. Reflection.



Write down 10 phrases: nouns with prepositions in R.p., D.p., P.p., determine the declension.


To use presentation previews, create an account for yourself ( account) Google and log in: https://accounts.google.com

Slide captions:


number______________________ Last name_________________________________


Gender and tel.

(Who? What?)


(To whom; to what?)

P r e d i c l e s

(About who about what?)

For pain...

By room...

Oh hero...

Until the regiment... .

In the village…

In green...

Oh youth...

To the local...

In a pot...

Near the bed...

In line.....

About the danger...

After nights.....

On the whip...

Oh medal...

On the diploma....

To the cloud.....

Near the apple trees...

Branch of sirens...

Song about mouse...

The Tale of a Mouse...

without uncles...

By area.....

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested this work, please download the full version.

Target: derivation of the rule for writing unstressed case endings of nouns, development of the ability to write words with an orthogram - the letter of an unstressed vowel at the end of a noun, graphically designate it and explain the spelling based on an algorithm.

Lesson type: a lesson in “discovering” new knowledge.

Planned results

Personal UUD:

  • develop the ability to show your attitude, express your emotions;
  • evaluate actions in accordance with a specific situation;
  • create motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.


Regulatory UUD:

  • develop the ability to independently set new educational tasks;
  • develop the ability to determine the most effective ways achieving results in accordance with the task and the conditions for its solution;
  • develop the ability to independently monitor educational activities;
  • develop the ability to independently make the necessary additions and adjustments to a learning activity based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the mistakes made;
  • develop the ability to realize methods of action leading to success or failure.

Cognitive UUD:

  • develop the ability to establish analogies;
  • develop the ability to build simple reasoning based on supporting information;
  • develop the ability to define a concept based on recognizing objects, identifying essential features and generalizing them;
  • possession of search and creative ways to solve educational and practical problems.

Communication UUD:

  • develop the ability to determine a common goal and ways to achieve it;
  • develop the ability to focus on other people’s points of view, different from one’s own, in educational communication;
  • develop the ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles in various types joint activities;
  • develop the ability to adequately assess the behavior of others while solving a joint learning task;
  • develop the ability to adequately evaluate one’s own behavior while solving a joint learning task.


  • perform phonetic analysis, analysis by composition, morphological analysis available words, parsing simple sentence within the framework of what has been studied;
  • see the studied spelling patterns in words based on identifying features, correctly write words with the studied spelling patterns, graphically indicate spelling patterns, indicate the conditions for selecting spelling patterns;
  • find and correct errors in words with studied spellings;
  • perceive statements by ear, highlight the topic of the text, keywords;
  • create coherent oral statements on a grammatical or other topic.

Educational technologies: problem-based dialogue learning, health-saving technology, information and communication technology.

Basic concepts: noun, case ending, spelling, unstressed vowel.

  • textbook: Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. 4th grade. Textbook in 2 parts. Part 2. – M.: Balass, 2013;
  • computer, interactive whiteboard, lesson presentation made in PowerPoint program;
  • task cards;
  • algorithm diagram, ending table.

Organization of space: frontal, individual, group.

1. Organizing time

Hello guys! (Slide 1)

Today in class I would like to show you several reproductions of paintings by famous Russian artists. Look carefully and tell me what time of year is depicted on them? (Winter)(Slides 2-10)

Do you like winter? What kind of person born in Russia doesn’t like snowy Russian winters? Winter is a source of inspiration not only for artists, but also for poets and composers. There are many proverbs, sayings, and omens collected about this time of year.

2. Language warm-up

Read folk proverbs and sayings about the winter months. ( December pleases your eyes with snow, but hurts your ears with frost. There are big frosts in January, and snowstorms in February.)(Slide 11)

Explain the meaning.

Find and name only nouns with the spelling “Spelling of an unstressed vowel in the root of a word that is not checked by stress.”

Write the words in initial form, put emphasis, underline the letters whose spelling you need to remember. (Slide 12)

Test yourself. (Slide 13)

3. Updating knowledge. Statement of educational problem

Read the proverb, how do you understand it? ( P......I would play the button accordion..., yes...I froze my fingers in the ban....)(Slide 14)

What do you think can be done in this task?

Okay, write it down, inserting the missing letters, and mark the spellings. (Two students write down: “I would like to play the accordion e, yes, I got frostbitten fingers and got banned And” and “I would like to play the button accordion And, yes, I got frostbitten fingers and got banned e”)

Let's check how the task was completed on the board and on the screen. (The words “in the bathhouse”, “on the button accordion” are written differently, with the letter e or and at the end)(Slide 15)

Was there one task? (One)

How was it accomplished? (Differently)

Why did this happen? (We don’t know and can do everything yet)

What do we already know? (We know how to check an unstressed vowel at the root of a word, in a prefix)

How can you check an unstressed vowel in the root of a word or prefix?

What don't we know yet? (We don’t know how to check an unstressed vowel in the case ending of a noun)(Slide 16)

You already know how to write unstressed vowels in the root of a word and in prefixes. It's time to learn how to write unstressed vowels in endings.

4. Formulation of the problem (theme and objectives of the lesson), planning activities

What question arises? (How to check an unstressed vowel in the case ending of a noun?)(Slide 17)

What is the topic of today's lesson? (Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns)

What remains to be discovered? (What needs to be done to determine which letter to write in the unstressed position at the end of a noun)

What will be the purpose of our lesson? ( Derive a general rule (algorithm) for spelling unstressed case endings of nouns)

What are we going to learn? ( We will learn to write words correctly with a new spelling)

5. Finding a solution (discovering new knowledge), formulating a rule

On the screen you see columns of words, they will help us discover a new rule. (Slide 18)

What hypotheses do you have? (They offer their versions frontally)

I suggest you conduct an observation and independently deduce the general rule for spelling unstressed case endings of nouns in rows. Each row has its own task card, work in pairs.

Take a card with columns of words. Read the assignment. Decline nouns and add stress. Compare the endings in each case. Draw a conclusion. (Do the task in pairs)

Let's hear from the first group. (Slide 19)

What were the nouns? (First declension nouns saying, moon, earth)

What needed to be done?

What did you notice? (The endings in stressed and unstressed positions are the same)(Slide 20)

How do we act if an unstressed vowel is at the root of a word? (We check the stress, select a test word)

What hypotheses and suggestions did you have about how you can check an unstressed vowel at the end? (By stressed case endings of the 1st declension you can check unstressed ending nouns of the 1st declension)

What words can become helper words? (Moon, earth)

Why can these words become helping words for you? (They have stressed endings)

Make a conclusion about the spelling of the endings of nouns of the 1st declension. (Formulate a conclusion)(Slide 21)

Let's hear from the second group.

What were your words? (2nd declension nouns field, horse, window)(Slide 22)

What was the task? (Inflect nouns, put stress, compare endings)(Slide 23)

What did you notice? Your conclusion. (The endings in stressed and unstressed positions are the same. Using the stressed case endings of the 2nd declension, you can check the unstressed ending of nouns of the 2nd declension)(Slide 24)

(Horse, window. Shock endings.)

Let's hear from the third group. What were your words? (3rd declension nouns joy, oven, steppe)(Slide 25)

Which task? (Inflect nouns, put stress, compare endings)(Slide 26)

What did you notice? Your conclusion. (The endings in stressed and unstressed positions are the same. Using the stressed case endings of the 3rd declension, you can check the unstressed ending of nouns of the 3rd declension)(Slide 27)

What words can become helper words? Why? (Oven, steppe, because stressed case endings)

The groups worked with different materials, but what general conclusion did they come to? (Stressed and unstressed endings of nouns in the same declension and case are written the same way)

Formulate a general rule for spelling unstressed case endings of nouns. (Unstressed vowels at the endings of nouns must be checked with stress in the same declension)(Slide 28)

Let's check the rule in the textbook, page 20. (That's right)

Are there any other hypotheses or assumptions?

What do we do if there is an unstressed vowel in the prefix? (Choose a word with a stressed prefix or remember the prefixes)

Is it possible to remember the case endings of nouns? (Yes, you can)

Review the ending table. (Slide 29) The endings that need to be paid special attention to are highlighted in large bold letters in the table. In other endings, errors are much less common. You will perform the first few exercises, constantly looking at the sign, and then there will be no need for this. The most insidious cases are genitive, dative and prepositional.

How is it easier to remember the endings in these cases? (In the 2nd declension there can only be an ending E. In the 3rd declension there can only be an ending I. In R.p. there can only be an ending I)(Slide 30)

Try to determine for yourself how to proceed in order to check the unstressed ending of a noun with a stressed ending in the same declension. Restore the algorithm. If the task is difficult for you, use words for reference. (Discuss in pairs, complete the task on the card)(Slide 31)

Tell us according to the diagram how to proceed in order to correctly write the ending of a noun. (Slides 32, 33)

Knowing the new rule, let's go back to the beginning of the lesson and correct the mistakes on the board. But first, let's try to apply this algorithm and insert the desired ending. (Slides 35, 36)

What vowel should be written in place of the unstressed ending in the words “on the button accordion”, “in the bathhouse”? Correct the mistakes on the board. (Slide 37)

How is spelling indicated graphically?

6. Development of skills - application of new knowledge

Physical education minute (Slide 38)

I will name nouns with prepositions with stressed and unstressed endings. If you hear a word with a stressed ending, you squat; if you hear a word with an unstressed ending, raise your arms up.

At my sister's, in the yard, up to the grove, in the thicket, in the camp, from wool, near the pier, in the sky, from oil.

Let's complete the tasks.

Can you guess what we will learn by completing these tasks?

Can you guess what knowledge is needed to solve this learning task?

Do you like writing dictations? I am not suggesting that I write you a dictation now. You will be teachers, which means you will check the dictation and correct mistakes.

Take a dictation card. You will work independently. Choose a card that corresponds to the level of mastery of the material (on the green card there is a task for the required level, on the yellow card there is a task at an advanced level). (Slides 39, 40)

In the snowy 2 kingdom, in the cloud 3, a snowflake 2 was born from a drop of water. The wind whirled her in the air 4. Behind the first snowflake, flocks of white stars flew to the ground. Some landed on the branches of a birch, siren, spruce 1, aspen. Others sat on the roofs of the hut, covering the tracks on the paths in the yard with fluffy blankets.

Read the text. What does the text say? How would you title the text?

Let's check which endings the students chose at the required level, and what mistakes the students corrected at the required level. elevated level. (Slide 41)

What skill did you develop while doing this exercise?

Did everything work out for you? Why? Give reasons for success or failure.

How to find a way out of a situation of failure?

Perform parsing. (Slide 42)

What skill did you develop while completing this task?

7. Lesson summary

  • What was the problematic issue? (Slide 43)
  • What answer, solution did we find?
  • Which (whose) version was confirmed?
  • Identify the key words for the lesson. (Slide 44)
  • How do you evaluate your work?

8. Reflection

Continue your statements. (Slide 45)

Today in class:

  • I found out...
  • I learned...
  • It was interesting to me...
  • It was difficult for me...
  • I like it...

9. Homework

Homework to choose from (slide 46):

  • P.28, ex. 1. Make a diagram for the rule on page 20.
  • Mini-essay “Landscape from a window in winter”

Observe the winter pictures that we can see from the window. Maybe some of you will notice something in nature that no artist has yet seen. Tell us what you can see from the window of the room or classroom. Maybe you will find or select words from fiction to describe the smoke from a chimney, an icicle, an ice slide.

Imagine that you are the ending of a noun. Tell about yourself. Write down your story.

Thank you for the lesson! Well done! (Slide 47)

< Simonova I.A., teacher primary classes

MBOU "School No. 112" Samara>

Subject: “Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd declension”

Grade: 4th grade

Level: Intermediate

Lesson type: explanation of new material

Lesson type: introduction to the topic

Goal: to develop the ability to distinguish and check unstressed endings of nouns of the same declension, to teach students to solve spelling problems in the endings of nouns.

Objectives: 1. Practice the ability to recognize the type of declension and case of nouns. Systematize the essential features of a noun as a part of speech

2. Create conditions for development logical thinking, memory, attention through the organization of differentiated and group work in the lesson, the use of tools feedback, choice training rational way to solve educational problems through changing types of activities.

3. Develop children's speech

4. Form an emotional attitude towards learning native language through the game plot.

5. Foster a sense of mutual assistance, sympathy for other people’s mistakes, and responsibility for the assigned work.

Methods and techniques used: work in pairs, frontal work, drawing up an algorithm.

Equipment: envelopes with tasks for differentiated work (according to the number of children), a sample of writing a sentence for a minute of penmanship, a memo “How to recognize letters in unstressed case endings of nouns.”

During the classes:

1.Organizational moment

I am glad to see your faces and your eyes again. And I think that today’s lesson will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other. Good luck to you!

2.Communication of the topic, setting lesson goals.

Today in class I invite you to imagine yourself as a researcher.

3. A minute of penmanship

Let's start with correcting our handwriting. Today we will remember how to connect letters in the combination “oro”.

(The teacher shows on the board the writing of the combination of letters “oro” with a lower and an upper connection)

Read the sentence, pay attention to the connection of letters:

One hundred and forty and one hundred and forty are two hundred and forty.

Is this statement true? (Children's answers)

Place emphasis.

Why didn’t you immediately guess what it was about and read it incorrectly? (Because without placing the emphasis it was not clear what the word “forty” means; words have different meaning, read differently, but written the same)

Write down the entire sentence beautifully in your notebook. (Children write)

Don't forget to check yourself.

4. Repetition of theoretical information about the noun. Annex 1


2 .What is called declination?


a) apple, lemon, tomato

b) plum, uncle, cherry.

a) window, car, friend

b) winter, spring, Saturday

a) bullfinch, day, stump

b) carrots, oven, steppe

The check is carried out on a computer.

5.Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Preparatory work(helps students master the signs of test words and collect necessary examples)

Distribute the words from the “Inquiry Bureau” into columns according to declination. Highlight their endings and show where possible that they are percussive.

Oven, earth, window, wall, table, steppe, fire, hand, sleeve.

2.Creation of a situation leading to the formulation of a learning task

On the desk:

Arm, shoulder, chest, barrel, sky, wool

Read the assignment carefully and complete the work “step by step.”

Indicate the declension to which the word refers.

Change these nouns by case.

Highlight the endings. If you don’t know which letter to write, put a “?”

Place emphasis.

Was it easy to determine which letter to write at the end of nouns? (children's guess)

Which words did not have any difficulty ending? Why? (Arm, shoulder, chest. In these words the ending is stressed, we clearly hear the sound.)

In which words did you have doubts about the spelling of endings? Why? (Barrel, sky, wool. The endings are unstressed; in place of an unstressed vowel sound when writing there is a danger of choosing the wrong letter)

In which cases is it easiest to make a mistake? (In the genitive, instrumental, dative and prepositional cases.)

Where else can an unstressed vowel be found? (Fundamentally)

How will you proceed? (choose a word that has the same root as the one being tested, but dangerous place became safe)

Correctly, having recognized the letter in the test word, you need to write the same letter in the word being tested.

How can I check it at the end? Can we answer this question right away? Why? (No, we don’t know the verification rule.)

Determine the purpose of our lesson. (Learn the rule for checking unstressed case endings of nouns.)

Let's use a method of action that is already familiar to us - I check an unstressed vowel with a stressed one - to solve the spelling problem not only in the root, but also in the ending. To do this, we must follow the algorithm:

Let's read the information that is given to us in exercise 204 p. 88

Name the actions that should be performed in order to correctly solve spelling problems in unstressed endings of nouns. (-Begin f. → genus → cl. → wire word).

On the board: Head.f. Rod Skl. Prov.Sl. Finish

1. Determine the type of declination.

2. Substitute a test word of the same declension in the same form in place of the person being tested.

3.Write the same letter at the end of the word as at the end of the test.

Conclusion: The test for the unstressed ending of a noun will be a word of the same declension, in the same case as the one being tested, but with a stressed ending.

How do we proceed to solve the spelling problem at the end of nouns?

3.Working with the textbook:

T.t. 206 p.51-write out auxiliary words

4. Work on the application of an algorithm for solving spelling problems in unstressed case endings of nouns

T.t.208 p.52


On the desk...

In the notebook...

To the album...

From cups...

On a plate...

On the tablecloth...

5.. Exercise in checking unstressed case endings of nouns.

Game task: Find the endings of some words in sayings. (work in pairs) Appendix 2.

How to act correctly so as not to make mistakes in writing the unstressed case ending of nouns?

Who found it easy to complete this task and who found it difficult?

Well done! You are very attentive.

6. Differentiated work. Appendix 3

Well, we have rested and continue our work with fresh strength. Let's divide into groups. You will receive individual assignments.

1 group

2nd group

3 group

4 group

"Game "Typesetters"

(1 E, 2 I, 3 E, 4 E, 5 I, 6 I, 7 I, 8 I, 9 I, 10 E, 11 E)

7. Summing up the lesson Reflection

Who isn't afraid of unstressed vowels in case endings of nouns?

Who learned to solve a spelling problem in unstressed case endings of nouns?

How will you act if the noun has an unstressed ending? How to recognize the letters in the unstressed case endings of nouns?

Whose work in class deserves high marks? Who needs to be more active?

8. Homework

Ex. 209, similar to exercise 208, learn the algorithm.

List of used literature.

Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.A., 3000 examples in the Russian language. M: AST, 2010

Kasatkina N.A. Entertaining materials for literacy and Russian language lessons in elementary school. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2003.

Zubareva L.V., Writing correction in the classroom. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

Annex 1.

1. What part of speech is called a noun?

a) A noun is a part of speech that denotes an object and answers the questions who? What?;

b) A noun is a part of a word that designates an object.

2 .What is called declination?

a) Changing nouns by case;

b) By changing nouns by gender?

3. How to determine the declension of a noun in nominative case singular?

a) using gender and ending.

b) using a test word

4.Which group of words belongs to the 1st declension?

a) apple, lemon, tomato

b) plum, uncle, cherry.

5.Which group of words belongs to the 2nd declension?

a) window, car, friend

b) winter, spring, Saturday

6.Which group of words belongs to the 3rd declension?

a) bullfinch, day, stump

b) carrots, oven, steppe

Appendix 2

(work in pairs)

Pick a bunch of berries - you'll fill up a box. Without a primer and grammar, even a mathematician cannot learn. Drop by drop the stone wears away. The primer is a stepping stone to wisdom.

Appendix 3

1 group

1.Read and mark the spellings

It snowed in the morning. Fluffy snowflakes swirled in the air. They covered the ground with a white blanket. The river was covered with thin ice. She became quiet and fell asleep, like in a fairy tale.

2. Write down the sentences, leaving “windows” in the place of spellings of weak vowels and consonants.

3. Look at the letters you need and use a different color pen to insert them into the “windows”

2nd group

1. Correct the mistakes, write down the phrases correctly.

A red tomato, a new towel, a rake fell, delicious noodles, a gray mouse, new shoes, my last name, a lot of coats.

2. Parse one of the nouns as a part of speech.

3 group

1. Complete the sentences with appropriate nouns to make a coherent story. Title it.

My brother took me and my mother for a ride on ___________ along a quiet river. Brother worked cleverly ______. White __________ and yellow _________ quietly swayed on the water. The banks of the river are buried in __________. It's good in the summer on the river!

4 group

"Game "Typesetters"

1) Word combinations with missing endings are written on the board. Solve a spelling problem, determine which vowel is missing. Write this vowel under the corresponding number.

On the branch_ of sirens_, to the theater_ for a performance_, from the life_ of girls_, from the pier_ to the village_, near the garden beds_, along the paths_ to the dachas_.

Topic: “Spelling unstressed case endings of singular nouns”

Lesson objectives.


consolidate the ability to recognize the signs of determining the case of nouns and spelling the case endings of nouns of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd declension, based on understanding, lead children to the automatic skill of spelling unstressed case endings of nouns.

Developmental :

activation of cognitive activity through problematic situation, development of attention, visual memory, logical thinking based on exercises, promote the development of independence, self-control and mutual control, practice spelling vigilance.

Educational :

developing the communication skills of students, creating a friendly atmosphere in the classroom.

UMK : « School of Russia"

Textbook: L.M.Zelenina, T.E.Khokhlova “Russian language”, part 1

Class : 4

Lesson type: generalization and systematization of ZUN on the topic “Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns in the singular.”

Tasks :

- generalize students’ knowledge about the constant and inconstant features of a noun;

Strengthen the ability to determine gender, number, case of nouns;

Improve the ability to correctly write case endings of nouns of three declensions;

Develop thinking, attention, spelling vigilance, and speech of students;

Cultivate interest in the subject, communication skills, and culture of behavior.

Equipment: textbook "Russian language", , For individual work, signal cards, support cards.

Lesson organization form.

Traditional, combined

Teaching methods used in the lesson.

Productive: partially search method.

Reproductive: illustrative (presentation) method

verbal method.

Forms of educational work.


2.In pairs


4. Differentiated.

Lesson Plan Timing

    Organizing time………………………………………………………………. 2 minutes.

    Updating knowledge……………………………………………………………… 5 min.

    A minute of penmanship………………………………………………………………………………...5 min

    Lesson topic message. Goal setting…………………………………………… 7 min

    Work on the topic of the lesson……………………………………………………………………………….. 11 min.

    Physical education lesson……………………………………………………………………… 2 min

    Consolidation on the topic of the lesson……………………………………………………………… 10 min.

    Lesson summary. Reflection…………………………………………………………… 2 min.

9.Homework……………………………………………………………………… 1 min.

Lesson flow Rationale

1. Organizational moment.

1). Greetings.

Teacher: The bell rang. Attention!

Check it out, buddy.

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything in place, is everything in order:

Books, pen and notebook?

Have you checked? Sit down.

2). Emotional mood of students.

Teacher. Sit up straight, turn around,

And smile at each other

I am glad to see your faces and your eyes again. And I think that today’s lesson will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other. Good luck to you!

What would you like our lesson to be like today? What mood do you start it in? “Honk” me, please. (Children raise a card - “mood” in the form of a face)

Now let’s get ready for work - open our palms to new knowledge and say the magic phrase: I want to know a lot!

2. Updating basic knowledge.

I have been living in this world for a long time.

I give names to all items.

I am the most representative part of speech. Almost every second word in our speech is I. I am the most independent part speech. Adjectives are already being formed from me. Primitive, getting to know nature, gave names to objects and phenomena, so I am the most ancient part of speech.

Guys, tell me, what is my name?

That's right guys, it's a noun!

What is a noun? (A noun is a part of speech that answers questions Who? What? and denotes an object)

Name the constant features of nouns. ( Gender, declension)

Name the inconstant features of nouns. (Number, case)

So today in class we Special attention Let's focus on which part of speech? (to a noun) But we’ll find out the topic of our lesson a little later.

How will we work to make the lesson successful?

(Children’s answers: together, amicably, help, listen to each other and the teacher, be attentive, etc.)

Guys, I suggest you work under the motto:

“Put your heart and soul into your work, slide 3

Cherish every second of your work.”

I think we will make many interesting discoveries. Do you agree?

3. A minute of penmanship

Let's start with correcting our handwriting.

(Finger gymnastics)

Our fingers pressed tightly together.

What's happened? Interesting!

Apparently they felt cold.

We will cover them with a blanket.

(Children massage their hands.)

Open your notebooks, write down the number, great job. Before writing down the number, let's spell it out

Today in penmanship we will remember ways to connect letters O.

Write down the line with the letter, pay attention to the connection of the letters ORO

Read it.

One hundred and forty and one hundred and forty are two hundred and forty.

Is this statement true? (Children's answers)

Why didn’t you immediately guess what it was about and read it incorrectly? (Because without placing the emphasis, it was not clear what the word “forty” means; the words have different meanings, are read differently, but are written the same) Write this statement beautifully in your notebook.

4. Communicating the topic of the lesson and setting goals.

We have just seen that in the Russian language there are words that are so similar to each other that they can be confused. Some look the same in writing, but are read differently. Depending on the pronunciation, the meaning of the word and the entire statement changes. Others read the same, but are spelled differently. What are these words? (Words with an unstressed vowel)

Where can you find an unstressed vowel? (Fundamentally)

How will you proceed? ( choose a word in which the root is the same as in the one being tested, but the dangerous place has become safe)

Correctly, having recognized the letter in the test word, you need to write the same letter in the word being tested.

How can I check it at the end? Can we answer this question right away? Why? ( No, we don’t know the verification rule.)


Let's bring up the topic of the lesson.

Today we will find cases in speech when not only whole words, but also parts of words are similar to each other. What parts of the word do you know? Which part of the word is mutable? And our work will be related to the spelling of unstressed endings of singular nouns

We will remember and summarize everything we know about the spelling of the endings of nouns.

Determine the purpose of our lesson. (Learn the rule for checking unstressed case endings of nouns.)

Let's use the method of action already familiar to us - I check the unstressed vowel with a stressed one - for solutions spelling task not only at the root, but also at the end. To do this, we must follow the algorithm:

Slide 6.-8

Conclusion: The test for the unstressed ending of a noun will be a word of the same declension, in the same case as the one being tested, but with a stressed ending.

How do we proceed to solve the spelling problem at the end of nouns? And magic words will help us with this. What do assistants mean and why are they magical?

3.Working with the textbook: Let's compare the acquired knowledge with the rule in the textbook. ( Children read the rule and compare their conclusions with it).

5. Work on the topic of the lesson Consolidating knowledge about declensions and cases.

5.1. Practicing the ability to determine the declension of nouns.

Slide 9

What endings do nouns have in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd declensions?

1 cl. - f.r. and m.r. - -and I

2 cl. – m.r. – zero, s.r. - -o, -e

3 cl. – f.r. –zero.

Determine the declension of nouns (signal cards).

Fox, uncle – 1 cl.

Tree, cat -2 sk.

Horse, rye -3 class.

Name the case questions of nouns (in unison).

Slide 10

Decline the word in chorus fox . (Checking is carried out in the process using slides) -

Slide No. 11

Arrange the words in columns according to declination

Road team notebook

Library area distance

Crow passenger mouse

5.2. Practicing the ability to decline nouns by case.

Decline one noun from each column

Name the nouns that you wrote in 1 column (1 declension). To the second column (2nd declension) to the third column (third declension)

Was it easy to determine which letter to write at the end of nouns? (children's guess)

Which words did not have any difficulty ending? Why In these words the ending is stressed, we clearly hear the sound.)

In which words did you have doubts about the spelling of endings? Why? The endings are unstressed, in place of an unstressed vowel sound when writing there is a danger of choosing the wrong letter)

6. Physical exercise.

Now guys, stand up, I’ll tell you nouns. If I name a noun of the 1st declension, you raise your hands up, the second - your arms to the sides, the third - clap your hands.

7. Consolidation of knowledge on the topic.

Practicing the skill correct spelling unstressed endings.

Guys, tell me the last month of autumn. (november)

This month, the last leaves fall from the trees and the first snowflakes swirl in the air. The endings of nouns that were scattered by a strong wind are written on these leaves and snowflakes. You need to find the lost ending and prove that it was this ending that was lost. (On the screen of phrases)

play on the playground...

on the edge of the village...

O hometown

near the edge...

beloved mother...

2) Work with cards

Card No. 1.

Find errors. Prove you're right.

I lay on the bed, thought about the writer, sat on the branches, old age pension, clothes for the fall, near the path, gave it to my mother, burned with the cold, sailed along the Volga.

Card No. 2.

Fill in the missing endings. Indicate the declension and case of the noun.

Lying on the bed.., thinking about the writer.., sitting on a branch.., pension for the elders.., clothes for autumn.., near the paths.., gave to mom.., burned by the cold.., sailed along the Volga.. .

Card number 3.

Highlight the endings of nouns. Indicate the declension and case of nouns.

I lay on the bed, thought about the writer, sat on a branch, old age pension, clothes for autumn, near the path, gave it to my mother, burned with cold, sailed along the Volga.

(Students take turns naming endings and determining case)

What words do we call support words?

-Nouns of the same declension with stressed endings: fox, steppe, etc.

Check your spelling using key words.

Working with the textbook p. 108 ex. 81

8. Lesson summary. Reflection. Grading.

- Guys, what topic of the lesson did we work on today, what did we repeat?

Who isn't afraid of unstressed vowels in case endings of nouns?

Who learned to solve a spelling problem in unstressed case endings of nouns?

How will you act if the noun has an unstressed ending? How to recognize the letters in the unstressed case endings of nouns?

- Who feels confident? Who else needs support cards?

And today I want to give the following marks in class...

Guys, you have smiley faces on your tables. I will ask everyone to do this kind of work. If you understood everything during the lesson, circle the top smiley face with a red pencil; if you understand, but need more help, then circle the middle smiley face with a blue pencil, but if you didn’t understand anything at all, then the bottom smiley face with a blue pencil.


Page 110 exercise 85

A clear beginning of the lesson disciplines children and gives psychological attitude on academic work.

Getting the kids ready to work.

It is carried out to control the assimilation of the material covered.

A frontal survey allows you to identify the degree of assimilation of the material covered.

I develop fine motor skills of my fingers and prepare my hands for writing.

The use of penmanship in the classroom contributes to the aesthetic education of the student, the development of accuracy, concentration, and diligent performance of work. I differentiate this type work, since the small muscles of the arms are unequally developed.

I watch the landing when writing, I take care of the health of the children.

At this stage of the lesson, students themselves learn to set themselves the objectives of the lesson and formulate them correctly.

I continue to develop the ability to work independently

I determine the degree of mastery of the material

I relieve fatigue and develop attention.

I use forward learning.

Motivation for success.

Homework is given differently in terms of volume and degree of difficulty.
