We are building an original toilet. Drawings of wooden toilets for a summer residence. Construction of a country toilet house

A restroom at your dacha allows you to work without being distracted. And you don’t want to go home just to go to the toilet - you can put dirt on the floor. Therefore, you cannot do without a restroom located in the garden. But how and from what to make it? The construction of a wooden toilet has its own rules.

Features of wooden construction

Summer residents prefer to build a toilet from boards on their site. It is a restroom with cesspool(backlash closet) or a structure where instead of a pit a container for biological waste is used (powder closet). Both types of toilet are very convenient, but a powder toilet requires cleaning much more often.

A summer resident who has big family, constantly working on the site. A powder closet is suitable for two people or those who do not spend many days a year at the dacha. In this case, a special container for collecting biowaste will need to be emptied no more than once a month.

This latrine is made of planks

A wooden restroom is in greater demand than a plastic or metal one. A wooden toilet has many advantages, however, there are also disadvantages.


  • The wooden structure looks beautiful and, most importantly, blends with nature. It becomes more original after painting;
  • A minimum of finance is spent on construction;
  • It can be used for a long time if it is treated once a year and cleaned periodically;
  • Wood masks unwanted odors and initially smells pleasant of the forest;
  • When a wooden toilet reaches its end of life, it can be disassembled piece by piece and burned in a kiln.


  • Wood is a material susceptible to fire. To avoid unexpected fire, you can coat the boards with a heat-resistant agent;
  • The wood gradually becomes damp and rots, which can be prevented by treating it with a special preparation;
  • Over time, the wooden structure deteriorates, because bugs infest it. To prevent them from eating the wood, the toilet will have to be treated with a pest control agent.

Preparation for construction

First of all, they make a drawing of the future structure, that is, a wooden cabin with a cesspool under it. A toilet schematically depicted on paper will greatly simplify the assembly of the restroom frame.

Drawings and correct dimensions

A summer resident can use ready-made drawings of a wooden toilet. He will only need to study them thoroughly and strictly follow the recommendations. Otherwise, the design may turn out to be curved and sloppy.

Among all types outdoor toilet The most common is the “birdhouse”, the shape of which is a rectangle. Unlike the “hut”, it requires less skill during construction.

View of the toilet from different sides

Toilet frame and interior decoration

A restroom in the form of a “birdhouse” is usually built 2.3 meters high. Standard width this design is one meter. But the length of a wooden toilet has less stringent requirements; it can vary from one to one and a half meters. But if you wish, you can slightly increase all other specified sizes.

Required materials and tools

To build a toilet, materials will be needed in a certain quantity. According to calculations, just for the construction of a cesspool, the summer resident will have to prepare in advance:

  • 4–6 reinforced concrete rings or a metal barrel;
  • 0.25 m3 sand;
  • Bag of cement;
  • 2 buckets of crushed stone.

When creating the base and cabin you will need the following:

  • 4 concrete blocks;
  • 2 m2 of roofing felt;
  • 2 buckets of sand;
  • 3 six-meter edged boards size 100 mm / 50 mm;
  • 3 six-meter floor boards 9 mm thick;
  • Edged board 25 mm (6 meters long);
  • Wooden six-meter beam 0.05/0.05 m;
  • Reinforcement trims of 0.5 meters;
  • Galvanized meter sheet.

The top of the cabin will need to be covered with 8-wave asbestos-cement slate, painted of course.

The building can be sheathed with clapboard made of pine needles (length - 3 meters, width - 87 mm). The covering will take 4 packages of material.

The frame must be assembled using nails 1, 2 cm long, 70 mm, 40 mm and 100 mm (for slate) and self-tapping screws 70 mm long.

A summer resident planning to independently build an outdoor toilet with a “podium” and a window needs to purchase additional materials and items:

  • Sedushka;
  • Glass 0.5 / 0.1 m, galvanized hinges and glazing bead (1.5 meters) for the window.

The door is constructed from a block with dimensions of 0.9 m / 2 m. To frame it you will need 5 linear meters clypeus. You will also need to purchase hinges, door handles and latch in advance.

To work with wood materials, you need to arm yourself with a hacksaw, plane, hammer and screwdriver. And when creating a cesspool, you will need a shovel.

Instructions for building a simple wooden toilet

  1. Looking for appropriate place for the location of the toilet. According to the rules, it should stand 25–30 meters from the road groundwater. If it is impossible to maintain the stated distance, then the summer resident needs to immerse a sealed container in the cesspool so that biowaste does not leak into the ground.
  2. Take a shovel and make a hole in the ground. There are no special requirements for its size, but it should extend slightly beyond the walls of the toilet or be strictly under it. It is advisable to place tires on the bottom and walls. However, instead, you can lower a metal barrel with a volume of 200 liters into the pit. The container immersed in the ground must be filled on the sides, and the soil around it must be compacted. A good replacement for a metal barrel is special plastic containers reinforced with metal ribs.

    Installation of a container for collecting biowaste

  3. At the angles of the runners of the future toilet they place concrete blocks. The foundation with “columns” is covered with roofing felt for waterproofing.

    Creating a foundation from blocks and boards

  4. They begin to create the base: runners are made from the beams, and then they are connected and placed on a ready-made platform. The boards must be coated with an antiseptic.
  5. Floor coverings are laid on the runners. To prevent cold air from entering from below when using the toilet, reverse side floorboards are sheathed with OSB sheets. A heat-preserving material, that is, foam, is placed between the boards. Reattached to the floor from above OSB sheets. At this stage, a round hole is created in the floorboards to drain feces.

    Here they made a square hole in the floor

  6. The walls of the restroom are assembled from 100x50 mm boards, using nails and screws. The wall frames are fixed to the platform using the same screws, as well as corners.

    Frame construction

  7. Begin construction of the supporting system pitched roof. Recesses are cut in the rafters, and then they are installed on the top board of the gable and side walls. Then they nail it down. OSB sheets are placed on the top of the structure, that is, under the roof, with insulation and material protecting against moisture penetration between them. Lastly, slate is attached to the top.
  8. They make a door. To make it strong, it is pulled together diagonally with two bars. The door is sheathed according to the same pattern as the walls of the restroom. After that, loops, handles and a latch are attached to it.

Fully finished restroom

Is it necessary to sheathe a country toilet inside and outside?

It is not necessary to decorate the inside of the country restroom. But if the summer resident is not lazy and covers the walls, floor and ceiling of the toilet, then the structure will last much longer. The materials for interior decoration of the restroom can be used:

  • Sheets of foam plastic that are attached to the walls tightly together, providing insulation from wind and moisture;
  • A film stretched over supports slightly separated from the external walls. It serves as a barrier to cold air entering the room;
  • Regular or decorative edged boards, which are used to lay out all the walls inside the toilet;
  • Lining, that is, the most aesthetic material for finishing.

If you take on the interior decoration of the restroom, then you should not forget about the outer lining. Coating the outside of the toilet guarantees its long service life, despite the effects of precipitation, low temperatures and winds. The material for the external protection of the wooden structure of the restroom can be:

  • Drywall;
  • Siding;
  • Plastic panel;
  • Metal profile.

A wooden toilet in the country is the right decision, since it fits perfectly into the rural landscape and does not require large expenses. Typically, summer residents build it in the form of a “birdhouse” more than two meters high. If desired, you can extend the service life of such a toilet by performing internal and exterior finishing clapboard and siding, respectively.

The feasibility of implementing this project does not depend on the length of stay on the suburban land plot. Even for short visits for a picnic, or processing several beds, the presence of “conveniences” will be useful. An appropriate structure is necessary if more long stay. After studying this article, you will be able to quickly build a toilet for your summer house with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions and detailed comments will help eliminate mistakes that beginners make with a lack of experience.

Read in the article:

How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands: basic definitions, project preparation

A careful study will allow you to draw the right conclusions about this structure. It is one of the first objects to be erected, at the same time as the fence. Significant dimensions mean significant weight. When outdoors, you need protection from adverse natural influences. The accumulation of waste is expected, so it is necessary to think over a convenient scheme for its disposal.

Garden toilets for dachas are discussed below, taking into account the facts listed above and other important nuances. For each stage of the project are given alternative solutions. When studying different options We must not forget about the configuration of our own summer cottage, existing knowledge and skills, and other individual characteristics.

General requirements for the structure

  1. Dissatisfaction will be expressed by neighbors if the toilet causes them any inconvenience. In particular, you need to consider the direction in which unpleasant odors spread.
  2. At high level groundwater will have to be sealed where waste accumulates.
  3. For their pumping and subsequent removal, it is necessary to provide a passage and a platform. Free movement of sewage disposal equipment should be ensured.
  4. It is necessary to check step by step a sufficiently long period of operation in order to optimize the maintenance algorithm.

The dimensions of the pit must correspond to real needs. In any case, it is necessary to accurately estimate not only the volume of initial investment, but also the costs during use.

Placing a toilet inside a residential building and outdoors

To complete the analysis, it is necessary to note the features of different options for the location of this plumbing structure.

Bathtubs and showers are installed in this room.

The creation of such structures is accompanied by large monetary and labor costs. The installation of concrete rings, for example, cannot be done correctly without powerful lifting equipment.

Typical design combines all the important components:

  • Building 1);
  • Chair (2);
  • ventilation (3);
  • cesspool (4).

If you look closely, in the figure you can see a special hole in the door (5), which provides daylight and access clean air. Such a structure, if the plans are properly implemented, is autonomous. It is able to perform its basic functions without consuming electricity.

Construction of an outdoor toilet for a summer residence with your own hands: choosing an installation location, important parts of the structure

Some of the options shown in the figure are expensive in factory production. Independent high-quality reproduction of combustion and packaging technologies will be accompanied by significant difficulties. In this article, the range of study is limited to relatively simple structures. Using clear instructions, it is not difficult to figure out how to build an outdoor toilet with your own hands. For better assimilation of knowledge, descriptions of actions are supplemented with thematic photographs and video materials.

Sometimes it is impossible to comply with existing standards due to small sizes site, high groundwater level, for other reasons. In such cases, a conventional cesspool is replaced with special structures.

Here the main parts of the structure are located above ground level. Use sealed containers. They are installed in a separate volume with good thermal insulation of the walls, which prevents drains from freezing in winter. A definite disadvantage is the high entrance with steps.

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After reviewing the information provided, you can get a more complete understanding of the structure of your home sewage system and wastewater treatment system and consciously begin choosing the design of a treatment facility.

This design is one of the most simple options. For stability, the structure (8) is installed through wide supports (6) on a cushion (1) of cement-sand mixture. Seat (3) suitable height(500 mm in this project) is equipped with a hinged lid (2). The dimensions of the door (5) are also selected individually. The window (1) can be glazed, or a free hole can be left for better ventilation. It is recommended to use a bucket (4) or other suitable container with a volume of at least 20-25 liters.

The specific name of this modification is given by the method of neutralizing decay processes. The waste is regularly sprinkled with “powder” from a mixture of peat and sawdust. This simple technique blocks the spread of unpleasant odors.

Currently, there is a large variety of products of this type on the market. As you can see in the photo, you can buy a ready-made toilet with walls, a roof and a door. But the task of creating a building structure with your own hands is defined above. This “house” can be accessed with a cleaning system built into the base. Specially grown cultures of bacteria are added there, which actively process waste.

Current standards for the location of a country toilet on the site

Such a massive structure is difficult to move when the need arises. Therefore, you must carefully select a suitable installation location.

Only some of the requirements are noted here. To find out exactly where to place the toilet on the site, you need to study the relevant construction (SNiP 30-02-97) and sanitary (SanPin 42-128-4690-88) standards. When selecting specific figures, smaller values ​​should be taken into account in order to prevent ambiguity in possible legal disputes.

For example, yard-type latrines can be installed at least 20 meters from residential buildings, recreational areas for adults and playgrounds. But the distance can be reduced to 8 meters if we're talking about about the territory of personal home ownership. Be sure to take into account the permitted distances to neighboring buildings.

Features of a cesspool for a toilet in the country

When installing such a structure nearby, the direction of groundwater flow is taken into account. The following table explains the standards for geological characteristics:

The type of storage tank is essential. If it is not airtight, the requirements increase. In particular, the use of a pit without a bottom is prohibited if the total volume of waste into it exceeds 1 cubic meter. within 24 hours.

This table can be used to check the relative position of a given structure and individual utility networks:

The depth of the pit should not reach the groundwater level. Additionally, the restriction “not lower than three meters” applies. It is determined by the standard parameters of sewage disposal equipment, which only performs its functions quite effectively up to this limit.

A sealed pit for a country toilet prevents pollution from environmental waste. But in this case, it must be equipped with a ventilation pipe with a diameter of 10-12 cm. It is raised above the lid by 60-80 cm. This device is necessary to remove explosive methane.

How to make a toilet in the country using different materials

When building a toilet in a country house, such materials will create a stationary object. It can be well insulated, equipped with running water and artificial lighting. To maintain stability, you will need a foundation that matches the weight. The parameters of such a project do not correspond to the technical specifications, which establish the following basic criteria:

  • lightness of structures;
  • minimum cost;
  • simplicity of installation technologies;
  • mobility.
  • processing features for creating required forms and sizes.
  • the possibility of applying certain decorative coatings and patterns;
  • compatibility with fittings and other factory-made parts;
  • resistance to atmospheric and other external influences;
  • rules of care and repair.

For your information! To figure out how to build country toilet inexpensive, you need to clarify the expected service life. Suitable cheap materials can be used for a temporary structure.

Construction of a wooden toilet for a summer house with your own hands: drawings, operating features

Even without previous experience, working with these materials is not accompanied by undue difficulties. Therefore, quite often a wooden toilet for a dacha is chosen as the best option.

You can build such a country wooden toilet with your own hands in a day after preliminary preparation. According to the given dimensions, you need to purchase bars. They are used to create a reliable load-bearing frame using screws. To quickly cut grooves, a power tool is useful. The boards cover the seat, walls, and pitched roof. The door (not shown in the diagram) is fixed on standard hinges, a latch and a handle are installed. Large holes can be made using an electric jigsaw.

Important! Such a structure weighs little. In some cases, waste is disposed of by burying a filled pit. After this they move light wooden structure to another location.

To extend service life wooden products outdoors they are protected from rain, humidity changes, ultraviolet radiation, microorganisms and bark beetles. For this purpose, specialized impregnations are used that penetrate deep into the structure of materials.

Advantages and disadvantages of an odorless dry closet for a summer cottage

Despite the relatively high prices, designs in this category should be studied separately. They will have to be used in small areas, if conflict situations with the closest neighbors. It should be emphasized that cesspools emit unpleasant odors, which significantly reduce the level of comfort. It should also be noted the potential for destruction of the walls over time, the risk of penetration of contaminants into groundwater, sources drinking water.

The example shown in the photo has the following characteristics:

  1. The main material is high-quality Danish-made polyethylene high density(280-320 kg per cm3).
  2. Walls and other products made from it are resistant to strong mechanical stress. The structure is strengthened by stiffening ribs.
  3. Built-in storage tank(250-300 l) is designed for 500-650 visits.
  4. Standard equipment: washbasin with large water tank (25 l), pump with foot driven, soft seat, locking device on the door, large mirror in a frame with fastenings, towel holders, toilet paper, dispenser for liquid soap.
  5. In the transport position, the kit occupies 1.25 cubic meters.

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We invite you to consider. Prices, user reviews, reviews of popular models will help you set your priorities correctly and make the right choice.

This toilet looks aesthetically pleasing inside and out. It can be installed by one person quickly and accurately, and moved to another location. Of significant importance are the manufacturer's official guarantees, which cover the tightness of connections and other important consumer parameters.

For your information! For full functioning, you will have to regularly purchase toilet liquid in the country, containing cultures of special anaerobic bacteria. These costs should be added to the price of the kit when calculating economic feasibility of this decision.

Parameters and features of constructing a toilet from corrugated sheets with your own hands

The use of metal parts of this category will allow you to obtain the following advantages:

  1. Exact match individual elements, which simplifies and speeds up the assembly of a high-quality structure.
  2. Lightweight with high rigidity, the ability to maintain integrity under strong wind and other mechanical loads.
  3. Resistance to corrosion processes, which is ensured by a multi-layer protective coating.
  4. Irreproachable appearance. It won't have to be updated for many years.

It should be specially noted that a country toilet made of corrugated sheets can, if necessary, be disassembled and moved to another place. The sheets are attached to the load-bearing frame with special screws with rubber linings. These seals prevent moisture from penetrating inside metal structure

When making such a toilet at the dacha from corrugated sheets, it will be possible to eliminate welded seams. To reproduce the relevant technologies, you need to purchase special equipment and master operating skills. It is not difficult to create a wooden frame yourself. These parts of the structure are connected and reinforced with metal corners. Steel parts without factory protection are coated with primer and paint to prevent corrosion processes.

Do-it-yourself quality toilet for a summer house: step-by-step instructions, practical recommendations

After carefully studying the information presented above, it is not difficult to formulate individual technical requirements. After this, you can begin to consider completed DIY garden toilet projects. Drawings of some successful products are given below. Next, you need to really evaluate your own strengths by looking at the descriptions of the construction processes.

Important! When you figure out how to build a toilet with your own hands in the country, check whether its aesthetic characteristics match. The uniform style of small and large buildings on the site creates an overall harmonious atmosphere.

Technical characteristics of a toilet in the country with your own hands: dimensions, drawings, examples of designs

The following brief description will help you understand general principles creating similar structures:

  1. In addition to the items noted in the design documentation, it will be necessary to prepare the products and tools noted below. In particular, the roof can be protected inexpensively from bad weather with a sheet of roofing material of suitable size.
  2. First, a cesspool is created with dimensions corresponding to the contour of the bottom of the toilet. At the bottom of the pit, a backfill is made of gravel and other granular materials.
  3. Curb blocks or other standard reinforced concrete products are suitable for supports. They are mounted so as to leave a gap between the toilet and the surface of 10 to 20 cm.
  4. Ruberoid is useful for creating a waterproofing layer between the supports and the wooden frame.
  5. The installation of the toilet is carried out in stages. Power frame made of timber and covered with clapboard. You can attach foam sheets from the inside for insulation.
  6. For flooring use thick boards 35-45 mm from wood species that are resistant to rotting and stress.
  7. TO back wall attach a ventilation pipe from the pit with a protrusion of 20-30 cm above the roof ridge.
  8. Next, holes are cut, doors and roofing are installed. Protective compounds and finishing decorative coating are applied.

For your information! The dimensions of the toilet in the countryside are adjusted with your own hands, taking into account personal needs and preferences. It is recommended to follow the above proportions. The thickness of parts that are subject to loads during operation cannot be reduced.

Making a cesspool for a toilet for a summer cottage with your own hands

Explanations for the drawing:

  • For a fairly strong strapping, logs (1) with a diameter of 140-150 mm are suitable. The same blanks are used to create frame struts (3)
  • the exhaust pipe (2) is installed above the roof.
  • hatch covers (4) can be made from boards.
  • Turf (5) is placed on the slope for strengthening.
  • a layer of clay (7) 300-350 mm thick will provide good waterproofing.
  • between the lids they make a bedding of peat and sawdust 200-250 mm thick.
  • the frame (6) and the floor (9) are impregnated special compounds, which block the processes of decay.

To decide correctly how to dig a hole for a toilet in the country, you need to study the features of modern engineering solutions in this area. Sealed storage tanks made of concrete, plastic, and other materials will not allow harmful substances to penetrate into environment. However, like regular cesspools, they have to be cleaned frequently.


Country toilet design - choose wisely

The most important criterion for choosing the type of toilet for a summer residence is the level of groundwater in the area. If the groundwater is deep (deeper than 2.5-3.5 m), especially if the water does not rise above two meters from the surface of the earth even during heavy rains, any of the above types of toilets is possible. When groundwater levels are high, this is exactly what we usually have in areas middle zone– the water is close to the surface, a classic toilet with a cesspool is unacceptable.

When groundwater stands above 2.5 m, the preferred option is a powder closet or backlash closet, as well as a bio- or chemical toilet. Since these structures have a sealed cesspool, waste does not enter groundwater and is safe in an epidemiological sense. Let's take a closer look at each of the options.

Toilet typeDescription
Classic "country" toilet with pit cesspool (1)This is a cesspool one and a half meters deep, on top of which there is a corresponding “house”. Everything that falls into the pit accumulates there, gradually decomposing. This toilet is not suitable for big family, because it will fill up too quickly, and the sewage will not have time to ferment. The situation is resolved in two ways: either the toilet is moved to another place by burying a filled pit, or the cesspool is cleaned - manually or using a cesspool truck.
Powder closet (2)Suitable for areas with high groundwater levels. There is no cesspool here. Its role is played by a sealed container installed under the seat. After each trip to the toilet, a new portion of sewage should be covered with peat, ash or sawdust. When the container is full, its contents are taken out into the compost pit, sprinkled with peat.
Backlash closet (3)This type of toilet is suitable for being in the home. This is a structure equipped with a sealed cesspool (next to the outer wall). It is cleaned using a sewer machine. Thus, the pit itself is located outside the house, and all waste enters it through a pipe. The pit should slope away from the house.
Dry toiletThis is the same booth that stands on city streets with a container that contains active microorganisms that process waste. Buy such a toilet - there are any sizes on sale, dry closets suitable for home and outdoor use.
ChemicalEssentially the same dry closet, but with a different waste processing technology. Chemicals are used - the contents of the toilet (unlike the dry closet) become unsuitable for use as fertilizer in beds and flower beds.
Peat toilet (4)This is the same powder closet, only of a more modern design. Suitable for home use. This is just a toilet, in the tank, instead of water, there is dry peat, and the role of sewer pipes is played by a waste container. The design provides ventilation - it is taken to the open air.

Construction of a toilet in the country: according to the law and in harmony with the neighbors

There are clear standards for the placement of a country street toilet. This is especially important for those structures that involve contact of sewage with soil and groundwater. According to sanitary requirements, any source of water (well, well, river, lake, stream, etc.) must be more than 25 m.

The door to the toilet should not be located on the side of the neighbors.

On a note

When building a toilet, it is better to take into account the directions of the winds that are most frequent in your area: unpleasant odors should not bother the neighbors.

When your summer cottage is located slightly downhill, the toilet should be lower than the source of clean water - this way waste will not get into the water.

Regarding the country house and neighbors' buildings

  • The toilet must be at least 12 m away from residential buildings, cellars, and basements.
  • From the building of a bathhouse, sauna, shower - at least 8 m.
  • From enclosures for keeping animals, poultry houses, etc. - no less than 4 m.
  • From trees and bushes - no less than a meter; at the same distance - from the fence enclosing your summer cottage.

Do-it-yourself toilet - do-it-yourself powder closet

Building a classic “village” toilet is not at all difficult and even a novice builder can do it. Therefore, we will focus on a device of a more modern design - a powder closet.

Pros of powder closet:

  • This design does not include a cesspool, which simplifies its construction. No need to dig a pit.
  • A powder closet can be erected next to residential buildings.
  • Groundwater is not polluted.

The beginning of any construction is a drawing, since all parts must have precisely calculated dimensions. They should be such that the toilet is easy to use. Thus, the minimum width of the building must be at least 1.5 m, depth - at least a meter, height - 2.2 m. The dimensions can be large, but making them smaller is not advisable. Now it’s time to decide on the building material. Most often, country toilets are made of wood. But you can build a brick toilet, cover the walls with metal profiles or slate.

Foundation: laying the foundation of the toilet

The toilet is a lightweight building that does not require a strong, solid foundation. Often a strip foundation is poured under a country toilet - the foundation is poured only along the perimeter of the walls. While creating strip foundation For any building, a trench is dug, it is brought above the zero mark and filled with cement mortar. The role of waterproofing is performed by roofing felt. The foundation is filled with crushed stone, rubble stone, gravel, broken brick. Layers of coarse sand and gravel are poured into the trench; each layer should be compacted and watered. At ground level, the foundation is filled with cement mortar. The base is made of brick and insulated with a layer of roofing felt. A blind area must be made on the outside of the foundation.

But it is much easier to make the simplest foundation for a wooden toilet: either bury supports (concrete pillars, timber or logs), or make a foundation from concrete blocks or bricks laid out along the perimeter of the building.

Operating procedure

  1. The first stage is marking the site for future construction. We accurately mark the corners of the future building.
  2. We bury supports as a foundation. We will need four asbestos-cement pipes, their diameter is about 150 mm. The outside should be coated with bitumen mastic.
  3. Some types of soils do not have the necessary characteristics for construction: strength, low compressibility, etc. Peat soils usually compress when loaded, clay soils swell, and forest-like soils can settle under the weight of the building in spring and autumn. Before starting construction, if you are building a brick toilet, such soils require a number of drainage measures or replacement of unsuitable soil for construction. To check, it is enough to dig a hole in the place where the building will stand, with a depth of 0.5 to 1.5 m, and look at the composition of the soil. Most the best option for construction - if your soil is based on fine-grained compacted sand.
  4. 4 deep wells (about 70 cm) should be dug in the corners of the future building. The pipes are buried into the ground to this depth. Although in general, the depth to which the pipes need to be buried will depend on the structure of the soil. On some soils it may be necessary to bury the pipes by 90-100 cm.
  5. Next, the pipes are filled to a third of the height concrete mortar. The concrete is compacted to remove air bubbles. Support poles, most often wooden, are inserted inside the pipes and secured with concrete mortar.
  6. The pillars are fixed so that they protrude to a height of 2.3 m from the ground. The location of the pillars should be level relative to the corners.

The simplest option for a toilet foundation

For easy wooden building Simply installing concrete blocks or bricks is enough. The frame will be placed on them. This “foundation” is done like this: upper layer The soil is removed to a depth of 30 cm and compacted tightly. A layer of sand is poured into the bottom of the trench, and concrete blocks or bricks are placed on top.

We are building a toilet frame

The frame of a country toilet is made of wooden beams with a cross-section of 50 x 50 mm or 80 * 80 mm. Sometimes they take thicker timber (100 * 100 mm) or even thicker, but this is not advisable. More will be needed metal corners. The frame consists of 4 load-bearing supports installed vertically. We also need lining for the roof of our building.

Roof trim: horizontal bars protrude beyond the body by a distance of about 40 cm. A canopy is formed in front, and a ledge in the back for draining rainwater.

We're sitting well

The correct height of the toilet seat is the key to ease of use of the toilet. A seat that is too high will be uncomfortable for children and short people, while a seat that is too low will cause discomfort for tall family members. It is necessary to take into account at what level the floor in the toilet will be located - 40 cm upward is set aside from this height. And keep in mind that there will also be sheathing on top of the trim (about 20 mm wide).

It should be taken into account

  • The screed is at the level of the toilet seat, which will appear later. The beams of this harness are installed in space against the vertical supports of the frame. The height of the toilet seat to the toilet floor should be 40-45 cm.
  • For the strength of the frame, diagonal jibs are also made on the back and side walls. The frame for fastening the door consists of 2 vertical supports about 1.9-2 m high and a horizontal bar at this height.

On a note

Often, slate or corrugated sheets are used to build a country toilet. They are easier to work with, but it will be uncomfortable in such a toilet. Wooden walls allow air to pass through, providing natural ventilation.

Toilet frame trim

The walls of the country toilet are sheathed wooden planks, the thickness of which should be from 20 to 25 mm. They are fitted tightly and nailed to the frame supports. It is better to place the boards vertically, with the top of the back wall and side wall sheathing boards carefully cut to match the slope of the roof (since in this design the roof will slope towards the rear wall). There is usually a door in the back wall of the powder closet through which the waste container is taken out. The hinged door has a height of 40 to 45 cm (it is made to the height of the toilet seat).

We cover the toilet roof with our own hands

The roof of such a structure is usually covered with either corrugated sheets, slate, or metal tiles. The wooden roof is covered with roofing felt or other waterproofing material.

The toilet roof is made so that there is a hole in it for ventilation pipe. The pipe should be sealed.

Making a toilet door

The door is made of wood and hung on two or three hinges, depending on how heavy the door is. The door is also equipped with a latch, hook or latch on the outside and inside. A small window is usually made above the door to allow light to enter. Thrifty owners usually glass the window.

If you make the size of the toilet house large enough, you can even hang a washbasin in it.

Seat: the most important thing

What to make the seat and toilet seat of the powder toilet from? These can be boards, lining, moisture-resistant plywood. It is best to stick to the wooden lining of the toilet seat frame; the boards must be painted, a hole must be cut, and an appropriate container that can hold 20-40 liters must be installed under the toilet seat. It is better to make the lid of the toilet seat hinged, securing it on hinges. In addition, you should find a place in the toilet for a container of peat (you can hang it on the wall) and a bucket for used toilet paper.

Toilet with a barrel

From wind and rain

The roof is built after the walls are completely sheathed. Fix it along the line of the upper slope, checking the correspondence of the angles of the slope on adjacent surfaces. He must

Since at the stage of roof construction the building is still weakly secured, when working at height, just a ladder is not enough; additional insurance is needed. For example, using a reinforced stepladder.

be 30 degrees. Having installed the roof, sew up the back wall. Careful owners also hem overhangs.

The roof in this design is covered with boards. The thickness of the board is at least 20 mm. You can fasten the roof sheathing boards to the rafters with ordinary nails - there will be no special load-bearing load on a small roof.

The roof is being covered roofing material– use ondulin, metal tiles or roofing felt.

It is not advisable to cover the toilet roof with slate - such a covering greatly increases the wind load on the building.

Final check

An important stage of work is the final check. The degree of tightening of all screws, the verticality of the walls and the horizontalness of the floor are checked.

  • If there are violations, you can correct the structure by adding gravel under the foundation, installing spacers, etc.
  • The base of the toilet should be carefully secured; for this purpose, another fastener is placed at the bottom of the foundation. The support columns on the sides are concreted, finally securing the structure.
  • Be sure to check your work for any through holes inside, on the back of the roof and walls. These sharp tips on nails and screws can cause serious injury to people.

And finally, the interior decoration of our building. It begins, of course, with cutting out a hole. First of all, a niche is cut out in the floor of the toilet along the perimeter of the buried barrel (manual, circular saw, jigsaw, etc.). The upper part of the niche is hemmed with a 25 mm board. The niche should be exactly in the center, 200-250 mm from the back wall of the toilet, and its dimensions should be at least 450 x 450 mm.

Summer residents decorate the “house” at their own discretion. The main thing is not to overload it with decorative details, because the structure is quite fragile. The simplest option is to sheathe the perimeter of the front side with a decorative platband.

Reliable protection

Wood impregnation is applied after completion of the main construction work. The choice of impregnations today is very large.

  • The tree should be impregnated with an antiseptic, this will protect wooden parts from mold, fungi, organic formations. After all, the toilet is an unheated room.
  • All wooden parts should be protected from rotting. In conditions of high humidity, rotting can destroy a structure in just two to three years.
  • Fire-resistant coating is very important. A cigarette carelessly thrown away in the toilet can cause a fire in this wooden structure.
  • And another function of impregnating and painting a toilet is decorative.

Hanging the toilet door

You can make the door yourself or reuse an existing one. In any case, it also needs the application of protective impregnations. The door is installed on hinges that are pre-lubricated with any solid lubricant (solid oil, for example), which will protect metal parts from the appearance of rust.

Toilet lighting

Before final finishing interior decoration our house, you should take care of the lighting. When carrying out electrical installation work, it is necessary to take into account that the toilet is a structure with high humidity. Based on this, we comply with the following standards:

If there are children in the family

Let's say we use LED lights voltage 12 or 36 Volts. A voltage converter is installed at the beginning of the power supply line, and the switch will be built into the design of the lamp. If there are children in the family, then such a safe lamp can be installed at a low height.

  • There should be no more than five meters from the power line support to the toilet.
  • The power cable is installed using a mast with a height of at least 250 cm; in this case, the mast must be securely fastened to the rear wall of the toilet.
  • Grounding installation is required.
  • Cable routing inside the building is carried out open method, its cross-section must be at least 0.75 square meters. mm.
  • The lamp power should not exceed 40 W. It is safest to use energy-saving lamps. The design of the lamp itself must be intended for use in rooms with high humidity.
  • The light switch should not be located inside the toilet. It is installed on a special panel at the beginning of the power supply line. It could be distribution board, or the switch can be installed inside a permanent structure.

Mounting the seat

First of all, we need to make a so-called podium. You will need bars measuring 30 * 60 mm, as well as self-tapping screws at least 70 mm long, which will connect these bars into the podium structure.

The niche opposite the cesspool should remain free - this will allow the barrel to be cleaned in a timely manner, and such a toilet will last much longer.

The created structure is sheathed with sheet material, which must be durable (plywood, chipboard, OSB boards). The front wall is closed using a rectangle of the required size. Secure it with self-tapping screws.

The upper part of the podium - mark the strip sheet material, which will go around the vertical posts of the wall frame. They cut out a rectangular part, and then mark the grooves, the location and size of which correspond to the racks.

On the top part we install a toilet seat, closed with a lid.

For aesthetics, so that the interior space of the podium is hidden from view, install a simple device inside - a plastic box without a bottom or lid.

Interior decoration of a country toilet

If you used to build a toilet quality materials, the inside of the toilet does not need to be painted. It is enough just to etch the boards with a protective coating.

The floor and podium are painted with weather-resistant dyes.

It is still better to protect the building door and external walls by painting. The surfaces are first cleaned of old paint, if any, and sanded.

DIY backlash closet

How to organize a sewer system

You can make a pressure or gravity sewer. This depends on the characteristics of each individual summer cottage. With pressure sewerage, waste is supplied using special fecal pumps; with gravity sewerage, it leaves by gravity.

When installing a gravity sewer, it is very important to maintain the slopes correctly. The slope must be the same throughout, and then the length of the sewer pipe can be any.

On a note

Very often they make the slope as large as possible, believing that this way the waste will flow out faster. This is mistake. If the slope is too steep, liquid leaks out faster, solid waste is retained, and the pipes become clogged. Also, the flow of air to the surfaces of underfilled pipes leads to corrosion and a decrease in their service life.

Pressure sewerage is installed if it is impossible to maintain a sufficient slope angle. This could be when, for example, that By the way

Drainage slope

For novice builders, the difficulty lies in the fact that the unit of measurement of slope adopted in the construction literature is unusual for them - this is decimals type 0.03 or 0.008. This fraction is the ratio of the height of descent to the length of the pipe. For example, 3 cm by 1 m, or 0.8 cm by 1 m. The length of the sewer pipe in meters when multiplied by the slope will give overall height slope along its entire length.

Polypropylene pipes (they do not deform at high and low temperatures and are easy to install) are assembled starting from the bottom, inserting each subsequent one into the socket of the previous one. In places of turns and at the bottom of risers, special inspection pipes are required. Joint polypropylene pipe with cast iron it is done using a rubber cuff.

When installing pressure sewerage, the pipes are connected by welding. The diameter of such pipes depends on the requirements of the pump and ranges from 20 to 40 mm.

The outer part of the sewer is placed in a trench. The depth of the trench should be below the soil freezing level. Pipes for external sewerage are made of cast iron, ceramic or asbestos, but they can also be plastic if they are laid in places where there is no increased load. The pipes must slope towards the drain.

When installing a toilet, remember that its outlet should not be lower than the neck of the pipe. In this case, it is raised using bricks and cement. The toilet outlet is placed on the cuff with a seal, and the cuff itself is inserted into the pipe.

On a note

If necessary, it is better to place 2 elbows at 45° than one at 90°. This way the flow of drains will not slow down.

The toilet is located below ground level.

A fecal pump is needed here. Purchasing one is not a problem; summer residents are offered a wide range of models that differ in power, distance, method of pumping waste (vertically or horizontally), etc.

The final chord: what to do with the “good” from the toilet

The country sewer system is divided into two types

Hermetically sealed cesspoolSuch a pit is reliably isolated, and it does not pose an environmental hazard. Sewage with a cesspool requires regular cleaning as the tank fills. This should be taken into account when choosing a place to place it: a sewage disposal truck should freely approach such a pit.

A cesspool is undesirable if groundwater lies at a distance closer than 3.5 m from the surface.

It should be located no closer than 30 m from the nearest well. And, preferably, no closer than 15 m from the country house.

The walls of the cesspool should not allow water to pass through. To do this, it is concreted or filled with cement mortar.

If the depth of the hole depends on the groundwater level, then the width is not limited.

Septic tank – wastewater treatment systemSuch a system collects all waste from summer residents into a special tank called a sump. It provides mechanical cleaning. Modern devices equipped with a biofilter. Purified water is discharged to a place remote from the dacha area. A septic tank is used to bring waste products to an environmentally safe state.

There are two types of septic tank: storage and purification.

A storage septic tank requires periodic cleaning. It is equipped with fill level sensors.

A storage septic tank is purchased based on the volume required for the family. The volume is calculated from the daily water consumption at the dacha. One person consumes from 50 to 250 liters per day.

It is better to purchase a storage septic tank “with a reserve”. You should also take into account the material of manufacture and the thickness of the walls, since the septic tank is buried in the ground.

A cleaning septic tank consists of several chambers where waste is completely cleaned.

Shower and toilet in the country: for beginner builders

Even if in your life you have never built anything more complicated than a stool, you can build a toilet and shower in your summer cottage.

STEP 1. cesspool

It is better to seal the walls of the cesspool by providing a hatch for pumping out waste.

  1. First we clean construction site from roots, trees, bushes and debris. For a family of 3-4 people, we dig a hole one meter wide, 120 cm long, 200 cm deep.
  2. The earth should not crumble into the hole and clutter the construction area. Fertile layer on garden wheelbarrow we take it to the garden, the clay away from our plot.
  3. We strengthen the walls of the resulting pit. We take flat sheets of slate measuring 1 * 2 m and cut them with a grinder to the size of the walls. We lower the sheets down and secure them in the hole using reinforcement corners. For this purpose, we punch holes in the slate and hammer the corners into the wall of the pit.
  4. The gaps between the walls of the pit and the slate should be sealed using reinforcement rods. We lay the rods in the cracks, then lay sheets of roofing felt for waterproofing, then fill in the cement mortar.
  5. We place a sheet of iron at the bottom of the hole: this way the earth will be sealed from impurities.
  6. For now, we cover the finished pit with polyethylene from dampness and precipitation, and we ourselves begin to build a columnar foundation.


It is economical to combine a shower and toilet for a summer house in one building. The parameters of such a building are: width one and a half meters, length 3 meters, height 2 m 20 cm. Thus, the premises will have an area of ​​1.5 by 1.5 m. However, for a family of three people, a building area of ​​1.2 for a shower and toilet is enough * 1.2 m.

On a note

It is very important to spread the slate sheets with wooden blocks before pouring the solution.

  1. The building will be wooden, which means that the foundation will be columnar, light, and 80 cm deep.
  2. We cut 16 wooden stakes and mark the location of the future foundation. Along the perimeter of a rectangle with parameters 150 by 300 cm, we install 14 stakes every 75 cm. We also place pegs in the far corners of the pit: there will be a hatch through which the cesspool will be cleaned in the future.
  3. Check the location and verticality of the pegs. There should be equal spaces between the stakes, all angles should be 90°.
  4. To drill holes, it is best to use a garden drill with an auger with a diameter of 13 cm. We make 16 holes. We equip each pit with wooden formwork, the height-length-width of which is 20 x 20 * 20 cm. Using a building level, we level the formwork horizontally.
  5. We insert three reinforcing rods into each hole, which are fastened together with wire - this way the foundation will be reliable. We place rolled up roofing material at the bottom of the hole so that the concrete is isolated from the soil.
  6. We fill the recesses with cement mortar. Fine crushed stone is often added to cement, based on the ratio of cement, sand and crushed stone 1: 3: 5. We level the solution onto the formwork.
  7. We place a metal pin with a diameter of about 10 mm in the center of each hole. We deepen the stud by 12 cm so that 8 cm remains above the cement level.
  8. While the cement hardens, we prepare a wooden beam for constructing the frame.


We will need a beam, the side of which will be equal to 10 cm. When the cement has hardened, it is time to remove the formwork and make the lower frame of the foundation.

  1. Using a chainsaw, we cut off the beams along the length of the sides of the future building and connect them together in half a tree. That is, 5 cm of the thickness of the beam is cut out on each side, and so the beams are connected to each other according to the principle of a puzzle.
  2. We drill holes into which the studs protruding from our columnar foundation will go.
  3. We lay the ceiling, securing it with a washer and nut with a spanner.
  4. Don’t forget to lay roofing material under the timber for waterproofing.
  5. The lower frame is ready: the beams lie on the posts, fastened with studs and nuts. After this, the wooden beams of the strapping are covered protective composition from external influences.
  6. Above the pit (there will be a floor and a “podium” seat) two metal channels are laid for strength.
  7. Part of the cesspool outside the perimeter of the walls is covered with planks and protected with moisture-proofing material. In the future, the drainage machine hose can be inserted by removing several boards.
  8. We begin to install vertical pillars. Their height is equal to the height of the future building - 220 cm. The first pillars are installed in the corners of the building, checking the correctness of their installation at the building level.
  9. We connect the vertical pillars of the frame to the bottom trim using metal plates and corners for fastening. For reliability, we install spacers at the base of the pillars, securing them with long-length self-tapping screws.
  10. We install the next two pillars where the doors will be. Their height is 200 cm, the width between them is 80 cm. Above the door at a height of two meters we strengthen the spacer horizontally. And the remaining 20 cm between the doorway and the ceiling will subsequently be glazed. We also secure these pillars using spacers secured with long self-tapping screws. When the pillars are installed, you need to do top harness: the beam is also connected in half a tree.
  11. The entire structure is treated with an antiseptic compound to prevent wood rotting.

Sometimes additional small buildings on a summer cottage have the same important, like the house itself. First of all, because they are designed to provide owners with comfortable living conditions. The first place among such extensions is the toilet. Its installation is carried out first, sometimes even during the main construction period.

You can purchase such a structure ready-made on the construction market. However, given the low labor intensity, such an extension is often installed on its own.

Where do you start the workflow?

It is impossible to identify any construction object without using certain clues. In construction, design drawings play this role. The process of installing a country toilet occurs in a similar way. In fact, the drawing is the most accurate instructions on how to make a country toilet.

Unlike a larger structure such as a house, smaller structures are subject to less stringent requirements. But the rules that must be observed are also contained when installing small buildings.

The significant difference between receiving a drawing of an extension and developing a house construction project is that in the first case it is enough to use standard samples, found on the Internet. For greater convenience for users, in addition to drawings, numerous photographs of outdoor outdoor bathrooms are also posted on the Internet.

Despite their small size, country toilets come in a wide variety of designs. Most often, the search for a drawing begins by first selecting a photo of a country toilet that someone else built with their own hands earlier.

Determining the location of the country toilet

The toilet on the site is installed away from the house. Thus, unpleasant odors do not reach the main boundaries of human habitation. The exception is when such a structure is installed directly adjacent to the house. In this case, they must install a sewer network with outlet to a pit. It is used when water is supplied to the house.

In other cases, distance from certain important points is:

  • at least 30 meters from a body of water (river, lake);
  • at least 15 meters from the location of the house.

The above calculation data corresponds to accepted sanitary and epidemiological standards. It is customary to strictly observe them in order to protect both yourself and your neighbors and mainly the environment from negative aspects. These include types of infectious diseases or soil contamination.

Construction of a cesspool

Having decided on the point where the toilet will be installed, a cesspool is dug at this location. Usually its area is within a square meter. The cross-section of the pit can be made square or round. If the pit in a country toilet is round, then its diameter is also one meter. The depth is chosen in the range from 1.5 to 2 meters, according to the depth of the groundwater.

Remembering to follow certain rules, in the process of constructing a round or square pit, the following work is performed:

  • vertical walls are lined with bricks or concreted;
  • drainage is arranged along the bottom. The material used is large crushed stone, stones, broken bricks;
  • To strengthen the wall, it is reinforced. For this, a metal mesh is used. For greater strengthening, use a lattice with cells of 100x100 millimeters;
  • The last stage of internal processing of the pit walls is alignment to the grid concrete mixture layer thickness from 50 to 80 millimeters.

After the concrete hardens, the pit is covered reinforced concrete slab with a hole for a toilet seat. It is either made on site, or, more simply, delivered ready-made. The slab acts as a foundation for the toilet.

Before installing it, the pit is covered with boards that extend beyond its boundaries by about 0.8 meters. They must be covered with an antiseptic and buried in the ground at the same level as the ground.

Installation of the main structure

After the site for installing the country toilet has been prepared, the structure itself is installed on it. Here, the first thing that is taken into account when deciding how to make a country toilet with your own hands is the weight of the structure.

The summer option involves a wooden structure. The materials are boards and bars. Outside and inside, if desired, cladding is carried out. You can use lining or, for example, siding. Will fit inside plastic panels. The roof is covered with corrugated sheets.

The main thing that should not be forgotten is the insulation and waterproofing of the structure. During the period of autumn rains, structures unprotected from water can become deformed and damp. The same danger exists in winter.

Studying the drawings and dimensions of country toilets, many take note that standard size country toilet ─ it is 1 meter wide and 2.3 meters high. The length is from 1.3 to 1.5 m.

However, it is not necessary to strictly follow such parameters. The design may have other dimensions. The main thing that was stated at the very beginning is the creation of comfortable conditions for a person’s location.

Photo of a country toilet with your own hands

For those who have decided to build a toilet in their country house with their own hands, drawings, dimensions, and sketches are the necessary help that does not allow you to deviate from the chosen technology or build a structure that is not suitable for use. Before proceeding with more precise developments, it is important to choose the type of design of the country toilet, its location and other parameters. They, in turn, depend on operating conditions, which indicates the need for detailed analysis taking into account the future. For example, if there is a possibility that after some time the number of people visiting the dacha will increase, or you plan to equip the house in such a way that you can live in it longer, create a toilet in advance with the expectation of an increase in load, so that you do not have to redo it later .

The easiest way to build a toilet for a summer house with your own hands is wooden - drawings of such structures are not difficult to find, and in some cases it is enough step by step instructions no illustrations. However, a beautiful and reliable house is not enough to ensure comfort. It is important to take care of waste disposal. From this point of view, there are several options for a country toilet.

Backlash closet

The backlash closet is designed in such a way that waste from the toilet moves by gravity, collecting in the receiver, which is cleaned as it is filled. Typically, the movement of waste is facilitated by the inclined floor of the tank, which has a shape that expands in the direction from the toilet. The advantage of this design is the possibility without building a full-fledged sewer system install the toilet in a warm room in the house, and move the tank outside to avoid odor. The part of the backlash closet located outside is equipped with a lid through which cleaning is carried out using a sewer machine. To ensure thermal insulation, it is made hermetically sealed and multi-layered (for example, made of metal and wood with a “layer” of thermal insulation material). The disadvantage of a backlash closet is that it is built into a load-bearing wall, which means that its arrangement is best done during the construction of the house.

The photo shows a diagram of the backlash toilet

Powder closet

The powder closet has a storage tank in which waste alternates with layers of backfill (“powdered”). Sawdust, peat, ash or a mixture of these components are used as such backfill. Backfilling is performed after each visit to the toilet. For purchased models, a special distributor is responsible for the distribution of the bulk mixture. Homemade ones use a regular bucket or other container with a scoop, which is installed in the toilet.

The advantages of the powder closet are:

  • the ability to use the contents of the country toilet storage tank to obtain organic, safe fertilizer (for this, when the tank is filled, it is unloaded into the tank for ripening),
  • solving the disposal issue (no need to call a sewer truck),
  • minimum excavation work (they will only be required to construct the foundation of the building, the tank is placed on the surface),
  • the possibility of constructing compact portable toilet models that can be brought into the house (for example, based on a regular bucket).

Drawing of a wooden powder closet with dimensions according to the “hut” type
Drawing of a country toilet like a powder-closet made of corrugated board, “birdhouse” type

Dry toilet

Dry toilets are structures in which waste is recycled. During the decomposition process, the contents of the tanks turn into sludge that is uniform in consistency, safe, takes up less space (and therefore requires less frequent emptying of the tank) and is convenient for pumping. In order to ensure the decomposition reaction, factory dry toilets use fillers, which can be:

  • peat mixture
  • chemically active reagents,
  • (dry or in the form of liquids), which are colonies of bacteria of a certain type.

Pit toilets

A country toilet with a cesspool is a kind of classic. Not the most convenient, but the simplest and cheap option. All waste is collected in a storage tank, which is periodically cleaned using vacuum trucks. In some cases, the filled cesspool is covered with earth, moving the house to another place. In such a filled hole, after some time, compost is formed, which can be used to fertilize the soil. The most common (albeit least environmentally friendly) is the toilet option in which the cesspool has no bottom. It is only sometimes covered with crushed stone, gravel or other material through which filtration is carried out with partial drainage of the contents into the soil.

Important: If the groundwater level is high, it is advisable to replace such pit models with sealed storage tanks.

Options for arranging a cesspool

Regardless of the presence of a sealed bottom, the toilet cesspool requires the construction of walls. Firstly, they prevent the collapse of the earth in the dug pit. Secondly, the walls prevent waste from seeping into the upper layers of the soil. For the construction of cesspools, a wide variety of cesspools are used, specially purchased, left over from the construction of other structures, or simply available materials. Let's look at the most common options.

Concrete rings

Choosing a site for construction

It is difficult to formulate uniform requirements for choosing a place to build a toilet - a lot depends on the type of construction and the tightness of the storage tank (the likelihood of waste getting into the soil). When designing a toilet in a country house with your own hands, the drawings and dimensions are chosen taking into account a number of factors. When choosing the installation location, it is important to take into account the wind rose so that the toilet does not become a source of unpleasant sensations for the inhabitants of the dacha and their neighbors. If the design of the toilet involves periodic pumping of the contents using a sewer machine, it is necessary to provide possibility of convenient access special equipment to the site.

The most stringent requirements are imposed on non-hermetic models (primarily cesspools without a bottom). They must be installed at approximately average height if the site has complex terrain (in lowlands there is a high risk of groundwater contamination, and at height there is a high risk of structural destruction due to soil erosion). It is also important comply with the required distance of the toilet from the main objects(from the house - at least 12 meters, from the water source - 25 meters, from the plantings - 4 meters and no closer than 1 meter from the fence).

Materials and tools

The choice of materials for constructing a toilet in a summer cottage is largely determined by the choice of the type of waste disposal unit. For example, when installing a cesspool, you will need brick, cement, concrete rings or plastic tanks - depending on what you choose. To build the frame of the house you will need:

  • timber with a section of 100x100 or 100x50 mm, 3 m long for the frame and vertical posts of the house,
  • timber 50x50 mm for the “podium” or step on which the seat will be installed inside,
  • Chipboard, boards, lining or other material for internal and external cladding,
  • Ruberoid and slate or corrugated sheeting for the roof.

We should also not forget that for a stationary structure it is necessary foundation– tape (you will need cement for mortar) or columnar (cement or brick), as well as waterproofing (roofing felt or other similar material), preventing contact between the structure and the frame in order to minimize the occurrence of rot.

For ventilation you will need a plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm.

For ease of use, it is also good to install in a country toilet lighting– install electrical wiring and install a lamp or, at a minimum, equip the structure with a battery-powered lamp.

Layout and dimensions of country toilets

The scheme for constructing a country toilet is the same, in contrast to the parameters of the tanks, which are calculated in accordance with the intensity of use of the device, the number of people visiting the country house, seasonality and duration of such visits.

The classic option is a rectangular birdhouse. It is easy to implement and convenient to use. For comfort, it is enough to make the following dimensions of the toilet in the country with your own hands:

  • height – 2200 mm,
  • width – 1500 mm,
  • length 1000-1500 mm.

If such dimensions seem insufficient to the owner, you can build a toilet in the country with your own hands, the dimensions of which will be larger.

Supporters of aesthetics may prefer to build a country toilet with their own hands, using drawings of a more complex design - a “hut” house, which has a small base and practically consists of two inclined planes.

Types of houses for country toilets - “hut” and “birdhouse”

Construction step by step

For an example of the stage-by-stage implementation of construction work, we chose a “birdhouse”. This toilet scheme for a summer house is the easiest to implement.

Before starting work, the location of the future structure on the ground is marked.

1. The foundation is being completed. Strip structures are often recommended for installing a house, but many experts call it more practical for lightweight buildings. columnar foundation. The easiest way to install it is to install it in the ground asbestos pipes, into which the solution is poured and vertical wooden supports are installed before it hardens. It is important to control the position of the latter in terms of level, to ensure that no displacement occurs during the process of concrete gaining strength.

The construction of the foundation according to this scheme has its own nuances:

  • Asbestos pipes are covered with a waterproofing layer before installation.
  • The installation of vertical supports is carried out after filling the pipes with concrete to a third of the height and gaining strength with this portion of the solution.
  • The immersion depth of the support pipes depends on the type of soil and averages 0.5-0.7 m, but for unstable sandy soils it is advisable to increase the depth.

2. The frame of the future toilet structure is being built. The easiest way for this purpose is to use 100x100 (50) mm timber and wood hardware. To protect against moisture and rotting, the timber can be treated with impregnation or primed and painted. The solidity of the structure will be ensured metal carcass However, its construction will require special equipment (welding machine).

The main elements of a reliable frame:

  • load-bearing vertical supports (the front pair is longer than the rear pair to ensure the slope of the roof),
  • two horizontal frames - for installing the roof and at the level of the toilet seat,
  • diagonal beams on the sides of the structure to give the structure rigidity,
  • supports and horizontal part of the doorway.

3. The toilet frame is covered from the outside and inside. The material you can choose from is:

  • boards ( optimal width– 30 cm),
  • plywood,
  • corrugated sheets, etc.

4. The waterproofing layer and the main roof material are installed.
5. A door is hung, which is pre-equipped with a latch and a small window to allow light into the room (or a window can be made in the space above the door).
6. Lighting is installed.
7. The equipment of the toilet includes the installation of a seat and lid, shelves for accessories, a washbasin, etc.


The scheme for building a toilet in a country house with your own hands will be incomplete without ventilation. Ventilation of garden toilets is easily done from plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm. It is removed from the drive (it is important to ensure the tightness of the joints) and is attached with outside structures (use metal clamps). The upper part of the pipe, equipped with a deflector to improve exhaust and protect against precipitation, rises 20-50 cm above the roof.
