Project for an extension to a brick house made of foam blocks. An extension to a house made of foam blocks - built with your own hands in a matter of days! Features of attaching an extension to a wooden house

An extension to a house made of foam blocks is simple and effective method improving the appearance of a private home and expanding its usable area. The special technical characteristics of such blocks ensure their demand among individual developers.

Foam concrete blocks - an easy-to-use building material

The process of constructing extensions from wood is characterized by low labor intensity and ease of installation. Such blocks have a number of unique characteristics. Let's highlight the main ones:

  • Non-flammability (foam concrete products meet fire safety standards).
  • Affordable cost (compared to wooden beams and bricks).
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Creating an ideal microclimate for humans in a residential building due to the ability of the material to breathe.
  • Cellular structure providing low thermal conductivity of the material.
  • Light weight (no need to build an overly powerful foundation, which reduces the cost of building an extension to the house) and convenient for work.
  • High strength and long service life (structures made of foam concrete are built for 50–70 years).
  • Compliance of the material to processing (drilling, cutting, adjusting to specified dimensions).

An extension made of foam blocks can be erected on all types of soil. They are built even on very difficult soils. The foam concrete structures we are interested in can be attached to houses made of any materials. Foam concrete almost does not shrink during use. This distinguishes it favorably from wooden buildings, the walls of which are significantly reduced in height. Another advantage of foam concrete blocks is the ability to work with them without any special construction skills. Almost any home craftsman will be able to attach a foam concrete structure to his home, spending a minimum of effort and time on such an operation.

Let us also note the disadvantages of the building material in question. There are not many of them. Firstly, foam blocks do not look very presentable in appearance. Therefore, after the construction of the extension, you will have to spend money on its high-quality finishing. Secondly, foam concrete is characterized by increased hygroscopicity. This necessitates the need for a device additional protection erected walls.

Self-design – no need for professional engineers!

A self-taught master can easily develop a project for a new building on his own. It is not at all necessary to invite specialists in the field of architecture for these purposes. Appearance extensions must match the design of the main building. When designing, it is important to do the following:

  1. 1. Correctly calculate the load of the new structure on the ground. The power and type of foundation required depends on its indicator.
  2. 2. Decide on the lighting option for the extension in order to provide required quantity window openings and install them in optimal locations.
  3. 3. Decide how many entrances there should be in the extension. You can design just one door that will connect the main and additional structures. And if you wish, it’s easy to make two exits (one into the house, the second into the street).
  4. 4. Determine the need for additional noise and heat insulation of the new building, installing water supply, electricity, and sewerage into it.

If you rationally design additional structures, taking into account everything stated above, you will be able to build a durable and easy-to-use room.

We build the foundation and erect the walls - the work of the master is afraid!

The issue of constructing the foundation of an extension should be approached truly responsibly. The reliability of the structure under construction depends on the quality of the foundation. In addition, you need to correctly pair the new foundation with the existing one under the house. Columnar, linear, and pile-screw foundations are suitable for extensions made of foam concrete blocks. The latter are the most difficult to implement. Arrange them with your own hands as usual home handyman often it is not possible. Linear bases are suitable for small and light structures, for example, a car garage, a bathhouse. An extension to such a foundation is most often installed. wooden house from foam blocks. In other cases, it is advisable to make the same foundation as under the main building.

The scheme of its arrangement is simple:

  • Dig a meter deep pit, pour sand or a small stone mixture into it (layer height - up to 20 cm).
  • Place roofing felt on the made pillow. You can use other waterproofing material.
  • You mount the reinforcing bars, cover them with stones, and pour the concrete solution.

The pillars, which act as the base of the extension, can be connected to each other with wooden logs. But it’s better to build basic formwork and pour it concrete mixture. As a result, you will receive a high-strength encircling foundation. Don't forget to cover it with another layer of waterproofing.

The walls of the extension always begin to be mounted from the corner. The first row of foam blocks is laid on a sand-cement building mixture.

Important! All subsequent rows are laid with a special glue (sold in construction stores), which is used to treat the side and bottom sides of the foam concrete products being installed. To reduce the risk of cold bridging, the seam should be made with a maximum thickness of 1 mm. The first row of masonry must be perfectly level. A laser level allows you to achieve this.

In every fourth row, experts advise cutting a small groove and laying reinforcement in it. This precaution will protect the walls of the foam concrete extension from the formation of cracks. Note! Rows of blocks are mounted according to the standard ligation principle. The joints of individual products in adjacent lines should not coincide. Foam blocks that protrude along the length should be trimmed using a hacksaw when the building approaches the wall surface of the house. This process is not difficult. Foam concrete is cut with minimal physical effort.

The final stages - the new building is almost ready!

Door and window openings in the constructed walls are equipped with special steel lintels or special parts in the shape Latin letter U. There is a slight subtlety here. U-shaped elements are installed in cases where the width of windows and doors does not exceed 170 cm. If this indicator is higher, it is necessary to install steel jumpers according to the following algorithm:

  1. 1. Weld the required length of the reinforcement cages.
  2. 2. Nail wooden support bars on the sides of the door (window) opening. Mount a formwork structure made of magpie boards on top. Be sure to install shields on the sides of the opening.
  3. 3. Saw foam concrete products into small-thick blocks and place them inside the formwork.
  4. 4. Mount the frame from reinforcement and secure it with wood spacers.
  5. 5. Water the foam blocks with regular water, then pour concrete around the perimeter of the walls.
  6. 6. The concrete mixture must be well compacted, leveled and smoothed.

U-shaped parts are much easier and faster to install. There is no need to pour formwork for them. Mount a foam block on the sides of the opening, in which you make approximately 0.25-meter support in advance. Check the horizontal position of the latter (it is recommended to use a hose level). If necessary, grind the U-product with a float and install it on the adhesive (the hole should face up). Then you place the fittings, secure them, and pour water on them. All that remains is to fill the structure with several layers of concrete, leveling and compacting each of them with a construction trowel.

To attached garage, barn, utility room had maximum reliability, it is advisable to strengthen the wall of the structure from the inside with additional reinforced belt. The work is simple. Prepare templates from wood, lay pieces of reinforcement of suitable length on them. Weld metal rods into a single skeleton. After this, fill the template with concrete and wait about 5–7 days.

Now you can start installing the floors. They will support the roof of the foam concrete building. Floors are usually made of hollow concrete slabs, aerated concrete blocks or wood. Wooden crafts must be treated with bio- and fire-retardant mixtures. The roof is erected using conventional technology. Install wooden beams across the walls, make rafter system, install the sheathing on it and lay the selected coating. Advice. Use metal tiles, profiled sheets or similar lightweight coverings.

Insulation and improvement of foam block buildings

The best option is when the extension will only be adjacent to the main structure (house made of wood, brick, stone) using an expansion joint. But it can also be rigidly fastened to it by attaching steel rods embedded in the masonry to the old reinforcing frame. The gaps between structures are filled with polyurethane foam. Important point. If an extension is being made to a wooden house, it is better not to use foam. Instead, stuff on both sides of the accessory structure. small bars. They will qualitatively close all the cracks.

The walls of the extension need to be insulated and given an attractive appearance. Decorative ones are suitable for this. foam panels, which after installation is covered with a thin layer of plaster. The outside of an extension made of foam concrete products is usually improved artificial stone or decorative plaster.

The main purpose of the extension to residential buildings is an increase in usable area and/or improvement appearance. When choosing a material for walls, preference is given to lightweight foam concrete blocks; they are valued for their environmental friendliness, good insulating properties, ease of processing and finishing, high speed masonry and long service lines. The nuances of the construction technology include the correct joining of the new foundation with existing structures, waterproofing of the lower row and reinforcement of subsequent ones, and protection from moisture. Costs depend on the size and purpose; when contacting construction companies, the minimum cost of turnkey work is 12,000 rubles/m2.

This method of increasing usable space is used by both owners of recently acquired buildings and those already in use. The main nuance is the strength of the main structures; houses that have served for over 15 years require appropriate assessment. Any extension option changes the layout of the house; development and approval of the project are mandatory stages. Depending on the functional purpose can be added to an existing house:

  • Garages, including buildings for two cars or with a carport.
  • Bath.
  • Glazed or open verandas.
  • Residential premises, including two-story extensions for special projects.
  • Business sites, workshops.
  • Structures for heating equipment or engineering systems.

The maximum effect is observed when connecting an extension to houses made of foam blocks or gas silicate, in which case the walls have the same thermal resistance. But in relation to other materials (brick, wooden beam) there are no restrictions, the differences relate only to the binding methods. TO important conditions technologies include the same deepening of the foundation of the extension and the main house.

Calculation of the number of blocks

At the design stage, a sketch of the extension is drawn up, taking into account the installation of holes for supplying communications (if any). The number of required products is based on the area building structures and masonry schemes, when erecting them from two rows, it is doubled. Most often, the dimensions of walls and openings are adjusted to the parameters of the foam block; U-shaped varieties are used for lintels over windows and doors.

The thickness of inter-masonry joints is taken into account when installing on cement mortar(10-20 mm, depending on the experience of the mason), when planting with special glue it is neglected. The recommended minimum supply of blocks upon purchase is 5%.

Construction technology step by step

Work begins with determining the type of foundation and assessing the strength. The height of the extension should be 2-3 cm below the main roof; the roof is not tied. At the design stage, the location of the future passage into the foam block house is marked; ideally, it coincides with an existing one or with a window opening, in which case the impact on the structure will be minimal. One of two methods of tying the foundation is selected: rigid, with the connection of metal rods to the old reinforced frame, and using an expansion joint - a layer of thermal insulation materials 5-6 cm thick. The second one is considered universal; in addition to its simple design, it is suitable for operating the device on heaving soils. Further work is carried out in the following sequence:

1. Marking the site with mandatory check of diagonals, excavation work.

2. Construction of the foundation. It is easier to install a columnar base, but most experts advise choosing the same type as the house itself, ideally with the same depth. The latter, together with confirmation of the completion of the shrinkage process and during construction on non-heaving soils, is a necessary condition to perform a hard snap. TO important nuances include the use of high-quality concrete for pouring, high requirements for the reinforced frame, control and beating of the upper edge using a building level.

3. Waterproofing of the base, the first row is laid exclusively on a cement-sand mortar distributed over rolled or coating materials.

4. Construction of walls: starting from the corner, with laying metal in the grooves every 3-5 rows and filling the voids with glue, with mandatory checking and correction of deviations in level. It is advisable to attach a structure with matching rows to the house, with common wall it is fixed with staples. The glue is spread on both the horizontal and side ends; voids are not allowed. Special U-shaped blocks are best suited for forming openings, but it should be remembered that they are considered reliable and are allowed for a window or passage width of 1.75 m, no more. The stage ends with the installation of the armored belt; it is laid around the entire perimeter load-bearing walls from foam concrete.

5. Installation of the ceiling: wooden for a small extension or a slab of light grade concrete. In the first case, the upper edge of the walls is protected from moisture; all elements must be treated with compounds against fungus and fire. This stage begins no earlier than the strength of the concrete poured into the reinforced belt.

6. Light flooring roofing materials: ondulin, metal or bitumen shingles. Unlike the foundation and walls, the roof is never connected to the structures of the main house; you can attach it with a slight slope and 2-3 cm lower, or re-cover the roof section of an already used building. The second option is considered the most reliable, but requires special skills or the involvement of specialists. The main condition is to eliminate the slightest risk of leakage or accumulation of moisture at the joint.

7. Finishing work: plastering with vapor-permeable and weather-resistant grades or installation of ventilated facades.

Wall insulation is used when you want to build a bathhouse or an object with similar moisture loads from foam concrete; in addition, it is required when laying blocks on cement-sand mortar due to the high thickness of the seams. In progress masonry work and reinforcement, it is important to clean the rows from dust, this will reduce glue consumption. To eliminate the risk of moisture absorption, the products are lightly moistened with water.

When constructing and operating an extension, it is important to take into account the possibility of small shifts:

1. If it is necessary to pass communications at the joints of walls, pipes or electrical wiring are protected with corrugation or special gaskets; in some cases, this stage is postponed until the end of the shrinkage process.

2. When choosing exterior finishing preference is given to crack-resistant options: siding or thermal panels.

3. The risk of moisture getting inside the expansion joints is eliminated.

Structures made of dissimilar materials require special attention; in this case, it is important to minimize the influence of shrinkage processes. For an extension made of foam blocks to brick house it is recommended to lay a closed one along the entire contour monolithic foundation, without rigid binding. Reinforced reinforcement of rows is carried out (every 2, as opposed to the standard 3-5), and non-shrinking mortars are used for laying products. Maximum height The connection of the extension to the brick house varies within the first floor. To connect to walls, you need reinforcement with a cross-section of at least 6 mm.

A rigid foundation can be attached to a wooden house, but not walls; exceptions are possible only upon obtaining expert permission. The areas to be closed are treated with an antiseptic several times; stone wool. Alternative option is to perform sliding fixation - using a system of longitudinal grooves. Walls wooden house in any case, it is advised to cover it with a common well-ventilated cladding. Dissimilar finishes are avoided unless otherwise provided by the design for the purpose of decorative contrast. Optimal material siding is considered: protective expansion joint from moisture, not cracking and accessible.

Cost of foam concrete blocks and masonry

Products are sold in pallets or individually; minimum prices are shown in the table.

Brand Dimensions, mm Quantity per cube, pcs Price for 1 piece, rubles Price per 1 m3, rubles
Wall products
D400 600×300×250 22,22 113 2500
D600 600×200×400 20,83 130 2700
D500 600×300×200 27,78 92 2550
D600 94 2600
D800 102 2700
Partition blocks
D600 600×300×150 37 76 2800
600×300×100 55,56 51

Prices for masonry vary from 1,200 to 3,000 rubles per 1 m3 and depend on the complexity of the project, the height of the extension (in most cases they are one-story, but there are exceptions), the frequency of reinforcement and the remoteness of the object. The standard list of services for turnkey construction includes laying the foundation, erecting walls and roofs, installing windows and doors, interior and exterior finishing, and supplying communications. If you contact specialists, you can add a 2x4 m room for 100,000 rubles.

A situation often arises when a person has built a house that at first seems comfortable and spacious. But time passes and the shortage of usable space becomes increasingly felt.

Similarly, the owners of dachas and country houses Often there is a desire to add some kind of extension to the main building.

In the photo - a fairly common occurrence in individual construction, when finished building“increase” additional area

It’s good if the owner “started from scratch” not long ago and knows how much it costs to build a house from foam blocks. Then it is much easier for him to navigate the cost of the upcoming work.

But most often those owners of individual housing who decide to add an extension are:

  1. It was built a long time ago (10-15 years ago);
  2. Purchased ready-made option and strive to increase it usable area.

Why foam block

Foam concrete blocks are almost ideal building materials, this is especially true for those cases when the house is built independently, with your own hands. Foam concrete blocks are lightweight and easy to process; for example, they can be easily sawed with a regular hacksaw. Also, their installation does not require special skills, unlike laying bricks.

Foam concrete material is quite easily delivered to those settlements that are considered inaccessible. Comparing foam concrete and other similar building materials, one can highlight higher strength qualities, as well as relatively low cost.

When comparing foam concrete and gas silicate blocks, attention is drawn to the fact that their environmental, fire-resistant, heat and sound insulation parameters are almost at the same level.

But gas silicate blocks have a very porous structure, and therefore higher water absorption. Also compared to foam concrete blocks, the frost resistance of gas silicate is low, so it is most often used for internal partitions.

The properties of foam concrete and its brand are determined by the density of foam concrete. The best heat and sound insulation qualities are for the material whose density is lower, but with increasing density, its strength increases.

When choosing a brand of foam concrete, you should decide what the purpose of the material is. For load-bearing walls, in case of construction two-story house, it is worth choosing more durable ones, which are structural or thermal-structural. Well, when the question of how much it costs to build a bathhouse from foam blocks is being decided, then you can choose thermal insulation blocks.

We are building an extension

Counting money

In general, what is important is not so much the final amount, but how the calculations are made. Let's say an extension in which three walls need to be laid has dimensions of 3x10 m, the height of the masonry is 2.5 m, the blocks are laid flat on the largest plane.

With a different block location, the calculations will be slightly different.

  1. We calculate the volume of the walls. The total length is 16 meters, the thickness of the walls is 0.3 m. We get 16x2.5x0.3 = 12 cubic meters.
    This is the volume of the required foam block. Although it is worth adding about 1 cubic meter due to the fragility of the material. It is necessary to subtract the volume occupied by window and doorways, but it can also be attributed to the battle. We do not take into account the volume of seams, it is too small.
  2. The average price of a cubic meter of foam concrete blocks is 2,500 rubles. Although it may differ in different regions, in one direction or another.
  3. We multiply 13 by 2500, we get 32,500 rubles.
  4. On average, 20 kg of glue for foam blocks is consumed per cubic meter of masonry. This means that at an average price of 300 rubles per bag of 25 kg, we will get 20x12/25 = 15 bags, which costs 4500 rubles.
  5. For laying the first row, a cement-sand mortar is required. For the length of the entire wall, with a seam thickness of approximately 2 cm, it will require 16 x 0.02 x 0.3 = 0.1 cubic meters. This will take approximately 35 kg of cement, that is, almost a bag, and 10 buckets of sand.
    In terms of money, it will cost an average of 300 rubles per bag of cement, but sand will have to be carried in a whole truck, so for masonry its cost can not be counted. As a result, the cost of interblock seams will be 4800 rubles.
  6. This means that the cost of walls made of foam concrete blocks will be 32500 + 4800 = 37300 rubles.
  7. We add the cost of the foundation and roof and get the price that you will have to pay for this extension.

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Attention: The process of constructing an extension is a full-fledged construction process.
Which implies the mandatory development of a project, and, of course, this project must be approved by the appropriate authority.

The work plan for the construction of an extension is quite normal: foundation, walls, roofing, interior and exterior decoration. The difference lies in the volume of work performed.

Features of the extension foundation

When making a foundation for an extension to a house, there is a high probability that it will sag. Therefore, it is desirable that the material, as well as the depth of the foundation of the house and the extension, match.

In addition, experts advise giving the new foundation time for it to stand. Ideally, this time should be a year, or even two. And only after the earth under the foundation settles can you be sure of the reliability of the extension being built.

One more important point, is the connection between the foundation of the extension and the base of the house. There are two connection methods, rigid, using reinforcement, and another, in which an expansion joint is used. The foundation itself can be strip, columnar or screw piles.

The technology for laying the walls of an extension using foam blocks with your own hands is exactly the same as for the main building. Corner blocks are also laid out, a cord is pulled for guidance, and the same special glue is used for foam concrete blocks. Don’t forget about masonry reinforcement and reinforced belt for floor slabs and under the roof.

We build a house from foam block

We calculate the cost

The first thing you need to determine is the final cost of the work, which depends on whether you order the construction of a house from a specialized company or lay blocks. Considering the second case, you will not spend money on the work of third-party builders; they will be useful to you, for example, for interior decoration.

You can get information about how the foam block is laid, how the dressing is performed, how the masonry is reinforced and much more on the pages of our portal. Based on parameters such as the size of the block, knowing how many there are in one cubic meter, you will find out using a calculator how much it costs to build a house from foam blocks.

Cost of foam blocks

The first thing you should pay attention to is that quality material can only be produced in a factory environment. It is at the plant that more expensive and quality equipment for its production. The mini-factories that have appeared in large numbers should not be trusted, because many of them do not have normal machines.

Products good quality cannot be cheap, and even if the price is not high, the choice of foam concrete blocks must be taken seriously.

Advice: Before purchasing blocks, conduct some kind of market monitoring of the locality where you live.
Find out what people think about the material and only then make a decision.

Having collected all the necessary information regarding the blocks, you will partially find out how much it costs to build a house from foam blocks yourself.

Selecting a project

Before starting the construction process, it is necessary to create a high-quality project for a foam block house.

Advice: You should not develop the project yourself; it would be better if specialists from an architectural bureau do this.
They will do it with better quality and detail.

The project will help you to calculate required quantity building materials, while it is easy to take into account certain design features building. And this will allow us to finally find out how much it costs to build a house from foam blocks.

An extension to the house allows you to increase the usable area. One option is a veranda made of foam blocks, which can be used as dining area or places to relax. As a rule, the external decoration of the extension is carried out in the same style as the main building.

Construction Features

Before you start adding a veranda to your house, you need to decide on the size of the structure and the type of foundation used. Special attention You should pay attention to checking the condition of the soil, as well as the walls of the house and the roof to which the veranda will adjoin.

Thematic material:

A project for the extension will be required. For a simple design, a drawing is sufficient, but with detailed detailing.

At the design stage, you need to take into account the size of the structure and the amount of building materials, and also answer the following questions:

  1. Will it be necessary to dismantle the roof elements?
  2. What type of connection between the veranda and the main building should I choose?
  3. Where will the entrance to the extension be located: separately or through the house?

Typically, the design of a veranda, especially the foam block version, does not have complex elements. Without special knowledge, the structure can be erected independently, without the help of professionals.


After choosing a project, it's time to pour the foundation. But first you need to find out what the foundation is under the main building. This will be necessary for owners of old houses or those who bought a plot with finished building. To study, make a 1 x 1 m shufr (undermining). Depth - to the base. The main rule is to pour the same type of foundation that is under the main building. If this is neglected, an expansion joint will be required. If in doubt, it is better to consult a specialist.

The purpose of the expansion joint is to reduce the load on the main foundation. It occurs due to temperature changes, soil subsidence and other natural phenomena. Used to attach a veranda to a wooden house.

  1. tape;
  2. columnar.

The first is created using the continuous filling method. The second is with the help of bricks, on separate supports. It is cheaper than tape. The depth of the pit is no deeper than the foundation of the house. After pouring, the base is covered with waterproofing material.

An attached terrace is a separate issue. If there is a foundation underneath it of sufficient strength, you can build a veranda on the terrace. If there is no base, you will have to fill it again.

Construction of an extension

The main material for construction is foam blocks, which are advantageous to use due to their large size, low cost and low weight. Thanks to their large dimensions, construction is accelerated, and the insignificant mass of the blocks makes it possible to reduce the cost of the foundation and work with just one assistant.

Building walls

The main issue is the connection of the walls of the auxiliary and main structures. Fastening is carried out with metal brackets or fittings.

The construction of walls begins from the corners. To connect foam blocks, use a regular solution or special glue. To make the mixture adhere better to the blocks, they are moistened with water.

Masonry features:

  • seam thickness – no more than 3 cm;
  • leveling the level vertically by increasing/decreasing the thickness of the seam;
  • Irregularities in the block are removed with a grinder.

You cannot place a block on a block. Each new row of foam blocks must be shifted 15 cm to the side. This will increase the strength of the building significantly.

Roofing and lintels for windows and doors

U-shaped blocks are used for jumpers. Their advantages:

  • a light weight;
  • possibility of creating an opening wider than 1.75 m.

U-shaped blocks are placed together with the formwork or metal profile. You can use wooden beams. Reinforcement is installed into the groove of the block and concrete is poured.

The roof design depends on the project:

  1. A lean-to roof is a logical continuation of the roof of the house above the veranda.
  2. Gable - requires more rafters and finance. In addition, with such a roof it will be colder in the veranda in winter. Only insulation will help save the situation. The rafters are made of durable quality wood or metal profile. Tiles are placed on top.

In a properly installed roof, water should not penetrate through the cracks.

Combining foam blocks with a wooden building wall

With this option, it is important to consider the following nuances:

Wood is subject to deformation due to changes in air temperature and humidity. Therefore, between wooden structure and a veranda made of foam blocks, an expansion joint is made - a flexible layer of polyurethane foam 1-1.5 cm thick.

Once construction is completed, move on to exterior decoration and interior landscaping of the veranda. Bare foam blocks cannot boast of a presentable appearance, so the walls from the outside and inner sides It’s better to veneer it with any material you like.

When there is little space in the house, the residents think that it would be nice to make an extension. For people who understand little about construction, the construction additional room may raise many questions. In this article we will try to figure out what types of extensions there are, what material is best to make them from, and what stages must be completed to construct a building.

Types of extensions to a wooden house

Depending on the type of building being built, the material, insulation, base and windows of the future room are selected. This could be a kitchen, toilet, garage. IN middle lane In Russia you can often find a greenhouse that is attached directly to the building and has an entrance from the house - this is very convenient.

Connection diagram of the roof rafters of the main house and the extension

Watering can be carried out from the central water supply. It is clear that the construction of any building must be agreed with the supervisory authorities and carried out in accordance with technical regulations.

The construction of any structure to a building involves several stages:

  1. Choosing a location for the object;
  2. Calculation of the size of the future structure;
  3. Selection of materials;
  4. Checking the estimate, as you need to stay within the budget;
  5. Calculation of communications;
  6. Thinking through the passage from the main house to the constructed part;
  7. Thinking through the location of windows.

    An example of a drawing of an extension made of foam blocks to a wooden house

Of course, it is better to build a room from the same material as the house itself, but this is not always possible. If the house is wooden, and new room It is planned to make it more massive, then it is best to build it from foam blocks.

It is better to make the extension from the same material that the house itself is made of.

Features of the construction of extensions from foam blocks

You need to start building an additional room from foam blocks by drawing up a plan:

Recently, cellular concrete has become widespread as a material for construction. No wonder. Cellular concrete is lightweight and can be used to make an extension to a wooden house without much effort.

Many builders choose this particular material because with foam blocks you can save on the foundation: instead of a strip foundation, use a foundation on pillars, for example.

The use of high-quality blocks is the key to the reliability of the building. You should pay attention to the color: it should be uniform. U cellular concrete There should be no chips, cracks or stains.

Scheme of the foundation for an extension made of foam blocks

The material should be ordered from a large enterprise that has own production. It is best to order blocks from one batch. Construction should begin only using well-dried blocks in dry weather. A block structure will be successfully erected on both a strip and column base.

Columnar foundation

The advantage of this type of construction is not only its low cost, but also the fact that the owners will always be able to access the land under the building. The construction of a columnar foundation is recommended in areas where there is a lot of water in the soil.

Strip foundation

More substantial construction should be started with a strip foundation. This foundation for construction is more expensive, but it will not have to be repaired as often. In addition, builders recommend doing strip foundation for an extension if the main building has the same type of foundation: this will protect the building from distortion.

Scheme of constructing a veranda wall from foam concrete blocks

Monolithic foundation

Such a foundation for an extension is suitable for both a wooden house and a structure made of foam blocks. This foundation will be very strong and will last for centuries. However, its cost is so high that it is not practical to use it as the base of an extension.

Monolithic foundations are almost never used for extensions.

The main stages of work on the construction of an extension from foam blocks

The work consists of the following stages:

With the help of an extension made of foam blocks, you can significantly increase living space Houses
  1. Foundation. It is worth saying that construction columnar foundation has one advantage - the construction of walls can begin immediately. If you make the foundation for an extension according to tape type, then you will have to wait for it to shrink for at least six months. Foundation new construction must be built at the same level as the main house, and it must also have the same shrinkage;
  2. Walls. You can build the walls of an extension to a building yourself - working with blocks does not require special training. The finished foundation is covered with roofing felt and the laying of blocks begins from the corner. The first row is laid out on cement mortar. The next rows will be fastened with glue for foam blocks (there are summer and winter varieties). The thickness of the seam when building from foam blocks should not exceed 3 mm, so that there are no cold bridges in winter time. The building can be strengthened with additional reinforcement, which is driven into the base of the foundation and located between the blocks. Use reinforcement with a width of no more than 10 mm. Another way to build a massive structure for an extension to a house is to cut horizontal hollows in an established row of blocks, lay reinforcement there and fill it with glue;
  3. Jumpers. Jumpers are used if the opening width is no more than 1.75 cm. If you plan to install a wider opening, then it is better to start construction using sand-lime brick the right size. Installed wooden frame, then a row of U-shaped pieces is placed on it. Reinforcement is placed in the cutout and everything is poured concrete mortar. After complete hardening, the wooden frame is removed. In the case of working with cellular concrete, it is difficult to carry out design solutions opening. If it was planned to make an arch in the opening, and in the wall round window, then this will not work with cellular concrete;
  4. Floors. The ceiling is most often installed from timber or logs. The material is laid and fastened into the pre-installed gaps, then the ceilings are attached to it for further installation roofs. The covering of the extension can be made from soft tiles, metal or the old way - using roofing felt. The type of coating is chosen based on the purpose for which the building is being built.

    An example of a scheme for arranging an extension to a house

The thickness of the seam between the foam blocks should not exceed 3 mm!

Features of attaching an extension to a wooden house

Before you start building an extension to a wooden house, you should carefully inspect the walls of the main building. If there are rotten logs, they should be replaced. It’s a good idea to treat the wall with anti-mold substances, paint or varnish. At this stage, you should consider whether there will be insulation of this wall between the house and the extension.

Scheme of technology for installing a columnar foundation for an extension made of foam blocks

Then you should properly merge the foundation that belongs to the wooden house and the new one. To do this, reinforcement about a meter long is inserted into the old foundation.

The second part of the reinforcement is sewn into the foundation for an extension to the house. If the foundation is columnar, then the outermost pillar is attached to the wooden house in the same way.

Scheme of adding an additional room to a residential building

It is best to set the distance between buildings mineral wool, then you can do wooden planks and cover the structure with siding. This approach will not only save the house from distortion, but will also retain all the heat inside the room.

The roof of a building made of cellular concrete should be lower than the roof of the main building. This approach will avoid problems after shrinkage, in addition, precipitation will not fall on parts of the main building.

Now you can move on to insulation. You can use almost any available material. Just don’t forget that foam blocks require the mandatory installation of a vapor barrier.

Scheme of a shallow foundation for an extension made of foam blocks

Let's summarize:

  • It is possible to attach a structure made of foam blocks to a wooden building;
  • The foundation of the building can be columnar or strip; monolithic is not recommended;
  • You need to wait for the strip foundation to shrink;
  • The walls are installed from foam blocks; additional reinforcing elements (mortar, reinforcement) can be used;
  • We install passages using wooden supports and lintels with a hollow;
  • The roof is not of a rigid structure, made of wooden beams;
  • We attach the walls to the main building without rigid fastening;
  • The roof of the extension should be lower than the roof of the house.


You can watch a video on how to properly build an extension from foam blocks.
