The meaning of the name of the roots. The character of a man named Korney - various traits and fate

If you are in the process of finding a name for your child, you will probably be interested in the meaning of the name Roots. On the one hand, it is traditional, and on the other, original. At the moment this name is not particularly common, so you don’t have to worry that kindergarten or there will be several Korneevs in the class at once.


The meaning of the name Korney is largely determined by its origins in the family nickname Cornelius, which is of Roman origin. It is translated as "horn". Another version of the translation is “dogwood berry.” Korney celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • March 5 (February 20) - abbot of the Pskov-Pechersk monastery, Rev. abbot Cornelius. Converted many Livonians to Orthodoxy. He was killed in 1570.
  • 26 (September 13) - the name of the holy great martyr Cornelius the centurion is commemorated.

There is an interesting thing connected with Korney’s name day. folk sign. It is believed that from September 26, the roots in the ground stop growing and begin to freeze. Therefore, it was on this day in Rus' that it was customary to begin harvesting all root crops, except turnips.

Character traits

The meaning of the name Korney, the fate and character of its owner are to some extent interconnected. Here are the features it has:

  • Does not tolerate falsehood. He will never demonstrate something publicly if he does not feel such emotions inside himself.
  • Can't stand noise and fuss. Prefers quiet time at home.
  • In his youth he forms a system of beliefs and views and remains faithful to it all his life.
  • Stable in habits and attachments.
  • It has practical approach to life. Tries to benefit from everything.
  • He has an inexhaustible capacity for work. This characteristic is especially evident when he has some kind of goal in front of him.
  • Always behaves tactfully and correctly.

Strengths and weaknesses of the name

The origin and meaning of the name Roots affect the formation of personality. Moreover, the name determines not only positive inclinations, but also negative characteristics.





    sound reasoning;



    constancy of views;

    ability to love.

Weak sides:

  • rancor;




    explosive temperament;

    lack of sense of proportion.

Name horoscope

The meaning of the name Korney is also determined by astrology. Here are some points to pay attention to:

  • Libra. For boys born under the auspices of this constellation, the name Roots is perfect.
  • Patron planet - Saturn.
  • Lucky color- dark green. It is very important that it be present both in the interior and in Korney’s wardrobe.
  • The talisman tree is maple. To restore energy and peace of mind, it is recommended to lean against the trunk. It is also recommended to have some kind of talisman with the image of a maple leaf or a wardrobe item with such a print.
  • The lucky plant is parsley. It is recommended for the root to be consumed daily in dry or fresh form.
  • Totem animal - really. Korney is recommended to always have with him a small amulet with the image of this reptile.
  • Talisman stone - amethyst and jasper. Korney must have some kind of small talisman inlaid with one of these stones.

Spelling out

Recently, the name Korney has been gaining popularity. The meaning of the name for the child and his future is determined by each letter, namely:

  • K is the letter responsible for endurance and fortitude. A person whose name begins with this letter does not have a “golden mean”. He wants to have everything or nothing.
  • O is the letter responsible for the sensual side of personality. Determines depth emotional experiences.
  • R - defines self-confidence and courage. A person with such a letter in his name is quite capable of taking risks, even if it is not justified.
  • N - defines the mood of protest. A person with the letter “N” in his name is an implacable fighter for truth.
  • E is the need for self-expression, as well as the desire to reach the top in all areas of life.
  • Y - defines high morality and spirituality, as well as adherence to social norms.

Love and family

The meaning of the name Korney leaves an imprint on the relationship of its owner with representatives of the opposite sex. Outwardly he is reserved, but fiery passions boil inside. It is they who force Korney to start numerous promiscuous relationships that can ruin a man’s reputation. However, being confident in his own superiority, he is often deceived by women.

When Korney finally finds his one and only beloved, he rushes to legitimize this relationship. He treats his life partner tenderly and reverently, and is very afraid of losing her. When Korney starts a family, he turns into a real breadwinner. Strives to provide his wife and children with everything they need on their own.

Hobbies and career

The meaning of the name Korney largely determines the professional orientation of its owner. Since childhood, he has been distinguished by his wild imagination and pronounced acting abilities. As well as extraordinary intelligence and an analytical mind. Innate inclination and restraint make one, with age, put aside the creative direction and focus on accumulating knowledge.

Korney does not like to work in a team or obey anyone. He gravitates more towards individual entrepreneurship or high management positions. As a rule, he achieves significant profits almost immediately. However, he does not know how to manage money at all. Therefore, in order to maintain a sufficient level of well-being, he has to work hard and diligently all his life.

Health status

The meaning of the name Korney for a boy to some extent determines the state of health throughout life. We can say that this is an average child who often gets colds and also periodically faces digestive problems. But closer to the age of 30, the issue of diseases of the musculoskeletal system becomes acute. Therefore, regular moderate physical exercise, as well as a dry, warm climate.

Meaning of the name Korney: The boy's name means "horn". This affects the character and fate of Korney.

Origin of the name Korney: Latin.

Diminutive form of name: Corneille, Cora.

What does the name Korney mean? The name Cornei comes from the Roman generic nickname Cornelius, which was derived from the word “cornus”. The name Kornei translates as “horn”. Another meaning of the name Korney is “dogwood berry.” He is modest in appearance, but in reality he is proud and loves to receive compliments. However, a guy with this name recognizes flattery almost immediately, so he is surrounded by honest people who are able to recognize talent (for example, musical or artistic).

Patronymic name Korney: Korieevich, Kornilovich, Korneevna, Kornilovna; decomposition Kornilych.

Angel Day and patron saints named after Roots: The name Korney celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • March 5 (February 20) - Venerable Cornelius of Pskov, abbot of the Pskov-Pechersk monastery; addressed to Orthodox faith and baptized many Livonians. He was killed in 1570.
  • September 26 (13) - St. Holy Martyr Cornelius the Centurion.

Signs of the name Korney: September 26th is Cornigliev's day. From Corniglia the root does not grow in the ground, but freezes. From this day on, all root vegetables are removed - potatoes, rutabaga, carrots, horseradish, etc., except turnips.


  • Zodiac - Libra
  • Planet - Saturn
  • Color - dark green
  • Auspicious tree - maple
  • Treasured plant - parsley
  • Patron - already
  • Roots talisman stone - earthen coal

Characteristics of the name Korney

Positive features: The name Korney gives modesty, complaisance, prudence, and consistency. He Korney has a calm and kind disposition. He does not try to subjugate his neighbor, does not expect “gifts” from life, he achieves everything through his own work.

Negative features: A man bearing the name Roots is endowed with pride and painful pride. A guy with this name does not tolerate jokes, criticism or irony directed at himself. With outward complaisance, the guy does not forget the insults inflicted.

Characteristics of the name Korney: The bark is somewhat dry. But don't be afraid of its icy tone: it's just a means of self-defense. For the same reason, he can be vindictive. Cora has a very strong, if not despotic, will. He is demanding not only of others, but also of himself. In general, he is objective, ready to give everything for an idea; does not like people who easily change their beliefs. Korney has an analytical mind. Sometimes he acts under the influence of inspiration, which helps him solve complex problems with brilliance.

A man with this name may not smile at all because he does not feel an internal need to do so. He cannot stand fuss and noise; he prefers to live in a house where people are respected. family traditions. In his youth, Korneyka formed a belief system to which he remained faithful all his life.

Korney and his personal life

Compatible with female names: An alliance with Agafya, Kira, Claudia, Lydia is favorable. The name Korney is also combined with Taisiya. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Eva, Zhanna, Christina, Mirra, Roxana.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Korney promise happiness in love? Behind the guy’s outward restraint and modesty, emotions and passions are boiling. Flirting is of particular importance to him. A guy with this name is amorous, fickle and indiscriminate about relationships with women, and is often deceived himself.

In the family sphere, he always provides for the family, often purchasing food himself. He Korney treats love reverently, he is afraid of losing it.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Korney has a rich imagination, pronounced acting abilities, a broad outlook, and an analytical mind. The struggle between his innate modesty and painful pride usually prevents him from realizing his abilities in the field of art and science. A man with this name is more inclined to individual work.

Business and career: has many chances to achieve prominence. His financial affairs are generally successful, but he does not know how to properly manage the funds he earns.

Those who bear this name are stable in their habits, practical and thorough. A guy named Korney always behaves correctly and is not prone to shocking behavior. attaches great importance to hard work and works all his life without raising his head.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Korney: He probably has weakened functions of the musculoskeletal system. Possible rheumatism, arthritis. A man named Korney must live in a dry climate.

The fate of Korney in history

What does the name Korney mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Korneliy Yakovlevich Tromonin (? - 1847) - lithographer and famous lover of Russian antiquity, compiler of an interesting book “Explanation of signs visible in writing paper” (Moscow, 1844).
  2. Korney I. Chukovsky is a wonderful Russian writer, a classic of Soviet children's literature. For the rest of our lives we remember by heart his “Aibolit”, “Mukhu-Tsokotukha”, “Telephone”, “Moidodyr”. His literary works on Nekrasov and Chekhov are well known; translations; books about child psychology "From Two to Five"; fictional memoirs.
  3. Korney Zerschikov - (1924 - 1990) participant of the Great Patriotic War, full holder of the Order of Glory. Participated in the Victory Parade in Moscow on Red Square in 1985 and 1990.
  4. Vladimir Kornienko - (born 1981) nickname - Korney; songwriter, musician, arranger.
  5. Korney Shperling - (born 1947) Honored Trainer of Russia (1990), candidate pedagogical sciences(1977). In 1975-1976, he was part of a comprehensive scientific group preparing the USSR national football team for Olympic Games 1976.
  6. Korney Andrusenko - (1899 - 1976) Hero Soviet Union, guard colonel, commander of the 55th Infantry Division (61st Army, 1st Belorussian Front).

Roots in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English language translated as Cornelius (Cornelius), in German: Cornelius, Kornelius (Cornelius), on French: Cornielle (Cornel), in Italian: Cornelio (Cornelio).

Korney's name day

Korney celebrates his name day on February 8; 5th of March; 11 April; June 1st; July 6; August 4; September 3, 12, 26; December 7th. Patron saints of men named Korney: Cornelius of Alexandrovsky, Venerable; Cornelius of Valaam, holy martyr; Cornelius of Komel, reverend; Cornelius Ostrovsky, Rev.

What does it mean

Roots means “horn” (this is a translation from Latin).


It makes sense to start the analysis with its origin. The story has Roman roots and comes from the Roman family name Cornelius, which in turn comes from the Latin word “cornus” - “horn”. The traditional Orthodox church form of the name Kornei is Cornelius.

What does the name Korney mean according to P. Rouge

In accordance with the description of the name Roots according to Pierre Rouget, the main traits of men with this name are sociability, receptivity, sexuality and health.

Type: the character of the name Korney is quite mysterious. These are nervous and easily excitable people.

Psyche: Korney can be called both an extrovert and an introvert. He is open to the world around him. Likes to interfere in other people's affairs out of a desire to help.

Will: very strong, sometimes turning into stubbornness.

Excitability: Korney is often capable of wild behavior.

Field of activity: easily adapts to circumstances. Korney can become a talented politician, psychologist, psychiatrist.

Intelligence: inquisitive, has an analytical mind.


According to the description of the name Korney, the man bearing this name is rather dry. Moreover, this dryness is his means of self-defense. Also, for the purpose of self-defense, Roots can be vindictive. Korney is very demanding of both others and himself. He has a very strong will, which can sometimes reach the point of despoticism. He doesn't like people who can easily change their opinions. He will give everything he can for his idea and will not give up one step from it.

In Korney's company he is reserved and wary, trying not to attract attention to himself. Even the smallest resentment can grow in his soul to large sizes, if Korney does not explain himself to his offender in time.

Korney is very hardworking and efficient. He tries to provide his family with everything they need as much as possible. He often goes shopping and going to markets himself. He treats love with great trepidation, afraid of losing it.


Options: Cornelius, Cornelius.

Diminutives: Measles, Kornyusha, Korneyushka, Korneyka.

Different languages

  • in English: Cornelius (Cornelius).
  • in German: Cornelius, Kornelius (Cornelius).
  • in French: Cornielle (Cornel).
  • in Italian: Cornelio (Cornelio).

Famous Corneis:

  • Korney Chukovsky is a famous Russian and Soviet poet, publicist, critic, also translator and literary critic.
  • Corney Jean François Heymans – Belgian physiologist, laureate Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine.
  • Korney Shperling is an Honored Trainer of Russia, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Linguists claim that the name Korney has Latin roots, although the Romans had a slightly different pronunciation - Cornelius. A good example in this case there will be the family name of the Roman dictator, a representative of an ancient family - Lucius Cornelius Sulla (138-78 BC). Before the revolution in our country, the name was quite common, since in the church calendar his name day is celebrated ten times. The ecclesiastical form of this name in Orthodoxy sounds like Cornelius. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the founder of the Paleostrovsky Nativity Monastery - the Valaam monk Cornelius. Legend says that Cornelius was a native of Pskov. During his wanderings, he visited many places in Pomerania until he found an island that captivated him with its beauty. Cornelius found a suitable cave where he lived long years. The monk wore chains that weighed more than 16 kilograms. The pilgrims revered him as a saint, and as a sign of reverent respect they put on and wore the chains of Cornelius on themselves.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Korney

Translated from Latin, the name Cornelius meant “archer”, from lat. cornu - “horn”, “bow”. IN Latin there is another word from which this name “cornum” could come - this is the name of the dogwood berry. According to the sound characteristics, this name is dominated by solidity, balanced softness and reliability. A negative characteristic of the name Korney includes painful pride. The bearers of this rare name already in early childhood they can show themselves to be reserved boys who are especially wary of strangers. Among the children they know, they also try not to attract too much attention to themselves.

Despite his amazing restraint, this boy is often attacked by intrusive interlocutors and treats them very coldly. His icy calm is just a mask, Korney is subject to the boiling of emotions and passions. A minor resentment in the soul of this boy can grow to an impressive size and seriously poison his life. The parents of little Korney need to teach their child to forgive insults, otherwise his future life will not be easy. Positive emotions in the soul of little Korney can also reach great strength. If Korney treats small everyday troubles with a certain amount of humor, he will be able to make a brilliant career. For this he has the whole set necessary qualities: inexhaustible diligence, thoroughness and talent.

In order to live with Korney in peace and harmony, loved ones must remember that in those around him he especially does not like inflated conceit, inconstancy and the desire to command. He is irritated by excessive persistence and emotionality, and is attracted by calm prudence. Bearers of this name often consider their spouse an object of admiration. For the sake of the happiness of the woman he loves, Korney is capable of anything; he is predisposed to sacrifice. If Korney has an object of worship, at whose feet he will throw the whole world, he considers himself lucky, lucky man. Over time, his house turns into a full bowl, which he carefully protects from any external influence.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Korney, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Zodiac of Korney - Libra
  • Planet - Saturn
  • The color of the name Roots is dark green.
  • Auspicious tree - maple
  • The treasured plant of Korneya - parsley
  • The patron of the name Korney is
  • Korney's talisman stone - earthen coal

What does the name Korney mean? horn (the name of Roots is of Latin origin).

Short meaning of the name Korney: Corneille, Cora.

Patronymic name Korney: Korieevich, Kornilovich, Korneevna, Kornilovna; decomposition Kornilych.

Angel Day named after Roots: The name Korney celebrates name days twice a year:

  • March 5 (February 20) - Venerable Cornelius of Pskov, abbot of the Pskov-Pechersk monastery; converted to the Orthodox faith and baptized many Livonians. He was killed in 1570.
  • September 26 (13) - St. Holy Martyr Cornelius the Centurion.

Signs of the name Korney: September 26 - Cornigliev day. From Corniglia the root does not grow in the ground, but freezes. From this day on, all root vegetables are removed - potatoes, rutabaga, carrots, horseradish, etc., except turnips.

Positive traits of the name Korney: Modesty, flexibility, prudence, consistency. The name Korney has a calm and kind disposition. He does not try to subjugate his neighbor, does not expect “gifts” from life, he achieves everything through his own work.

Negative traits of the name Korney: Korney is endowed with pride and painful pride. He does not tolerate jokes, criticism or irony addressed to him. Despite his outward complaisance, Korney does not forget the insults inflicted.

Character of the name Korney: The roots are somewhat dry. But don't be afraid of its icy tone: it's just a means of self-defense. For the same reason, Korney can be vindictive. The meaning of the name has a very strong, if not despotic, will. He is demanding not only of others, but also of himself. In general, he is objective, ready to give everything for an idea; does not like people who easily change their beliefs. Korney has an analytical mind. Sometimes he acts under the influence of inspiration, which helps him solve complex problems with brilliance.

Korney may not smile at all, because he does not feel the inner need to do so. He cannot stand fuss and noise; he prefers to live in a house where family traditions are respected. In his youth, Korney formed a system of views to which he remained faithful all his life.

Those who bear this name are stable in their habits, practical and thorough. Korney always behaves correctly and is not prone to shocking behavior. A man named Korney has a tremendous ability to work and works all his life without raising his head. In the family sphere, he always provides for the family, often deals with food purchases himself, treats love with reverence, and is afraid of losing it.

Choosing a profession by name: Korney has a rich imagination, pronounced acting abilities, a broad outlook, and an analytical mind. The struggle between his innate modesty and painful pride usually prevents him from realizing his abilities in the field of art and science. He is more inclined to individual work.

Korney's business and career: the name Roots has many chances to achieve prominence. His financial affairs are generally successful, but he does not know how to properly manage the funds he earns.

Korney's love and marriage: Behind Korney's external restraint and modesty, emotions and passions are boiling. He is amorous, fickle and indiscriminate about relationships with women, and is often deceived himself. An alliance with Agafya, Kira, Claudia, Lydia, Taisiya is favorable. Difficult relationships are likely with Eva, Zhanna, Christina, Mirra, Roxana.

Health and talents named after Korney: Korney probably has weakened functions of the musculoskeletal system. Possible rheumatism, arthritis. It is better for him to live in a dry climate.

Name of Roots in other countries: The translation of the name Korney in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Cornelius (Cornelius), in German: Cornelius, Kornelius (Cornelius), in French: Cornielle (Cornel), in Italian: Cornelio (Cornelio).

The fate of the name Korney in history:

  1. Korneliy Yakovlevich Tromonin (? - 1847) - lithographer and famous lover of Russian antiquity, compiler of an interesting book “Explanation of signs visible in writing paper” (Moscow, 1844).
  2. Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky is a wonderful Russian writer, a classic of Soviet children's literature. For the rest of our lives we remember by heart his “Aibolit”, “Mukhu-Tsokotukha”, “Telephone”, “Moidodyr”. His literary works on Nekrasov and Chekhov are well known; translations; books about child psychology "From Two to Five"; fictional memoirs.
  3. Korney Zerschikov - (1924 - 1990) participant in the Great Patriotic War, full holder of the Order of Glory. Participated in the Victory Parade in Moscow on Red Square in 1985 and 1990.
  4. Vladimir Kornienko - (born 1981) nickname - Korney; songwriter, musician, arranger.
  5. Korney Shperling - (born 1947) Honored Trainer of Russia (1990), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (1977). In 1975-1976, he was part of a comprehensive scientific group preparing the USSR national football team for the 1976 Olympic Games.
  6. Korney Andrusenko - (1899 - 1976) Hero of the Soviet Union, guard colonel, commander of the 55th Infantry Division (61st Army, 1st Belorussian Front).

What does the name Korney mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Origin: The roots from Latin are horn.

Zodiac sign: Scales.

Planet: Saturn.

Color: dark green.

Auspicious tree: maple.

Treasured plant: parsley.

Patron name: already.

Talisman stone: ground coal.

Character: The roots are somewhat dry. But don't be afraid of its icy tone: it's just a means of self-defense. For the same reason he is vindictive. He has a very strong, if not despotic, will. He is demanding not only of others, but also of himself. In general, Korney is objective, ready to give everything for an idea: he does not like people who easily change their beliefs. Korney has an analytical mind. Sometimes he acts under the influence of inspiration, which helps him solve complex problems brilliantly.

Where did the name Korney come from and what does it mean?

The mystery of the name Kornei, Cornelius
Meaning and Origin of the Name: The name Roots is believed to be derived from the Latin root meaning. According to another version - from the word - dogwood berry (lat.).
Energy and Karma of the name: solidity, reliability and balanced gentleness predominate in this name. At the same time, it reveals a person with significant and sometimes painful pride. The image of Korney Chukovsky, whose wonderful works are known to almost every child, also plays a significant role here.
However, at a young age, the presence of such an eminent namesake, combined with the rarity and visibility of the name, can be not only a source of pride, but also a reason for ridicule and teasing. Most likely, all this will make Korney a very ambitious person and will force him to react painfully to any criticism.
Often in the company of Korney, he behaves somewhat withdrawn and wary, trying not to attract undue attention to himself. However, with such a prominent name, he is unlikely to succeed, which may make him show coldness towards intrusive interlocutors. At the same time, behind his external restraint, emotions and passions often boil.
It happens that even a minor offense gradually grows in his soul to significant proportions, further determining Korney’s negative attitude towards his involuntary offender. It’s a pity, because if you explain yourself in time, and don’t keep the offense to yourself, then, you see, there wouldn’t be any misunderstandings later.
On the other hand, and positive emotions sometimes they achieve significant strength in Korney’s soul. He has a powerful imagination and pronounced creative abilities, but his painful pride usually prevents him from realizing his many talents. There is no doubt that his hard work and thoroughness could provide him with a successful career, but for this he urgently needs to learn self-irony and become a little more open, softening misunderstandings with the help of humor. This can also save him from many family problems.


presumably the name Roots comes from the Latin root meaning. According to another version - from the word - dogwood berry (lat.).
The roots are somewhat dry. But don't be afraid of its icy tone: it's just a means of self-defense. For the same reason he is vindictive. He has a very strong, if not despotic, will. He is demanding not only of others, but also of himself. In general, Korney is objective, ready to give everything for an idea: he does not like people who easily change their beliefs. Korney has an analytical mind. Sometimes he acts under the influence of inspiration, which helps him solve complex problems brilliantly.
