State educational institution of higher professional education. Construction of railways, track and track facilities

Internship report

Logistics and transport

Safety requirements for disassembling and assembling track grid links. Features of technology for repairing continuous track and repairing sectional track with laying strands of continuous track. Production composition of PMS.

Federal Agency for Railway Transport

State general educational institution higher

vocational education

Irkutsk State University communication lines

Transbaikal Institute of Railway Transport

Branch of State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Irkutsk State Transport University" (in Chita)

Chita College of Railway Transport


Progress report production practice specialty 270204 "Construction railways, track and track facilities" at the track machine station No. 247.

Completed by student: Skrinchuk Alexander Viktorovich

Checked by the teacher: Ryabukha Vladimir Gavrilovich

year 2012

Report plan:

  1. PMS structure.
  1. Production composition of PMS.
  1. Production bases.
  1. Safety requirements for disassembling and assembling track grid links.
  1. Features of technology for repairing continuous track and repairing sectional track with laying strands of continuous track.
  1. Planning and organization of track works.
  1. Individual task.

General introduction to PMS

The track engine station is headed by a chief who is responsible for the implementation of the track repair plan, current legislation, orders and regulations of the Ministry of Railways, management and department of the road. The head of the PMS has two deputies ( Chief Engineer and Deputy for Personnel and Life).

PMS have production bases for assembling and disassembling track grid links, storing crushed stone, repairing individual elements track superstructure, loading and unloading operations.

Scheme organizational structure track machine station

Structurally, the PMS has two columns: the preparatory, main and finishing works; column of the track production base. In addition, there is also a workshop for servicing machines and mechanisms.

Based on the nature of the work performed, PMS columns are divided into workshops, and those into brigades. At the head of the columns are the work producers, at the head of the shops are the road foremen, and at the head of the teams are the track foremen, mostly unreleased.

PMS carries out track and turnout maintenance work, such as: intensive overhaul of track and turnouts, complete replacement of rails and metal parts of turnouts, overhaul of track and turnouts, enhanced average track repair, average track repair, lifting track repair, planned preventive straightening.

Enhanced track overhaul (MC)designed for a comprehensive renovation of the superstructure on tracks 1 and 2 go (switches 1 3 go) classes with an increase bearing capacity ballast prism and subgrade, including the main platform. The management package includes the following main works: replacing the track grid with a new one assembled at the production base; comprehensive replacement of turnouts; cleaning the crushed stone prism to a set depth below the bottom of the sleepers; placement of curves; lengthening transition curves and straight inserts; bringing the dimensions of the ballast prism to the required ones; elimination of heaving places in the subgrade; increasing the bearing capacity of the main subgrade site in unstable places; positioning or strengthening embankment slopes through the use of screenings; roadside cutting; straightening and tamping of the track with setting to design marks in the profile; placing the path on the axis in plan and bringing the lengths into accordance with maximum speeds train movements; repair of drainage systems; cutting and cleaning of ballast contaminant deposits on the slopes of excavations and embankments; crossing repairs; cleaning of riverbeds and leveling of small ISSO cones; grinding the rolling surface of rails and other work provided for by the project.

Complete replacement of rails (RS)accompanied by average track repairs, carried out during the period between the management of continuous continuous track with reinforced concrete sleepers in sections with a load intensity of more than 50 million tons km gross per 1 km per year. It includes: replacement of defective parts and reassembly of fastening parts, complete cleaning of the crushed stone prism; planning and cleaning of drainage systems; straightening and tamping of the track with setting to specified marks in the profile and design position in plan.

Major track repairs (K)designed to replace the track grid with a more powerful or less worn one on tracks of 3 5 classes and turnouts on tracks of 4 5 classes, mounted from old rails, new and old sleepers and fastenings. Overhaul of the track can be carried out either in a comprehensive manner with the removal and laying of the track grid using cranes, or separately with the replacement of rails, fastenings and sleepers.

Enhanced medium track repair (MS)designed to increase the load-bearing capacity of the ballast prism and subgrade, including the main platform. Enhanced average repair of the track is carried out in areas where enhanced overhaul or major repairs of the track were carried out with a smaller thickness of the crushed stone layer under the sleepers, where one type of ballast was not replaced with another, or where strengthening of the main subgrade area was required but was not carried out, strengthening embankment slopes through the use of screenings, cutting shoulders, straightening and tamping the track with placement at design marks in the profile, placing the track on the axis in the plan and bringing the lengths of transition curves and straight inserts between adjacent curves in accordance with the maximum speeds of trains; repair of drainage systems; increasing the length of continuous continuous track.

Average track repair (C)performed for complete cleaning of crushed stone ballast prism, replacement of defective sleepers and fastenings. It includes: complete cleaning of crushed stone ballast to a depth under the sleeper of at least 25 cm.

Lifting track repair (P)designed to restore the uniform elasticity of the under-sleeper base by continuous lifting and straightening of the track with tamping of sleepers, as well as to replace unusable sleepers and partially restore the drainage properties of ballast.

When lifting track repairs, the following is carried out: continuous straightening of the track with a lift of 5 × 6 cm and tamping of sleepers, adding ballast; local cleaning of contaminated crushed stone in sleeper boxes and behind the ends of sleepers in places where splashes have appeared to a depth of at least 10 cm below the bottom of the sleepers.

Planned precautionary alignment (B)Designed to restore the uniform elasticity of the under-sleeper base and reduce the degree of uneven deviations in level and in plan, as well as subsidence. It includes: continuous track straightening with tamping of sleepers and straightening; replacement of unusable sleepers and fastenings; adjustment of joint gaps; removal of adjusting shims from under the soles of the rails and continuous fastening of the terminal and mounting bolts when fastening the CB.

Production composition of PMS

In accordance with the structure of track machine stations, the production structure includes:

  1. Column of preparatory, main and finishing works;
  2. Mechanized column of production base;
  3. Workshop or team for treating the subgrade;
  4. Workshop for maintenance of machines and mechanisms of the main production;
  5. Command and maintenance personnel.

The numerical composition of the column of preparatory, main and finishing works is determined as follows:

  • In accordance with the list of labor costs and the schedule for the production of main work, the number of track fitters and mechanics required to perform the main work in the “window” is established;
    • Calculate the number of track fitters and mechanics required to perform basic work after the “windows”;
    • Determine the number of workers to perform preparatory and finishing work during periods when “windows” are not provided;
    • The number of track fitters and foremen in the column of preparatory, main and finishing work is established, taking into account the following conditions: the entire volume of preparatory, main and finishing work must be unconditionally completed; the number of track fitters and foremen involved in daily work on the stretch must be the same on all days of the week.

The number of workers in the mechanized column of the production base is determined by the corresponding technological process, taking into account the involvement of its workers, if necessary, for basic work on the day of the “window” and for replacing inventory rails with new rail lashes.

The staff of the workshop for servicing machines and mechanisms of the main production is determined in accordance with the number of machines and mechanisms involved in the technological process, and based on the maintenance personnel of each machine.

The number of command and maintenance personnel is determined taking into account local conditions, but not in all cases it should not exceed the established staffing table or a labor plan.

After determining the production composition, a schedule for the distribution of work by day is developed, which should reflect the frequency of providing “windows” for the production of basic work, the general scope of extensive work and the time the site is under repair.

The order of execution of individual preparatory and finishing works is established in compliance with the following conditions: the scope of work with limited train speeds must be minimal; the order of work should facilitate the fastest restoration of the design speed in the repaired area; the progress of previous work should not create additional difficulties for the performance of subsequent work; subsequent work should not reduce the quality of previous work.

During the finishing work, the following sequence of individual works is observed: bearing curves in plan according to calculation, alteration paths in places of retreat; bearing profile tracks with sleeper padding; finishing crutches; final straightening paths with adjustment of deflection arrows in curved sections; finishing ballast prism with inter-path planning; crossing repairs; cleaning ditches; repair and coloring of road signs.

Standard technological processes are approved by the Department of Tracks and Structures of the Ministry of Railways of Russia; technological processes developed on the basis of standard ones for specific local conditions are approved by the boss or chief engineer track repair enterprise.

Production bases

Significant volumes of work on assembling new and dismantling old track gratings removed from the track, restoring the service properties of old elements of the superstructure of the track in modern technologies production of capital track works is carried out to stationary production bases.

The entire range of work performed at the production base can be divided into two groups: main and auxiliary.

Main The group consists of work, the results of which characterize the planned activities of the base. This includes assembly, disassembly of the track grid and planned repairs of its elements.

Auxiliarywork is associated with ensuring the reception and storage of new materials arriving at the base, with the shipment of old materials received during dismantling of the grating, with the formation, dispatch for hauling and reception of utility trains, as well as the necessary technical maintenance and repair of machines and mechanisms operating at the base and stage.

Most labor intensivehave assembly and disassembly work. This is due to the design features of the elements that make up the grille and its assembled state. The main ones here are mass and dimensions elements, the complexity of their connection and disconnection, requirements for the parameters of the track grid.

TO basic parametersbases include the type of base and its radius of action, which depend on the volume and nature of capital track works planned for the future, on the density of the network and the availability land plot for base construction. This is also the productivity of the base, the length of its paths and the equipment used.

A distinction is made between annual and daily productivity of the base. Daily productivity is necessary to determine the length of the rail link assembly paths.

The number of paths and their length depend on the required productivity of the base, the type of machines and mechanisms used.Each base must have: paths for assembling new lattice links and paths serving the assembly and paths for disassembling links removed from the path for sorting the resulting materials; paths for the formation and parking of track-laying trains, as well as other heavy vehicles; utility routes where workshops and power plants are located.

The length of service paths and their number depend on the length of the paths for assembling new links and the path development pattern of the base. When designing, the dimensions of the inter-tracks are initially determined, which depend on the operating technology of the base, the parameters of the crane equipment and dimensions.

After determining the main parameters of the track production base, they proceed to choosing its location. Whereinare observed following conditions:

  • Possibility of carrying out repair and track work with a minimum range of transportation of new and old links and materials;
  • Availability of water supply, sewerage, electrical networks, cultural household medical and commercial institutions in the locations of the bases, so that the volume of construction of these structures at the base can be reduced;
  • Location of bases on sites that allow for a minimum of excavation and other work associated with their construction;
  • Connection of the base tracks to the station tracks, subject to a minimum of interference in the operational work of the stations, without crossing the main tracks and occupying load-loaded necks when passing work trains;
  • When welding rails into continuous strands, a junction of the base tracks is provided, allowing special trains to exit in the direction of laying the strands;
  • When choosing a junction site, they strive to avoid the demolition of existing structures, crossing large watercourses, deforestation, and occupation of valuable land.
  • It is advisable to locate bases at junction stations in order to carry out work in all adjacent directions. The location of the base at the junction should ensure the convenience of departure of work trains from it to all adjacent directions.

When designing mechanized production bases, the following must be observed: Building codes and SNiP rules.

Instructions for the design of railway rolling stock stations, fire safety and sanitary standards and others regulations on the design of railway transport facilities.

After selecting a site for the base, geodetic work is carried out theodolite survey and leveling construction site. Based on the received marks, horizontal lines are applied to the plans, which are the basis for determining the volume of excavation work and establishing the locations of construction of the ISSO.

Construction of the base begins with laying out the axis of the junction path and the axes of the main paths of the base and with the preparation of the construction site.

After this they perform excavation and, if necessary, erect artificial and other structures. Then, with the help of tracklayers, the upper structure of the track is laid from old links removed at the end of the season from the sections of the track being repaired. Simultaneously with laying the tracks, they carry out work on equipping the base: they build power lines for power supply to the mechanical shop, machines and mechanisms and lighting lines, arrange radio broadcast lines along the base tracks, water supply lines and other industrial and domestic structures and buildings.

The path development of bases is: longitudinal when the paths of the sections for assembling the new and dismantling the old track grid are located sequentially; transverse , when the section for dismantling the old grid is parallel to the section for assembling new links andcombined.

The size and layout of production bases are determined depending on their service life, the volume of work performed during the season and local topographic conditions. The paths for assembling the links determine the entire technological cycle of the base. Their length depends on its daily productivity, which, in turn, depends on the pace of laying work in the “window”. The distances between the axes of the assembly paths and service paths are set based on the size requirements and parameters of the crane equipment. For dimension C, the minimum distance between the track axes is no less than 3600 mm. For intertracks where sleeper stacks are placed, this distance is increased to 7200 mm. The distances from the axis of the track to the supports of power supply lines, as well as the portal frames of gantry cranes, must be at least 2450 mm. The paths for dismantling old links and sorting materials are usually located near the assembly paths, so that it is convenient to use old sleepers that are being repaired when assembling links in sleeper repair shops.

Comprehensive mechanization of work at production bases

To perform a variety of work on bases with varying labor intensity, consistency, and accuracy of use; necessary various means mechanization, the classification of which is given below:

Production lines are divided into:

  • Assembly and disassembly of track grids with wooden and reinforced concrete sleepers.
  • Repair of track grating with reinforced concrete sleepers.
  • Terminal assembly bolted connections.
  • Sleeper repair.

Self-propelled units: assembly, disassembly and repair of track grids with reinforced concrete sleepers.

Travel tool: assembly, disassembly and repair of turnouts.

Loading, unloading and warehouse work:

  • Load-lifting cranes.
  • Load-lifting attachments.
  • Rail reloaders.
  • Link reloaders.
  • Reception overpasses.
  • Transport devices.
  • Traction winches.
  • Bunkers, racks and containers.

basis modern means complex mechanization aresemi-automatic production lines,consisting of stationary units, inter-unit transport devices and bunker systems. Currently, lines are used for assembling and disassembling track grids with different types sleepers and fastenings, as well as for repairing wooden sleepers and assembling terminal and bolted connections. Production lines are used to repair track grids with reinforced concrete sleepers. Lines that include bench tracks and a complex of self-propelled units moving along the tracks and performing technological operations in a certain sequence. Such mechanization means are used for assembling and repairing track grids with reinforced concrete sleepers.

Technical specifications lines for assembling lattice with reinforced concrete sleepers


Line type

ZLH - 650








Productivity, m/shift

465 at l=12.5

750 at


700 at


500 at

l= 25

700 at


800 at


Installed power, kW







Weight, t







Length of the occupied track section, m







Maintenance personnel including mechanics and slingers







Assembly of links at the production base

The organization of work on assembling track grid links depends on the means of mechanization, type of sleepers, types of fastenings, type and length of rails. The main method of carrying out work on assembling links is in-line , creating the most favorable conditions for the use of machines and mechanisms.

When assembling the links, a specialassembly sheet, which indicates for which path they are planned, the presence and location of insulating joints, ISSO, SP and various devices; link numbers, length of rails along the right and left threads, gauge, number of sleepers per link.

The assembly of links with reinforced concrete sleepers is carried out in the following sequence:

  • The sleepers are laid out according to the diagram, gaskets under the linings are placed on them, then linings, gaskets under the rails, terminal and embedded bolts in the sockets of the sleepers, insulating bushings, flat and double-turn washers are placed and nuts are attached to the bolts. After this, the rails are laid, the terminal bolts are installed and secured.
  • The assembled link with reinforced concrete sleepers, to be laid in areas equipped with automatic blocking and electrical centralization of switches, is checked for the minimum permissible electrical resistance.

However, assembling the track grid manually is highly labor intensive. IN last years Track grid assembly production lines have been developed and are widely used.

The assembly of links with wooden sleepers consists of a number of sequential operations:

  • Laying out sleepers, drilling holes in sleepers for spikes or screws, laying out fasteners and rails, sewing on rails.

Sleepers are laid out using jib cranes, AGM trolley cranes U, DHA U or goats. Jib or gantry cranes are used for laying out wooden sleepers in packages of 20 25 pcs.

The sleepers laid out according to the diagram are aligned on one side along the cord. The cord side is installed depending on the location of the links: at stations the cord side should be on the side of the passenger building; on single-track sections in straight lines s right side by counting kilometers, and in curves by a persistent thread; on double-track sections on the field side of both tracks.

Holes for crutches should be 12.7 mm in diameter and 110 x 120 mm deep, and holes for screws should be 16 mm in diameter and 140 mm deep or through. Drilled holes To protect the wood from rotting, fill it with an antiseptic. After drilling the holes and antiseptic them, gaskets and fasteners are laid out on the sleepers.

With crutch fastening, the crutches are driven first along one rail thread, and then along the other. Crutches are hammered with pneumatic hammers or electro-pneumatic crutch hammers.

After assembling the link, graphite lubricant is applied to the ends of the rails with preliminary removal of dirt and rust from them, and installed on the link according to the diagramspring anti-theft(with wooden sleepers and inseparable fastening), two linings are placed at each end of the link with three (with six-hole linings) bolts with washers and nuts installed in each of them.

To assemble new track grid links with wooden sleepers at PMS No. 184, a semi-automatic production line ZLH 800 designed by PTKB KhabIIZhT, a TSL technological line,

Semi-automatic production line ZLH 800productivity 1000 m/shift with 46 sleepers on a 25 meter link is intended for assembling a track grid with wooden sleepers and crutch fastening. The line is serviced by 12 people, including three link assembly line operators and two gantry crane operators.

The track grid is assembled in the following sequence:

  • Sleepers up to 2500 pcs., pre-laid by crane onto the movable warehouse 8 and the receiving chain conveyors 7, are advanced to the sleeper accumulator 6, where they are automatically separated one at a time and aligned at the ends, and then, under the control of the operator, they are oriented with the bed down and are fed into the bed by a step conveyor 5. drilling machine 3, where holes are drilled in them for crutches. The sleeper prepared for assembly is pushed by the step conveyor 5 into the storage 2, and then the cross conveyor 1 is sent to the assembly unit 16. The conveyor for preparing the sleepers for assembly is controlled by the operator from the remote control 4.
  • The rails are laid using a gantry crane on a rail roller conveyor 22, through which they are fed by a special mechanism into the assembly unit 16. The pads from the hopper 19 are fed in portions onto the table, where the track fitter at the workplace 21 manually orients them to the “bed” and sends them to the feeder 20 The feeder guides the linings to the assembly unit 16. In the process of advancement, track fitters at workstations 18 manually equip them with crutches.
  • In the assembly unit 16, the sleeper is centered relative to the longitudinal and transverse axes, the rails are installed along the square and along the width of the track, two linings with crutches are inserted with flanges along the soles of the rails and are installed along the pressing axis. After sewing the sleeper, the link movement mechanism moves the rails one step at a time before sewing the next one, which is set by the command apparatus and can be equal to 10, 12 or 15 s. The assembly unit is controlled by the operator from the remote control 17.
  • The assembled link is pushed with its heads onto the rollers of the receiving frames 13 and, upon exiting them, under the influence of its own weight, is lowered first onto the first, then onto the second and third trolleys 14. The track fitters at workstations 12 place linings with bolts on the links. The assembled link, under the control of the operator from the remote control 15, is rolled back on carts 14 to the loader 11, where it is removed, and the carts return to the assembly unit to receive the next link. The finished link is slung by slingers and gantry cranes 10 and placed in a stack or on the roller platforms of a laying train

TSL technological linewith a productivity of 800 m/shift, it is designed for assembling track grid links with reinforced concrete sleepers and is a complex of self-propelled devices moving along the track of the stand in a certain technological sequence.

The work of the line begins with the placement of sleepers on the track stand 13. The sleepers are fed by a gantry crane 10, and then the assemblers manually move them apart along the diagram. After this, from device 11, four fitters lay out gaskets and supports under the rail. The rails are laid with a gantry crane using a traverse. From devices 9 and 8, terminal and clamp assemblies are manually laid out on the sleepers, which are installed by specialized teams moving along the track in front of devices 7 and 5. These devices, under the control of operators, tighten the nuts of the clamping and terminal bolts. The finished links are loaded by gantry cranes 10 into warehouse 6. The assembly process employs 32 people.

Devices 8,9,11 and 5,7 self-propelled four-wheeled carts. The first three, intended for laying out the fasteners, move along the enclosing track 12, and the last two, for tightening the nuts, move along the rails of the assembled track.

The device 11 for laying out gaskets and linings consists of a frame on which two platforms are installed in front for fitters who lay out rubber gaskets and linings under the rail on the sleepers. The gaskets are placed on a hanging platform. At the back of the device frame there is a removable platform with two workstations for fitters, who take the pads from the hopper and lower them to the bottom of the tray.

All devices included in the line are equipped with one power flexible cable connected to the power columns with a cable plug, and to the device with a plug socket.

The motorized complexes used at the Bakhakh PMS track production bases for link assembly and dismantling and reassembly work are presented in the table “Machineized track production base complexes”.


Type of work

Motorized complexes

Assembly of links with inventory rails on all new reinforced concrete

sleepers and fastenings

Technological assembly line TSL

Assembling a link track on new wooden sleepers with new fastenings

ZLH KhabIIZhT link assembly line

Dismantling bulkheading of tracks with reinforced concrete sleepers

Technological disassembly line LRZS

Dismantling reassembly of link track with wooden sleepers

ZRL link assembly line

Repair of wooden sleepers


Repair of reinforced concrete sleepers

Special ShRM

Loading and unloading operations

Gantry cranes KPB - 10, excavators

Characteristics of geotextiles

To limit the intensity of accumulation of residual deformations in the ballast and soil of the main site of the roadbed, conditions must be created to ensure their strength, which is achieved by reducing maximum stress in soft soils of the main site, reducing their moisture content and preventing the possibility of small particles from entering the lower layers of contaminated ballast and subgrade soils into the upper clean layers of ballast.

For this purpose, crushed stone must be cleared along the track to a depth of at least 40 cm under the sleeper. Geotextiles are laid to a depth of at least 40 cm from the bottom of the sleepers and at a width of 4.2 × 4.5 m under one path with a slope of 0.04 to the field side when machines are operating for deep cleaning or cutting out ballast without removing the track grid.

Cutting the sides of the roadbed to the level of geotextiles to ensure drainage of water from ballast is mandatory. To prevent damage from crushed stone during installation, it is allowed to use Geotextiles with increased strength characteristics given in the table below.




Mechanical properties

Punching force of the stamp


Not less than 2.5

Tensile strength of fabric at break

kH/ m

More than 20

Elongation at maximum tensile force

Over 30

Surface density

g/m 2

Not less than 300

Hydraulic properties

Geotextile filtration coefficient at pressure 200 kH/m2


More than 1*10 -4

Permeability of geotextiles at a water column height of 10 cm

l/(m 2 s)

Less than 50

Effective pore diameter


No more than 80

Material stability

Exposure to acids, alkalis and bacteria


Shouldn't give in

Direct exposure time sun rays without reducing strength


At least 30

Geometric dimensions

Roll width


4.2 4.5

Geotextile length per roll


At least 50

Roll diameter


No more than 38

Main characteristics of geotextiles

Safety requirements for disassembling and assembling track grid links

Rail feeding and sleepers on the assembly bench track are allowed only by mechanized means.

Layout on the bench track of wooden sleepers impregnated oil antiseptics, are carried out only with the use of special tools and personal protective equipment.

The assembly of links, both for wooden and reinforced concrete sleepers, is allowed to be carried out in no more than two tiers. When feeding rails, fasteners, as well as wooden and reinforced concrete sleepers onto the assembly bench track, workers must be removed from the area of ​​possible falling load. When lowering the rails, fitters are only allowed to hold them by the head. Hold the rails bysoles are prohibited.

During the lining of the rails, sleepers are suspended using special devices - supports. It is prohibited to use linings, linings, fastenings, boards and other objects as supports.

When pouring liquid antiseptic into holes drilled in wooden sleepers and driving spikes using spike hammers, fitters must work in safety glasses and protective clothing.

Fastenings at the front of work on assembling links should be in containers located inbench track breaks.

Fitters are prohibited from being on the link and installing anti-theft devices,moving on carts.

Packages of old links are unloaded by cranes or using a ramp, when unloading is carried out from the end of the track dismantling train. Unloading packages of old links by moving the train from under links without ramps are prohibited.

Laying out old links for hand-jointing is allowed at a heightno more than four tiers.

When working on link assembly and link disassembly lines, the following is prohibited:

  • Be closer than 10 m from the cable when the package or link is pulled into the working position.
  • Approach from the side closer than 5 m to the raised link.
  • Approach closer than 3 m to the end of the raised link fed into the jointing unit.

In the event of an accident or breakdown of mechanisms, you must immediately stop the line.

To service lines and machines, safe passages, galleries, platforms, decks, staircases and railings should be provided. The construction of passages in the area of ​​lifting and lowering cargo is not allowed. If it is necessary for people to be in this area, arrangements must be madesafety ceilings.

Features of technology for repairing continuous track and repairing sectional track with laying strands of continuous track

Reinforced overhaul and overhaul of a continuous or link track with a continuous welding device with modern technologies ends with the replacement of inventory rails with continuous welded rail threads.

In order to increase the efficiency of a continuous track, the length of the rail strands is increased to a block section or section.

Rail strands with a length of 800 m or less are welded at RSP rail welding enterprises. From the RSP, the whips are transported to the stage on a whip carrier. When welding, the joints must be normalized. All joints welded in RSP must be marked on the rail with two vertical stripes (one strip at a distance of 100 mm from the joint), and those welded on the way - with two pairs of vertical stripes at the same distance from the joint.

At the ends of the lashes manufactured at RSP and intended for welding en route, it is necessary to have one mounting bolt hole, which is used to secure the lashes and pull them off the train.

The production and laying of lashes up to a block length of a section or stage can be done in one of four ways:

  • Welding inside the track of pre-unloaded strands by preliminary bending into a strand up to a block section long, followed by sliding onto the pads;
  • By laying on linings and bringing the “short” strands to the optimal temperature, followed by welding into a long strand;
  • Welding with preliminary bending of rail strands during their laying;
  • Welding with preliminary bending of operational lashes.

When welding strands up to a block long section or a stretch of strands welded in the middle of the track, the work is performed in the following order:

  • In the middle of the track, lashes up to a block section long (no more than 1600 m long) are welded;
  • The welded lashes are pushed onto the linings and brought to the optimal temperature using hydraulic tensioning devices or heating units. If subsequent extension is necessary, a temporary rail 8 × 11 m long is laid between the lashes, connected to the ends of the lashes with six-hole overlays, tightened with a full set of bolts.

When increasing the lengths of the strands by sequentially welding the newly laid strands to the previously laid ones using the method of preliminary bending, the work of welding and sliding each pair of strands is carried out in one “window”.

If laying is carried out at the optimal fastening temperature, then the lashes are fixed, and if at a non-optimal temperature, then the welded lashes must be inserted into optimal temperature fastening.

When laying strands up to a block long in the area where traffic lights are located, four pairs of leveling rails 12.5 m long are laid between the ends of the strands with insulating joints placed in the middle with six-hole APATEK fiberglass overlays, bushings and high-strength bolts.

The work of replacing inventory rails with rail strands and welding them along the length of the section is divided into preparatory and main ones.

  1. Preparatory work are carried out at the track production base and at the stage. During the stretch, track fitters clean the rail fastenings from dirt. Lubricate and test the terminal bolts. Half sleepers for support pads are unloaded and laid at the work front, metal sliders are laid out in places where the lashes bend. According to the standard technological process, rail strands are unloaded into the track along the alignments and secured with crutches on half-ties after 25 meters. Before the section is closed, 34 track technicians use socket wrenches to unscrew the nuts and remove the terminal bolts on the rail houses, leveling rails and on the first 700 m of inventory rails. The safety shoes are removed from the ends of the rail braids and the crutches are unstitched. The speed of trains on the work site is limited to 60 km/h.
  2. The main work on the 1500 m long section is carried out on a section closed to train traffic during a “window” lasting 6 hours. After the last scheduled train has passed, the closure of the section has been completed, the voltage in the contact network has been relieved, and the section has been fenced in accordance with the established procedure a utility train arrives at the work site, consisting of: track wrench No. 1, track-laying crane UK-25/9-18 with platforms and a device for sliding the lashes onto the lining, rail welding machine PRSM K-335-I-A and wrench No. 2.

30 track fitters use socket wrenches to unscrew the nuts and remove the remaining terminal bolts on the rail houses and leveling span, leaving 8 bolts on each link, loosen the joints with an electric wrench and remove the covers. Travel wrench No. 1 unscrews the nuts of the terminal bolts over an 825 m long section, leaving 8 bolts attached per link. 3 track fitters are preparing places for the welding machine to work.

The track-laying crane UK-25/9-18 removes the rail cuttings and leveling span rails from the track. While the tracklayer is operating, 4 track technicians remove the remaining terminal bolts. 3 track fitters cut ballast from the joint sleeper boxes, unscrew the nuts and remove the mounting bolts and lay the pads.

After charging the device for sliding the strands, the tracklayer removes the inventory rails from the track and loads them onto their platforms, and the rail strands are laid on the pads. 4 track fitters adjust the lashes on the pads. The initial end of the lash is laid taking into account the trimming of the ends with bolt holes. After laying strands 100 m long, the tracklayer stops. 7 installers use socket wrenches to secure terminal bolts over a length of 10 m on the right and left threads, counting from the joint. After this, the work of the tracklayer continues. 3 track fitters cut the ends of the strands for welding to the appropriate size, protect the contact surfaces and chamfer. 7 track fitters alternately remove from under the pads the loose ends of the lashes of the right and left threads at a distance of 45 m and bend them in a horizontal plane until the ends of the rails touch. At a distance of 5 m from the end, install terminal bolts and tighten nuts.

The welding head of the PRSM machine is alternately installed at the joints of the right and left threads and welds the joints using the preliminary bending method. After deburring and heat treatment, the joints are first roughly ground around the entire perimeter, then the surfaces are finished. grinding machine SCHR. An ultrasonic flaw detector is used to check the quality of welded joints.

After the joints have cooled, 7 track fitters straighten the remaining part of the bend in a horizontal plane, installing the lashes on the supports and securing the nuts of the terminal bolts with socket wrenches. 3 track fitters fill the sleeper boxes with ballast, install linings, and secure the mounting bolts. 20 track fitters install terminal bolts on the laid strands and secure 8 bolts on each link.

The rail welding machine moves along the laid strand to the next joint. The second lash is welded to the first in a similar way.

When approaching the leveling span, the tracklayer removes three pairs of rails of the leveling span, and then lays a rail with a 6.25 m long KBS glue-bolt joint close to the machined end of the string.

PRSM alternately welds the joints of the right and left threads using the pull-up method.

A 9.375 m long rail house with bolt holes at the far end is laid to the welded KBS rail.

Travel impact wrench No. 2 performs continuous fastening of the nuts of the terminal bolts.

This concludes the work of replacing inventory rails with rail strands and welding them to the length of the haul: inventory rails are replaced with rail strands of unlimited length with welded BSCs.

Planning and organization of track works

On railways, two types of track work are planned: long-term planning based on standards and analysis of the dynamics of changes in the technical condition of the track, and current planning for the coming year, based on the actual condition of the track.

Planning of track work for the coming year is carried out based on the results of commission inspections and checks of the track using diagnostic tools, as well as on the basis of the structure, plan and profile of the track, and the accumulated pitch.

At various classes track repairs should be planned primarily on tracks of a higher class.

The areas where track repairs are planned, as well as the volume of repairs, are agreed upon: for enhanced major and major track repairs, enhanced medium repairs on the main tracks of classes 1 3 with the Ministry of Railways Central Committee. Work on major track repairs and other types of track work on tracks of 4 5 classes is approved by the head of the road.

The total volumes of major track repairs on tracks of classes 4 and 5, as well as the volumes of medium, lifting track repairs and planned preventive straightening performed by a complex of machines are also agreed upon with the Ministry of Railways Central Committee.

Reinforced capital, major renovations paths, enhanced medium track repairs, as well as medium track repairs, carried out with the transfer of the track to crushed stone ballast, are carried out according to projects developed design organizations. For these types of repairs, work organization projects are developed, in which, together with the work performers, the principles of their implementation and the procedure for organizing train traffic during the “window” are established.

Lifting and medium repairs of tracks and turnouts are carried out according to volumetric statements and calculations.

The materials of the superstructure laid during track repairs must be certified and must comply with state standards and technical specifications.

Acceptance of completed track repair work is carried out in accordance with the rules approved by the Ministry of Railways.

Enhanced capital, major and enhanced medium repairs of the track must be carried out on sections no less than a section long, including main tracks and turnouts.

Track work should be carried out with the maximum use of mechanization according to technological processes developed in relation to local operating conditions based on standard technological processes approved by the PMS CPU.

Specifications for the use of old materials, the procedure for determining the cost of removed and assembled track gratings is approved by the PMS. In this case, multi-stage use of materials from the upper structure of the track and turnouts is provided.

Head of PMS

Track machine drivers

Machine Operations Master

Chief Engineer

Producer of works

Chief mechanical engineer

Producer of works

Car repairman

mechanical workshop workers


Road masters

As well as other works that may interest you

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The classic definition of culture given within the framework of anthropology by the famous anthropologist E. Geertz considers culture as a system of symbols that each society interprets in its own way and believes that the path to understanding culture lies through the interpretation of key symbols that are different for each society.
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Ideology is a coherent system of views and ideas, by which people’s relationships to reality to each other are realized and evaluated, social problems and conflicts, and also contains goals (programs) of social activities aimed at consolidating or changing these social relations.
For an individual, direct contact with social reality is interaction with his environment. social group. For the individual, it is the group that is the representative of society as a whole, its demands and interests; it is the group, on behalf of the entire society, that offers the individual social guarantees and benefits.
But it does not at all follow from this that all statuses that arose as a product of social differentiation are located in a hierarchical order: some of them, for example, are age-related if we consider them in pure form without the imposition of others do not contain the grounds for social inequality, in particular status...

Samara State Academy of Railways

Department of Track and Construction of Railways

’’Metrology, standardization and certification’’


for laboratory work for students of the specialty

270204 “Construction of railways, track and track facilities and

specialty 270201 “Bridges and transport tunnels”

full-time and part-time forms of education

Compiled by: V.N. Nedbaylo

S.A. Galansky

Samara 2007

UDC 389.6

Metrology, standardization and certification: guidelines for laboratory work for students of specialty 270204 “Construction of railways, track and track facilities” and specialty 270201 “Bridges and transport tunnels” / compiled by: V.N. Nedbaylo, S.A. Galansky. - Samara: SamGAPS, 2007.- 32 p.

Approved at a meeting of the PSJD department on December 12, 2006, protocol No. 5.

Published by decision of the Academy's Editorial and Publishing Council.

Basic information about measurements, methods and procedures for carrying out measurements, methods for using various measuring instruments and instruments for measuring elements and structures of the superstructure of the railway track, as well as metrological verification of measuring instruments are presented. The base for laboratory work is the training ground, where straight sections of track No. 1...5 and turnouts No. 1...3 are located.

Compiled by: Viktor Nikolaevich Nedbaylo

Sergey Anatolyevich Galansky

Reviewers: Head of the Civil Constructions Service of the Kuibyshev Railway - a branch of JSC Russian Railways Sochnev Yu.A.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of SDM and TM, SamGAPSA Kozhevnikov V.A.

Edited by the compilers

Signed for publication on December 21, 2006. Format 60x90 1/16.

Writing paper. Printing is efficient. Conditional p.l. 2.0

Circulation 150 copies. Order No. 247.

© Samara State Academy of Transport, 2007


Measuring technology is an integral part of material production. Without a comprehensive measurement system that allows you to control technological processes and evaluate the properties and quality of products, not a single field of technology can exist. Measurements serve as the basis of scientific knowledge.

In railway transport, there is a harmonious system of track management, a clear management structure, typification and standardization of the upper structure of the track and other facilities has been carried out, a classification of track work has been developed, and a progressive technology for repair and mechanized track maintenance using a complex of high-performance machines has been introduced.

In the track industry, measurement - control - quality management are inextricably linked with each other and have constant interaction. The most complete disclosure of the measurement system occurs in the current track maintenance, where the final task of the track facilities is realized: maintaining all elements of the railway track in a condition that ensures the safe and uninterrupted movement of trains at set speeds. The implementation of this task is possible if there is a well-organized control system using measurements.

Monitoring the condition of the track and its elements is carried out using track measuring and flaw detection cars, ultrasonic and magnetic trolleys, as well as various instrumentation and devices.


technical College.

– one of the basic faculties of railway technical schools.

Speaking in “railroad language”, the faculty “Construction of Railways, Tracks and Track Facilities” trains track specialists (from the word “path”). Initially, all railway workers were called railway workers, and the driver, the cashier, and the station duty officer... everyone was railway workers for the reason that they all worked in the same general ministry, which was called the "Ministry of Railways".

The task of the railway workers is to maintain the railway track in good condition. There are rules and regulations according to which the path must be contained. Violation of these standards can lead to irreparable consequences - accidents, derailments, rolling stock derailments.

Structural divisions of the track


At the Faculty Construction of railways, track and track facilities you will be taught all the intricacies of this important profession. You will work in departments whose task is to operate the railway track. Simply put, to maintain the track in good condition, based on measurements and diagnostics, carry out routine repairs of the track (single change of sleepers, single change of rails, fastening bolts, replenishment of missing or defective fasteners and other types of work). I call such divisions T "path distance".

The track distance includes several repair teams, repair shops for repairing track tools, technical department, a staff of dispatchers, a flaw detection workshop, its own personnel department and its own accounting department, a trade union committee, etc.,

If we consider the structure of the distance from the lowest position to the highest, it looks like this:

— track fitter (no special education required)

— track distance foreman (secondary specialized education required)

– Master of the path distance (secondary specialized education required)

- section manager (required) higher education)

— chief engineer of the track distance (higher education required)

— deputy head of the track (higher education required)

— head of the route (higher education required)

Several years ago, the position of track controller appeared on the distance staff. Work in this position requires secondary specialized education. A path controller is a kind of independent checker of the state of a path.

The education you received at the faculty of “Railway Construction, Track and Track Facilities” gives you the opportunity to work not only in track distance (TR), but also in distances for the repair of artificial structures (PC ISSO), as well as in the state track machine stations (TMS).

Distances for repairing artificial structures are several times shorter than travel distances. This is understandable - there are much fewer artificial structures than rails and sleepers. Workers at this distance are engaged current repairs artificial structures - bridges, pipes, chutes, overpasses and much more.

Workers at track machine stations perform the same functions as workers at track distances - they repair the track, but on a larger scale. The workers of track machine stations (TMS) carry out major and medium repairs of the track, where special track machines are used.

Mostly men work in these professions, but there are many positions where women can work: track distance manager, track technician, crossing duty officer, flaw detection cart operator, assistant flaw detection cart operator, diagram interpretation operator.

To work in all of the above positions, a secondary specialized education is sufficient.
