How much does 1 cube of concrete weigh? Specific gravity of a cube of concrete. How are concrete solutions classified by weight?

basis modern construction Concrete is considered. This material has universal indicators of strength and reliability, and is also capable of taking all kinds of shapes. In the construction industry, it is necessary to know how much a cube of concrete weighs, because such information is required during the construction of buildings and structures, to calculate the loads on the foundation and soil layers.

What determines the weight of concrete?

The mass of the solution directly depends on the density. And the larger it is, the greater the mass. Knowing information about one cube of solution, the weight of the entire solution is determined. monolithic design, thereby calculating the cost of installing the foundation.

The weight of a cubic meter of concrete depends on several indicators:

  • Brand of cement mixture;
  • Type of fillers;
  • Amount of water used.

The aggregate material is an important component of the mixture and has a significant influence on its bulk density. The most common among them:

  • Expanded clay materials significantly reduce density (1 -1.5 t/m³);
  • Light solutions are made from slag (1.5 -1.7 t/m³);
  • Brick base (from 1.8 to 2 t/m³);
  • The heaviest materials are crushed stone and gravel (more than 2 t/m³).

The filler is selected depending on the qualities of the future building. If it is not large-sized, then lightweight materials can be used. Brand discrepancies in weight are related only to proportions components mixtures, the composition remains the same everywhere.

Classification of concrete by specific gravity

When starting any construction, the weight of concrete in 1 m³ is first calculated; this data gives an accurate idea of ​​the specifics and characteristics of the future structure. This parameter depends on the composition and amount of water in the solution. There is a classification, the main criterion of which is the specific density of concrete. In accordance with this division, four classes are distinguished:

  1. Particularly lightweight, heat insulating;
  2. Easy;
  3. Heavy;
  4. Particularly heavy.

Extra light

This product does not contain coarse filler. When the structure is formed, a significant amount of voids and pores are formed, up to 85 percent. Therefore, the specific gravity of the product is quite small (up to 500 kilograms). This type is not used in the construction of large objects, because it is not intended for operation under heavy loads. Used to create insulation boards. The particularly light type has poor frost resistance, so it should be isolated from the influence of an aggressive environment.


In the creation of this type, industrial waste, expanded clay, sand and porous materials are used. The presence of pores significantly reduces the specific gravity of the mixture. The weight of a cube of concrete ranges from 500 to 1800 kg. This type is used in the manufacture of block structures.


This type of mortar is most widely used in the construction industry. It is used in the manufacture of load-bearing structures and large structures. The mass of one cube of the mixture will be about two tons. It can vary depending on the proportions of sand and coarse filler, which is a brick base or crushed stone.

Particularly heavy

Used less frequently. They are not used in the construction of private buildings. They have high anti-radiation protection; shelters, bunkers, laboratories, and nuclear power plants are made on its basis. The specific gravity of 1 m³ of concrete is from 2500 to 3000 kilograms. Consists of high-quality cement and heavy aggregates of large fractions.

Separation by brand

How much 1 cube of concrete can weigh depends on the brand. Each type has its own proportions of components (cement, water, aggregates). The table shows the characteristics of popular markings.

For example, the specific gravity of M300 concrete is 2.5 tons. But mass is not an indicator of strength. Strength depends on the proportions and composition of internal components and materials. Knowing the exact proportions and having the necessary components, a mixture with any characteristics is formed.

Adding water lowers the grade, and thereby the density of the solution.

But in practice, experts more often use the concept of “volumetric weight”. This characteristic is variable and depends on the condition of the concrete.

Concrete is perhaps the most common building material, which is used in various construction work, starting from major repairs, and ending with the construction of buildings. However, regardless of the type of event, any work begins with planning and calculation required material, and not only in quantity, but also in characteristics. In particular, builders are often faced with the task of calculating how much a cube of concrete weighs, which, in fact, is what this article is devoted to.

General information

First of all, it should be noted that builders do not use such a concept as “specific gravity of concrete”. This is due to the fact that the material can contain a variety of components that have different weights.

For example, the following can be used as a filler:

  • Pebbles;
  • Crushed stone or gravel;
  • Expanded clay, etc.

And even if the same composition is used to prepare solutions, the weight of 1 cube of concrete may be different in different cases. The fact is that the same filler can have different fractions. And the larger the fraction, the correspondingly more voids and less mass.

At the same time, builders are always interested in how much one cube of concrete weighs, since the specific use of the material depends on this indicator. In particular, based on weight, structural calculations are performed, for example, the type of foundation for different types soil. The same applies to other load-bearing elements.

In practice, builders operate with such a parameter as “volumetric weight”, however, it should be understood that this characteristic is not a constant. In addition, the calculation takes into account the volume of liquid used to prepare the solution.

Types of compositions

As mentioned above, concrete can have different compositions, as a result of which their mass changes.

Depending on this, there are several types:

  • Particularly heavy and heavy;
  • Extra light and lightweight.

Now let's take a closer look at the features of each type.


As a filler for of this material hard rocks are used:

  • Gravel;
  • Crushed stone.

Such solutions are used to make carriers. When making them, I use a certain proportional ratio, however, it is not constant.

Therefore, it is impossible to give an exact figure of how much a cubic meter of concrete weighs. As a rule, its mass ranges from 1,800 – 2,500 kg/m3

As for particularly heavy compounds, they are used quite rarely, as a rule, in the construction of special industrial facilities. IN housing construction such material is not used.

How much 1 cube of concrete weighs, in this case, is determined by the mass of barite or hematite, which is used as a filler. In addition, the material may contain cast iron “shot” and iron ore. It must be said that its production technology requires the use of high grade cements.

The volumetric weight of this material is 2,500 - 3,000 kg per cubic meter. Accordingly, the price of such compositions is the highest.

Light and ultra-light concrete

This material differs from the one described above in its more porous structure. As a result, the weight of a cube of concrete of this class is 500 – 1800 kg.

IN in this case Light materials are used as fillers, such as:

  • Expanded clay and others.

Lightweight materials are used, as a rule, in the construction of partitions and walls of light buildings.

The weight of 1 meter of cubic ultra-light concrete is even less - up to 500 kg. Low weight is achieved through the use of fillers such as perlite and vermiculite, as well as some other substances.

Since the strength of the material is very low, in construction it is used as heat insulators, for example, when sealing seams and joints.

The photo shows the structure of foam concrete

Separately, it should be said about such types of materials as foam concrete and aerated concrete. Their small mass is due not to fillers, but to their cellular structure. Pores in such materials are formed as a result of the release of gases, in the process chemical reaction in solution, or during the process of mixing the solution with foam.

Their main advantage is a low level of thermal conductivity, as well as a high coefficient of vapor permeability.

Some brands of aerated concrete can be used in the construction of load-bearing structures with limited loads.

Weight determination

To find out how much 1 cubic meter of concrete weighs, you can look at SNiP No. II-3. This standard specifies the weight various types compositions, depending on the type of filler. The table provides data on some of them:

Of course, the weight of a cubic meter of concrete in this case is approximate, but these data can be used as a guide to determine the mass of the material in the “pouring”. It must be said that no calculation involves accurate data, up to the calculation of several kilograms.

It should also be noted that developers often determine the weight of 1 cubic meter of concrete, taking into account the grade of the material. The table shows the data:

Brand Weight (kg/m3)
M100 2495
M200 2430
M300 2390
M400 2375
M500 2300

In practice, data on the mass of concrete may be needed not only during the construction or repair of any structures, but also during the demolition and dismantling of structures.
For example, to determine the carrying capacity of garbage collection vehicles.

It is important to know

Before you begin calculating the weight of the structure, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following information:

  • Many novice builders make the mistake of trying to get the mass of concrete by calculating the specific gravity of all components and summing them up. The data obtained turn out to be far from real, since this indicator may even depend on the quality of the batch. For example, the solution can be made with your own hands or in a concrete mixer.
  • Many builders believe that the specific gravity of a material is an indicator of its strength and reliability.. However, this opinion is erroneous, since the strength is determined by the brand of cement. This is evidenced by the table above.
  • The mass of the solution and the frozen structure differs significantly, since during the solidification process, water evaporates.

The strength and reliability of concrete is influenced even by how well the instructions for its preparation are followed.
The solution should be poured into in a certain order, and be sure to thoroughly knead until a homogeneous mass with filler evenly distributed in it.
Excessive amounts of water in the composition can ruin the material.

These are, perhaps, all the main points, knowing which, you can calculate the weight of the structure.


The weight of concrete depends on a number of factors, so it is impossible to calculate the exact value. However, focusing on the type of filler, you can get an approximate value, which is quite enough to calculate the weight of a concrete structure.

From the video in this article you can get Additional information on this topic.

Cement mortar is one of the most popular materials in construction. When constructing any structures, it is important to take into account the specific gravity of the substances used. For example, if construction involves the use of cement, then you need to know how much a cube of concrete of a particular configuration weighs. Reinforced concrete and concrete structures are the basis of many buildings, so it is impossible to neglect their properties at the design stage.

Classification by weight

Concrete mixtures are used in quite a variety of variations. Modern cement necessary for the following operations:

It is also used for other purposes - this is just a sample list that shows the variety of uses of this material. Of course, from cement to interior decoration and foundation construction require different characteristics, which is why all mixtures are divided into classes and brands.

Using classification, you can determine the weight of 1 cube of concrete. Mass increases with type change:

  • thermal insulation (extra light, classes below B7.5);
  • light (classes B7.5-B15);
  • heavy (B15-B30);
  • super heavy (more).

The first includes brands from M50 to M75, their specific gravity does not exceed 500 kilograms. The second - from M100 to M200, which vary from 500 to 1800 kg. “Heavy” ones are labeled as M200-M400, and their specific gravity is 1800-2500. All brands from M450 are considered especially heavy. The specific gravity of such concrete reaches three tons.

Thermal insulation mixture

This cement contains a large volume of fillers, thanks to which a level of 85% of voids is achieved. Although the mass of a cubic meter of such a mixture does not reach half a ton, and in a frozen state it cannot withstand heavy loads and perform a load-bearing function, the brand has the lowest thermal conductivity values. Porous structures do not withstand cold well and quickly wear out under the influence of frost, therefore, to increase strength, a plasticizer for concrete is also included in the mixture. Moisture instability should not be ignored, which is why installation of waterproofing is mandatory.

Medium types

“Light” mixtures are not uncommon, especially M150. Many types of ready-mix concrete fall into the 500-1800 kg specific gravity range. Most building blocks have pores in their structure. Air bubbles in the mass are created using foaming agents or cellular fillers. Among the latter, expanded clay is often used.

“Heavy” concrete is used much more often than other types, because it is used for the construction of many structural components. First of all, it is used for parts that perform a load-bearing role. A cube of M300 concrete weighs at least 1800 kilograms - this applies to all mixtures of the heavy type. If there is a need to do load-bearing structure stronger, density increases to 2.5 tons per cubic meter. This is done by changing the ratio of sand and coarse filler. The density of the latter also plays an important role - crushed gravel is much heavier than granite or expanded clay.

Extra heavy concrete

This species is not very common due to its specificity. Such concrete can reach maximum values ​​when one meter cube weighs approximately three tons. To achieve such indicators, metal fillers are included in the mixture, many of them are relatively specific materials for the construction industry. In addition, they are quite expensive. But the M450 brand perfectly prevents the spread of radiation.

Particularly heavy concrete is used only for the construction special structures. Walls made from dense mixtures with metal impurities reflect most of the radioactive radiation. This is beneficial for the construction of nuclear power plants, laboratories and “sarcophagi” at the sites of radiation-related disasters.

Volume and specific gravity table

Volumetric weight is calculated during transportation and differs from the actual weight. Density depends not only on the brand, but also on the state (liquid or dry) of the mixture.

As it becomes clear from the table, the weight of concrete per 1 m³ liquid state higher than dry.

The values ​​​​of how much 1 cubic meter of concrete weighs in kg actually and calculated always differ. The actual values ​​are shown in the second table.

If we compare these two tables, we can see that the calculated weight of the M200 brand is equal to the actual weight of the M250 cube. This also applies to other species. How much a cube of M300 concrete weighs in fact, is how much M250 weighs according to calculations.

Attention! Exact compliance of the described characteristics with the specified brand is achieved only during factory production of the mixture.

Goebbels: “Everything that is ingenious is simple and everything that is simple is brilliant!” This statement is acceptable for technologies and designs that have existed for millennia. Construction sand is a cheap, affordable, high-quality, environmentally friendly building material. Not a single object is constructed without crushed sedimentary rock.

If you decide to create a durable structure, you should adhere to the recommended proportions in the preparation of solutions and mixtures. For most people this is not an easy process. How many cubic meters of sand are in a ton? How to correctly determine weight without heavy measuring equipment?

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One cubic meter (cubic, m) 3 ) sand - how many tons?


Weight 1 m 3, (kg)

Capacity in a 12 l bucket, (kg)

Construction sand of normal humidity, corresponding to GOST 8736-93
River sand compacted
River wet (over 6–7% humidity)
Dusty quarry sand
Quarry fine grain
Sand and gravel

If, on the contrary, we convert from tons to cubic meters, then the table will also come in handy. For example, 5 tons is how much? Answer: 5 t ː 1.7 t/m 3 = 3 m 3.

The table shows the average bulk density. The same river sand varies from 1.45 tons to 1.6 tons - this is quite a big difference. Any material has its own specifics, which are expressed in the degree of moisture, fractionation and grain shape.

Characteristics of sand that you should know when purchasing building materials:

  • 1. The wetter the sand, the denser and heavier the bulk density will be. Material stored outside in winter increases its weight by up to 15% due to snow and ice.
  • 2. The grain size depends on the geological and climatic characteristics of the deposit. The larger the grain of sand, the larger the bulk area and the lighter the weight. Accepted sand material size modules: fine - 1.5–2 mm; average - 2–2.5 mm; large - from 2.5 mm.
  • 3. Raw materials from a reservoir are characterized by roundness, ensured by the action of water and friction. The material from the quarries is more angular, which gives best result in the adhesion of solutions. If a mechanical impact has been applied to the substance, the flakiness index increases (the presence of flat, needle-like grains of sand). High flakiness slightly reduces the strength of the finished product. For a private building that does not involve multi-story and heavy structures, this is not a fundamental factor.
  • 4. Bulk density varies depending on the degree of compaction, which increases when shaking, and decreases when pouring or unloading. Having decided on the amount of bulk building material required for construction, it is recommended to multiply the weight by a compaction coefficient of 1.1–1.3.

IN construction technologies great importance contains impurities in the composition of natural components. The quarry material contains dust, clay, and foreign substances (small stones, plant remains). When creating a durable foundation, impurities play a negative role, so professionals use washed construction sand. Cement or concrete mortar made from a dirty dry mixture cracks. For leveling and landscaping work, availability additional elements is not fundamental. For creating plaster mixtures clay is used as a separate component.

There is artificial sand, which is made from quartz, slag and expanded clay. Such material is rarely used for private construction, especially since natural sand- This is the most common rock on the planet.

If you need to know the weight for construction, then you can do without weighing. To obtain accurate values, it is advisable to purchase sand in warm and dry weather.

In this article we will look at how much a cube of M300 concrete weighs. Such information will be very useful when planning the foundation, calculating the strength of the future structure and transporting the solution itself. But let's talk about everything in order.

General provisions

Concrete grade three hundred is very widespread in construction:

Application area

  • any structure. The material in question is equally well suited for creating strip, monolithic and even pile foundations.

  • Construction load-bearing walls and partitions. We are talking about both residential premises and commercial buildings.

  • Creating a subfloor, stairs, garden paths and other structures requiring increased strength.

Reasons for demand

What properties make the solution in question so popular?

  • , allowing you to withstand significant pressure and strong mechanical stress. High-grade concrete is even used in the construction of military bunkers.
  • Moisture resistance, preventing destructive processes resulting from penetration and exposure to water.
  • Acceptable price. All ingredients are easily accessible and are not very expensive.
  • The ability to create it yourself at home, which allows you to save money family budget when ordering a ready-made solution.

Tip: when mixing at home, it is recommended to use a concrete mixer.
It will help achieve the desired homogeneity of the solution and simplify the process.

  • Long operational period, measured in decades.

Search for weight

From the scope and strengths This material implies that it must consist of ingredients with high strength characteristics. Let's then take a closer look at the components that form the weight of the M300 concrete cube.


The proportions of the components are strongly influenced by the brand of cement used, which should not be lower than four hundred.

Thus, the instructions offer the following options:

  • M400: cement/sand/crushed stone/water – 1/1.9/3.7/0.5;
  • M500: cement/sand/crushed stone/water – 1/2.2/3.7/0.5.

Tip: If using wet sand, it is recommended to reduce the amount of water added. Otherwise, the solution may turn out to be too liquid.

Now let's look at the table with numerical values:

Approximate weight

Even taking into account the above data, it is difficult to determine exactly how much 1 cubic meter of M300 concrete weighs.

There are many factors to keep in mind that have a significant impact on the weight-to-volume ratio:

  • Fine aggregate is designed to eliminate the pores that form between the fractions of coarse aggregate, but 100% success is not possible.

  • The coarse filler itself may have different porosity depending on the quality and origin. Especially if, in an effort to reduce the thermal conductivity coefficient, instead of crushed stone and gravel, for example, expanded clay is used.

  • Evaporation of water. So for hardened and fully formed concrete, its weight can be practically ignored. But even when dealing with a solution, you should remember about the constant decrease in the amount of moisture in it, which also affects the total mass.

Approximately, we can already make theoretical assumptions about the weight of 2200-2400 kg. Let's add a little practice. Some companies conducted experimental weighings of not only the three hundredth grade we are considering, but also other popular concretes, and this is the data they received:

The weight of 1 m3 of M300 concrete equal to 2389 kg fits into our approximate calculations, coming from the ingredients used in mixing the solution.

Additional influence

If you are pawning strip foundation under reinforced concrete wall and you want to take into account its weight as accurately as possible, then you should include in the calculations all the reinforcement used to strengthen the strength of the structure. Although the water will evaporate, the metal will more than compensate for its weight, and will also exert significant pressure on the base.


Having an idea of ​​the weight of the concrete used, in our case it is an M300 mortar, you will be able to design better engineering work and strengthen the foundation sufficiently. The main thing you will need to make calculations is the exact proportions of the ingredients used and their mass. It is also advisable to take into account all additional factors that influence the porosity of the material.

The video in this article will provide you with additional information. Happy concreting!
