Scenario for the New Year leading fairy. Scenario for a New Year's party in a middle group on the theme "visiting a fairy tale fairy." The main characters of the New Year's scenario for children

A fairy descended from a white cloud,
Little Tanya had a dream,
The fairy will wave her thin wand
New Year will come for Tanya.

I'm a good fairy

I came to you from a fairy tale,
I have a magic wand.
Today there are carnival masks around,
A sea of ​​enthusiasm, fun, fire!

Little fairies
S. Marshak

Three little fairies
Sat on a bench
And they ate a bun with butter.
We managed to get so dirty,
Why did you wash these fairies?
Of three huge watering cans.


“Fairy,” whispered the lilacs,
“Fairy,” was the call of the swift,
“Fairy,” they whispered through the shadows
Lilies of the valley, eyes close together.

"Fairy" - through the emerald,
The grass said a thread.
The fairy sighed: “How difficult!
I must love everyone."

The little fairy has a lot of troubles
Belyakova Galina

The little fairy has a lot of troubles -
The fairy is getting ready to celebrate the New Year.
Covered the air wings with glitter
And I sewed a beautiful new dress,

I adjusted the buckles on my crystal shoes,
I pinned my curls with a beautiful hairpin,
I put on my fur coat and gloves
And she flew off to celebrate the joyful holiday.

Fairytale Fairy
Olesya Emelyanova

I'm not a butterfly, not a fly,
I am a winged girl!
I'll blow it in your face now
I am the fairy dust

So that all dreams come true,
All wishes came true!
That's what I can do, friends!
I'm fairy fairy.

Olesya Emelyanova

I'm the only one on the whole planet
There is no fear before a lion.
I ride bears
Crocodiles and elephants.

Any animal, any bird
She strives to be useful to me.
Even very evil snakes
They won’t contradict Zoofee.

School Fairy
Olesya Emelyanova

I'm a fairy, but not from a fairy tale.
Everyone has seen me at least once.
I have a pointer in my hand,
And under his arm is a magazine.

I love to ring the bell
To start the lesson quickly.
If you want to become smarter,
Make friends with the School Fairy.

Sports fairy
Olesya Emelyanova

I have millions under my control
Those who got off to a low start.
I love the roar of stadiums
And the fans are excited.

Know the perfection of the body
There are no barriers and no limits!
To those who have bent laziness into an arc,
I will help you win.

It’s not in vain that I’m proud
I am called the Sports Fairy.

Travel Fairy
Olesya Emelyanova

I'm not a butterfly, not a bird,
But I heal them faster.
I can't sit still,
I'm always rushing somewhere

By cars, trains,
Airplanes and rafts,
Ships, bicycles...
I'm going, going, going, going.

The benefit of my charms is the essence:
Make your way happy.
It will pass without incident
With the good Fairy of Travel.

The fairy came out light

The fairy came out light.
Ten apples in a backpack
Nine honey pears, sweet,
Eight plums amber, smooth,
Seven yellow, ripe bananas

Six milk meringues, white,
Five candies, four buns,
Three cookies, two cheesecakes,
And one bun with raisins...
Maybe it's enough for a walk?

Look at me,
Children and parents
How I create miracles.
Would you like to see it?

I'll wave my hand now
Spin the stick
And any desire
It will come true very soon.

One two Three,
The stick is on fire!
Five, six, seven,
I wish everyone happiness!

Tsyganchuk Masha

You can become a fairy in life,
Remembering that nature is mother
Remembering where you were born
Who we love, who we loved.

There is another world beyond the line
Reach it with your hand.
You can easily become a fairy:
Be yourself, do good

Believe in our world and the world of miracles
Go to the garden, to the river, to the forest.
We always circle there
Our home is where kindness is.

Forest Fairy

The Forest Fairy lives in the forest
Among the insects and dragonflies
In an elegant orchid dress,
On the head in a wreath of mimosa.

She knows and can do everything,
She is the boss here in the forest.
Sorceress - Forest Fairy -
Eats strawberries, drinks dew.

He will check - everything is in order everywhere,
Will mark every stem
And play hide and seek with the birds,
And Dana will sing a song.

Little Fairy
Skorokhodova Larisa

Little fairy on a forest flower
Magic worked like food in a pot
She said something, added something
And with a tender smile she sent to people

Little fairy, wonderful creature
Invite luck on a date again
Let her touch with light wings
And with a warm smile he will plunge into his heart

Everyone can meet a little fairy
But not everyone can notice a miracle
With a pure soul and an open heart
The fairy opens the door to happiness for people.


Fairy Wife

The Star Fairy descended from heaven.
The forest joyfully greeted the beauty.
The birds flocked to look at the Fairy.
The Good Fairy set off.

Time has passed. And the beautiful Fairy
She became the wife of the forester Timofey.
He spends all day working around the house.
He doesn’t get discouraged, he just laughs.

Makes jam and salts mushrooms.
She sews sundresses and dresses for her daughter.
And, sometimes, rolling up my sleeves,
The nail hammers and chops wood.

If you don’t believe me, ask Timofey, -
He will confirm that his wife is a Fairy.

I'm a little Fairy.
I won't waste any time,
And the magic wand
I'll take it now.

And whatever you ask
On New Year's Eve for everyone,
Waving a magic wand
I'll bring it with me!

And, like any Fairy,
I sing like a canary.
I really like to sing
Your own melody.

I also love to create
I do good deeds.
And I can give you everything
With one flap of a wing.

Little fairy
Tatiana Nikolaeva

A little fairy flew over the ground.
The little fairy was collecting happiness.
The fairy collected bouquets of cornflowers,
Summer sunsets, winter sunrises.

Wind and coolness, sun and snowflakes,
and from spring flowers there are pure dewdrops.
Clouds and stars, rainbows and rain
The fairy put it on her palm.

The little fairy is very tired
and the fairy landed on the bank of the river.
I drank some water, clean and cool,
I looked into the river and straightened my hair.

Dear fairy, have you collected everything?
Did you see happiness or didn’t you recognize it?
The fairy answered - Happiness is near you.
Just look around and understand for yourself!

How does a real fairy live?
Yunna Moritz

The fairy has a house on the lawn,
There is a gnome in shorts and a T-shirt,
And a dwarf with glasses and a beard
He plays the balalaika for everyone.

The fairy is making jam
From tea rose and lilac,
Of lilies, mint and sage
A fairy is making jam in the garden.

In winter it's nice by the fireplace,
When the frosts are cracking with might and main,
Eat jasmine jam
Violets, lily of the valley, mimosa.

And in this tea setting
Everyone dances non-stop
And the gnome on the cherry pipe
The forget-me-not dance is playing.


To the fairy queen
K. Balmont

Oh, queen of light fairies,
You fly effortlessly
Above the orchid bushes,
Over the white lily flowers!

You fly over the water, -
The bushes are blooming,
And dew, like a star,
Tender grasses shine.

You leave a mark everywhere
And your footprints shine,
And the tulip and the golden flower
They bloom behind you.

Fly in the human soul,
Oh, powerful fairy.
Let the carnation and left-handed
Flames sigh within her.

Oh, queen of light fairies,
We are slaves of effort,
We don't see orchids
We don't know white lilies.

Moon fairy
Dime Smiles

As soon as the pre-sunset coolness blows -
The mystery of universal miracles is being accomplished.
The Moon Fairy emerges from the darkness,
Walk through the endless expanses of heaven.

On the Milky Way it will spin in a minuet,
Silver pollen touching lightly
Take a dashing ride on a bright comet,
He will walk softly through the clouds.

Openwork threads sparkle on the wings,
And her hair is like a golden starfall.
The dress is embroidered with shimmering pearls,
And emeralds sparkle in clear eyes.

On a velvet shawl of a mysterious night
She embroiders patterns of stars.
And to everyone who is not sleeping, she correctly prophesies
A walk through the kingdom of captivating dreams.

And only one astronomer with admiration
He admires her all night long.
And every evening she appears
He waits anxiously with great desire.

Snow fairy

The snow fairy flew
The train touched the sun,
The snow blew up to the skies,
Showering the forest with silver.

Frost wove her crown
From magical white roses.
A fairy rides on a sleigh
In diamond lights.

Clouds are like horses
The wind blows them across the sky.
Ice bells
Songs flow everywhere.

A blizzard sweeps their way,
The snow's hooves beat elastically,
Snowy manes like a wave,
The icy wind blows.

A fairy rolls past the windows:
A lock of hair fell out of my hair,
Blue magical look
An outfit is made from fog.

She waved her thin stick,
Drowned in the snow
I signed on the windows,
She smiled and rushed off.

Forgetful Rain Fairy
Natalia Volkova

On a pink cloud
The fairy lived.
They were unimportant
The fairy is busy.

A very forgetful fairy
Rain was known everywhere.

Good fairy everyone
I tried to help.
She kept repeating and cramming
All day
And all night:

"Poor Uncle Tom's
The guitar went missing from the house.

And the girl Sally
He's been dreaming for a long time
Go to the zoo
Or better yet, to the movies.

And to old grandmother Polly
We need to buy oil and salt.”

But the fairy mixed everything up again:
And sent a bed to Uncle Tom,

And to the little girl Sally
She gave me sandals

And to old grandmother Polly
I bought candy instead of salt.

You'll want it too
One day, my friend,
Designer as a gift,
Or maybe an iron

But someone is very forgetful
He will give you a hippopotamus.

I should send it to that fairy
A notebook as a gift,
May your wishes
Write it down.

Things would be more fun
From the good forgetful fairy.


Once upon a time we saw fairies
Enchanting fireworks!
Holding my breath, Fairies
Let's quickly rush up

I don't understand anything...
Fairy Maya was confused
-Where are the colored lights?
Have the fireflies flown away?

Really, Maya, you're funny!
Fairy Taya laughed:
- That’s not how fireflies burn,
And rainbow bunnies!

Well, you, Taya, said it!
Where have you seen a rainbow?
It's been dark for a long time!
Fairy Lela stated

Fairy Laura intervened:
- It was meteors!
Word by word and soon
A quarrel almost broke out

Blue Jay Dora
Resolved these disputes
- “Fireworks” - from the word Fairy?
Little Leia clarified

That's what they would have said right away,
We wouldn't have to argue!
The fairies shouted in chorus:
- We couldn’t do without Fairies here!

Dream Fairy
Alexandrova Stasya

Every day, all over the planet
The children go to bed at night.
Toys sleep with them,
Books, bunnies, rattles.

Only the sleep fairy doesn't sleep
She flies over the Earth
Gives children colorful dreams,
Interesting, funny.

Fairy keeps dreams in a basket
Only cats know this!
To give them here and there
To all the kids in the world

Somehow, a fairy folded dreams
And I forgot about the basket
On one empty window,
Where midges hovered over the lamp.

In the morning, the fairy washed her face
I guessed about the loss
Immediately I began to grieve
And call your friends for help

The brownie found a basket
Right there, on the window
And then the friends decided
They gave the fairy a cat,

So that she doesn’t forget,
Where has the hostess been?
And I always gave it to children
Dreams are everywhere on the planet.

Where do fairies live?
Volkova Natalia

A long time ago,
A long time ago,
Where the houses are always warm,
Where the fire always burned,
Fairies of good deeds settled.

Lived in fireplaces
And in the candles,
In hot stone ovens.
And only in the house will everyone fall asleep,
Like these fairies are right there:

The dishes are washed
The floor is being swept
They create comfort everywhere,
Pour milk for the kitten
And the gap is plugged from the draft.

So what now?
So what about now?
The fire in the houses has completely gone out -
There are no stoves and candles,
Does that mean there are no more fairies?

Not true!
I know for sure:
As soon as the family goes to bed,
Water splashes in the kitchen,
Food is being cooked for tomorrow.

And if fairies
There's no trace of it,
Then who turns out the light for me,
Who puts toys in the box?
Making a sandwich in the morning?!

I want
come sometime
To the kitchen after ten -
And peek
Where is the fairy house?
In the oven,
In the lamp
In the battery?

Little fairy
Igor Matveev

Starry picture outside the window,
Reminded Nastenka of a fairy tale,
The dream promised her this fairy tale,
They blinked and closed their eyes.

And I dreamed of a wonderful, wild forest,
She descended into it like a cloud,
In a clearing, by the big river,
She turned into a little fairy.

The house stood there among the flowers,
Butterflies frolicked around him,
Lilies of the valley grew near the porch,
Nastya settled in that house.

She made friends with the birds,
I fell in love with cheerful moths.
From a leaf, early in the morning,
I gave water to the little grasshoppers.

Peace reigned in her house
Everything around was shining like a clear day,
At the window, enjoying the spring,
There was a magical tree.

It was light as fog
From the breath - the foliage rang
And to this gentle chime,
The little fairy sang songs.

But one day she had to leave
The news came from afar,
At her friend's door, across the river,
A terrible misfortune came knocking.

The fairy is on her way - she's getting ready for the road,
Opened its transparent wings,
Soaring into the sky above the blue river,
She hurried to help her friend.

Together they dealt with adversity
And misfortune ran away into the forest,
Nastenka returned home,
It turned out the tree was missing.

“We didn’t see anyone here,”
Her friends told her sad things.
And from the eyes, like droplets of melancholy,
Two bitter tears fell.

And when night fell on the forest,
Suddenly something cold touched me.
“Maybe trouble has come here too,”
Nastya got scared and woke up.

Feeling sad, I sighed heavily,
I regret that the tree is gone.
Only, suddenly, through a fading dream
I heard a magical chime.

The soul froze, suffocated,
The light of hope lit up: -
"Maybe it wasn't a wonderful dream,
Maybe this fairy tale was not a dream?

Nastenka turned towards the ringing,
My heart started beating like a hammer.
rustling silver leaves,
There was a tree on the window.

New Year's Eve middle group. Scenario.

Scenario for the New Year's holiday in the middle group on the topic. Visiting Fairy Tales.
Description. This scenario will be useful for teachers raising middle school children. preschool age, educators, music directors, additional teachers. education. Scenario matches age characteristics children 4 - 5 years old.
Target: Create a festive atmosphere, as well as conditions for the development of creative potential in children.
promote the comprehensive development of children, including artistic and aesthetic development;
develop children's performing and creative skills;
bring children joy from singing songs, playing games, dancing;
teach children to be expressive and free by participating in small dramatizations;
contribute to the formation of a culture of communication between children and parents at the holiday.

Father Frost
Fairy Tales
Children preg. groups:
Snow Maiden
Middle group children:
Squirrel, fox, little hare, bear cub, wolf cub, hedgehog
The Christmas tree has arrived for the children
Funny New Year
Wizard Santa Claus
Tell us Santa Claus
Snowman dance
Dance of forest animals
Dance of the dolls
We won't let you out
Oh, what kind of people
Snowballs, basket for snowballs, brooms for snowmen, Lariska rat - toy, drums, box with a big bow, key
(Children enter the hall, go around the tree and stand in a circle).
Here comes the Christmas tree, guys.
Come to us for a holiday in kindergarten.
How many lights, how many toys?
How beautiful is her outfit.
Happy New Year
Let the fun come to you!
I wish you happiness and joy
All the guys and guests!
1 child
Hello, New Year's holiday,
Christmas tree and winter holiday!
All my friends today
We'll invite you to the Christmas tree.
2 child
Hello, our Christmas tree,
Hello New Year
Let everyone at the Christmas tree
Let's dance and sing.
3 child
What a Christmas tree, it’s just amazing
How elegant, how beautiful
The branches rustle faintly,
The beads shine brightly
And the toys swing -
Flags, stars, firecrackers.
4 child
The tree has stretched out its branches,
Smells like forest and winter.
Candies hung from the Christmas tree
And fringed crackers.
5 child
Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the brilliance of radiant lights!
She seems more beautiful than everyone else
Everything is greener and lush.
6 child
We all feel very good
Fun today
Because he came to us
New Year's holiday.
We have been waiting for this day for a long time
Haven't seen each other for a whole year.
Sing, ring under the tree
New Year's round dance.
Song "Happy New Year".
7 child
White trees, white houses,
Along the white paths
Winter has come to us.
8 child
I'm not afraid of frost
I'll just make friends with him.
I'll get dressed and go
Both on snow and ice.
The frost will come to me,
He touches his hands, touches his nose.
So, you must not yawn,
Run, jump and play.
Our Christmas tree is standing
And the lights don't shine
What do we need to say?
To light the Christmas tree?
Children Please, Christmas tree, one, two, three-
Shine with the light of joy!
(Turn on the Christmas tree, turn off the lights).
9 child
Look at the lights
The Christmas tree glows for us.
Under the green branches
We'll spin now.
10 child
Let's dance merrily
Let's sing songs
So that the tree wants
Come visit us again.
Song “The Christmas tree has come to the children.”
(Children sit down).
Fairy Tales. Hello my friends!
My name is Fairy Tale Fairy.
Now I will tell you an amazing story.
Once upon a time there lived Snowmen,
Nice, sweet, good-natured people.
They guarded the kindergarten
They swept the snow with a broom.
(Hand out the brooms. The snowmen come out and stand in front of the tree).
1 Snowman
Frost and severe cold
We respect you very much
2 Snowman
Icicles and ice cream
We just love it.
3 Snowman
Our people are all made of snow
We are snowy inside
4 Snowman
Carrot for a nose
A broom is in his hands. Look!
(Snowmen stand with their noses raised and leaning on a broom.)
Fairy Tales. It was very cold at night
The snowmen are frozen to the ground.
We need to warm them up
Sing them a song together!
Song "Snow-Snowball".
(The snowmen sing and dance along with everyone. The children sit down, but the snowmen stay).
Fairy Tales. The snowmen were dancing
And then they were left alone.
They took the boys home
Our kindergarten is empty.
5 Snowman
Everything is quiet. The toys are sleeping
On feather beds and pillows.
6 Snowman
We're not supposed to sleep
We protect the kindergarten.
Dance of the Snowmen.
(Snowmen leave their whisks behind the tree and sit down).
Fairy Tales. The snowmen were having so much fun that they woke up all the toys in the kindergarten.
And the real puppet ball began.
Dance "Heel toe".

What are you, friends, girlfriends,
funny toys,
Laugh, dance, sing,
Aren't you calling Santa Claus?
Let's all sit quietly and call Santa Claus.
All: Grandfather Frost! -3 times.
Father Frost. Aw! I'm going-o-o-o! (Behind the door)

Father Frost. Happy New Year to all children!
Happy New Year to all guests!
I'm glad to meet my friends
We'll have fun with you.
Has everyone come to the party? Is no one late? Wait, where is my granddaughter Snegurochka? Have you seen her?
(The Snow Maiden quietly runs into the hall and throws a snowball at Santa Claus, then hides behind the Christmas tree).
Father Frost. Who threw a snowball at me? Oh, who's playing around? You, guys? Are you moms and dads? Yeah!
I see white pigtails
I see icy mittens,
I know, I guessed
That's my Snow Maiden!
(Snow Maiden comes out and bows to Santa Claus).
Snow Maiden
Hello Dedushka Moroz! Hello guys!
Father Frost. Hello, my granddaughter! Oh, you are my mischief!
Snow Maiden. It's time for Santa Claus to invite all the kids to a round dance.
Father Frost. Get ready guys
Hurry up to the round dance,
Songs, dances and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!
Song "The Wizard Santa Claus".
Father Frost. Have fun all of you! Aren't you afraid of frost?
Children. No, we're not afraid!
Father Frost. But I'll check it now.
Game "Oh, what kind of people."
Father Frost. Well done guys, I couldn’t freeze you.
Leading. Santa Claus, we won’t let you out of the circle.
Game "We won't let you out."
Father Frost. Why don't you let me out?
And I’ll go through here...
Let me go, dear children,
Because I love you, friends,
More than anyone else in the world.
Leading. And you dance with us. Then we'll let you out
Dance with Santa Claus.
(Father Frost dances with the Snow Maiden, the children help them.)
(Children sit down)

Father Frost. Well thank you guys
You danced with me.
Now I will sit and rest a little.
I love listening to poetry.
I've already prepared my ears.
Granddaughter, come quickly! It's more fun to listen together.
(Children tell poems to Santa Claus.
The stories are told by those children who have not yet had words.)

Father Frost. Snow Maiden, you noticed that the children here are somehow special. Or maybe they are not children at all? Maybe these are fairy-tale toys?
Fairy Tales. You guessed Santa Claus. In front of you are toys from the country of Kukland, cheerful Fudgeland.
Father Frost. Hello, Kuklyandians, cheerful inventive people!
(Knock on the door).
Leading. Hear someone knocking on the door!
(Shapoklyak appears with the rat Lariska. Father Frost and Snow Maiden hide behind the Christmas tree).
Leading. Good afternoon, Madame Shapoklyak! What do you want?
Shapoklyak. I heard on the radio that your store is having a sale on toys today. Help me choose a gift for my beloved Lariska. Find her something unusual.
Fairy Tales. Sorry, but we are not a toy store!
Shapoklyak. What do you have here?
Fairy Tales. We have a New Year's holiday.
Shapoklyak. Ha ha ha! Don't deceive me. There is no New Year's holiday without Father Frost and Snow Maiden.
(Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out from behind the tree, approach Shapoklyak and take her by the arms).
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka. Happy New Year, dear Madame Shapoklyak! Sit down, choose toys for your Lariska!
Shapoklyak. Oh, what polite sales consultants here! (sits down). What should I choose here? My eyes widen.
Fairy Tales. Madame Shapoklyak, maybe you want to play toy soldiers?
Hussar boys (in unison)
We are glorious hussars,
We wear a shako
Let's shout together:
Hurray, hurray, hurray.
(As they march, the soldiers walk around the hall and stop in one line in front of the audience).
Shapoklyak. Soldiers, at attention! Play me a military march!
(Boys play drums, Shapoklyak conducts to the music of Tchaikovsky “March of the Wooden Soldiers”)
Father Frost. Did you like the toy soldiers?
Shapoklyak. These drums give me a headache. Soldiers, march to your place step by step.
Father Frost. You won't please me, madam. Maybe animal toys are right for you?
(The little animals come out).
Teddy Bear
I, a bear in a brown fur coat,
I'm doing physical exercise!
Sometimes on a fur coat from the Christmas tree
The needles are falling off!
(Looks up, shakes himself off).
little fox
I'm a little fox in a red fur coat,
I'm watching Misha.
I shout to him, teasingly:
My fur coat is brighter!
Teen Wolf
I too, just as I wanted,
I put on a gray fur coat!
Not a mouse, not a bunny...
Who, tell me, am I?
Children: Teen Wolf
There are fluffs, there are needles
Where is the dance around the Christmas tree?
Fur coats - better not to happen
Let's dance in fur coats!
Dance of forest animals.
Father Frost. Did you like the animals?
Shapoklyak. You won't have any trouble with these little animals. They will dance all day and give me no rest.
(The animals sit down. The Doll comes out.)
Shapoklyak. Who are you?
Doll. I am a clockwork doll.
Shapoklyak. Wind-up doll? Come on, dance for us, baby.
Doll. I don’t dance alone, I’ll call my friends.
Come on, come out, dolls,
Dance near the Christmas tree.
(The dolls come out and stand in front of the Christmas tree. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms in front of them.)
Shapoklyak. Wait, what are you standing for?
Shapoklyak. Didn't understand.
Dolls. We are not simple dolls, we are clockwork dolls.
Shapoklyak. Still do not understand.
Father Frost. Dear Madame Shapoklyak, you need to start them with a key. Which weighs on the Christmas tree. Bring him here quickly.
(Shapoklyak takes the key from the tree and brings it to Santa Claus. He winds them up with the key, they laugh).
Father Frost. Did you get everyone? Then dance
Dance of dolls.
(Sit down).
Shapoklyak. Gorgeous dolls! I'm taking everyone! A wonderful gift for my Lariska, wrap it beautifully and tie it with a bow. In the meantime, I’ll count the money with Lariska...Hurray! Enough for all the Barbies!
Fairy Tales. Here's your purchase. Happy New Year, Madame Shapoklyak! (Hands over a box tied with a big bow).
Shapoklyak. Thank you, honey. Ciao, kids! Let's go home, Lariska.
(They go out the door).
Father Frost. I’ll tell you a secret, children, Snegurochka and I put snowballs in the box! I can imagine how happy Shapoklyak will be when he opens the box!
(To the music, an excited Shapoklyak runs into the hall with an open box).
Shapoklyak. What a disgrace this is! Can you imagine, children, instead of Barbie dolls, there were snowballs in the box. Are these your Santa Claus jokes? Well, wait with me!
Game "Snowballs".
Father Frost. Well done, we had fun playing. Now let's collect the snowballs in the basket.
Game "Collect snowballs".
(Shapoklyak quietly takes the Snow Maiden away. After the game, the children sit down.)
Father Frost. Guys, where is the Snow Maiden? Where did she go?
Shapoklyak. Now Snegurochka is my granddaughter. I take her to my place for re-education.
Father Frost. Shapoklyak, what kind of joke is this? Give me my Snow Maiden!
Shapoklyak. Never!
(Throws a snowball at Santa Claus.)
Father Frost. Ah well! Brave hussars, help free the Snow Maiden!
(The hussar boys go behind the tree and bring out the Snow Maiden).
Shapoklyak. Oh, oh, take your Snow Maiden! I don't need her. You won't find anything better than my Lariska!
(Runs away with Lariska).
Father Frost. Well, finally this harmful old lady is gone. We played it well. We had a lot of fun at the holiday. It's time for the Snow Maiden and me to get ready for the journey. At parting, we want to give you gifts that lie under the tree. (He bends down for a bag of gifts, pulls it and cannot lift it. The voice of the Christmas tree is heard.)
The voice of the Christmas tree. And I won’t give you gifts.
Father Frost. Who is this?
The voice of the Christmas tree. It's me, the Christmas tree.
Father Frost. Why don’t you give us gifts?
The voice of the Christmas tree. Because I want you guys and Santa Claus to sing me a song,
then receive your gifts.
Leading. Christmas tree, we already sang songs about the New Year and about the Christmas tree, danced and played a lot.
The voice of the Christmas tree. And I want you to sing some more and talk about what Santa Claus brought in the bag.
Father Frost. What an intractable Christmas tree. Let's sing for our Christmas tree, guys.
Song "Tell us, Santa Claus."
The voice of the Christmas tree. Well done guys, well done Santa Claus. They sang great. Accept gifts. (Santa Claus and Snow Maiden distribute gifts. Children thank Santa Claus for the gifts).
Father Frost.
Well guys, it's time to say goodbye
I can't stay long.
There are children waiting for me in another garden,
Goodbye, it's time
Snow Maiden. Goodbye!
Leading. And as a farewell, let’s stand around the Christmas tree with our parents and sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Holiday script for preparatory group

Fairy presenter: Old Man Hottabych:

Santa Claus: Emelya:

Snow Maiden: Bag:

Fairy: How nice it is that our guests came here today

And, regardless of worries, everyone found a free hour.

Happy New Year, I wish you health and happiness to everyone!

Our children invite the best fairy tales in the world.

Open the doors wider! Come in, little people!

(to the music, a girl, boy, etc., holding hands, enter the music hall in a chain and dance around the Christmas tree).

Dance "How many boys and girls look"

(built in front of the tree in a semicircle)

Fairy: Hello my friends!

I, the fairy fairy, gathered everyone around the Christmas tree today,

Because today is a holiday, a noisy New Year holiday.

Let him come to us today like a magical fairy tale!

1st child: The holiday of Christmas tree and winter has come to us again today

We were looking forward to this New Year's holiday.

2nd child: How the costumes and masks shine! You can't recognize everyone today.

In this New Year's hall we will sing and dance!

Fairy: Happy New Year to everyone who came to this hall!

Let's start with a ringing song

All children: New Year's carnival!

(girls take three steps forward, boys remain in place,

built in two rows).

Song "Happy New Year!" Oliferova

(while standing still they sing with movement, at the end the girls stand in their places,

then everyone sits down on the chairs).

Fairy: Our Christmas tree is sad, let's light the lights on the tree.

Once! Two! Three! Christmas tree shine!

(words are spoken with the children, the Fairy waves her wand and the Christmas tree lights up)

That's how fun our Christmas tree is shining,

But where is Santa Claus, maybe someone knows?

Let's call him, let's say together:

“Grandfather Frost, come and have some fun with the guys!”

(children call Santa Claus in unison)

I'll look outside the door, maybe he's coming, friends!

(walks up to the door, takes a jug from behind the door, rubs it or looks at it like

smoke flows, the lights go out, oriental music sounds)

(The light comes on, old man Khattabych stands by the tree oriental attire, A

on top of the coat).

Khattab.: May there be peace to this house! Hello, most educated of

well-mannered, most lovely of lovely children and highly respected


Fairy: But you can’t go here in a coat, grandpa!

Khattab.: ABOUT! How, tibidah! Do you know who you're not letting in? Yes I will transform you

into the desert sand!

Fairy: Oh guys! Did you find out who it is?

(Khattabych takes off his coat)

Why, this is old Khattabych! Ghassan Abdurahman Khadtab!

Khattab.: Right! O wisest of the wisest fairies! You recognized my name. Where

did I get it? Whose is this? beautiful house, where are there so many children?

Children: Kindergarten!

Khattab.: How beautiful and bright it is here. I want to ask..

On the streets everything is covered with a white carpet

Your carpet is so wonderful, but it is unknown to me.

Fairy: Guys, it turns out that Hottabych has never seen snow.

Sit down Khattabych, look, the guys will show you a dance

and you will find out who covers everything with a white carpet.

Dance "Ice Ceiling"

Khattab.: Well done, oh, wisest of the wisest. Now I know what it is

the carpet on your street is snow and Winter is preparing all this.

Fairy: Outside the window everything is silver, and there is a chaos of snowflakes.

Winter-winter is having fun with us.

Tell me, guys, what can you do in winter?

Children: play snowballs, sledding, skiing, skating, etc.

Khattab.: I also want to play snowballs. Fuck-chibi-doh, tibi-doh,

Let everyone have a snowball!

(parents throw pre-prepared snowballs into the hall)

We need to transfer the snowballs on a spoon first to the girls, then


Khattab.: I enjoyed playing. Thank you, oh wisest of

the wisest.

Fairy: Khattabych, our children love fairy tales very much, and you probably know a lot of them?

Khattab.: Well, okay, a fairy tale is a fairy tale! Where is my book of fairy tales?

(The fairy hands the book to Khattabych, he leafs through the book). Can tell you

about the kolobok?

Fairy: No, this is a fairy tale for the little ones, and our children are already big.

Khattab.: Well, then I'll tell you this one. In the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth

once upon a time in the state... Do you want me to take you straight into a fairy tale?

Children: Yes!

Khattab.: I will take you to a fairy tale about a princess, about the Nesmeyan princess.

Fuck-tibi-doh, tibi-doh! Fairy tale, fairy tale appear, show yourself to our eyes!

(music sounds)

And it’s time for me to return to warmer climes. You have a very cold.

Goodbye to the wisest of the wisest and the most beautiful of the most beautiful Fairies!

(He bows and leaves. The lights on the tree go out. Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter. Father Frost pulls Snow Maiden by the hand, she resists and breaks free).

Snow Maiden: I don't want to go to kindergarten! I want to go home!

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, what happened to you? Are you sick?

Snow Maiden: Don't worry! I don't want to go to kindergarten! Let's go home!

Father Frost: What are you saying? Look, you and I are going to the kids

holiday trees have arrived! Let's say hello to them soon.

(The Snow Maiden sits down on the chair, dissatisfied)

Father Frost: Hello, kids! Girls and boys!

Happy New Year and wish you good health!

I visited you a year ago, I’m glad to see you all again!

Fairy: Hello, Father Frost and Snow Maiden!

Father Frost: Granddaughter, now say hello to the guys.

Snow Maiden: I don't want to! Why did you bring it here? I'm bored!

Fairy: Santa Claus! Look, our Christmas tree is sad again, with lights

does not burn.

Father Frost: Disorder! We will correct that mistake,

Let's make the lights burn!

Let's say together: “Surprise us with your beauty, shine on the Christmas tree!”

(repeat the words together).

Our tree sparkled with golden lights,

Start the round dance, kids, quickly!

Song "A blizzard is blowing along the street"

Father Frost: Aren't you afraid of frost? Then hang in there.

Game "I'll Freeze"

Well done! You are so clever and fast. (children sit down)

Father Frost: Granddaughter, the children played so happily, but you didn’t even smile.

What happened to you? (throws up his hands, surprised). When we were getting ready for the Christmas tree in the morning, she was so cheerful, laughing and singing songs all the time. How did you approach

your kindergarten, suddenly tripped and cried. And you’re wearing not the Snow Maiden, but

Some kind of Princess Nesmeyana!

Fairy: It seems that I understand Grandfather Frost. Old man Hottabych was here recently,

He cast a spell, promised to take us into a fairy tale, and by mistake he bewitched the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost: Ah, that's it! It was he who turned the Snow Maiden into Nesmeyana, and what should we do now?

Fairy: I think that the Snow Maiden will break her spell,

I need her to laugh!

Snow Maiden: I can't do anything! I do not want anything!

Oh, I'm hot, I can't! (waves at himself)

Fairy: Come on, snowflakes, come on, fluffs,

Spin around the Christmas tree like ballerinas!

Help the Snow Maiden, cool her down at least a little!

Dance of snowflakes

Father Frost: Well, my granddaughter, didn’t the snowflakes freeze you?

Snow Maiden: I'm bored! (turns away from the children)

Fairy: No, it’s not fun at all, you still have to work hard. Maybe we should read some poetry?

Father Frost: Of course it is necessary. Snegurochka and I will listen.


Dance of snowmen boys with brooms


(music “Chime”)

1 boy: “Tick-tock, tick-tock!” - the clock is knocking, and the arrows are rushing forward.

Boy 2: I’m ready to come visit you at the strike of the clock on New Year’s Day.

Dance "Clock"

Father Frost: Granddaughter, the children prepared good poems, but you didn’t even


Fairy: What if we invite Emelya? But in the fairy tale, it was he who made Nesmeyana laugh.

Father Frost: And that's true! We urgently need to call Yemelya! (hits with staff)

At the behest of the pike, at the will of Santa Morozov,

Wherever you are, friend Emelya, hurry here quickly!

(Emelya comes in under a cheerful r.n.p., on her shoulder is a yoke with buckets, filled with Christmas tree decorations, pike, puts the buckets)

Emelya: Big hello to an honest company!

That the holiday here didn’t know in advance,

Otherwise I would have come here a long time ago and had a lot of fun.

Fairy: Eh, Emelyushka, our Snow Maiden has forgotten how to laugh, it’s the old man’s fault

Khattabych cast a spell by mistake.

Emelya: Well, I’m not averse to helping you!

I have New Year's toys, let's play a game

"Dress up the Christmas tree"

(two dads put on a Christmas tree costume, three guys decorate each tree

toys. The winner is those who quickly and beautifully decorate the Christmas tree)

Father Frost: Well, my granddaughter, did we cheer you up?

Snow Maiden: Ah-ah-ah! Nooo! (shakes his head)

Emelya: I'll ask the pike to help.

(takes a pike out of the bucket and whispers to it).

At the behest of the pike, at my will,

We want a surprise!

(the symbol of the year, the monkey, appears to the music)


Hello my friends, do you know who I am?

Children: answers

I am a lively, mischievous monkey, everyone knows me, everyone is waiting for me,

Because adults and children on the planet know

I am the symbol of the year, friends, you can’t live without me!

May the new year bring you a lot of joy and happiness!


Monkey, help us make Snow Maiden laugh.

Monkey: With pleasure. Will the guys help me?

Fairy: Monkey! Our children are the funniest in the world.

They will definitely help to cheer up the Snow Maiden.

Shall we help you guys?

Children: answers

Monkey: Can you make faces? How about doing weird poses?

Children: answers

Father Frost: Guys! Help out! Do as she says!

Monkey: Right! Listen carefully and do everything I say!

Emelya: And you get the game “Monkeys”

Fairy: Emelya, don’t interrupt.

Emelya: I’m silent, beauty, I’m silent... Continue!

Monkey: We begin! (children stand up scattered)

We are funny monkeys! We're playing too loud!

Let's all clap our hands! Let's all stomp our feet! Let's puff out our cheeks!

Let's jump on our toes! And we’ll even show each other our tongues!

Let's stick out our ears! Ponytail on top!

Let's put our finger to your temple! Let's jump to the ceiling together!

Let's open our mouths wider and make all the grimaces!

How do I say the word “Three!” everyone freeze with grimaces! Once! Two! Three!

(The children are playing, the Snow Maiden begins to laugh, the children do not sit down).

Emelya: Finally, the Snow Maiden was made to laugh. Good monkeys!

Fairy: Thank you, Monkey.

Father Frost: Thank you guys! Helped us out! We tried!

Monkey: I'm glad I helped. It's time for me to join the other guys. Until next time. (Leaves)

Fairy: And now on our Christmas tree

We'll dance for joy!

Endless polka

Emelya: Oh yes, kids, well done! Danced from the heart

And the Snow Maiden became more beautiful and stopped crying altogether.

And it's time for me to go home.

Fairy: Guys, let’s say thank you to Emelya and the pike for their help.

Children: Thank you!

(Emelya says goodbye and leaves)

Snow Maiden: It's so good that everything ends well!

A now - attention!

Always on New Year's Eve, parting gifts, who gives you?

Children: Father Frost!

Snow Maiden: Right. Grandfather, have you forgotten about the gifts?

Father Frost: Oh, how the Snow Maiden began to cry, I completely forgot about the bag of gifts.

Fairy: Don’t be sad, Santa Claus, the guys and I will help.

(takes " magic wand", waves, repeats the words with the children)

Wand, help me, create a miracle.

Let's say together: “One, two, three, the bag appears!”

(the bag comes on to the music)

Snow Maiden: Oh oh oh! Grandfather, the bag is alive!

Look, he’s standing there, moving his hands, running away somewhere,

You should walk with Santa Claus, be next to him.


I must play, jump and gallop.

(“bag” jumps, gallops, eats candy)

Father Frost: The question became interesting: Am I Frost or not Frost!

The bag doesn’t listen to me, it stands there, eats candy.

(“bag” dances, shows “nose”)

Father Frost: I don’t understand anything, is it all in a dream or in reality?

I am tormented by the question: Am I Frost or not Frost!

Fairy: Frost, of course, Frost!

Father Frost: And the bag forgot that I am Frost,

Look, he's showing his nose.

(“the bag” teases Santa Claus)

Snow Maiden: Dear bag, you should still be with Santa Claus

walk, be next to him!

Bag: Since today is New Year, it means everything is the other way around,

I must play and run away from Frost.

(“the bag” runs out the door, Santa Claus follows him and comes in

with a bag of gifts).

Father Frost: My sack quickly ran away,

but still I caught up with him and brought you gifts.

Fairy: Santa Claus, look how smart the guys are.

(The girls come out first. The Snow Maiden dances a Tatar dance with them,

Improvisation, souvenirs are awarded for costumes, then Santa Claus dances with the boys to an incendiary, for example, they perform any cowboy movements, they are also given souvenirs.)

(distribution of gifts and sweets)

Fairy: Have you received all the gifts? Have we forgotten anyone?

Raise your gifts and say “thank you” to Santa Claus.

Children: Thank you.

Father Frost: It’s time for us to end the New Year’s holiday,

I wish you a lot of joy today, kids!

Snow Maiden: So that you grow big, so that you don’t know worries,

Well, we will come to visit you again in a year.



Fairy: Our New Year's ball has come to an end.

It's time for us to say goodbye to the Christmas tree and return to our group.

Children: “Goodbye, Christmas tree!”


25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 50 Human

Snow Maiden: Good afternoon, dear children and dear adults! Were you waiting for me? (answer) Haven't you started the holiday yet? (answer) Do you recognize me? (answer) Great and I recognized you. Has Santa Claus appeared yet? (answer) Apparently he got lost somewhere, he fell behind the Snow Maiden! ...

Scenario for a New Year's party for young children

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 79 Human

Looks around.
Oh... where is Santa Claus? Something that takes too long to come... Shall we call him?

Three times they shout loudly: Santa Claus!
Santa Claus appears
Santa Claus: I hear, I hear you calling...
Hello both adults and children!
There are so many of you! ...

Script for congratulating Santa Claus at home in verse

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 38 Human

Santa Claus: (addresses the child and his parents, grandparents, when they are there).

Hello, girls and boys!
Put aside cartoons and books.
Answer me the question, who came to you?

Answer: Santa Claus!

Father Frost: ...

An interesting and theatrical scenario for a New Year's party with the participation of Guidon, Sultan, and other fairy-tale characters

02.12.2019 | Looked at the script 374 person

...(At first, greedy and stupid. He brazenly examines and feels Santa Claus)
"Hello Dedushka Moroz,
Did you bring me gifts?
The swan told me here -
You give it to anyone...
Did you bring it for me or not...?”

(rummaging in the bag)
"Well, ...

An interesting and theatrical scenario for a New Year's party with the participation of Baba Yaga and other fairy-tale characters

24.11.2019 | Looked at the script 1048 Human

Santa Claus: Give it back! This is a very necessary magical thing!
Baba Yaga: I won’t give it up, I won’t give it up!
Snow Maiden: Let's change? What do you like?
Little Baba Yaga: I love it when people ask riddles!
Now for the mind charging
I'll tell you riddles
You can't...

Scenario for Children's New Year

21.11.2018 | Looked at the script 2765 Human

A simple New Year's script for children

Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Kind fairy

Hello girls and boys!
And so do their parents! Grandmothers and grandfathers and your grandparents!
We welcome everyone here - at the New Year's show!
I am going to the forest, ...

Scenario of an interesting New Year's fairy tale for children

21.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1786 Human

Scenario of a New Year's fairy tale for family viewing " Incredible adventures in the city of emerald dreams"
Children's age is 6-10 years.


ELLIE – modern, bright dressed girl(girl), for example, in the style of "College"
TOTOSHKA is a dog, friend...

Scenario of the New Year's production for children of the primary school "Yolochka"

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1390 Human

two buffoons,
real tree
fake Christmas tree,
three hares,
snowballs, snowflakes,
grandfather Egor,
Father Frost.

Buffoons run out to the music.

First buffoon:
We are no longer crumbs -
Jokers and buffoons.
Let's have fun honest...

Scenario for New Year's greetings to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at home

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1482 person

Hello adults, hello boy! I am the good winter fairy! That's my name, Winter Fairy! And what is your name?
- Vania!
- Vanya, do you know what holiday is coming soon?
- New Year!
– Do you know who comes to the children on New Year’s Day?
- Father Frost!
- Do you want him...

Scenario of the New Year's party for the preparatory group of the kindergarten

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 5409 Human

Winter's Tale all of miracles.
Adventures await you, a mysterious forest,
River - frozen banks,
Baba Yaga - bone leg...
It seems that if you touch the Christmas tree
The wizards will all respond immediately...
No one knows what will happen to us...

Magical music. The Astrologer comes out (looks through the pipe at the sky):

1.No rain, no snow, no cloudy sky
At midnight cloudless hour.( per viewer):
The sky opens up the sparkling depths
For keen and joyful eyes.

After all, there are such people

They hear perfectly
As a star speaks to a star: ( leaves)

Stars (at different ends of the hall, calling to each other):
- Hello! - Hello.
-Are you shining? - I’m shining.
- What time is it now?
- Twelfth, approximately.
- And on Earth at this hour we are best visible.
- What about the children?
- The children are probably sleeping.

The stars run around the tree and stop in front of it, looking around.

Oh, where have we ended up?

1: We are in a large spacious hall.

2: So this is a kindergarten?..

I don't see any guys here...

1: Everything is ready, what are we waiting for?

We'll call them here

2: Everyone, quickly run here

Gather in this hall

If you want to see

New Year's carnival!

1: We invite only those

who laughs the loudest

who will dance and sing here,

will start round dances.

Play the music louder

Christmas tree, welcome your guests!

Come forward everyone -

See, it's snowing.

Entrance with snowflakes and twigs - WALTZ

Time flies forward and forward,

The New Year is just around the corner.

It's time for us to start the holiday, friends.

Sing, dance, you can't get bored here!

1. What happened? What a miracle! Everything is white all around!

It was at night that a blizzard rushed in and began to snow.

2. And the street is so clean, the sun is shining!

The sparkling snow creaks merrily underfoot.

3. We were looking forward to the first snowball.

Finally, the Russian winter is with us again!

"Snow - snowball"

4. Outside the window there is a blizzard wind

Everything sweeps, sweeps, sweeps,

And our friend is dancing

And a cheerful round dance.

5 . Every year we look forward to

We are waiting for the New Year holiday.

He comes to us with joy

And a sparkler!

6. In the kingdom of Christmas tree decorations

The lights are burning brightly.

Tinsel, balls, crackers

They sparkle and shine so much!

Our Christmas tree"

They sit down.

Presenter. It seems that all the guests have gathered, but Santa Claus is still not there.

We need to invite grandpa to celebrate the New Year with us.

(name of Santa Claus)

Music sounds, Night appears.

I am the Fairy of the Black Night,
I bring darkness and darkness.
It will be very difficult for Frost
Find a path in the forest.
May the month no longer sparkle
The stars above do not shine,
The lights are fading everywhere
And I like the darkness of the night.

The lights go out, the night goes away.

Presenter: Guys, did you hear what the Night Fairy said? The month is enchanted, the stars do not shine. How will Santa Claus come to us in such darkness? Let's help him. First, let's try to light the lights on our tree to make it a little lighter. I see a lot of gnomes. They will help us.

The gnomes come out to dance

1st gnome . Well, guess who we are?

2nd dwarf. We are gnomes, gnomes, gnomes,

We are good forest gnomes.

We come to you in fairy tales and dreams.

3rd dwarf. We protect the Christmas trees in the forest

And we extract treasures from the ground.

4th dwarf. We are good old gnomes.

Now do you know who we are?

Dance of the Dwarves with the Lamplighters

(at the end of the dance the lights on the tree light up and everyone claps)

Presenter: Thank you, gnomes!
The sad Moon comes out to the music.

A month, a month that you are sad,
Don't you sparkle, don't you shine?

The evil night has cast a spell,
She stole my cheerful shine.

Reb. Let the month smile
We will now drive away the sadness.

"Winter's Tale"

The moon smiles, throws off the dark veil, and the room becomes lighter.

Month: That's it, there is no more witchcraft!
How beautiful is the silver light!

The ominous night music sounds again, and Night appears.

Night ( laughs): It became a little lighter.

But there in the forest the night is thicker and darker.

Santa Claus will not come to you! -

Lost among the birches! ( spinning and running away)

D. M. What happened? I don't understand. I won't find the way.

The forest is thicker, the night is darker. I can’t bear to go anymore!

A cheerful round dance for a month would bring the stars forward...

It would be easier to walk. Who's making such jokes ahead?

We heard that grandpa was in trouble.

What to do? What should we do?

We need to wake up the wind.
So that the stars in the sky
They began to sparkle merrily,
There must be wind clouds in the sky
Disperse with your power.

Presenter: Guys, let's call the Wind:
Wind, wind, help,
Disperse the clouds in the sky!

The Wind appears.
I don't mind helping you.
May Queen Night be strong.
To gain strength for me,
We need to disperse the slumber!

Well, guys, help me out,
Drive away boredom, drowsiness!

Dance of Christmas trees and wind

I drove the sleeper away, and now
Merry round dance of the stars
The clouds in the sky are parting,
Silver and sparkles. ( month goes by)
« Dance of the Moon and Stars"

Towards the end of the dance, Night appears, dances, and with the end of the music remains near the tree.
Night: The light of the sun turned out to be stronger.

I'm leaving... I'm not here!
The night is leaving.

Ved. The night passed, and the dreams flew away, but the wizards remained.

1 child Look around: on the left is a friend and on the right is a friend.

2. And when there are friends around, then the magician is you and me.

To the music Snow Maiden comes out.

Song of the Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden.

In a clearing, at the edge of the forest, I live in my hut,
Call me Snegurochka, all snowflakes are my relatives.

Host: Where have you been, Snow Maiden?

Tell the children.

Snegur. I walked towards you through dark forests.

Big white fields

And finally, you, friends.

Presenter. We are for you. Snow Maiden, we are glad from the bottom of our hearts.

Have fun dancing with us in a round dance.

. Children go to the Christmas tree.

"Winter Song"

Snow Maiden. I felt sad, friends.

I'm very worried

We are already celebrating the holiday.

We don’t know where grandfather is.

Presenter. We've been waiting for him ourselves.

I need to call grandpa.

Let's tell grandpa: Aw!!!

Father Frost. I'm going, I'm going, I'm going!!( included)

Father Frost:

I am sincerely glad to see all the guests and all the guys!
Happy New Year, I wish you a snowy winter!
So that the sleds can roll you around, so that you can play in the snow,

Snow Maiden. So that they are not afraid of frost, so that they grow and harden.

The Christmas tree is glowing and sparkling - let's have fun, children!

Child1. A merry round dance will gather near the Christmas tree.

How wonderful it is that we will celebrate the New Year together.

New Year's round dance

2. I rushed with a silver blizzard past fir trees and birches,

Scattering sparkling snow, kind Grandfather Frost.

3 There is so much light in the hall today, so much laughter and warmth.

Here the children are playing and having fun by the Christmas tree.

Father Frost. Here at the wonderful Christmas tree

Sing a song about me.

"Father Frost"

4. Santa Claus is quite a joker

Leads a noisy round dance.

Looks and everything is smart

A snow spark will remove it!

What do you like in winter?

Mitten Games

“Here you are in our circle”

Ved. Listen, Grandfather Frost,

Freeze the guys' noses!

D.M. I blow a cold wind, I’ll put a spell on all the kids

I'll count one, two, three - a snowy fairy tale, freeze!

Snow and Ice game

X.1 hour - snowflakes are spinning, flying, at the end of the music the children freeze.

D.M. message to parents: “How did I freeze your children? They stand there and don’t move.”

HA.2 hours of music (dance) children dance.

D.M. ( looks around, surprised)Didn't you freeze it?

the game is repeated. The children sit down. Santa Claus sits near the Christmas tree.

1 Reb. Decorating our Christmas tree

Colorful lights

And toys and firecrackers,

And shiny balls.

2. We tried, we crafted

Christmas tree festive outfit.

3. And toys, like children,

They also want to dance.

Candy: I’m a shiny candy, I’m very glad to see you, kids.

Look at the outfit - there are caramels hanging here.

Firecracker: We hung on the beauty tree like needles.

If I clap my hands,

It's going to rain colored rain.

Don't put on your galoshes, he won't flood us with water.

My rain will come from paper confetti.

dance of New Year's toys

Santa Claus. Goodbye! Goodbye!

Goodbye, kids!

We played, had fun,

Well, it's time for us to go.

Snegur. Slides and snowballs are waiting for you,

Sleds and skates are waiting for you.

Dress warmly

And go outside quickly.

Together . HAPPY NEW YEAR! (leave)

Ved. May goodness win in every fairy tale.

Let there be joyful faces everywhere

And if you are sad, magic

To you with a new fairy tale there will be a knock on the door.

Song "Let's be happy"

I hasten to wish you a Happy New Year!
May this year bring you only happiness,
May everything always be within your reach,
So that bad weather is afraid to approach.
