RSPP contacts. Committees and commissions. A trillion for digitalization: the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs discussed the digital development of Russian business

On July 9, 2019, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs hosted a regular meeting of the Commission of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs on the oil and gas industry under the leadership of the deputy co-chairs of the Commission - P.V. Karchevsky and V.G. Barankov.

The RSPP hosted a presentation of the Roadmap to ensure the transition to a system of independent assessment of the qualifications of financial market specialists

On July 10, 2019, a meeting of the Commissions of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the financial industry was held together with the Council for professional qualifications financial market (SPKFR). At the meeting, the Bank of Russia and SPKFM presented the signed Road map to ensure the transition to a system of independent assessment of the qualifications of financial market specialists. The meeting was chaired by A.V. Murychev, executive vice-president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, co-chairman of the Commission on Banks and Banking Activities, chairman of the SPKFM.

President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin visited the “smart” office in Yekaterinburg

On July 8, 2019, as part of the GRID business mission to the digital platforms of the Ural Federal District, members of the delegation - members of the RG VTP and the RSPP, led by the President of the RSPP Alexander Shokhin, visited one of the most modern offices in Yekaterinburg - the head office of the ANT-PROM Group of Companies specializing in the production screw piles and metal structures.

RSPP President Alexander Shokhin took part in the session “Russian-German cooperation in the era of digital transformation”

On July 10, 2019, as part of Innoprom-2019, a panel discussion of the GRID initiative “Russian-German cooperation in the era of digital transformation” took place.

RSPP President Alexander Shokhin took part in the Russian-Turkish Industrial Forum as part of the X International Industrial Exhibition INNOPROM-2019

The Republic of Turkey has become a partner country of the anniversary 10th International Industrial Exhibition INNOPROM. As part of INNOPROM-2019, the Russian-Turkish Industrial Forum was held, the key panel discussion of which, “Industrial Partnership: New Challenges and Projects,” was moderated by the President of the RSPP, Alexander Shokhin.

RSPP President Alexander Shokhin, within the framework of Innoprom, took part in the session “What should education be like in the era of digitalization”

The session was attended by Alexander Shokhin, President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; Natalya Tretyak, First Vice President, Gazprombank; Anna Shabarova, Vice President for HR Policy and Social Responsibility, Russian Copper Company; Viktor Koksharov, rector, Ural federal university named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin"; Evgeniy Filatov, CEO, SKB Kontur. The session was moderated by Sergey Kadochnikov, Director, National Research University graduate School economics - St. Petersburg.

Within the framework of Innoprom, a session was held “Transformation of the enterprise for the growth of export revenue and work in international cooperation”

On July 8, 2019, Vice President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Sergei Mytenkov took part in the Innoprom international forum in Yekaterinburg.

Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke at the II Global Summit on Manufacturing and Industrialization

On July 9, 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke at the II Global Manufacturing and Industrialization Summit (GMIS) in Yekaterinburg.

At the INNOPROM session, issues of efficiency and improvement of government support measures were discussed

On July 8, 2019, a session of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs “State support 2.0 - open dialogue or search for rent?” was held in Yekaterinburg, organized with the support of law firm VEGAS LEX within the framework of the international industrial exhibition and forum INNOPROM.

RSPP President Alexander Shokhin held a visiting meeting of the German-Russian Initiative

On July 6, 2019, President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin held a visiting meeting of the German-Russian Initiative for Digitalization of the Economy in Yekaterinburg. The event took place as part of a delegation trip of representatives of the German business community on July 5-11 to the Ural Federal District to the digital platforms of Russian GRID members. The business mission is also timed to coincide with Innoprom and is a return visit: in November, a GRID delegation from Moscow visited Stuttgart, where they visited exemplary enterprises in one of the most developed regions of Germany. The delegation members from Germany got acquainted with Russian companies successfully working in the field of digitalization.

Executive Vice President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Viktor Cherepov took part in the event on the occasion of Industrialist Day of the Moscow Region 2019

On July 5, 2019, a gala event dedicated to the celebration of Industrialist Day of the Moscow Region 2019 took place at the Government House of the Moscow Region.

Executive Vice President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Murychev took part in the XXVIII International Financial Congress

The XXVIII International Financial Congress was held in St. Petersburg from July 3 to July 5, 2019 and was dedicated to the theme “Financial markets: increasing complexity, maintaining stability.”

At the initiative of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, a meeting was held between Nobel Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus and representatives of Russian business

On July 2, a series of events dedicated to the laureate’s arrival in Moscow took place Nobel Prize world professor of economics Muhammad Yunus, an ideological inspirer and practical figure in the field of development and support of social entrepreneurship.

Executive Vice President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Viktor Cherepov took part in the press conference of the program for the development of independent assessment of qualifications

On July 3, 2019, a press conference of the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications was held at Interfax. The event was attended by Executive Vice-President of the RSPP Viktor Cherepov. At the press conference, the issue of reducing the cost of the independent assessment of qualifications (IQA) program was discussed.

President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin took part in the Russian-Italian dialogue forum

On July 4, 2019, President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin took part in the Russian-Italian Dialogue Forum in Rome. The forum was held as part of the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Italy.

Meeting of the Committee “Monitoring the quality of electricity on the end consumer side”

The meeting was attended by S. Dubov, Head of the Project Office “Monitoring the quality of electricity on the end-user side” of the RSPP Committee on Energy Policy and Energy Efficiency, A. Dubov, Chief Designer of Design Bureau Energy Optimum LLC, S. Likhachev, Regional Director of LLC “Energy Optimum” Energy Optimum”, V. Zhikharev, Head of the Department for Development of the Retail Market and Networks of the Association “Community of Energy Consumers”, I. Mironov, Deputy Managing Director for Interaction with government agencies PJSC "MOEK" N. Kuznetsova, manager for analysis of rulemaking and legal initiatives of JSC "United Energy Saving Company", A. Sinitsin, Chief Specialist of the State Institution of the Directorate of DogM, A. Raisikh, Chief Specialist of the Association of Guaranteed Suppliers and Energy Sales Companies, etc.

The RSPP Commission on Housing and Communal Services considered the issues of individual heat metering in apartment buildings

On July 3, 2019, the RSPP hosted a regular meeting of the RSPP Commission on Housing and Communal Services, dedicated to the initiative of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Russian Federation cancel mandatory installation individual accounting thermal energy in apartment buildings during new construction.

A joint meeting of the RSPP Commission on Construction and Housing Policy and the Council of the National Association of Housing Developers was held

July 2 this year A joint meeting of the RUIE Commission on Construction and Housing Policy and the Council of the National Association of Housing Developers (NOZA) was held at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, chaired by Leonid Kazinets, a member of the Bureau of the Board of the RSPP.

Chairman of the Committee on Investment Policy, Development Institutions and Export Support

On May 29, an extended meeting of the RSPP Committee on Investment Policy, Development Institutions and Export Support was held on the topic “Corporate venture investments - effective tool development of innovations." The moderator of the meeting, Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Igor Vdovin, noted the current weak development of the market for corporate venture funds (CVFs) in Russia compared to the leading countries of the world and invited the meeting participants to discuss how to stimulate the interest of Russian corporations, including state-owned companies, in creating their own venture capital funds.

A meeting was held between Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Maxim Akimov and heads of large business companies

On April 24, 2019, a meeting was held between Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Maxim Akimov and heads of large business companies, at which issues of transport infrastructure development were discussed.

Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Igor Vdovin took part in a business breakfast on investments in healthcare

On April 17, 2019, the Palmira Hotel in Moscow hosted a business breakfast “Investing in Healthcare. Horizons 2024”, organized by the RSPP Committee on Investment Policy, Development Institutions and Export Support. The event was moderated by Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Igor Vdovin and Chief Executive Officer for the Healthcare Industry of Sberbank Yuri Krestinsky.

On March 11, 2019, as part of Russian Business Week, a Forum of Development Institutions was held on issues effective interaction business and development institutions in order to implement national projects.

A trillion for digitalization: the RSPP discussed the digital development of Russian business

How to ensure financing for the digital development of Russian business was discussed on July 11, 2018 at an extended meeting of the RSPP Committee on Investment Policy, Development Institutions and Export Support with the participation of the Industrial Development Fund and other institutions.

The conference “Special Investment Contract: Reboot” was held in Moscow with the support of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

On April 25, 2018, the conference “Special Investment Contract: Reboot” was held in Moscow with the support of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Vegas Lex and KPMG.

On November 28, 2017, the President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin opened the next Forum of Development Institutions, which this time takes place as part of the annual industrial and innovative Kaluga Forum “Industry. Innovation. Technologies".

The RSPP and the Fives group of companies discussed the prospects for business cooperation

On November 20, 2017, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the French group of companies Fives discussed the possibilities of cooperation in various fields.

At a meeting of the Bureau of the Board of the RSPP, issues of monetary policy were discussed

On November 15, 2017, a meeting of the Bureau of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs was held, at which issues of monetary policy were discussed.

On November 9, 2017, an extended joint meeting of the RUIE Committee on Investment Policy, Development Institutions and Export Support and the Council of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Investment Policy was held.

Meeting of the RSPP Committee on PPP and Investment Policy: “Mechanism for financing projects of Russian companies - Industrial Development Fund: goals, objectives, tools”

On April 15, 2015, at the site of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, a meeting of the RSPP Committee on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and Investment Policy was held on the topic “Project Financing Mechanism Russian companies- Industrial Development Fund: goals, objectives, tools.” The meeting was dedicated to the presentation of a new institution to support Russian industry - the Industrial Development Fund. The event was attended by representatives of government authorities, public organizations, major banks, development and financial institutions, members of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, as well as company executives.

Meeting of the RSPP committee: private financial initiative in concession agreements

On April 3, 2015, at the site of Vnesheconombank, with the support of the Federal Center for Project Finance (VEB Group), a meeting of the RSPP Committee on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and Investment Policy was held. The expert discussion was devoted to the mechanism for concluding concession agreements at the initiative of a potential concessionaire. The event was attended by members of the RSPP committee, representatives of business, operator and investment structures, consultants, and financing organizations.

A round table was held “Implementation of public-private partnership projects in healthcare. Problems and prospects"

The event was attended by the Executive Vice President of the RSPP, Chairman of the RSPP Commission on the Health Industry Viktor Cherepov, Advisor to the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Igor Lanskoy, Head of the Department for Control of the Social Sphere and Trade of the FAS Timofey Nizhegorodtsev, Deputy Chairman of the Commission on the Health Industry Alexander Apazov, Senior Lawyer of the company " Ernst & Young" Dmitry Tsarev, Director of the Public-Private Partnership Directorate of Vnesheconombank Alexander Bazhenov.

An extended meeting of the Coordination Council was held as part of the implementation of the Memorandum of Cooperation on the development of the jewelry industry in Russia

On August 6, 2012, an extended meeting of the Coordination Council was held at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs as part of the implementation of the Memorandum of Cooperation on the development of the jewelry industry in Russia. The meeting was chaired by the Co-Chairman of the RSPP Committee on Public-Private Partnerships and Investment Policy I.A. Vdovin.

A meeting of the RUIE Committee on Public-Private Partnership and Investment Policy was held

The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs hosted an extended meeting of the RSPP Committee on PPP and Investment Policy and the leadership of the Coordination Council of RSPP branches in the Far East federal district.The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs hosted an extended meeting of the RSPP Committee on PPP and Investment Policy and the leadership of the Coordination Council of RSPP branches in the Far Eastern Federal District. The event participants discussed issues aimed at creating special conditions, which must be provided for when forming State program socio-economic development of the Far East and the Baikal region.

The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the Center for the Development of Public-Private Partnerships held an extended round table on the topic “Development of infrastructure and public-private partnerships in the regions of Siberia and the Urals or how to launch “flying” PPP projects”

The RSPP presented proposals for the formation of an active investment policy

Opening the meeting, V.A. Dmitriev spoke about positive experience Russian regions to attract investment. In his opinion, the key to success in this process, which is most important for the development of the region, is in systematic approach, the elements of which are special training of personnel, the presence of plans for holding tenders for public-private partnership projects and the organization of specialized units within the administrations responsible for carrying out work on the preparation of such specific tenders. He called on the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and other expert organizations to provide methodological and practical support to the regions in introducing such a system for attracting investments. As a result, an active investment policy should be formed in the country at all levels, which will enhance budgetary efficiency through additional budget revenues.

The first meeting of the Subcommittee on Public-Private Partnerships in Nuclear Energy of the RSPP Committee on Energy Policy and Energy Efficiency was held

At the first meeting of the Commission on Modernization and Technological Development of the Russian Economy, nuclear energy was singled out as one of the five areas of technological breakthrough in Russia controlled by the President.

It's no secret that cooperation in the economy is the key to increasing total profit. Entrepreneurs from various sectors of the economy have been uniting for a long time to do business together. Currently, in different cities of Russia there are so-called unions of entrepreneurs that unite organizations in the region. In addition, there is an all-Russian - the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, designed to represent the interests of business not only at the regional, but also at the all-Russian and global level.

Why join the Union of Entrepreneurs

The Union of Entrepreneurs is a freely created public organization, uniting businessmen. They are often called chambers of commerce and industry. The main goal for which entrepreneurial unions are created is to obtain additional features for doing business and at the same time promoting the processes of economic modernization and increasing the status of Russian business.

The regional factor most often acts as a criterion for the association of entrepreneurs. For example, there is the Union of Entrepreneurs of St. Petersburg, the Sverdlovsk Union of Entrepreneurs, and so on. At the same time, there are also industry unions, for example the Union of Pet Business Entrepreneurs. There are also such unions as the Union of Young Entrepreneurs, the Union of Orthodox Entrepreneurs, and so on.

Joining the Union of Entrepreneurs is beneficial for the following reasons:

  • the opportunity, with the support and guarantee of members of the union, to receive funds for development and modernization own business, often for more favorable conditions;
  • mutually beneficial cooperation with individual representatives of the union of entrepreneurs, establishing new business contacts;
  • development of a single, beneficial for all members of the union, line of development of enterprises in a particular sector of business.

Conditions for joining the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

The largest union of entrepreneurs in Russia is the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, or RSPP for short. This organization represents the common interests of Russian businessmen both within the country and abroad; it is the organization that is the trendsetter in the field of business ethics and ways of doing big business.

If you are primarily interested in financial support for your business in the form of receiving grants and subsidies, and your business is not very large, then it may be much easier to obtain financial support not from the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, but from a slightly smaller regional union of entrepreneurs. In addition, the entrance fee in such associations is much lower.

To join the RSPP you must make an initial entry fee and provide certain documents:

  1. Application for joining the RSPP;
  2. Completed RSPP member registration card;
  3. A copy of the document confirming the transfer of the entrance fee (this year the contribution to the RSPP is 150 thousand rubles);
  4. Extract from the decision on the right to join other organizations;
  5. A certified copy of the charter;
  6. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  7. List of branches and representative offices - for companies;

In smaller unions of entrepreneurs, the conditions for joining are, as a rule, almost identical, except that the entrance fee will be less.

Official website of the RSPP: or http://rspp.rf/

There is a mutual interest between entrepreneurs and the state, which is as follows. The state needs to support the state's economy by filling the budget with taxes. And most of them are paid by enterprises and organizations. The more taxes, the more profit these businesses will receive. Consequently, the state helps legal, law-abiding businesses grow.

Why are businessmen, especially beginners, interested in cooperation with the state? Of course, this means receiving all the benefits and support measures with which an entrepreneur can develop his business and bring profits to a decent level. To regulate these relations and achieve greater mutual understanding in our country, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (employers) was created.

This organization represents the interests of entrepreneurs, members of the union, in various executive and legislative bodies; it is designed to provide real practical assistance in managing the affairs of entrepreneurs, especially when they find themselves in difficult situation. The Union of Entrepreneurs initiates amendments to legislative acts, organizes competitions and grants and other events to support small and medium-sized businesses.

This organization also helps businessmen directly participate in legislative initiatives, it helps them to be elected to various self-government bodies - from State Duma to local councils. The Union of Entrepreneurs helps in organizing and conducting election campaigns. This organization also supports those businessmen who are engaged in scientific and technical developments and thereby implement progress in life.

The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs today includes more than 100 branches, both by industry and by territorial basis. RSPP works in two directions, like two legal entities. The first is an all-Russian association of employers, the second is an all-Russian public organization.

Branches of the RSPP deal with problems of all main areas of the Russian economy, these are the fuel and energy complex, mechanical engineering, banking, investment enterprises, defense, construction, chemical companies, food industry, light and processing, as well as the entire diverse service sector.

In all regions and regions of our country, more than 320 thousand companies engaged in industry have joined the RSPP and work together, financial activities, scientific developments, various commercial areas. If you combine all the goods and services produced by enterprises united in the RSPP, you will get more than 60% of our country’s gross national product. And this is considerable power! With these combined efforts and even more powerful opportunities, entrepreneurs are seeking to increase the prestige of Russian business in the world, improve the economic and political soil for its development, and maintain a balance between the interests of the state and small and medium-sized businesses.

Areas of activity of the RSPP

To achieve its goals, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Russia constantly carries out activities aimed at improving business sphere within the union and in the country as a whole.

For this purpose, the first and main direction in the work of the RSPP is defined as interaction with the authorities. Trust must always be maintained between business and government, with the help of which a balance between these two powerful forces is possible. This is what can ensure the stability of society in the domestic and global arenas, as well as good economic growth. Equality between business and government can give good foundation for law, order, high social guarantees, respect for all rights of every member of society.

These are not just words, this is a whole direction in the work of the RSPP. It is aimed against corruption and misappropriation of business property government agencies. Business cannot be allowed to merge with state power, which will exclude healthy competition and therefore significantly undermine the country’s economy.

The second direction of the RUIE’s work is the active implementation of regional policy on the ground. The Moscow leadership of the union will never be able to comprehend all the work throughout our vast country. Therefore, regional branches of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs have been created and will be actively created, developed and supported. Regional managers actively implement the ideas and principles of the entire organization into local life, help entrepreneurs, and attract them to participate in the life of this professional community.

In addition to the organizational function, regional offices also effectively assist entrepreneurs in obtaining the most necessary information, conduct a dialogue with political and administrative authorities in the interests of small and medium-sized businesses, develop and implement many aspects of regional economic policy. In the regions, branches of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs are a real center business communication and cooperation.

Entrepreneurs have problems not only with organizations outside their community, but also within it. Each enterprise is a whole organism, a structure that includes living people, they have their own desires and interests. Some of them are completely legal, while others, on the contrary, have nothing to do with the law. The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs helps entrepreneurs resolve labor disputes and conflicts.

All entrepreneurs know that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains many articles that protect the interests of employees, but the interests of employers remain almost unattended. Therefore, this protective function of the RSPP is more important than ever. The Union coordinates the work of trade unions and the relations of employers-businessmen with employees. Work is constantly underway to develop concepts of business ethics, corporate governance, standards and laws of business communication.

The next direction of work of the Union of Entrepreneurs is the development of social partnership. It ensures dialogue between various structures interested in economic development and entrepreneurs. Moreover, the union has created a very serious potential for such communication, uniting a huge number of businessmen from start-up companies to huge enterprises managing multibillion-dollar capital. Discuss issues labor relations, conduct a dialogue with trade unions, defend their interests in government bodies - all this is much easier for any entrepreneur to do when he is supported by such a serious and large organization as the Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists of Russia.

Just don’t think that the RSPP defends the interests of its members, regardless of the situation; to establish fair decisions, tripartite commissions are organized, where lawyers and other specialists of the union help to correctly set priorities. And based on these conclusions, they are already making proposals to the legislative bodies - to finalize some acts, to make additions and changes to regulations, rules and instructions.

One of the important activities of the RSPP is cooperation with civil society institutions. There are a lot of problems that can be solved with the help of such a united force - the union of entrepreneurs. These include educational problems, pension reforms, a huge layer of housing and communal problems, ecology, healthcare, social guarantees of society. After all, members of the union are citizens of society like everyone else, they study the same, live in housing, get sick, and retire. All organizations that also deal with these issues become partners of the RSPP, which makes the solution to all problems even more realistic.

Only the state can ensure social equality of people, compliance with all guarantees, and the realization of all human rights. But with a weak economy, it is practically powerless. And all structures – both political and economic – understand this. Therefore, the national organization RSPP supports those state forces that are working to increase the status of Russia as a state that socially protects all its citizens without exception.

The most important layer of the work of the RSPP is the integration of Russian business into the world economy. The Union carefully monitors and supports those of its members who supply their products abroad. This not only brings profit to our country, it increases confidence in Russia on the part of other states, and therefore increases the flow of investment to us. The RSPP actively supports Russia's membership in the WTO, which has provided even greater opportunities for trade.

What does the RSPP do?

The RSPP actively took part in the discussion of legislative acts in the following areas: on the consumer market, on advertising, on transactions with municipal property, on the implementation and operation of business in the housing and communal services sector, healthcare and education. Scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, round tables, thematic presentations, training seminars. Anti-crisis groups are being created in the regions that work in many areas of business. Members of the RSPP participate in all all-Russian events and in meetings with the executive and legislative authorities. In addition, through the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, a search for business partners, suppliers, and agents is carried out.

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