Remove the evil eye with an egg. How to correctly interpret the shape of an egg after the ceremony. Destructive rituals with eggs

When faced with an energy obstacle, people often become frightened or panic due to an incomplete understanding of the processes. How to remove damage, the evil eye with an egg?

It’s scary that it’s not entirely clear what to do now, how to get rid of such a disaster. And, nevertheless, there are many ways to quickly solve the problem of how to cure a person of damage.

Everyone can independently “cure” energy, restore it to a normal state.

Using an egg to remove damage

Nature has created a special tool, which is recognized as almost ideal, for working with negative energy. It is.

The fact is that his field structure is very similar to human.

If used correctly, the evil eye or damage to the egg passes instantly, freeing the person’s aura.

Let's look at the methods of using this magical tool.

First of all, this tool is used to determine negative energy.

Diagnosis of damage, the evil eye with an egg is one of the most the right ways. In this way, not only the presence of negativity is determined, but also the degree of its strength.

For diagnosis you need to take a fresh egg.

It must be demolished no earlier than yesterday, and under no circumstances should you take a product that has been stored in the refrigerator.

You can recognize damage to an egg only when it is still “alive,” that is, the egg has not died. Then the result will be doubtful. The same rule for choosing eggs for removing damage and the evil eye.

  1. So, take a fresh egg. Hold it in your left hand for a few minutes. At this time, you can think about your problems, about what made you want to get diagnosed.
  2. Then the egg is broken into a jar of water. It is advisable that the container is completely transparent; you will have to examine it later.
  3. The jar is placed next to the head at night.

In the morning you need to look at the resulting picture.

The explanation is this: if the yolk breaks, then you have spoilage. If the protein rises to the surface in bubbles, it means...

Any “shoot” from an egg in water indicates negative energy. You see a “church” built by a protein in a jar - the damage is strong, if peaks and mountains are an evil eye on your career and money.

Egg rolling

To get rid of negativity, the egg rolling method is used. Naturally, only very fresh products are used.

It is best if another person carries out the rolling out of the egg damage. But you can do this yourself.

An egg is taken and “rolled” over the body, while prayers are read. You need to roll it in a circular motion, not quickly, pressing it against the skin with sufficient force. Movements are made clockwise.

This procedure takes quite a long time. But that's not the main thing. The operation takes a lot of energy. Breaking away is not recommended.

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Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

If the egg begins to feel heavy in your hands, you need to put it aside and take another one. Sometimes, to completely roll out you have to use up to five to seven pieces.

If you had to do it yourself, then not all parts of the body can be reached. The area on the back is usually left unaffected.

Try to make sure that the egg “covers” the entire skin. You can use improvised means. For example, a towel.

Removing egg damage yourself

In addition to running in, a ritual with an egg and holy water is used.

  1. In the evening you need to light the candles consecrated in the Temple.
  2. Then take the egg into left hand and read Psalm 90 forty times in a row. It must be pronounced meaningfully and feelingly. The text shows where to place special semantic emphasis. You can't stop.
  3. Then the egg, without breaking it, is placed in a container where it is poured. It should stay there overnight.
  4. In the morning it needs to be taken out of the house. Ideally, take it to the cemetery and break it.

This is done so that the collected black energy does not pass on to an innocent person.

It is clear that transferring one’s evil eye to another is a sin for which one will have to answer.

At the cemetery, the eggs will be eaten by birds, and the negative energy will be picked up by the spirits of the dead. They know what to do next with this mess.

Cleaning with an egg from spoilage

This magical tool is used not only to cleanse a person’s aura. You can clean your house and other property yourself. Sometimes you have to protect your workplace too.

The method of this cleansing is the same as when freeing a person from corruption. To begin with, diagnostics.

If you get the idea that the house has been jinxed, then do the following.

  1. Take very salty water.
  2. Place an egg (fresh) into it without breaking it.
  3. Place it in the corner of the room for a day.
  4. Now you need to break it into a jar with clean water and see as described above.

The interpretation is as follows: if there are any “outgrowths” or, God forbid, a broken yolk, then there is damage. It needs to be removed.

(It happens that after such a procedure, the egg will become rotten. You will immediately feel the smell. Then independent action may not be enough. A rotten egg is a sign of great damage).

Buy a new broom (not artificial). Cook some eggs.

  1. On any Thursday you need to sweep all the rooms from window to door with a new broom.
  2. Then the egg is rolled on the floor (you can hit furniture in places where you can’t reach the floor).
  3. They read prayers. Special ones are not recommended. Read everything you know. Just don't rush. Roll the egg slowly, trying to cover the entire surface.

When you're done, don't bring the tools you used into the room anymore.

The eggs are thrown away (preferably onto an old grave, as described above). The broom needs to be taken to the crossroads in the morning. Stop there and leave.

You can't watch him fall. It’s better to throw it behind your back and leave without looking back.

How soon will the damage or evil eye go away?

Here you need to understand that everything depends on the degree of impact.

Small the first time. In order to remove damage, one ritual is not enough. It is necessary to run-in at least seven times. You don't have to do this every day.

But during breaks you need to follow some rules:

  • You can't take anything from hand to hand. In this way, people often transmit their negative energy;
  • you need to attend Church, if possible. May the baptismal cross always be on you;
  • It would be good to fast. This is desirable;
  • but giving up alcohol - required condition, which you need to follow if you have resorted to a method such as removing damage, the evil eye with an egg.

For most negative programs induced on a person using black magic, rolling out damage with an egg is suitable. It can be carried out by either a professional or a common person

at home.

Homemade eggs will help prevent spoilage

In what cases will an egg help?

This ritual helps very well with neuroses, melancholy, fears, depression and apathy. By learning how to perform this ritual correctly, you can help yourself and your loved ones. It doesn’t matter whether a person is baptized or not, or what religion he is. Rolling him out will still help get rid of the disease.

When rolling out, a disease or negativity is transferred to the egg from the one to whom the damage was directed. And it gives back its positive energy.

Ritual rules

Rolling out refers to the rituals of ancient tribes and peoples. The egg represents vital forces, the birth of a being. Its structure is associated with the human aura and the shell of the Earth. It easily absorbs energy flows.

In order to independently remove egg damage, you must meet certain conditions:

  1. The person conducting the ritual must have a strong character
  2. You cannot buy a store-bought egg, you must take a homemade one, fresh and rinse it well.
  3. Before the ceremony, you need to read the “Our Father” several times and put on amulets against damage and evil spirits.
  4. The person who will roll out must have willpower and strong character.
  5. The performer must have a focus on success and faith in the effectiveness of the ritual.

Learn all the spell texts by heart.

A powerful ritual for removing damage

The ritual, which involves rolling out damage with an egg, is carried out at home, in a well-lit room, but not at night. It's better to choose time before lunch. It is good if the person performing the ritual has experience in magical manipulations. It is necessary to seat a victim of damage or the evil eye in front of you and place all the icons that are in the house around. If a woman is being treated, the egg is held with the sharp part back, for a man - with the sharp part forward.

The patient must remove all jewelry, including watches.

If a person has health problems and is overcome by illness, rolling out must begin from top to bottom. If the patient has mental or mental disorder- down up. In the first case, they start rolling from the back of the head. This should be done clockwise, slowly, going down. The egg cannot be removed from the body. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the spine, since the damage sent accumulates there. The head needs to be rolled longer than other parts of the body.

The patient must sit with his eyes closed and read “Our Father” all this time. They turn to the saints depicted on the icons and ask for health for the person at whom the ritual is directed. Under no circumstances should the ritual be stopped, even if a person experiences nausea and dizziness.

When the whole body is “broken in” right down to the ankles, you need to break the shell and pour the yolk and white into a transparent glass with holy water, saying the following words:

“Lord, make sure that I have nothing in my possession except the integrity of Thy truth and power, Lord! Amen".

A pattern should appear on the surface. If it is not there, then the ceremony was unsuccessful. Now you need to decipher the meaning of the picture.

Examples of images and their meaning

The yolk is the inner world of a person, and the white symbolizes the physical shell. Ideally, the yolk should be on top, the white down. Below is an interpretation of the drawing examples:

  1. White veins running from the bottom throughout the container indicate the strong influence of a witch or sorcerer.
  2. Bubble protein indicates a powerful attack on the disease.
  3. Absolutely pure yolk and white - no spoilage. It was removed or did not exist at all.
  4. Foam on the surface means the evil eye.
  5. Sharp growths indicate damage to poverty.
  6. Damage to death is manifested by the presence of worms in the yolk.
  7. If the yolk looks like it’s boiled, this means that a person you know is trying to do a lot of harm and you need to carry out the ritual for several more days in a row.
  8. Black dots on the yolk indicate that the damage was done through the cemetery.
  9. A cloudy film on the yolk indicates that part of the negative remains. We'll have to repeat the ritual.

Cemetery damage can only be removed by a specialist

You cannot remove cemetery damage on your own. You will need to contact a specialist.

After deciphering the drawing, you should pour out the contents. When the egg and water are poured out, say:

“In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I command you, Satan! Get away with your demons and spirits from the servant of God (the name with which you were baptized)! Amen!".

The container and hands are washed well to remove any remaining negative effects. When washing dishes with water, they say:

“I wash not a vessel, but (the name of the victim) from his illnesses, adversity, from fear, commotion, ghost, evil conversation. Just as this vessel is clean, so (name) is clean from illness, trouble, fear, commotion, ghost, and evil conversation. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Ritual with a photo

Sometimes a person does not have the opportunity to personally attend the ritual. Then you can roll out the damage with an egg from a distance using a photograph. This ritual is suitable for those who do not believe in their curse, damage or evil eye and refuse to contact. The performer will only need recent photo patient to carry out the procedure independently at home.

The ritual can be performed at night. It is necessary to light a candle in front of the icon, place a photograph of a person next to it and cover it with your right hand. Then in right hand take an egg and a candle on the left. They begin to roll him around the picture from the center, repeating the words of the Lord's Prayer seven times. Afterwards the shell is broken and the contents are poured out, and the photograph is sprinkled with holy water. The candle should burn out completely on its own.

Removing the evil eye and damage with an egg

You can get rid of damage and the evil eye yourself in another way. This ritual is especially suitable if a person refuses to understand that he has been damaged. It is carried out at night, when the patient falls asleep. It is necessary to place a plate with liquid next to the sleeping person. A fresh chicken egg is broken into it in advance. They say these words:

“Take from the servant of God (name of the victim) everything bad and evil.”

If in the morning bubbles and stripes appear on the yolk or white, this means that a curse has been placed on the person. The steps must be repeated until the yolk and white are clean.

If the ritual is performed correctly and all conditions are met, after a few days positive results will be visible, and the damage will not return. Illness or failure can befall a person again when the damage is re-imposed, but not always.

A simple ritual

To help yourself, you can take basic steps at home.

At night before going to bed you need to read a prayer

At night, before going to bed, read the Lord’s Prayer, then take half a glass of water, adding 1 tsp. holy water. Then a chicken egg is carefully driven into it and placed at the head of the bed. It should absorb all the negativity overnight, and in the morning it will have to be poured out.

Conspiracy with an egg

You can remove damage and the evil eye yourself with the help of a conspiracy. The ritual can be easily performed at home. You need to cover the table with a clean tablecloth, put an ordinary egg and the key to the new lock in the center. Then they say:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord bless, true Christ. I, servant of God (name), will get up, blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, to the rising of the red sun, to the sunset of the bright month, to the quiet dawn of morning and evening. Both the spoiler and the sorcerer should not take the red sun into their hands, not push the bright month out of the sky, not remove the pure stars from the sky, and I, the servant of God (name), should not spoil the eternal eyelids and not send damage to either a violent head or in the clear eyes, not in the white face, not in the zealous heart, not in the lung, not in the liver, not in the lower back, not in the porch, not in the hands, not in the secret member, not in the popliteal veins, not in all my blood. I, servant of God (name), will lock myself with an iron key, a strong lock, and I, servant of God (name), will take that key out of the lock and put it to the red sun, to the bright moon, to the frequent stars; And I, the servant of God (name), give that key into the hands of the True Christ: carry that key, True Christ, and keep it from the spoiler, from the sorcerer, from the spoiler and from the sorceress. If a tailor or a sorcerer, or a tailor, or a sorceress takes the red sun into his hands, the bright moon rushes from the sky, the frequent chalk of the stars collects everything, then no damage will be done to me, the servant of God (name), forever and ever. Amen".

Then the shell is broken and burned, the white and yolk are poured out. The lock is closed and kept secret from other people, the key is kept as a talisman.

In the energy field of every person there remains negativity from other people's envy, anger, and bad thoughts. Because of this, he is haunted by various misfortunes and hardships. Therefore, you need to go to church as often as possible and be in nature.

Corruption can destroy a person from the inside. To prevent this from happening, it is important to carry out the necessary ritual in time and transfer the negative impact from yourself.

Egg rolling

Preparation: prayers, icons, amulets.

You can choose any of the methods of removing negativity, or you can alternate them in series: 3 times - one method, 3 times - another. But not like this: today - one, tomorrow - another. Try it on.

And don’t forget to use amulets when treating others.

The following prayers can be used:

  • "Our Father…";
  • "May God rise again...";
  • "To the Honest Life-Giving Cross...";
  • "Alive in help...";
  • Any prayer for damage

Always watch the candles- for those that you place in front of the icons during treatment. Candles will show the presence or absence of negativity: in the case where there is negativity, the candles or one of them will smoke, shoot, flicker (when the flame flutters - this happens, of course, without any drafts: the candle next to it usually burns, and the other flickers) and even go out (the latter is a very bad symptom). With strong negative programs, the candles placed for a person in front of the icons also float. The floats can be stripes, lumps, balls, or figures.

If all negative programs have been removed from a person or the smallest and most insignificant ones remain, the candle burns evenly and burns out without a trace.

At the end of the ritual, we always read prayers of gratitude.

For example - “Thanks for every good deed of God, Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.”

Be sure to wash your hands cold water to the elbow.

Repeat the procedures on the prescribed days until the candle stops smoking, shooting, going out, and the one placed near the icon for health should burn out completely.

Rolling out differs from other techniques in that there is direct contact with the patient’s body. That is, you move the egg over the patient’s body, collecting all the negativity on him.

Place the person on a chair facing the icons. Stand behind him and move the raw egg clockwise around his head several times. Perhaps the head needs to be treated longer than other parts of the body.

Then you go down in a spiral along the spine - damage really likes to wrap itself around the spinal column.

Then you go through the arms and legs. You never tear the egg away from the body, even if you return from the lower part of the spine to the arms, you should move the egg along the body.

All the time you read the appropriate prayers: against damage, fear, the evil eye. It depends on what exactly you are filming.

After which you take a glass half filled with water and, looking into the water, say: “Lord, make sure that I have nothing in my possession except the integrity of Thy truth and power, Lord! Amen,” and at the same time break an egg into a glass. Beat so as not to injure the yolk.

We crush the shell in our hand in one fell swoop and throw it into the oven or onto paper (if you throw the shell onto paper, then after completing the procedure, you will need to burn it on the ground and bury it, while reading the prayers “Our Father”, “The Life-Giving Cross”).

Wash your hands up to the elbows with cold water.

Now take the glass and examine the contents. It can be very difficult for beginners to recognize all the intricacies of the threads, the position of the white and the yolk.

Let me just say that anything can happen after rolling out:

  • the yolk goes into the pimple;
  • worms appear;
  • the squirrel threads look like a grave with a cross or like a church, like a coffin;
  • complete deformation of the yolk, etc.

After rolling out 3-6 times, you yourself will learn to see the improvements and the “bad”.

You look and pour the contents of the glass into the drain or under the fence with the words: “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I command you, Satan! Get away with your demons and spirits from the servant of God (the name with which you were baptized)! Amen!"

Now wash the glass with the words: “I am not washing a glass, but a servant of God (the name of the one who was treated) from his illnesses, troubles, from fear, commotion, ghost, evil conversation. Just as this glass (ladle, vase) is clean, so the servant of God (name) is clean from illness, trouble, fear, commotion, ghost, evil conversation. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After which I wash my hands again cold water to the elbow.

During the week, repeat 3 times on the prescribed days. If there is an improvement, then next week on the scheduled day, do only one rollout and a week later - a control rollout - to make sure that everything is in order.

Usually rolled out 3 to 9 times

Egg overnight

And you can do this. We read all the necessary initial prayers, put a talisman on ourselves if we are treating another, and add a teaspoon of church water or the one that we ourselves have blessed to a glass half filled with water. Carefully break the egg there. We place the glass on a stool, shelf or cabinet at the head of the bed where the patient sleeps. We leave it on all night.

In the morning we read “Our Father...” and pour the contents under the fence or into the sewer.

I wash the glass with the same words as written above.

Repeat with the same frequency as when rolling out.

At the end of the ritual, we always read prayers of gratitude.

The most ancient way to cleanse your biofield

1. Take your photo, a fresh chicken egg and a white candle.

Light a candle, place a photo in front of it and rotate the egg counterclockwise around your photo (you can use a small new mirror instead of the photo). After such a procedure, you need to throw the egg away from your home and leave, no matter where and how it fell and broke. Curiosity here is punishable by returning everything you cleaned back.

2. Another method requires seven eggs and seven new plain glass glasses. Every evening, carefully crack one egg into a glass and place it at your head. In the morning, you need to throw away the glass along with the egg, preferably without looking in there, and then wash your face with your morning urine.

The second method is deeper and its effect lasts longer.

After you have cleaned yourself, you need to try to protect yourself from harmful influences from outside.

An effective and simple technique for prevention and protection -
Golden Cocoon

Imagine a golden ball rising from the tailbone to the crown in a spiral (all rotations are only clockwise). Above the crown, divide it into four balls, which unwind around you down along your entire body and create a golden cocoon that surrounds you and protects you from various negative influences (anger, resentment, envy, etc.).

Good luck with your work! God help you.

1. Diagnostics

Take a fresh egg and break it into a jar (or glass) filled with cold water.

In this case, the yolk should remain intact. The vessel is brought in turn to energy centers(chakram) - the area of ​​the crown, forehead, throat, chest, abdomen, pubis and tailbone. The person should be in a comfortable position and relaxed. A vessel with water and an egg is passed over all areas clockwise, then rolled from top to bottom, then wrapped around the entire body and around the head. The vessel is placed at the head of the bed at night.
Diagnostics are carried out up to 4-7 times. Treatment procedure are carried out more. After rolling out, the water is poured out in a place where other people could not come into contact with it. At the same time, the phrase is pronounced: “Raw Earth, Mother, take away the disease from the servant of God (name), give him (her) health. Amen.”
Interpretation of egg white:
An egg that “opens” in water in the usual way has no negative changes. The formation of pronounced clots, strands, figures, etc., coagulation and destruction of the yolk, the appearance of a rotten smell (hydrogen sulfide) - these are negative structures.
Next, we will consider examples of the forms of an egg broken into water as a diagnostic tool for identifying disease or spoilage.
Example 1. The water is cloudy, the yolk is not whole and seems to split into two. Part of the yolk is convex, resembling the shape of a ball. Part of the protein floated upward, connecting with the rest with a thin flagellum.
Analysis: Disruption of the functioning of paired round organs in human body, for example the ovaries.
Example 2. Water is clear. The white and yolk lie at the bottom of the jar and resemble a jellyfish. On top the white is more crowded, and at the edges it is transparent. On the surface of the “jellyfish” there are two appendages resembling antennae.
Analysis: The symbol contains some encoded information about emotional experiences, the radiation of strong negativity (resentment, anger), which has a detrimental effect on the entire biofield.
Example 3. The water is clear, the yolk is at the bottom, protein strands covered with air bubbles extend from it and rise to the surface of the water. The color of the strands is cloudy, yellowish.
Analysis: Impaired functioning of the liver and biliary tract.
Example 4. The yolk is at the bottom in a very cloudy protein cloud. The walls of the vessel are covered with many bubbles.
Analysis: possible diseases of the respiratory system.
Example 5. Grayish yolk, similar to boiled, long threads create a web on the surface of the water (loops, crosses, sticks).
Analysis: damage, negative.

Example 6. The bangs turned gray or black.

Analysis: damage to death.

Example 7. Water - transparent, like a tear, white and yolk - are something airy and enchanting.
Analysis: Clean and healthy biofield.

If, during the intervals between sleep, a person feels a slight pulling of energy through the ears or feet, then the next morning he feels noticeable relief, and thanks to the rolling out procedures, his biofield gradually becomes cleaner and healthier.

2. Diagnosis and disposal of damage

Take a regular glass glass, pour cold tap water into it, and place the glass on your head. Here you need a little outside help - someone takes an ordinary egg (it must be fresh), carefully breaks it over a glass of water, and the egg is lowered into the water. The most important thing is not to cut the egg in half with a knife, but only to make a crack and, breaking it, pour it into the water.
Hold the glass with the egg on your head for half a minute, or better yet 2 minutes, and look at the glass and at the light. Damage or the evil eye is immediately visible. If they are not there, then the water is completely transparent, and the yolk lies at the bottom, enveloped in white. If from the white (the yolk lies on its own) threads go to the surface, similar to the tentacles of a jellyfish and they have a milky appearance, as if the white was boiled, something is wrong with you. It all depends on what the thread pattern is. There can be several types, some end in bubbles, which means the damage is serious. If the threads are thin or just one, then this is the evil eye. Sometimes it happens that after some time the threads sink to the bottom of the glass - this means that your enemy does not want you to know about him, that is, he is afraid of exposure.

You found out that you have damage. No need to panic, no need to cry. What was in the first, defining glass must be poured into the toilet and said: “Let it go back to the one who does this...” Next, buy 8 fresh eggs. Every evening before going to bed for eight days in a row, pour water into a glass, but do not place it on your head, but carefully break an egg into the glass. Then place this glass with the egg at the head of the bed, so that the egg is opposite your head. The back of the bed or sofa should not be between your head and the egg in the glass. If this doesn’t work out, then it’s better to sleep on the floor or across the bed.

All 8 days the egg will clean you out. There may be nausea, vomiting, fever, dizziness - don’t be afraid, it will pass. Pills and doctors won't help you, so don't take anything. Every morning the picture in the glass will change. Pour the contents into the toilet with the words: “Let it go back to the person who did it...”.

Depending on how strong the impact was on you, the result will be visible. This operation must be performed all 8 nights.

If after 8 at night the threads are still visible in the glass, then the damage to you is severe. In this case, it is better to contact a specialist.

However, before you go to anyone, make yourself some special water, it also helps in removing damage.

Pour water into a glass and add a pinch of salt. Light a match and cross the water three times. While saying this three times:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The burnt match must be broken into three parts and thrown into the water. If at least one of the three parts drowns, then this is very bad. Then you need to read over this water 9 times. The glass should be held in the left hand and read so that the breath touches the water (there are ripples in the water while reading).

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pure blood and heavenly! Save and preserve the servant of God from every evil eye, from a bad hour, from a woman’s, from a man’s, from a child’s, from a joyful one, from a hateful one, from a slanderous one, from a negotiated one!”

Then spray the person you are helping or yourself with this water. The remaining water should be drunk within three next days. You should drink on an empty stomach and in the morning.

This is one of the ways to determine the evil eye and damage on your own, as well as one of the ways to help yourself in this situation if you cannot immediately find someone who can help you.

First folk remedy Today, rolling out an egg acts against any human misfortunes caused by an evil eye, damage or a black conspiracy. It is relevant and safe for the little ones (rolling out treats fear, childhood fears, bad dreams, stuttering, etc.), for teenagers (with problems of a psychological and emotional nature), for older people (with complex and even fatal diseases, family conflicts, personal problems). The main advantage of the method is that it can be carried out either independently or with the assistance of specialists or simply close people.

What do you need to remember in the process of removing egg damage (rolling out)?

The procedure for working with an egg is itself sacred and in its symbolism goes back to the rituals of ancient tribes and peoples. The location of the chicken embryo - the egg - has at all times been associated with both a single planetary organism and a specific person. It is not without reason that many researchers of this symbol note the similarity of its structure with the human aura or with the shells of our Globe. The egg is the personification of vital forces, the prototype of a creature that has already been born, but has not manifested itself. It is not surprising that such a set of characteristics was a priori attractive to magicians of all kinds and stripes. And considering that eggs are usually placed on a par with substances such as wax, salt, tin and, in fact, are materials that easily absorb concentrated energy flows, then on the market magic items they simply have no price.

There are many direct methods of working with this miraculous panacea for all diseases and troubles. But the main ones boil down to one thing - an ordinary chicken egg is rolled over the entire human body (and especially over its problem areas), accompanying the action with incantations, prayers, and whispers. After the procedure this item with the evil absorbed into it, removed from the person, they break it down and begin the interpretation. Depending on the consistency, structure, color and smell of the elements included in the egg, the current state of health of the individual is assessed. Because the this operation involves repetition with intensity once a day for two weeks, then, thanks to the breaking of the egg, it is possible to assess the presence of positive or negative dynamics of such a course of treatment. You can use the method either independently or with the help of experienced craftsman. The main guidelines and reminders for participants in the rolling out procedure can be presented as follows:

  • The egg must be of the most natural origin: not bought in a supermarket, not fertilized and essentially “not alive,” but fertilized, of high quality and fresh, chosen from laying hens or purchased from villagers.
  • A person of strong character and will must roll out. The entire outcome of the event depends on his focus on success and desire to benefit the “patient”, because in the hands of the weak or evil man, the egg is not always able to activate and take on the function of pulling out negativity.
  • The prayers or incantations used must be learned by heart. Moreover, they should be chosen depending on the specific problem - if there is fear, then we read texts to protect against it, if the illness has overcome us, then we pray for health, etc. During the event, they are required to be repeated several times, so rolling an egg and reading the text from paper will not be comme il faut at all.
  • It is extremely undesirable to tear off the egg from the body of the subject of rolling out during events, since this action can interrupt the structure of the healing spiral and nullify all the efforts of both acting parties.
  • Before each new stage, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with cold water, and the higher the hand is washed, the better. This way, the unnecessary energy trace is washed away.
  • The ideal option for carrying out the procedure is to roll out the damage with an egg by a healer or magician into his work room or dwelling, in front of holy icons. The complex of these elements gives an unsurpassed result, since the favorable emanations of each component are summed up with the others and the sick subject of the rolling out begins to experience an improvement in his condition right during the ritual.

Sequence of actions when rolling out

So, when the decision to carry out this procedure has been chosen, you should prepare all the necessary accessories for its successful implementation: buy good-quality eggs, collect holy water, place especially sacred and auspicious icons in the room for the ceremony (preferably consecrated in the church), learn the appropriate prayers . Then you need to start the ritual itself.

Rolling out the disease with an egg

  1. A sick individual needs to be seated on a stool face to face with a mini-iconostasis, so that the saints will help him get rid of the illness and evil that accidentally came into the life of this person. It is important to add a church candle to the icons for greater help from above.
  2. The egg that will hatch the spoilage must first be washed with cold water and then given into the hands of the person on whom the ritual will be performed.
  3. Then the one who performs the ritual stands behind the patient’s right shoulder and begins to pass the raw egg over the person’s head, back, right arm, chest, stomach, left arm and both legs strictly in the given sequence.
  4. Then the egg is broken and the diagnosis of the person’s condition begins.

There are no strict restrictions in this technique on the slander that can be read. The main thing is to observe the principle itself and adhere to the central outline of events. In addition to standard prayers, we can also recommend reading the following texts:

  • “I roll an egg over my body and drive away all kinds of illness and misfortune. Where it passes, all the pain will be taken away from there. Just as the Lord protects the servant of God (name), so the egg will eliminate all his sorrows, grant new life, and blow away illnesses. Amen".
  • “An unkind person called out evil, caused illness, brought misfortune, but the egg is not afraid to fight it, drives out all the evil spirits, cleans everything white, brings health. As if I pass an egg over the slave (name), it will remove everything, return joy, and clean out the damage.”
  • “Everything that the enemy brings into the house, he will hang on a nail, put under the table - he will roll out the whole egg, eliminate everything, sweep everything, clear everything that is gnawing at the heart. The disease takes over itself and spreads light around itself. Let it be so. Forever and ever".

For certain diseases and abnormalities, unique prayers are used. For example, if a child is being scared by an egg, then you can read a prayer to his protector saint, as well as St. Paraskeva, St. George the Victorious, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Panteleimon the Healer and others.

The total number of rollout repetitions at one time is three. The total number of readings of one prayer is nine.

How to decipher the contents of an egg after rolling out?

One of the most difficult moments Rolling out (especially for neophytes) remains the correct recognition and analysis of the constituent elements of the working egg with which the procedure was performed. The main difficulty is understanding what the picture obtained inside the testicle may mean. Here are examples:

  • The structure of the egg is examined. If the consistency of the protein is standard, it looks transparent, clean and has no impurities, and the yolk in it looks completely organic and beautiful, even despite the pale or not very ideal color, then the patient’s problem is practically cured. But if the protein is lumpy, viscous, opaque, or even with foreign inclusions and an unpleasant color and odor, then there is a lot of damage.
  • The film containing the yolk is examined. Ideally, it should be solid, dense and beautiful, protecting the yolk located inside. In people with health problems, it may be torn, deformed, asymmetrical, or completely absent.
  • The insides of the egg are examined, looking for images in them. When inside the white egg substance there are many “drawings” - crosses, sticks, drips, stains, specifically identified pictures, then this does not bode well and, moreover, the decoding of such signs is the most straightforward: cross - grave, drips - troubles, problems, sticks - obstacles, etc. The color of the inclusions is also very important. A person without corruption should have all these things completely absent.
  • The yolk part of the egg composition is examined. The denser, richer, brighter and more stable it is, the more vitality and energy a person has. If the yolk is sluggish, deflated, shriveled or darkened badly, then the damage is already on the threshold and is stretching out its hands to the victim, trying to deprive her of strength.
  • The entire content complex is examined to look for “extra” elements. The egg may contain two yolks, pieces of twigs, metal particles, bloody spots and other inappropriate things. They will indicate the source and cause of the damage and help you find more relevant means to eliminate it as quickly as possible.

How to deal with rolling out on your own?

Of course, you can treat yourself from damage in any way: you can ask others, pore over your photo, and try to carry out the ritual with the assistance of third parties. However, the most radical way to carry out this procedure is to do it yourself. Agree, it is not always easy, even with the help of two controversially acting hands, to move an egg from the top of your head to your toes in a spiral, and even without tearing it away from the body and chanting sacred mantras. Fortunately, in case a person experiencing the manifestation of damage has to fight it himself and has absolutely no one to call for help in this matter, then he can resort to a lightweight, light version, consisting of a number of simple steps.

  • Before going to bed, you should first read standard prayers (any that you know is better - the most effective, like “Our Father”).
  • Then take half a glass of clean drinking water and add half a tablespoon of holy water there.
  • Beat a chicken egg into a container of water (carefully so that the yolk does not spread).
  • Now you can put the glass at the head of your sleeping place and go to bed for the night.
  • During the night, the universal absorber - the egg - will absorb all the negativity and in the morning all that remains is to dispose of it out of sight (by pouring it into the toilet or burying it in the ground), having previously learned the meaning of the metamorphoses that will occur with this food product.

However, so far these have been scattered mentions. Let's summarize the material in the form of an article "" and for this we offer you a fairly universal method for diagnosing and removing spoilage (using eggs).

Find out the damage by the eggs! Until she recognized you 🙂 Why do we stop at the egg? Because the egg is a very ancient and very universal method of working with negative things. Thus, the egg as such is directly connected with the beginning of the Universe in many mythologies of the world. For example, our modern world, as the Slavs believed, arose precisely from a world egg floating in the world’s oceans.

Naturally, modern eggs are a long way from the ancestral egg. But nevertheless, an ordinary egg is nothing more than symbol first egg. Therefore, it becomes to some extent artifact. That is, eggs have much greater potential compared to other things like wax, hair, and so on. In terms of artifactual and symbolic potential, the only thing comparable to an egg is water (a symbol of the ocean in which that same egg floated). And, oddly enough, it is water that will help us identify spoilage in eggs.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, let's remember the basic definitions.

Words " damage" comes from the word " spoil". And you won’t believe the word “spoil” - directly related to the egg. This is probably also why you can recognize spoilage by eggs, and also remove it most effectively with the help of an egg. How does the word "spoil" relate to eggs? The sequence reconstructed from the etymological dictionaries of Vasmer and Chernykh is as follows:

One form of the word " spoil" - word " tattered" - rotten egg. This form is present in Czech language as zaprtek(spoiled egg), and in Slovak in the form zaprtok(scrambled egg). An older form of this word preserved in Lithuanian is: pereti, perei meant " hatch eggs". And, in turn, this form has an even more archaic version, preserved in Latin: perio, which means " I give birth, I bear". Ultimately the word " spoil" (like the word " damage") through intermediate meanings associated with eggs, goes back to the Proto-Indo-European root * per-, meaning to bear, to give birth.

So, spoilage is really directly related to eggs. Which may well justify the effectiveness of eggs in removing spoilage.

So let's get back to our sheep. That is, we will continue to recognize spoilage by eggs. Manifestations of damage are varied, but always destructive:

  • these are long-term illnesses,
  • and long-term painful lack of money,
  • and troubles at work,
  • and love troubles...

In general, damage is when everything is bad. And not by itself, but by someone’s evil will. After all damage- this is always the result of purposeful magical actions. Damage is always caused; it will not fall on a person on its own. That’s why it’s scary: after all, in order to “spoil” a person, evil forces are used, negative energies, therefore, people who have been damaged feel melancholy, sadness, fear, and despondency. Damage decomposes not only the body - that would be half the problem, but also the soul, in which case one cannot expect that everything will “go away on its own.” Fortunately, there are reliable ways to remove damage.

We've dealt with the damage, let's move on to the evil eye. The evil eye is similar to damage, but still it is not the same thing. The fundamental difference is that evil eye- This is an involuntary action. Someone looked unkindly, said something rude, got very angry or envious... And perhaps he didn’t want to cause harm, but he had enough strength for a bad thought to touch him. You can jinx both in person and at a distance, although in the first case the negative effect will be stronger.

Most often, beautiful and successful people are subject to the evil eye, and those who, for some reason, are energetically weakened, which happens when they are ill or severe fatigue. In terms of its effect, the evil eye is much weaker than damage, but it can also cause a lot of trouble.

As the title suggests, this article will talk about ways and means by which you can determine whether you have damage or not. IN modern literature and there are many descriptions on the Internet in various ways. But, despite the large number, they can all be divided into two groups:

  1. External
  2. Domestic

The first category includes (as I believe is clear from the name) all methods in which the presence of damage is determined by external signs and signs, or by using some kind of rites (rituals). Well, for example, you found in your house or under your threshold a tuft of hair, scattered earth, a needle, a dead animal, or just a puddle of water (there are a lot of options). Among the ritual methods, perhaps the most common are methods for determining damage using eggs, pins, candles, and wax.

  • constant bad luck, everything falls out of hand;
  • constant depression;
  • all tests and examination results are normal, but you are still sick;
  • an unreasonable feeling of fear and misfortune;
  • rises for no apparent reason heat. There are no manifestations of the disease, except for a temperature above 39. After some time, the temperature also suddenly drops and does not rise again;
  • causeless diarrhea or vomiting, which, like fever, quickly goes away on its own
  • fear - a person who has not previously suffered from any phobias begins to be afraid of the dark, heights, closed space or something else inexplicable;
  • chills or trembling without illness or fever;
  • a protracted illness that cannot be treated appropriately, or illnesses following one after another;
  • a chain of bad luck, troubles, misfortunes;
  • melancholy and torment, nightmares, forebodings. A person experiences an unquenchable mental yearning and does not know why and suffers, unable to cope with his incomprehensible illness;
  • and so on.

The signs of the evil eye are not as obvious as those of damage, but they can still be detected. For example:

  1. A burning sensation in the eyes, as if a speck had gotten into the eye, even though there was nothing in the eye. The eyes become watery and there is a fear of bright light.
  2. A series of minor troubles and minor ailments is also a sign of the evil eye. If a major loss or serious illness speaks of damage, then little things that seem to cause little harm, but make life sick, are the evil eye.
  3. Loss of strength, feeling of heaviness throughout the body, drowsiness and clumsiness.
  4. Minor family quarrels and disagreements that happen “on empty space“, is a sign that someone was jealous of your family happiness and jinxed it.
  5. If something is constantly breaking in the house, this also speaks of the evil eye.
  6. Insomnia.
  7. No appetite or, conversely, a constant feeling of hunger.
  8. Irritability, constant bad mood.
  9. Infertility, sexual impotence.

External signs of the evil eye are much more elusive than those described internal or than external signs damage. Therefore, you shouldn’t get carried away with them - it’s not far from paranoia (every time you shy away from anyone who looks at you strangely...).

Thus, with the help of internal signs, you can suspect that you are under damage or the evil eye. How can you confirm/refute suspicions? It’s very simple - using external methods in general and ritual methods in particular. And the main one is the determination of spoilage using an egg.

Ritual recognition of damage by eggs.

Naturally, there are a huge number of ways to use eggs to determine spoilage. Let's list the most frequently used ones.

How to tell if eggs are spoiled - option number 1.

Have to take a raw egg, definitely from domestic chicken. The egg is taken in the right hand and the following words are whispered over it:

Roll the egg, from right to left, from west to east, from north to south, from the most pure angel to the dark demon. Tell the whole truth about God’s servant (name).

Next, they begin to roll the person out with the testicle - they roll it around the body in circles, always clockwise. It takes quite a long time to roll out, there is no need to rush. First they roll around the head, then circles on the chest, stomach, back, legs, feet. Once you've rolled everything out, you need to take a saucer and break the egg. If it is of normal color, if the yolk has not spread, everything is fine. And if the egg is dark, cloudy, the yolk is spreading, there is some damage and treatment is needed.

Option for recognizing spoilage by eggs No. 2.

To diagnose damage using chicken egg you need to break it into a transparent vessel filled with cold water. The egg should be poured in so that the yolk remains intact and the contents are not shaken. Next, you need to place the glass with the egg on the person’s crown for five minutes. You can also have a glass or glass jar Place the contents at the head of the bed at night while you sleep.

It is believed that if the egg has not undergone any changes, then the human biofield does not contain negative programs. If there are multiple and noticeable strands of protein on the surface of the water, then this is the evil eye. It is also unfavorable if the egg white has lost its transparency or bubbles are visible on the protein threads going up to the surface of the water. This is damage. Even worse, black dots or bloody streaks have appeared.

It should be noted that for self-diagnosis it is necessary to use the freshest possible egg, and water - not chlorinated, but spring water, since it is chlorinated tap water is likely to be cloudy or contain bubbles.

The third option is how to determine spoilage using an egg.

Take a glass jar, pour water into it and carefully break a raw egg into it so that the yolk does not spill! Hold the jar above your head, then bring it to the back of your head, to your forehead, to your chest, to your groin, to your feet. At each of these places, hold the jar for about five minutes: this is necessary for the egg to absorb all the evil that is poisoning you.

Close the jar and place it at the head of your bed overnight.

In the morning, carefully examine what happened to the egg and water. If there is spoilage, the egg will turn black and the water will become cloudy. If not, the water will remain clean and the egg will not change in any way.

Option for recognizing spoilage using eggs No. 4.

Pour 3/4 cup of water (this is enough), hold the egg in your hands, then quickly and carefully break the egg into the glass (without damaging the yolk). Sit on a chair or armchair, tuck your chin to your chest and carefully place a glass of water and an egg on your crown. Supporting the glass with your hand, sit without moving for 3 minutes. You can change hands if you get tired, but be careful not to stir up the water.

After 3 minutes, remove the glass from your head and carefully inspect for unpleasant things.

As you can see, the systems are similar. The only difference is the method of bringing the egg to the person being diagnosed, as well as the time for “manifestation of the negative” - for the occurrence of manifestations in the egg. How to choose more The right way and time? With practice, of course :)

Interpretation of types of signals from eggs regarding spoilage.

So, general idea All of the listed methods for recognizing spoilage by eggs are that an egg poured into water after a certain time acquires various unnatural characteristics. That is, it signals the presence of a particular condition in a person. The following list will help you interpret signals from eggs in more detail:

  1. If the water is clear and the yolk has not changed and lies in the white, and the white lies in a heap, there is no damage to you.
  2. If the yolk is whole, but the whites rise up columns, like the fringe of a jellyfish, there may be one such column or several, then damage has been cast on you. This is not a very serious damage, mainly due to failure in family life, loneliness, tears. Such damage often lasts for 3-7 years. After this period, the energy of damage is absorbed into the ether.
  3. These columns (we call them “candles”) look more like cobwebs, then this is a very slight damage. Such light damage can be caused by “amateurs,” as I call them, i.e. those who bought a book about black magic and practice doing nasty things to their friends, whose lives seem better to them than their own. Such damage still brings a streak of slight bad luck, incomprehensible ailments, quarrels in the family, troubles at work. Light damage caused by “amateurs” does not last more than a year.
  4. If the protein columns have bubbles, then the damage is strong and was done not by an amateur, but by a professional. Such damage is usually done so that you are haunted by failures and debilitating minor illnesses that are difficult to treat, or are not even recognized by doctors; more often this damage is done to harm your financial success. Such damage begins to work suddenly. That is, everything comes at once and it is unclear why, although before everything always worked out perfectly. This damage could be ordered for you by a business competitor or even a neighbor or friend whose car is worse than yours, for example.
  5. If the posts have bubbles and blackheads, or bubbles on the white columns and black dots on the yolk, then the damage was done to death or using grave soil. In this case, the one who ordered the damage hates you so much that only your death will bring him or her relief. This is usually someone who is incredibly jealous of you, or someone who you stand in the way of, or who believes that you have taken something away from them. Damage to death usually begins to take effect after 21 days and takes a person to the grave within a year.
  6. If there is squirrel on the columns bubbles, A The yolk around the edges looks like it's cooked, the damage is done so that you live, but suffer. The same damage is sometimes shown by green, gray or brown spots on the yolk in the absence of protein suppositories.
  7. If there are no protein columns, but simply the yolk is all boiled, that is special kind damage. This is a damage-restriction so that you never feel free anywhere, even in your own home. And there are no locks, and there are no bars, but as if tied hand and foot, stew in own juice, and there is no happiness, and you want to howl like a wolf. In some cases, no one intentionally inflicts such damage on a person, he himself causes it on himself. Usually, this happens if a decent person is guilty of something, no one knows about his guilt, and his conscience does not give him peace. He longs for atonement for his guilt and, as it were, punishes himself, as if he puts himself in a “prison.” And he sets the term of his “confinement” for himself. It is very difficult to remove such damage, because a person subconsciously resists help, especially if he believes that he has not yet atoned for his guilt.
  8. If there are protein candles With bubbles And black dots, and the edges of the yolk severely scalded with green or gray spots in the middle of the yolk, this is the most terrible damage - damage to death in terrible torment. At this point, the customer’s hatred of you for such damage has reached a pathological level. Onona not only want to get you out of the way, they want to see and enjoy your torment. Usually this is a person you know well. The most common damages are aimed at your finances and personal happiness. Damage to death is very, very rare.

By the way, a piece of advice: if damage has been detected, then the glass in which the diagnostic egg was contained should be thrown away.

Removing egg damage.

Naturally, having talked about diagnosing damage using an egg, one cannot help but say at least a few words about removing damage. To remove spoilage, the already familiar egg is traditionally used. Moreover the simplest way- use the same egg with which you determined the presence of spoilage.

The procedure is very simple: pour the contents of the fortune-telling glass into the toilet and wish goodness and love to the one who sent you the damage. Most often, of course, they recommend saying something like “let everything come back to you a hundredfold,” but there are a couple of nuances here. Firstly, vindictiveness is by no means best helper in witchcraft matters. Vengeance is a low-level energy, and it may not only not remove damage, but also strengthen it.

The second point that needs to be taken into account: what if you caused the damage to yourself? Or did they jinx themselves? And you wished the same thing for yourself, but 3 times more? Or did a loved one do it and close person out of ignorance - and now you are suffering with him (when his terrible illness of some kind manifests itself)?

Therefore, you should not think about revenge when removing damage. And don’t let the “professionals” who are egging you on to do it do it.

By the way, after the ritual of removing damage in this way, you can carry out a control check with a new egg. If the results have worsened, it means that a professional is working against you and he has figured out that they are digging under him. If the results are the same or less, it means that the energy of the damage is high, and you need to repeat the procedure of pouring the damage into the toilet. This is done until the egg says that there is no spoilage. Or until you feel better - which is also not bad.

Well, the absence diagnostic signs- an excellent indicator, you removed everything you could. Congratulations!

So, for your own safety, recognize the damage by looking at your eggs!

Based on materials from 7777 best conspiracies from the best healers in Russia,
