Secrets of proper propagation of grapes by cuttings. We grow grape seedlings from cuttings at home correctly. Is it possible to grow grapes from cuttings?

396 07/31/2019 5 min.

Getting a good productive and profitable vineyard requires a serious investment of resources, time and effort. However, it is possible to achieve significant savings if you follow generally accepted instructions and tips. There are several ways to grow grapes, and one of the simplest is by cuttings. Such cuttings must be properly harvested, stored and planted. In addition, in the future, such vineyards will require high-quality care and protection from the cold. How to correctly and simply organize this entire labor-intensive process will be discussed in this article.

Landing dates

The period of care and harvest largely depends on the chosen timing of planting the grapes. He will tell you about growing grapes in the Urals.

in spring

It is best to plant cuttings in the spring when the soil warms up to a temperature of about ten degrees Celsius. It is important to take all precautions against possible frosts (especially in the northern regions). Depending on the part of Russia, this period usually falls at the end of April or beginning of May. Read about the Alpha grape variety.

According to the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar is often used by gardeners and gardeners for planting plants. It can also be applied to grapes. So, it is recommended to plant cuttings during the waxing moon. In the current 2018, favorable periods will look like this:

  • from the twentieth of February to the end of the month;
  • from the twenty-first to the twenty-eighth of March;
  • from the nineteenth to the twenty-seventh of April.

Preparation of pipes

It is recommended to harvest cuttings from mid-autumn and no later than the first day of winter. The diameter of the scion should be at least a centimeter, and there should be no more than eight, but not less than four buds on it. It is best to make the cut obliquely. When choosing, it is also important to be guided by the length of the shoot - the longer it is, the better. Find out about Gurzuf pink grapes at.

Chubuki should be soaked in clean water(preferably thawed) for two to three days. If planting is not planned in the near future, you can treat it with potassium permanganate, wrap it in film and send it to the cellar for storage.

If it is not possible to prepare your own cuttings due to lack of time or the vineyard itself, there is always the opportunity to buy them in the spring at specialized sites.

It is necessary to select only those cuttings that have living buds.


The quality of rooting, the viability of the grapes and the future harvest will depend on the extent to which the preparation and planting itself are carried out.

Selecting a location

The area where planting will take place should be well lit and located on a slight hill. In the lowlands, moisture will accumulate, which can cause crop diseases. The soil must be well drained with pebbles or artificial drainage. It is best to locate the vineyards on the south or southwest side.

The yield, speed of development and longevity of plants depend on choosing the right place for planting.

Grapes do not get along well next to other plants, so it is recommended to plant them at a great distance from them.

Necessary fertilizers

It is recommended to apply fertilizers for the first time in the fall during the initial soil preparation period. In this case, it is possible to add mullein to the soil. Next, it is useful to place complex mineral fertilizer (potassium salts, superphosphates, nitrogen additives) on the bottom of the hole when planting. With this feeding, the plants will have enough nutrition for three to four years. In the future, you will also need to periodically add organic and mineral additives (litter, manure, compost, potassium salts, superphosphates, ammonium nitrate, urea). Read about the main characteristics of the Carmenere grape variety.

Landing Features

Before transplanting the cuttings into open ground on ridges, you can germinate seedlings at home.

In bottles, glasses, pots

After the cuttings take root, it is necessary to prepare containers for the seedlings. Glasses and containers, pots, bottles are suitable for this. They will need to be filled with substrate. It is recommended to plant at a depth of five to six centimeters. In cut bottles, it is important to add soil so that the top bud of the stem is flush with the edge of the container.

Seedlings need to be watered once every two days. One hundred milliliters of warm water per glass (pot) is enough for one time. It is also useful to periodically loosen the soil and apply a small amount of fertilizer. We should not forget about temperature regime. Under these conditions, it should be between twenty and twenty-five degrees Celsius.

There must be a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot or glass. The amount of soil for growing is at least seven tablespoons.

Step-by-step instructions for planting in the ground

The area prepared for planting grapes is called shkolka. The scheme for planting cuttings in it is as follows:

  1. Dip the tip of the cutting melted paraffin for protection. Treat the lower part with stimulating compounds.
  2. Dig holes at least seventy centimeters deep.
  3. Place fertilizer on the bottom of the hole and mix them with the soil there.
  4. Fill the hole with loose soil, use a stick to make a hole in it for the cutting.
  5. Plant the cuttings to a depth of about half a meter. Lightly compact the soil.
  6. Water a small amount water.

In the same way, it is possible to plant seedlings from glasses and pots. To do this, you will need to place them in the hole along with a lump of earth. There is no need to remove plants from peat cups. The cuttings must be watered with warm water.


This video shows the propagation of grapes by cuttings (chubuks).


  1. It is possible to save money and time, since our own raw materials will be used.
  2. Before planting, it is necessary to properly prepare and process the chibouks, as well as take care of the school.
  3. Grapes planted from cuttings do not need frequent feeding and watering.

Grape growers consider propagation of grapes by cuttings to be the most in a simple way. Indeed, when grapes are pruned, a huge number of shoots remain from which cuttings can be obtained. I planted it and look, something will grow! But everything is simple only at first glance. Let's figure it out.

Sowing grapes with seeds does not always give good results. Propagation by cuttings is a popular method among winegrowers. The basis of this method is that the crop can completely recover and develop from one shoot, while all the properties of the mother vine will be preserved.

In order for planting chibouks to bring a good harvest, first of all you need to properly prepare grape cuttings. Planting is carried out in stages:

  • cutting cuttings;
  • preserving chibouks for planting;
  • preparatory work for rooting.

The optimal time for cutting cuttings is autumn (from November 15 to December 15). The harvest has been harvested, the leaves have fallen from the grapes, the vine has prepared for the winter. It is at this time that it is better to carry out cuttings homemade grapes, since all the nutrients in the cuttings are best preserved, and they are ready to withstand low temperatures. They take it for chibouks fruit branches. The branch should be completely “naked”.

There should be four buds left on the chibouk. Cut it at an angle from the eye at a distance of 2 cm from the upper bud. The lower part is cut under the lower eyelet in a straight line. To make roots form faster, use a knife to make three stripes in vertical plane. Now collect all the chibouks by grade and tie them into bundles. Sign each one to know the variety.

To increase physiological moisture, the cuttings are placed in water directly in bunches, then treated with copper sulfate and dried. Next, we move on to the second stage - for storage, the bundles are wrapped in film or polyethylene and placed in a cool place. During winter period the chibouks are inspected and turned.

Video “Growing grape seedlings from cuttings”

In this video, the expert will show a proven method of growing grape seedlings from cuttings.

Preparing for rooting

In the first days of the last month of winter, the cuttings are taken out of the basement and carefully examined. If you see liquid oozing from the stems, it means they have rotted and cannot be rooted. If no liquid appears when pressing on the cut, then the cutting has dried out and is also unsuitable for propagation. But if you saw the treasured moisture on the cut, then the cutting survived the winter well.

Cut the cutting and inspect the liquid that comes out. The desired result is a light green color. So that the grapes can successfully reproduce, the chubuks are placed in warm water and soaked for 48 hours. The fluid is changed every 24 hours. After soaking, the chibouks are placed in a root-stimulating solution, where they remain for another day.

Before propagating grapes by cuttings, the stems are placed in plastic cups until they sprout roots.

Take large cups and make three holes in the bottom, add sand and humus. Now put a small glass, and fill the gaps between the walls with earth, press it down and water it. Sand, previously washed, is poured into a glass, water is poured onto it and the small glass is removed. In the center of the hill, a hole is made of sand and a cutting of homemade grapes is placed there.

We pour water and fill it with sand. Take plastic bottle, cut off the bottom and cover the glass with chibouk. Commit daily care for seedlings - water with warm water. As soon as you see roots and green leaves, you can remove the bottle.

Wild grapes are very similar to vines. It is great for decorating suburban areas. In this case, propagation by cuttings is also suitable.

Open ground planting technology

Sprouted cuttings are planted taking into account the climatic conditions of a particular area. You need to start the process when you are sure that there will be no frost. The best option is the end of May - the beginning of summer (June).

First you need to prepare the holes. This can be done in autumn or early spring. Now prepare the pipes, 20 liters of water, and make holes in the hole to fit the roots. Place the sprouted chibouks in the hole, cover with soil and pour out the water.

After all the moisture has been absorbed, soil is poured into the hole to the level of the developed upper eye. Its location should be 5–7 cm below the soil level. At the same time, a stake made of wood and metal is placed in the bottom of the prepared hole so that the vine has something to lean on. On the corresponding video you can get acquainted with the details of the process in more detail.

Features of green cuttings

You can propagate grapes by germinating green cuttings. In the spring, shoots are cut and placed in water, cuttings are made into two buds. The finished pipes are again placed in the liquid. Soil from compost and turf soil in equal proportions is poured into the box and green cuttings are placed there.

To keep the soil airy and loose, you can take it from the place where the mole digs a hole. A necessary condition is to create darkening at the initial stage. To do this, slats are installed in the jar to form a frame, onto which a cellophane bag is subsequently placed. When the cuttings begin to grow, it is removed. 3–4 cuttings are planted in one jar to a depth of 5–6 cm. The entire structure is placed on a south window until it takes root.

If you did everything correctly, then you can leave the structure untouched for about 10 days. After this period, the seedlings are watered and aerated once a week. Rooting takes 5–6 weeks, and then the seedlings are planted in open ground.

Further care of seedlings

From proper care depends on the strength and growth of the bush. Escape needs to be created the necessary conditions: maintain soil moisture, protect from pests, fight weeds. Before planting, you need to install a trellis.

During the growing period, you need to tie the grapes to the trellises. Water a couple of times per season drainage pipes, at the same time they fertilize with chicken droppings. Pruning is done in the spring.

Every gardener cherishes the dream of a beautiful vineyard in his soul. But to bring this secret to life, you need the skill of growing the necessary varieties from cuttings, knowledge about caring for seedlings and protecting them from frost and pests. This is the only way to achieve your dreams and regularly harvest excellent harvests from it.

Basics of grape growing technology

Plant propagation occurs in two ways:

Ready seedlings.
Suitable for beginner gardeners who have no experience in growing grapes at home. When purchasing, you can get advice on planting and caring for a young plant.

Photos of grape cuttings

Obtaining seedlings from cuttings.
This method is preferable, as it guarantees that the seedling will take root in the same climate conditions, with the same soil composition and produce an excellent harvest. The quality of such planting material is much higher. The last method will be discussed in more detail, as it contains a certain number of subtleties.

Harvesting and winter storage of seedlings

Shoots from healthy and fertile bushes are selected for cutting. The shoot must be at least 1 cm in diameter, 45-75 cm long and have from 4 to 8 healthy buds. It is recommended to cut longer shoots, about 110-135 cm, so that after winter season it was possible to cut off unsuitable pieces of the cutting, leaving only the healthy part.

Preparation of cuttings occurs in mid-autumn, before the first frost and snowfall. It is strictly forbidden to carry out workpieces when negative temperatures. Freshly cut vine is placed in solution copper sulfate.

Procedure for preparing for storage:

  1. The shoots are placed in a container with water for a day.
  2. After this, they are kept for half an hour and disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Wipe with a paper towel and dry in the open air.
  4. The shoots are marked with labels indicating the variety and cutting date. You can use a photo for this.
  5. At the end of all preparatory procedures, all shoots are wrapped in polyethylene, tied and stored.

You can store the bundles in the refrigerator, basement or cellar, in a special pit with a depth of 50 cm.
Optimal temperature storage - from 2 to 6 degrees. The main thing is to prevent plants from germinating ahead of time.

Stored shoots should be periodically checked for dryness, rot and mold. In case of damage to future seedlings, repeat the preparatory procedures according to the list.
If swollen buds are found on the cuttings, the bunch must be urgently transferred to a place with a lower temperature.

Preparing for planting grapes

In the spring, each individual cutting is checked for freshness using a transverse cut on the vine. A good cutting, suitable for further planting, will have juice at the site of the cut, and the cut itself will be green.

Now the fun part begins - the process of growing grapes:

Before planting cuttings in the ground, you need to prepare containers and substrate. Plastic cups, scraps of bottles and milk cartons can serve as planting containers. Several holes are punched in the bottom for drainage excess moisture. The substrate contains earth, sand, humus and sawdust in equal proportions. It is recommended to periodically moisten and loosen the mixture.

After this, small cuts are made on the cuttings with pruning shears directly under each bud and at a height of 3 cm from it. Vertical grooves are made on each cutting with a sharp nail.
The cuttings are immersed in a container of water for up to 3 days to soak in moisture. And then they are placed in a container with a root growth stimulator. After this, the cuttings are placed in jars with clean water V sunny place. The water level should not decrease; it should be kept at 4-5 cm.

After 2 weeks, the upper bud on the shoots should swell, and after 4 weeks roots will appear. When this happens, you can proceed to the next stage. Before planting seedlings in plastic container, you should prepare a drainage up to 4 cm high. After this, the substrate is poured to a height of about 7-8 cm. The cutting is installed vertically in the container, on the soil mixture and sprinkled to the top. Watering should be moderate but constant; containers with seedlings should be placed on the windowsills of the sunny side of the house. After 3-4 days, it is recommended to feed the chibouks wood ash and potassium.

When stabilizing outside temperature at around 2-5 degrees Celsius, the cuttings are planted in open ground, but with protection from direct sunlight until complete rooting. To activate the growth of the root system, it is recommended to perform basting - sprinkle the cuttings to a height of 15 cm from the ground level with a layer of peat or humus. To speed up the process, you can cover the seedlings with film or glass.

Drop off at school

A school is a place where grapes are grown from cuttings. This is a well-lit and ventilated area with light and loose soil, where fertilizers have been applied in sufficient quantities.
In mid-April, the area is dug up to a depth of about 40 cm. square meter A little more than two buckets of sand, 100 g of nitroammophosphate, and a bucket of humus are added.

After this, mounds are formed from the soil in the direction from north to south. The cuttings are soaked for 24 hours, and then cuts are made on them, dividing each seedling into segments of 3 eyes. The topmost cut is covered with paraffin to prevent drying out.

The seedlings are inserted into the formed mounds and watered very actively. After this, the ground around the seedling is covered with waterproof material. The soil under the material should not be allowed to dry out.

Planting grapes in the ground

  1. Transplantation of seedlings from shkolka into the ground is carried out at the end of May, at a temperature of about 10-15 degrees.
  2. The distance between seedlings is approximately 2.5 meters.
  3. The distance between rows is 2 meters.
  4. To enhance the development of the root system, it is recommended to slightly trim the already formed roots by half a centimeter.
  5. IN landing pit a small mound is formed on which the seedling is placed. Then, the hole is filled with soil.
  6. After this, the soil is compacted and the seedling is covered with a cardboard cap to protect it from direct sunlight.

Growing grapes in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Special climate conditions in some regions force gardeners to set up greenhouses on their plots to grow plants under optimal conditions. Building a greenhouse for grapes takes a lot of time and resources, because the design must be carefully thought out, taking into account the needs of the plant varieties that will be grown there.

But despite the difficulties, the popularity of planting grapevines in greenhouses is growing. At the right conditions cultivation and care, this will allow you to get high yields even in regions with harsh climates and dry soil.

Advantages of growing in a greenhouse

  • Greenhouse bushes have a list of advantages compared to plants in open ground:
    harvest for early stages and in large volumes;
  • convenience when working with plants, since the same microclimatic conditions are observed in the greenhouse, and the gardener himself is protected from precipitation and wind;
  • plants are protected from various pests, fungus, and the berries are not eaten by wasps;
  • in the event of diseases, the amount of necessary chemicals for treatment is reduced due to the closed space of the room.

Features of the greenhouse design

For construction you can use ready-made option in the form of a vegetable greenhouse made of polycarbonate, or build it yourself. In the latter case, you can give free rein to your imagination and create a building to your liking, taking into account all your personal wishes in terms of size.

Main, new building must provide:

  • a large number of free space for the full growth of grape bushes and ease of work indoors;
  • high level of thermal insulation to protect against frost;
  • normal ventilation and air flow to avoid air stagnation and damage to the vines from high temperatures;
  • reliability and strength of the frame to resist possible snow masses in bad weather.

Sheathing material

Now the most the best option for covering a greenhouse is considered cellular polycarbonate. The material is highly durable and easy to process, which greatly simplifies installation reliable design. At the same time, polycarbonate ensures good heat retention in the room even in winter. However, in summer the temperature in the room can reach about 50 degrees, which requires ventilation in the form of opening windows and sliding panels.

The roof frame for laying polycarbonate is made in the form of a hemisphere. This will increase the insulation from moisture due to the absence of additional seams on top, and will also allow the entire structure to withstand loads in the form of snow masses. To build the frame, a solid steel profile of 20x40 mm will be sufficient.

Watch the video: Growing grapes from cuttings

Choosing a variety for planting in a greenhouse

Beginners in gardening are advised to pay attention to early and frost-resistant grape varieties, from which they are guaranteed to get a high yield. If the greenhouse shows itself well, then immediately after harvesting you can move on to more heat-loving plants.

As they say experienced gardeners, the best variety grapes are considered one whose shortcomings can be tolerated. After all, it is important not just to choose the first variety you like and plant it. You need to first familiarize yourself with the characteristics and features of each type.

In the regions of the Moscow region, you can start with some types of raisins, Michurinsky grapes, and Korinka Russkaya. Muscat Tason performs well. In regions with extremely cold winters, the following unpretentious varieties are grown quite successfully: Ruslan, Negritenok, Aleshenkin and many others. But it's better not to rely on independent choice, but consult the seller when purchasing seedlings.

Rules for planting grapes with your own hands

The procedure for planting grapevines is as follows:

  1. retreating from the wall of the building about 50 cm, a hole is dug with dimensions of 80 x 80 cm and a depth of 70 cm;
    the resulting hole is spilled with water;
  2. the bottom of the pit is filled with a mixture of 2 liters of ash and 300 grams of 2% superphosphate;
  3. drainage is laid on top in a layer of about 20 cm;
  4. a pipe is stuck into the drainage for subsequent watering of the root system with a diameter of 10 cm and such a length that after filling the hole, the tip of the pipe sticks out at a height of 10 cm from the ground level;
  5. a wooden stake about 1.5 m high is stuck into the center of the hole, to which the seedling will subsequently be tied;
  6. dry brushwood is placed on the drainage thin layer, small planks or broken slate to avoid subsequent silting;
  7. the protective layer is filled with soil to a level of 20 cm;
  8. a seedling is installed on top, the roots are directed downwards;
  9. after this, the hole is filled with a mixture of sand, humus and the top layer of earth in a ratio of 1: 2: 5;
  10. after filling the hole, the first watering is carried out through the neck of the pipe;
  11. After the backfilled layers settle, the mixture is added to the pit until the site is completely leveled with the ground level.
  12. The bushes are planted at intervals of 2.5 m. If a number of bushes are planted, you can dig a trench instead of a hole. Backfilling occurs in the same way as a separate pit.
Microclimate and grape care

The room temperature is adjusted using ventilation windows.
The following temperature conditions are recommended:

  • during bud break – 14 degrees during the day and 8 at night;
  • during flowering and shoot growth - 25 degrees during the day and 16 at night;
  • when berries ripen - 30 degrees during the day and 20 at night.

For the winter, the vine is laid on the ground, covered with agrofibre, pine needles or dry straw and sprinkled with snow, which will provide moisture as it gradually melts throughout the winter. Watering the vines is carried out with warm water heated in the sun in the first half of the day.

I am expanding and updating my vineyard in the simplest and cheapest way - using grape cuttings that remain in large quantities after autumn pruning.

At first glance, this procedure seems very easy. But not everything is simple in this matter; you need to follow some rules, namely:

  • Correctly cut planting material;
  • Properly store cuttings;
  • Do the rooting work correctly.

Important! Growing grapes from seeds is a thankless task, and achieving success is almost impossible. From one thousand seeds grows into best case scenario 10-12 pieces.

To this we must add that of the plants obtained from seeds, half are of high quality, and even those will not “inherit” the characteristics of the mother bush.

The experience of winegrowers shows that best time The best time to take cuttings is autumn-winter, from mid-November to mid-December, when the leaves have already fallen, the harvest has been harvested, and the grape bushes have prepared for the cold season.

At this time, beneficial substances are well preserved and are ready to withstand winter frosts. For propagation, “naked” fruit vines without leaves, tendrils, or shoots are taken, from which cuttings 25-35 cm long are cut. Four buds are left on this segment.

The cut of the chibouk is made at a distance of 2-3 cm from the upper bud, at an angle of 40-45 degrees, and the lower cut should be made under the lower eye in a straight line.

Experienced winegrowers make vertical cuts in the lower part of the cutting. This operation accelerates the formation of young roots.

When pruning unnecessary shoots in autumn, branches that bear fruit in the summer are used for cuttings. Their diameter should be 8-10 cm. A vine cut on a pinched knot is suitable for cuttings. The middle part of the fruit branch is also used.

Prepared cuttings are grouped by variety, labeled and tied into bundles of several pieces.

Winter storage of cuttings

  • The finished bunches are placed in cold water for a day to increase their natural humidity;
  • Before planting, planting material must be etched with a 5% solution of copper sulfate, after which it is slightly dried;
  • After this, the bundles are wrapped plastic film and placed in a cold place, usually a cellar;
  • Cuttings stored for storage are turned over to the other side several times during the winter months;
  • For future grape bushes, changes in air temperature in the cellar are undesirable.

How to turn a cutting into a seedling

To grow a full-fledged grapevine, it is not enough the right choice a piece of a branch and preserving it during the winter cold.

Before you start planting autumn cuttings in the soil in the spring, they need to be taken out of the cellar and ventilated well. Then the planting material is checked for safety. If you press hard on the “correct” seedling with your fingers, juice will be released from the cut areas.

A rotten cutting smells unpleasant, and the juice drains from it without any effect. You should not waste your time and energy with such a seedling; a bush will not grow from it.

It happens that during the winter the plant dries out and no juice is released from it, such a chubuk is also discarded.

Important! Grapes are propagated by cuttings or spring layering not only at home. This method is also used for industrial cultivation of crops.

Grape plantings will develop quickly if the chibouks are well prepared. To do this, the selected best specimens are soaked in warm water, this will cause the sleeping capabilities of the vine to awaken. Soak the cuttings for two days.

To grow a good strong vineyard, cuttings must be carried out in compliance with all deadlines and stages. Also, before planting, pruning, all components are needed - tools, fertilizers, dishes, and good weather conditions.

Germination of chibouks

Autumn harvesting grape seedlings at home, it is not limited to cutting the raw material and properly storing it in winter.

Before planting, cuttings are germinated in a pot or other container.

The process can be determined step by step by the following actions:

  • Holes are drilled in the planting container to drain excess moisture and ventilate young roots;
  • The soil should include leaf soil from under fruit trees, turf, peat;
  • Uncompacted earth is placed on the bottom of the dish in a layer up to 5 cm thick;
  • A ring of sand is formed in the center of the pot and filled with water;
  • A small depression is made in this ring where the cutting is placed;
  • Then the dishes are filled with substrate, watered abundantly and mulched with sawdust or sand.

The plant needs to be watered daily, but in moderation. It is better to plant the cuttings in a transparent plastic container, so you can see the emerging roots. During this time, 4-6 small leaves should grow on the stems themselves, this is a signal that the plant is ready to move into open land.

For growing it is convenient to take 1.5-2 liter bottle from under mineral water, and in the store buy soil for growing plants, which has already been fertilized.

Seedlings are planted in open ground to a depth of 0.7-0.8 m. When preparing a hole, fertile soil is laid in one direction and clay in the other. Add to the first, fertile pile mineral fertilizers, ash, humus.

Important! The success of growing grapes from cuttings largely depends on the condition of the soil. In fertile, light and loose soil, the plant will develop quickly. Young leaves serve as an indicator of soil condition.

Unfavorable soil causes them to dry out at the edges. Watering with a solution of wood ash will help prevent this.

In warm regions, chibuki planted according to the rules give a harvest within two years, but it is better to count on the first good berries after three or four.

There is one more good way, how to make fruitful bushes from chibouks. But this method can only be used in warm areas. Having selected the most beautiful vine during pruning in the fall, it is cut into traditional petioles and buried at an angle of 40-45 degrees for a permanent residence.

The petioles are watered as needed, and with the onset of frosty days they are covered with film or agrofibre and covered with earth. This planting produces a strong, productive vineyard. Try it!

  • Preparing cuttings for planting
  • Planting cuttings in the soil

Planting grapes from cuttings in the fall gives early shoots in the spring and high plant yields in the future.

Grapes are propagated vegetatively by cuttings.

Many plants propagate in the fall, including grapes. The process of growing grapes is not easy, but it pleases with high yields and valuable beneficial properties berries The plant is propagated vegetatively, using vine cuttings.

For winegrowers, this is the most reliable way to quickly propagate and grow good grape varieties.

The process of growing grape cuttings helps speed up germination in the spring before planting in the ground and get the first harvest from the plant in the second year after planting. Seed planting of a plant is carried out to obtain a new grape variety, a hybrid variety, or to cross several grape varieties. When propagated by seed, grapes bear fruit only four or five years after planting. Therefore, the cutting method of growing grapes is widely used by both professional winegrowers and amateur gardeners. The cutting method of growing grapes is convenient in that it completely preserves the unique qualities and properties of the mother variety. If the cutting was correctly separated from the vine and planted according to the rules, you can get a high-yielding bush of the plant. You can plant grape cuttings in the fall both in open ground and at home.

Preparing cuttings for planting

The best uterine shoots are selected for cuttings.

For cuttings, it is necessary to select strong, well-ripened vine shoots from mother grape bushes, at least 10 mm thick. Such shoots are obtained during autumn pruning of grapes. The selected vine shoots must be smooth, without any defects or damage to the integrity of the vine. Cuttings are taken from the middle part of the vine, since the lower part is less fertile and prone to damage, and the upper part is not yet mature enough to grow independently.

Each cutting must have 3 or 4 eyes without damage, because otherwise it will not take root well in the soil. One grape eye produces 2 shoots in the spring: one shoot will grow into the ground at the root, and the other will emerge above the soil and form a vine shoot on which bunches of grapes will develop in the future. All excess leaves and tendrils should be trimmed off the cutting before planting.

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How to prepare the soil for planting grape cuttings?

In previous years, grape cuttings were planted in the fall only in the southern regions, where winters are less frosty and the climate is mild and dry, but now the climate has changed so much that planting in the fall can be done in the northern regions and even in the Urals. Cuttings are planted before the first frost, in October or November. It is very important to choose right place for disembarkation. TO land plot must do well at the landing site Sun rays both in winter and in summer. The plot for grapes should be located in a cozy place protected from the wind.

Planting cuttings according to the scheme.

Clay, chernozem or sandy soil will be favorable and fertile for the growth of cuttings, which must be fed in advance with mineral or phosphate fertilizers, humus or potassium sulfate. Fertilizers are evenly distributed over the entire surface area, then the soil is plowed. In the place chosen for planting the cutting, dig a ditch one spade wide. It is called a shkolka - this is the place where grape cuttings will be planted and germinate until seedlings form. The distance between future rows of grapes should be at least 50 cm - for ease of care, watering and treating the plant from weeds in the future. The dug ditch should be well fertilized with humus from the inside again, then filled with water before planting. In order for the plant to take root well in the ground, it is necessary to carefully prepare the planting material.

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Planting cuttings in the soil

When the grape cuttings and soil are completely prepared, they are planted in a ditch (pit). Before planting, the pit is moistened. Excessive moisture will have a bad effect on growth, so you should not flood the ditch with too much water. Lay the cuttings at an angle of 45 degrees with a slope to the south. It is recommended to plant exactly 2 pieces per hole, because if one cannot take root, then the second one will successfully take root and germinate by spring. The second cutting, sprouted by spring, is planted in another hole in the spring. It is important that two eyes are in the ground, and at least one or two eyes remain above the ground.

The best time to propagate grapes is autumn.

After planting, water the sprouts with warm water and cover them with soil 40-50 centimeters thick, up to 3 or 4 holes, forming a mound of earth. This is done so that it does not freeze and disappear during the winter. You can cover the school for the winter as follows: cover it with a 10-centimeter layer of soil, put the same layer of leaves on top, then last layer land, but already 30-40 centimeters. An arch made of oilcloth or polyethylene must be made over the ditches with planted grape cuttings. You can additionally cover the pile of earth above the school with polyethylene. These measures will be able to protect the planted cuttings from severe frosts and snowfalls.

Planting grape cuttings in the fall is convenient because winegrowers do not have to waste time and effort storing them in the winter in order to save them until next spring. In addition, grape seedlings planted in the fall sprout much earlier than those planted in the spring. The yield of grapes from cuttings planted in autumn is much higher. The first fruits can be obtained within two years.

In addition to planting grape cuttings in open ground, you can use the method of planting cuttings at home.

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Features of planting cuttings at home

The process of planting cuttings at home takes longer than when planting in the soil and requires preparatory work. Preparation of cuttings for planting at home is carried out in the same way as before planting in the soil, after autumn pruning of grapes. Select cuttings that are strong and healthy, up to 10 mm thick, with two or more eyes.

The finished cuttings are placed in a pre-cut plastic bottle.

To prepare the conditions for planting and growing cuttings, you will need:

  • 1.5-2 liter plastic bottles with a cut neck for each cutting;
  • prepared soil for filling the container;
  • humus, phosphate or mineral fertilizers.

and pour 4-5 centimeters of water so that only the edges and the first eye are covered. Place the container in a warm place with good natural light and leave it to stand for 1.5-2 months (all autumn) without adding water. At the end of autumn, the cuttings sprout small roots, but the buds do not have time to bloom. After root germination, you need to plant the plants in a bottle with soil.

To plant grape cuttings in bottles, you need to prepare loose soil that can allow oxygen to pass through. Then the soil is fertilized: with humus at the rate of 100-150 g per bottle; mineral or phosphate fertilizers at the rate of 50 ml of diluted solution per bottle.

After this, the container is filled 1/3 with soil and a little water is added, the cutting is laid evenly and the soil is filled to the edge of the container. Plants planted in a bottle are watered and determined in dark place until spring. All this time it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil, periodically watering it, but at the same time avoid excessive moisture, so as not to rot the roots. Closer to spring, at the end of February or March, the cuttings begin to grow, buds form and bloom on them. At this time, you should move the bottles with sprouted cuttings to a well-lit place.

In a bright place, the shoots will grow more intensively and can reach more than 40 centimeters. If the shoots grow excessively, it is better to pin them, leaving them at least 30 centimeters tall, rather than tying them with a rope. Planting of sprouted cuttings is carried out in early spring, at the end of March or at the beginning of April, in open ground after frosts.

Cuttings are common and affordable way propagation of grapes at home. In this article we will talk about the most popular technique for growing grape seedlings from cuttings.

Grapes propagate well by cuttings, as they are able to form roots on green and woody shoots, from which planting cuttings (chubuki) are prepared. In the spring, you can grow young grape seedlings from them.

Grape cuttings are harvested in the fall, during pruning of bushes. In this case, well-developed and mature shoots with a diameter of 6 to 10 mm are selected. You should not take thicker ones - these are fattening shoots that are unlikely to take root.

Thicker branches of grapes should not be taken - these are fattening shoots that are unlikely to take root

Signs of a quality cutting:

  • thickness not less than 6 mm;
  • hard, crackles when bent;
  • the bark is light or dark brown (it should not have any gray-brown or dark brown spots);
  • green cut vine ( Brown color indicates freezing of the shoot);
  • there are no mechanical damages.

Cuttings are cut 30-40 cm long (they should have from 2 to 4 eyes).

When preparing cuttings of different varieties, do not forget to label them

Storing grape cuttings

Cut grape cuttings are cleaned of shoots, leaves, tendrils, placed in bunches and tied with soft wire or rope. Harvested cuttings are stored in the basement (in wet sand) or in a trench specially dug in the garden with a depth of 50 cm and a length equal to the length of the cuttings.

A trench is dug in an elevated place away from the occurrence groundwater. Granular sand is poured into a layer of 10 cm at the bottom. Then the cuttings are laid horizontally and a layer of soil about 40 cm thick is poured on top. When frost sets in, the trench is sprinkled with dry leaves, sawdust, straw or peat and covered with plastic wrap on top.

In both options, the air temperature in the place where the cuttings are stored should not exceed 4°C.

Cuttings can also be stored at home on the refrigerator door. You just need to soak them in water for 1-2 days and put them in a small plastic bag.

There must be water room temperature

Preparing grape cuttings for planting

At the end of January - beginning of February, grape cuttings are taken out of storage, washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and placed in water at room temperature for 1-2 days. After which the cuttings are refreshed with disinfected sharp knife until the wood turns light green. On each cutting, 2 upper eyes are left, the rest are removed. And in the lower part of the chibouk, a double-sided groove is made with a knife. After which the cuts and grooves are lubricated with Kornevin.

Furrowing grape cuttings– an agricultural technique that is aimed at stimulating root formation processes. It is done like this: with an iron comb, a file or the sharp end of a knife, small longitudinal cuts are made in the bark at the bottom of the cuttings. Wound tissue appears in these places, which accelerates the process of formation and development of adventitious roots.

After which the cuttings are subjected kilching(this is a technique in which the lower parts of the cuttings are kept warm and the upper parts are kept cold). To do this, the cuttings are placed in plastic bags, glass or plastic jars filled with wet sawdust and placed on a heating radiator.

During kilching, periodically moisten the sawdust and open the window more often so that the upper buds on the cuttings do not wake up prematurely

After 17-20 days, callus (an influx of gray-white color) with pinpoint tubercles (root primordia) or already with roots 2 to 7 cm long is formed at the lower ends of the cuttings. And green shoots 2-5 cm long grow from the two upper buds.

This is what grape stems look like ready for planting in the ground

Planting grape cuttings

After the roots have formed, the grape cuttings are carefully planted in cardboard or plastic cups height 20-25 cm and diameter 8-10 cm. To do this, pour into a container soil mixture layer of 4-5 cm, compact it slightly, place the cutting there, cover it with nutritious soil and water it.

Water for watering grape cuttings should be warm, but not hot.

The soil mixture for grape stems is best prepared from 1 part turf or forest fertile soil, 1 part peat and 1 part coarse sand (with particles ranging in size from millet to peas). A mixture of 1 part fertile structural soil, 1 part coarse sand and 1 part sifted sawdust is also quite effective.

A cutting with one eye does not have enough nutrients, so it is placed in a small container with fertile and moist soil, covered with polyethylene and placed in a warm, well-lit place.

Cups with cuttings are left in a room with a temperature of 22-25°C near southern windows. As the soil dries (about once a week), the plants are watered with warm water, and when 3-4 leaves appear, they are fed with complex fertilizer with microelements: it is dissolved in water (according to the instructions) and watered at the rate of 1 tbsp. for each container.

To feed grape cuttings you can use the biostimulator Humisol

On one plant grown from a cutting, 1-2 shoots are left. And the rest are deleted as they appear. Grown grape seedlings are planted in a permanent place in late May - early June. They are hardened 5-7 days before planting.

Grape seedlings obtained from cuttings begin to produce crops in the third year, and with very skillful care - even in the second.

Growing grapes is a labor-intensive process. Just 50 years ago, people could not have thought that growing grapes was possible in the northern part of the temperate climate zone. The development of new cold-resistant varieties has made it possible to grow it even in the vast expanses of Siberia.

As a rule, grapes are propagated vegetatively - by cuttings. For a gardener this is the most quick way get a harvest. Germination of grape cuttings allows you to get the first fruits in the second year. Grape seeds are most often planted to develop a new variety or as an experiment. With this method of propagation, berries appear only in the fourth or fifth year.

Why did people take root in growing grapes from cuttings? Firstly, the cutting completely retains all the qualities of the mother vine of the variety you like. Secondly, a properly prepared cutting is stored for a long time and does not lose its reproductive ability, so it can be brought from afar.

How to propagate grapes from cuttings

First you need to prepare the cuttings themselves. In the fall, when pruning grapes, you can select shoots suitable for harvesting winter cuttings. The branch for the cutting must be mature, with light yellow bark, without damage or dark spots. All side shoots, leaves, and tops are cut off from the selected branches. There should only be a rod approximately 1 cm thick and 30-50 cm long.

Everyone wants to get a fruiting vine as quickly as possible. So the question becomes, when to germinate grape cuttings? At home, with a small number of cuttings, you can get good seedlings the winter before planting in the ground. Therefore, you need to start germinating cuttings immediately - in the fall.

How to plant grapes from cuttings in the fall

The prepared cuttings should be placed in a high-cut plastic bottle and water should be poured into it so that the lower ends of the cuttings are covered by 3-4 cm. Place the bottle in a warm, bright place. By the end of autumn, the cuttings should take root, but the buds will not bloom (at this time they are in a state of physiological dormancy).

As soon as the roots have appeared, the grape cuttings are planted in bottles (you can take the same ones in which the roots were germinated). The soil for planting grape cuttings in a bottle is prepared loosely, capable of good air permeability. Before planting grape cuttings in bottles, it can be fertilized. The bottle is filled 1/3 with prepared soil, then the cutting is planted, and the bottle is filled to the top with the remaining soil. Planted cuttings need to be watered and placed in the shade. The soil should be moist, but it is important not to overwater so that the roots do not rot.

Closer to spring, buds will begin to bloom and shoots will begin to grow. Bottles with cuttings are moved to a well-lit place. If the length of the shoots exceeds half a meter, they can be pinched at a level of 30-35 cm. The resulting seedling is transplanted into the ground using this method in early spring. And with proper care and feeding, planting grape stems in the ground in the fall will delight you with grapes in the second year.

How to germinate grape cuttings in an apartment:

Planting grape cuttings is a good way to create a strong and healthy (albeit small) plantation on your site. Why this option is more profitable and how to go through all its stages correctly, we will tell you in this article.

1 Why is it better to plant in autumn?

Grape cultivation has recently become quite widespread. This is not surprising, because the fruits of this plant have a lot of healing properties and excellent taste. And it’s difficult to find a person who wouldn’t like homemade grape wine. Caring for grapes is quite difficult. But in everything you can develop a system that will help streamline your actions and increase efficiency. In this article we will look at planting grapes in the fall using cuttings.

Planting grapes in autumn using cuttings

Why is it better to choose this time of year? Practice shows that sprouts planted in autumn take root better, take root, and develop faster. The bushes grow hardened, they are much less susceptible to characteristic diseases and pest attacks. The plant adapts to low temperatures, becomes frost-resistant and practically does not freeze out in the future, even in particularly harsh winters.

In addition, the gardener will not have to store the cuttings until spring, protecting them from possible rotting or drying out. Another undeniable advantage of planting in the fall is the possibility of earlier harvest. Knowledgeable people They claim that if all the necessary rules are followed, the grape bush begins to bear fruit literally in the second year! At the same time, a plant planted in autumn will give a larger harvest.

2 Pre-planting preparation of cuttings

First you need to choose the right one for vegetative propagation grape cuttings The seedling must be young, healthy, without signs of being affected by any disease. Vine, from which the cutting is taken, must be sufficiently mature. Its length should be about 1 m, and its diameter should be 7–12 mm. Also pay attention to the fact that there are at least several buds on the cuttings.

Grape cuttings for vegetative propagation

This is an important point on which the degree of survival and further development of the future bush depends. It is recommended to trim it with a razor or a sharpened garden knife. This is done in such a way that the lower part of the cut is located near the first eye, the upper part is several centimeters higher than the second. Then place the cutting in a container with clean water and leave it for 2-3 days in a well-lit, warm place. Under no circumstances should the shoot be allowed to dry out, as this can lead to its death!

A few days after cutting, the cutting must be properly prepared for planting. To begin with, it is recommended to immerse its upper part for a minute in a container filled with molten paraffin. After this, the cutting is placed for a day in a special solution that helps stimulate plant growth. And only after all the procedures have been carried out can you begin to plant the shoot in the ground. Preparatory manipulations increase the resistance of the cutting to various external factors, promote rapid acclimatization and full development future grape bush.

3 Settlement of the site when planting in the fall

To achieve good results in growing grapes, you need to take care in choosing a planting location. This culture belongs to light-loving plants. Therefore, for planting grapes, it is recommended to choose illuminated areas, protected from the effects of cold winds, but providing optimal level air circulation.

Remember that this plant needs a large area to grow and develop, so do not place the bushes too close to other plants.

Young grape bushes

In this case, areas with close groundwater, as well as shaded by trees, are strictly not suitable. But in general, grapes can grow on almost any soil (the only exceptions are excessively swampy areas). However, practice shows that the best qualitative and quantitative indicators are observed when planting in fairly light, loose and fertile soil. Sandy loam soils and black soil are ideal for growing grapes.

Before planting cuttings, the soil must be thoroughly cultivated, cleared of weeds, dug as deeply as possible and loosened. After this, you need to add phosphorus-potassium and organic fertilizers (for example, humus and superphosphate) to the soil. A few days after fertilizing, the soil is dug up again. At the next stage, you can proceed to creating special trenches intended for planting cuttings. Optimal width The planting furrow should be about 90–100 cm.

4 A bed of grape cuttings in numbers

Before directly planting the cuttings in the ground, pre-prepared trenches must be thoroughly moistened using hot water. Experienced vineyards recommend placing the shoots in the direction from south to north, at an inclination angle of about 45 degrees. A specially designed planting peg is driven in next to each cutting. The distance between the bushes should be from 10 to 15 cm. If you plant grapes in several trenches, then they should be located 35–45 cm from each other.

As for the degree of penetration of the cutting into the ground, the points of view of the vineyards differ somewhat. Some argue that the optimal depth is about 30 cm, while others insist on 45–50 cm. In this case, the decision will depend on the level of soil moisture, as well as the climatic conditions characteristic of a particular area. If severe winters with little precipitation and low temperatures are expected, it is recommended to immerse the shoot deeper into the soil in order to prevent the plant's root system from freezing.

Plant root system

It is recommended to plant grape cuttings in the fall around the second ten days of October. Planting should be completed no later than 7–10 days before the first frost. This is necessary in order to root system managed to form somewhat in the soil, which has a positive temperature.

Define optimal time Planting can also be done according to the type of plant itself. A shoot that is ready to move into open ground must have a rhizome, the length of which is at least 3–5 cm. If you are interested in astrology, then, as stated by moon calendar, it is best to plan your landing at a time when the moon is in its first phase. It is believed that in this case the plant takes root better and also develops more quickly and actively.

5 How to ensure good survival?

After planting, the seedlings must be properly prepared for future wintering. To do this, each cutting must be covered this fall, using a cut plastic bottle for this purpose. After this, the soil is thoroughly moistened and then loosened. At the final stage, the ground around the bushes must be mulched with pine needles, spruce branches, peat or sawdust. It is recommended to fill the entire trench from above with the same material. This manipulation will protect young shoots from low temperatures and soil freezing.

Preparing seedlings for future wintering

Another way to protect seedlings from the effects of cold is to cover them with cellophane film. The resulting greenhouse effect is optimal conditions for plant development. This procedure is extremely simple to perform, so even a beginner can easily cope with this kind of task. So, simply cover the trench with cellophane film and fill it with a layer of soil 20 to 40 cm thick. Just remember to make a small hole above each cutting, giving it room to grow. When spring arrives, the shelter will need to be removed.
