Strengthening the slopes of artificial reservoirs. Do-it-yourself shore protection. Materials for strengthening steep slopes

A pond in a summer cottage brings pleasure when its banks are securely fortified and the water surface remains clean. It is necessary to take care of the comfortable condition of a pond or other body of water in advance. Let’s make a reservation right away: for this purpose, hydraulic structures must have a certain assembly scheme and appropriate materials. How to properly strengthen the banks of a reservoir?

Why is it necessary to strengthen reservoirs?

During design and installation, any artificial pond on a summer cottage requires special measures aimed at strengthening the banks of the reservoir.

Strengthening the banks is necessary for miniature reservoirs with a water surface area of ​​up to 1 square meter, as well as reservoirs with a significant area of ​​​​the water surface. The correct biobalance of plants and microorganisms on the fortified banks of a reservoir will eliminate the possibility of the pond turning into an acidifying puddle. In what ways and methods can you strengthen the shore with your own hands?

A good selection of building materials allows for strengthening using concrete, film, polymer materials and gabion structures. Bank protection measures allow the use of the following materials:

Polymer sheet piles

Wooden piles

The option of “strengthening” work must be carried out based on the results of hydraulic engineering surveys of soils, taking into account design features fences or structures. Let us tell you that the main operating conditions for bank protection are the loads on the foundation.

Ways to strengthen the banks of a reservoir

Existing bank protection technologies are intended for the construction or reconstruction of a country reservoir. Possibility of washing coastline water or landslide forces you to look for best option strengthening Work to strengthen the banks is quite labor-intensive and therefore expensive.

There are the following methods for strengthening the banks of reservoirs on the site:

Using anti-erosion mesh (cost about 650 rubles per square meter)

With the use of plants and shrubs (cost 2900 rubles per square meter)

Using a geogrid (cost 1,400 rubles)

Using a fine-mesh reinforcing mesh filled with rubble (cost RUB 2,900)

Using wooden piles (cost 1,700 rubles)

Using tongues and grooves (cost 2000 rubles)

Using gabion structures (cost 2900 rubles)

You can strengthen the shore of a reservoir yourself. To do this, it is necessary to develop a suitable project and select the necessary materials.

How to strengthen the banks of a reservoir

Strengthening the shore of a reservoir with your own hands depends on the type of coastline.

if the shore of the reservoir is flat

When the shore of a reservoir at a summer cottage has a slope of less than 45°, it can be strengthened by the roots of shrubs or low trees planted in the ground. Over time, the plants on the banks of the reservoir will grow and strengthen the shoreline.

Geogrids filled with grass seeds for the lawn or a flat modification of gabions – Reno mattresses – can also help. The strengthening process will consist of stages: planning the coastal slope with its subsequent leveling, laying the strengthening structure and giving it stability.

We spread the geotextile on the prepared soil, removing the fertile layer. The geogrid is laid and reinforced with anchors, fixing individual modules in a checkerboard pattern.

To fasten the modules together, a pneumatic stapler is used, and reinforcement is done with common anchors.

After strengthening, we design the shore of the reservoir. However, for reservoirs with a significant slope, these methods are ineffective. Therefore, large piles, sheet piles and gabion structures are used.

if the shore of the reservoir is steep or steep

When the shoreline of a reservoir on a site is steep and it is not practical to solve the problem using geogrids, more powerful reinforcement is used using sheet piles, piles and gabions.

use of PVC tongues and piles

Reinforced concrete sheet piles and PVC sheet piles are most widely used in hydraulic engineering work. What is attractive about using tongue and groove sheets and polymer sheet piles? These are the positive qualities:

No excavation required, reducing installation time

The process of subsequent maintenance during operation is minimized

Increased reliability and safety of the hydraulic structure.

However, methods for installing sheet piles (immersion method) involve the use of special equipment for driving with a pile driver during vibration driving and burying. Schematically, a wall made of reinforced concrete sheet piles with an anchor consists of a slope fastening, a monolithic cap beam and a facing slab, as well as a reinforced concrete sheet pile, drainage backfill, a reinforced concrete box and an anchor slab.

Agree that this hydraulic structure will require certain knowledge and skills, so creating such a fortification is difficult and expensive. In addition, reinforced concrete sheet piles are used in the case of transferring the degree of load in weak soil. Pile foundation made of wooden piles, combined structurally with the use of a grillage beam, is able to provide the necessary resistance of the coastal soil.

use of wooden piles

The scheme for using wooden piles for bank protection involves crushed stone preparation, a prefabricated pile structure with a thrust belt. For piles, preference should be given to oak and larch wood. The old and proven method of strengthening the banks using wooden piles will ensure the structure’s strength for a long time.

use of gabions

Application of gabion structures (box-shaped retaining walls) can be confidently called traditional way bank protection in case of land disturbance by water erosion. Therefore, gabions are used for inclined, channel, shear and wave erosion of the coastline.

The gabion structure is capable of withstanding significant resistance to static and dynamic loads using reinforcing elements - the edges of the gabion. The porosity and permeability of the gabion ensure drainage of the backfill, eliminating the cost of drainage installations.

Strengthening the banks using gabion structures independently consists of the following actions:

Perform general planning work

When folded, the gabion structure is laid out on a flat surface.

Assemble gabions of the required configuration and fix the side surfaces

The corners of the structure are connected in double turns with a pitch of 10 cm.

The assembled gabion structures are installed at the installation site

The gabions are tied together and fastening rods are driven into the corners of the boxes.

Fill the boxes with stones and compact the total mass

Attach the top cover and close the box using wire.

Thus, a properly assembled and installed hydraulic structure can provide the appropriate level of protection for the coastline.

If your home or land plot is located near the shore of a natural reservoir, or you have an artificial reservoir created on your site, you need to think about strengthening the shore. Water has great destructive power and, if this is not done, the shore will gradually be washed away and destroyed. It is better to carry out bank management of an artificial reservoir during the development of a pit or in the process of forming a bowl.

Strengthening the banks of natural reservoirs is carried out at the moment of maximum decline in water levels - at the end of summer or autumn. Measures taken in advance will prevent destructive processes and will save your finances.

This method allows you to strengthen the banks and at the same time leave the reservoir in its natural beauty. It can be used at water flow speeds of no more than 1m/s.

Special plants that grow in nature on the banks of rivers and lakes are planted. Among the trees it is black poplar or weeping willow, among the shrubs it is sea buckthorn, red currant, and bladderwort. Be sure to use sedge, reeds, marsh iris, cattails and other plants whose natural habitat is near water. The coastal soil is completely covered with biomats made from natural fibers or ready-made turf. This method of strengthening the coast is considered the most expensive of all.

Use of natural stone

If the banks of the reservoir have a slope of no more than 20˚, then the shore can be strengthened with pebbles and boulders of various sizes. Such strengthening will give your shore a beautiful and unique appearance. The stones are stacked on load-bearing base– geogrid or geotectile, this prevents stones from sinking into silt or the shore from sliding.

It's heavy painstaking work, but the results are worth it. The coastline looks natural and is well preserved.

Strengthening the banks with wooden piles

Another method of decorative beautification of the banks can be done using wooden piles. This method is used if the soil around the reservoir is not mobile or loose. For the manufacture of piles, only hard wood species are used - larch, oak or acacia.

This method can be used on the steepest banks. Installation is carried out using special equipment or manually. Such a fortification looks most harmonious next to buildings made of natural wood.

Use of gabions

Carrying out work using gabions is one of the methods of capital bank protection. Gabions are made of galvanized mesh and filled with natural stone during installation. Filled gabions are attached to the soil with anchors, and they are also connected to each other in one-piece design. This method of shore strengthening is widely used in Europe and guarantees that the coastline will remain clear for many decades.

In addition, such a shore looks quite natural and harmonizes perfectly with buildings lined with natural stone.

Strengthening the bank using PVC sheet piles

This method of capital bank protection is considered the fastest to construct and the most economical. It is used on steep and steep banks. Sheet piles are connected into a single protective wall during installation. Their installation is carried out using special hydraulic equipment. The piles are securely fastened together by longitudinal ribs.

Capital methods of shore strengthening reduce to a minimum the likelihood of their destruction on long years.

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How to strengthen the banks of a pond at your dacha with your own hands

An artificial reservoir pleasantly diversifies the landscape, but if mistakes were made during construction, the banks will begin to crumble after a while. The soil “slides”, the pond silts up, the film that lines the pond or an unsightly concrete base is visible along the edges. It is better to immediately strengthen the banks of the pond at the dacha in order to decorate them without fear of erosion. When choosing a method, you need to take into account the size of the reservoir, features of use and your financial capabilities.

The most popular methods for doing the work yourself

The most famous technical methods protecting the reservoir from collapse - gabions and geogrids. Both methods are based on the use of a mesh structure, which protects the walls and banks of the reservoir from crumbling.

Features of geogrid installation

To strengthen the pond with your own hands in this simple way, you will need:

  • geogrid with suitable cell size;
  • geotextiles for drainage;
  • anchors for fastening and pneumatic stapler;
  • shovel;
  • filler.

The top layer of soil is removed, drainage is laid, and a geogrid is placed on it. The individual sections are fastened together. The cells are filled with crushed stone, frost-resistant concrete, soil or other material. If plants are planted in the soil filling the cells, their roots will additionally strengthen the bank.

The choice of filler for mesh cells is a matter of taste

Gabion structures for decoration and strengthening

Gabions are one of the most reliable methods for strengthening banks and walls. Boxes made of wire, fastened to each other, are installed along the edge of the reservoir. The corners are fixed. Using gabions, you can build retaining structures along the shore.

Densely filled with crushed stone larger than the openings of the cells, gabions serve not only to strengthen, but also to decorate the reservoir. The porous structure eliminates the need for additional drainage. Over time, this structure becomes even stronger due to filling with soil and the growth of plants.

Gabion structures for bank decoration

Biomats and plants – caring for the environment

How to strengthen a pond at the dacha so as not to disturb the existing landscape and give the pond a natural charm? The most environmentally friendly method is to strengthen the shore of the pond using the root system of plants planted along the coastal zone. However, it is quite difficult to independently select specimens that will prevent shedding. It will take time for the plantings to grow, but there is a risk that they will not take root. For middle zone fit:

  • weeping willow;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • Red Ribes;
  • sedge;
  • marsh iris;
  • cattail and other species;

Plants help make a pond a natural part of the landscape

With the help of coconut mats, the strengthening of a pond in a dacha is carried out even with very steep slopes (up to 60%). The slope is leveled, and natural fiber mats are laid on it with an overlap of 20 cm. They are attached to the pond film with waterproof mounting adhesive. Then they pour thin layer soil and sow the lawn.

Large stones and boulders look very attractive, which can be used to lay out a fence near the water after installing a geogrid or biomat.

Decorating a steep bank with piles

Piles are the oldest method of strengthening reservoirs. Traditionally, piles were made of wood, but strengthening the shore of a pond with your own hands using wood is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Hardwood piles look impressive, but driving them requires special equipment. Another “minus” is that over time the wood may darken. Special impregnations help, but are not a panacea.

Wooden piles to strengthen the bank

PVC piles are a modern alternative to wood; they will last for decades, but their installation also requires special equipment. For a small reservoir, using the pile method is not very convenient.

The pond will retain its original appearance for a long time if you think about strengthening it at the pit stage. To do this, the work must be supervised by a professional who will assess the steepness of the slope, the size of the reservoir, the characteristics of the soil and advise which type of reinforcement to choose.

After consulting with specialists, you will learn how to strengthen a pond at your dacha with your own hands or, having assessed your strengths, you will be able to order all the work on a turnkey basis.

How to strengthen the banks of a pond yourself

Coastal strengthening falls into the category of measures aimed at protecting against floods and erosion. Bank protection work makes it possible to make the soil resistant to water erosion and can be done with your own hands.

Why and in what cases is bank protection carried out?

As a rule, bank protection of a river or pond combines a set of works that help strengthen the coastline and help protect the coastal line of a natural or artificial reservoir from washouts, landslides and erosion.

The destruction of the coastal slope can be caused by currents and waves, as well as erosion as a result of the negative impact of storm flows.

Erosion and subsidence of the banks often provokes shallowing and overgrowth, not only of the reservoir itself, but also of the surrounding areas. This puts all structures and structures erected in the coastal zone at risk of collapse. To prevent such undesirable processes, bank protection is carried out.

Options for strengthening the shoreline of a pond and river

You can strengthen the shore in several ways and using different materials, which differ quality characteristics, durability and cost:

  • reinforcing system with a flexible design, represented by gratings in the form of bases for retaining walls, which makes it possible to provide reliable protection for communications laid along the coast;
  • strengthening system using plant components, including larch wood, which has increased resistance to soaking and rotting processes;
  • a strengthening system with a rigid structure in the form of steel or PVC sheets, retaining walls, cemented soil or concreted stones.

Before carrying out the activity, it is necessary to assess the amount of work and select the best option.

Also read: The most beautiful plants for a pond at the dacha

How to strengthen a river bank with a larch log (video)

Bank protection with gabions

Work with gabions is easy to perform and economical. The advantages of using such material are as follows:

  • the material is able to effectively withstand the onslaught of waves and active water flows;
  • has a long service life exceeding one hundred years;
  • low installation costs and the ability to dismantle if necessary;
  • The finished design is environmentally friendly and decorative.

It is very easy to carry out such a design yourself, but it is advisable to adhere to the following simple installation rules:

  • the gabion structure must be mounted on the problem area and filled with natural stone;
  • the total number of gabions, as well as the method of their installation, must be calculated individually and depend on the height of the slope;
  • at the final stage, protective decorative finishing by filling with soil and plant seeds, which strengthen the structure.

The maximum strength of the gabion system is achieved after five years of operation. During this time, the coastline is able to become one with the adjacent landscape.

Strengthening the river bankline with wooden piles

This method falls into the category of fairly common methods. The cost of installation with wooden piles will directly depend on the quality and value of the wood used in the work.

The advantages of the method include the ability to perform work without special skills, environmental friendliness of the material and quite attractive appearance designs. However, wood has a relatively short service life, and such strengthening requires a lot of labor.

We strengthen the banks with PVC sheet piles

You can even reinforce a steep bank with PVC-based tongue and groove. This method is considered to be the most rapidly erected and the most cost-effective. Most often used on very steep or steep banks.

The implementation technology consists of connecting sheet piles into a single protective wall. Installation is carried out using special hydraulic equipment, and for reliability and durability, the piles are fixed as firmly as possible using longitudinal ribs.

Application of natural stone

If the shoreline of the reservoir has a slope of no more than 20º, then for the purpose of strengthening it can be used natural stone in the form of pebbles, rubble or boulders various shapes and size. This material allows you to give the landscape an attractive and unique appearance. The bottle looks especially expressive various sizes and coloring.

The most commonly used stones are pink, red, gray and dark rubble. Before installation, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures aimed at creating a base of geotextiles, geogrids or geogrids.

The most difficult is considered to be the arrangement of the so-called “stone castle”, which is a dense placement of large boulders in a strictly designated place in accordance with the shape of the stone and its color. This event is carried out manually, which allows you to adjust the aesthetics of the appearance. Despite the fact that this process is very long and labor-intensive, the result is a durable and most attractive reinforcement.

How to strengthen the bank with gabions (video)

Geogrid and reinforcing mesh

The use of geogrid is inexpensive and reliable option, especially if the coastline is receding. Distinctive feature This method is represented by the opportunity to obtain a very beautiful and individual appearance of the structure, as well as a convenient, completely non-slip descent to the water and access to the shore.

Good visual effect gives the filling of the cells with river or sea ​​pebbles, as well as marble chips in the form of a mosaic. Strengthening the shore using a special chain mail reinforcing mesh and tumbled or rubble stone looks no less impressive, and is also characterized by extraordinary reliability and durability.

How to strengthen a bank with your own hands using plants

The use of various biological objects and elements of plant origin along the water's edge is one of the most troublesome and capricious methods of bank protection of both a natural pond and artificial reservoir. Plants used:

  • fast-growing willow easily withstands prolonged flooding;
  • the powerful root system of ash is resistant to strong gusts of wind and low temperatures, so the plant grows well on open areas;
  • reeds and sedges not only help strengthen the coastline, but also prevent clogging and shallowing of the reservoir;
  • Alder, which has bank-strengthening and water-regulating properties, is of great soil-protective importance;
  • Hazel is widely used to secure slopes and beams, and fallen leaves are perfectly mineralized and enrich the soil layers;
  • in order to improve the structural parameters of the soil and prevent sloshing, bird cherry is widely used;
  • Ailanthus, which produces abundant root shoots, is used to protect slopes, embankments and ravines from shedding and sliding.

A good and fairly quick strengthening effect can be achieved by growing such popular coastal plants as iris, loosestrife, water mint and comb or tamarisk.

How to strengthen a steep bank

It is the steep coastline that quite often needs timely and competently executed strengthening to prevent flooding of the adjacent territory and the soil from sliding into the water of the reservoir. Such coastal fortification can be carefully and reliably constructed not only with capital options, but also in decorative ways:

  • using gabion-box structural systems made on the basis of the strongest and very durable galvanized double-twisted wire mesh;
  • when combining gabion systems with strengthening of the coastal zone using larch or geogrid, the service life is more than eight decades;
  • the use of Renov mattresses in the form of flat gabion structures made from metal mesh with double twist and galvanized or polymer coating;
  • through Siberian larch, which is characterized by excellent durability and natural properties, which does not allow disruption of the ecological system of the reservoir;
  • tongue and groove partitions in the form steel sheets, and reinforced concrete structures, PVC and wood with high load-bearing capacity.

Also read: Nozzles for fountains, or how to create water paintings

It is quite popular and in demand in our country to strengthen the coastline with cemented soils consisting of M-300 or M-400 cement, loam or loess-like sandy loam and water, thoroughly mixed and placed in wooden, metal or plastic formwork.

You can absolutely correctly plant beautiful aquatic plants, perfectly decorate the coastal zone, but ruin everything by sloppy design of the border between the pond and the garden. A professional approach to this issue will solve not only the problems of decorating a garden pond, but will also eliminate the possibility of bank erosion.

There is a huge amount of information on the Internet about the installation of a reservoir, the choice of materials for waterproofing and edging, the selection of plants, but the technology for designing the border between water and the shore is not sufficiently covered.

Materials for designing a pond

Materials for decorating a pond should be harmoniously tied to the size of the garden and the style of the house. The most commonly used materials are natural and artificial stone, crushed rocks, pieces of marble, pebbles of various colors, ceramic and paving slabs, wood, gravel, and sand. For reservoirs with concrete base marble chips are used, colored glass, fragments of porcelain and ceramics, which are fixed onto concrete that has not yet hardened, the fragments are pressed inward with sharp edges.

All decorative elements the shoreline of the reservoir must be properly secured in its positions. Stones, ceramic and paving slabs, bricks are fixed using cement mortar while leaving pockets for planting.

Film pond edging

For a natural transition from the pond to the garden, you can use a special decorative film, which is covered with a layer of gravel, so it perfectly imitates a rocky terrain. Since the film with stones does not retain water by itself, they lay it on top of the waterproofing and carefully line the bottom of the pond so that its rocky edges extend to the shore. It is advisable to secure the edges and seams with film glue. Then large stones are placed in random order on the surface of the film along the edge of the pond, simulating a natural landscape. This film is the most good option to decorate a pond with your own hands, without resorting to the help of professionals.

Coconut mats for edging a pond

If the pond has steep walls, then when water evaporates, filmy edges can be observed. IN in this case for edging, woven dark brown coconut mats are used, which visually imitate the soil and do not interfere with the growth and development of coastal plants; the latter, growing densely on a solid base, decorate and strengthen the banks well.

The technology for laying coconut mats is quite simple. The mats are laid without tension, starting from the shore part, they are placed along the border of the future reservoir with the shore, lowering the lower part of the coil about 50 cm into the pit, and carefully securing the upper part to the shore using U-shaped brackets from reinforcement. To secure the mat to PVC, a special assembly adhesive. At the junction of coconut sheets, the overlap should be at least 20 cm. When installing, take into account the direction of the overlap - the edges of the sheet should not be visible from the viewing side. From the shore, the mesh structure of the coconut mat is covered with a plant substrate, and the part of the mat that will be in the water is covered with sandy soil mixed with fine gravel.

Option for laying coconut mats

Another option

In this case, you can get by with a minimal amount or completely exclude it from the design of the reservoir. This method of designing the coastal zone of a reservoir simulates the most natural landscape and is well suited for landscape style.

Advantages of coconut mats for strengthening the banks of a reservoir

1. Environmentally friendly natural material.

2. Does not require large capital investments.

3. Easy to install.

4. Protects the banks from erosion.

5. Provides long service life due to the slow decomposition of coconut fiber.

6. Promote the growth of vegetation and strengthen the soil.

7. Improves water outflow.

8. Resistant to UV/UV radiation.

9. Resistant to decomposition processes of organic substances.

10. Closes the waterproofing of the reservoir when water evaporates.

11. Serves as the basis for the root system of aquatic and coastal plants.

If coconut mats are not used to secure the banks of the reservoir, and only waterproofing is planned around it, then the edges of the film waterproofing can be hidden under the lawn to a depth of 8 - 10 cm. But this method will not help mask the unsightly film edges when water evaporates and will not save you from waterlogging and erosion coastal part if there is an abundance of it. Therefore, after the usual heavy rain, a flooded meadow will suddenly appear in the clearing around the garden pond. In the summer it’s half the trouble, but in the fall? Therefore, there is no need to skimp on strengthening the banks; simply placing a coconut mat under the lawn is enough. For growth lawn grass there will be no obstructions, the waterproofing will be closed, and the coastline will be protected from erosion.

There are no special secrets in the technology of transitioning the boundaries of concrete or stone edging with a lawn. Both stone and concrete can directly border water, soil and vegetation.

How to decorate the edges of a pond with stone

The size of the stone framing the edge of the pond should be proportional to the size of the pond itself; large stones are harmoniously combined with a large reservoir, small stones with small ones. The shape and structure of the stones should also be similar. It is not advisable to use several various types stones.

When making a pond from a concrete base or a polymer mold using a stone, it is necessary to prepare a substrate from the shore side - where the stones come into contact with the ground, first lay black lutrasil, cover it with sand, then gravel. Large boulders are placed along the perimeter of the pond so that part of the stone hangs slightly above the water, in which case all the edges of the pond are easily covered.

The small stones with which the bottom of the reservoir is covered should smoothly turn into larger ones towards the shore. Moreover, when laying stones along the perimeter of the coastal zone, you need to make sure that a continuous line does not form. In this case, it is better to make the edging of the reservoir intermittent, alternating stones and plants in random order, avoiding symmetry. Large stones are placed flat, slightly tilted to the side towards the shore.

Before permanently fixing the stones in cement, they should be laid out in their intended places, then you need to examine the composition from all sides and correct any errors. Only after this can the stones be installed on cement mortar, buried in the mortar to 1/3 of their height. Don't forget to leave pockets for planting plants.

How to design the edges of a pond with the correct geometric shapes

Strict edging geometric shapes garden ponds can be made using wooden boards, ceramic tiles, stone slabs, natural or artificial stone. When choosing material for decorating the coastal zone, it is necessary to take into account that after rain wooden boards and glossy ceramic tile become slippery.

Natalya Vysotskaya, dendrologist, landscape designer, Ph.D. -X. sciences

2012 - 2017, . All rights reserved.

And if dreams come true, and a beautiful one grows before your eyes small pond, it is not the thoughts of Turgenev’s heroes that begin to worry. Soil erosion is a constant source of unrest. This phenomenon tends to destroy the skillfully made shore, destroying such noble undertakings.

During this natural process, the reservoir begins to lose its perfect shape, a significant part of the bottom silts up, and the graceful pond turns into a swamp. To solve this issue there is a universal construction method– strengthening the coastline.

Why do you need to strengthen the bank?

Water in nature is not capable of creation. Rapid flows of water wear away even solid rocks, and heavy rains cause mudflows. In this regard, although calm water looks much safer, its destructive effect cannot be denied.

Only rocky natural shores can withstand water. But in fairness, we note that rocky formations are found on summer cottages rarely. To preserve the original shape and appearance of the pond, extend it life cycle, it is necessary to turn to technology for strengthening the shore of a reservoir.

To the most effective means Protecting weak soil from erosion usually includes technical procedures using artificial and natural materials. You can determine the appropriateness of using a particular method and material by reading the recommendations of specialists.

How to properly strengthen the shore of a reservoir?

A competent integrated approach to the design of the shore of a reservoir will allow you to obtain an aesthetic appearance, at the same time reliably strengthening the stability of the coastline. This is the only way to prevent the threat of erosion of coastal soil.

At the same time, it is quite easy to find information on the choice of materials, the method of installing waterproofing, edging and other construction operations in the abyss of the Internet. However clear recommendations regarding the strengthening of the coastline is not presented on the network. Let's fill the gap.

Pond with concrete base: what materials to choose?

Due to the fact that the coastline is ideally visible from all points of the site, materials for strengthening and decoration must certainly fit into the overall landscape style. The most common materials for decoration are:

  • marble;
  • pebbles;
  • rocks;
  • paving slabs;
  • hardwood;
  • granite.

If the base of the reservoir is concreted, the best option would be to choose marble chips, glass mosaics or ceramic chips. Finishing materials can be effectively laid on cement-sand mortar. At the same time, builders advise to embed shards of glass and ceramics into the concrete, otherwise the sharp edges can then injure.

The main condition for a successful set of works is considered to be the reliable installation of each element, be it a decorative boulder or a reinforcing part in a specific place. So, fastening brick blocks, paving slabs or natural stones is carried out using cement mortar using moisture-resistant additives.

Another important point: since plant flora is used when decorating the coastal line, it is recommended to provide areas of soil for planting. Moisture-loving plants and trees go well with an artificial pond.

Pond with film base

If the bottom of the reservoir is isolated using a waterproofing film, a special shoreline can be used decorative film with a gravel coating. Imitation of rock will help hide the artificial origin of the material. The film is installed on top of the main waterproofing layer. The edges of the material are attached adhesive composition to the base. Moreover, it is recommended to choose a special glue for water work. In this case, the rocky edge finishing material will protrude beyond the coastline.

Decorative elements crown the installation process. Along the edge artificial pond install stones of various shapes and sizes. At the same time, designers advise creating a unique landscape line reminiscent of a natural picture. This is the most affordable and technologically simplest method of creating a spectacular decor for a pond with your own hands.

Strengthening the bank with coconut mats

Coconut mats are used in the process of strengthening the shoreline of a reservoir with a film base and steep edges. This material has a characteristic dark color, which hides the unsightly appearance of the film when the water level drops. Due to their color similarity to natural soil, the mats camouflage the building parts of an artificial structure. Moreover, moisture-loving flora grows well through the structure of the material. Plants and bushes ideally decorate the coastal line, and the roots of vegetation act as additional strengthening of the soil.

The technological side of laying coconut mats is not complicated. An ordinary average person will be able to understand the intricacies of installation. So, how to strengthen the shore of a reservoir using this material:

  1. Laying starts from the coastal part. Wherein construction material does not stretch.
  2. The lower part is placed half a meter down along the edge of the reservoir.
  3. The upper part is attached to land using reinforcement.
  4. To attach the mat to the waterproofing PVC film, water-repellent mounting adhesive is used.
  5. The joint of the canvases is fastened using an overlap technology of 20 cm. Please note that the direction of the overlap must be located on the side inaccessible for viewing.
  6. The mat on top is covered with plant substrate.
  7. The immersed mat is covered with fine-grained gravel and sand.

If it is not possible to decorate the coastline with artificial or natural stone formations, vegetation comes to the rescue. Flora in the form of decoration bordering the pond looks elegant and as natural as possible. Landscape designers use this technique when creating a landscape style.

Advantages of coconut mats

Among the undoubted advantages of coconut mats it is worth noting:

  • UV resistance;
  • resistance to substances formed as a result of the decomposition of substances of organic origin;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation (you can strengthen the coastline yourself);
  • practicality and efficiency ( high-quality protection is protected from washing away for a long time);
  • availability of material;
  • a unique fibrous structure that allows plants to grow through it (they act as additional reinforcement due to the root system).

The mats effectively camouflage the waterproofing layer and act as a habitat for the rhizomes of some plants in the coastal zone.

Of course, you don’t have to use mats for strengthening. Other means will do for this purpose, but the edges of the waterproofing will be disguised as a lawn to a depth of about 10 cm. When the water level inevitably drops, the unsightly film will reveal itself to the world. In addition, a puddle will regularly appear in the coastal area after precipitation. If in the summer the puddles disappear quickly, then in the fall they will often disturb the owner of the pond.

Using mats will solve the whole range of possible troubles:

  • will disguise the waterproofing layer;
  • will preserve the integrity of the coast;
  • will help prevent flooded areas on your lawn.

Other options for strengthening the shore of a reservoir

1. Anti-erosion mesh.

The material is flexible, durable and lightweight. When planting plants, the geomat creates a continuous canvas.

2. Geogrid.

Simple, but no less effective method. The cells, when filled with decorative filling, create an interesting effect.

3. Concrete, metal and plastic piles.

The method is productive on steep slopes.

4. Wood supports.

Larch for steep slopes seems to be the best option.

5. Gabions.

The method involves the construction of retaining walls in the form of boxes into which stones are placed.

6. Plants.

The bank is strengthened by the root system of plants.

How to strengthen the shore of a reservoir with your own hands

Let us consider, as an example, several of the most common options for strengthening the coastline. All methods involve DIY installation.

Strengthening the shore of the pond using geogrid.

For this you will need:

  • crushed stone;
  • shovel;
  • frost-resistant concrete;
  • scraper;
  • pneumatic stapler;
  • anchor;
  • non-woven geotextile.
  1. The surface of the coastal slope is leveled.
  2. The shape of the slope is created (the flatter the slope, the more stable the structure).
  3. The geogrid is laid.
  4. The material is tensioned and strengthened with anchors using staggered technology.
  5. All modules are fixed to each other using a pneumatic stapler.
  6. Geogrid cells are filled with concrete, soil, and other additives. Interestingly, filling must be done manually, otherwise the structure of the material can be damaged.

Strengthening the shore of the pond plants

It is difficult to strengthen with your own hands using vegetation. Plants must have a powerful branched root system and have steady state to flooding. When strengthening river banks, this method is acceptable if the flow speed does not exceed 1 m/s and the waves do not reach 0.3 m.

Features of strengthening the bank with plants:

1. Shrub and herbaceous species of flora are planted in the above-water zone:

  • black poplar;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • amorphous;
  • marsh iris;
  • manna;
  • cattails.

2. Aquatic vegetation (for example, water iris) is planted in the underwater zone.

After planting, mandatory turfing is carried out.

Strengthening the shore of the pond with gabions

  1. First, a box is made from galvanized or metal mesh. Later it will be filled with large stones covering the parameters of the mesh cell.
  2. The empty box is fixed at the corners with rods.
  3. Attach the next one to the box and so on.
  4. To give additional strength, it is attached to the front side wooden frame. Such a structure does not deform over time, but becomes more reliable thanks to the soil and plants. By filling the cells, plants connect the frame to the ground.

Experts deservedly consider strengthening with gabions to be the most reliable and high-quality. Gabions fit perfectly into the landscape and have a beneficial effect on the formation of microflora in a pond for fish breeding and productive plant growth.


Of course, strengthening the coastline of an artificial reservoir is a complex and responsible task. The most reliable option is the installation of concrete or metal piles. However, this method is irrational for creating a compact country pond. It is not possible to install such supports on your own. The best option would be a gabion structure. The technology allows you to carry out a set of strengthening operations on your own, and at the same time improve the pond. The main thing is that it is necessary to carry out work to strengthen the soil at the stage of creating the reservoir itself.

Coastal strengthening falls into the category of measures aimed at protecting against floods and erosion. Bank protection work makes it possible to make the soil resistant to water erosion and can be done with your own hands.

Why and in what cases is bank protection carried out?

As a rule, bank protection of a river or pond combines a set of works that help strengthen the coastline and help protect the coastal line of a natural or artificial reservoir from washouts, landslides and erosion.

The destruction of the coastal slope can be caused by currents and waves, as well as erosion as a result of the negative impact of storm flows.

Erosion and subsidence of banks often provokes shallowing and overgrowth, not only the reservoir itself, but also the surrounding areas. This puts all structures and structures erected in the coastal zone at risk of collapse. To prevent such undesirable processes, bank protection is carried out.

Options for strengthening the shoreline of a pond and river

You can strengthen the shore in several ways and using different materials, which differ in quality characteristics, durability and cost:

  • a reinforcing system with a flexible design, represented by gratings in the form of bases for retaining walls, which allows for reliable protection for communications laid along the shore;
  • strengthening system using plant components, including larch wood, which has increased resistance to soaking and rotting processes;
  • a strengthening system with a rigid structure in the form of steel or PVC sheets, retaining walls, cemented soil or concreted stones.

Before carrying out the activity, it is necessary to assess the amount of work and select the best option.

How to strengthen a river bank with a larch log (video)

Bank protection with gabions

Work with gabions is easy to perform and economical. The advantages of using such material are as follows:

  • the material is able to effectively withstand the onslaught of waves and active water flows;
  • has a long service life exceeding one hundred years;
  • low installation costs and the ability to dismantle if necessary;
  • The finished design is environmentally friendly and decorative.

It is very easy to make such a design yourself, but It is advisable to adhere to the following simple installation rules:

  • needs to be mounted on the problem area and filled with natural stone;
  • the total number of gabions, as well as the method of their installation, must be calculated individually and depend on the height of the slope;
  • at the final stage, protective decorative finishing is performed by filling it with soil and plant seeds, which strengthen the structure.

The maximum strength of the gabion system is achieved after five years of operation. During this time, the coastline is able to become one with the adjacent landscape.

Strengthening the river bankline with wooden piles

This method falls into the category of fairly common methods. The cost of installation with wooden piles will directly depend on the quality and value of the wood used in the work.

The advantages of the method include the ability to perform work without special skills, environmental friendliness of the material and quite attractive appearance of the structure. However, wood has a relatively short service life, and such strengthening requires a lot of labor.

We strengthen the banks with PVC sheet piles

You can even reinforce a steep bank with PVC-based tongue and groove. This method is considered to be the most rapidly erected and the most cost-effective. Most often used on very steep or steep banks.

The implementation technology consists of connecting sheet piles into a single protective wall. Installation is carried out using special hydraulic equipment, and for reliability and durability, the piles are fixed as firmly as possible using longitudinal ribs.

Application of natural stone

If the shoreline of a reservoir has a slope of no more than 20º, then natural stone in the form of pebbles, rubble or boulders of various shapes and sizes can be used for strengthening. This material allows you to give the landscape an attractive and unique appearance. The bottles of various sizes and colors look especially impressive.

The most commonly used stones are pink, red, gray and dark rubble. Before installation, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures aimed at creating a base of geotextiles, geogrids or geogrids.

The most difficult thing is the arrangement of the so-called “stone castle”, which is a dense placement of large boulders in a strictly designated place in accordance with the shape of the stone and its color. This event is carried out manually, which allows you to adjust the aesthetics of the appearance. Despite the fact that this process is very long and labor-intensive, the result is a durable and most attractive reinforcement.

How to strengthen the bank with gabions (video)

Geogrid and reinforcing mesh

The use of geogrid is an inexpensive and reliable option, especially if the coastline is receding. A distinctive feature of the method is the ability to obtain a very beautiful and individual appearance of the structure, as well as a convenient, completely non-slip descent to the water and access to the shore.

Filling the cells with river or sea pebbles gives a good visual effect., as well as marble chips in the form of a mosaic. Strengthening the shore using a special chain mail reinforcing mesh and tumbled or rubble stone looks no less impressive, and is also characterized by extraordinary reliability and durability.

How to strengthen a bank with your own hands using plants

The use of various biological objects and elements of plant origin along the water's edge is one of the most troublesome and capricious methods of bank protection of both a natural pond and an artificial reservoir. Plants used:

  • fast-growing willow easily withstands prolonged flooding;
  • the powerful root system of ash is resistant to strong gusts of wind and low temperatures, so the plant grows well in open areas;
  • reeds and sedges not only help strengthen the coastline, but also prevent clogging and shallowing of the reservoir;
  • Alder, which has bank-strengthening and water-regulating properties, is of great soil-protective importance;
  • Hazel is widely used to secure slopes and beams, and fallen leaves are perfectly mineralized and enrich the soil layers;
  • in order to improve the structural parameters of the soil and prevent sloshing, bird cherry is widely used;
  • Ailanthus, which produces abundant root shoots, is used to protect slopes, embankments and ravines from shedding and sliding.

A good and fairly quick strengthening effect can be achieved by growing such popular coastal plants as iris, loosestrife, water mint and comb or tamarisk.

How to strengthen a steep bank

It is the steep coastline that quite often needs timely and competently executed strengthening to prevent flooding of the adjacent territory and the soil from sliding into the water of the reservoir. Carefully and reliably design such a coastal fortification possible not only with capital options, but also with decorative methods:

  • using gabion-box structural systems made on the basis of the strongest and very durable galvanized double-twisted wire mesh;
  • when combining gabion systems with strengthening of the coastal zone using larch or geogrid, the service life is more than eight decades;
  • the use of Renov mattresses in the form of flat gabion structures made of metal mesh with double torsion and galvanized or polymer coating;
  • through Siberian larch, which is characterized by excellent durability and natural properties, which does not allow disruption of the ecological system of the reservoir;
  • sheet piling partitions in the form of steel sheets, as well as reinforced concrete structures, PVC and wood with high load-bearing capacity.

It is quite popular and in demand in our country to strengthen the coastline with cemented soils consisting of M-300 or M-400 cement, loam or loess-like sandy loam and water, thoroughly mixed and placed in wooden, metal or plastic formwork.

Strengthening the bank using sheet piles (video)

Bank protection can be carried out different ways, which directly depend on the choice of material used and the option of laying along the artificial or line. Regardless of the type of material used during the work, shore strengthening has practical and aesthetic functions, which helps prevent soil erosion and helps improve the surrounding area.
