Bazi Vocational Training Program M1, M2, M3. Ba Zi training Bazi training from scratch printed form

Why should you study Ba Zi?

— Because Ba Zi allows you to independently analyze your luck and plan your affairs so that the incoming luck helps and does not hinder you in achieving your goals. After all, what a pity it becomes when we learn about missed opportunities;

— helps to choose a parenting strategy for a child, select suitable clubs and activities;

— all questions that arise can be immediately recognized by looking at the Ba Zi map;

- will allow you to independently identify strengths and weak sides the people you communicate with;

- this allows you to build a more constructive line of behavior with a person and not expect from him what he cannot give;

- even if you are not going to choose the profession of a Ba Zi consultant, you become a consultant for yourself and your loved ones who will help at any time and suggest the best direction.

What are the advantages of the individual course I offer? :

— You can complete tasks at any pace convenient for you, so the timing of training depends only on you. But the maximum is for one academic year;

— you will have the basic theory that is offered in Ba Zi training courses;

theoretical material divided into small sections;

— theoretical material is sent before class in the formatpdf, which allows you to familiarize yourself with it in advance;

- the presence of such mini notes in formatpdf will allow you not to waste time on rewriting information, but to focus on assimilating it;

— you will have a clear analysis plan, which is very important, especially on initial stage;

- in addition to theory, you will have personal practice, thanks to which you will know how to apply the theory;

— an undoubted advantage is that the proposed The course is practice-oriented. When performing practical tasks, you consolidate the previous material, and at each stage a new aspect of analysis is added. Thanks to this, you have systems approach to analysis, and you understand how to connect different parts of the analysis;

— after independent analysis there will be a check of the completed task with explanations;

— at the end of the training you will be able to do a full analysis of maps;

— distance learning, via email, Skype. Therefore, you do not need to go anywhere, pay for accommodation and food;

— after the lesson, a video recording of the lesson is sent to you.

The class schedule is discussed and a convenient time is chosen for both parties.

Communication is conducted via Skype.

Individual training steps:

1. I am sending you a theory for the section you are studying, you study it.

2. We meet on Skype, I will explain to you with examples how the analysis is carried out at each stage.

3. You do your homework, I check it and make comments.

4. Then we move on to the next stage using a similar principle. Each new stage includes the previous one. In this way, you consolidate the analysis from the previous stage and add new information to the analysis.

5. During the learning process, I will also ask guiding questions about the maps being studied, which will allow me to study the map even more deeply.

6. You can ask questions via Skype at any time.

The main goal of training is PRACTICE!

Main stages of training:

1. Constructing a map of Ba Zi, the pillars of luck. Card structures, types of Lord of the Day, mergers of Heavenly Stems, combinations of Earthly Branches, identification of useful and unhelpful elements, Useful God. Let's look at the theory. Using the example of 5 cards, I show how the analysis is carried out (we communicate via Skype). After this, to consolidate the material, you need to complete your homework on analyzing 10 cards. I'll send the cards. You perform an analysis based on the examples given and send it to me for verification. I'm making comments.

2. 10 Deities. Character analysis according to Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches. Predisposition to various types activities. Using the example of 5 cards, I show how the analysis is carried out (we communicate via Skype). to you, as homework, new 10 cards are sent, you perform an analysis of these cards according to the previous task, and a new analysis from this section is added.

3. Analysis of relationships with relatives. Using the example of 5 cards, I show how the analysis is carried out (we communicate via Skype). New 10 cards are sent to you, you perform an analysis of these cards by analogy with the two previous tasks, and a new analysis from this section is added.

4. Symbolic stars, construction of 12 Palaces, analysis of 12 Palaces. Using the example of 5 cards, I show how the analysis is carried out (we communicate via Skype). You are sent 5 new cards, you analyze these cards by analogy with the three previous tasks, and a new analysis from this section is added. Common symbolic stars are considered:

— Noble Tai Chi – Noble One of the Great Limit

— Noble Tai Yi – Noble Patron

— Noble Star of Prosperity

— Noble Heavenly Official

— Noble of Heavenly Kitchen

— Noble Correct Sizes(Measures and Quantities)

- Noble with good luck in personal life

— Noble Literature

— Noble of the Heavenly Stem and Moon Powers

— Ursa Major

— Reward 10 NS

— Golden carriage

— Academician's Star

— Team influence

— Post horse

— Peach blossom

— Red Phoenix (Wizard of Love)

— Blooming canopy

— Shelter of loneliness

— Lonely Planet

— Sheep knife

— Original constellation

— Kui gang (Kwei Gang)

— Demon of the Void

— Yin-yang error

— Networks of heaven and earth

— Demon of Destruction

— Plunder Demon

5. The influence of the Pillars of Luck. Using the example of 5 cards, I show how the analysis is carried out (we communicate via Skype). You are sent 5 new cards, you analyze these cards by analogy with previous tasks, and a new analysis from this section is added.

Thus, you will independently analyze 40 cards, in addition to the cards that I use as examples, you will be able to ask any questions about these cards and clarify unclear points. You will have personal experience map analysis under the guidance of a teacher.

Upon completion of training you will be able:

- do an analysis human character,

- determine what is priority in human life,

- determine his attitude towards children, colleagues,

- define best strategy behavior for a person

- define the relationship in marriage,

- find out whether a career is important and whether it is worth building,

- when it’s easier to earn money,

- how better study,

- determine when to expect difficult periods,

- what tasks are best solved in a particular period of life,

- give advice on how to improve a person’s life

- and many other moments of a person’s life.

The cost of such individual training is 68 800 Russian rubles (2,250 Belarusian rubles).

Payment in installments is possible by individual agreement.

There is also VIPformat, which is available after completion of training.

In this case you do analysis of any four cards. This can be your personal card, cards of friends, relatives.

Those. You write personal consultations on the cards you are interested in, and I check them and make comments.

Thus, you will not only receive full-fledged consultations, but will have additional practice in chart analysis.

Price VIP format 15,000 Russian rubles. (490 BYR).

To purchase individual training, enter the required purchase amount and click “Transfer.”

Be sure to include your address Email for feedback.

One payment should not exceed 15,000 Russian rubles. at a time.

Module 1

Heat and cold, dryness and humidity. Temperature regulation using seasons and time of day when a person is born

Heavenly trunks hidden in earthly branches

Determining the strength of the personality element according to three points - gaining time, earth and strength

Definition of Operational Element, Desired and Rejected

Individual needs of each personality element

Drawing a natural “picture” of a map

Concept of a Helpful God

Interactions - triangles, seasons, mergers, collisions, punishments, harm and destruction.

Open interactions - heavenly trunks with heavenly trunks, earthly branches with earthly branches.

Hidden interactions - interactions between heavenly trunks hidden in earthly branches; interactions between invisibly present symbols and explicit symbols (pushes, sandwiches, broken sequences of branches).

Horizontal interactions: trunk - trunk, branch - branch, hidden trunk with hidden trunk.

Vertical interactions: open celestial trunk - hidden celestial trunk, locks and half-locks.

The difference between the interactions built into the Bazi and those coming from the great life cycle.

Determining whether interactions are harmful or beneficial to a person.

The influence of interactions in a person’s Bazi chart on the lives of relatives and surrounding people.

Qi phases – definition, semantic content. Very deep and detailed.

Behavior of useful and non-useful elements at different phases of qi.

This module is the most valuable and richest of the entire program. Few people are well versed in interactions, understand which of the competing interactions to give preference to and what consequences all this will lead to in people’s lives. This is the most important theme in Bazi, it is what makes Bazi alive.

Module 2

10 deities:
  • friends and robbers wealth
  • The spirit of pleasure and the challenge of power
  • proper wealth and inclination to wealth (easy money)
  • correct power and 7th position
  • regular and oblique printing (direct and indirect resources)

Finding, semantic content, good and bad interactions between deities

The influence of the predominance or absence of any deity

Bazi Map Structures

Normal structures
  • The right power
  • 7th position killer
  • Wealth
  • Seal
  • Spirit of pleasure
  • Challenge to power
Special structures
  • Establishing Happiness
  • Yansky region (killing a sheep)
  • Following structures – pure and fictitious
  • Following the glow (gaining Qi with one element)
  • Counterparts
  • Qi Transformation Structure
Hidden (dark) structures

Maps with mixed structures

How several structures manifested in a map affect personality

Quality (level) of structures - all structures are good and bad, or high-level and low-level (make people happy, successful or not)

Understanding the needs of each structure, we will learn to determine the scale of possible achievements of the Bazi card holder

We will learn methods of correction, changing luck, based on a deep understanding of the structures

Module 3

Spirits of happiness and demons of misfortune
  • Noble Power of Heaven (Heavenly Star of Virtue)
  • Noble power of the moon (monthly star of virtue)
  • Noble celestial unit (noble person)
  • general of the moon
  • commanding influence (general's star)
  • Blooming canopy (elegant cover, star of the arts)
  • Ursa Major (academic star)
  • Post horse (traveling horse)
  • Reward of the Ten Heavenly Stems (Prosperity Star)
  • Three mystics
  • Red Phoenix (magician of love)
  • Demon of the Void
  • Robbery Demon
  • Demon of Destruction (Lost Spirit, Angel of Death)
  • Sheep Killing Demon (Sheep Knife)
  • Peach Blossom Demon
  • Red Beauty Demon
  • Original constellation
  • Kway Gang
  • Lonely Planet (star of loneliness for men)
  • Shelter of Loneliness (Loneliness Star for Women)
  • Double drake
  • Different types noble people and their spheres of influence
Conditions under which the demons of misfortune bring good luck to a person. When the spirits of happiness may or may not be helpful.
  • The interaction of spirits and demons with each other. How spirits and demons behave during mergers and collisions in the map.
  • Interactions of spirits and demons with personality types.
  • In some cases, spirits and demons are considered in relation to the earthly branch of the day pillar, and in which in relation to the annual pillar.
  • When the Qi phases of the first degree and the second degree are taken into account to evaluate the influence of a spirit or demon.
  • What manifests the properties of a spirit or demon or neutralizes it.
  • Which spirits work only in the main chart, and which ones also influence luck or the year?
  • Baby demons
  • Palaces of fate
1. Rules for building palaces of fate
  • Accurate calculation of the onset of the “middle” of the month
  • Calculation of the earthly branch of the palace of fate
  • Calculation of the heavenly trunk of the palace of fate
  • Building palaces for those born in the Yin and Yang seasons
  • Are there differences in the construction of palaces of fate for men and women?
2. The semantic content of each palace
  • Palaces of the main map and palaces of fate that complement each other in meaning
  • Situations where equivalent palaces in the chart and palaces of fate carry similar information
  • Situations where the equivalent palaces of the main card and the palaces of fate contradict. What do we prefer and how do we interpret it?
  • Best types personalities for each palace
  • Probability of meetings with representatives different areas life
3. Operative Consciousness, Desired Consciousness and Rejected Consciousness in Palaces
  • The influence of incoming strokes of luck on the palaces of fate
  • Mergers that imbue palaces with special powers
4. Personality types in the palaces of fate
  • The theme of the personality type corresponds to the palace
  • Personality type theme inappropriate for the palace
  • Personality types that can “heal” the unfavorability of the palace
5. Qi phases in the palaces of fate
  • Qi Phase Reference Point for Palace Analysis
  • Various combinations phases of Qi and operational, desired, rejected consciousness and probable effect
6. Spirits of good luck and demons of bad luck in the palaces of fate
  • Spirits of good fortune or demons of bad luck that make the palace of fate and the area of ​​life associated with it more successful
  • Spirits of good fortune and demons of bad luck are not allowed in individual palaces.
7. Interaction of the palaces of fate with the Bazi card and incoming luck
  • Happy interactions and how to use them in real life
  • Unhappy Interactions and Methods for Dispelling Them
Specific questions that the palaces of fate help us answer. (A lot can be answered by looking at the 4 pillars, but palaces expand understanding, give more details)
  • What is the most important thing in life for me?
  • Is it favorable for me to practice Feng Shui, Bazi and other metaphysical practices? What will this kind of activity bring me?
  • Who should I be - a businessman or an employee?
  • Who should I do business with?
  • Is it good for me to build a family business?
  • Who are mine best business partners – husband/wife, parents, children, university friends, colleagues, etc.?
  • In what area of ​​business will I succeed?
  • Can I be a politician?
  • Can I become the head of a company or its owner?
  • Can I be a desk worker?
  • How can I make the most money possible?
  • Will I be able to make a fortune during an unstable situation in the country or industry?
  • Can I engage in risky sports?
  • Is it healthy and safe for me to travel?
  • Where can I meet my life partner?
  • What kind of relationship will I have with my life partner?
  • What kind of relationship will I have with children? Do I want to have children or when do I want them?
  • Who will raise the child - biological parents or other people?
  • Am I destined to have the house I want?
  • What area of ​​my life should I focus on to become most successful?
  • How to survive a difficult period of luck?
  • How to protect yourself from dangerous collisions?
  • How to make the most of good luck?
  • And many, many other questions and answers

The better prepared you are for the classes, the more live examples we will look at during the course.

Come learn - you'll love it!

The Chinese say: first Fate, then Luck, then Feng Shui. Destiny is something we are born with. Luck is the opportunities and chances that come our way. But good Fate, without good Luck, makes little sense. And, conversely, with bad Fate, good luck will help us achieve more significant results. There are many examples where a person who was poor in youth succeeded in adulthood.

In Chinese metaphysics, everything is interconnected. If standard astrological forecasts allow us only to predict future events and trends, then the Four Pillars of Destiny allow us to correct, if not the trends themselves, then at least the degree of their influence on us. The tool that allows you to do this is Feng Shui.

By analyzing the Pillars of Luck and the Pillars of time cycles (year, month, day, hour), we are able to determine the nature and intensity of the influence exerted on us by these cycles, which can be both favorable and negative.

Course content

  • Basic information for constructing the Ba Zi layout
  • Ba Zi layout in a person’s life
  • Cycles of time. Chinese calendar
  • Heavenly trunks and Earthly branches. Jia Zi cycle
  • Techniques for constructing the Ba Zi layout and the Pillars of Luck
  • Ba Zi layout
  • Pillar of the Year
  • Pillar of the month
  • Pillar of the day
  • Pillar of the Hour
  • Hidden Heavenly Stems
  • Scheme of the Pillars of Luck
  • Basic information necessary for analyzing Ba Zi layouts
  • Basic concept of the Five Elements.
  • Correspondences of the Five Elements.
  • Interpretation of the Five Elements from the point of view of their correspondence to the personality element in the Ba Zi spread.
  • Relationships of the Five Elements.
  • The power of manifestation of the Five Elements.
  • Preliminary analysis. Basic personality characteristics depending on the number of Five Elements in the Ba Zi layout.
  • Personality type – Metal
  • Personality type – Water
  • Personality type – Wood
  • Personality type – Fire
  • Personality type – Soil
  • Basic ways to analyze standard Ba Zi structures
  • Strength and weakness of the personality element.
  • Three conditions for the strength of the personality element
  • Three conditions for the formation of a weak element of personality
  • Easy options for resolving controversial issues in determining the strength of a personality element.
  • Relationships of Heavenly Stems
  • Confluences of Heavenly trunks. Transformations of Heavenly Stems
  • Conditions necessary to complete the transformation. The influence of Heavenly trunk mergers on relationships
  • Collisions of Heavenly trunks. The condition for the occurrence of collisions in the Ba Zi chart. Impact of collisions on the card owner
  • Relationships between the Earthly branches
  • Seasonal mergers. The necessary conditions to complete the transformations of the Earthly branches
  • Combinations of three. Semi-combinations
  • Combinations of six. Conditions for completing the transformation if there is a combination of six in the Ba Zi card
  • Collisions of Earthly Branches
  • Punishments
  • Prioritizing the implementation and impact of mergers and collisions
  • Ten Gods in the Ba Zi layout
  • Five aspects of life
  • Characteristics of a person depending on the strength of the five aspects of life
  • Relationships of the Five Life Aspects
  • Heterogeneity of life aspects. 10 gods in the Ba Zi layout
  • Ten types of standard layouts in Ba Zi
  • Rules for determining a useful god for the standard Ba Zi layout
  • Basic principles for identifying favorable and unfavorable elements
  • Strong element of personality. Favorable and Unfavorable Elements
  • Weak element of personality. Favorable and Unfavorable Elements
  • Difference between auspicious element and beneficial god. Rules for determining a useful god in the Ba Zi layout
  • Principles for assessing a person’s standard of living according to the Ba Zi layout and elements of the Pillar of Luck
  • Symbolic stars
  • Flower of romance
  • Horse traveler
  • Noble Man
  • Star of the Arts
  • Academician's Star
  • Grave (Money Vault)

"It is something"! Already during the classes, miracles began to happen!”

In February 2015, I attended a training about money. It is something"! Already during the classes, miracles began to happen! I stay at home with my children, they are still small, but since I can work remotely, I have always looked for various part-time jobs.

And now, in the third week of the training, I decide on the issue of remote collaboration on an ongoing basis. A year has passed and I'm still working THERE!!! It has become easier to accept money, this, I want to note, is one of the most important rules, be able to accept, - cleared the blocks with Inna, some are of a similar nature, so you often don’t even realize them.

Very cool training, when you look at the map and understand where the money can come, even this understanding makes you happy))

“ is very important that Natalya teaches how to correct your map, your destiny, your character. It’s not without reason that they say, if you sow Character..., you will reap Destiny.”

The last training I took from Natalia Pugacheva was “12 Palaces”. When I compared the events of my life with what I learned at this training, EVERYTHING came together. Everything that surprised me before or I didn’t understand...why this is so. Everything became clear...even where “my man” came from.

And of course, it is very important that Natalya teaches how to adjust your map, your destiny, your character. It’s not without reason that they say, if you sow Character... you will reap Destiny. After all, as Natalya says, in the Bazi map we can see 33% of our life, what the Universe, God has laid in us.. 33% is our earthly Luck, which we can also correct with the techniques that Natalya gives.

And of course, no one has canceled the responsibility for our actions - another 33% Good luck... I would like to express my deep gratitude to Natalya Pugacheva - who, in her personal consultation, uses ALL her knowledge - psychologist, astrologer, coach, etc. - to help specifically in your situation.

She doesn’t just read and explain the Bazi card, she gives impetus, direction for changes in life, her wisdom, kindness and consulting experience simply “Pull” you out of the swamp in which you lived before. Once again Thank you!!!

“I am with you, with the most humane and responsive team.”

Listening to Natalia, a vision of the process and the desired actions began to come at the same time. People appeared with the help of whom I would reach my goal. It’s just an amazing feeling. I was no longer so lonely and didn’t know what to do.

Even work has become less scary, because... it's all temporary. Because I know what I have There are wonderful goals that will lead to financial well-being and mental satisfaction. During the conversation, my wings simply grew.

It's great that there are people like Natalya! She is a specialist with a capital letter. It is easy and comfortable to communicate with her. Natalya, I thank you with all my heart, because you gave me hope for my successful future, and my present too. We will work...I am also grateful to Elena Pirogova.

I bow to you for your help, responsiveness and understanding. How many times have you helped me out? Thank you! I am with you, with the most humane and responsive team.

Happiness and prosperity to you.

Are you here:

Learning bazi at our school means working and communicating with you in your home. All you need is a computer, internet and free time(even at night, at least during the day, at least late in the evening).

The highlight of training is its practical orientation

We do not teach bare theory. You can read it yourself based on the material that we send as a theory. We do not teach you to analyze only a piece of the map: only career or only love, or only one pillar. One could say that we teach to decipher and read bazi cards, but it would be more accurate: we teach to see a living person behind the hieroglyphs, his character, destiny, successes, failures, and also to correct his life.

This form of Bazi training is designed for people with any level of knowledge. You can start from any of the FIVE levels, but enrolling in courses above the initial level is possible only after a short test-exam (analysis of the bazi card).

We all went through the theory, but sometimes this theory “lays down” in practice in a difficult way. It is in the process practical application questions arise.

We have created a workshop course that involves teaching bazi by directly analyzing the maps that you make yourself, and we check, correct, supplement, consider missing details, and add new information to the knowledge bank.

All five levels of the course - workshop consists of an analysis of more than 200 maps, includes the maximum number of answers to “How does this work?”, “What could this mean?”, “Why is everything different in this map than in a similar one?”, “How to interpret this?”, “How will this manifest itself in the person’s life/character?”, “Why is this person not interested in...?”

Each card is sucked to the bone and analyzed in detail so that every character trait of a person, the peculiarity of his behavior, becomes visible and understandable to the student. This is not a separate analysis of just one area of ​​life, it is full analysis cards.

Training stages:

First stage. The very first acquaintance with bazi. The course is for beginners or for those who have been around the Bazi forums and realized that Bazi is a real Chinese script. The printed initial course explains the theory of bazi, map construction, provides the basics of analysis and practice: in the course you will find an example of the analysis of 25 cards. This will help you figure out how to do a simple analysis of bazi cards. More detailed information
1 course includes a detailed analysis of the structure of the map, favorable elements, heavenly trunks and earthly branches.

After completing the course, you will be able to talk about a person’s character, his main features, behavior in love, work activity, his attitude towards children, parents, colleagues. You will be able to determine for yourself what is a priority in a person’s life, what kind of partner he is looking for, how he treats children, whether he will be able to realize his plans in his career and making money. Will he be successful, when to expect difficulties and what to do to mitigate them. You will be able to give advice on improving a person’s life.

During the course, we will analyze 80 Bazi cards. Analysis of 80 cards is already experience, personal experience in Bazi.

You can watch a video presentation of the course
More information about the course
Opinion of students who took the course:

2nd year includes the construction and analysis of palaces of life, analysis of stars, spirits, demons.

This allows you to significantly deepen the analysis of personality and find answers to the questions: “How? When? Why? Where?" “How to get married?”, How to make money?” , “When is the best time to have a child?”, “Where to work to make a career?”, “Why don’t relationships work out with men?”, “Why am I alone?”, “Why doesn’t the child listen?”, “Which profession is better to choose? ", "Why do we live like cats and dogs?" and etc.

3rd year These are already detailed consultations (full, children's, express consultation (answer to one question), compatibility analysis.
There are two cards for each topic. This could be your card or that of your loved ones. During the 3rd course, we will make 8 consultations with you.

4th year– course “Health Course in Ba Tzu”.

This course examines problems of health or illness using 163 cards of various problems, predisposition and prevention of diseases. After studying written materials(textbook "") You take part in a webinar-workshop where your personal card and the personal cards of everyone who signed up for the webinar are analyzed. No medical education is required, because the basis of the health course is to analyze predispositions to diseases and indicate the timing of the possible onset of the disease, preventive measures in order to avoid it.

Bazi training is the practical course that we ourselves needed when we studied Bazi. It is so important when there is someone nearby to whom you can ask questions, who will advise, guide, help, “open your eyes”, and say that I have generally piled up here, that I am doing something wrong here. Well, of course, he will support you in difficult times, when all these bazi cards seem like real Chinese letters.

For any questions or to register, write
The next course starts in September 2014.

I hope that learning bazi in our workshop course will be useful, understandable and productive!

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