The meaning of Joseph Vargo's tarot cards. The meaning of the minor arcana of the tarot. A deck of Tarot cards in predicting the near future

Gothic Tarot - cards for the worthy. They are able to reveal the deepest secrets to those who do not fear Death, but respect it. The most intimate questions are answered by stone gargoyles, pale vampires, weightless ghosts, otherworldly creatures and spirits. The Vargo deck is a godsend for those who love everything mystical and terrifyingly beautiful.

Tarot Vargo - a godsend for those who love the mystical and unknown

Personality of the author of the Gothic deck

Joseph Vargo is an extremely entertaining person. Our contemporary, born and works in the USA. Since childhood, I have been drawn to everything mystical, terrible and secret. He was attracted to horror films, gothic music, images of monsters, vampires and other evil spirits. Later he became acquainted with Tarot cards, which could not but interest a person with similar hobbies.

Vargo is a self-taught artist; he did not study the art of painting, but he practiced a lot in depicting dark entities, gargoyles, and monstrous creatures. Added to his artistic talents is the fact that the man is a fairly famous composer and musician, the founder of the gothic group Nox Arcana.

In addition to what has already been mentioned, he actively works in the field of the printed word. A lot of articles, publications, and books have already come out from under his hand. And Joseph’s paintings adorn thematic magazines, covers of music albums and, what is most interesting for us, gothic Vargo Tarot cards.

The history of the Gothic Tarot

He became acquainted with fortune telling cards through the light hand of his own aunt. First of all, he was struck by the very possibility of bringing out what was hidden behind seven seals, looking into the past and future.

Young Joseph was no less impressed by the fact that the symbols depicted on the cards have a deep meaning and can be interpreted differently by each fortuneteller, depending on the skill of the tarot reader and the situation preceding the situation.

Vargo did not begin thinking about creating his own deck until 1981. Close friends of the mystic musician also took part in the creation of images for the lassos. Before the triumphant release of the deck, Joseph suffered several failures.

One publishing house categorically refused to work with a “demonic” product from a warlock. Which, however, is not surprising, since the cards contain messages that are frightening for the ignorant, such as “Abandon hope forever.” But in the end, in 2002, the world saw the dark but exciting gothic Vargo Tarot.

Appearance of the Gothic Tarot deck

Many people are afraid to work with Vargo Tarot cards. There is nothing surprising in this, since it successfully combined occult and mythological symbolism. This allows the Amrah to combine light and dark, order and chaos, life and death, making Joseph Vargo's Gothic Tarot one of the most precise tools in the hands of an experienced tarot reader.

Vargo Tarot is one of the most accurate tools in the hands of an experienced tarot reader

Everyone has their own first impression of the cards - from wild delight to subconscious fear. But they have not left anyone indifferent yet. The deck, made in black and blue tones, evokes thoughts of the otherworldly, the afterlife, and the supernatural.

The creepy gargoyles, ghosts, ancient deities, mysterious maidens, and vampires depicted on the amrahs personify what is hidden in each of us:

  • terrible thirst;
  • terrible hunger;
  • secret passions;
  • regrets about what didn’t come true and so on.

The blue color on a black background evokes from the subconscious an image of fog in a cemetery, a cold crypt or a damp dungeon, where ghosts imprisoned for centuries rattle with chains. This is an excellent example of fortune telling cards for lovers of the Gothic style, everything mystical, creepy, and tickling the nerves.

Character of the Vargo deck

In a sense, Tarot Vargo contains a bit of black humor - that for infinity, pitiful human “problems” and experiences. But seriously speaking, the Gothic deck is quite straightforward, tough, and sometimes cruel. There is no ambiguity, understatement, prevarication or subterfuge in it. When creating his Gothic Tarot, Vargo wanted the fortuneteller to receive honest and specific answers to the questions posed. Therefore, the deck answers directly, as it is, without disguised flattery, mercilessly.

That is why many shy away from the enchanting, dark secrets of the Vargo Tarot cards. Because people are often afraid to get an honest, unvarnished answer. But there is another reason why some mystics idolize the amrachs of Joseph, while others reject them.

This is a strange, creepy, sometimes scary feeling that comes from cards during the process of fortune telling. The author and artist somehow managed to infuse energy into their brainchild so that the cards became a conductor between our world of the living and the other world, where spirits and ghosts live. It is contact with those entities that causes strange, frightening sensations.

This is a natural price to pay for the fact that we constantly disturb powerful forces on the other side that do not know the secrets of each individual person and the entire universe at once.

Despite the slightly frightening surroundings, the Bohemian Gothic Vargo Tarot is a universal tool for finding answers and advice to questions that trouble people’s souls. They will be no less useful for their owner, who will be helped to understand himself, find and conquer his own fears (or start fighting them).

Structure of Tarot Vargo

The Gothic Tarot from Vargo has a mixed type, as it was developed on the basis of two famous traditions - the Rider Waite Tarot and the Marseilles Tarot. In the author’s understanding, both systems had their shortcomings, which tarot readers from all over the world tirelessly prove by improving one or the other in their decks.

Tarot Vargo has a classic structure. The deck contains 78 cards:

  • 22 Major Arcana;
  • 56 Minor Arcana.
  • cups or bowls - corresponds to the water element;
  • wands - element of Fire;
  • pentacles are protected by the Earth;
  • swords represent the element of Air.

The hierarchy of the Major Arcana was borrowed from the Marseille Tarot system. The younger ones are designed like the amrahs in the classic Rider Waite deck, but in their own indescribable gothic style.

Tarot Vargo - a deck that resembles a computer game

According to Joseph Vargo, his deck is somewhat similar to a computer game, where each layout is a kind of personal quest. The main character of the “game” is the Shadow of the fortuneteller/client. In each scenario, depending on the plot, she puts on different disguises. This image was chosen by Joseph Vargo for a reason, because it is the Shadow that allows you to fully experience the whole gamut of emotions and the amount of energy invested in each carefully crafted plot of the cards.

The meaning of cards in the Vargo system

Each amrah from the Major or Minor Arcana in the Vargo Tarot has a deep meaning and is read depending on which cards are located nearby, in what position - upright or inverted. Despite the fact that the deck is based on two famous systems, some changes were made to the interpretation.

Below, in a nutshell, is a brief interpretation of the first 8 Major Arcana for general information:

  1. Jester. The reading speaks of a new beginning and aspects of life that a person has the power to change.
  2. Mag. Represents an intelligent person, endowed with courage and self-confidence, who is able to realize all his plans. For the fortuneteller, she predicts possible triumph or success in the creative field.
  3. Priestess. Indicates that a person has developed intuition, and he should often rely on the wisdom of the heart rather than the mind.
  4. Empress. The main meaning is fertility. More often they are compared with family, harmonious relationships in marriage, and possible imminent replenishment.
  5. Emperor. Indicates a strong male or authoritative influence on the person to whom the alignment is being made.
  6. High Priest. Amrakh personifies his own attitude to the moral side of actions, to religious confessions, social rules and dogmas.
  7. Lovers. The primary interpretation is love. But with other factors, it indicates a difficult or important situation in life.
  8. Chariot. Warns of possible troubles and difficulties on the way to achieving your plans. But it assumes a positive outcome.

The author's meaning of the Minor Arcana

Joseph Vargo interprets his cards as follows. Wands:

  1. King. The skeleton on the throne depicted on the card characterizes a wise, considerate, charismatic and generous person. In the case of a situation situation, it means that a person can achieve his goals, find associates or a patron.
  2. Queen. An honest and pure, good-natured woman who strives for material well-being.
  3. Knight. Perseverance, energy, excellent reputation. Personifies virtue, a purposeful person. In some scenarios, it predicts a quick change of residence or travel.

Knight of Wands - a sign for a quick journey

  1. King. A secretive and mysterious person. May speak of a successful entrepreneur, scientific or cultural figure. Justice and responsibility.
  2. Queen. A woman with developed intuition, a kind heart, open and honest, sensual.
  3. Knight. A person with external gloss and charm, who is in search of love. At the same time, it speaks of an unreliable person who finds it difficult to fulfill his obligations.
  1. King. A person endowed with power, authoritative influence, a champion of the law. Firmness, steadfastness.
  2. Queen. Dejection and sadness, solitude or loneliness. Man knows what bitterness is. The habit of overcoming difficulties and doing everything your own way.
  3. Knight. Militancy, assertiveness, intelligence and courage. Man fights resistance mercilessly.


  1. King. A trusted leader. Courage, reliability, rationality. Relates to creativity.
  2. Queen. Sharp mind and practicality, material well-being, achievement of success.
  3. Knight. A person you can rely on is fair, hardworking, and responsible.

How to work with a deck?

Vargo's Gothic Tarot is based on the traditions of the Waite and Marseille Tarot. That is why there are no special differences in the layouts or their reading, with the exception of some nuances. So fortuneteller:

  • is obliged to see in Death not the end, but a reliable, unbiased adviser;
  • should not be afraid to work with dark Gothic images;
  • knows how to use the shadow side of his own subconscious.

Do you need to tell fortunes about the situation, the near future, love or prosperity? With Gothic maps you can find accurate, concise, but complete answers to all your questions. The system is built in such a way that even an inexperienced fortune teller, without additional cards and Talmuds with interpretations, can figure out the message.

When it comes to layouts, there are practically no restrictions here either. The only recommendation from the author is that since Joseph Vargo’s amrakhs give complete and comprehensive answers to specific questions, it is better to make short layouts with a small number of cards.

This is a universal tool that can be used in any life situations. But, given the surroundings and spirit of the deck, this Tarot can be gloomy for love readings. But that was the author’s intention - to take off the rose-colored glasses and look at the situation sensibly, without illusions and romantic flair.

Vargo's maps are darkly beautiful, amazingly accurate and merciless.

Fortune telling with Tarot Vargo brings either sincere pleasure or fear from contact with the otherworldly and powerful. But no one remains indifferent after communicating with them.

Minor arcana of the tarot of the Russian alphabet.

The cohort of the Minor Arcana as it is

THE MINOR ARCANA OF THE TAROT (of any system) symbolize the path of ascent from consciousness, which belongs to the world of actions (the world of phenomena), through the world of formation and the world of creation to the world of emanation. We are talking about four stages of ascent (including the summit) from the world of sensory and intellectual images, correlating with pentacles (denarii) to the world of destruction of these images, symbolized by swords, in order to comprehend spiritual poverty and climb its steps to gain revelation from above, which corresponds to the cup suit. And then, when the peak is reached, interaction with revelation is transformed into revelation itself, which is in active interaction with the world of being - in the sphere of emanation; then the stage of the rod or scepter is reached.

The beginning of the path is in the world of pentacles, in the world of facts, intellect and imaginary ideals, consciousness surrounds itself with multiple images.

Therefore, the symbol of the suit is the PENTACLE (PANTACLE) or COIN, because coins themselves are neither warmth nor shelter, but can be transformed into food, warmth, and much more. This world, the world of coins, has a dual ideology: on the one hand, it is wealth achieved consciously, on the other, the totality of what must be rejected if a person strives for higher spirituality. After all, in order to enter the Kingdom of God, you need to become “poor in spirit.”

Deprived of spiritual wealth, a person pays for it by fighting with swords. Values ​​- images, at the cost of the hardest efforts in all aspects of existence: creative, moral, intellectual - are destroyed in the same order (SEPHIROTIC) in which they were acquired. It can last either a moment or decades. For Thomas Aquinas, one ecstasy was enough; for Plato it lasted several years. It's different for everyone.

Feelings in their entirety stand in the way of the struggle; these are cups. The level of perfection is the wands, a state of active interaction with God as the soul ascends from passive perception to the active position of co-creation with the Absolute Authority.

A deck of the Minor Arcana of any Tarot system (and the Tarot of the Russian Alphabet is no exception) consists of 56 ARCANA OF THE FOUR SUITS INDICATED ABOVE, 14 ARCANA IN EACH GROUP.

Composition of the Tarot of the Minor Hierarchy: ten numerical Arcana, from ONE (ACE) to TEN, ten in each suit, each suit, these are:

  • kings or pharaohs;
  • ladies, queens or sibyls;
  • knights;
  • pages.

Kings can personify not only specific characters, men, but also organizations, associations, campaigns, and companies.

Ladies also have multiple meanings, both for specific characters and for different communities and groups.

Knights, as a rule, represent the emotional aspects of existence, but can also portray characters.

Pages, as a rule, are news bearers.

However, in each specific case there may be variations on different themes and themes.

In the future, each Arcana in each suit will be


A few words about blank cards and significators. The blank card - the symbol of the client - is selected, including from the Minor Arcana. Kings are mature men; they can be chosen according to their element, age, position in society, or external characteristics. Ladies - exactly the same. The Lady of Swords, in our Tarot - STEPMOTHER, as a rule, is not used as a blank card.

Young people, students, and students of various special educational institutions can be appointed as pages and knights.

The significator is the Arcana vector that is assigned. For example, a person wants to get an apartment, then the TEN OF CUPS may be the significator. It (the significator) is selected according to its meaning.

The suits predict:


SWORDS in the sphere of INTENTIONS;

CUPS in the sphere of FEELINGS;

PENTACLES in the sphere of REWARDS.

Arcana numbers in the system: 23−36, WANDS; 37−50, CUPS; 51−64, SWORDS; 65−78, PENTACLES."

When numerologically calculating the total Arcana vectors, numbers both in the system and the status and dignity of the Arcana are used.

This is the suit of kings, magicians, hermits, and well-known personalities in society. The main figure of the suit is the KING, it is HE who is the CARRIER OF THE MOST POWERFUL ROD IN THE WORLD.

Key words of the suit: wisdom, ambition, pride, will, determination, energy, progressiveness, open-mindedness, intelligence. Wise, decisive leaders correspond to this suit. Ideally, the suit shows the priority of esoteric ideas, actions on the mental level

Lively husband

Astrological equivalents: Jupiter, Sagittarius.

The entire background of the ARCANA SUIT OF FIRE, ACCOMPLISHMENTS, WANDS is red.

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. On the Arcana field is a husband, mature, 45-50 years old. He is impressive, noble, smart. Dressed in royal robes of golden color, embroidered with bright patterns. It is clear that before us is a man of public service to his homeland.

In his left hand is a WAND*.

DIVICITY ASPECT. This king in the direct position of the reading characterizes a courageous, noble person - a husband, boss, patron, perhaps a father, an older relative (uncle). We want to see our friend, relative, and leader like this KING.

In a negative position- the need for advice from more experienced and wise people.

NOTE. A ROD, by definition, is a special staff, cane or stick that serves as a symbol of power, a rank, an honorary position and other distinctions, for example, a MARSHAL'S ROD, a RAILWAY ROD. There is a special system called the WAND.

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. A sedate, important lady with a kind-hearted face stands on the Arcana field. She is dressed in a rich dark green dress and has a cap on her head.

Arcana's background is red.

DIVICITY ASPECT. In the scenario, this lady is kind, attentive, perhaps a mother, a relative, a person who understands you, who wants to care and help you. She is economical, skilled, perhaps from the village. Practical, adaptable; her love is more tinged with care than with yearning and passion.

She does not flaunt her feelings, she is modest and shy. It seems a little cold, unapproachable. Not ambitious, not ambitious, not authoritarian.

Her negative position in the scenario she shifts the emphasis: she has the Moon and Saturn in her horoscope. Signs: Cancer, Capricorn.

Perhaps such a lady wants to help the one who falls in the layout, but is not yet able to do this; Circumstances hinder her.

Sometimes there is another aspect of such a lady: she is too “businesslike”, forgetting her purely feminine functions and responsibilities.

This lady can serve as a blank card for a middle-aged lady, a Fire sign. She is dark-haired, brown-eyed. But not a hot brunette.

Arcanum 25. Knight of Wands Gendarme

Astrological equivalents." Uranus, Mercury, Sagittarius sign.

He who has many positions will not succeed in any of them.

And those who serve here and here,

Both there and here they wait in vain.

Sebastian Brant

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. On the Arcana field there is a service man, in military clothes, on a brown horse. He is young, cheerful, full of desire to fulfill his duty.

In general, KNIGHTS characterize the emotional level of any event; they have a certain energy, but quite strong in a sensual sense.

The seed is the beginning of the process, its germination is the action.

DIVICITY ASPECT. KNIGHT-JEAN-DARME “spurs” the client to follow a new path; the process has begun, but this process needs to be controlled. With this Arcanum, something new and unknown enters the client’s life. GENDARME - servant of order, legality.

Through it there can even be a change in views, worldview, even a change in the client’s sphere of activity.

The appearance of the Arcana in the layout stimulates any action; he hurries to make decisions without putting them off.

Negative position much worse: the low hypostasis of the Sun is manifested astrologically, the process therefore undergoes difficulties, the implementation of plans proceeds with great difficulty. Something needs to change.

There may be a divorce, separation, quarrel.

The key word of the Arcana in layouts is movement, it influences business life, its energy encourages the one who has the Arcana in the layout to change, to make sudden new decisions, it creates a feeling of the need to create a new beginning, to enter a new field of activity


SYMBOLIC ASPECT. On the field, Arkan is an agile young man, 18-20 years old, he is a jockey. The jockey's clothes are bright blue, he is holding a bridle in his hands.

DIVICITY ASPECT. This person is honest, friendly, loyal to the client, perhaps his brother, in general - a younger relative, a friend.

This is the bearer of important news in the sphere of the wand and society.

He can, of course, not only be a jockey, but he can succeed where dexterity, love of life, and skill are needed - he can be an actor, an artist, a traveler, in addition, he can mean a foreigner, marvelous, wonderful.

In the negative, its aspect is worse; astrologically, Saturn acts afflicted by another planet. Wrong direction, bad news, no results.

Another aspect of such a Page is a bad story, anecdote, gossip, blasphemy.

Astrological equivalents: Mars,

Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn. Signs: Aries, Capricorn.

every 12 years).



SYMBOLIC ASPECT. ON THE BRIGHT RED FIELD of the Arcana there are 10 poles in the form of a fence, a man stands in front of them and looks confused, wondering how to go further, because the path is blocked.

DIVICAL ASPECTS. The idea is formed, a person can separate it from himself and implement it. He realized his level, place, purpose.

Key words: pressure on the eve of disappearance, problems on the eve of resolution.

In the layout, Arkan means obstacles, disasters, blows of fate, ruin, disappointments in previously dear people.

Arcana 28. Nine of Wands


Astrological equivalents : Jupiter, Neptune. Sign: PISCES.

An artist stands on the Arcana field and looks at his painting hanging on the wall. The artist is dressed in loose black clothes. The painting shows a tree.

DIVICITY ASPECT. The lasso is commanded by enormous forces; penetration into other levels of consciousness. Sometimes it even characterizes a change in attitude towards oneself or one’s environment.

It seems to him that there is a distinct expectation of change, of foresight (often this is actually

so) that he is surrounded by enemies.

The LORD OF SLOW DOWN is also (ideologically) called Arkan.

Hence PAINTING, because it is a long process.

A negative position indicates a loss of connection with reality, an obstacle.

The person is not satisfied, everything irritates him.

These are difficulties in business, delays in decisions and results, delays due to the confrontation of great forces.

For sailors, this Arcanum foreshadows storms, storms, shipwrecks, especially in combination with negative “neighbors”.

In the negative, predictions are intensified, but the last blow will be the last, for every NINE is a card of relief from one or another burden; The period of action of vibrations of any nine is 28 days, the lunar monthly cycle. Then, as a rule, relief comes.

Arcanum 29. Eight of Wands of Millstone

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. On the Arcana field there is a mill with millstones.

DIVICITY ASPECT. Arkan ideologically means a test of stability, undermining the trust of others in you or yours in someone.

Sometimes it is sudden progress, a “movement” of things from a dead point. This ARKAN is also called the LORD OF SPEED.

The introduction of social innovations, truce, harmony for a short period of time can also mean Arcanum.

REVERSED - expresses the hypostasis of the number EIGHT; These are delays, stagnation, postponing decisions, criticism, scandals in the family, misunderstanding. Sometimes in an upright position the Arcanum means a trip, pleasant (with Cups), not very pleasant (with Pentacles).

Arcana 30. Seven of Wands Pearls

Astrological equivalents. The sun is in Libra, in Capricorn. Signs: Libra, Capricorn, Houses:

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. On the Arcana field, on the tablecloth, lie seven large pearls, shimmering with a mother-of-pearl sheen.

DIVICITY ASPECT. Arkan is a symbol of creativity, inspiration, attractiveness, higher goals, the achievement of which requires skill and fortitude, which is why Arkan is also called the LORD OF COURAGE.

This Arcanum symbolizes progress, movement, skill.

High appreciation of work is the prerogative of Arkan.

Social success, recognition, overcoming obstacles, challenge, competition, deal. Sometimes - matchmaking.

In a negative position - bewilderment, inconstancy, absent-mindedness.

Also - word of mouth, competition.

Dropped to the right of the THREE OF WANDS, STRUBBER means fire, bad news. Sometimes - industrial group injuries.

Arcana 31. Six of Wands Jasmine

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. Along the edges of the road, stretching into the distance, beyond the horizon, grow six (three on each side) blooming golden jasmine bushes. The sun is shining brightly, blessed day.

DIVICITY ASPECT. Arcanum means advanced glory, success, achievements, triumph, but also subordination, servility, fear, doubt, danger (inverted position). Key words of the Arcana in the reading, fame (getting into the Guinness Book of Records), news, triumph, awards, sometimes undeserved success, but in general - legitimate success.

Hopes are fulfilled, everything is beautiful, like blooming jasmine.

Arcana 32. Five of Wands Complaint

Astrological equivalents. Saturn in Gemini, Aquarius, Libra.

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. Room. Table. At the table is the boss, an angry man in a black suit with a businesslike look, angry about the complainant’s visit.

Complainant. A young man stands at a table with a paper in his hands. He is irritated, angry.

DIVICITY ASPECT. Key words; separation of the essential from the vain, dissatisfaction, struggle with illusions, conflicts, barriers, going through authorities.

The Arcanum is also called the LORD OF FIGHT at a low level, since the Arcanum is small in modulus (five).

Means in layouts; learning lessons, accepting challenges, testing possibilities, tragedy and comedy at the same time, willingness to apply effort and fight, new horizons that open up new perspectives. Sometimes - the possibility of opportunism, for example, a marriage of convenience. The appearance of a rich but unloved lover, more often a boss, a boss. Papus interprets Arkan as “gold”, comfort. In general he is right, but this is only one aspect of the meaning.

Sometimes a negative Arcanum warns that the client may face legal proceedings due to misconduct in office.

With swords nearby - loss.


Astrological equivalents. Saturn; sign: Aquarius.

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. Hall. Table. Behind him are four jury members. They look at the applicant reading a poem.

Everyone is dressed strictly, except the student himself, he is dressed provocatively.

DIVICITY ASPECT. Arcanum means a period of calm, peace, tranquility, attempts to find harmony with the world in which the client lives. This condition is temporary.

The desire for order, finding like-minded people, a feeling of belonging to a tradition, no matter how small.

In the negative position of the Arcanum: periods of numbness, stagnation, love for “twists”, in sex - for perversions.

Sometimes it’s a picnic, rural life, building a summer house or cottage.

The Arcanum is generally identical in both positions of the alignment; it invites to novelty, joy, and friendship.


Astrological correspondence: Mars, Chiron, Jupiter in Libra. Sign: Libra.

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. Field. There is a reaper on the field, he is mowing the grass.

Dressed simply, the color of the clothes is gray tones.

He likes to reap, his face shows the pleasure of military labor.

DIVICITY ASPECT. The thought in this Arcana takes shape and is directed.

Understanding, completion, work.

Practical skills, daring, courage, audacity. Strength, commercial tendencies.

Negative position - cooperation in great dependence on others, servility, betrayal, neglect. Sometimes, on the contrary, it is the end of a difficult period.

The fall of the Arcanum is almost always favorable, it means established power, pleasant surprises, success of business, necessary help, certainty in society.


Everything goes away. There is emptiness all around. The devil jumps into my lap. I read misfortunes from a page With an expression as if on stage.

Astrological equivalents. Jupiter interacting with the Sun and Uranus. Signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn.

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. Man at the table; he flips a coin: heads or tails?

DIVICITY ASPECT. The idea is about to be realized. A person seeks compromise in society, is filled with the desire to work, and has many ideas.

It's like he's taking an exam. It's difficult for him.

He is a leader, but he does not know how to find a compromise.

In a negative position - anxiety, loss of confidence, very rarely - the smile of Fortune.

Arcana 36. Ace of Wands

Overall the unit is a PANDORA'S box. In the Minor Arcana, the units are ACES.

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. On the Arcana field there is a WAND.

DIVICITY ASPECT. The lasso symbolizes a new creative idea, a push, a new way of looking at things. The ripening power seems to reawaken a person who seems to have everything.

Creative impulse, idea, happy circumstances.

Negative position - lack of ideas, narrow-mindedness, aging, insanity.

ACES are concentrates of their suits, this one is the suit of WANDS.

This Ace shows the level of prestige of a person, his position in society, his “bar” that he can reach or fall to. This Ace symbolizes the source, the beginning, the root cause of the motivating property, the construction of a new, huge one, the appearance of offspring.

In the negative - ruin, losses, devastation, bad omen.

Ace, figuratively speaking, determines the level of a person’s potency.


The suit of Cups is the suit of contentment, feelings, bliss, love, fun, joy.

Cups are a person in the world of things, forms, tangible desires, and those that are satisfied.

Keywords of the suit: passion, reconciliation of a person with the outside world, a break in the labors of the righteous, fun, joy, love, art, poetry, gluttony, pleasant pastime and exhausting inspiration.

The meanings of the Arcana Cups are summarized in Table 4, see page "252.

the whole complex of ecstatic states.

Element of the suit: water, its spirits are undines.

Planets of the suit: Moon, Neptune Pluto.

Zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

People of suit: blondes.

In the evangelical tradition, the suit is associated with an Angel (person) - the symbol of Matthew.

Hypostasis of the Sphinx: human.

The beginning of Kabbalah: passive.

When predicting issues related to marriage, you need to be careful, because marriage as a social phenomenon is associated, as a rule, with the suit of Wands, and Cups describe the whole gamut of other feelings. Marriage goes through the 7th House, love goes through the 5th and 7th Houses, sex goes through Cups.

In addition to Venus, the Sun and signs are related to this suit: Leo, Cancer, Taurus, Sagittarius.

Cups - first of all, relationships with the opposite sex, flirting in all its diversity, love games.

Thesis of the suit of Cups: bring the cup of love to your neighbor’s lips without spilling a drop. Drink this cup to the bottom, feeling the fullness of love for Nature, for your neighbor, for God.

The key figure of the suit is Queen.

All Arcana suits begin with the letter K.


Astrological equivalents: Venus, Sun, Sun afflicted by Uranus, Uranus in Leo.

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. The background of all Arcana of the suit of Cups is greenish.

On the Arcana field there is an important, imposing, handsome gentleman, rather blond. His whole appearance expresses dignity and noble origin, what is called “blue blood”. He is rich, luxuriously dressed. The color of his brocade suit is indigo.

DIVICITY ASPECT. Arkan means emotional maturity, readiness to act, creative acts, confidence in the future, stability in financial and other matters.

The professions in which this King can be engaged are very different, but more often it is a lawyer, a clergyman (cult minister), a banker, a scientist, and less often - an actor, manager, businessman, writer, artist.

But he always enjoys well-deserved authority and respect in society. He has the gift of intuitive vision of events. He is a personable, reliable person who has taken on a difficult burden of responsibilities. He is characterized by such a feeling as empathy, the ability to empathize with people close and dear to him, he can provide them with the necessary help, he is kind and courteous.

In a negative position - egocentrism, scandalous reputation, despair. He is irrepressible, leads life in grand style, and is dishonest.

Another aspect of this position of Arkan is that he is a professional virtuoso, devoid of moral qualities.

Arcanum 38. Queen of Cups Princess

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. On the field, Arcana is a beautiful middle-aged LADY, well dressed in a dress of light gray tones. On her head is a long transparent scarf.

DIVICITY ASPECT. This LADY is very lucky in everything: her hopes come true, she is happy with her husband, children, relatives. She is harmonious with the world. To her, and only to her, the true concepts of “love” and “happiness” are revealed. She is attractive, has charm, and is liked by men and her own husband. She is economical, can be economical, but can also tastefully spend large sums of money on jewelry, furs, and luxurious linen. A wonderful wife, mother, sister, friend. Her emotions are mature and definite. She has intuition that protects her from unnecessary, harmful acquaintances.

The appearance of the Arcanum in a reading is always a good thing for the client; it can be an acquaintance with a very pleasant person, joy, reward, love.

The negative position of the Arcana is less attractive; Saturn is in its fall.

This is late sensuality put on display. Inappropriate coquetry of an “overripe” matron.

Her character traits: dishonesty, a tendency to blackmail, instability of moral principles, deceit.

This is essentially a prototype of Milady from The Three Musketeers.

Arcanum 39. Knight of Cups Traveling Salesman

Astrological equivalents: Sun, Mercury, Neptune in the XI House (direct). Mercury and Neptune in Gemini (negative).

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. A young husband on a horse with a huge box of goods behind him.

His clothes are bright blue.

DIVICITY ASPECT. This character is often associated with a daring peddler. In modern language - manager, traveling salesman, advertising agent, distributor. This is an enterprising “seller” of anything and everything, with a “diplomat” containing samples of various goods.

He works with great pleasure, with great benefit for himself and others. His appearance in the scenario is always associated with some kind of trip, invitation, and for the benefit of the client himself.

Negative position - unfinished business, petty fraud, deception, an opinion that needs verification, a plan that is not destined to come true, window dressing, weakened positions, bravado, posturing, unpreparedness for an open fight.

In general, Arcanum brings euphoria, pleasant expectations, delight; literally out of nowhere, with its appearance, happy chances and success arise. Sometimes it can mean the young lover of a sedate matron.

Sometimes - unexpected receipt of news, money, letters, information.

Arcanum 40. Page of Cups Client.

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. On the field, Arcana is a young man with an intelligent, modest expression on his face. He is standing at the doctor's office door.

In principle, a client is a very broad concept; we are all clients.

formed, ready for expression, the person is eager to get down to business, he is focused and serious. There is a danger of “lightness”, a momentary impulse, perhaps this is even an aspiring poet or artist.

But still he is hardworking and diligent, this is obvious. He is ready to test himself in a dentist's office, in a company, in any institution. He is a client and that's it. The client is even the one who comes to the master tarot reader for a session; then he should be all the more focused, attentive, and serious.

Negative Page is the antipode of the direct page.

The man "absent-minded from Basseynaya Street."

This is a student, careless, inattentive, and a quitter.

Arcanum 41. Ten of Cups Apartment

Astrological equivalents: Venus, Saturn, Moon. Signs: Aries, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Aquarius. House X

Time cycle: March 12-22 of the year of the TIGER (nearest 2010 ± 12 or n x 12, where n is any number).

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. Against the background of the Arcana is the decoration of the room.

nie and happiness. At the level of events - a declaration of love.

The lasso vibrationally includes what is capable of keeping the soul in balance.

The negative position of Arkan is quarrels, scandals in the family, vicissitudes of happiness.

If we are talking about success, then the loss of the Arcanum means collective success. In general, the happiness of this Arcanum is in the hands of blind chance, capricious Fortune. It either exists or it doesn’t, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

If the Arcana falls to a person who complains to the master about his unhappy life, the master’s advice is to point the client to the light pouring from above.

Arcanum 42. Nine of Cups Trumps.

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. Gambling house. Table. There are players at the table. Card game. One, joyful, puts his cards on the table - he has won! He has trump cards.

DIVICITY ASPECT. Nine is a Jupiterian number. Prophetic dreams, ability to prophecy.

Key words: success, victory, well-being, but - difficulties, illnesses. The contradictions are clear: astrological equivalents.

This number 9 is closed on itself, the same with its vibrations: looping, “puppeting” of certain events and facts.

In the negative - the pursuit of literary creativity, attempts at writing, the desire for entertainment, a painful attitude towards imperfection, aestheticism.

In general, the loss of the Arcana is a good sign, but you need to see the entire layout in order to judge the degree of luck and luck.

Sometimes, as they say: “If you are lucky in money, you are unlucky in love.”

The alignment will show what exactly you will be lucky with.

This Arcanum patronizes military people, the people of the great Mars. Together with the Seven of Pentacles and the Ace of Cups in the Tarot - next to the PERCENTAGE and CUP - winning in a card game.

Astrological equivalents

Arcana Coquette.

Astrological equivalents: Sun in Virgo (direct), Venus in Scorpio (negative). Signs: Virgo, Scorpio. Houses VI VIII.

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. On the Arkan field there is a lovely fair-haired coquette. She is a servant or maid, dress with an apron. In her hands is a broom or dishes that she is wiping. At the kitchen door is a prominent man, probably the owner, in a rich robe. The flirt is flirting with him, that's obvious. The master is happy.

DIVICITY ASPECT. In the layout, Arcanum means modesty, innocence (or playing at it), youth. Sometimes - a young girl.

Also - knowledge of social laws, harmony with the world and people.

In the negative - suppressed emotions, gifts that do not please.

In general, Arcanum means the coordination of reason and feelings or their discord. In love there are difficulties, tact and patience are required.

tia about someone dear.

Next to other Arcana of the “cup” suit - quick marriage, especially with the Arcana SPIRITUAL, V.

Arcanum 44. Seven of Cups Envelope

Astrological equivalents. The Sun is in Pisces, the Virgo - Pisces axis, the interaction of the Sun and Neptune. House VII.

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. On the Arcana field there is a young man, he stands near the table and holds an envelope in his hands, there is an expression of happiness on his face, perhaps this is a love letter.

DIVICITY ASPECT. LORD OF ILLUSORY SUCCESS - this is how Arcanum can be characterized. In general - success in love, attractiveness, charm, chances.

The key words are; illusions, delusions, unreality, hallucinations, visionary abilities, feelings, mind, spirit.

IN in the negative, the Arcanum is stronger and more definite, meaning; desire, will, reasonable choice, substantive conversation, sometimes tears, hysteria.

Surrounded by negative Arcana, there is a shadow of luck, its impermanence.

Arcanum 45. Six of Cups Kibitka

Astrological equivalent." Venus, Neptune. Venus in Virgo, in Pisces. Signs: Virgo, Pisces.

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. Steppe. Evening. Gypsy camp. Kibitka.

DIVICITY ASPECT. Road, path, movement, intercession, goal - these are the meanings of the SIXES IN GENERAL. However, this six, KIBITKA, takes us back to the past. The Arcanum is called the “Arcanum of the Tarot Herbarium”. In the negative, on the contrary, there is a gravitation towards the future. Venus in its fall - powerlessness, past emotions, hero of the past; perhaps Arcanum means a meeting with the past, for example, a traditional meeting with graduates

Arcanum 46. Five of Cups Cousin

Astrological equivalents : Saturn.

Signs: Leo and Cancer. Houses IV, V.

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. On the Arcana field there is a young man dressed like a clown. An adult man stands nearby and looks reproachfully at his outfit.

DIVICITY ASPECT. Any attempt to reach another milestone is always one or another FIVE. This is an explosion of feelings and emotions. The arcan brings with it deliverance from delusions, cutting off the unnecessary; it gravitates towards the “gothic” of events or facts.

Another aspect is infatuation.

In general - relationships with relatives, kinship by

Negative Arcanum - a different outlook on life, hope, receiving an inheritance, a gift from relatives.


Astrological equivalents: Moon,

Jupiter. Jupiter in Cancer, Moon in Capricorn. Sign: Cancer.

SYMBOLIC ASPECT. On the Arcana field there are two men at a table, between them is a contract. They shake hands, satisfied with the conclusion of a profitable transaction.

DIVICITY ASPECT. These are forms that are not quite perfect or respond to imperfection. They are idealized, which can manifest itself in different ways.

Boundless devotion, perfect love, which causes anger and irritation in others.

A person at the vibration level of this Arcana thinks (and completely wrongly) that everyone around him also radiates endless love and tenderness when he feels it.

In the highest hypostasis - forgiveness, forgetfulness of grievances, the desire to serve the idol. Sometimes - religious fanaticism.

This is the complexity of emotional disclosure, a bitter experience, the beginning of emptiness, a feeling of “swamp” that sometimes sucks in slowly but surely.

Negative position - new plans, affairs, acquaintances. Sometimes - a missed chance, an opportunity, resentment towards everyone and everything.


Tarot Vargo, which we will talk about today, will appeal only to fans of dark, gothic decks, which, by the way, in most cases perfectly bring to the surface all our internal fears, subconscious blocks and hidden from others, and sometimes from ourselves , fears and attachments. By the way, this is exactly why I love dark decks. But let's return to the topic of our review - the creation of Joseph Vargo.

History of the deck

This gloomy deck, inhabited by ghosts, vampires, chimeras and other creatures of the dark side, was created by the talented artist Joseph Vargo, which, however, is clear from its name. From childhood, the artist was interested in everything mysterious, inexplicable, mystical - it is the author’s passion for the Gothic that is very clearly visible in Arcana’s illustrations. The artist released the first version of the Tarot Vargo himself, because the publishing houses where he applied for replication refused him, citing the fact that the deck was too dark, “devilish.” The deck was first published in 2002, and very soon gained many fans, after which large publishing houses also paid attention to Vargo’s work.

Today, the Vargo Gothic Tarot is on the list of the most popular dark decks. Apparently, the author managed to realize his idea: he wanted to create simple, easy-to-understand maps, not overflowing with symbolism, as is typical of the Golden Dawn.

Key features of the deck

Despite all the apparent gloom, the Vargo Tarot fits well into Waite’s system; at least many cards have interpretations similar to the classics, but, naturally, they are still presented through gothic, dark images. Strength is number eleven in the deck, Justice is number eight. The Minor Arcana are plotted, except for Aces, Twos and Threes (they are rather symbolic), the suits and Court cards are traditional in name. The Major Arcana were also not renamed.

Deck symbolism

The first thing that catches your eye when viewing the Vargo Gothic Tarot gallery is the interesting color scheme. Almost all maps look as if they are bathed in cold, bluish moonlight. However, some individual Arcana are made in luminous green, red and orange tones - they seem to create bright accents that you immediately pay attention to.

The places in which the plots unfold are cemeteries, old gloomy Gothic mansions, crypts, dark forest roads. It is not surprising that the characters who live there are vampires, sorcerers, ghosts, chimeras. In general, Tarot Vargo looks very solid - it seems as if you are turning over the pages of a chilling Gothic novel.

There are no additional symbols on the cards, but they are not needed here. Do you remember that Joseph Vargo himself wanted to create a deck that could be understood even by beginners? In light of this, I immediately remembered where, in order to fully understand the plots, it was necessary to have a sufficient amount of knowledge about vampires and their lives. In the case of Vargo, everything is much simpler: the plots are really easy to read, even if you don’t know the name of the main character or what exactly he does. By the way, I can say that even I, not a particular fan of Gothic decks, quite easily came up with my own interpretations of each card without the help of the MBK, but when writing a review of Phantasmagoria, I constantly had to look at the book.

Major Arcana

Now let’s take a short trip through the Vargo Tarot gallery and look at the four most interesting Major Arcana. Why exactly four, and not three or, for example, five? It’s just that it was the four Trumps that I liked the most. The rest you can consider on your own if you wish. My choice fell on the Fool, Lovers, Temperance and the Devil.

So, Fool. It seems to me that this is a soul on the verge of transition. Apparently, this man has recently crossed the threshold of death, and does not yet know what awaits him there, in his posthumous existence in the guise of a ghost. Next to him is a black dog - a faithful companion who will protect him from rash steps and hasty decisions. The jester can be compared to our inner child, who, due to inexperience, sometimes pushes us to do some stupid things, but on the other hand, he pushes us into the abyss of new experience that can bring true wisdom.

The lovers of the Gothic Tarot Vargo are a girl and a vampire. In this card we see both love and choice. What will the girl choose: a fatal bite of her lover, who will give her eternal life, but at the same time a constant thirst for blood, or will she choose to push him away and continue her usual existence, suffering from the impossibility of being together? Will she make a sacrifice for her love?

Temperance is the Dark Angel, who makes the correct proportions to create a witchcraft potion that is brewed in a huge cauldron. The wrong measure can ruin the whole process, so you need to carefully calculate, weigh, and measure everything in order to ultimately get the result we are striving for.

The devil in Tarot Vargo is presented somewhat unusually. Personally, looking at this map, I get the impression that people obsessed with addictions have stepped so deep into the world of temptations that they have already turned into soulless skeletons. They no longer have the strength to break these shackles. But, note: they are chained not to the Devil himself, but to some purely human vices - this is evidenced by a handful of skulls between them. The devil here simply enjoys his superiority - the fact that he managed to lead two more people away from a righteous life to his dark side.

Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana of the Vargo Gothic Tarot, as I already said, are plotted, however, for some reason, not all of them. Each suit has several purely symbolic cards - these are Aces, Twos and Threes. I can’t say what exactly this is connected with, but it looks a little strange. However, even based on the symbolic image, the interpretation of the card turns out to be quite clear: look at the illustrations and you will understand everything yourself.

But we are more interested in the plot cards, so let's analyze one illustration of each Suit.

The Eight of Wands in the Vargo Tarot immediately evoked the following associations for me: the process has already begun, something is in the air, the dreamed event will happen very soon, in the very near future. Here you don’t even need to think about the image for a long time - personally, a quick glance at the Arcanum was enough for me to bring the associations listed above to mind.

In the Five of Cups, the man looks at the skull he holds in his hands, not paying attention to the cups standing behind him. It seems to me that the card shows melancholy, pain from the fact that something from his life is gone (the skull is a symbol of departure). He is focused on his sadness, but if he turns around, he will see that in fact everything in life is far from so bad: there are new opportunities, there is emotional support from someone, you just need to get out of the state of sadness in order to continue living further.

On the Five of Swords of the Vargo Gothic Tarot we see a rather vile jester who killed the king, put his head on his scepter and sat on the throne of the dead ruler. The card clearly speaks of a conflicting, rather dangerous situation in which it is better not to interfere so as not to become a victim.

I really liked the Seven of Pentacles. The image of the map is taken literally: a man in black clothes opens a gate for us, beyond which stretches the road to a huge mansion. I think that Arkan shows new possibilities that are opening up, but will we accept this invitation or will we remain standing at the gate, not trusting the character in black?

Court cards

The court cards of the Gothic Tarot by Joseph Vargo do not stand out from the general theme. It cannot be said that they visually evoke a whole bunch of associations, but for those who know the classics well, it will be quite easy to understand them, since the interpretation is in many ways similar, although the presentation is completely different.

Personally, I found the Page of Pentacles very interesting - in this deck he is represented by a stone demon that looks like a gargoyle. We can say that it symbolizes strength and stability, but at the same time, it is like a guard who protects us. The Knight of Swords, by tradition, is a fearless, brave warrior, ready to rush into battle at any moment. The King of Cups is a mysterious figure: he is dressed in black robes that hide his body and head and, apparently, he is clearly related to the occult sciences. The Queen of Wands is a practical lady, dedicated to her ideas, but she still needs luxury to feel comfortable.

In general, it seems to me that the figured cards of the Vargo Tarot can show quite a lot of the shadow sides of a personality, which provides excellent ground for psychological layouts.

Features of card interpretation

The meanings of the Vargo Gothic Tarot cards in the MBK are described both in upright and inverted positions. Moreover, the interpretation of the reversals is not as bad as in many other MBKs that come with the cards. Since the deck is focused on viewing subconscious fears, hidden attachments, unconscious desires, I think when reading the Vargo Tarot it is quite appropriate to use both positions, at least for those who are used to it.

What questions is the deck suitable for addressing?

I think that the deck is quite universal, but it can also do things that many other cards cannot. For example, she is able to work with our subconscious, the shadow side of phenomena and events, and show what a person does not see or does not want to admit. It is quite appropriate to view negative magical influences and even criminal issues on it.

Who is the card data suitable for?

  • For those who are not afraid of dark gothic images and themes of death
  • Tarot readers looking for a dark deck to consider issues of the subconscious, psychological blocks, hidden fears and attachments
  • Those who simply like to immerse themselves in moonlit illustrations and look for new semantic shades of the usual Arcana

The only book that fully describes the mysterious world of the Vargo Tarot is the “Gothic Tarot Compendium” - “Handbook of the Gothic Tarot”. The authors of this publication were Joseph Vargo himself and independent journalist Joseph Yorillo. Unfortunately, I don’t know if there is an official Russian version, but I think it’s unlikely. But I recommend that those interested look for the author’s translations online: I have often seen a similar practice in other decks. And those who speak a foreign language can purchase this book in foreign online stores.

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Work on revealing Arcana I, V, VIII, X, XIV, XV, XIII, XX Using only one deck, we proceed as follows. In the diagram on. rice. 4 we find these Arcana, then, writing out the Arcana lying nearby and the total Arcana of the row, we compile a table. We decipher the received data. Perfectly

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Time cycles of the Minor Arcana Table 2 Wands Table 3 Cups Table 4 Swords Table 5

From the book The Sacred Book of Thoth: Great Arcana of the Tarot author Shmakov Vladimir

Meanings of the Minor Arcana Tarot of any system in aspect I, Magician Table 7 Wands Table 8 Cups Table 9 Swords Table 10

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Meanings of the Minor Arcana Tarot of any system in the aspect of Themis, VIII Table 16 Wands Table 17 Cups Table 18 Swords Table 19

From the book Tarot is simple and clear by Lewis Anthony

Meanings of the Minor Arcana Tarot in aspect X, Fortune Table 21 Wands Table 22 Cups Table 23 Swords Table 24

From the book Tarot Manara. All the colors of love author Nevsky Dmitry

Meanings of the Minor Arcana Tarot of any system in the aspect of Death, XIII Table 26 Wands Table 27 Cups Table 28 Swords Table 29

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PAPA There are assumptions, and I believe in them, that the word “PAPA” is the syllable “PA” pronounced twice, which meant half of something. Figuratively speaking, “DAD” is only HALF of the family. When humanity developed into great civilizations of religions in which men began

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From the author's book

From the author's book

Part II. The power of the major arcana Well, we have come to the main part of this book. If anyone hasn’t read my first book “Four Castes. Who are you?”, then be sure to read it, since I will not re-explain the entire model of Sephirotic magic. For those who are familiar with it, in brief

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Chapter 5 Minor Arcana cards, or digital cards Digital cards are those that contain numbers that determine the numerological value of the card. Digital cards represent commonplace feelings and everyday situations. Sometimes they indicate the qualities of people who

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Suits of the Minor Arcana Tarot The Minor Arcana Tarot Manara is presented not in the form of the usual suits, but in the form of a demonstration of the elements. This removes the question surrounding the long-standing dispute about which element this or that suit belongs to. Before you is the essence of the element, which does not require finding

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Structure of the Minor Arcana Tarot The Minor Arcana Tarot consists of two groups of cards. The first group includes cards from 1 to 10. The second group is represented by Pages, Horsemen, Kings and Queens. Each group provides additional information to the map, focusing your attention on

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Appendix 3 Possible correspondences between Tarot cards and English letters

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Correspondences In almost any book devoted to the basics of the Magic Craft, you will find lists of correspondences. Some books, in fact, are a collection of such lists, and only a few of them explain why we resort to these correspondences and when it is better

The Gothic style has always attracted people who love darkness and the other world. The creatures that live there: vampires, chimeras, signs and other evil spirits live in the dark and feed on our fears. Therefore, those who want to cast the Gothic Vargo Tarot must clearly understand what they will have to face. These living dead cannot always give an answer to a question for a weak and fearful person. They are looking for confident and strong conquerors.

Gothic tarot Vargo is not suitable for the faint of heart

History of maps and their creator

Joseph Vargo is our contemporary. An ardent fan of all dark forces and mystical creatures. He is the creator of the group “Mysterious Night” or “Nox Arcana”. The author of the maps annually releases music albums that vividly describe the life of creatures living on the other side of reality. His name has been synonymous with the word “gothic” since 2003. Vargo creates the emblems for his songs himself, and one gets the impression that he communicates with them and knows them personally.

In 1990, he created a Gothic tarot deck. He has many paintings, books, and articles dedicated to creatures who expect forgiveness from their relatives or take revenge on their offenders. The maps he created carry secrets and dark truths about the realities of life. Therefore, when starting fortune telling with the Vargo tarot, the questioner must be sure that with his thoughts and actions he will not offend the owners - the monsters. When picking up the Bohemian Gothic tarot, a person should perceive death as a gift from above and a continuation of his own life. Joseph is considered by many to be a warlock and a worshiper of the Devil, who helped him create the deck. There are also features:

  • instructions in English;
  • there is black humor that not everyone understands;
  • 11 lasso is “Strength”;
  • for beginners there is a special book by Vargo, where he popularly describes each card and everything that can happen during fortune telling;
  • the power of symbols is used, in which it is not necessary to know the meaning, it is already drawn, and therefore understandable;
  • Only those who are strong in spirit can guess.

Vargo tarot cards were created in 1990

Features of cards

It must be said that these tarot cards, having the face of vampires and shadows, chimeras and ghosts, are not very accommodating. But they absolutely accurately reveal the essence of the fortuneteller, his fears and horrors of his soul. The main character of the cards is a human shadow, which suffers from the fact that there is no more return.

One question remains open: “How to force the evil spirits to obey you and tell the truth, without risk to yourself?”

Picking up the Vargo Gothic Tarot:

  • first show them respect;
  • say hello;
  • tune in to the fact that you are the master, all vampires and ghosts cannot intimidate you;
  • You cannot be rude to the cards or swear at them - this can bring trouble to yourself;
  • if the cards decide to reveal the truth to you, you will feel it.

Only after the cards are resolved can a dialogue begin.

Joseph Vargo's Gothic Tarot consists of the major and minor arcana (22 and 56 cards). The world-famous gothic, when creating his cards, took into account all the nuances of the layouts, so no additional cards are required. You will receive a more than clear and concise answer.

Joseph Vargo's Gothic Tarot requires respect

A little about the meaning of cards

Before telling fortunes about any situation that interests you, let's look at some of them.

  1. Under number 1 is the “Mage” card. Denotes self-confidence and self-confidence, huge potential. Reversed position: eager to exceed power, to be above the law.
  2. No. 6 “In Love.” The drawn silhouettes of the card look more like a vampire and his victim. But the meaning is not at all so terrible. Upright position: beauty, love, passion, attraction. Reversed: Difficulty in relationships, struggle, heartbreak from love.
  3. No. 15 "Devil". The card depicts precisely the lord of darkness. He holds chains with souls in his hands, and a mountain of skulls at his feet. This is the personification of our fears, hypocrisy, violence, oppression. The reversed position of the card indicates a loss of strength and energy.
  4. The Two of Wands carries information indicating the strong and strong-willed qualities of a person. He will not be a family man, but he will be guaranteed wealth and power. The inverted meaning does not carry negativity, but speaks of changes for the better.
  5. The Knight of Wands looks like an angel defeating a serpent. The essence of the card: excellent reputation, triumph, victorious. May also warn of departure. The reversed position suggests that one should prepare for battle, and plans may be postponed indefinitely.
  6. The Ace of Cups is a cornucopia. Indicates well-being in everything: family relationships, finances and health. The reversed position suggests that you need to look for deception among those you trust.
  7. The Queen of Cups in an upright position shows a person as trusting and dreamy, but in cases of an inverted position, you should know that such people cannot be trusted. Such people are unreliable in every way.
  8. All suits of swords carry pain and disappointment. Both upright and inverted, this suit indicates loss, betrayal, instability in relationships, quarrels and separations.
  9. The suit of pentacles in general carries information regarding holidays, fame, money, success, and high creative success. If the cards of the minor arcana of pentacles take an inverted position, this can only mean hypocrisy, envy, failure in finances and in all endeavors.

If you are interested in these cards, follow all the recommendations prescribed by the creator, and you will definitely succeed.
