Removing clogs in the toilet. What to do if the toilet is clogged at home - cleaning methods. Non-standard and little-known method

Situations with blockages always arise unexpectedly, but it’s not easy to call a plumber right away. In addition, plumbers will require payment for their services. Let's figure out how to clean the toilet yourself using special and improvised means. We will also consider the range chemical compositions, methods and effectiveness of application.

Absolutely all models of devices are connected to central riser sewerage. A special section of the pipeline forms a hydraulic seal that allows wastewater to pass through, but prevents it from flowing back. The shape of the shutter is complex, which causes inconvenience when moving solid and large objects.

The safest toilet option is the floor-to-ceiling model. It’s much easier to ensure high-quality drainage here than in the outlets horizontal type. The latter must be connected so that the distance to the vertical section is minimal, and ensure required slope for drainage.

The slightest mistake when connecting will quickly clog the drain and require cleaning. There are different types of contaminants; the most difficult to remove are deposits of hard water salts. It is impossible to remove them with mechanical devices; aggressive chemicals cause harm constituent elements. Only prevention will help.

Another problem is violation of operating rules. Systematic dumping of large objects, rags, and other foreign elements into the toilet can tightly clog the outlet of the pipe. In this case, cleaning will not help; you will have to demolish the plumbing.

Prevention of blockages consists of following simple rules:

  • When choosing devices, pay attention to the route of wastewater. This section should not have bends or be complex. It is mandatory to comply with the standard distance to the central vertical pipe drainage and the presence of a slope towards the sewer drain.
  • When replacing pipes, do not reduce the diameter of the drain. If the plumbing socket is smaller than the outlet into the sewer, it is better to consult a specialist who will help calculate the optimal diameter size.

Do not throw foreign objects into the toilet and periodically clean the drains with chemical reagents.

Methods for cleaning a toilet

If the drains do not go away, immediate action is needed. Let's look at how to clear a clog in a toilet using a plunger, a cable, medications and improvised means. The main thing you don’t need to do is drain all the water from the tank. Some models are equipped with tanks for 3 or more liters of water; draining such a volume of liquid will lead to all the sewage spilling out onto the floor.

Advice! To check the operation of the system, it is enough to drain 1-1.5 liters of water. Draining water from the sink (in the kitchen) will help determine if only the toilet or the entire system is clogged. It does not drain, there is a blockage in the common pipe, only specialists will solve the problem.

Cleaning the toilet with a plunger

A good plunger is a tool that is used for blockages in any appliances. Choose better model With the required diameter flexible part - approximately 1-2 cm larger than the size of the drain hole.

There is no factory model plunger, a 1-2 liter plastic bottle will do. Cut off the bottom, screw on the lid and insert the bottom into the drain hole. A few sharp movements in and out will help quickly clean out minor dirt. Craftsmen often use plastic bottles in their work, since the container creates greater hydraulic pressure.

Cleaning the toilet with a cable

Cable – a flexible long cord, suitable for work if a plunger does not help. The work algorithm is simple: the cable is screwed into the drain hole. The desired effect is achieved by significant immersion and the ability to break through even dense blockages. Buying a cable is a must if the pipe is clogged quite often or there are children in the house who throw various objects down the drain.

The variety of cables is great: cord length up to 50 m, thickness 0.05-1.5 cm. Additional attachments for pushing through clogs and hooks for pulling items out make the task easier. You can buy a mechanical or automatic cable. The latter is a device that is immersed by pressing a button.

Advice! Cables can push the blockage deep, compacting the plug, so you need to work with the device very carefully.

Cleaning with special chemicals

So, if the toilet is clogged, how can you clean it yourself if you don’t have a plunger or cable at hand? The product range offered includes powder, gels and liquids. Powder formulations are considered more active, while gels cause less harm to the system. The main component is caustic soda. It is a strong reagent that dissolves organic compounds and soap scum.

Important! Against rags, plaster, household items, plastic chemicals useless.

Aggressive substances must be used carefully so as not to damage polymer, metal elements systems. Read the instructions carefully, it says for which pipes this or that product is suitable.

What to pour and pour into the toilet to clean it:

  1. Clean drains (Chitron). Emergency powder that reacts with water. Relatively safe product with a pungent odor that quickly dissipates. Action time is 15 minutes. The package is designed for one use: fall asleep, wait, rinse.
  2. Deboucher. Gel for removing severe and medium blockages, which contains potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, caustic chlorine and additives. If the toilet is very clogged, how to clean it at home with gel: pour liquid for 60 minutes (no less) with breaks of 10-15 minutes. In case of serious blockage, the entire volume of the bottle is consumed; in simple cases, cleaning takes up to 30 minutes. Then pour 1 liter of water into the hole - the liquid passes through, which means it’s clean.
  3. Bagi Pothan. It contains caustic soda, a surfactant, you need to add hot water, but you can get by by simply pouring it down the drain. The product is very strong and gives an immediate reaction, so you need to handle it carefully: fall asleep and move to a safe distance. It takes 3-5 minutes to clear the blockage. Recommended for emergency use only and infrequently.
  4. Clean drain (Sanox). Liquid for mild blockages and prevention. It won’t cope with serious problems, but it won’t damage the pipes and works for 30 minutes. Usually a bottle is enough for 2 uses.
  5. Mole. Regardless of the manufacturing company, the powder contains sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide and acetic acid with surfactants. The powder works well for regular maintenance of gutters, but it will not give instant results - it takes up to 1.5 hours for the organic matter to dissolve. It does not cope with serious blockages.
  6. Selena Anticlog. White powder, which is poured into the drain and always filled with a glass of water. The composition is not particularly pungent in smell, but effective in action. Cleaning time is up to 15-20 minutes, then you can drain the water. The product is approved for use in toilet flushes; 1 sachet is enough for one use.

Knowing how to clean a toilet without a plunger or cable, you can use the means at hand. For example, soda and vinegar. 300 gr will be useful. soda and 300 ml table vinegar. First, soda is poured into the drain, pushed deeper with gloves or a brush, and then vinegar is poured in (not higher than 9% concentration). Comes instantly alkaline reaction, decomposing fats and calcium deposits. The total procedure time is up to 25 minutes. Then you can drain boiling water (hot water) in an amount of 2-3 liters to clean the pipes.

Advice! PVC pipelines can withstand +40..+60 C, no more. This must be taken into account so as not to cause deformation of the pipeline and connecting elements when cleaning and spilling boiling water.

Other cleaning methods

The easiest way is if the foreign object is close to the surface - you can get it out with gloves or by wrapping your hands in plastic garbage bags (they are long enough).

And here are a couple more ways to clean a toilet:

  • Polymer flexible hose helps if there is no cable. The smooth walls of the hose do not damage the walls of the toilet; you can insert the device 1.5-2 meters, ensuring that the plug is pushed through. To prevent kinks and facilitate passage, the hose is rotated. Better time Add water to the drain from time to time, this will help determine the stage of removing the blockage.
  • When there is nothing at hand, A small bag of sand, pebbles or nuts will help. Tie the weight to the string, lower the bag into the drain, carefully “breaking through” the clog at a deep depth. You need to act carefully so that the bag does not fall apart, in which case the cork will only become compacted.

Now you know how to clean a toilet with soda, chemicals and other devices. And in order not to face the problem of sewage spillage, it is better to have at home a set of all cleaning options - from cables to chemicals.

The worst thing that can happen in an apartment is a clogged sewer, or more precisely, a clogged toilet. The only thing worse is the collapse of the ceilings. If this happens, your first assistant is calm. Assess the degree and nature of the blockage. There may be several external signs assessing the blockage: without your participation, the toilet fills with anything, and all this also pours out of the top. The reason is that the drainage stops along the riser below the drainage hole from your apartment. What to do? Read more about this in our article.

Warn your upstairs neighbors not to use the toilet, bathtub, or washbasin. Make a kwacha or chop and plug the drain hole in your toilet. The simplest chop can be made as follows:

  • take any wooden block 0.5 m long, which in cross-section is 1 cm smaller than the toilet flush;
  • wrap it around sheet foam rubber 1 cm thick in several (3-4) layers;
  • dress up plastic bag(preferably several) and tie with twine in 1-2 places;
  • install the “balda” tightly down the toilet drain.

Now you can take a break and, with the help of your neighbors, clarify the situation with the location of the blockage, and possibly the cause. The most correct thing in this situation is to call a plumber from the housing office, who will make a more or less accurate “diagnosis” and either fix the problem himself or call an emergency.

If the water from the toilet drains at least a little, and everything is fine with the neighbors, it means that the blockage has occurred no further exit of your highway into a sewer pipe, i.e. all the troubles are nearby, in your apartment. This kind of blockage is called local - you can call a plumber, or you can try it yourself.

The water slowly drains out of the toilet, but it is clear that she will soon get tired of it. The main reason is the “overgrowing” of pipes. After this, any rag thrown into the toilet will set the entrance on fire.

Causes of blockages

The main causes of blockages are: “overgrowing” of pipes, improper operation and errors during installation and assembly of the toilet. “Overgrowing” of the drain occurs in cast iron and metal pipes, on the walls of which, during operation, rough spots appear on which hair, threads, toilet paper, small objects such as buttons, pins cling when draining a bathtub or sink. Even a small piece of soap can become the center of a blockage - it sticks to the wall of the pipe, accumulates small particles of everything that happens in household drains - fish scales, vegetable peelings, leftover food on plates... and off we go.

The clearance of the sewer pipe decreases and if the blockage is not removed immediately, the drain becomes compacted and "paralysis" of the sewer system. Rags, ropes, children's toys and other items that are not at all intended for disposal through the sewer system of a residential building are especially helpful in “helping” blockages.

Installation errors occur when a specific toilet is chosen incorrectly - it is not structurally compatible with the installation location. This is expressed in incorrect slope of the highway drain from the toilet to the riser. Finally, it is often simply the design of the toilet itself that contributes to the formation of clogs. Therefore, not everything that looks beautiful is suitable for use without headaches - before buying a toilet, consult with knowledgeable people. But you need to know a certain “sewage technical minimum” yourself.

Blocked riser- the problem is “public”: you and any apartment above you can be its initiators, and collective creativity is not excluded. A blockage along the liquid waste route within the apartment is your personal achievement, and it is better to eliminate it yourself. Construction waste, rags, diapers, cat litter are not at all classified as liquid waste, so removing blockages from them is sometimes extremely difficult.

How is the sewage system arranged in our apartments?

Sewage in our apartments performs the noble task of removing liquid waste. To do this, from every point where such waste is generated - sink, bathtub, toilet - there is waste disposal line to the sewer riser, to which all apartments located above each other are connected.

A riser is a large diameter pipe, up to 100 mm, located in the bathroom. Before the advent of plastic technologies, cast iron pipes were used, but now they are mainly made of plastic, for which the problem of blockages is less likely, since their walls do not have burrs and surface defects, due to which “overgrowth” of the riser section are almost excluded.

To make it easier to clean the riser in high-rise buildings, auxiliary openings are made in it on each floor - sewer inspections. The standard configuration of a plumbing fixture - bathtub, washbasin, toilet - looks simple:

  • drainer;
  • siphon (a curved elbow included in the waste disposal route);
  • supply pipe to the riser;
  • riser.

A blockage can occur in any area, but you should know that its cause is man-made - when using plumbing according to direct purpose no problems are observed.

Dealing with clogged toilets

It is best to deal with blockages when they are not there - use the plumbing correctly, carry out prevention at least once every 3-4 months and respond in time to the first sign of impending disaster - slow drainage of water. Best and correct option- invite a plumber, but they rarely pamper us, and the toilet in the house is in demand 24 hours a day. There are many ways to remove blockages; you can’t say in advance which of them will help, but by consistently applying a set of measures you can achieve success to the delight of your family.

If you have a simple blockage or it has just begun to appear, proceed sequentially:

Did not help?

This means that your blockage is classified as dense and a professional is used to remove it. technical means for mechanical cleaning of pipes and risers - plumbing cable. Its design is simple, and its efficiency is maximum. In addition, after using any of the above cleaning methods, it is still recommended to additionally “cut” using a cable. remnants of sediments from the pipe walls.

As a rule, two people work with the cable: one rotates the handle, and the second pushes the cable into the main line. Alternating rotation and reciprocating movement allows you to either push the cause of the blockage down or pull it out.

Another way - chemical, is associated with the use of substances that dissolve blockages in the literal sense of the word, but it is used less frequently than others due to the complexity and danger of working with chemicals.

It is very easy to check the result of your work - two or three drains of the tank will establish the status quo of your increased skill. After removing the blockage, it’s completely worthwhile "flush" the toilet at least hot water- this will be the first preventive maintenance. If during the work you had to dismantle the toilet, then during reassembly, update the gaskets, seals, connecting units and you can count on the next emergency not coming soon.

Preventive measures when using the toilet

Help to avoid troubles with the toilet preventive measures. Their set is not that large, but it’s sad that not everything depends only on the residents of a particular apartment - anyone in a riser can send a diaper down the drain. Fat deposits and “overgrowing” of pipes is a “working environment” for the sewerage system and the main cause of blockages. How to deal with them is described above, but you can only prevent them by strict observance simple rules , which are difficult to take root:

  1. Use the toilet only for its intended purpose - the bathroom is not a trash bin.
  2. If you had to remove the blockage, then you need to do it carefully, and not just until the standing water is removed: treat several times with a cable the clogged area, accompanying the cleaning by rinsing with hot water.
  3. Once every month or two to destroy deposits on the walls of the pipes, drain 2-3 buckets of hot water.
  4. Siphon cleaning chemicals should become a mandatory preventative measure - 2-3 minutes of monthly maintenance will save you from stressful situations. The simplest option such cleaning - soda and vinegar in equal quantities (2-3 spoons each) are poured into the siphon, after 20-30 minutes they are washed off with hot water.

To combat blockages, a tool is used, albeit a primitive one. If your household is always on the alert gloves, plunger, chop, find a place for them in the bathroom or behind the bath screen, and they will help you out. And if you add to this a cable a couple of meters long, then you won’t be afraid of any emergency situations.

A warning and wish as old as time - your comfort is in your hands, so use this life wisdom so that both you and your neighbors can live without problems with a “sewer” implication.

Cleaning the toilet with improvised means

Blockages in plumbing pipes- an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. They need to be cleaned immediately, but calling a plumber is often characterized by for a long time waiting and procrastination. Many of these types of troubles can be eliminated yourself, you just need to know how. In most cases, you can clean the toilet yourself, without waiting time or financial expenses. The following are ways to unclog a toilet at home with different degrees of blockage.

Modern methods of removing clogs in the toilet

Causes of blockages

A clogged toilet is an unpleasant problem in your apartment. No other accident causes so many problems and discomfort. If you know the reasons why the toilet is clogged, you can take timely measures to prevent it. The blockage appears due to:

  • flushing product residues into the plumbing fixture;
  • ingress of various debris that is insoluble in water into the pipes;
  • incorrect installation of the device;
  • deposition of salts on the internal walls of sewer pipes.

The first two reasons are careless handling of plumbing equipment and its use for other purposes. Their removal is entirely up to the owner's responsibility. If the toilet is installed skewed or the angle of inclination appears during operation due to poor fastening, the passage of water becomes difficult. In this case, only dismantling and installing a new one in compliance with technological requirements can help.

Over time, salts are deposited on the inner walls and gain high strength. In some cases, salt stones completely block the flow of water and a blockage forms, which is problematic to eliminate without replacing the pipes. You can clean the toilet and sewer pipes from salts by pouring a pipe cleaner into the pipeline once a month. Prevention is carried out according to the instructions on the packaging.

A clean pipe and a pipe clogged with salts

Checking the degree of blockage

Before you clean the toilet at home, you need to determine the severity of the accident. To do this, you need to find out two characteristics:

  • degree of pipe clogging;
  • location of the problem.

The degree of blockage depends on how the water flows: the drain is completely blocked or the liquid passes, but in a very thin stream. To determine before clearing a clog in the toilet, pour 1 liter of water into it. After an hour, an analysis is carried out to see whether the water has left or not.

Advice! There is no need to press the tank release button to check. When using it, several liters of liquid will pour down the drain at once and the test time will increase.

To unclog a toilet, you will need to determine its location. To do this, you need to open the water in the kitchen and bathroom. If these plumbing fixtures do not have any problems with flushing, it means that the toilet is not flushing well due to a blockage in the pipe at the outlet. If the drains of all water supply system devices do not work well, the reason lies in common pipes, and the repair will require complex repairs, it is better to seek help from plumbing service workers.

Dealing with small problems

To unclog a toilet when normal operation drains from other plumbing fixtures use simple methods. There are two cleaning methods:

  • mechanical (toilet plunger);
  • chemical (special products, soda).

Advice! Before cleaning a toilet with a simple clog, you need to pour boiling water into it. If the problem was fat deposition, this method will immediately give results. You should also check the drain with your hand wearing a rubber glove. Perhaps the plug is located at an accessible distance, and it can be removed by hand.

Cleaning traditional methods

Folk remedies to clear toilet blockages

The simplest but most effective way to clean a toilet without a plunger or cable is using soda. For cleaning you will need one pack. Solution baking soda- strong alkaline composition. It will cope with fatty deposits or other contaminants without any problems. Cleaning the toilet at home using soda is a chemical method. There are three ways:

  1. Pour a pack of soda into the toilet drain, pour hot water and cover it with a wet cloth. The exposure time is more than 8 hours. It is better to carry out the removal of blockages at night. In the morning you need to flush the drain with plenty of hot liquid.
  2. A solution of soda and water is poured into the drain hole of the plumbing fixture. The composition is prepared in a 1:1 ratio. Exposure time from 1 hour to 1.5. After cleaning, the toilet is rinsed with water.
  3. You need to clean the drain with soda and vinegar in this order: pour 1 cup of soda into the drain hole, followed by 1 cup of vinegar. A simple blockage can be removed quickly with the formation of abundant foam, so you need to take precautions to prevent the chemical from coming into contact with your skin.

Advice! After cleaning with soda, I additionally use a plunger to increase efficiency.

Soda - strong Chemical substance, therefore, when working with its solutions, you must follow safety precautions:

  • to clear a clog in the toilet yourself using a chemical composition, you need to wear rubber gloves that will prevent drops of the substance from getting on your skin;
  • when hitting skin the area is washed with plenty of liquid and lubricated with anti-burn agent (if the damage is severe, consult a doctor);
  • in case of contact with eyes, wash them with water and seek medical help;
  • if the composition gets into the digestive tract, call an ambulance (while waiting, the victim is given a large amount of liquid).

Important! The same safety measures apply when using special chemicals to clear blockages.

Using a plunger

The plunger creates a water hammer in the sewer system. The principle of operation is based on cyclical changes in pressure in the system. If the toilet does not flush paper well, but is not yet completely clogged, you also need to take measures to clean it using a plunger. The design of the device is simple: it consists of a rubber cap and a wooden handle.

The cap is applied to the drain hole. Next, movements are made with the handle without tearing off the rubber part. When the handle is lowered, the pressure in the pipes increases, and the plug tends to move deeper into the pipeline. When moving up, the pressure decreases and the plug moves towards the drain hole. With a high frequency of movements, the blockage becomes loose and falls apart.

Advice! After completing the back-and-forth movements with the handle, the plunger must be sharply torn away from the drain. This will create a sharp surge in pressure and small contaminants will come out.

Using one method is often not enough for cleaning, so several are used at once. The plunger is suitable for additional cleaning after chemical agents.

Removing a clogged toilet using a plunger is the most common method.

If there is no plunger in the house, improvised means are used to change the pressure. Used to clean a plunger from a bottle. To make it you will need:

  • bottle of 1.5-2.5 liters;
  • sharp knife or scissors.

You need to clean the toilet with a bottle in this order:

  1. The bottom of the plastic container is cut off without unscrewing the lid.
  2. The bottle is immersed in the drain hole with the lid facing up. The deeper the edges of the walls go, the better.
  3. Holding the cap, the bottle is sharply plunged into the hole, and then lifted up.
  4. The procedure is repeated several times, after which the bottle is sharply pulled out of the drain.

The action in this case is similar to a plunger, but less effective due to the fact that rubber provides greater tightness compared to plastic.


On store shelves household chemicals There are a large number of toilet cleaning products available. It is important to remember one thing: the choice of pipe cleaner depends on the material from which they are made.

“Mole” for drain cleaning is suitable for metal or metal-plastic pipes. Instructions for use are on the packaging. The “Mole” pipe cleaner is available in two types:

  • granules;
  • liquid;
  • gel.
There is a huge selection of anti-clog products on the market.

The choice depends on the buyer's preferences. “Mole” is not used for cleaning plastic pipes. As universal remedy You can use the following compositions:

  • "Tiret";
  • "Domestos";
  • "Mr. Muscle" and others.

“Tiret” is poured into the toilet, as well as similar products, for any pipe material. Cleaning is carried out in strict accordance with the instructions, since the active substances corrode not only the blockage, but also the pipes. Such compositions cannot be left overnight. When using, follow safety precautions (they were mentioned earlier).

Important! After using chemicals, the toilet is thoroughly cleaned of them (rinsed with plenty of water, preferably hot).

The composition “Belizna” is used as chemical cleaners. Cleaning procedure:

  • removing liquid from the toilet in an accessible way;
  • after this, one bottle of the composition is poured into the drain hole;
  • the liquid is left overnight;
  • wash off the substance with plenty of water.

Chemical solvents and alkalis are effective in combating blockages, but if the plug is located at a large distance from the drain and the pipes are seriously clogged, they may not be enough.

If the toilet is completely clogged

A complex blockage requires serious measures. If the system is completely clogged, but the drains of other plumbing fixtures in the apartment or house are working normally, try to clear the blockage yourself using a plumbing cable.

The cable consists of the following elements:

  • pen;
  • thick wire;
  • drill tip.

A person with minimal knowledge in the field of plumbing can clean a toilet with a cable. The cork is punched in the following order:

  1. The end of the cable is immersed in the drain hole, holding the handle.
  2. The wire is slowly pushed deep into the pipe, while the handle is turned. That is, a flexible cable enters the sewer like a drill, breaking through contaminants.
  3. After the device rests on the plug, it is moved back and forth, trying to break through the blockage and remove deposits on the inner walls of the pipeline.
  4. Having dealt with the blockage, the cable is removed. To do this, wear gloves and spread a cloth on the floor. The removed part of the wire is immediately wiped with a rag soaked in a soap solution. This will prevent contamination of the floor, clothing and skin.

Advice! The work is done by two people. As the cable sinks, one person gradually pushes it through while the other turns it. When the work is completed, one removes the cable, and the other wipes it with a rag.


If the cause of the blockage is not in the toilet, but in the common pipes, the cable will not reach the place of deposits. In this case, the pipes will need to be disassembled by a specialist.

Clearing a clog yourself is an unpleasant task, but knowing how to do this will save you time and money.

If the toilet is clogged, then this problem usually requires an urgent solution. In most cases, when the toilet is clogged, it is not necessary to call a plumber, since you can clean the sewer pipe at home using improvised means.

What to do when the toilet is clogged

Typical signs indicating a problem:

  • there was a sewer smell
  • water drains weakly and for a long time
  • the drain is completely blocked (this means that the toilet is completely clogged)

When the toilet is clogged, you can fix the problem yourself using the following means:

  • “folk” if the toilet is clogged with food, fat, etc.
  • chemical if the toilet is clogged with serious organic deposits
  • mechanical, if the toilet is clogged with hygiene items, toys, etc.

If the foreign object has not managed to penetrate deep into the sewer line, then you should not do anything with a plunger; you should try to pull out the debris with your hands, carefully examining the outlet and siphon.

Using the means available in any apartment, you can try to get rid of the traffic jam:

  • A bucket of boiling water will provide a powerful physical impact and will work successfully if the toilet is clogged with fatty deposits. Water hammer with boiling water, if the toilet is clogged with grease, should be performed at a right angle and from a great height, repeating the procedure several times to consolidate the effect
  • Soda and vinegar cause corrosion of debris, leading to resolution of the blockage if the toilet is not very clogged

If these methods cannot remove the blockage, special means to remove it will provide a more powerful chemical effect on the plug that caused the toilet to clog. These include:

  • hydrochloric acid
  • "Mole"
  • oxalic acid
  • abrasives and others

Particular care and safety precautions should be observed when using aggressive chemicals to clean pipes, since alkalis and acids can destroy not only the debris in the sewer line, due to which the toilet is clogged, but also the sealing material along with the communications being cleaned. In addition, strong reagents can threaten human health, so when working with them you need to protect your eyes, skin and respiratory organs.

Mechanical means of dealing with the reasons that led to a clogged toilet include:

  • flexible sewer cable (if the toilet is clogged deeply and thoroughly)
  • plunger, the bowl of which covers the drain hole
  • regular plastic bottle

Before using any of them, do not forget to prepare cleaning materials, lay something on the floor - newspapers, oilcloth, rags (so as not to stain it with anything that might jump out of the drain hole).

If the toilet is clogged near the outlet, a plumbing plunger will help remove the blockage. You need to act sequentially:

  • place a rubber cap over the drain hole
  • move it up and down slowly without lifting it from the surface
  • sharply tear off the plunger, which will lead to an increase in pressure and break through the blockage that clogged the toilet

If you don’t have a toilet plunger at hand, then two liter bottle from under mineral or carbonated water with the bottom cut off can create a water hammer similar to that caused by a plunger.

If after the above steps there is still a blockage in the toilet, what should you do then?

A flexible sewer cable should be used that has:

  • A convenient handle that allows you to reliably remove anything that has clogged the toilet
  • Metal braid
  • Possibility to insert a special hook if the toilet is clogged too much

The tool must be gradually inserted into the toilet using rotational movements, allowing maximum collection of deposits on the walls of the sewer pipes. The cable may simply pierce the blockage without removing it completely, so a hook is provided for such situations.

The choice of method that will return the toilet to working condition is determined after specifying the location of the plug. She may be:

  • in a pipe or corrugated pipe - i.e. The toilet is shallowly clogged
  • in the lounger of the apartment wiring
  • in a riser between apartments, practically inaccessible from the toilet

If the toilet is seriously clogged, and none of the described methods work, then this means that the clog is located in hard to reach place, for example, between floors at sharp turns, and requires calling specialists.

The main causes of blockage. Why could the toilet become clogged?

Blockages, as a rule, are caused by violation of the rules:

  • installation (to eliminate such flaws, the toilet will have to be dismantled and reinstalled, observing all the necessary requirements)
  • operation of a sanitary and hygienic device
  • lack of preventive work to prevent the formation of plugs in the toilet and the pipes leading to it

What to do to prevent and prevent the formation of traffic jams in the sewer system

When using sanitary and hygienic devices, you should never allow the toilet to become clogged:

  • Food residues, especially fatty ones
  • Construction waste
  • Wet wipes, pads, paper towels
  • Old medicines, tablets
  • Cigarette butts
  • Baby diapers
  • Cat litter, etc.

It is impossible to wash the floor without draining the dirty water, but it is advisable to pass it through special filters, since it contains sand, soil and other inorganic parts.

Outdated pipes (cast iron or metal), installed in the Soviet Union and long since covered with rust, can also be the cause if the toilet is clogged repeatedly.

If the toilet is clogged, you should not wait for the moment when the sewer line becomes clogged, but you must use special cleaning products for prevention, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Remember, small children may unknowingly throw foreign objects (toys, food, etc.), so be sure to check with them educational work, explaining that this cannot be done.

Probably every owner of an apartment or private house equipped with a central or autonomous sewerage system has encountered the problem of gaps, which can arise for various reasons. The discomfort that inevitably accompanies such a situation requires immediate action from the owners. However, for one reason or another, it is not always possible to promptly call a plumber. Therefore, the question arises of how to unclog a toilet on your own.

There are several ways to restore the functionality of sewer lines. But first of all, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of the inconvenience and the location of the accident. The choice of means of clearing blockages will depend on what and where caused the obstruction of the pipes.

Causes of blockages

Toilet obstruction can occur due to various reasons. Most often they are associated with non-compliance with the rules of its operation.

  • Such reasons include the entry of thick paper, rags, plastic bags, sanitary pads, diapers, and sometimes even children's toys.
  • However, the problem can also arise due to improper installation or even design errors, as well as due to damage to the pipes of the sewerage system.

If the sewer system has irregularities in the structure itself, or the toilet was connected in violation of the rules, then the system will let you know about this, and this often manifests itself immediately after it is put into operation.

  • A common cause of toilet obstruction is deposits on the walls of its internal channel or the pipe extending from it. The thickness of the plaque may increase over time, complicating the free flow of water, which will inevitably lead to an emergency.

Find out how to properly spend with step by step instructions, from our new article on our portal.

How can a toilet become clogged if it is installed incorrectly?

If the design is incorrect or when using pipes that do not match the diameter or are made of a material that does not have the necessary qualities for installing them in the sewer system, it will not be possible to eliminate the problem easily and quickly.

  • Violation of technology can lead to sagging pipes. As a result, stagnation of water appears in them along with waste, which will inevitably lead to dense blockages.
  • Offline sewer system In a private house, pipes that are not deep enough into the ground can freeze, which leads to their damage - the plastic becomes brittle and can crack. In this case, soil can get into the pipe and block the drainage of water and waste. The consequences are obvious - a severe blockage, which will also be very difficult to find and eliminate.
  • An unacceptably large number of pipe turns at right angles is common cause the appearance of obstruction in the areas where branches are installed.

To get rid of frequently recurring emergency situations due to an incorrectly installed sewage system, you will have to solve the problem radically. That is, to replace pipes or lay them in a different way, correct scheme. Otherwise, such problems cannot be avoided - they will arise again and again.

What requirements must a properly organized sewer meet?

We have to admit that often home owners, trying to save on materials and labor costs, violate installation rules, simplify circuits, and use components that are not designed for real operating conditions. All this usually ends sadly. In order to avoid, in principle, the preconditions for accidents, when carrying out one should strictly follow established rules. All this is described in great detail in a special publication on our portal.

Deposits on the walls

Deposits on the walls of the toilet channel and drainage pipe occur due to the settling of urinary and fecal stones on them, as well as rust and insoluble salts from water constantly flowing into the bowl when the drain is incorrectly configured

If in the visible area of ​​the toilet its surfaces are cleaned regularly, then the walls of the internal channel, that is, the so-called knee, are difficult to control. Therefore, a layer of plaque inside it can eventually grow to a thickness of 15÷20 mm around the entire circumference of the pipe, leaving a very small hole for draining the contents of the toilet bowl.

So, mineral deposits on the pipe walls can quickly appear and actively grow in the following cases:

  • If you do not flush regularly when using the toilet. This problem often arises if there are small children in the house, who often simply forget to press the flush button.

  • If the tank leaks, then plaque forms not only in the elbow pipe, but also on the walls of the toilet. Rust is quite difficult to remove from the earthenware surface, so if the process is started, it may not be cleaned at all. And if there is also “hard” water in the water supply, then insoluble limescale deposits will also appear.
  • A defective toilet with uneven surfaces or an unevenly applied enamel coating can also provoke the accumulation of plaque, dirt and, accordingly, dangerous pathogenic microflora.
  • An old toilet bowl, on the surface of which microcracks have formed over the period of operation, into which organic and mineral deposits penetrate and, due to the rough surface, linger on the walls, forming hard growths.

As you can see, mineral deposits are the main cause of insufficient drainage of the toilet or sewer pipes. Therefore, under no circumstances should the process be started, and the fight for cleanliness should begin immediately after installing the plumbing fixture. Must be carried out periodically, with established regularity. preventive actions, which will be discussed in a separate section of the publication.

What should not be flushed down the toilet?

Another question that often arises when clogs occur is whether they can appear from a tampon or toilet paper thrown into the toilet? Therefore, it is necessary to clarify that nothing can be thrown into the central sewer except toilet paper, which decomposes in water. If the question concerns an autonomous system, then it is not recommended to use it even toilet paper, since if it lingers in the pipes, then blockage cannot be avoided over time.

Do not flush grease formed in frying pans during cooking down the toilet. They should be cleaned with a paper towel and then thrown into the trash.

Another worst enemy of the sewer system is tea leaves, which act worse than cement, taking away the pipes, especially if small deposits have already formed on their walls.

Never flushes down the toilet and construction dust, which can also form a plug inside the system.

Cleaning the toilet yourself

Preliminary measures before cleaning the toilet

Before you start cleaning the sewer, it is necessary to inspect the visible part of the system in the bathroom and kitchen, since if water flows into one riser, the blockage may be common. If an obstruction occurs in a high-rise apartment, then perhaps a traffic jam has formed in a common building riser. And you won’t be able to eliminate it through your personal actions.

In an autonomous sewer system, toilet clogs most often occur in the internal elbow channel, at pipe joints at right angles, or due to cracking of a plastic pipe when it freezes. The latter option can occur if the sewer pipe runs above the freezing level of the soil, and it will have to be deepened.

If a general blockage has formed, then water will not flow out not only from the toilet, but also from the kitchen sink and the bathtub.

When staying in apartment building in this case, you must contact management company, submitting a request for repair of the riser system.

In a private house, you will have to pierce the pipe laid from the house to drain hole(septic tank).

If the water does not flow well in only one of the branches of the system, then the plug must be looked for in a specific area. This localization simplifies the task somewhat.

If the blockage is not old, but formed literally today or yesterday, you need to act immediately in order to get rid of the uncomfortable situation as quickly as possible.

Methods for clearing urine stone from a toilet bowl are somewhat different from methods for removing other types of blockages, so they should be considered separately.

But whatever cleaning method is chosen, it is necessary to preparatory work for pumping standing water out of the toilet. This process can be done using a plastic shampoo bottle or detergent by removing the cover.

By pressing the bottle, lower it with the hole into the water and gradually release the pressure - at this moment the liquid is taken into the container. After this, the water from the bottle is poured into a basin or bucket. The procedure is then repeated until the hole in the toilet is empty. The bottle in this case works like a syringe, only water is drawn into it much faster.

Traditional methods for eliminating a sudden traffic jam in the toilet

If the blockage occurred due to a small amount of contaminants getting into the pipes, which contributed to the formation of a plug, methods that have been tested in practice more than once will easily help you deal with eliminating the problem.

The first option is to use boiling water

The first way to get rid of a blockage is boiling water. However, this method and all others that use boiling water can be used if the toilet is connected to the riser with a plastic or metal pipe. If a corrugated pipe made of thin plastic is used to connect the toilet, then hot water should be used instead of boiling water.

  • To clean, you will need a bucket of boiling water. It must be poured as quickly as possible not onto the walls of the toilet bowl, but into its opening, so that the boiling water immediately enters the knee canal.
  • After pouring water, you must wait 30÷35 minutes.

  • If the boiling water took effect and the water began to go away, then after it leaves, the procedure must be repeated. And so on until the normal function of the toilet is restored.

The second option is to use soda

The second cleaning option is to use baking soda. Washing soda ash is better suited for punching the gap, but baking soda is also possible. Some experienced housewives recommend adding regular salt - about half the amount of soda.

  • Take a pack of soda (500 grams) and pour it into the toilet.
  • Then the toilet is filled with a liter of boiling water. After this, a reaction will begin inside the knee, which can also clear it of the blockage. Soda is an active alkali that can dissolve many substances, so it is often used not only for cleaning plumbing fixtures, but also kitchen accessories.

The third option is a combination of soda and vinegar

The third cleaning method also includes soda ash, but in addition to it, vinegar and boiling water are used in this case.

  • One and a half packs of soda (that is, 750 grams) are poured into the drain area.
  • A glass or 0.5 liter of 9% vinegar is poured into it. When vinegar is poured in, a reaction should begin, accompanied by hissing and the formation of foam. This mixture must be left for 20÷25 minutes.
  • After waiting this time, pour 2–3 liters of boiling water into the toilet and leave again for 15–20 minutes. After this, you can try rinsing with plain water.

Fourth option – mustard and hot water

In this case, powder mustard and hot water(take one small spoon for two liters of water mustard powder), and the production of the composition occurs as follows:

  • 6÷8 liters of water are heated in a metal bucket or pan.
  • Then add 3-4 tablespoons of mustard into it and mix.
  • The solution is poured into the toilet and left for 15-20 minutes.
  • After this, it is necessary to drain the water from the tank or from the filled bucket.

If necessary, the process must be repeated several more times.

Traditional methods of cleaning the toilet from urinary stone and limescale

From folk ways For cleaning surfaces from a layer of mineral deposits, there are several that are most often used at home. All of them will be effective if the substances used are poured or poured into a practically empty toilet - the level of the remaining water can be no more than 10÷15 mm from the bottom.

  • Lemon acid. This substance can be used in crystallized or liquid form. For one stage of cleaning the toilet you will need 200 grams of acid crystals or 300 grams of concentrated lemon juice, which is essentially the same acid. After this, the toilet must be left for 40-60 minutes, and it is better to perform this procedure at night, when the toilet will not be used. After this time, it is necessary to wash off the acid with water from the tank, and additionally rub the toilet hole with a brush. If plaque still remains, the procedure must be repeated.

  • Electrolyte, used for car batteries. This substance is also a very aggressive sulfuric acid. It will require 0.5 liters. The product is poured into the toilet and left for one and a half to two hours, depending on the thickness of the dirt, after which it is washed off. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

  • Popular drink "Coca Cola" is an excellent remedy from mineral deposits in the toilet. This product will require 1.5 liters; it must be poured into a completely empty toilet and left until the reaction ends, that is, hissing, which can last up to two hours. Then you can rinse off the product. In addition to Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite are also used to clean mineral deposits.

It will be interesting to note that it is Coca-Cola that some cat owners use to clean litter boxes. cat litter, since it does not affect the animals' sense of smell, unlike other detergents.

  • Chlorine powder and solution. This well-known remedy does not always work, although it gives a strong reaction and bad smell. However, it is often used to remove a thin layer of plaque, as in this case it is most effective.

450÷500 grams of bleach are poured into the toilet in the evening and left until the morning. In the morning, the bowl is further cleaned with a brush, and the mixture is washed off with water.

An alternative to powder can be “Whiteness”, used for bleaching fabrics. One liter bottle of solution is required for one cleaning. The inconvenience of using this product is the duration of exposure, as well as a persistent unpleasant odor.

  • Oxalic acid- This special remedy for cleaning plumbing accessories, which can be purchased at hardware stores. The acid is sold in powder form and copes well with difficult-to-clean deposits of urinary and fecal stones, as well as old rust on enamel surfaces.

Using this tool is easy. You just need to pour it out of the bag into the toilet drain hole and leave it for one to two hours. Then, the resulting mixture is washed off and cleaned with a brush.

  • Soda, vinegar and iodine. This composition is good to use not only for cleaning the drain hole, but also for removing mineral deposits from the toilet bowl rim. To prepare the mixture, one glass of 9% vinegar is heated, a small spoon of iodine and a large spoon of soda are added to it. Everything is mixed well and poured into the toilet, and then distributed over the rim with a brush. This product will take 8-12 hours to work, meaning it is best left on surfaces overnight. In the morning, the mixture is washed off with clean water.

Video: Vinegar as a means of removing urinary and limestone deposits in toilets

Household chemicals for removing blockages

Compositions for clearing formed traffic jams

To break through blockages formed in the sewer, you can also use ready-made chemical compositions. They are presented in a wide range in hardware stores and supermarkets.

Almost everyone is familiar with such products as “Mr. Muscle”, “Tiret”, “Mole”, “Sanfor”, “Domestes”, “Floop”. The compositions are sold in solutions, gels and granules, so you can choose the most convenient form for use.

Detailed instructions for using such chemicals are always located on the packaging. And before you start using them, you must familiarize yourself with it.

It is not difficult to use ready-made cleaning compositions, especially since almost all bottles are equipped with a convenient spout, allowing you to easily deliver the gel or solution under the rim of the toilet bowl.

The product is poured or poured into the toilet drain hole in the doses specified by the manufacturer in the instructions. After which the toilet is left for a certain period, since the composition needs time to act. The contents are then flushed down the drain.

Chemicals for cleaning toilet bowls from urinary stones

All of the manufacturers listed above produce several types of compositions with different purposes, including specifically for removing mineral deposits. However, in addition to them, other effective formulations are presented in stores:

Appearance of packagingBrief characteristics of the cleaning product
"Bon" is a highly effective liquid mineral plaque remover made by a Czech manufacturer. It can be used not only for the toilet, but also for the sink and bathtub. In addition, the product dissolves lime deposits on the surfaces of metal products. "Bon" is also used to clean any plumbing accessories from rust and grease. The solution is non-toxic and has a pleasant aroma. It is convenient to apply it to both visible and hidden surfaces, since the bottle is equipped with a spray nozzle. Bottle volume - 500 ml.
"Eurogarant" is a universal sanitary gel Russian production. It is designed to dissolve and remove urinary stone, lime deposits in the bathtub and sink from the internal surfaces of the toilet bowl, as well as to clean tiles. The volume of the bottle is one liter.
“Cillit Bang Anti-plaque + Shine” “Ocean Fresh” is a Russian-made antiseptic cleaning product that can rid the surfaces and internal parts of plumbing fixtures of limescale, urinary stone, rust and other contaminants. The effect of this product begins within one minute after its application. Moreover, its effect is equivalent both under water and in its absence. The presence of a convenient spout on the bottle makes it easy to apply the solution under the rim of the toilet bowl. “Cillit Bang” removes not only dirt, but also unpleasant odors typical of the toilet and stagnant water in sink and bathtub drains. To achieve maximum results, just wait 30 minutes after applying the product. Then you need to clean the toilet with a brush and flush the water. The Cillit Bang is suitable for cleaning enamel toilets and sinks, but should not be used on of stainless steel. The volume of the plastic bottle is 750 ml.
"Shumanit" is an Israeli product made in the form of a concentrated gel. It is designed to remove limescale and urinary stone, rust and serious dirt, giving the toilet a long-lasting shine and freshness. "Shumanit" disinfects surfaces, preventing the spread of germs. The effectiveness of the product does not decrease even under water, so when using it you do not have to completely empty the toilet drain hole of it. A plastic bottle with a volume of 650 ml is convenient to use due to the presence of a spout.
Gel "ORO-fresh" is German remedy for effective and quick cleaning toilet bowl from urolithiasis and lime deposits, grease deposits and other contaminants. The gel easily dissolves plaque accumulated on the walls without leaving any streaks or other marks. The product is antibacterial and gives surfaces a fresh lemon scent. The bottle, which has a volume of 750 ml, is also comfortable to use, as it has an easy-to-use shape.

It should be noted that if the urinary stone deposit is quite thick, then it is unlikely to be dealt with with a one-time cleaning. Therefore, to achieve the desired result, the process will have to be carried out several times.

Strong chemicals must be used with a certain degree of caution, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Otherwise, the possibility of damage to both metal and plastic pipes cannot be ruled out. It is not recommended to use several drugs at the same time, as an unexpected chemical reaction may occur with unpredictable consequences.

Mechanical methods for removing plugs

Another direction in cleaning clogged drains is mechanical methods, which often solve the problem without the use of chemicals or improvised means. However, it is worth immediately noting that it is mechanically impossible to remove blockages caused by a thick coating of urinary stone or rust - a set of measures is used to clear them.

The first method is cleaning with a plunger

This is a well-known and perhaps the most popular method, which often provides good results. For example, in cases where a plug has formed in the toilet bowl due to constantly pouring coffee or tea grounds into it.

A plunger that has a nozzle with a cut cone at the end, with a cut diameter of 100 mm, works more effectively.

When cleaning a drain with a plunger, the toilet bowl must be filled with water. Then the plunger is installed in its drain hole and several pumping presses are made. After this, the device is sharply pulled out of the hole. This procedure is repeated several times if necessary. If the blockage was minor and had not yet “solidified”, after removing the nozzle from the drain, the water will actively drain into the pipe.

The second method is a homemade plunger from a plastic bottle

If there is no plunger in the house, and the toilet needs to be cleaned urgently, then a regular one and a half liter plastic bottle will do instead. To turn a bottle into something like a plunger, the bottom is cut off, but the rounding around the hole must remain, that is, only its lowest hard part is removed.

The process is carried out according to the same principle as using a plunger with a rubber nozzle. The cut side of the bottle is lowered into the drain hole and pressed well against its walls. Then several pressing movements are made, after which the “tool” is sharply removed from the drain.

The third method is to use a plumbing cable

Another device that will get rid of the blockage 100% if it has formed in the toilet elbow or in the pipe to the common riser is a plumbing cable. The device is a rigid spring with a handle attached to one side. The cable can have different lengths, depending on the conditions in which it will be used. For autonomous sewerage, a cable 15,000 mm long is sometimes required.

Cleaning with a metal cable is carried out due to its flexibility and ability to move into the sewer pipe to a considerable depth through curved sections.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  • The end of the cable is lowered into the toilet drain until it hits the resulting plug.
  • Then you need to start slowly rotating the handle, pushing the cable inside the pipe. As it moves forward, the cable will move the blockage.
  • The final step of this procedure is to flush the pipes with hot water with the addition of technical soda.

If there is no cable, then you can try cleaning it using a rigid but flexible cable, the main thing is that it has the required length and diameter. It is pushed into the sewer pipe through the toilet, turning it periodically. Thanks to such actions, you can destroy the plug blocking the pipe, or push through an object stuck in the pipe or elbow.

Cleaning with a cable must be carried out with particular care if the toilet is connected to sewer pipe thin-walled corrugation. It doesn't take much effort to break through such a wall.

Check out the varieties and its installation from our new article on our portal.

The fourth method is a film plunger

IN South Korea A special high-strength film-plunger “Pongtu” has been developed, produced and supplied to the Russian market, which can be easily used for any toilet size.

The film is glued to the top of a toilet bowl filled with water, and then pressure is applied intensely and rhythmically with both hands. Thus, this device operates on the principle of a plunger, but there are no splashes flying in different directions or even in the face, which often happens during normal cleaning.

The kit comes with two disposable films and is a good idea to have on hand in case of unexpected clogs.

Video: Original effective method cleaning the toilet - film-plunger "Pongtu"

An alternative to the South Korean development could be domestic wide adhesive tape, which can also serve as a plunger. It is used as follows:

  • The surface of the bowl is wiped dry so that the tape adheres well to the enamel.
  • Then, numerous strips of adhesive tape are glued on top, covering the bowl in several layers and firmly connecting the adhesive tape to each other. The edges of the film are glued to the side surfaces of the bowl, after which, for greater reliability, they are secured with a common strip. The tape must be well stretched so that the end result is a kind of membrane.
  • Then, several intense pressures are applied to the film, as a result of which the plug should be eliminated.
  • At the end of the work, the tape is removed from the surface of the toilet.

Call a plumber

If none of the methods have solved the blockage, and the water continues to stand in the toilet, you will have to turn to professionals who will solve the problem or determine that the toilet will have to be replaced. The last option is inevitable if the plumbing accessory is old and the drain hole has become overgrown urinary stone a layer of 15÷20 mm, due to which the contents of the toilet bowl do not go into the sewer. It can only be removed by breaking the toilet.

If the cause of the obstruction is related to the formation of a dirt plug or a stuck object, then using special equipment, a plumber can easily cope with the problem.

The master can also determine what local sewer nothing to do with it, but the reason lies in a clogged riser. However, the latter option can be determined without a plumber, since the problem of blockage will arise not in one, but in several neighboring apartments using the same riser.

How to prevent traffic jams?

To reduce the risk of blockages and plugs in the toilet channels, it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive measures consisting of the following actions:

  • Do not allow any objects to get into the toilet that could linger in one of the sections of the sewer and block the pipe completely or become a waste collector, as a result of which a dense plug is formed.
  • Periodically clean the toilet with one of the chemical compounds or products that are present in every home - citric acid, soda, vinegar, etc. Moreover, it is necessary to use these compounds even in cases where the toilet is functioning normally.
  • Daily cleaning of the bowl with cleaning solutions or hot water will also contribute to its trouble-free long-term operation.

To care for toilets with a colored enamel coating, it is better to use specialized chemicals manufactured in industrial conditions. On the packaging of such compositions, manufacturers usually specify the purpose - “for cleaning colored plumbing fixtures”, providing instructions for using solutions, gels or granules.

When using traditional cleaning methods, it is unknown how the coating and paint with which it was given a certain shade will behave. The enamel may crack or develop light or dark stains, causing the toilet to become damaged.

* * * * * * * *

In conclusion, it is worth recalling the personal safety measures that must be applied when starting the process of cleaning any plumbing accessories. Almost all products used for these purposes have aggressive properties and can easily harm the skin.

Therefore, during preventive work, it is necessary to wear high rubber gloves on your hands. And if events are carried out to remove traffic jams, then it would be a good idea to protect your eyes by wearing at least regular glasses. This is due to the fact that concentrated compounds are used to remove blockages, and when cleaning, splashes may scatter upwards and to the sides.
