Guidelines for passing the Unified State Exam in English. The best books to prepare for the exam in English

On the eve of exams, high school students often do not know how to prepare themselves to get a good grade, and therefore they do not choose quality methods. When there is a lack of self-confidence, the most rational decision registration for courses will begin. If this is not possible, then we offer several sources that will facilitate the process, making it not only informative, but also truly exciting.

Practice Exam Papers for the Russian National Exam

It is a collection of tasks in a combined form. It consists of 20 blocks, where each is divided into 4 parts: listening, reading, grammar and vocabulary, writing. All materials are attached on electronic media. The student works through all stages of knowledge and can observe the amount of time allocated to complete a specific task.

Practice Exam Papers for the Russian National Exam, 2010-2011 Authors: O. Afanasyeva, Virginia Evans, Victoria Kopylova. Student's Book (+Audio)
Practice Exam Papers for the Russian National Exam, 2010-2011 Authors: O. Afanasyeva, Virginia Evans, Victoria Kopylova. Teacher's Book (Tapescripts. Keys)

Unified State Exam 2018. English language. Typical exam options. 20 options

The manuals include 10 or 20 example tickets. They focus on oral tasks, although they also contain written ones. The structure provides evaluation criteria. Distinctive feature: the training contains instructions for filling out tickets according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education in text form and on disk.

Unified State Exam 2018. English language. Typical exam options. 20 options (+ CD)

English language. Unified State Exam textbook

Quite a voluminous textbook, carried out according to all the canons of preparation. It consists of 16 topics, conventionally united by a common focus for ease of memorization. After every fourth topic there is an option to consolidate what has been learned. In addition: grammar and lexical reference books, recommendations for the written part, listening texts, right decisions and list additional literature. Important: the book provides a scheme for assessing speaking - this allows you to correct your speech.

English language, Unified State Exam textbook, Systematic course, Muzlanova E.S.

English language. Typical test tasks

At first glance it may seem that this complex is identical to other collections. However, it is built on exercises that can help you formulate a strategy for solving the exam. This approach is useful because it significantly reduces time and evenly distributes the load. Provides multiple copies of audio texts and solution keys.

Unified State Examination - 2016. Typical test tasks. English language. Solovova E.N., John Parsons, Markova E.S.

Unified State Exam. Oral part

The purpose of the publication is to improve listening comprehension of texts. After each there are 20 isolation tests key points story. The author takes into account the fact of passing with the help of technology, so he includes a special simulator on electronic media. On average, the entire process for 1 option takes about 15 minutes.

Unified State Examination, Oral part, English language, Collection of tests, Nemykina A.I., Pochepaeva A.V., 2014.

Discovering the world with English. 150 essays for the Unified State Exam. Getting ready for the Unified State Exam

One of the most popular collections of essays. Examples are offered on various topics, training the applicant not only to present general information, and also develop the skills of defending your point of view. At the end there is an appendix that describes the word counting procedure. The merit of the compiler is that the publication is unique - it is also suitable for Olympiads.

S. Yuneva: Opening the world with English. 150 essays for the Unified State Exam. Getting ready for the Unified State Exam

Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia

A series of textbooks and a leader in preparation among people who have passed the Unified State Exam. Any course contains a large number of tests, and all texts for them can be found on the website and listened to online. The tasks are aimed at developing communication skills. The materials are selected in such a way as to instill a high school student’s interest in the language even after the exam.
This literature contributes to the effective process of preparing for the Unified State Exam for everyone and will provide good result. The list will also be useful to parents and teachers.

Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Tests to prepare for the Unified State Exam in English language. Student's book Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia. Unified State Examination in English: practical preparation

I managed to finish school even before the Unified State Exam was introduced. Of course, there are many more opponents of such an examination system than supporters, but this is our reality, which is much easier to put up with than to resist.

The Unified State Exam in English is a difficult exam. In 2017 enter good university With basic level It is unlikely that you will be able to pass the English language exam. To get a high score, you need to start preparing for the exam as early as possible.

As we know, the written part consists of 40 tasks, for which students are allocated 3 hours, and includes:

  • listening test;
  • reading test;
  • lexical and grammatical tasks, also in the form of a test;
  • letter consisting of two stages.

It is worth saying that for the first part of the English language exam, a maximum of 80 points is given; if a student needs to increase his score, then he must come on the second day to pass the oral part.

If the written part can be trained by studying independently using all kinds of manuals, then for the oral part you need a teacher.

This post will be devoted to the most successful study guides for preparing for the Unified State Exam in English on your own.

1. Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia

This is the only book to date for preparing for the Unified State Exam, which consists of 15 complete tests in the new Unified State Exam format, including the oral part. When working on the tests, all changes in the exam format were taken into account. The tests were created in collaboration with M.V. Verbitskaya, chairman of the subject commission on foreign Unified State Exam languages. The website presents Additional materials on the Unified State Exam for students and teachers: online tests, audio files, video tips, etc.

2. A.I. Nemykina, A.V. Pochepaeva - Unified State Exam. Oral part

The manual is a collection of tests for testing oral speech skills, as well as a simulator for practicing the skills of passing the oral part of the Unified State Exam in English on a computer. It is with this textbook that you should start preparing for the oral part if you study on your own. At the beginning it is given full analysis oral part tasks, and then 20 tests with explanatory materials.

3. Afanasyeva O., Evans V., Kopylova V. - Practice Exam Papers for the Russian National Exam

Given tutorial with an audio application contains 20 versions of English language tests in the Unified State Exam format.
Distinctive features of the textbook are variable tasks corresponding to increased and high levels preparation for the Unified State Exam, as well as texts of various genres for listening and reading. It should be noted that there are excellent examples of completing tasks in all types of speech activity.

Download the 2010 manual from this link.

Textbooks from 2007 along with audio are available.

4. Muzlanova E.S. - English language. Unified State Exam textbook

The manual is compiled on a thematic basis and consists of 16 thematic blocks that cover the entire range of topics provided for Unified State Exam codifier in English language. The blocks consist of 5 sections: reading, listening, speaking, grammar and vocabulary, writing. Each section includes exam-type tasks, as well as useful tips on their implementation, which will allow students to successfully prepare for the exam. After completing all tasks, students will be able to check the answers with the keys.

5. Verbitskaya M.V. - Unified State Exam. English language. Typical exam options. 10 (30) options

This textbook is part of the “Unified State Exam” series, known to all graduates. FIPI - school", which was prepared by the developers of control measurement materials for the unified state exam. Available in 2 types: 10 test options and 30 options. The difference, as you understand, is only in the number of tests. The collection of 30 tests contains 15 thematic options for all sections of the Unified State Examination, 15 standard exam options, oral part tasks, instructions for implementation, answers to all tasks, etc.

You can download a textbook from 2015 with 30 options.

6. Yuneva S.A. — Opening up the world with English. 150 essays for the Unified State Exam. Getting ready for the Unified State Exam

The manual is addressed to students independently preparing for the Unified State Exam in English, as well as to teachers who can use it in class and when preparing students for tests, exams or Olympiads. It includes 150 essays compiled in accordance with all the requirements for a written statement with elements of reasoning. The main purpose of this guide is to help students excel in essay writing.

Currently, on the Russian market you can find many different (and not so different) textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam in English. Which ones should you choose to prepare and pass the exam successfully?

I recommend you the grammar textbook R. Murphy ‘Essential Grammar in Use’ (popularly known as “red Murphy”) and R. Murphy ‘English Grammar in Use’ (popularly known as “blue Murphy”):

Red is for complete beginners; it covers in detail the basic tenses and basic grammatical structures of English. If you already speak English at a level of about Pre-Intermediate (“Below Intermediate”), then the blue textbook is more suitable for you, and you can turn to the red one if necessary, if, for example, you have forgotten some There is/There are.

Please note that the fourth edition of these textbooks is now available. In my opinion, there is no point in chasing the fourth one, because it differs from the third only in that, for example, the name Peter appeared in the exercises, and now it is John. The tasks themselves and their number remained 99% unchanged. However, the fourth edition also comes with a disc with an audio version of the tasks.

Murphy's textbook is good because it has ALL the necessary grammar, and it is also very well structured by topic.

By the way, these textbooks also have Supplementary Exercises: Additional exercises:

But the set of exercises in them is different in different editions. Therefore, if your goal is to do more exercises on a certain topic, it makes sense to get Supplementary Exercises 2, 3 and 4 editions.

There are also development aids in this series vocabulary, For different levels. I also highly recommend it!

Please note that since Murphy's textbooks are intended for students from... different countries, and not only for Russia, they do not contain a word of Russian and, therefore, there are no tasks for translating sentences from Russian into English. I recommend that you also complete translation tasks, since in this case your brain begins to work completely differently, unlike tasks where you need to fill in the blanks. For this, various domestic collections of exercises are suitable, the same collection by Yu. Golitsynsky (popularly known as the “green collection”) and other analogues:

Also, no one is stopping you from translating all sorts of things from Russian short stories or even articles on topics that interest you - be it sports, geography or cooking.

As for the “green collection”, in the latest, seventh edition you will find a lot of exercises on articles, on tenses (the Tenses), the passive voice (The Passive Voice), indirect speech(the Reported Speech), by main conditional sentences(the Conditionals), by modal verbs(the Modal Verbs) and structures based on them. The remaining topics (prepositions, comparison of adjectives and some others) are presented there rather poorly, so it is better to additionally look for exercises in other manuals.

In this article I will try to collect in one place the textbooks that I use for preparing for the Great and Terrible Unified State Exam. I’ll make a reservation right away: I take one main textbook (there will be an article about it), and all the manuals described in the article only decorate my lesson.

The bad news: there are a lot of textbooks on the Unified State Exam, and not all are available in electronic format.

Good news: Since almost all the manuals are Russian, they are not particularly expensive and are easy to learn.

I will describe the textbooks in the order in which the skills are tested in the exam itself. Basically, these will be a series of manuals by the same authors.

Textbooks for the Unified State Exam: Listening

From grammar I also take: Veselova and Bodonya Training notebook for preparing for the Unified State Exam.

When preparing for a word formation task, we go through almost the entire Word Formation textbook. Tasks 26-31:

If I see that a student has problems with vocabulary, doesn’t understand the difference between do and make, knows few phrasal verbs), I take Veselova’s textbook Thematic English Language Trainer or Muzlanova’s reference book

Dear students!

Probably, this post will be dedicated specifically to you, since, for the most part, it will be you who will take the Unified State Exam in English. Although I’m lying here, since recently English teachers also go through this procedure before certification.

Not much pleasant. BUT! He who is warned is protected!

Of course, you can find a huge advantage in the Unified State Exam in English. Where else will you actively study the language and learn the basics? English grammar? And listen to such a large number of audio recordings and flinch at every “Now we are ready to start”? How many texts from the “Reading” section will you understand and improve your vocabulary?

This is definitely a big plus. But let's face it.

Unified State Examination tasks are imperfect.

It happens that in the grammatical part there are several possible answers and both of them will fit according to the rules of grammar. The tasks in the “Listening” section are not always clear-cut; you often just have to guess for yourself.

In fact, it is almost impossible to prepare for the Unified State Exam in English by attending only school classes. At school, the main criterion for academic performance is the average of the entire class.

Not all tasks in school textbooks are designed to prepare for the Unified State Exam. The school teacher must conduct classes according to the approved curriculum textbook, which does not always contain a sufficient number of exercises to prepare for the Unified State Exam.

As a result, the development of both strong and weak students is hampered by the same factors. If you leave the process of preparing for the Unified State Exam in English to chance, you risk losing valuable time.

Start preparing for the Unified State Exam as early as possible.

In order to succeed at the Unified State Exam in English, one year of even intensive preparation is often not enough. New material needs to be “settled and digested.” The faster new topics are introduced, the more superficial their understanding becomes.

So, let’s not waste time and let me give you some advice on where is the best way to start preparing for the Unified State Exam in English.

1. First, get to know the codifier ().

Explore topics (for writing and speaking), language and grammar material which will be tested in the exam. Take a pencil and put a check mark next to each topic that you know or that you are seeing for the first time. And after that, ask yourself: what do I need to repeat and what should I study?

2. Familiarize yourself demo version 2013 (). As you can see, the Unified State Exam consists of 4 parts: listening, reading, grammar and writing. Rejoice! You missed the oral part of the exam. Although some students think that they would rather speak orally and get a good score than write an essay.

3. So, after looking at the codifier and the demo version, you decided for yourself:

-I will study as before, regularly attend school classes, plus study, if possible, at home, solving KIMs;

-I will find courses to prepare for the Unified State Exam;

-I urgently need to find an English tutor who can help me explain difficult topics and point me in the right direction.

Of course, of all the above options, the third one will be the most effective - individual sessions with a tutor. But!

If suddenly you decide to self-training, then, of course, you can always find various ways prepare yourself.

  • Make it a rule to solve CMMs once a week, and use manuals where you can see both audio recording scripts and answers.
  • You can also study and repeat grammar rules on your own using textbooks and on the Internet.
  • A problem may arise with writing, but even here you can find a way out. You can always find out and... Now there are many contact groups dedicated to preparing for the Unified State Exam. You can ask someone to check your letter or essay. As a last resort, no one has yet canceled the school teacher!
  • It’s even easier with listening – and check the answers. If anything is unclear, read the texts of the audio recordings in the answers.
  • Reading is also not a problem. Always work with a pencil. Underline important words, the main expressions, in your opinion. Write down only those words that interfere with understanding the main essence and try to learn as many new words as possible. Be sure to work them out in sentences, write them down on a piece of paper and stick them in a visible place to remember them better.
  • Well, the most important thing, probably, is to exercise regularly. It is best 3-4 times a week for 2-3 hours. And once a week, solve one CMM in its entirety, devoting a full 180 minutes to it, just like during the exam itself.

    So, one of the most famous series for preparing for the Unified State Exam from the publishing house MacMillan and Longman. Most often, I use the red book - Collection of Tests and the yellow one - "Vocabulary and Grammar". I really like Exam Activator and State Exam (second row).

    My favorite grammar series is Round-Up. Usually I take levels 3,4,5 to prepare for the Unified State Exam. Few people usually reach level 6, but it is entertaining in its own way and good for fairly strong students.

    Below are a variety of tutorials:

  • Muzlanova and Kisunko are wonderful authors. Despite the fact that they have a lot of duplicate books, I have the following manuals. Express Tutor Series. Speaking and Letter.
  • Muzlanova and Kisunko - What if there is an exam tomorrow!? All oral topics to prepare for the final exam and the Unified State Exam. Just an excellent guide for the development of oral speech, everything is very clear, no fluff, a lot of necessary and useful texts and dialogues. Many texts also help to write an essay because of how they sound, for example, “To watch or participate?” or “Sport: for and against.” You won't regret it if you buy it. A must have for every teacher.
  • Muzlanova E. S. Unified State Exam textbook, systematic course, 623 pages. I recommend it not only to my students, but also to teachers. In addition to repeating all the topics that will be on the Unified State Exam, there are very interesting exercises on word formation, phrasal verbs. Indeed, everything is very systematic. I particularly like the thematic structure here. For example, if the topic is “Family and Family Relationships,” then it includes a section on Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing specifically on this topic, which is very convenient. Lots of unusual tasks and useful tips.
  • Zanina E. L. English language. Essay: topics and arguments. The book is very thick, 510 pages. All texts on the subjects of the State Examination and the Unified State Exam meet the requirements of the FIPI. The structure of this book is as follows: text, a thematic dictionary, then several topics for writing essays. I’ll say right away that the texts are not easy, that is, these are not banal topics, but are rich in vocabulary and various interesting phrases.
  • I absolutely adore the following books (the white ones in the bottom row), they make the job so much easier for both teacher and student. These manuals have not just answers and keys, but comments on completed tasks. For example, a reading book already highlights key sentences and words that help you find the correct answer.

    For descriptions of the books in the top row, see (another discovery for me - the Elena Solovova Center)

    1. Series Final control. Publishing house Enlightenment. English language. Reading.

    2. Series Final control. Publishing house Enlightenment. English language. Listening.

    3. Series Final control. Publishing house Enlightenment. English language. Vocabulary and Grammar. Letter

    Once again I would like to note that you should not be afraid of this exam. If you prepare for it thoroughly and with all seriousness, then you will succeed! If you haven't started yet, it's time to think about it! Time goes fast!

    High points to you!

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    Materials on preparing for the Unified State Exam are waiting for you, and if you have any questions, I will definitely answer them!
