Creating, repairing and installing a water heater with your own hands. Do-it-yourself instantaneous water heater - what to do and how to do it How to make a water heater in the country

Country life attracts the opportunity to enjoy fresh air and unity with nature. Outside the city everything is fine, except for difficulties with hygiene procedures. Agree, would it be nice to make a heated summer shower with your own hands to solve this problem?

This option will help increase the comfort of staying at the dacha, but will not greatly affect family budget. We will show you how to realize this idea.

The article discusses in detail the best Constructive decisions and cabin construction technologies. Effective help will be useful tips on the choice of materials required in construction, arrangement of drainage, simple and quick heating of water. The information presented is supported by photo and video applications.

The comfort and ease of use of the structure depends on how well the summer shower is designed. The task of a thrifty owner is to build an economical, easily constructed and at the same time maximally functional shower, equipped with heating.

The easiest option to implement is an open shower.

An open summer shower is a frame-collapsible block or modular container, one of the walls of which is adjacent to the main building

When choosing this arrangement option, the tank is installed on load-bearing wall buildings, positioning it in such a way that the sun's rays hit it at right angles.

Do you prefer closed designs that are convenient to use both in the warm season and in the cold months? Build a stationary outdoor shower with the simplest system heating It may represent frame structure or capital construction.

The main advantage of this solution is that in warm times the water in the tank is heated by the sun's rays, and in cold months by means of a heating element

Traditionally, when building a shower with enough space for an adult to bathe, they focus on the following parameters:

  • height– 2-3 m;
  • width– 1.5 m;
  • length– 1.9-2 m.

The indicated dimensions are convenient when constructing a structure from wooden planks. Taking into account the wall thickness in finished form The area of ​​the structure is approximately 2 * 1.5 m, of which an area of ​​1 sq. m will be allocated for the shower stall. m, and for the locker room - 60*40 cm.

When using boards standard sizes the material is consumed with virtually no residue.

In addition to wooden planks, the most commonly used building materials for the construction of cabins are:

  • polycarbonate sheets;
  • moisture-resistant plywood;
  • sheet metal;
  • flat slate;
  • lining;
  • brick.

When choosing facing material It is important to focus on the exterior of the site so that the building harmoniously complements the already created architectural ensemble.

Polycarbonate shower cubicle:

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Purchasing the necessary materials

In addition to making or purchasing a heating tank, you must purchase plastic water pipes D 50 mm. It is convenient to use a flexible silicone hose to supply water.

To set up a system of materials you will also need:

  • gutter reinforced with metal mesh;
  • valve with float;
  • divider

To perform foundation pouring during construction cesspool, you will need cement marked M150 and higher. The drain can be covered with waterproofing roll materials or hydroglass insulation.

To make a wooden floor in the shower, it is best to use a tongue-and-groove board, treated with a water-polymer emulsion or oil white.

For the final finishing and arrangement of the bathroom, you will need paint for exterior and interior works, spacious shelves for bathroom accessories and hooks for clothes

To erect the structure you will need the following tools:

  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • corner;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws

To pre-mark the area, you also need to stock up on a skein of twine and wooden pegs.

Instructions for building a summer shower

There is no particular difficulty in building a summer shower in your dacha yourself. The only stumbling block for a novice master may be the question of how to install a heated tank and how to organize a wastewater disposal system.

Step 1: Carrying out preparatory work

The scope of work during site preparation depends on the type of building being built. If you plan to build a temporary frame structure, to prepare the foundation, it is enough to remove a 15-centimeter layer of earth from the marked area, and then level the bottom of the dug “pit” and fill it with sifted sand.

When installing a shower stall on very heaving soils, in order to reduce the risk of it tipping over, the thickness of the non-heaving “cushion” of gravel and sand should be increased to 30-40 cm.

When constructing a wooden pouring floor over a gravel fill, be prepared for the fact that while swimming you will experience some discomfort due to a slight draft

Are you planning to build a major heated country shower? To erect it, you will need to lay the foundation. The depth of the foundation depends on the type of materials used. For example, for brick building A foundation buried 30-40 cm is quite sufficient.

The foundation is laid in the following sequence:

  1. Territory marking. For creating the right basis Wooden stakes are driven into the outer corners of the future building and string is pulled between them.
  2. Digging a pit. A layer of soil is removed from the marked area, going 15-40 cm deep depending on the type of building.
  3. Preparing the site for laying pipes. Dig trenches and level the bottom in such a way as to ensure unimpeded flow of waste water in the direction of the drainage hole.
  4. Installation of drain and discharge pipes. A reinforced gutter is installed on the leveled and compacted bottom, not forgetting to maintain the angle of inclination.
  5. Fill concrete mortar . To create level base, filling is carried out using a level and guides.

For interior decoration, choose facing materials that have increased moisture resistance: PVC film, linoleum, plastic. When choosing wood paneling The surface must be treated with drying oil and painted.

To make hygiene procedures more convenient and safe, a grid made of wooden boards is installed on the floor, on top of which a rubber mat is laid.

The grate is assembled from wooden slats size 30-50 mm. Wood preparation is the same. If you want to increase its resistance to shoe wear, treat the material with an acrylic compound used for repairing bathtubs.

It is advisable to separate the dressing room and the bathing compartment with a curtain made of waterproof textile fabric or polyvinyl chloride film

If desired, both the internal and external walls of the facing material can be painted and decorated with designs. Original design will allow you to turn the shower not only into a place for taking water procedures, but also into decorative element suburban area.

Additional interesting options Arrangements for a garden shower are suggested in these articles:

  1. The heated summer shower is ready. To prevent water stagnation, it is advisable to operate the shower at regular intervals. Before a long break in use, so that sediment does not clog the watering can, it is recommended to completely empty the tank.

The presence of hot water at the dacha significantly increases the convenience and comfort of holidays outside the city. It is for this reason that more and more summer residents are trying to organize at least some kind of water supply on their several hundred square meters. hot water. Not everyone can afford to buy a boiler in a store. Even when choosing a suitable water heater at an affordable price, there is no guarantee that this device will function normally in country conditions, without stable voltage from the electrical network and good pressure in the pipes.

But there is a way out of the situation - to make a boiler for your dacha with your own hands. Homemade water heaters can operate from various energy sources.

How to make an electric boiler yourself?

First of all, it must be said that you can assemble various types of electrical appliances yourself only if you have all the knowledge on electrical safety and are well versed in this technology. Otherwise a homemade device can cause harm to health and the lives of your household.

If you are sure that knowledge and experience allow you to make a water heater yourself, then we offer a boiler option that can be easily assembled at home.

We will create a water heater based on a device called “moidodyr”. This is a washbasin with a water tank connected to it, which is equipped with a heater. This device is completely inexpensive, approximately 2000-3000 rubles. Our main goal is to improve the “moydodyr” by equipping it with a capacity bigger size(120 l), as well as a pump that will allow you to fill the tank automatically.

First you need to select appropriate place to install the tank. It should not get in the way when moving around the dacha. In addition, you need to position the tank in such a way that it is inaccessible to small children.

In the tank cut a hole and install a float with a valve in it - the same as is used in toilet tanks for flushing. For the whole system to work, the rod that holds the float needs to be made a little shorter. Then we connect the tank to the sink or washbasin faucet. This is best done using a special hose from a washing machine.

We place a heating element in the hole previously made for it. The connection must be sealed using a rubber gasket. For these purposes, it is advisable to choose a heater that is equipped with a thermostat and designed for a power of 1.3 kW.

We install a residual current device with several indicators on the electrical wiring, one of which signals that the device is turned on, and the second indicates that the heating process is in progress.

How to make a solar water heater with your own hands?

More complex design, but also safer to operate, is a solar water heater for a summer residence, which can also be assembled independently, but this will take much more time and various materials than in the case described above. If this does not scare you, then the instructions for assembling a solar water heater are as follows.

Required materials and tools:

We make a heat exchanger

This is the capacity where water is heated and circulated, equipped with two outputs. Through the first outlet, cold water is poured into the tank, and through the second, hot water comes out.

To make a heat exchanger, you need to make a coil: metal pipe, curved in a spiral. It is required to ensure maximum water heating. The pipe from which the coil is made must conducts heat well. Copper products are excellent for this purpose.

Assembly of the absorber for the collector

The manufactured heat exchanger must heat up from sunlight. But in order for significant volumes of water in a container to heat up under the sun evenly and quickly, the area of ​​the heat exchanger alone is not enough. It is necessary to make another device, larger in area, that accumulates heat and transfers it to the water heater. This device is called an "absorber".

It can be made from thin sheets of metal, which retain heat for a long time and also heat up quite quickly. Tubes are laid between the sheets, and on top - glass sheets. At the bottom of the structure there is a thick layer of insulation; as a rule, glass wool is used for this role.

How to make a coil?

The coil is an important part of the solar heater design. You can use a metal-plastic or metal pipe with a small cross-section as a basis. Most often, brass or copper is used, since these materials have a good level of heat transfer. The diameter of the coil can be selected at your personal discretion. The main condition is that it has maximum contact with water.

Coil tube It is wound in a spiral onto a cylindrical mandrel. For this, a log or pipe of larger cross-section is used. When winding the coil, you need to monitor the turns, which should not touch each other. There is no need to wind it tightly, since it will be very difficult to remove the coil from the mandrel. The number of turns on the coil depends proportionally on the height and volume of the tank. Most often, 1.4-1.6 kW of coil thermal power is used per 10 liters.

Tank insulation

To minimize heat loss, the tank must be wrap in a layer of thermal insulation. For this use:

  • isolon;
  • construction foam;
  • mineral wool;
  • foam;
  • polyurethane foam.

Some people use foil-based underlay for laminate flooring. In this case, the boiler is wrapped like a thermos. The insulation is fixed using strip ties, glue or wire. We recommend insulating the entire body. This will ensure not only long-term preservation of hot water, but will also reduce the duration of heating of the tank, this will reduce coolant consumption.

Without carefully organized thermal insulation, the water in the tank quickly cools down. Most often they resort to the construction of a double tank: a small container is placed inside a large one. The resulting space between them also serves as thermal insulation.

Making a box for a boiler

In order for your heater to hold up well and at the same time be protected from negative external factors, you need to enclose it in a box, which will additionally provide thermal insulation and act as a kind of support frame.

We will build a box from timber, height not less than 80 mm. We line the bottom with a sheet of waterproof plywood, and use the same mineral wool to insulate the edges.

Assembling a device that uses solar energy to heat water, do it in this order:

  • we lay the first layer - this is a plywood backing;
  • We put a heat exchanger on it;
  • We install an absorber on top of the heat exchanger;
  • we paint the absorber black;
  • we build a box from timber;
  • We place sheets of glass on top of the absorber.

Water heater made from plastic bottles

Another original version boiler for a summer residence, which you can make yourself - this is a water heater that is assembled from plastic 1.5 liter bottles. The set of required materials is quite affordable: you can easily find everything you need for the job at your nearest hardware store. You will need:

  • several valves - ball or valve;
  • PVC connecting pipes;
  • sealant for plastic.

First you need to find and prepare plastic bottles. We wash them thoroughly remove all labels. Then we make a hole in the bottom of each bottle; its diameter should correspond to the size of the neck. It should be noted that it is best to choose all bottles the same in size and shape - this way the design will look more attractive, and it is also more convenient during operation.

The next stage is the construction of the main element of the future boiler. Why take two bottles and screw the neck of one into the bottom of the other. Thus, we make a chain of approximately 10 bottles, then we make the next chain. The number of chains is your choice. For greater reliability, we lubricate all connections with sealant.

Then you need to choose the right one location for water heater. The southern part of the roof is best suited for these purposes. If the roof is made of slate, then we place chains of eggplants between the “waves” in the depressions.

We pass an elastic plastic tube between the bottles in the chain, and connect the chains together using connecting pipes. We make one outlet for water at both ends of the solar heater. We connect the system to the tank from which cold water is supplied.

The performance of this DIY solar water heater is enough to heat up to 50 liters of water in one hour. However, heat loss will be quite large, so in practice this figure will be much lower. When the tank volume is approximately 100 liters, the water from it will heat up during daylight hours up to 45-50 degrees 2-3 times.


The trend of constantly rising prices for energy resources forces many people to look for alternative and cheap sources for their needs. On Earth, a free source of heat is sunlight.

Now many are trying to do anything possible way use at least part of this natural benefit for yourself, and receive considerable savings on traditional hot water supplies. Taking into account existing conditions, many are trying to equip their dachas with water heaters made by themselves and organize comfortable conditions for themselves and their families with minimal material costs for heating water.

It's hard to imagine modern life at the dacha without the usual comfort. A heated country shower will help maintain the required level of hygiene and comfort for those who love country holidays or work in the country on weekends. A simple shower already significantly increases the level of comfort for personal plot. In order to maximize the level of comfort, a summer shower for a dacha with heated water will help; it can be used in any weather, thanks to insulation and a fenced off dressing room.

There are quite a lot of methods for equipping country shower cabins with heated water on your site, properly equipping it, starting from a custom design and its turnkey installation at a specialized enterprise and ending with the purchase of individual components and independent execution all work from sketches and markings to installation of towel holders and soap dishes.

If someone is quite satisfied with the average temperature of the water, so as not to get a cold when using the usual garden shower, then for some it is fundamentally important to have a warm shower with the ability to adjust the heating temperature. Based on this, it is necessary to consider all the common summer and all-season models with their pros and cons in order to make it easier to choose the best option.

  • Titanium. A country shower, equipped with forced heating, can be equipped with wood or coal titanium. This method allows you to get hot water, regardless of weather. To increase efficiency, it is necessary to install an expander that will help ensure the circulation of water - cold water will go down into the heat exchanger, and warm water will rise into the tank.

The category of especially dangerous includes equipment whose work is directly related to open fire, and if you do not have the necessary experience, it is better not to try to make a heated country shower with your own hands using a boiler, titanium or stove. The optimal solution V in this case will buy a ready-made design with the appropriate certificates and quality guarantee. But even in this case there are serious drawbacks that relate to safety.

In order to avoid fire, it will be necessary to install asbestos or thermal insulation protection. In order to mount titanium inside a shower stall, you will need special attention choose the material that will be used to construct the walls, floor and ceiling. If a decision is made on external placement, then care must be taken to fence the titanium or stove to prevent children from approaching them.

  • Electric heating. One of the most convenient methods of heating is electricity, of course, if everything is followed. necessary measures safety during assembly of the structure. The disadvantages of such heating include a serious load on the network, which comes from heating elements or a conventional one-kilowatt boiler (this option can be used if you have a limited budget). When designing a country shower with a similar heating method, it is necessary to optimize the electrical network in advance to obtain warm water.

Important: any electrical equipment (no matter lighting or heating) must be installed in accordance with the requirements of safety rules: all cables, switches and sockets must be waterproof, and in addition must be equipped with reliable grounding for better protection.

  • Solar panels. Arrangement of a country shower with heating using a vacuum solar collector quite an expensive pleasure. Panels with vacuum tubes are storage water heaters. The principle of their work is to use the ultraviolet radiation of the sun, rather than its heat, to generate thermal energy. You can buy equipment for such a shower, but if you have special knowledge and skills, you can make such a heated tank with your own hands.

Correct operation directly depends on the selection (it is necessary to take into account the load recommended by the manufacturer) and the quality of the equipment itself capable of heating water. Based on these data, it is worth concluding that you should not save on purchasing equipment, since it may turn out that the money was wasted.

Preparing a site for installing a shower

The choice of location plays a major role not only when installing a solar shower, but also for other types of showers. If you install a country shower outdoors sunny place, this will make it possible for the shower stall to dry out faster, and if you also make an open riser (such as, for example, a drainage ditch), this will allow you to avoid “eternal puddles” even during frequent use of the stall.

Before starting work, you also need to decide on the drainage method - this detail can have a significant impact on the entire structure, for this it is necessary to provide for everything during the design, so as not to correct the finished structure later.

The most popular types of drainage in country shower, perhaps, the following can be attributed:

  • the simplest is direct drainage onto the ground or into a ditch through drainage hole or cracks in the floor;
  • using a pipeline through a sump or drainage hole in the floor and transporting them to the sewer;
  • use of a septic tank.

Based on these methods of removing dirty water, based on the availability of materials, conditions and budget, a huge number of options can be created.

The project is the most important part of the construction of a shower house

Before you start building even the simplest cabin or shower for a summer house made of polycarbonate with a dressing room, you need to think through a project that will allow you to avoid serious mistakes. This is not difficult to do, the main thing is to think about the end result and build on this topic.

The total height of the structure should not be more than 3 meters, since a person should be able to freely raise his arms up. You also need to remember about space. When in the shower stall, movements should not be limited.

During the construction of the shower, the following characteristics must be followed:

  • the dimensions of the booth should not be less than 1×1 m;
  • You must remember that you will need to allocate space for clothes.

When building a warm shower in the country with your own hands, you need to take into account a small area that can lead to the destruction of the entire structure. To strengthen the structure, you can erect pile foundation, this will make it more reliable and durable.

Pile foundations are quite popular in construction due to their good reputation. A modern pile foundation is quite in demand, since its price is much lower than that of its “brothers”, and in terms of quality it is in no way inferior to them.

In order to build this foundation, it is necessary to use pipes whose diameter is 100 mm. For them, holes are drilled in the ground to such a depth that the pipes protrude 15-30 cm above the ground.

How to install a heated shower in the country?

Work on the construction of a dacha summer shower consists of the following steps:

  1. Making a foundation (if the foundation is piled, you will need to drill holes for it in the ground, for a filler foundation, dig a small pit).
  2. Installation of the frame (horizontal and vertical posts) and the upper ceiling for mounting the tank.
  3. Hanging on one of the vertical door supports.
  4. The frame must be sheathed with the selected material, which will act as walls.
  5. If there is such a need, you can thermally insulate the entire structure and install a roof over the tank space (only necessary if forced heating is available).
  6. Installation of the tank and heating equipment, reflectors, protective film (it all depends on what type of heating was chosen).
  7. Hanging hooks, shelves and hangers.

In cases with ready-made options, it is worth mentioning a plastic country shower with a water heater.

Recommendations for choosing a ready-made heated country shower

Before purchasing a tank for a heated country shower, you need to study what requirements apply to it:

  • profitability - low cost, but also appropriate quality;
  • environmental friendliness - the materials used to make a heated country shower should not harm human health;
  • fire safety is a mandatory requirement, if the shower is heated using electricity, all contacts and connections must be of high quality and reliable, taking into account fire safety standards;
  • comfort - being in the shower should not cause inconvenience, and the size should be convenient for swimming;
  • modernity - this requirement is imposed on the design of the purchased one, since it must fit into the overall picture.

When choosing a purchased shower, you must be guided by the volume and shape of the tank, the choice of which is characterized by personal preferences. There are models with and without booths. It is possible to install various add-ons, such as automatic heating and draining of water, various hygiene devices and additional nozzles.

Additional options for a purchased heated country shower include:

  • indicator responsible for the level of filling of the tank with water;
  • shutdown timers and heating devices;
  • devices for filling and draining water;
  • thermostats.

Tens can be located at the lower, central and middle levels.

There are pedal options and showers equipped with separate changing rooms, their difference lies in the price, the latter are more expensive, but also more convenient.

Convenience during installation is another requirement for a heated shower, and since the shower is purchased, its installation and connection should take a maximum of three hours.

The shower stall should have a window or mesh elements through which light and air can penetrate, killing mold and mildew.

In the case where electrical wiring is to be installed in a country shower, it is necessary to remember basic safety rules when carrying out electrical work. The shower is a place with high humidity, so it is necessary to take into account all the nuances:

  1. In order to make it more convenient to use the shower, it is recommended to replace the iron tray with plastic drains. Their advantage is that air circulates well and water does not stagnate.
  2. Thermal insulation is one of the main requirements for normal operation shower with thermal insulation. For such purposes, polystyrene foam is most often used. This material is great for places with high humidity and at the same time it is quite easy to install. To achieve tightness, the womb is covered with an additional thick film. A room with this type of thermal insulation will be quite warm and comfortable. For year-round use of the shower, the entire structure must be insulated.
  3. The most common mistake when installing a heated shower is installing leaky door and thick walls. As a result, due to poor ventilation, various fungi and mold begin to spread.
  4. To prevent electric shock, operating the shower while the heating element is on is strictly prohibited.
  5. If you carefully monitor and maintain proper water levels, this will help extend the life of your heater. Turning on the heater without water can cause it to simply explode. Repair of this type of product is not provided.

In order to create comfort while bathing in a country shower, heating the water is essential. And warm water in the shower is truly a real treasure for avid lovers countryside holiday and summer residents.

Instantaneous water heaters differ from storage water heaters (boilers) in that they heat the flow of water passing through them. Therefore, their power is higher than that of boilers. Making these devices yourself will help you provide hot water in your country house or home. You will learn how to make electric, solar and other models of instantaneous water heaters with your own hands, and you will also be able to make a device that suits your conditions.

Types of instantaneous water heaters

Self-production of heaters

Having weighed all the advantages and disadvantages and determined the type of device, begin preparing the materials and the workplace. Most work can be done conveniently in a barn or yard in dry, windless weather. When planning to do welding or soldering, make sure that there are people nearby who can help you in the event of an emergency. Also keep a first aid kit near your work place so that people who come to your aid don’t have to run around the yard and house looking for bandages or other medical supplies. Tools such as a grinder and a gas burner require responsible handling. Neglecting safety measures can end in tragedy.

How to make an electric flow heater


  • tubular electric heater (TEH) with a power of 4–6 kW;
  • a piece of steel pipe into which a heating element is placed with a small margin;
  • two pieces of half-inch steel pipe, with standard threads cut on one end;
  • several pieces of sheet steel 3 mm thick;
  • nut and bolt for grounding;
  • anti-corrosion paint.

You will also need tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • nozzle for removing dirt and rust;
  • welding inverter;
  • electrodes;
  • metal brush;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • sharp core.

The heating element is the basis of an electric flow heater

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Before starting work everything metal parts it is necessary to clean it from dirt and rust using a special attachment on a drill or grinder.
  2. Take a piece of metal, the size of which is larger than the diameter of the pipe, and mark holes in the center for installing the heating element. Depending on the heating element model, there can be from 1 to 6.
  3. Remove the fasteners from the heating element and select a drill 1 mm larger than the electric heater leg. Use this drill to make the necessary holes. Some models of heating elements are equipped with a threaded or smooth body designed for insertion into some device. In this case, you will have to cut such a hole using a drill or inverter. You can also contact a turner to drill a suitable hole. If necessary, drill a hole for the mounting bolts and tap the threads.
  4. Attach this piece of metal to the end of the pipe so that the holes are approximately in the middle and use a core to outline the shape of the pipe.
  5. Using a grinder, cut the metal according to the markings, then make another similar circle, only without holes.
  6. Insert and secure the heating element into the circle intended for it. Make sure everything is pressed tightly. If something is sticking out somewhere, find and eliminate the cause.
  7. Remove the heating element and weld the circle to the end of the pipe.
  8. Cut the pipe so that there is 1–2 cm from the end of the heating element to the second circle.
  9. Step back 1 cm from each end of the pipe and cut two holes in it on the same line, corresponding to the internal diameter of the threaded sections.
  10. Weld threaded sections to the holes; you will connect the water to them.
  11. Weld a circle with holes for the heating element and install the heater, then weld the second circle on the other side.
  12. In any convenient place, focusing on the subsequent installation of the heater, weld the grounding nut.
  13. Connect the assembled structure to the water supply and tap to make sure that it passes water well and does not leak anywhere. If you find a leak, weld it.
  14. Remove the water heater, degrease and paint with anti-corrosion paint. When the paint is dry, you can install and connect it.

Most of these heaters are secured using various gaskets and nuts

Warning: This type of water heater must be grounded. Otherwise there is a high probability of defeat electric shock. Therefore, before turning on the heater, make sure that it is securely connected to ground.

How to make a flow-through structure powered by a heating system

The operating principle of this device is to heat a heat exchanger (coil) placed in the hot coolant of the heating system, for example, a heat accumulator. However, inserting such a coil into a new heat accumulator will not lead to anything good. This will void your device's warranty and may also damage the insulation, which will dramatically reduce efficiency and increase heating costs. Therefore, it is necessary to independently make a small-sized heat accumulator, embed a heat exchanger into it and insulate the entire structure. You can connect such a water heater to a break in the heating supply pipe and provide yourself with clean hot water. In an uninsulated water heater, some of the heating energy will be wasted, which will increase costs. winter period. If this does not bother you, then you can not insulate the device, this will make it more compact.

This device heats water thanks to high temperature coolant in the heating system

To work you will need the following tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • welding inverter;
  • cutting torch;
  • soldering iron with a power of at least 300 watts;
  • roulette;
  • compass;
  • sharp core;
  • metal scissors or pruning shears.
  • riveter

This arrangement of instantaneous water heater is well suited for self-production

  • copper tube with a diameter of 4–8 mm;
  • sheet copper 2–3 mm thick;
  • an iron or wooden round mandrel with a diameter of 10–12 cm (you can use a piece of pipe);
  • sheet iron 3–5 mm thick;
  • anti-corrosion paint;
  • 2 90 degree angles from half-inch pipe;
  • 4 pieces of half-inch pipe 10–15 cm long with standard thread;
  • 2 brass couplings (half inch) with thread;
  • half-inch steel pipe;
  • thick-walled steel pipe, the internal diameter of which is more than 20 cm (you can use part of an empty gas cylinder);
  • medium-temperature solder for copper and brass, as well as the corresponding flux;
  • fluoroplastic sealing material (FUM tape).

To insulate, prepare:

  • mineral wool;
  • steel corner with shelf size 50 mm;
  • sheet iron 0.7–1 mm thick;
  • rivets.


  1. Wind the copper tube around the mandrel. If the tube is less than 8 mm in diameter, then two must be wound at the same time. The length of the spiral is 15–20 cm. When winding, slightly pull the tube towards you, this will help avoid its deformation. Do not use a mandrel with a diameter smaller than 5 cm, otherwise the tube will fold or flatten due to too much bending curvature.
  2. From sheet copper, cut two round plates, the diameter of which is equal to the size of the brass couplings. In the center of the plates, drill holes according to the diameter and number of tubes. Clean both surfaces of the plates and one end of each brass coupling using sandpaper and using a gas torch, medium-temperature solder and flux, solder the plates to the couplings.
  3. When the parts have cooled completely, insert tubes into them to a depth of 1 mm and solder using a gas torch and the same solder and flux.
  4. Connect the coil to the water supply and run water to check for leaks. If they are, then eliminate them.
  5. Mark two holes in the thick pipe (housing) corresponding to the coil couplings.
  6. Drill them so that they are 1 mm larger than the diameter of the half-inch threaded pipe sections.
  7. Clean the pipe inside and out using a drill attachment or grinder.
  8. Strip the half-inch pipes as well.
  9. Lower the coil into the thick pipe, insert threaded tubes into the holes and, using FUM tape, screw them into the couplings.
  10. Using solder, flux and a torch, solder thin pipes to thick pipes. Do not overheat the thin pipe so that the FUM does not melt.
  11. Drill two holes from the opposite edge of the body and weld two threaded pipes to them. If you have thicker pipes in your heating system, then you need to use threaded pieces of the same diameter and drill a hole for them.
  12. Cut two circles from sheet steel 3–5 mm thick, the diameter of which is 11 cm larger than the body. If you decide not to insulate the water heater, then the size of the disks should be equal to the diameter of the body.
  13. Weld these circles to the two ends of the body.
  14. Connect both heating leads to the water supply to check the resulting unit for leaks. If you find a leak, weld it.
  15. Coat the unit with anti-corrosion protection.

Correct winding copper tube on the mandrel will allow you to create a coil - heat exchanger

If you doubt your abilities and ability to solder, then place a thick pipe so that the thin pipes stick vertically upward. Prop the coil so that it is in the middle of the pipe, fill it with water to the top edge of both couplings and begin soldering. This will protect the coil from overheating.

How to insulate a water heater with your own hands

  1. Weld 7–10 corners to the surface of the body so that the second shelf is parallel to the surface of the pipe. Weld not with a continuous seam, but with the help of 3-4 tacks 1 cm long. This will reduce heat loss through the corners that come into contact with the outer metal shell.
  2. From thin sheet metal make a strip whose width is 2 cm greater than the distance between the end circles of the body. The length of the strip should be sufficient to completely wrap the resulting unit.
  3. Make 1 cm wide edges on both sides of this strip.
  4. Using pruning shears or metal scissors, give these edges a sawtooth appearance by marking them with a zigzag with a tooth in the shape of an equilateral triangle.
  5. From the edge of the strip, cut off the teeth opposite the corner.
  6. Apply the strip to the corner, ensuring the correct orientation of the strip so that you can wrap it around the unit, because after installing the rivets you will not be able to correct anything.
  7. Drill the strip and corner (5-7 holes) and fasten the parts using a rivet gun.
  8. Cut a suitable piece of rock wool and insert it between the corner to which the thin metal is attached and the adjacent corner.
  9. Cover the insulation with metal and secure it with rivets.
  10. Perform the same operation on the remaining corners.
  11. Weld the legs from the angle either to one of the round plates, or between the plates if you are installing it horizontally.

Video: how to use a riveter

How to make a solar model

Here is a list of tools you will need for the job:

  • drill or screwdriver;
  • stapler;
  • jigsaw;
  • glass cutter;
  • pencil;
  • roulette.

You will also need the following materials:

  • plywood 20 mm thick;
  • planed wooden block with a section of 5x5 cm;
  • planed board 10 cm wide and 5 cm thick;
  • black rubber garden hose;
  • foamed foil insulation;
  • self-tapping screws of different sizes;
  • glass 3–5 mm thick; plywood, the thickness of which is equal to the thickness of glass;
  • wooden slats 5 cm wide and 1 cm thick;
  • knitting wire.

This water heater is made from a garden hose.

Step by step assembly guide

  1. Determine what size you will make the water heater and where to mount it. It works best on the south side of the roof, in which case it is warmed by the morning, afternoon and evening rays of the sun.
  2. Cut a rectangular base of suitable size from plywood.
  3. Screw planed bars to it around the perimeter to make it look like a fire shield.
  4. Connect the bars to each other, this will increase the rigidity of the structure.
  5. Line the inside of the resulting box with foam foil insulation using a stapler. Lay the insulation with the foil facing out.
  6. Cut pieces 15 cm long from the planed board and cut one edge into a semicircle so that the diameter of the circle is equal to the width of the board. These will be the guides for the hose.
  7. Screw the guides to the plywood from the insulation side so that the hose laid on them forms a snake. At the point where the hose turns, the distance between the turns should not be greater than the diameter of the hose. Using a jigsaw, cut two grooves in the bottom block for the hose inlet and outlet.
  8. Cut strips 4 cm wide from thin plywood.
  9. Using a stapler, attach strips of plywood to the face of the blocks so that they form a step that will prevent the glass from moving.
  10. Lift the water heater onto the roof and attach it to the south side. If possible, install it horizontally, because the smaller the angle relative to the ground, the greater the efficiency.
  11. Lay the hose along the guides and secure with loops of binding wire. Attach the hinges to the plywood so that they are not higher than the guides, otherwise the glass will burst.
  12. Instead of a rubber hose, use a 5-10 mm thick copper or steel tube or a coil removed from an old refrigerator. In this case, guides will not be needed, but you will have to bend the pipes so that the turning radius is at least 5 diameters. After giving the tube required form cover it with a sheet of thin tin, painted black, and secure it in the body of the water heater.
  13. Cut the glass to size, install it on the water heater and secure it using slats, which must be laid exactly on the beam.
  14. Connect the pipes to the water heater and supply water.

This instantaneous water heater was made from the radiator of an old refrigerator.

Features of using homemade products

Industrial instantaneous water heaters undergo serious testing, which prevents defective units from appearing on the market that pose a danger to users. When making such a device yourself, you must clearly understand that no one but you will carry out diagnostics and detect malfunctions. If you do something wrong and don’t notice it in time, then the full brunt of the consequences will fall on the one who is closest to the damaged unit. Therefore, before the first start-up and every 2-3 months, be sure to check the condition of the wires, contacts and welds.

Do not forget to first open the water, then turn on the heating element. Otherwise, the water in the unit will boil and the tubular electric heater will burn out. In those devices that are sold in stores, a complex sensor is installed that responds to the movement of water and supplies electricity to the heater coil.

Install homemade devices in places where human activity is minimal. This will protect you and your loved ones if for some reason the unit leaks. The coolant in the heating system is under pressure up to 1 atmosphere, so the length of the jet through a leak can reach 1 meter. Water with a temperature of 70–80 degrees can cause severe scalding (second degree burns), so take these recommendations seriously.

You can make an instantaneous water heater yourself, however, in terms of costs, such a device will be much more expensive than a purchased unit and will be less efficient and safe. Therefore, making it yourself is justified only if the models offered in stores do not suit you.

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