Sberbank online loan rates. Calculate a cash loan at Sberbank

Loan calculator consumer loan 2017

Our clients are residents of the entire country, so this year we tried to do everything so that it is not we who benefit, but our clients. Experts and specialists reviewed all existing conditions and interest rates in order to attract as much attention as possible to loans, deposits, and services of Sberbank from regular and new customers.

Today, the most popular and in demand is a consumer loan, which can be issued and withdrawn in cash or issued a card with the required amount of money. Consumer loan calculator 2017, the calculation is quite simple and easy. To do this, you need to enter the appropriate numbers in certain columns and receive an annuity or differentiated monthly payment taking into account all interest rates.

The size of the monthly payment will be affected by:

The amount of the loan taken;
payment type;
credit term;
interest rate.

Nuances of applying for a consumer loan in 2017

If it is not possible to pay large sums, then it is better to take out a loan for more than 12 months. And if you have the opportunity to pay more than the specified fee, then the overpayment will be less and the loan will be repaid much faster.

A consumer loan can be taken out for various amounts and needs. For a small amount you will need a passport, identification and registration. Loan up to 1 million rubles. supplemented by the terms and conditions in the loan agreement. To apply for it, you will need to bring a passport, a document confirming your place of work and your ability to pay loans every month. In some cases (when the client has never taken out a loan from Sberbank before, does not have credit history or his data is not in the bank’s database), you will need to issue a pledge, issue a guarantee or make an advance. Registration will take no more than one day of the client’s time, after which you can immediately use the funds.

We use a consumer loan to purchase real estate, build or renovate housing, to promote or create a new business. In any case, taking out a loan at a small interest rate will always be more profitable than for a long time debug funds from the monthly income received.

Advantages of a consumer loan at Sberbank

First of all, we consider the advantages of obtaining a consumer loan from Sberbank to be an individual approach to each client who contacts us. Client consultation takes place convenient ways in bank branches and on representative websites. This way, you get face-to-face, online or written clarification of your question or problem.

A consumer loan can be taken out by almost anyone who needs Money Oh. A client can apply for a loan from the age of 21, provided they have official work and registration in the region. The maximum age for lending is 65 years, that is, we issue money, issue credit cards, mortgages, car loans even to pensioners, which cannot be said about our competitors.

This year, the maximum loan amounts have been recalculated and minimum interest rates have been established. The loyalty and preferential system program operates on the same basis - benefits on loans are received regular customers bank and military personnel.

Thanks to expanding the database and replenishing information about each client, we are processing loans much faster than before, and the 2017 consumer loan calculator will help you calculate the monthly payment even at home, sitting at the computer.

You can calculate the consumer loan 2017 loan calculator below by entering the interest, period (months) and loan amount.

Credit calculator
Percentage: (%)
Period: (months)
Amount of credit:
Payment per month:
Amount of all payments:
Sum of all interest:

To make a preliminary decision on taking out a loan, the bank has developed a special loan calculator. Thanks to him, you can make all the calculations without leaving your home, choosing the most optimal repayment options for different sizes loans.

Consumer loans are among the most popular banking products of Sberbank. Anyone who has a desire to apply for it is interested in the question: “How to calculate interest and the amount of monthly payments?” There are two ways to find out. The easiest way is to contact a bank branch and get all the data. But this will require you to spend your personal time. And the result may not always be satisfactory if you are not satisfied with the terms of the loan.

In order not to waste time, there is the most comfortable way - to make the calculation online.

You can calculate loan payments online. Select an interest rate for standard Sberbank programs or a custom value.

Standard loan offers

  • Consumer loan without collateral
    Rate from 11.9%
  • Consumer loan with guarantee individuals
    Rate from 12.9%
  • Loan to individuals running personal subsidiary plots
    Rate 17%
  • Non-targeted loan secured by real estate
    Rate from 12%

Online loan calculator form

Credit calculator

Amount of credit

Amount in rubles, which the borrower wants to receive from the bank (credit institution).

Credit term

Duration in months for which the loan is issued.

Interest rate

Percentage of loan amount, annual fee for using the loan.

Form of monthly payments

Repayment of credit debt annuity(equal) or differentiated(decreasing) payments.
The annuity scheme is more convenient, since the payments are always the same. With differentiated payments, the payments are larger at the beginning of the loan term and smaller at the end. But in the end, the overpayment with a differentiated repayment scheme is less than with an annuity scheme.

One-time commission

Percentage of loan amount or fixed cost processing a loan by a bank (credit institution). This commission may include a one-time fee for processing the application, issuing or transferring funds, and opening a credit account.

Monthly commission

Percentage of loan amount or from the balance of debt, or fixed amount as payment for monthly loan servicing costs. May consist of a fee for servicing the credit account and maintaining the loan.

From the loan amount from the loan balance one-time monthly annual


Percentage of loan amount or from the balance of debt, or fixed amount as insurance against the risk of non-repayment of the loan by the borrower.

Amount of other payments and expenses

Any additional expenses related to credit.

  • the amount of the monthly payment with interest;
  • amount of payments in full early repayment loan;
  • amount of payments for partial early repayment.

How to use a loan calculator correctly? You need to act according to the following scheme.

First you need to select the type of future calculation:

  • using the size of the required credit amount;
  • based on the amount of monthly income;
  • based on the desired monthly payment amount.

After selection required parameter it is entered in the “Calculation type” line.

  1. In the line where the loan amount is indicated, the future borrower should enter the desired loan amount, the desired monthly payment amount or the amount of his income (all data is entered in numerical terms).
  2. The next item is “Loan term”. It is filled out indicating the desired number of months on the loan.
  3. One of the important points is “Borrower Category”. As a rule, it makes it possible to significantly influence the interest rate. This applies to holders of Sberbank salary cards, as well as pensioners receiving a pension from the same bank.
  4. After filling out all the points, the terms of the loan are calculated.

In some loan offers, for a more accurate calculation and the optimal loan option, you will need to fill out a column about co-borrowers or guarantors.

Online calculation is convenient because it not only saves a lot of time, but also allows you to see the payment plan in the form of a graph or table with a schedule of all payments for each month. The graph or table can be saved or printed for ease of use.

Main advantages of the online calculator

The main advantages of a loan calculator include:

One of the most popular types of loans among citizens of the Russian Federation is a cash loan from Sberbank. This is due to fairly favorable lending conditions and a loyal attitude towards each client. A cash loan for different bank clients may have different terms and conditions. To understand how much loan amount is available to you and under what conditions it will have to be repaid, you can use the loan calculator presented below.

Page content

Online calculator

If you want to take out a cash loan from Sberbank, the calculator will help you pre-calculate all the conditions for receiving and repaying the loan. You can also apply for it online.

Amount of credit


Interest rate


Loan terms


Calculation results

Monthly payment:


Overpayment on loan:


Total cost:


Show payment schedule

Cash loan at Sberbank: types of loans

If you decide to take out a cash loan from Sberbank, first you need to decide which type of loan is right for you. Not only the terms of the loan itself depend on this, but also the amount that can be borrowed.

Today you can get a loan from Sberbank on the following conditions:

  • No collateral. This is a standard scheme for obtaining a cash loan without guarantors or collateral.
  • With security. This loan application scheme implies the presence of guarantors who can provide their income certificates. The data specified in them affects the size of the loan that the bank can provide to the client.
  • With collateral. This lending condition allows you to obtain a larger loan amount. Various property owned by the client can act as collateral.
  • Refinancing a cash loan received from another bank. The conditions for such a loan are selected individually, taking into account the data specified in the agreement.

The leader in providing loans to Russians, Sberbank, is expanding its credit line and offering more profitable terms his potential clients. But any person who wants to use borrowed funds is always interested in the question of how to calculate a loan from Sberbank so that it is profitable and not burdensome for their own budget.

How to calculate a cash loan at Sberbank

Most borrowers make the same mistake: they believe that overpayment on a loan is determined by adding up the interest rate and the principal. But this is absolutely not true: banks use completely different payment options maximum size loan and monthly payments for each specific client. Calculation formulas take into account many factors.


You can do preliminary calculations yourself in two ways. The very first one is traditional. A citizen contacts the credit department, where, after providing information about himself, income and the desired amount of borrowed funds, he receives all the information from the manager. In this case, the client cannot directly participate in the calculation itself, but will only receive the finished result. For those who want to independently explore all the possibilities of the loan program and, most importantly, analyze for themselves all the benefits of this or that product, it is worth going to the website and making all the necessary calculations online, selecting different parameters using a loan calculator.


Another method of calculation is based on the use of mathematical formulas.

Amount of differentiated payment calculated like this:

E=S/t+ (((S*M*dl)/DY)/100), where

E– monthly payment amount,

S– loan size,

t– number of months (or remaining months);

M– annual rate, according to the contract;

dl– the number of days in a particular month;

DY- days a year.

Monthly payment under the annuity scheme repayment is determined as follows:

E=S*(m*(1+m)^n)/((1+m)^n-1), where

m– monthly interest rate,

n– number of months under the contract.

Monthly interest rate is defined like this:

m = M/12/100, where

M– annual rate, according to the contract.


In banking practice, there are only two loan repayment schemes - annuity and differentiated (classical).

Annuity involves fixed and equal monthly payments that do not change throughout the entire loan term. Such payments include both the loan principal and interest. Their ratio may change monthly, but the size of payments will be the same. Under this scheme, most of the interest is paid in the first months and only then the principal debt. This is the reason for the increase in overpayments. This method is most often used for long-term loans, and especially for mortgages. It has its pros and cons. The advantages include the following:

  • for the first months the client will pay less than with classic scheme repayment;
  • Knowing the fixed payment, it is easier for the borrower to plan his budget.

Among the shortcomings noted:

  • overpayment is greater than classic version, and with increasing credit term it becomes more significant;
  • it is difficult to determine the outstanding balance;
  • early repayment is not very profitable.

The differentiated scheme consists of reducing the amount of monthly payments. The payment itself consists of the body of the loan, the size of which is divided proportionally across all months, and interest accrued on the unpaid balance. Due to the reduction in interest, the payment is reduced at the end of the term. Advantages of differentiated payments:

  • overpayment is less;
  • early repayment is very profitable;
  • it is easier to determine the remainder.

But there is also a drawback: in the first months, payments are maximum.

How to calculate differentiated loan payments

With differentiated repayment, each subsequent monthly payment is less than the previous one - this is the essence of classical lending. The maximum payment is in the first month, and the minimum in the last month. All borrowed funds are divided into equal parts according to the number of months specified in the agreement. To each of these payments is added the amount of interest accrued on the balance. Since the balance decreases every month, the payment amount decreases.

Step-by-step instruction

  • amount of outstanding balance,
  • the remaining time until the end of repayment,
  • number of days in a particular month;
  • number of days in a year.

Having these indicators, you need to go to the site and select the required loan. Then fill in the fields with the information listed above. Choose a repayment method - differentiated - and make a calculation.

How to calculate the amount of loan payments

When applying for a cash loan from Sberbank, the client is always interested in how to calculate the amount of payments.

Since recently banks have been moving away from the differentiated scheme and settling on the annuity scheme due to greater benefits for themselves, most calculations are associated with annuity payments. In most cases, these are all types of mortgages and long-term loans.


Since this scheme involves equal payments every month, the borrower is mainly interested in the volume of overpayments. To get this indicator, it is better to use a calculator and do the following:

  • go to the website and select the loan you are interested in;
  • a calculator is most often provided on the page with the selected product;
  • study all the columns to fill it out;
  • fill in all the data and indicate the type of payment;
  • calculate.

The summary table will indicate all the indicators - the amount of overpayments and payments each month, on the basis of which the client will be able to draw conclusions about the benefits and feasibility of the loan product.

Loan calculator: how to calculate a consumer loan in 2017

Sberbank loan calculator for 2017 allows the borrower to calculate what monthly payments he will have to pay. The algorithm is simple: you will need to fill out all the fields, taking into account your personal data and loan parameters. The result of the calculations will be a table or graph that will clearly demonstrate the amount of the principal debt, payment dates and interest to the bank. The advantage of a loan calculator is that you receive complete calculations in a matter of seconds and real information about the selected product. This allows the user to realistically assess their capabilities and the financial burden on the family budget.

It is worth considering that the calculator does not take into account possible additional payments (ship bill, commission amounts, insurance). You can find out about them at the bank branch before concluding an agreement.


To calculate the required loan amount from Sberbank using a calculator, you need to follow the following scheme:

  • go to the bank's website;
  • In the menu from the “Consumer loans” list, select the one you need and click on it;
  • decide on the type of calculation (by credit amount, average monthly income or monthly payments);
  • set the desired date and loan term in months;
  • it is mandatory to indicate the category of the borrower, this affects the amount of interest;
  • fill in personal information;
  • the interest rate is set automatically, and it corresponds to the current one;
  • indicate your income (yours and your family’s), family composition, expenses;
  • make a calculation.

When filling out all the items, you should realistically assess your financial capabilities and the duration of debt repayment.

How to calculate a loan for building a house in Sberbank

On the eve of contacting a banking institution, you can make an approximate calculation of a loan for building a house at Sberbank, calculating the overpayment and the amount of the monthly payment using a mortgage calculator. In addition to the main indicators (type of calculation, repayment scheme, value of the property, term and amount of borrowed funds), it is worth paying close attention to other points that affect the rate. This is the category of the borrower, the income of the client and his family, the desired size of the down payment, the time of registration of the object (before the conclusion of the contract or after) and the ability to use state budget funds. The latter includes attracting maternity capital and participating in the “Young Family” campaign. After maternity capital is credited, the bank recalculates the loan repayment schedule, reducing monthly payments. But you should not hope that the repayment period will be changed.

Sberbank mortgage calculator: how to calculate early repayment

Early repayment of a mortgage loan from Sberbank should be calculated according to the scheme for annuity payments. To do this, use a mortgage calculator. The algorithm is simple:

  • all parameters are entered (date of conclusion of the contract, amount, rate, and term);
  • the type of payment is indicated;
  • the amount and date planned for early repayment are indicated.


Having figured out how to calculate a loan from Sberbank of Russia, you need to take into account a few more points. Before going to the bank, you should evaluate your own solvency and real capabilities without embellishment. You should not chase an unrealistic loan, but settle on the loan that will be beneficial for you and carefully study the terms of the loan. There is no need to rush to apply for a loan without first calculating future payments. Then they can be compared with the calculations in the office and deal with additional “surcharges”. The best option– focus on a differentiated debt repayment scheme.

Before you apply for any loan, you need to calculate everything accurately, and for this you will need a formula for calculating a loan from Sberbank. Calculations are needed in order to get the most complete idea of ​​the interest rate, monthly payment, amount of overpayment and the procedure for repaying the loan for the entire loan period. It may well turn out that a potential borrower, after careful calculation, will abandon his idea of ​​taking out a loan, or, on the contrary, he may only reinforce his intentions. Let's see how calculations are made when different types loans, and what additional information they can provide it to us.

An annuity loan at Sberbank is very common. It involves repaying first the interest on the loan, and then the principal amount of the loan (the principal). According to the schedule, the first few payments consist of 80% interest on the loan, the rest is principal. The last 5-7 payments, on the contrary, mainly pay off the principal debt, and the share of interest in them is minimal.

By taking on obligations on an annuity loan, we will not be able to do anything about the distribution scheme for principal and interest. On the one hand, this scheme seems unfair, but on the other, the borrower gets the opportunity to repay the loan in strictly equal installments. The annuity payment can be easily calculated using the formula:

Аn=loan amount*(I *(1+I) N)/(1+I) N -1)

You quickly get used to this payment scheme, and it does not seem so burdensome for family budget.

In this formula: Ap-annuity payment, I – rate per year or month, N – loan term which is calculated in months. Let us illustrate the calculations on specific example. Let's try to calculate a loan without collateral from Sberbank PJSC at the New Year's interest rate, which is paid in equal annuity payments. First, let's take information about the loan from the Sberbank website:

  • amount in rubles 30,000;
  • term – 60 months;
  • rate – 12.9% per annum;
  • Payment starts on December 25, 2017 and ends on November 25, 2022.

The monthly interest rate is still unknown to us, which means we need to find it. To do this, we divide the annual rate by 12 months, that is, 12.9 / 12 / 100 = 0.01075. Next, we calculate as follows: monthly payment = 30,000 * 0.01075 * (1 + 0.01075) 60 / (1 + 0.01075) 60 - 1. Let’s carry out intermediate calculations: (1 + 0.01075) 60 = 1.9 .

Now all we have to do is 1.9 subtract 1, we get 0.9. Next 30,000 * 0.01075 * 1.9 / 0.9 = 681.06. Rounding up, we get the amount of the annuity payment per month - 681 rubles 6 kopecks.

On the chart, this amount will be written in a separate column opposite each month. The amount will be divided into two parts: the first part is interest, the second part is the loan body. The first payment will take place on December 25, 1017. In total it will be 681 rubles 6 kopecks, where 358.56 is the body and 322.50 percent for use. The last payment will take place on November 25, 2022. The amount is 680 rubles 83 kopecks (complete equality could not be achieved), where 673.59 is the body and 7.24 percent. For the entire term of the agreement, you will have to pay the bank 10,863 rubles 37 kopecks in the form of interest, add the amount of the principal debt and get 40,863 rubles 37 kopecks - this is how much the loan will cost.

Differentiated loan

We looked at how to calculate interest, the cost of the loan, as well as the size of the periodic payment for an annuity loan. Now let's talk about differentiated loans. What makes it different? The main difference is the monthly payments, which decrease from month to month according to a set schedule. At the same time, at the very beginning, the payment may be noticeable for the family budget, but towards the end it will become several times smaller. To make it clearer, let’s consider the option of a loan with a differentiated payment method.

Loans for individuals are provided in both annuity and differentiated forms.

The loan amount is 400,000 rubles, it is taken out for six months at 20% per annum. First payment 03/24/2017, last payment 08/24/2017. First, let's calculate how much you will have to pay Sberbank per month on the principal debt. 400,000 / 6 = 66,666 rubles 66 kopecks. Now let's set the interest rate per month. To do this, we multiply the current debt by the annual rate, then multiply by the number of days in the month and divide by the number of days in the year (since we have 20%, we divide the result by 100). What are we doing?

  1. 03.2017 – 400,000 * 20 * 31 / 365 / 100 = 6794 rubles 52 kopecks.

Now you need to calculate the remaining debt for the second month. To do this, from the total amount of 400,000 we subtract 66,666.66 payments per month on the principal debt. As a result, we get 333,333.34.

  1. 04.2017 – 333,333, 34 * 20 * 30 / 365 / 100 = 5479 rubles 45 kopecks.
  2. 05.2017 – 266,666.68 * 20 * 31 / 365 / 100 = 4529 rubles 68 kopecks.
  3. 06.2017 – 200000.02 * 20 * 30 / 365 / 100 = 3287 rubles 67 kopecks.
  4. 07.2017 – 133333, 36 * 20 * 31 / 365 / 100 = 2264 rubles 84 kopecks.
  5. 08.2017 – 66666, 7 * 20 * 31 / 365 / 100 = 1132 rubles 42 kopecks.

These calculations determine the calculation of interest using the differential method. Let's calculate the monthly payment amount by adding interest to the loan amount. You will get the following:

  • 03.2017 – 66666,66 + 6794, 52 = 73461,18
  • 04.2017 – 66666,66 + 5479,45 = 72146,11.
  • 05.2017 – 66666,66 + 4529,68 = 71196,34.
  • 06.2017 – 66666,66 + 3287,67 = 69954,33.
  • 07.2017 – 66666,66 + 2264,84 = 68931,50.
  • 08.2017 – 66666,66 + 1132,42 = 67799,08.

Let's add up all the payments and get 423,488.54 - the total amount of money that will be given to Sberbank. Of 23,488 rubles, 54 kopecks are interest for using the money for six months.

In our case, the difference between monthly payments is not so noticeable, since the loan was taken out for only 6 months. If the contract term were longer, the difference between the first and last payment would be very significant. Taking into account the pros and cons of annuity and differentiated loans, Sberbank began to offer more annuity loan packages. Why?

  1. It is easier for the borrower to remember the payment amounts because they are the same.
  2. The first few differentiated payments hit your wallet very hard.
  3. In case of early repayment, the annuity scheme is more profitable.

Let's use the Sberbank service

To make the above calculations, a potential borrower spends a minimum of effort. If you know the formulas, you just need to substitute the available values ​​and get the result. But many people are even like that simple calculations make you sad, and if you don’t want to remember school-level mathematics at all, you can use a loan calculator. What it is?

This is a special service that is available on the Sberbank website. It is attached to each loan package, which are placed in the “Consumer Loans” section. How to use the loan calculator?

  1. We go to the Sberbank website, select the “Take a loan” tab, click on any loan from the drop-down list.
  2. On the page that appears, you will see various information on the loan, as well as a loan calculator.
  3. First, select the calculation type.
  4. Next, indicate the amount and currency of the loan.

Most often, loans from Sberbank are available in rubles and US dollars, but sometimes only in rubles.

  1. Below we indicate the date the loan was issued, the loan term and the category of borrowers.
  2. Next, indicate the gender of the borrower and his date of birth.
  3. Below we indicate the interest rate and basic income, and then click the “calculate repayment” button.

As a result, the system will calculate everything you need. And at the same time it will do everything automatically, offering you the final result. Can the system's calculations be trusted? In our opinion, it is quite possible. But if you don't trust her, you can first make calculations on loan calculator and then check the results using the above formulas.

Whatever calculation option you choose, the main thing is to do everything very carefully to avoid mistakes. It’s better to double-check everything several times, and then make the final decision to take a loan or get by. Good luck!
