Do-it-yourself hedge at the dacha: what plants. Hedge: what is best to make from - features of plant varieties, photos and videos Shrub, fast-growing perennial hedge

Each site requires a reliable fence. A fast-growing, perennial hedge will be an excellent alternative to a traditional fence; it will not only protect your property from prying eyes and uninvited guests, but will also add color to the entire area.

With thoughtful selection, shrubs will not take much time and effort to care for, and in return will provide a naturally regenerating fence that performs several important functions at once.

Requirements for fast-growing shrubs and hedges

Perennial shrubby plants, chosen for edging the site, can be deciduous and evergreen, tall and very small, decorative deciduous, flowering and even fruit-bearing.

At the same time, a hedge based on them not only plays the role of a “green border”, it:

  • helps to divide the space inside into functional zones;
  • purifies the air, and when choosing flowering bushes is a honey plant and a serious bait for pollinating insects;
  • changing appearance throughout the year, decorates the territory;
  • holds loose soil on the slopes of ravines, prevents soil erosion;
  • protects garden and vegetable plantings from cold air and direct sunlight.

The fastest-growing hedge shrubs themselves have several important requirements. Such plants should not only be distinguished by the speed of shoot formation, but also:

  • unpretentiousness, that is, without painstaking care;
  • frost resistance, especially in regions with harsh winters and the danger of spring return cold;
  • durability;
  • the ability to form a uniformly dense green wall;
  • good tolerance to regular formative pruning.

Caring for plantings will be much easier if fast-growing hedge bushes do not grow over time, leaving the boundaries of their designated areas.

True, it is not always possible to find such cultures. Therefore, summer residents use simple agrotechnical techniques that help restrain the indomitable desire of shrubs to occupy as much as possible more space. The easiest way to limit the planting trenches during planting is to dig in sheets of slate to the depth of the root system.

Which hedge shrubs grow quickly and best satisfy the above requirements?

Types of fast-growing shrubs for hedges

Recently, evergreen species have often been used to create hedges. Such plantings retain their color brightness regardless of the season. Junipers and thujas are easy to trim and hold their given shape perfectly. However, conifers have one drawback - in most cases they grow slowly.

In deciduous crops, the growth rate is much higher than in conifers, and their high decorative value from spring to autumn compensates for the lack of foliage in winter.

What types of shrubs are suitable for perennial, fast-growing hedges? A small selection of well-known plants with photos will help you make the right choice.


It deservedly occupies one of the first places in popularity among such breeds. Plants with shoots densely covered with dense foliage tolerate both pruning and Russian winters excellently. They can be safely recommended as fast-growing hedge plants for the Moscow region, other areas of the middle zone and even further north.

Thanks to the leaves and fruits that remain on the branches for a long time, the hedge, changing its appearance, remains attractive throughout the year. And the presence of thorns on dense branches adds to its reliability. Today, summer residents have at their disposal enough orts not only with traditional green foliage, but also crimson-purple and golden. From variety to variety, the maximum possible height of the plants, and therefore the hedge, also varies significantly.


For medium-height fences, strict or free form is often chosen. The leaves of the plant are shaped like viburnum foliage, lush flowering, occurring in the first half of summer, is no less impressive than that of viburnum or spirea. In addition, the average growth of this winter-hardy and completely picky shrub per year is about 40 cm.

With regular trimming, a perennial hedge made of fast-growing shrubs is not so densely covered with flowers, but acquires additional density and solidity. If the bladderwort is not trimmed, the width and height of the crown can reach 4 meters.


For small decorative fences and borders there is no better shrub than snowberry. A hedge based on a plant grows up to 80–120 cm, and although it does not have sufficient density, it is interesting at any time of the year.

From the end of the vein until mid-summer, white or pink flowers appear between the oval bluish-green leaves. Then, in their place, unusual fruits appear, similar to lumps of snow. They remain on the bush even in winter.


Hawthorn is incredibly popular among landscape designers. The photo of a fast-growing hedge shrub shows that the plant not only meets all the requirements for such crops, it remains decorative from spring until late autumn.

By choosing one of the tall types of hawthorn, you can surround your house and garden with a dense green wall, which actively attracts bees in the spring, and by the end of summer pleases with clusters of ripening fruits.

On the branches of many varieties of hawthorn there are peculiar lignified outgrowths that look like long thorns. They will help make the fence not only tall and attractive, but also impregnable.

Derain white

An amazing tall, fast-growing shrub in all respects, it is good for fences with a height of 120 to 180 cm.

Due to the wide crown of the plant, it needs regular and fairly frequent pruning. But a grown hedge in winter, thanks to the bright reddish tint of the shoots, will be an excellent reference point.

In spring, it blooms on a shrub with variegated foliage in silver-green, pink-green or yellow-green tones, and by autumn, white spherical fruits appear in place of white clusters.

Caragana or yellow acacia

This ornamental plant is extremely winter-hardy, unpretentious and can easily do without regular watering.

Yellow locust can be used as a small tree or fast-growing hedge shrub. The fit in this case turns out to be dense, flexible, and decorative. The height of such a fence can reach 4 meters. The plant holds its shape well and does not tend to form a lot of shoots. It will be useful in the garden as an excellent honey plant.

Park and polyanthus rose

Hedges made from park and bushes look incredibly beautiful, lush and stylish.

Plants by their very appearance create the atmosphere of a Victorian garden, while such hedges are not given a strict shape, but only support the decorative appearance of the bush. However, we must remember that all roses tend to produce shoots, which are carefully cut out.

A luxurious free-style hedge is made from various types spirea, which responds well to mock orange trimming, as well as lilac, traditionally grown in summer cottages. All these crops bloom excellently and survive the winter without loss.

Blackthorn and other thorny fast-growing shrubs for hedges

It is not surprising that crops with thorns are often chosen for green garden fencing. A thorny perennial hedge of fast-growing species, even with insufficient density and lack of foliage, turns into an insurmountable obstacle not only for people, but also for street animals and livestock. With a fence like this you can have peace of mind!

One of the thorniest shrubs used in landscaping, only slightly inferior to rosehip. This is a thorn or blackthorn with oval dark green foliage and round bluish-blue tart drupe fruits. A frost-resistant bush that tolerates shearing perfectly in a couple of years turns into part of a dense, uniform hedge, which can not only delimit the territory, but also perfectly strengthen the slope of a ravine or reservoir.

Fences made from bushes have no less effect:

  • , which branches well when pruned, is unpretentious and produces abundant root shoots;
  • Japanese quince, suitable for creating low decorative borders.

Chokeberry and serviceberry

To create high garden fences, in addition to protection that provides owners with tasty fruits, shadberry and chokeberry are planted. These plants are capable of forming a hedge up to 3 meters high and higher.

They are winter-hardy, undemanding to growing conditions and delight the eye not only with festive white blooms, but also with clusters of edible fruits, as well as foliage that changes color by autumn.

Plants for forming a hedge - video

The article contains detailed information about hedges for a private home, which will help you understand the nuances of arrangement: which plants to choose, how to plant them correctly. We will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each so that you know what problems you will encounter during the growing process.

A hedge not only decorates the area, but also helps keep the air clean.

What is the best way to make a hedge? fast growing hedge

It all depends on the function that the hedge fence should perform, the owner’s wallet and personal preferences. Plants can be very different: deciduous or evergreen, climbing or with a straight strong trunk, prickly and smooth, tall and knee-deep, dense and quite loose.

Some can fulfill their purpose along the border of the site with neighbors, others can frame the perimeter of the flowerbed. First, decide what you want first. If you want to block yourself from the view of your neighbor, then the fence should be high and thick. Plants for it can be planted in 2 rows.

When a “live” hedge runs along the border as a picturesque frame, the height is not important. In this case, you need to pay attention to decorative qualities and combination with its closest neighbors. For most, the price tag and unpretentiousness are also important.

It’s up to you to decide which plants are best to choose for a hedge on your property. Take a closer look at the most common ones for this purpose:

    girl's grapes;


  • rose hip;



  • vesicular carp.

Spruce trees planted in a row can also become a kind of hedge, but they take a long time to grow, and when they become very large, they will block the yard from the sun

When choosing a plant for your garden, pay attention to what kind of plant it is: evergreen or deciduous. Evergreens most often have a long growth process. In addition, all of them (pines, spruces, larches), except thuja, pose a certain danger when they grow up. The disadvantage of deciduous plants is the loss of their functional characteristics in winter. Many also become very littery with leaves in the fall.

development of landscaping projects and carrying out landscape work of any complexity. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

What shrubs can be used for hedges?

Creating a hedge requires a serious approach. You need to think through everything so that you don’t have to redo it later. In order to isolate yourself from neighbors, not only shrubs, but also climbing plants can be suitable. True, they will require strong support, but they will create a dense mass of leaves.

One of these is girlish grapes. It is unpretentious and grows quickly. And in a few years it will require strict control so that it does not spread throughout the area. If you appear on the site relatively rarely, then this option is unlikely to suit you. It is necessary to plant plants that will not require regular care.

Any shrubs require pruning and forming a “fence”

For example, for a hedge in a dacha, almost any berry bushes:

  • red, white, golden currants;

  • black rowan (chokeberry);

  • rose hip;


If you want not only to protect your garden from prying eyes and stray animals, but also to harvest useful products, then you should think about creating a hedge of berry bushes. They also need to be trimmed regularly to control height. At the same time, the aesthetics will be preserved, and picking berries will be much more convenient.

Strawberries over a wicker fence - it’s easier to harvest from such a fence

The disadvantages of such a fence include the following:

    They cannot be used along the highway as protection against exhaust and dust. Or, as an option, do not pick berries from such bushes. But we must not forget that others can do this.

    Most of the listed plants produce abundant growth, which is difficult to control, given the length of the site’s boundaries.

    Measures to improve fruiting and high-quality living fencing often contradict each other (thickness, attitude to shoots). Therefore, you have to sacrifice the harvest in order to make a thick and beautiful hedge of bushes.

    Not only you, but also your neighbors will reap the harvest.

If you are going to opt for berry bushes, you need to choose from those listed by height, presence of shoots and thorns. For example, a raspberry will grow about 2 meters, but it produces shoots, which, on the one hand, makes the “fence” denser, and on the other, takes away the strength of the fruiting branches.

You can often see a blackberry hedge in a dacha, but it doesn’t always look perfect, as it grows a lot

Irga will not grow without watering, but if favorable conditions are created, it will produce a lot of berries and good fencing. In addition, it can withstand severe frosts. Rosehip will not grow very quickly, but with the help of thorns it will help protect against uninvited guests and animals. Currants can form dense rows, but their bushes do not grow more than one and a half meters.

Cherry will grow wonderfully in any area, but it will produce abundant growth that will be difficult to control. The disadvantage of viburnum is frequent pest damage. Thus, studying the pros and cons of each plant, you need to choose it “for yourself” so that care does not take much time.

Video description

Ideas for inspiration and creating a hedge on your property in the video:

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of design and construction of small architectural forms - gazebos, canopies and others on a turnkey basis. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Choosing shrubs for hedges

When choosing plants, first of all decide on a place for them. Mentally imagine this place in 5-10 years, at a time when the hedge will grow larger than human height. Plan in advance how wide it will grow, where and how long the shadow will fall.

Many experienced gardeners It is advised to plant trees rather than shrubs as a green hedge. The following arguments are given: rapid growth (larch, birch), unpretentiousness.

Green larch hedge

Why shouldn't this be done? Over time, such trees form a huge crown, which is almost impossible to shape. Their roots spread several meters in diameter. They suck water and nutrients from the soil in proportion to their size.

Hedging bushes have many advantages:

    they are more compact than trees;

    amenable to trimming and shaping;

    much less effort will be spent to remove the “green” fence.

When choosing a location, do not forget about regular watering. At first, the planted plants will need a lot of moisture. Over time, watering can be reduced. After 2-4 years, the hedge can only be watered on dry days.

Review of fast-growing perennial shrubs for hedges in the country

Not all shrubs that form a beautiful dense hedge grow quickly. For example, thujas grow very slowly at the beginning. The annual growth is 5-10 cm. Gradually the rate increases to 30 cm, and in 10 years they can reach a height of two meters. Certainly, great importance planting and care takes place.

When choosing plants for planting, you need to take into account their characteristics

Types of fast-growing shrubs for hedges:

    Fast growing plant. In landscape design, the viburnum-leaved carp is especially famous, with beautiful leaves. In different varieties they can be of different colors: dark burgundy - Diabolo, Andre, Lady in Red, Red Baron, green - Amursky, Nanus, yellow - Luteus, Darts Gold.

Bladderwort can grow either as a separate shrub or planted in a row for a hedge.

    Lilac. It grows very quickly, you can and should cut it to required height. Without cutting it can grow more than 3 meters. One of the most unpretentious plants, it practically does not suffer from anything. But it has one drawback: some varieties produce abundant growth, which must be constantly removed.

Abundant blooms in spring, freshness from bright green leaves in summer

    Chubushnik. This shrub is better known among us as jasmine. In summer, fragrant white flowers appear on it. Can be trimmed. From several plants you can form a dense hedge of the desired height.

Mock orange or “bride” is often found in city parks

    Willow. It grows very quickly and is also unpretentious. Many people ignore this shrub only because of its mediocrity. This is not entirely true. Now there are many varieties of willow on sale, which differ in leaf shape and height. But, all lend themselves well to haircuts. Some can even be used to create shapes: the willow is purple and twisting.

Forming a willow hedge is not an easy process, but it turns out beautifully

    Spirea. Has many different different types and varieties that may be completely different from each other. The height of different spireas ranges from 15 cm to 2 meters. Some of them are perfectly pruned and require pruning (oakleaf spirea, Japanese spirea), others (gray spirea) have a natural shape.

Spiraea of ​​low varieties is more used for fencing garden paths from lawns and gardens

    Doren. A fast-growing shrub that reaches a height of 3 meters. Easily pruned, forms dense thickets. Its only drawback is that in winter, like all deciduous trees, it loses its decorative effect. Keep in mind that derain loves water.

Derain is beautiful with the proper approach, but in winter, like all deciduous shrubs, it loses its attractiveness

    Rose hip. A barbed fence option that will be difficult to get through. Its height will not be higher than human height, but by maintaining the growth, it is possible to achieve such a density that neighboring animals will avoid the area. The advantage of this bush is its high decorative value during flowering. The downside is the abundance of growth and difficulties in processing due to thorns.

Rosehip can be used for hedges, but it is difficult to work with because of the thorns

    Rose. Despite the fact that in the minds of many a rose is a capricious, heat-loving flower, this is not entirely true. Now there are many frost-resistant varieties(for example, Canadian roses), which can withstand temperatures down to -40°C. There are so-called park roses, from which you can form an excellent hedge.

Roses planted in a dense row become a beautiful fence, but for winter period It’s better to choose special varieties

Of the above plants, bladderwort and willow grow faster. If favorable conditions are created for them: watering, fertilizing, lighting, then after 2 years they will create a high and fairly dense fence.

Video description

How to choose plants for a hedge in detail in the video:

What other plants can you use to make a hedge with your own hands?

When answering the question: what is the best way to make a hedge, you need to remember about shrubs that take a long time to grow but provide a high-quality fence. There are many plants that will grow to the required height in 5-7 years, but will provide an equally high-quality fence.

Green hedge at the dacha made of bushes and trees

Among them there are both shrubs and trees:



  • euonymus;


Pay attention to barberry. This is not to say that it grows quickly, but at the same time it produces a 2-meter impenetrable hedge with huge thorns. It does not sprout, and in the fall it pleases the eye with purple foliage and an abundance of berries. Barberry thunberga Atropurpurea has red foliage all season.

The barberry bush with red leaves does not need to be decorated with flowers or berries - it already looks beautiful

Evergreens for hedges

Many people prefer to have a hedge made of coniferous plants. These are spruce, thuja, and pine trees. The latter are growing very quickly. But they are suitable for fencing only in exceptional cases, given the size to which they grow. Evergreens have one significant advantage - they are decorative all year round and purify the air even in winter.

Larch is often included in this group. But this is a mistake, since it is a deciduous tree. Currently, thuja is used in ornamental gardening and as a fence. It is relatively unpretentious and frost-resistant. But thuja grows for quite a long time.

Which thujas are best suited for hedges?

Most often, the choice falls on one of two varieties: Brabant or Smaragd. Thuja occidentalis Brabant is distinguished by its high winter hardiness and unpretentiousness. But, despite this, at first it must be covered for the winter. In 2-3 years, when its root structure gets stronger, it will be able to spend the winter without shelter. Grows up to 5 meters, does not suffer from frequent cutting.

Thuja is the best way to take care of the health of the owners of the yard by purifying the air around them

Thuja Smaragd has a height of up to 8 meters. Just like Brabant is able to cleanse the air of pollution. But, unlike the previous variety, it has a dense pyramidal crown. Thanks to its natural shape, the plant does not need to be cut, but only trimmed.

Thuja Columna. It has a narrow columnar shape. The height of an adult tree is from 6 to 8 meters, but in our case it stops at 4.5-5 meters. It is able to maintain the shape of the crown on its own, but like other varieties it can also be pruned. The crown of the thuja Columna is lighter and more openwork than that of Smaragd.

An evergreen clipped hedge is suitable for those who have the time and financial resources not only to plant, but also to care for thuja. To create dense plantings, you will need many specimens, each of which is sold in stores at a fairly high price. Care and haircut require special attention.

Thujas suffer from burns in the spring if they are not carefully looked after. The rest is enough unpretentious plants, which can grow in the shade and on any soil. They give a small increase in the first years - 8-10 cm, then - 20 cm. 6-10-year-old seedlings can already grow by 30 cm, depending on the variety.

Blackthorn and other thorny fast-growing shrubs for hedges

Thorn as a hedge has many advantages:

    edible fruits;

    tolerates haircut;


    grows quickly;

    height 2-3 meters;

The prickly thorn will save you from uninvited guests, but when pruned, it will not spare the owners

Not everyone likes the latter, since the bush needs to be looked after. But those who need a “barbed wire” fence can choose not only thorns, but also rose hips, barberries and even sea buckthorn to their taste.

Undesirable plants for perennial hedges

It’s a matter of taste, but most often plants that, despite all efforts, fill the garden and vegetable garden with root shoots are undesirable. The most famous in this group will be the Sakhalin knotweed. It creates a beautiful hedge, but produces a huge number of suckers.

Trees that are difficult to form are undesirable as hedges. If the distance between the plants and the main garden is small, then there is no need to plant birch trees, whose roots resemble pumps in their ability to draw moisture around. It will harm standing nearby plants.

Video description

The video shows the process of trimming a hedge:

Trimming and trimming hedges

To make it easier to care for plants, they are cut to an accessible height of 2-3 meters using special pruning shears with long handles and powerful blades that can “cut through” medium branches. A bush or tree should be inspected annually in the spring and adjustments made: thick, old and withered branches should be completely cut out.

Pruning plants requires knowledge; an incorrect approach to the formation of bushes can lead to plant death

Shrubs are formed by cutting 2-3 times per season, as necessary. In this case, you need to remove 10-15 cm of growth at a time. This way, the plants will retain their shape and grow thicker. Willow can be cut more often, thujas and other evergreens - it is enough to “pass” with pruning shears 2 times a year.


There are many reasons why a property owner prefers a hedge to a blank fence. Some plants perform an aesthetic function, others protect the area no worse than a real fence. Currently on the market huge selection species and varieties of shrubs that are planted instead of a fence.

Creating a hedge is not only a labor-intensive, but also an exciting process. This element has been very actively used in landscape design for many decades and still remains popular.

To obtain good result, you need: firstly, choose the right plants; secondly, carry out the landing correctly; thirdly, carry out the formation in a timely and skillful manner.

Not all plants can be used to form a fast-growing perennial hedge, which is important both for external fencing and for internal landscaping.

If you plan to create something capital, not for one season, then you should take a responsible approach to the choice of plants and selection of varieties. For hedges, it is better to plant frost-resistant, drought-resistant and undemanding species. The possibility of disease and pest damage should also be taken into account. The less attention the planting requires, the better. Frozen twigs, fallen dried specimens, chlorotic leaves and leaves eaten away by caterpillars greatly reduce the decorative effect. Fixing such problems will take time and a lot of skill.

However, even if the most unpretentious and adapted species and varieties are selected, for quick results it will be necessary to ensure optimal growth conditions. Planting material for a hedge is taken at the age of 2-3 years (the exception is conifers, which grow slowly in the first years of life). More mature plants have a voluminous root system and are sensitive to transplants, and from annual seedlings, obtaining a full-fledged hedge will require more time. The most realistic period in which it is possible to form a green hedge, provided that high-quality planting material is used, is 2 years. And this applies only to fast-growing species that give good growth.

For rapid growth, plants need a supply of nutrients in the soil and a sufficient amount of water, so planting is carried out in fertilized soil and regular watering is provided in the first years, especially during dry periods. If the cottage is located in an area close to groundwater, then most plants will require good drainage in the form of a layer of crushed stone or broken brick at the bottom landing pit or trenches.

To eliminate the risk of freezing of young seedlings, it is necessary to provide shelter for the winter in the first 2-3 years. non-woven material or a mulch layer of dry leaves, pine needles or spruce branches. For fencing fruit trees, it is undesirable to use rowan, since it has common diseases and pests with apple trees, and such plantings can turn into a nursery.

Plants for fast and long-lasting results

To quickly create an eco-fence, you can use low-growing (about 1 meter in height) and medium-growing (2-3 meters in height) shrubs, evergreen conifers, climbing vines and even trees. At the same time, you need to understand that if you use conifers, then in any case there will not be such a quick result as with shrubs.

Green fence made of thuja

These species are ideal both for uniform plantings and for multi-tiered compositions as a background for low-growing shrubs. Planting material for coniferous plants is taken at the age of 5 years; it is preferable to purchase seedlings with a closed root system.

Below are best options for a fast-growing hedge with basic characteristics.

Ornamental shrubs

Bladderwort viburnum

Forms a lush crown with spreading branches. It reaches a height of 3 meters. The leaves are large and carved, depending on the variety, and may have a lemon or purple color, a brownish or purple tint.

It reacts negatively to lime content in the soil and does not tolerate waterlogging (heavy soils require drainage). It is photophilous, frost-resistant, but in severe winters the tips of young shoots may freeze, and it is resistant to gas contamination and dust.

The natural appearance of the plant is a spreading, fountain-shaped bush. Immediately after planting, the top is trimmed; in the first years, the side shoots are shortened by several centimeters to obtain a powerful fluffy bush.

Derain white

Has a spreading crown. The height exceeds 2.5 meters. In addition to decorative leaves with a light border, it is attractive in spring with fluffy inflorescences of white or cream color.

Grows on any soil. Growing in Siberia, it perfectly withstands the vagaries of nature, but does not tolerate drought well and is shade-tolerant. Pruning begins at next year after planting and carry it out twice a season to maintain proper shape. Without pruning, the bushes become bare below and look sloppy.

Forsythia ovate

Spreading shrub with early flowering: yellow flowers bloom before the leaves and densely cover the shoots.

Prefers light, breathable and calcareous soils. It has good winter hardiness and drought resistance, and is photophilous. Adult plants are pruned after flowering to developed buds.


An upright growing shrub up to 2 meters high with large spherical inflorescences. Demanding on soil fertility and moisture. Light- and heat-loving; shelter is required in the northern regions. Does not require formative pruning.

Fruiting bushes


It is very decorative all year round, has long spines, and is represented by dwarf and tall forms. Unpretentious. You can select varieties for different growing conditions. Easily adapts to any shape. Pruning is carried out after flowering and at the end of summer.


It has a compact bush up to 2 meters high with thorny shoots. IN spring period It is beautiful with numerous white flowers, in summer with dark green, purple or bright red leaves, and in late autumn with blue “ball” berries. Grows on any soil. Frost-resistant, tolerates shade well. The bush turns out dense and neat without frequent pruning.

Rose hip

A medium-sized thorny bush, very attractive during the flowering period. Does not tolerate stagnation of water and close groundwater. Grows well in different climate zones. Formative pruning is carried out annually in the fall after leaf fall.


Tall thorny shrub with abundant flowering. Any soil is suitable, including poor and heavy clay soils. Frost-resistant and shade-tolerant. Without pruning, it does not lose its decorative effect. The planting can be formed to any height. In practice, an impenetrable solid wall is created by merging the side branches of neighboring bushes.

climbing vines

Maiden grapes

Liana with large beautiful leaves. It is undemanding to soil types, but in the first years it responds well to fertilizing and fertilizers. Frost-resistant, rarely affected by diseases and pests, shade-tolerant.

Shaping involves tying and guiding the vines. Rapid growth requires mandatory pruning in the first year after planting to remove protruding and overgrown shoots. You should also periodically sprinkle compost on exposed growing roots.

Garden ivy

Evergreen liana. Prefers fertilized and moisture-absorbing soils. It does not like the sun; young plants must be covered for the winter. Autumn pruning of “loose” and dry elements is required, as well as shortening of shoots to obtain a lush hedge.


A climbing plant with long and bright flowering, suitable for creating a hedge with a height of 1 to 2 - 3 meters (depending on the variety). Prefers well-drained loams. Light- and moisture-loving, in the middle zone they require shelter.

Pruning depends on the varietal group. In some cases, pruning of faded shoots under the first developed bud is used, in others - autumn pruning young growth at a distance of about 30 cm from old wood.

Common hop

A powerful vine with bright green leaves, attractive in its own way during the flowering and fruit formation period. Unpretentious and very aggressive, light-loving. Requires strong support and regular pruning to control the spread.


Purple willow

A low (up to 1.5 meters) bush with a rounded crown and silvery leaves. Undemanding to fertility, tolerates waterlogging well. Light-loving, drought-resistant, has good winter hardiness. With the help of formative spring pruning, you can create low hedges of any shape.

Holly willow

Reaches a height of about 8 meters. Even poor soils are suitable for it. Adapts well to growing conditions. Mature plants are trimmed at the beginning and end of the season.

White acacia

It is valued for its graceful leaves and snow-white inflorescences with a pleasant aroma. Grows on poor and saline soils. Drought-resistant, heat- and light-loving, does not tolerate harsh winters. Pruning is carried out to limit growth and activate branching; without regular care, it turns into thickets and produces numerous shoots.

What to choose from all the variety? A matter of taste. Ornamental shrubs will become not only a barrier or a means of zoning, but also spectacular decoration garden

Fruit bearing fast growing shrubs for hedges they will not only decorate, but also bring benefits in the form of healing berries. However, with such cultivation with frequent haircuts, you should not expect large yields. If you want to make jam from hawthorn or barberry for the whole family, it is better to plant a separate bush and care for it accordingly.

The most fast growing hedge will be obtained from vines (grapes, hops), and in a short time you can form a high and dense eco-fence. But for vertical growth, vines require support, which must be quite strong in order to withstand the growing weight of powerful shoots over the years. Rapid growth requires regular and correct pruning so that the plant does not weave everything around.

Trees are also suitable for long-lasting plantings. Willow and white acacia give very good annual growth and quickly reach the desired height. A hedge made of them does not have to be high - with the help of pruning you can easily change the natural appearance of the plant.

Landing rules

In order for the hedge to be sufficiently dense and the plants do not oppress each other, it is necessary to maintain the recommended planting scheme. It is more convenient to plant in a trench 0.5 m deep and 0.6 m wide. The seedlings are aligned with twine - this is important for creating flat wall. climbing plants placed every 0.25 m; for low-growing shrubs, an interval of 0.5 and 1 m is acceptable; for tall shrubs, the distance is increased to 1.5 m.

For most species it is more favorable spring planting, but autumn is also allowed, provided that the seedlings take root before frost. Many representatives will need a garter to the support, so stakes with twine should be prepared in advance.

Fill the trench with a fertile mixture of compost, sand and peat. Shrubs require stimulating pruning after planting, which allows you to get a highly branched, lush bush. Lianas (with the exception of maiden grapes) are not pruned in the first year, allowing them to develop a root system and grow green mass. In the first year, plants need good watering and mulching with humus or compost.

When planting fast-growing plants, you need to take into account two of their disadvantages: the need for frequent cutting and the strong development of shoots. Over the years, such a hedge can behave like an invader summer cottage. Tall, powerful fences can shade small areas, which must be taken into account when choosing plants.

For those who are prone to extravagance, great solution for decorating a dacha or country house There will be combined hedges from different species or from several contrasting varieties of the same species.

Looking at ordinary fences, no matter how beautiful they are, is a dubious pleasure. To make them look more attractive they are decorated with all possible ways. One of the most effective is a hedge. With its help, you can not only close yourself off from prying eyes, but also reduce the amount of dust in the area, as well as reduce the noise level. But this is possible if the green fence is high enough and dense.

Types of hedges and plants for them

The height of a hedge can be low - up to 50 cm, medium - from 60 cm to 150 cm, and high - above 160 cm. According to the composition of plants - coniferous, deciduous, flowering, according to the type of arrangement - single-row or double-row. All of them can be sheared, or they can be free-growing. Only the list of species indicates a wide variety, and a living fence can also consist of different plants. The type of hedge is selected depending on its purpose.


A low hedge is also called a border. It can reach a height of half a meter. Most often it is used as a living green frame for a flower garden or flower bed, to designate zones on a site, simply for decorative purposes. In this case, choose from shrubs, some herbaceous or flowering plants. For trimmed hedges small height will fit:

If the border (low hedge) is planned to grow freely, you can plant:

These are just some of the possible options, but these plants form a dense wall of leaves and flowers, are relatively easy to care for, and can grow in middle lane Russia. Just before making your final choice, be sure to clarify the zoning of the selected plant, as well as the conditions and characteristics of its cultivation. Choose based on soil type and acidity, as well as difficulty of care and susceptibility to disease.

If a hedge grows near the house permanent residence, more attentive and thorough care is possible for it, therefore you can select from slightly more capricious varieties. For the dacha, it is definitely necessary to choose unpretentious plants. This principle remains the same when choosing plants for medium and tall green fences.

Medium height

If a fence of plants up to 1.5 meters high is required, they talk about a hedge. You can use both flowering and fruiting shrubs and some types of trees. If such a fence performs a protective function, you can use thorny bushes in it - barberry, rose hips, tall roses, dogwood. In addition to the plants already mentioned without pruning, you can also plant:

  • fruit-bearing ones - serviceberry, dogwood, hazel, honeysuckle (common, blue, Tatarian), golden currant, bright red pyracantha;
  • blooming - lilac, forsythia, mock orange, hydrangea, hawthorn, dogwood, yellow acacia
  • with dense foliage - privet, euonymus, cotoneaster, evergreen boxwood, spirea Vangutta;
  • conifers - western thuja, Canadian spruce, green, blue, Siberian fir, yew, juniper;

A green hedge is often used only to camouflage the main fence or complement it. In such cases, the surface of the fence can be used as a support for plants - this is if it needs to be completely masked.

One thing: if you are going to cover it with plants, you will have to try very hard: it gets very hot in the sun, which is why all the plants at a decent distance simply burn out. If you do plan to plant a hedge, you will have to somehow protect the plants from the heat. At least shoot it down wooden boards, which will temporarily stand along the landing line, reflecting the heat.

Tall - living walls

For tall hedges (more than 1.5 meters), plants are more often used, although some tall shrubs can easily grow up to 2 meters or higher:

  • evergreens and conifers - spruce, fir, thuja, yew, juniper (columnar, medium, Chinese), high grades evergreen boxwood, pea cypress;
  • fruit trees and berry bushes - apple tree, cherry plum, serviceberry (Tatarian, spikelet), buckthorn, viburnum;
  • deciduous - small-leaved linden, pedunculate oak, maple;
  • blooming - lilac (tall varieties), honeysuckle, mock orange;

Fast growing hedge plants

Fences made from plants are very beautiful, but it takes years to form a full-fledged fence. Conifers grow especially long and slowly. For example, thuja will grow to a height of 1.5 m for about 5 years, and yew will take 8 years, but they are pleasing to the eye all year round. Some shrubs gain more growth per year than others - from 50 cm to 1 meter, and they can be used for planting and quickly forming a living fence.

  • Siberian hawthorn Crataegus sanguineawith yellow flowers - up to 1 meter per year;
  • bush willows;
  • blackberries, rose hips, climbing roses (support required);
  • spreading hazel - up to a meter or more per year;
  • bladderwort viburnum - with favorable conditions shoots grow up to 1 m;
  • derain

Hedge planting and care

Creating a green fence begins with choosing plants. Please note that they must all be the same age. This is the only way to form an even line. If these are deciduous plants, the age of the seedlings is 2-3 years, if coniferous - 3-6 years. If planting is planned in a shaded area, the age of plants for planting in a hedge is longer - 7-8 years. In such conditions they grow very slowly, and more or less mature plants will immediately give some appearance.

Fence typeDistance between plants in a rowRow spacing
Tall trimmed hedge (2-6 m)0.8 - 1.2 m1m
Medium clipped hedge (from 0.6 to 1.5 m)0.4 - 0.6 m0.8 - 1 m
Free-growing high hedge (from 2 to 6 m)1 - 2 m2 - 3 m
Free growing medium (0.6 - 1.5 m)0.8 - 1 m1 - 1.5 m

Planting distances in hedges

In the middle zone and closer to the north, planting begins in the spring, in the southern zones it can be planted before winter - in the fall. It all starts with the formation of landing trenches.

  • According to the applied markings, trenches are dug 50-60 cm deep.
  • Pour a layer fertile soil suitable composition.
  • At the required distance (see table above), seedlings with wrapped root systems are laid out. Unroll it immediately before landing.
  • In order for the plants to take root well, the existing clod of earth does not need to be broken. Soil is poured and compacted around the root system. How exactly to plant: deepen or, conversely, plant on a hill - depends on the type of plant. Check before work.
  • Immediately after planting, the plants are watered and the soil is sprinkled with mulch - peat, humus, crushed bark. This will retain moisture.

Then the first year of care consists of regular watering, loosening the soil, removing weeds, and periodic fertilization. All activities are prescribed in the recommendations for caring for a specific type of plant. These are the ones that must be followed.

Pruning may be necessary in the fall. Even if the hedge grows freely, it does not mean that it does not need to be formed. It does not need to be given the correct geometric shape, and pruning is as necessary for it as for a cropped one.

Rules for pruning unshaped hedges

As already mentioned, even a free-growing green hedge requires pruning. The first one is carried out immediately after landing. At the same time, powerful side shoots are formed, and by the end of summer the bushes become more branched. The second pruning takes place in the fall and then over the course of 3-4 years the bushes are pruned quite short until the required density of shoots is achieved.

One of the effective ways is pruning using the coppice method. She uses everyone's ability deciduous shrubs activate dormant root buds. The pruning stages of the first year are shown in the photo below.

When planting, weak, thin shoots are cut off almost completely, and strong shoots are shortened to the first strong bud. By autumn, new shoots will appear from the root, and those left in the spring will give rise to new ones.

When the sap flow stops, all shoots are cut low, leaving short stumps. The cutting shape is as in the photo - in an arc. During the second season, the bush will become much denser, several new shoots will appear from the root, and two or three powerful branches will leave the “old” ones.

In the third year and then for another 2-3 years, pruning is done according to the same principle as in the second year, only the branches are pruned 3-4 cm higher than in the previous year. Further pruning is also strong, but approximately 3/4 of the length is cut off. This technique is good for those shrubs that form flower buds at the ends of young shoots.

Using this principle, you can very quickly form a dense hedge from borders - low growing plants, as well as from some medium-sized ones:

  • Potentilla cinquefoil;
  • wrinkled rose;
  • Hydrangea paniculata;
  • mountain ash;
  • white derain (ornamental varieties);
  • Spiraea Vagnata, Japanese;

The disadvantage of this method is that it greatly activates the formation of root shoots. Very aggressive varieties can produce abundant growth at a distance of several meters from the bush. Therefore, it is advisable to limit the root zone even during planting by digging in a sheet of asbestos, plastic, or metal.

Hedge trimming

Many novice gardeners believe that before starting to form a hedge, it must be allowed to grow. You can only wait a year or two with conifers; deciduous trees must be pruned immediately after planting, and then in the fall, otherwise after 2-3 years of free chaotic growth, doing anything with the plant will be either very difficult or even impossible.

Before you start molding, you need to choose a shape. Please note that hedges with a straight top must be trimmed frequently, otherwise they lose their decorative effect. And since growth is most active in the upper zone, it is here that the ideality of the lines is disrupted in the first place, while on the side surfaces they are still normal. If it is not possible or desirable to have a regular haircut, choose a shape with a round or triangular top. Even if the haircut date was missed, they look normal.

How to trim a hedge to form a “skeleton” - the first two stages

In the first year, all shoots are shortened by a significant portion of their height. If these are plants that are sold bare-rooted in bunches, they can be cut to half the length; if container plants were planted, cut to 1/3 of the height, or not cut at all. In autumn, the bush looks like in the photo, the picture is at the top right. With strong pruning, the formation of new shoots is stimulated, so by the end of summer the bushes become much denser. This completes the first stage.

The second stage is the formation of the skeleton. If you look inside an already formed hedge, you will see a powerful frame of bare shoots, from which young shoots emerge in large numbers, with abundant foliage. It is this frame that needs to be formed. At the same time, it should be thick enough so that the surface is dense and opaque. The process begins already in the second year after planting, and continues for 2-3 years. During this period, the frequency of pruning can be up to 4-5 times per season.

The task is to achieve the required thickness of the “skeleton”. Trimming is done according to the chosen shape. The photo shows an example of the formation of a frame. This trimming must be followed for any final shape, only raising or lowering the top of the triangle - depending on how long and narrow the fence is planned. If it is wider, the top is lowered a little; if a narrow and high one is needed, it is raised, and the base is made narrower. Year after year, pruning is done a little higher, literally by 3-4 cm. As a result, new shoots actively sprout, and those that were forming new forks, skeletal branches become more and more branched.

After the required density of shoots is achieved, forcing to height begins. This is the third stage. On it, the cutting height is raised more actively - by 5-10 cm at a time. Actively growing upward shoots are pruned until the required density of side shoots is obtained. Filling with foliage should be dense. Provided that pruning is carried out several times a season, growth is quite active. At the same time, new shoots are formed, but there are not as many of them as before.

The third stage of hedge formation is forcing to height

The frequency of pruning depends on the type of plant:

  • plums and hawthorns are cut three or four times from May to October;
  • thuja, juniper, cotoneaster, snowberry, barberry - once in summer (July-August), once in October.

Carry out pruning in such a way that, along with the upward extension, a side filling is formed. To avoid gaps, it is better to “raise” the bush more slowly. Then it will be more difficult to fix.

The final stage of formation is giving the required shape

The last stage is giving the desired shape. Next comes regular haircuts to maintain shape.

For this type of hedges, the following are very good in our conditions:

  • teren;
  • Ottawa barberry;
  • blood red hawthorn;
  • brilliant cotoneaster;
  • white snowberry.

Willow hedge

You can grow a very special green hedge from willow. It can be woven from freshly cut willow branches, which are simply buried in the ground. Such a landing is accepted with a very high probability. Branches can even be inserted at both ends, forming an arc. The willow will take root from both ends at once. To speed up the process, cut off the top of the shoot and cut the bark lengthwise in two places by a couple of centimeters. The prepared shoot is stuck into the ground in this way.

Using this feature, you can weave a hedge that will turn green in a few weeks. The prepared shoots are buried 15 cm, the soil around is pressed tightly, and the planting is watered. To make everything look more attractive - the dried ends of the branches do not stick out - bend the rods. At intersections they can be intertwined or tied together. If the branches are too thin, you can use two twigs at a time, and also periodically place supports that will hold them in place.

The disadvantage of such a fence is that it has decorative look only a few years. Afterwards the shoots become woody and the greenery practically disappears. But this does not make the fence any less reliable. On the contrary, it is difficult to break through such a wall - the branches are tightly woven.

Green fence in a couple of weeks

If you wait a long time for shrubs or trees to grow, then herbaceous plants the plants produce abundant greenery within a couple of weeks. This can be used if you need to decorate an unsightly wall or part of the fence that is in plain sight.

Make a wooden lattice into which square containers with planted plants are inserted sideways. To prevent soil from falling out of them, the containers are covered with black agrofibre. There is a very small hole made in it, into which the plant peeks out.

On well-lit surfaces with sufficient watering, very soon the wall or fence will become shaggy green. If you wish, you can lay out living pictures in this way - using plants with foliage of different colors.

Photos of hedges made from different plants

Often, even from a general photograph of a plant, it is difficult to imagine how it looks in a hedge. We tried to find the most popular and ornamental plants. Moreover, this is a photo of hedges, and not just plants.

Hawthorn hedge - free-growing and trimmed

Different types of cotoneaster. One is good for a trimmed living fence, the other is good for a free-growing fence

Now some examples of how you can use container plantings to decorate a wall or fence.

Another option is beautiful and easy to implement - sewn bags made of agrofibre that hang on the fence

Special “frames” and appropriate lighting, and even at night the wall will look magical

Plays an important role. High fences are able to protect us from prying eyes, but we want something more original. A flowering hedge is an ideal design solution that does not require large expenditures. Moreover, you can create it yourself.

Options for the base of a hedge

A well-maintained living fence can highlight the beauty of your site, smooth out some defects, and protect from wind, dust and prying eyes. But, despite all its advantages, the flowering hedge managed to push the living green fence away from the leading position and confidently take its place.

A flowering hedge can attract with its beauty not only people, but also fluttering butterflies and moths, singing birds and colorful insects, and its amazing aroma can turn the head of any passerby.

As a basis for a flowering hedge, you can use a chain-link mesh, wooden or metal carcass. In order for a plant to develop well, it needs strong and reliable support. Also, as a basis for a flowering hedge, you can use evergreen or ornamental shrubs, which will act as spectacular tapeworms and serve as a backdrop for variegated flower arrangements. This is a kind of core of the future composition, which will ultimately determine the height of your hedge.

I would like to draw your attention to jasmine, beloved by many gardeners. Its blooms are simply irresistible. Particularly spectacular are shrubs with an architectural crown shape (“Virginal”, “Pyramidal”).

A flowering hedge looks beautiful and harmonious, the flowers of which are successfully combined in color with each other or are able to create an impressive contrast. So, what flowers will best decorate your fence? More in demand today are the types of plants that do not require special care, but need support:

  1. Hydrangea paniculata.
  2. Kampsis.
  3. Clematis.
  4. Climbing rose.
  5. Honeysuckle.
  6. Wisteria.
  7. Decorative beans.
  8. Morning glory.
  9. Kobeya.

Shrubs, which themselves can serve as a support for flowering hedge vines, look no less impressive:

  1. Deytsia.
  2. Pyracantha.
  3. Japanese spirea.
  4. Rose hip.

Design solutions for flowering hedges

The main rule that must be followed when selecting plants is its characteristics. Try to select plants with different periods blooming!

For example, the unique ability of vine plants to quickly increase their plant mass makes it possible to create a picturesque landscape from the first year of your hedge’s life. As designer decoration For a traditional hedge, it is advisable to use several flowering plants that will transform it appearance. A floral accent for your fence can serve as annual plants, and perennials, which will replace each other according to flowering dates:

  1. Mallow.
  2. Tall bell.
  3. Silver wormwood.
  4. Delphinium.
  5. Dwarf caragana.
  6. Barberry.
  7. Chubushnik.
  8. Multi-colored tulips.
  9. Narcissus.

When creating a flowering fence, you need to adhere to a simple planting scheme. Planting is carried out in two rows in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of no more than 50 cm. Special attention pay attention to the color scheme of flowers, and dilute their diversity with green perennials, for example, ferns. Before you start planting, take the time to transfer your planting plan to paper and carefully study the options for your future flowering structure.

For beginners, we suggest considering the most simple diagram landings:

1. Varietal lilac. 2. Black elderberry. 3. Silver goof. 4. Red meadowsweet. 5. Valerian officinalis. 6. Forest tobacco. 7. Basil foliage. 8. Fragrant tobacco. 9. Turkish cloves

In this composition, elderberry and lilac bushes, starting from May, will be covered with white caps of flowers. The delicate honey aroma of silver sucker can captivate you from the end of May until late autumn. Throughout the summer months, the flowering of meadowsweet, valerian, fragrant tobacco, etc. will replace each other.

Of course, this is an approximate scheme for planting plants, but based on it, you will have your imagination, and it will be easier for you to choose the types of plants that are most suitable for you.

Secrets for caring for flowering plants

But before you start planting, treat the soil thoroughly. Remove all weeds and apply mineral fertilizers. Remember to water your fence regularly, especially in the first two years of its life. The main thing is to prune in a timely manner and tie the side shoots of the bushes to the base.

In order for your flowering plants to delight you with abundant blooms, do not forget to water them in a timely manner. Most of them are sun-loving, but shade-tolerant. The best time to water is early morning or late evening. If your fence is located on the south side of the site, then watering is recommended twice a day. Abundant but infrequent watering is preferable for flowering plants.

It is advisable to cover your flowerbeds with bark mulch or pebbles, depending on your design preference.

A beautiful and well-groomed flowering hedge is enough painstaking work. It is clear that no one will be able to build it in one day. It will take several years for it to shine in all its beauty, but believe me, your efforts will be justified by the final result. Good luck to you!
