Time management: how to properly distribute your time so that you can manage everything. How to manage everything and live life to the fullest: practical advice

The science of time management is extremely important in modern world. Only with basic time management skills can you feel confident and enjoy your day. There are many books and theories on how to manage everything, but the most important thing is to overcome your laziness and start taking action.

How to properly distribute time to get everything done?

In today's incredibly fast pace of life, it is very important to keep up with everything and at the same time avoid deterioration in the quality of the work done.

Yes, today a common person must:

  1. Perform your job duties with high speed and increased dedication;
  2. Deal with everyday family problems;
  3. Do not forget about relatives and friends;
  4. Spend time with your children and your significant other.

And besides this, also find time for your loved one. All this is aggravated by long distances and traffic jams. To prevent your life from turning into a continuous series of disappointments because you didn’t get anywhere, use the following tips:

  • Determine for yourself The most important and global goals. In the bustle of everyday life, take the time and calmly think about what you want from this life, set priorities and put it all on paper;
  • Adjust your daily routine. It is important to know that a person needs about eight hours for normal sleep. If you like to soak in bed longer, then this is your time resource, and if less, then lack of sleep takes away some of your energy to complete the necessary tasks;
  • Start diary, in which you will write down your plans for the coming week. It is important here not to overdo it with plans. Choose the most significant ones, there will definitely be no more than five of them per day. Having completed your plans, you will cross them off with pride;
  • Global affairs that seem impossible or extremely difficult for you, do gradually. Every day, do something towards achieving the desired result, then you won’t even notice how you completed a difficult task;
  • Give up empty pastime on the Internet or phone - this is the most dangerous sink of your time resource.

In this video, Thomas Frank will talk about a three-step model for competently planning your time and correctly setting priorities:

Basics of competent time management

There are many theories of time management. However, they are all united by essentially the same thoughts: everything is accomplished not by the one who constantly goes without sleep and rest in his dream, but by the one who competently sets priorities and plans everything in advance.

One of good methods the science of time management is Eisenhower matrix. It looks like a large square divided into four smaller ones:

  1. The first square is important and urgent matters;
  2. The second is important, but not urgent;
  3. The third, which is located under the first, are not important, but at the same time urgent tasks;
  4. The fourth includes tasks that are not important or urgent.

So, with a little planning, you'll break down the tangled mess of your daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly tasks into the designated squares in the matrix. This way, it will become very clear to you what you need to devote time to right away, what you can leave for later, and what you should exclude from your to-do list completely.

Basic principles of the Eisenhower matrix:

  • IN first the square should contain things to do, failure to comply with which will entail direct Negative consequences for you. Experts say that ideally this square should be empty, as this indicates that you are using your time wisely and avoiding burning situations;
  • All major daily tasks, as a rule, are contained in second square. This is what is important to you: exercise, proper nutrition, etc., but not urgently, that is, failure to do these things will not result in specific troubles;
  • IN third includes tasks that distract you from movement towards the main goal, but at the same time they must be completed as quickly as possible. Starting from washing dishes to unnecessary visits;
  • Among the cases recorded in fourth the square should be thoroughly inspected to see if they are being implemented at all. If you can’t give them up completely, then leave them in case when all other tasks are completed.

How to properly distribute working time?

Having learned how to properly manage time in your personal life, you can easily apply the same methods at work with minor amendments:

  1. When you come to work, be focused specifically on your job responsibilities. Put off all tea parties and heart-to-heart conversations with a colleague. Make the most of your morning;
  2. Stop using the Internet and mobile phone, if this does not conflict with your work duties. Since these are the main time sinks;
  3. Put things in order on the table and around you, so you will know where and what you can take and look at in time, your head will be in order;
  4. Keep a diary. Enter your daily responsibilities and tasks set at the planning meeting there and assign priorities to them;
  5. In the morning, it is best to do something that you have been putting off for a long time or that you do not like;
  6. You should not take on multiple tasks at the same time. It takes energy and time;
  7. Having your own heap of plans, you don’t need to help your colleagues with their affairs. In this case, it is better to learn how to refuse competently once;
  8. If possible, divide tasks into those that you need to do yourself and those that you can delegate to subordinates or colleagues.

Remember that in the evening your energy dries up and much more resources are spent on completing the task. Therefore, plan your working day wisely.

If you are always late, catch dissatisfied glances from your superiors, and even worse receive open comments, do not get to the hairdresser at the appointed time and end up without a haircut, then you should listen to the following tips:

  • Keep a diary;
  • Plan your day in advance, for example the night before or at breakfast in the morning;
  • Write things down in a detailed form in your diary. If your list of tasks for today includes a trip to the supermarket, immediately indicate what you need to buy there;
  • Wake up early - then you will have more opportunities to do everything you plan. But remember that this should not be at the expense of eight hours of sleep. It's better to go to bed early the night before;
  • Do not leave things that can be done in five minutes for later;
  • Choose as a priority what will bring you the greatest results;
  • There should be no more than five important tasks per day;
  • Leave time for unforeseen situations;
  • Consider ways to make certain tasks easier or delegated. For example, ask your spouse to go grocery shopping and your daughter to wash the dishes.

How to find time to relax?

In order to cope with all tasks efficiently, a person needs have a quality rest. With a reduced amount of time:

  1. Plan your vacation in advance. However, you should not tell your family that you only have half an hour to walk in the park with them, this may offend them;
  2. Put aside all problems and questions, even if they are urgent and important. Dedicate this time to family and relaxation;
  3. Choose leisure, walks, sports, reading. This way you will get the greatest amount of emotions in a short time.

With this approach to planning your vacation, you can easily fit it into your weekly to-do list, and your family won’t feel like you’re constantly busy and focused on solving endless problems. And your body, in turn, will be ready for new achievements.

Thus, knowing how to allocate time, you will easily cope with all problems, global tasks and have time to have a decent rest with your family. The most important thing to remember is that you are a person, not a machine for resolving complex issues.

Video: how to learn not to waste time?

In this video, Vitaly Rodionov will tell you how to learn how to effectively and distribute time throughout the day to increase productivity:

There are only 24 hours in a day and it's time to come to terms with it. Time is not at all interested in helping us, however, if time is distributed correctly, then instead of the main enemy we will receive a very profitable ally.

In a day, a modern person needs to do as many things as our ancestors could manage in just a week, so it is extremely important for us to get at least a couple of extra hours or minutes. And you can do this in 6 simple ways.

We get up earlier

Nobody obliges you to get up when you wake up; getting up even half an hour earlier than usual will give you 30 minutes of extra time. Majority successful people prefer early rises, since at this time the human brain works most productively.

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That's why early hours It is recommended to devote to mental work. And don’t be afraid that you will have to sacrifice sleep - the human body adapts perfectly to everything, so in a month you will get a great night’s sleep even without these 30 minutes.

We use the 30 minute principle

Its message is both simple and ingenious: spend just half an hour on each task a day and then move on to the next thing. This way you will increase your productivity significantly, and every day you will cover the entire range of tasks facing you.

There is only one nuance: you spend all 30 minutes undividedly on 1 thing and only on it. No social networks, smoking breaks, etc. Using this principle, you will also get rid of the burden of unsolved tasks that you previously did not have time to get to.

Are planning

In the morning you outlined a bunch of things to do, but the problem is that in the evening you didn’t even do half of them. This situation is familiar to everyone, and to avoid it it is necessary to make clear and realistic plans for the day. Assess your capabilities and draw up, albeit modest, an adequate plan for the day. Then at the end of the day you will not become depressed because you do not have time to do anything, but, on the contrary, you will be proud of your efficiency.

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Using suspended time

“Suspended” time is forced idleness (traveling from/to work, queues, and so on). This time can and should be used wisely. For example, expand your horizons, modern gadgets this is entirely possible. Read books, learn new languages, write down ideas, just don’t waste these precious minutes.

Know how to rest

Yes, yes, the ability to rest properly and well also saves time. Compare: sit in your pajamas all weekend watching TV or go for a walk, ride a bike, go to an exhibition or a cozy cafe. Find for yourself those activities with which you relax mentally and physically and fill your rest hours with them. In this case, you will rest much faster and better than if you lie in a semi-comatose state under the covers.

Set your priorities

Not all things are equally necessary and important, so a lot depends on setting the right priorities. Divide all daily tasks according to the Eisenhower principle into:

Urgent and important activities;
important but not urgent matters;
urgent but not particularly important activities;
not urgent or important matters.

Now, with a clear conscience, you can take on the cases from the first and second points, carefully think about the cases from the third, and refuse some cases from the fourth point.
In the bustle of the day, we often spend more time just not necessary things, while the most important tasks await our attention.

By using all of these methods in combination, you will not only gain a sufficient amount of time, but also increase your performance. Therefore, don’t waste time now, but start allocating time for the day (and don’t forget to prioritize).

And live life to the fullest. This question is really difficult. After all, many people have problems over time. And only some manage to relax, live life to the fullest, and do all the planned things. You can learn such a technique. It is enough to follow a few simple tips. At first it will not be easy, because redistributing time and planning the day is a responsible task that requires special skills. Only with experience will you be able to organize your day without any problems so that you can get everything done. What tips are recommended to follow?

Living life to the fullest is...

Once all the important and difficult things are behind you, everything else will be done faster. A good technique, but it will require some effort in the initial stages. Therefore, you will have to show persistence and perseverance.

Attracting Help

Mothers with small children should be very familiar with the following advice. By the way, they are the ones who most often think about how to manage to do everything and get enough sleep at the same time. What can you recommend in addition to the above points?

For example, do not refuse help. Moreover, attract loved ones to her. You can ask your husband to wash the dishes and clean the house, while the mother herself goes to pick up the child at kindergarten and takes him to the doctor. Or entrust your spouse with cooking dinner.

By the way, if we're talking about about household responsibilities, then in order to keep up with everything, it is recommended to separate household tasks. Of course, if a representative of the fair sex sits at home all day, you just need to manage your time correctly. But in the modern world, women work just like men. Therefore, to answer how to manage everything and live life to the fullest, you need to learn to ask for help and redistribute responsibilities.


Another very useful trick- involve modern devices in business. A variety of gadgets and equipment are not only entertainment, but also benefits for humans. You can make the most of newfangled devices to make your life easier. This way you can manage everything and not get too tired.

Cooking can be entrusted to a pressure cooker/multi-cooker, cleaning to a robot vacuum cleaner, and so on. This way you can save a lot of time. As a result, a person will have more opportunities to relax. Especially if you do not deviate from the previously drawn up schedule.

Be careful: some modern gadgets only waste time! It is recommended not to use the Internet during work hours (allowed only for work purposes), social networks and other entertainment. Sometimes even a banal news check can take several hours. Therefore, you should not give in to temptations.

Now it’s clear how to manage everything and relax at the same time. Everything will definitely work out, but you will have to try hard from the beginning!

Nowadays, time is becoming one of the most important resources. With the advent of devices that help us constantly maintain contact with friends, loved ones, and even strangers, we began to be increasingly distracted by trifles from work and solving pressing problems.

If you modern man, then you most likely constantly do not have enough time to complete all the things you have started and planned. In this article, we will explain to you how to avoid wasting time and always do everything on time.


Then write a list of things you need to complete. However, in order to successfully manage your time, you need to figure out what exactly you need to organize. A list of urgent tasks, sorted by urgency and importance, will help you with this.

Determine the degree of urgency and importance for each task.

Urgency 1: finish by 6pm today.

Urgency 2: finish by 6 pm tomorrow.

Urgency 3: finish by the end of the week.

Urgency 4: finish next week.

If you have a large number of cases, you can divide these groups into subgroups. For example, urgency 1 would mean that the task needs to be completed right now, and urgency 1.5 would mean you have until the end of the working day.

If you need to finish a project before the end of the week, work on it a little every day, starting with the most important and pressing tasks.

  • Complete the tasks planned for the day. Concentrate on what is necessary and don't get distracted by trifles. Once you finish one task, move on to the next. Having finished all the tasks planned for that day, move on to the tasks of the next day.
  • Having finished with tomorrow's tasks, move on to those that must be done by the end of the week, and having completed them, move on to plans for the beginning of next week. Thus, breaking one big project into many component parts-tasks, will help you manage your time more effectively, fight stress and avoid overwork.
  • The last completed task of each day should be making a to-do list for tomorrow. This will help you stay on track.

3. Try to distribute tasks, taking into account your own individual activity during the day.

Someone is working better in the morning, and some after lunch. Whichever group you belong to, plan things based on your own productivity.

4. Compete with the clock throughout the workday.

  • Work in 15, 30 or 60 minute intervals. Scientists have proven that it is best to interrupt work every 45 minutes with 10 minutes of rest.
  • Set yourself a goal to complete part of a task or the entire task in each period.

They are necessary to refresh yourself and give the brain the necessary rest, and then “rush into battle” with new strength.

Determine the duration of the break in advance, from 5 to 15 minutes, and do not spend more than the allotted time. Such breaks will be perceived by your body as a reward for the work done.

Cross out completed assignments.

Having completed everything planned for the day, you will feel relieved and pleasantly tired after work. Moreover, this will be connected not only with the fact that you have done all the things, but also with the fact that you have achieved something this day, and this will certainly spur your motivation.

Time-to-time scheduled tasks and their priorities.

  • Add new tasks. They should appear almost every day, especially at first, when you are just getting used to self-discipline.
  • Cross out or reduce the urgency of completed tasks or tasks that have lost importance.
  • Distribute tasks among your colleagues or subordinates. Contrary to popular belief, there is no need to do everything yourself. In fact, thoughtfully dividing work leads to increased efficiency in getting it done.
  • Use modern technologies as virtual assistants. They will allow you to get things done faster, more accurately and efficiently. Today there are a huge variety of applications for mobile devices designed to help you get your work done.

As popular wisdom says, there is time for business, but time for fun. Indeed, sometimes work requires us to exert all the forces of the body and extreme concentration. That is why it is necessary to allow yourself to relax from time to time. By the way, this is useful not only for the brain, but also for the rest of the body. It is not necessary to devote too much time to entertainment, the main thing is to do it regularly.

A healthy routine will keep you alert, energetic, and clear-headed. Accordingly, your productivity will be at a high level.


To manage your time, you may need a simple schedule written on a piece of paper, or you may need complex circuits with tables and calendar. Therefore, the set of tools you need will be dictated by the technique you choose.

  • Pencil.
  • Pen.
  • Paper.
  • Eraser.
  • Marker.
  • Computer or laptop.
  • Smartphone or tablet computer.
  • To-do list, calendar, or computer programs for business management.
  • Make good use of the time you usually waste. This could be time spent commuting on the subway, or mindlessly wandering around the house before work (if you get up too early). The main thing is to try to occupy yourself during this time with something useful, and thus add this segment to your asset.
  • You shouldn’t fill the day too much with various activities, thus creating a schedule suitable only for a robot.
  • Spend a couple of minutes between tasks doing something distracting: phone conversation, a small snack or something else of your choice.
  • Get rid of the “I should have finished this yesterday” mentality and set realistic goals for yourself.
  • Write down the subject and purpose of the task, not the order of the actions performed. After writing down all the topics, determine how much you should spend on each of them.
  • Reward yourself for the work you do. This allows you to stay motivated. Allow yourself to receive a small reward for completing a certain piece of work. However, be careful: if you relax too much, you may lose concentration and not get anything else done that day.
  • Set criteria for evaluating the work done.
  • Use a chess clock to measure time and monitor your productivity. Set yourself a goal to complete a task within a time limit. The clock will serve as a reminder that you need to meet a certain time period and not a minute later.


Time is all that you and I have. No one knows how much time is allotted to us, but we can and even need to learn how to use every minute of our life as efficiently as possible.

Keeping up with everything is not so easy, although, on the other hand, there is nothing complicated about it either, especially if you master such a thing as time management. "Time" - English word, translated into Russian meaning time. Management is management, control. The art of prioritizing correctly is the basis for successful people. Rich and happy people They always know how much time they have for rest and how much for work or responsibilities. The correct psychology of self-development is based on this.

Why we need time management

People need time control for one simple reason - we multitask. We are intelligent beings, so we must do a lot of different things, without which life would simply stop.

Even if you are on vacation, you still have your favorite hobby and there are people who are in love or friendly relationships with you. Life is very dynamic, it does not stand still. Time management helps people around the world remember that everything changes every second, every moment. You can wake up in the morning and find that you live in a world different from the one that surrounded you 8 hours ago.

We need time control because time cannot be reversed. We depend on him completely and completely, so we can only interact with him. Many people ask themselves: “Why do I always not have enough time for anything?” The answer is obvious - you are setting your priorities in life incorrectly. And sometimes people burden themselves with work and truly impossible tasks. This can also be the cause of problems related to lack of time. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between unnecessary altruism and the rules of good manners. Of course, mutual assistance is the first step to success. Help your neighbor and you will receive help in return. But you need to remember about yourself too. And value your time.

How to manage time correctly

To get started, get one like this good habit, How recording all tasks for the future. If you don’t know exactly when you’ll be free, for example, after work, then write in your personal notebook that you should go pick up your medications in the evening or do it during lunch. We live in the 21st century - if you don’t like the prospect of carrying notebooks with you everywhere, use a special application on your phone as a notebook.

If you have tasks that do not require completion at a certain time, then try to complete them as quickly as possible. Remember that absolutely any things that can be done now are better not put off until later. This way you free up time for other things, and you will be less nervous and worried. The only “but” is rest.

Don't forget about rest. If you can do everything right now, and it doesn't make you feel overworked, then everything is under control. But don't force yourself to limit your well-deserved time of relaxation and idleness. Alternate periods of activity and periods of recovery.

Another important note and advice: do not forget to note cash expenses and receipts. In general, moderate control allows you to see the full picture of what is happening. Statistics show that people who track their money lose less money and, most importantly, worry less.

To prevent time from working against you, time management experts advise do not borrow money and, especially, do not give. It is strictly forbidden to lend more than you are willing to lose.

Now that the advice has been distributed, we can talk about the actual allocation of time:

To always have time for everything, highlight four groups of tasks for yourself:

  • responsibilities;
  • hobby;
  • entertainment;
  • rest.

1. Responsibilities. This is something that makes it impossible to even think about delay. If you forget to do something, this will result in a failure in the mode and possibly big problems. This includes:

  • Job;
  • House cleaning;
  • regular important purchases;
  • children (take them to school, check their lessons, go for a walk, and so on).

Responsibilities may include unlimited amount time, because these are the things that determine your lifestyle. Although, of course, if the prospect of spending time on work only causes you to lose energy, perhaps you should think about changing your activity.

Responsibilities do not need to be written down - you must always remember them. Distribute tasks so that it is convenient for you and your significant other to complete them. Few people know or guess, but, for example, eating is also a responsibility. Proper nutrition determines mood and performance, so have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time. If you don’t want to cook, wash the dishes so that your significant other doesn’t have to do everything. The exception is the situation when one person comes home at, for example, 16:00, and the second at 19:00. During this time, you can cook and wash the dishes. If you live on your own, then you need to cook and wash dishes right away. Forget about the mountains of unwashed dishes - this is the lot of those who will begin to postpone important life-changing events until later.

Responsibilities take as much time as needed. They cannot be replaced by anything - neither recreation, nor hobby. Once you have made and memorized a list of all your responsibilities for the entire week, you can start planning the rest of your tasks.

2. Rest. This is the second point in your time planning. Many people mistakenly believe that only those who hardly rest get everything done. This is wrong. The body needs relaxation. Rest should be planned as clearly as responsibilities. You always need to rest. Remember this. Don't skip rest periods at work and at home. When you come home, do not sit down at the computer and do not go to training. Lie down for literally 15-20 minutes. Just don’t fall asleep, because such sleep is quite harmful to your daily routine. By the way, about the regime. Follow it as strictly as possible. This important rule all successful people.

When all urgent matters are completed and you have rested, it is time for hobbies and entertainment.

3. Hobby. A hobby is something that no person can live without. Sometimes it happens that a hobby coincides with work, that is, with responsibilities. In this case, you can find another hobby. Let it pull you in. Think about it more often, creating in yourself a desire to do it. A hobby should be useful, so sports is one of the best options.

The purpose of hobbies is obvious - you switch, change the type of activity, do what brings you pleasure. In your daily plan, doing what you love can be shifted and not planned carefully and painstakingly. This is their main charm.

4. Entertainment. Entertainment is going to a club, bowling, cinema, restaurant, computer games, friends, and so on. The difference between leisure and entertainment is that you are wasting your time or vitality. Entertainment is only needed on weekends or on Fridays if you work out a five-day work week.

It is better not to plan them further than a week, because you cannot know what the situation will be in the future. Entertainment should also have a special place in the budget. You can live without entertainment for a very long time. This is optional, but if you want to live an active life, you should include them in your program.

Telephone, computer and television deserve a separate discussion. They also require a certain amount of energy, so under no circumstances go to bed immediately after watching TV or computer games. Give your brain a rest for at least an hour. Before going to bed, it is better to engage in a quiet hobby like reading books.

So, the main rule of time management is to streamline all life processes. Do what you want, but responsibilities and rest should always be planned. These are the things that cannot be put off without a good reason. If you live by these rules, you will always succeed in everything. In addition, this is also one of the secrets of punctual people - they always know what is required of them, so they protect their own and other people’s time. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and
