A rebus for the word closet. Fascinating riddles about the bed that every child will be happy to solve. Children's riddles about furniture

If parents do not have enough imagination to create fun and interesting entertainment for a child, you can arrange an entertaining event for your son or daughter with questions that need to be answered. Riddles about a bed, an armchair, and other pieces of furniture are great idea, because everyone, both small and adult, can find the answer to such problems.

A fun and educational activity for children

Riddles about the bed can be presented not as a complex and troublesome lesson, but in an easy way. This is not difficult to do. You need to find things in the house that will decorate the space of the room. The decorations will immediately create in the child a feeling of a holiday, an interesting event.

For each correct answer, your daughter or son can be given points. At the end of the game, count the number and present the pre-agreed gift based on the results. Both boys and girls will be happy to participate in an entertaining event, after which they will be able to receive gifts, because it is very stimulating.

The riddle must be presented in a form that is understandable and accessible to children. This way your child can easily find answers to the questions asked. Problems should be varied and versatile so that the competition does not become boring. You can also involve other people in the home, such as a grandparent or a second parent who is not the lead parent. The spirit of competition will create an even greater incentive to actively solve riddles.

Such events help you get closer and better understand your child and his level of development. Therefore, you should regularly organize small holidays for your boys and girls.

Riddles about the bed for the little ones

You need to first write down tasks on a piece of paper so that the game process flows like a trickle, without delays or thinking about the scenario. You can take into account the following riddles about the bed:

You are very happy to lie on it,

Because you have a very comfortable... (bed).

It's hard to get you out of it in the morning,

Because you really want to sleep on it.

She has four legs, but they don't walk along the path.

It also has a mattress, a blanket and a frame.

When you come home from school, you immediately look at her.

But you won’t lie down in it, because you’ll fall asleep without even saying a sentence.

You lie down on it, the blanket on top,

There's a pillow under your head,

And she herself is on four legs.

On it you watch dreams about birds and animals.

She is covered with a blanket and has many pillows on her.

Soft, comfortable, ideal for sleeping.

What furniture has 4 legs, a soft mattress and pillows?

You put a pillow on it

And you fall asleep, hugging your toy.

Only on it you gain strength,

Which I spent in a day.

You lie down and sleep on it until the morning,

So that, after getting enough sleep, you can go to class.

The pillow and blanket found a place on it.

Dad sleeps there, and mom, and their little beloved people.

Your child will definitely find an answer to such riddles about the bed. They should be read with expression and emphasis so that the questions are better understood by the child.

Complex riddles about cribs for children

Of course, it is not always necessary to give the child the opportunity to show weakness and childish perception. In fact, the riddle about the bed is quite difficult even small child. Their logic is much more developed than that of adults. For the experiment, you can take the following tasks:

She has no tail, no head,

But there are four wooden legs.

During the day there is a bed on me,

And Andreika sleeps at night.

Four legs, roof on top,

And Marisha sleeps sweetly on the roof.

By playing with their child, parents can show their love and attention. For boys and girls, nothing is more important than the care of mom and dad. A prepared game for a child will definitely be appreciated.

Riddles about furniture

      Stretched out like an accordion
      Miracle stove by the window,
      Heated our whole house.

      (Answer: Battery)

      What is between the window and the door?

      (Answer: Letter “I”)

      There is a new house in our apartment,
      The dishes live in that house,
      There is also room for sweets,
      It is called…

      (Answer: Buffet)

      He looks down from above:
      It also contains a brand new set,
      And old dishes
      There's a pile of knives and forks.
      There are just no clothes here:
      It's still...

      (Answer: Buffet)

      I hang in the hallway,
      It looks like a rake.

      (Answer: Hanger)

      Everyone wants to dress her
      And they hang on it all day
      And coats and jackets,
      When we come back from our walk.

      (Answer: Hanger)

      In a holey mesh
      The kids are resting.

      (Answer: Hammock)

      He's a swing and a bed,
      It's good to lie on it,
      He's in the garden or the forest
      Will sway on the weight.

      (Answer: Hammock)

      Is he an eccentric or an ignoramus?
      Look at anyone:
      He wears clothes on top.
      He has it inside.

      (Answer: Wardrobe)

      Whoever comes into the house -
      He takes me by the hand.

      (Answer: Door)

      Greets everyone with one hand,
      The other hand escorts you.

      (Answer: Door)

      She lets me into the house
      And he lets him out.
      At night - under lock and key
      She keeps my sleep.
      She is neither in the city nor in the yard
      Doesn't ask to go for a walk:
      Looks into the corridor for a moment -
      And into the room again.

      (Answer: Door)

      He is work's first enemy,
      He is very happy with lazy people:
      Let them rest on it,
      Well, the matter will wait!
      How easy it is to sit on it,
      And it’s nice, sweet sleep!
      The back is soft, the pillows...
      What else is needed for happiness?

      (Answer: Sofa)

      I'm comfortable, very soft,
      It's not difficult for you to guess -
      Loved by grandmothers and grandchildren
      Sit and lie down.

      (Answer: Sofa)

      Didn't look out the window -
      There was only Antoshka,
      I looked out the window -
      There's a second Antoshka!
      What kind of window is this?
      Where was Antoshka looking?

      (Answer: Mirror)

      Sometimes they take it out of me
      Rivers have their source,
      And in your hands I will open
      I am any castle.

      (Answer: Key)

      People sit on it, but it is not a chair.
      It has armrests
      But this is not a sofa.
      He has pillows
      But this is not a bed.

      (Answer: Chair)

      Takes everyone into his arms -
      And he lulls and rocks.

      (Answer: Rocking Chair)

      clubfooted animal,
      The back is high
      Yes, the belly is wide.
      Takes everyone into his arms -
      And he lulls and rocks.

      (Answer: Rocking chair)

      Quiet horse
      Grazing on the lawn
      The horse is running -
      The lawn lies
      It doesn't end.
      You sit on a horse -
      You'll rock!

      (Answer: Rocking chair)

      At dawn and dusk
      Sleep sweetly on...

      (Answer: Beds)

      During the day she sleeps on her blanket and pillow,
      And Andryushka sleeps there at night.

      (Answer: Bed)

      If you're tired of playing,
      Then you lie down on...

      (Answer: Bed)

      Four legs, one body and two backs.

      (Answer: Bed)

      Four legs
      One body and two backs,
      On one of the backs -
      Perinka for Irinka.

      (Answer: Bed)

      Four legs, but not a beast.
      There are feathers, but not a bird. What is this?

      (Answer: Bed and pillow)

      There is no way in front of me -
      I'm both at home and not at home,
      Between heaven and earth.
      Guess, friends, Who am I?

      (Answer: Porch)

      Wooden road -
      It goes up gently, -
      Every step is a ravine.

      (Answer: Stairs)

      Lying on his back -
      No one needs it,
      Lean it against the wall -
      You will climb up it.

      (Answer: Stairs)

      He has four legs
      Looks a little like a horse
      But it doesn't jump anywhere.
      And plates, cups, spoons,
      And wonderful food
      On his back wide
      We settled in without difficulty.

      (Answer: Dinner table)

      Glass fields,
      The boundaries are wooden.

      (Answer: Window)

      He has a big back
      And he allows it
      And write and draw,
      And sculpt and cut.

      (Answer: Desk)

      This beast is familiar to you,
      Here's what he's like:
      He has a big back
      And he allows it
      And write and draw.
      Lives in offices
      This beast is unusual
      He has a door on his body:
      And behind the door there is a place
      For textbooks, notebooks,
      Compasses and chocolates.

      (Answer: Desk)

      Like a holiday item
      You will place your shoes on it:
      And sneakers and boots,
      Sandals, sandals,
      So as not to gather dust
      And they were easy to wear.

      (Answer: Shoe rack)

      Not an ottoman or a sofa.
      Not a bed or a trestle bed,
      But sometimes on it Kostya
      Our guests sleep sweetly.
      And when they sleep a little,
      They will collect it with an accordion
      And every time until the night
      They will remove it out of sight.

      (Answer: Folding bed)

      The housewives really need me,
      I am very friendly with dishes,
      I'm happy with all kinds of dishes,
      I call myself...

      (Answer: Sideboard)

      There are four legs under the roof,
      And on the roof there is soup and spoons.

      (Answer: Table)

      Four brothers
      Belted with one sash,
      They stand under the same hat.

      (Answer: Table)

      Four sisters
      Under one fatica.

      (Answer: Table)

      There is a back, but it never lies.
      Has four legs, but doesn't walk.
      He himself always stands, but tells others to sit.

      (Answer: Chair)

      You can sit on it
      If you're tired of standing and if
      Suddenly they called to the table to eat,
      You won’t drown in it like in a chair,
      Don't slouch at all:
      Smooth and correct landing
      Maintain your posture.

      (Answer: Chair)

      He is serious, even gloomy.
      The back is strict and straight,
      But try to sit differently -
      Like a horse, let him gallop.
      Press your back to your heart,
      Sit boldly on him:
      Now it's a different matter!

      (Answer: Chair)

      With legs - without arms,
      With sides - without ribs,
      With a seat - without a belly,
      With a back - without a head.

      (Answer: Chair)

      With legs
      But without hands;
      With a seat
      But without a belly;
      With your back
      But without a head.

      (Answer: Chair)

      I have legs, but I don’t walk,
      With a back, but not lying down,
      You sit down - I'm not sitting.

      (Answer: Chair)

      Even though we have four legs,
      We are neither mice nor cats,
      Although we all have backs,
      We are not sheep or pigs,
      We are not horses, even though we
      You sit down many times.

      (Answer: Chairs)

      An old grandmother has it
      Very little secret:
      Dresses, books and toys,
      Curtains, rattles,
      Doll and bicycle -
      She stubbornly hides everything,
      So that the grandson could not get there.
      Grandma has it at her dacha
      Dilapidated old...

      (Answer: Chest)

      Grandma has a safe.
      It's not new for a long time,
      Moreover, completely
      Not steel
      And oak.
      He stands modestly next to her
      In a corner.
      Grandma keeps it in it
      Robes, socks,
      Cuttings for dresses,
      A little yarn
      Down handkerchief
      And even a pension.
      But not the door,
      And the lid is on it.
      Very heavy
      With padlock.

      (Answer: Chest)

      I look a little like a table
      There are in the kitchen and in the hallway,
      I'm rarely in the bedroom
      And my name is...

      (Answer: Stool)

      There are hangers and shelves here,
      It's like there are floors in a house.
      Pants, blouses, T-shirts -
      Everything is in order.

      (Answer: Wardrobe)

      Everyone will notice me in the room,
      And having opened me, he will meet winter and summer.

      (Answer: Wardrobe)

      Like a guard standing at the door
      He will meet and undress everyone,
      He knows one secret:
      If he can undress you,
      So he will be dressed himself!

      This beast won't bite
      Open his mouth yourself
      He is always ready to accept
      Jackets, fur coats and sweatshirts,
      And leather jackets and windbreakers,
      And there is a place for shoes,
      And clothes are not tight there.
      This beast is standing in the hallway,
      And he doesn't look like an animal.

      (Answer: Wardrobe for clothes and shoes)

With legs and no arms,
With sides, but without ribs,
With a seat, but without a belly,
With a back, but without a head.

There are four legs under the roof,
And on the roof there is soup and spoons.

Lying on his back -
No one needs it,
Lean it against the wall -
You will climb up it.

Is he an eccentric or an ignoramus?
Look at anyone:
He wears clothes on top.
He has it inside.

Wooden road -
It goes up gently, -
Every step is a ravine.

I hang in the hallway,
It looks like a rake.

Whoever comes into the house -
He takes me by the hand.

I serve in the locker room,
I hold my coat by weight.

Everyone wants to dress her
And they hang on it all day
And coats and jackets,
When we come back from our walk.

She lets me into the house
And he lets him out.
At night - under lock and key
She keeps my sleep.
She is neither in the city nor in the yard
Doesn't ask to go for a walk:
Looks into the corridor for a moment -
And into the room again.

Greets everyone with one hand,
The other hand escorts you.

During the day she sleeps on her blanket and pillow,
And at night Andryushka sleeps there.

There is a new house in our apartment,
The dishes live in that house,
There is also room for sweets,
It is called…

He looks down from above:
It also contains a brand new set,
And old dishes
There's a pile of knives and forks.
There are just no clothes here:
It's still...

If you're tired of playing,
Then you lie down on...

Four legs, but not a beast;
There are feathers, but not a bird.
Bed and feather bed

Four sisters
Under one fatica.

Everyone will notice me in the room,
And having opened me, he will meet winter and summer.

I'm comfortable, very soft,
It's not difficult for you to guess -
Loved by grandmothers and grandchildren
Sit and lie down.

What is between the window and the door?
Letter "I"

Four brothers
Belted with one sash,
They stand under the same hat.

With legs - without arms,
With sides - without ribs,
With a seat - without a belly,
With a back - without a head.

There are hangers and shelves here,
It's like there are floors in a house.
Pants, blouses, T-shirts –
Everything is in order.

Glass fields,
The boundaries are wooden.

The housewives really need me,
I am very friendly with dishes,
I'm happy with all kinds of dishes,
I call myself...

In our house under the window
There is a hot accordion:
Doesn't sing or play -
she heats the house.
Heating battery

Stretched out like an accordion
Miracle stove by the window,
Heated our whole house.

Long guy against the wall
Bones with ribs are visible,
Hands thin as sticks
It looks funny and pathetic
Everyone wants to wear it.

You can sit on it
When they called you to the table to eat.

Not an ottoman or a sofa.
Not a bed or a trestle bed,
But sometimes on it Kostya
Our guests sleep sweetly.
And when they sleep a little,
They will collect it with an accordion
And every time until the night
They will remove it out of sight.

I look a little like a table
There are in the kitchen and in the hallway,
I'm rarely in the bedroom
And my name is...

Didn't look out the window -
There was only Antoshka,
I looked out the window -
There's a second Antoshka!
What kind of window is this?
Where was Antoshka looking?

Takes everyone into his arms -
And he lulls and rocks.
(Rocking chair)

Like a holiday item
You will place your shoes on it:
And sneakers and boots,
Sandals, sandals,
So as not to gather dust
And they were easy to wear.
Shoe shelf

There is no way in front of me -
I'm both at home and not at home,
Between heaven and earth.
Guess, friends, Who am I?

Sometimes they take it out of me
Rivers have their source,
And in your hands I will open
I am any castle.

He has four legs
Looks a little like a horse
But it doesn't jump anywhere.
And plates, cups, spoons,
And wonderful food
On his back wide
We settled in without difficulty.
(Dinner table)

People sit on it, but not a chair.
With armrests, but not a sofa.
With pillows, but no bed.

Four legs
One body and two backs,
On one of the backs -
Perinka for Irinka.

He has a big back
And he allows it
And write and draw,
And sculpt and cut.

There is a back, but it never lies.
Has four legs, but doesn't walk.
You always stand by yourself

and tells others to sit.

Riddles for children about furniture

Artemka said to Zina:
-Our house has become magnificent,
Because in the store
We bought new...(furniture)

To make the apartment cozy,
We will buy it and arrange it as needed. (Furniture)

I'll take care of your things
And I’ll put it on the shelves.
I'm tall like a giraffe
Guess who I am... (closet)

It's in every bedroom
And the clothes are in it.
He is stately and majestic,
Let's say together - this is... (closet)

No, I'm not a closet,
I'm bigger.
I have a lot of space.
Come in if you need to
Choose things for yourself. (Wardrobe)

Clothes weigh on hangers,
The shoes are neatly placed.
Hats, bags round dance,
Much needed...(wardrobe)

Dress me up
Different jackets and dresses.
Then in the closet all day,
I take care of my clothes. (hanger)

I'm in the hallway on the wall,
And your clothes are hanging on me. (Hanger)

I'm made of wood
There are countless boxes.
A lot of things will go into me,
And my name is... (chest of drawers)

That's how much I have
Drawers, and linen in them.
The one who guesses me
Who will call loudly... (chest of drawers)

The day has passed, it's time to sleep,
I’ll spread my…(bed)

Children, you have to get up in the morning,
And make your...(bed)

After lunch,
At a quiet time.
Let's go together,
Let's lie down on... (bed)

Standing by the bed
The lamp on it is on. (bedside table)

They put the skirt on
On the big...(bedside table)

To look beautiful
Look at it.
There is a large mirror on it,
It's called...(dressing glass)

Every morning you look into it,
You see your reflection, your face. (Mirror)

I look at him
I see my face there.
And I showed my tongue
I still recognized myself. (Mirror)

Standing in the hallway in plain sight,
I'll put my coat and hat in it.
Perfect for the whole family,
Her name... (hallway)

If guests arrive
There is not enough room for everyone to sleep.
Let's take a sheet and a pillow,
And let’s unfold... (folding bed)

There's no place for me here
This is not a problem at all.
I'll take the pillow
I'll lie down on ... (folding bed)

Resting, at leisure,
We will take the remote control into our own hands.
Let's click through the dark window,
They will show us a movie there. (TV)

You can see everything in it,
Cartoons and films.
We will rest before him,
The day won't be long. (TV)

And without walls and without doors,
There are a lot of books on... (shelf)

They don't put clothes in me,
Although everyone calls it a closet.
Books on my shelf
So that the kids become smarter. (Bookshelf)

I'm not at all out of place in the house,
There is a lot of knowledge on my shelves.
Everyone calls me a closet...(bookcase)
And I'm very big in size.

It's important that I stand in the kitchen,
And I keep many secrets.
They will fit in me completely,
Dishes and products.
And the children run to me
To get candy and fruit. (Buffet)

I became doubly proud of myself,
That I serve the whole family.
After all, inside me,
The dishes are standing there, clinking.
Cups and spoons
And some sweets. (Buffet)

They lie on me fine,
Both books and notebooks.
Pencils, albums,
Ready for classes. (Desk)

In my possession there is a monitor,
I'm a computer guy...(desk)

Although there are four legs,
I can't run on the track.
After all, when lunch came,
Everyone sits down at... (kitchen table)

The whole family in the evening
He will sit for me.
Everyone eats together
Friendly family. (Table)

Plates, forks, spoons,
They'll put it on him.
Cutlets and potatoes
It's full of everything. (Table)

Wooden, strong,
There are plates on it.
Serving for lunch
Porridge, soup and vinaigrette. (Table)

For the time being he is inconspicuous,
But the guests arrived and laid out... (table)

TV remote,
Book and newspaper,
Everything will fit on me,
Remember this. (Coffee table)

Newspapers and magazines
They always lie on me,
And I myself am standing in the hall,
And my neighbor's sofa. (Coffee table)

They nailed it to the wall deftly,
Now I have become... (shelf)

I hang it on the wall,
After all, I am needed... (shelf)

Only my mother fries and cooks on me,
Children should not go near the gas...(stove)

I'm a helper in the kitchen
Cook for the family.
And our mother is smart,
Casts a spell at... (stove)

The lights are burning on me
Everything will squeak and fry.
This is mom on... (stove),
He tries for the whole family.

The cover is on me
And four legs.
But nowhere for me
You can't get away with them. (Table, stool)

We have a table in the kitchen,
And the four brothers placed him on the floor next to him. (Chairs)

Mom called everyone to eat
You can sit on it. (Chair)

I have four legs
But there are no shoes to be found on them.
Because my legs
They never walk on the road. (Chair)

Faithful friends of our table,
Although they stand, they sit on them. (Chairs)

In the kitchen, near the table,
I come often.
They always sit on me
My name is...(stool)

To hang a portrait on the wall,
You need to climb onto a big... (stool)

Don't confuse me, I'm not a stool,
And the lid can be opened,
And put something there. (Ottoman)

Standing in front of the TV
Dad lies on it, resting. (Sofa)

We have him in the hall,
Similar to a trestle bed.
And the letter "D" at the beginning,
Who can say what this is?...(Sofa)

Ivan came to visit us,
Where should we sleep?
It’s so good that there is...a sofa
Or maybe on... (bed)

Everyone loves me very much
I'll tell you honestly.
After a working day,
How to sit well in... (chair)

I'm never tight
I am a big comfortable...(chair)

And a comfortable seat,
Armrests, back.
What do you need for relaxation?
I have it all. (Sofa, armchair)

If you sit on me
I'll lull you to sleep. (Rocking chair)

Even though it's summer outside,
It's always cold there.
Even though he's standing in the heat,
And the fruit drink in it froze. (Fridge)

This is home, this is home,
The cold is always in him. (Fridge)

He's all white
But not a miller.
It's icy...(refrigerator)

Look inside
He's freezing inside. (Fridge)

We bought it at the store
And they brought it into the kitchen.
He was connected to the current
And he's freezing inside. (Fridge)

If I had clothes on,
After me it became smooth.
My partner ironed her,
Now you won’t be able to see your wrinkled trousers. (Ironing board)

Every morning you go to him,
And you wash your eyes and nose. (Wash basin)

He waits for the guys in the morning,
He's the boss in the bathroom.
It will help us become clean,

After a long day
Everyone wants to get into me.
Open the tap, draw water,
So we have become clean. (Bath)

I am neither a sea nor a river,
But there is always water in me.
I'm pure and white
Feel free to bathe in me. (Bath)

To pour water for me,
You just need to open the tap.
Pour as much as you need
And swim and dive. (Bath)

This car is a marvel to all of us,
She washes the linen so that it is beautiful.
And it washes and wrings out,
Everyone will immediately understand what kind of car it is. (Washing machine)

There's a drum in this machine
And you look at it as if at a screen. (Washing machine)

This machine is in the bathroom
With one eye he looks important.
You will put your laundry in it,
And then…
You can see how it flows
Water. (Washing machine)

Do you want to see a miracle?
Place the dishes in it.
Fat and dirty
Don't be afraid, it's not dangerous.
You have to press the button there,
And wait a little.
After a while we open,
And we check the dishes.
Well, shine, well, cleanliness.
Not dishes, beauty. (Dishwasher)

They put me in the hall,
And they forced me to do the dishes
I'm very happy with the dishes
Because I...(sideboard)

I watch everything strictly
I'm saving your shoes.
So that it stands okay,
Clean, neat.
If you go anywhere,
Take my shoes. (Shoe shelf)

Previously, instead of a closet,
He was very important.
All the good things were stored in it,
And the dowry and the silver. (Box)

What kind of miracle?
Rain in the house.
There are no clouds here,
But any time in the bath,
He is always ready to go. (Shower)

If you want me,
The whole family will sit down.
Because it's wide

There won't be any pressure on me
On a wide...(bench)

I'm standing in an old house,
And keep it warm.
Everything I need
This is to chop wood. (Stove)

Behind bars, behind iron bars,
The fire is burning inside me.
And comfort and warmth,
Speaks to our house. (Fireplace)

And next to the fireplace,
It sways.
And our grandfather loves
Rock it. (Rocking chair)

Video for children “Furniture items”
