The concept of psychological coping strategies and its variations. Overcoming Fear

When considering the problem of the effectiveness of psychological overcoming traumatic events, we should dwell, first of all, on the criteria of effectiveness.

There are several criteria for the effectiveness of coping.

Personal criterion. There is a noticeable decrease in the level of neuroticism of the individual, expressed in a decrease in depression, anxiety, irritability and psychosomatic symptoms.

Adaptation criterion. A reliable criterion for the effectiveness of coping can be considered a weakening of the feeling of vulnerability to stress and an increase in adaptive resources.

The identified criteria for the effectiveness of coping rarely appear in their pure form: for example, the solution to effectiveness at the personal level “pulls” the other two criteria with it.

Conditioning by gender role stereotypes. The female type of overcoming difficulties is predominantly emotional, the male - instrumental, by transforming or reinterpreting the external situation.

The effectiveness of basic coping strategies.

Effective Strategies: Really transforming the situation, or at least reinterpreting it. Changing the situation is not so much a remaking of the external world as a change in attitude towards this world, which leads to a change in the situation. A fragment of reality becomes a situation (here it is better to use the term “event”) only when it is included by the subject in his life path.

TO controversial strategies include emotionally expressive forms of coping. General position sounds like this: expressing feelings is a fairly effective way to overcome stress. Psychologists and teachers are taught to pay attention to a person’s behavior in grief. Thus, affective behavior is a sign of recovery, isolation is an alarming sign. However, there is an exception to this provision. Open display of aggressiveness due to its antisocial orientation is not effective. At the same time, restraining anger is a risk factor, as it violates a person’s psychological well-being.

A risk factor is the strategy of self-blame

1. Basic concepts of crisis psychology: “crisis”, “event”, “crisis event”, “psychological trauma”.

2. Two approaches to describing personal development: age-related patterns and age characteristics(dynamic principle).

3. The concept of experience as the basic unit of the inner life of the individual.

The concept of psychological overcoming (coping strategy).

The effectiveness of basic coping strategies.


Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. Life strategy. – M.: Mysl, 1991.-229 p.

Bokhan T.G. Ontogenetic approach to the problem of overcoming critical situations in domestic and foreign research// Siberian Psychol. magazine - Tomsk, 1999. - Issue 10. - P. 40 - 45.

Vasilyuk F.E. Psychology of experience (analysis of overcoming critical situations) - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1984.

Kartseva T.B. The concept of life events in psychology // Personality psychology in socialist society. Personality and her life path. – M.: Nauka, 1990.

4. Kolodzin B. How to live after mental trauma. - M., 1992.

Liverhood B. Crises of life. Life chances. - Kaluga: Spiritual knowledge, 1994

Nartova-Bochaver S.K. “Coping behavior” in the system of concepts of personality psychology // Psychological Journal. - M. 1997. - T. 18, - No. 5.-S. 20-51.

Pergamenshchik L.A., Goncharova S.S., Yakovchuk M.I. Overcoming psychological trauma. - Moscow: NIO, 1999-55.p.

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In crisis psychology
Course of lectures Minsk 2002 Course of lectures “Introduction to crisis psychology” first in domestic psychology attempt at osma

Subject and tasks of crisis psychology
The modern socio-economic and cultural situation of human development largely contradicts usual ways building behavior strategies based on natural (bio)

System of basic concepts of crisis psychology
2.1. Crisis event Analysis of the concepts “crisis”, “ extreme situation”, “event”, “crisis event”.

The concept of “Crisis” (from the Greek
Mental trauma

A special place is occupied by events that have a traumatic nature for the human psyche: a threat to one’s own life, physical injuries. The concept of “psychological trauma” does not have a clear definition
Grief is the process of experiencing the state of loss, the death of loved ones. The grieving process is described as a phenomenon consisting of three stages: the first stage involves shock and refusal to believe in

Anthropological disaster
Until recently (the end of the 20th century), the concept of “anthropological catastrophe” was more often the object of attention of science fiction writers. They predicted what would happen to a person if he trusted

Anthropological catastrophe as loss of personal integrity
The philosopher's language is complex and metaphorical, and to explain his thoughts he uses parables and allegories, which in turn require clarification. Metaphor “black hole” M. Mamardash

Descartes' principle
The basic principle of Cartesian philosophy can be expressed by the formula “Cogito ergo sum” - I think, therefore I am, a phrase that he laid as the basis for human possibility.

Existential direction in psychology and philosophy as a theoretical basis for crisis psychology
Why was this particular direction in psychology chosen as the theoretical paradigm (basis) of crisis psychology?

Crisis psychology considers a person in a situation of crisis of his fundamentals
Basic principles of existential psychology The focus of existential psychology is the category of personality. This is its fundamental difference from others psychological approaches

and theories. It is known that behavior
Existential analysis

Existential analysis is based on the following principles of consideration and definition of personality: a) dynamic, b) basic problems of existence, c) intrapersonal conflict between
Characteristics of existential anxieties

The fourth topic reveals the content of the concept of existential anxiety and provides a taxonomy of basic anxieties.
The psychotherapeutic theory of anxiety today is in difficulty.

Anxiety of fate and death
This pair of existential anxieties is the most fundamental, the most universal and the most inescapable. Any attempts to prove its inconsistency are futile. Even

Anxiety of guilt and condemnation
In existential psychology, “guilt” has a different meaning than in traditional psychology, where it is designated as an emotional state associated with the experience of wrong. Guilt There are several points of view on the problem of guilt.

Understanding the feeling of guilt goes back, like many things in modern
An increasing number of people are gripped by a feeling of aimlessness and emptiness, or, as V. Frankl defined this state, an existential vacuum. The founder of the third Viennese school, V.

The relationship between fear and anxiety
Anxiety and fear have a common ontological basis, but they are different.

Fear has a specific object. This object can be seen, encountered, analyzed,
Anxiety tends to turn into fear

In the events of life, situations often arise when anxiety tends to turn into fear. Why does this inevitable desire pursue a person throughout his life? Man is a creature
Psychotherapeutic theory of neurotic anxiety

Today, there are psychotherapeutic theories that explain the origin of neurotic anxieties, anxieties that arise as a result of random incidents in human life. All these t
Basics of logotherapy

Man is more than the psyche: man is the spirit of V. Frankl The foundations of logotherapy were laid by V. Frankl, the founder of the third Viennese school, human
Characteristics of meaning

Let us characterize the concept of “meaning” as V. Frankl understands and interprets it.
The meaning is relative insofar as it relates to a specific

Value system for a meaningful life
So, meaning is unique and inimitable; a person himself is responsible for searching for his own meaning. This is the opinion of the scientist who wrote the book “Man’s Search for Meaning,” but this did not stop him from giving a meaningful

Doctrine of Free Will
Logotherapy is based on two fundamental anthropological characteristics of human existence: the ability to self-transcendence and the ability to self-detachment.

Existential vacuum
The absence of meaning gives rise to a state in a person that V. Frankl calls an existential vacuum. It is the existential vacuum that is the cause that generates on a large scale

Logotherapeutic theory of neuroses
First of all, let's define three pathogenic response patterns.

The first pathogenic pattern of response, V. Frankl called phobia or fear of expectation
Methods of helping a person in a situation of noogenic neurosis

Let us note the main psychotherapeutic strategies in working with a client in a situation of loss of meaning in life.
The dereflection strategy is quite simple. She invites the patient to distract himself from his own “I”, from his dysphoria, from the source of his neurosis and switch to preserving part of his own personality.

History of the theory
The modern understanding of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was finally established by the 1980s, but information about the impact of traumatic experiences is limited.

The etiology of PTS, according to most researchers of this issue, is based on mental trauma, an event that can cause mental stress. In all cases, the event that became

B. Caused by man
accidents: a) in transport (road, rail, water, air);

b) in industry;
c) explosions (chemical, in mines, military warehouses);

d) fires

Diagnostic criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder are most fully represented in the DSM-III-R and DSM-IY classification of diseases.
A. Event. Post-traumatic

The prevalence of traumatic stress depends on a number of factors: the frequency of traumatic events, the geographic regions in which natural disasters occur especially often

Analysis of diagnostic methods
The main tool for differential diagnosis of the entire range of disorders according to DSM-III-R criteria, including PTS, is the method of structured clinical interview - SCI

Traumatic stress and the collapse of basic illusions
The psychological state of people after a disaster has common characteristics that go beyond the scope of psychological states. Thus, the victims develop victim attitudes.

The problem of developing responsibility in a post-traumatic situation
The problem of psychological assistance is a fairly well-known and at the same time little developed area in Russian psychology.

The essence of psychological assistance to a person is that
There are people with a strong and secure belief system who can withstand all the hardships of long, harsh treatment and come out unscathed with unshakable convictions. However, such people

Pathological changes in relationships
Methods of establishing control over other people are based on the systematic, repeated infliction of psychological trauma. These methods are designed in such a way as to gradually instill in a person

Pathological changes in personality
Coercive control relationships produce pronounced changes in the victim's personality. All structures of this personality - attitude towards one’s own body, internal perception of other people

Phenomenon of terrorism
Main characteristics of terrorism.

1. No warning. A warning allows a person to take protective psychological or physical action 2. Serious threat
Social consequences of terrorism Social consequences are different kinds

losses caused to an individual's property. A person is faced with the problem of the absence of a person or organization that would pay compensation. Confession
Phases of childhood grief John Bowlby, renowned psychiatrist and specialist on bereavement and separation in children, describes 3 phases child's grief

, similar to the 3 phases of mourning in adults. He calls phase 1 the protest phase,
Age-related characteristics of grief

1. Reactions to death vary depending on the age or developmental stage of the child. Psychologist Maria Nadi describes the following differences in children's reactions to death depending on n
Self-awareness and problems arising in grief

Why do we mourn? Is there purpose in experiencing grief? This process provides a person with the opportunity - albeit painful - to delve into his experience and integrate it into his
Normalization principle

The state after a psychological trauma requires great efforts from the individual in order to reach the usual level of functioning, since the person tends to confuse the unusualness of his reaction to the trauma with
Approaches to Correcting Traumatic Stress

An interdisciplinary approach is very important when working with post-traumatic conditions. Help can begin with the organization of self-help, with crisis intervention, with the fight for r
The essence of the strategic (preventive) approach

Crisis intervention, psychological assistance and support programs
Psychological assistance in a crisis situation is united by the term intervention, crisis intervention. Intervention means interference. Crisis intervention is a psychological emergency

Psychological debriefing
Psychological debriefing is a form of crisis intervention, a specially organized discussion in groups of people who have jointly experienced a stressful, crisis event.

Program for overcoming childhood mental trauma

This program is based on the actualization, “calling out” of past psychological traumas, among which childhood traumas occupy a special place.
Goal of the program: Reduce

How to form a support group
The group leader is the only person responsible for creating and assembling the group. A fair share of the work to maintain the existence of the group occurs in the period before the first meeting, and from the ability

Principles of working in a support group
The principles of work of a support group have some differences from the rules of work adopted in psychotherapeutic groups: 1. The principle of personal safety (in psychotherapeutic groups it has Requirements for a group leader Exist

General requirements
to the personality of the group leader: sincerity, personal integration, patience, courage, flexibility, warmth, time management and self-knowledge.

Support groups for a child in grief
Children, meeting in a group with each other, get the opportunity to see their own experiences in others, as in a mirror, and to realize the connection between their feelings and the death of their loved ones.

Grief support group for adults
Here is the content of 10 support group sessions. Lesson 1.. During the first lesson, it is important to establish an atmosphere of personal safety. The atmosphere of peace is ensured by the following benefits: Main directions and principles of psychological education

Many of
social factors have a positive impact on a person and contribute to his personal development. But among them there are those that have a negative effect on the individual. Glossary

The system of basic concepts of crisis psychology is intended to describe
psychological condition

and features of human behavior after a disaster or crisis event. Creation categorically
for the course “Introduction to crisis psychology” 1. The essence of an anthropological catastrophe.

2. Anthropological catastrophe as a loss of personal integrity 3.
Words to describe feelings

Happy Angry Sad Carefree Furious Sour Sincere Disappointment
When to see a psychologist

(Memo for a person experiencing grief) Signs of distorted (pathological) grief Healthy grief Persistent thoughts about
Your grief has a beginning, a purpose, and an end.

Grief is a work that needs to be done. It's not the most enjoyable job you'll ever have. But remember, have you always had to do pleasant work in your life? Wash dirty
You are responsible for your life even when grief has visited it

So, we have decided that the event that happened is not your fault. You are not responsible for the crisis event in your life. What you continue to be responsible for is your life, which is now not the same
Asking for help is not always a sign of weakness

It is important to remember that working through grief is not done alone. To get out of sadness, despair, depression, you need support, you need other people.
Man h

Strong, wise and mature
Do's and Don'ts DO NOT hide your feelings. Show your emotions and give your friends the opportunity to discuss them with you The ritual of crying as a form of psychotherapy Crying as a mandatory ritual technique is prescribed to a person in strictly limited

life situations
. These situations are very different and, at first glance, there is no visible connection between them (n

A. Traumatic event
And here are the condemned at the execution site. “Several drums suddenly struck from both sides, and Pierre felt that with this sound it was as if part of his soul had been torn away. He lost the ability to think and coo

B. Pierre’s sensations (symptoms)
Together with the sound of the drum, it seemed to Pierre that “as if part of his soul had been torn off.” He lost the ability to think and comprehend; he could only see and hear. But Pierre would not have been able to see what was happening.

Psychotherapy session
After a terrible event, Pierre Bezukhov is transferred to a barracks for prisoners of war. “Silently and motionless, sitting against the wall on the straw, Pierre opened and closed his eyes. But as soon as he closed his eyes, he saw

Session 1. Response
P.K. Continued to speak in the same pleasant voice: “Eh, falcon, don’t worry: endure for an hour, but live for a century! (In this situation, sometimes it is not what the therapist says that is important, but how he says it

Session 2. Search for resources in the past (regression)
Searching for resources in the past, or the “regression” method, consists of looking through a previous life in order to search there for reliable, stable “anchors” that you can cling to and thereby make meaningful decisions.

Session 3. Personality reconstruction
P.K. (about children) Well, there will still be young people, God willing. If only I could live in the council... P.B. It doesn’t matter now.

P.K.Oh, dear man
Stages of recovery of Pierre Bezukhov

I. Four weeks later, Pierre is still a prisoner. He is no longer the same: the expression in his eyes has become firm and calm. The change affected primarily his gaze. "The former was more dissolute
Children's understanding of death

Children's understanding of death follows mental development and is formed gradually. Lack of understanding usually occurs in children under 5 years of age.
"Yun wants us to prepare a room for Agnes in the new house."

Children's reactions to grief
When children learn about a death, they, like adults, may experience feelings of unreality and doubt. And then they don’t show any strong feelings at all. Sometimes their reaction is expressed

Four-year-old Andreas has not let his parents out of his sight since his sister died. He protests strongly when others look after him, even if they are people he knows intimately.

Sadness, longing
Grief is not measured in tears, and children do not grieve as long as adults. But they may continue to think about the dead for a long time and feel sadness and melancholy. Children are very bored, and the child may have

Parents' reactions
Children's reactions to death reflect not only their own grief and sadness, but also the reactions of their parents. It is painful for a child to see his parents cry and not take care of him as usual.

Give specific information
Regardless of whether the death comes suddenly or not, the information a child receives and the conversations that are had with him or her are critical to how the child copes with the disaster.

Allow children to be present at farewell ceremonies and funerals
“Does the baby have to crawl to the sky?”

“Is it cold down in the grave?”
Children often ask questions that are difficult to answer. By asking detailed

Play to understand better
Children often imitate a funeral procession. They bury animals and insects, which helps them understand what happened to the deceased. They can also draw graves with a cross or draw other things like

Help your child understand
- Take time to talk to your child about difficult things.

- Answer your child’s questions, even if he repeats them over and over again.
- Go through how events unfolded,

Make the loss really tangible
- Let the child see the extent of it.

- Allow the child to attend the funeral.
- Do not hide your thoughts and feelings from your child.

- Often remember the departed,
Reduce your child's guilt

- Have a serious conversation with your child if he shows guilt.
- Reassure the child that nothing he thought or did led to the death. Scientific retreat

An event is a trigger for personality development. Depending on the modality, strength, and uniqueness of the event, the perception and experience of the event and the nature of its impact on the individual occur. This is the case with
The first stage of overcoming. Finding the culprit

At the very beginning of overcoming a person tries to find the culprit in the tragic event, but the first searches, as a rule, do not give reliable results. That is why, after several stages, the victim
Model of suffering

N Name of stage Function Duration 1. Shock, psychological whirlpool Information
P. Tillich

Practical psychologists
-You are Joseph K.! - said the priest.

“Yes,” said K. For some time the name had been a burden to him, but it was nice before: first introduce yourself and only after that make an acquaintance.
Defining Positions

“You are the accused,” the priest said very quietly.
Yes, said K., “they let me know about it.”

For Joseph, it is not so much the reality of the essence of affairs that is important, but rather what is
Preliminary diagnosis

The entire subsequent model of psychotherapeutic conversation is built on a dialogue between an aggressive (outwardly) therapist and a very obedient client. The form of the conversation bears little resemblance to a calm interaction of interest
Identifying the problem (first violation of the rules)

T. - What do you intend to do next in your business?
K.- I will continue to look for help. There are probably countless opportunities that I have not yet taken advantage of.

Darkness and silence
The priest bowed his head low towards the balustrade. It seemed that only now the vault of the pulpit began to crush him. And what bad weather it is outside! It was no longer a cloudy day, it was deep night there

Feeling something unpleasant for himself, K. quickly began to make excuses and look for the reason for the silence and darkness in his fate. In an apologetic tone he tried to break the priest’s silence, “You’re angry.”

Screaming as a sign of desperation (Second rule violation)
Is it possible to assume that in a normal psychotherapeutic process the therapist will shout at the client? I do not take into account extremely rare exceptions (Alekseychik).

And vdr
Getting closer as moving away

K. - Won't you go downstairs? You won't have to read sermons anyway. Come down to me.
T. - Now I can go down. First I have to talk to you from a distance. Otherwise

Psychotechnology of forgiveness
What parent would not want to say: “I love my children always, no matter what, even their bad behavior.” But, alas, like all parents, I cannot say this always and sincerely, gender

Life style is not only formed in difficult situations, it manifests itself in them. Exist various ways overcoming life’s difficulties (in psychology they are called coping strategies from the English “sore” - to overcome). Psychological coping is an individual way of interacting with a situation in accordance with its logic, significance in a person’s life and his psychological capabilities (13). In the broad sense of the word “coping” includes all types of interaction of the subject with tasks of an external or internal nature - attempts to master or soften, get used to or evade requirements problematic situation. This concept partially overlaps with the concept of psychological defenses, but it is broader because it includes not only mental, but also actual reality.
But, no matter how different individual forms of psychological overcoming may be, they gravitate towards two poles: 1) solving a problem (object-oriented overcoming), 2) changing one’s own attitudes towards the situation (emotionally oriented overcoming). The classifications of overcoming are quite branchy. The first type includes a real solution to the problem, “straightening” the situation, searching additional information, appeal to social support. The second type includes denial of the problem, deliberate refusal to search for information (like an ostrich burying its head in the sand), lowering of self-esteem and, on this basis, refusal to fight (“I can’t do this”), emotional expression (anger, despair, grief) .
Some authors specifically identify three ways of emotionally-oriented psychological overcoming: 1) self-blame (blamed self), expressed in criticism, regrets, teachings and edifications to oneself; 2) avoidance, in which a person continues to behave as if nothing had happened; 3) preferred interpretation (wishful thinking) - illusory hopes, when a person hopes for a miracle.
We can also distinguish five spheres of human life that “fuel” his actions during a difficult period: 1) knowledge and ideas, 2) feelings, 3) relationships with people, 4) spirituality and 5) the joys of physical existence. The criteria for the effectiveness of overcoming are, firstly, an objective resolution of the problem situation and, secondly, the restoration of a person’s mental well-being: a decrease in anxiety, a weakening of psychosomatic symptoms. A reliable indicator of the effectiveness of “coping” is also considered to be a weakening of the feeling of vulnerability to stress and the disappearance of fear of reality.
Some data on average effectiveness have now been obtained various forms coping The most effective solution, however, is an objective solution to the problem, based on a person’s active, instrumental life position. The least effective, according to a number of authors, are avoidance and self-blame in all variants, underestimation of one’s capabilities, etc. A real transformation of the situation, or at least its reinterpretation, seems quite effective. In general, the expression of feelings is considered in a good way overcoming stress; the only exception is the open manifestation of aggressiveness due to its antisocial orientation, but also the suppression of anger, as data from psychosomatic studies show, is a risk factor for a person’s psychological well-being (13).
Psychological coping is a variable that depends on at least two factors - the personality of the subject (abroad it is customary to talk about personal coping resources) and the real situation. Some authors identify expected social support as a third factor, and this is understandable: depending on the strength of the psychological “rear,” a person can act decisively or, conversely, avoid confronting reality. It is obvious that a subject’s resistance to circumstances can vary significantly depending on how threatening and controllable the situation appears to him and how he assesses his capabilities, i.e. again from his self-concept.
There is a dependence of psychological overcoming on a person’s gender, age and social environment. Women, feeling depressed, tend to think about possible reasons your condition. An attention to causes, a desire to “think carefully,” accompanied by excessive focus on the problem, however, increases women’s vulnerability to depression. And in general, for women in difficult situations, passive adaptation and self-change, as well as hope and expectation, are more typical. Men, on the contrary, have a more instrumental attitude towards the world, the desire to remake it, change it in their own image and likeness. They tend to isolate themselves from depressive states by concentrating on activities, engaging in physical activity to bring themselves out of negative experiences. Masculine and feminine ways of responding to stress are likely the result of socialization and stereotypes that dictate that men should be active and successful and women should be sensitive and empathic (13).
As for age-related patterns, they are associated with a real opportunity to control the situation. Therefore, active psychological overcoming is typical for people of young and mature age, and passive - for children and old people, whose dependence on the world is higher due to the fact that they have either not yet acquired or have already lost some of their vitality. It is noteworthy that a positive connection was found between social competence in children and their resistance to stress: if a child knows how to ask an adult for help, he has fewer negative experiences.
In the choice of methods of psychological coping, age dynamics of the following content are noted: emotionally-oriented forms lose popularity with age, maintaining a high frequency only among people with pronounced femininity, while problem-oriented ones, on the contrary, are used more often, but their use depends on the content of the problems with which subject faces. So, if these are the difficulties of interpersonal interaction, then it is clear that emotionally-oriented coping is still recognized as effective.
For a good sense of self, it is desirable that the problems facing a person slightly exceed his real capabilities. And if for an active middle-aged person avoiding problems is unconstructive (because reality will remind itself again, and unresolved problems tend to repeat themselves), then for an old person the desire to “turn the world upside down,” generally speaking, seems like a vain desire. Thus, among elderly patients in one of the clinics, it was found that every fifth person considers turning to religion to be the most effective way of healing. However, despite this, the influence of the feeling of independence associated with the possibility of making free choice on the content of the self-concept also manifests itself most acutely during periods disabilities- in childhood and old age. It has been noted that older people feel much happier and have a longer life expectancy when they have the opportunity to make personal choices in current life events, for example, determining their own daily routine (when to get up and go to bed, what to eat and how to spend their free time). However, the famous gerontopsychologist G. Thome noted that as a person ages, the repertoire of psychological coping methods he uses expands, and, thus, his adaptability to life increases.

It is important for almost all people to be able to communicate in such a way that they are correctly understood, listened to and heard. Therefore, it is important to know ways to overcome barriers.

There are always at least two people involved in communication. Everyone simultaneously influences and is affected.

Let us conditionally separate these functions and highlight the speaker (the one who influences) and the listener, understanding that everyone in communication is simultaneously or alternately both.

Efficiency can be managed...

There are never great things without great difficulties.
Voltaire [Marie Francois Arouet]
The need to overcome various life difficulties arises in our lives constantly. This is the kind of work that we are regularly forced to do. After all, it is simply impossible to imagine life without difficulties.

Difficulties always arise for everyone. It doesn’t matter where or how a person lives, he will constantly face certain difficulties in life, because they are inevitable. And since they are inevitable...

I have long been interested in the problem of overcoming fear, freeing ourselves from the chains that bind us to the instinct of self-preservation. So, Muzila is one of those few people who, having tested themselves in desperate situations, were able to eliminate fear from their lives forever...

While he and his comrades in arms were fighting in South America, the people of the United States were closely following the conflict in a completely different part of the world. This conflict was called the Vietnam War. But in Bolivia it was...

The famous British writer Thomas Carlyle once said: “To the extent that a man conquers fear, he is a man.” Does this mean that fear is the catalyst for the degree to which we become “humanized”?

And indeed, if we look at our life through the prism of fear, it seems to me to be a blanket woven from many shreds of fear.

We constantly wage a conscious or “reflexive” struggle with our own fears.

Getting rid of some, displacing others, integrating with others...

A recent study asked the question: What do people prefer to do when they want to reduce or relieve stress? According to the Reuters news agency, globally, 56% of those surveyed said that the most effective means count music.

IN North America music was ranked first by 64% of respondents, and in developed countries of Asia - 46%.

As a rule, watching TV comes in second place, followed by taking a bath or shower. Tom Miller, head...

According to sociologists' research, the fear of death is one of the three most powerful fears that most people experience. Do you feel this kind of fear? Do you want to overcome the fear of death, so that you become neutral about this word and concept?

I believe that this is possible and should be done by everyone. The fear of death will simply dissolve and disappear.

Fear of death. Am I afraid of death? No, the word “death” does not make me afraid. I accept that anyone, including myself, can...

Poverty zone
Imagine yourself and millions of other people in a large prison. Here you are told what time to get up, what time to go to bed, when to work and what to eat, and you also have some time to walk a little and sort things out with local “friends” if you have nowhere to put your energy...

And behind the bars there are endless fields drenched in the sun. Complete freedom and endless Fresh air.

I think the metaphor is quite clear to you. But many will now decide that I am calling for you to give up everything and free yourself from oppression...

“The boss will definitely fire me”, “my wife is disappointed in me”, “the doctor does not confirm the diagnosis, but I don’t believe him”... We all get nervous from time to time for various reasons. And when anxiety doesn’t subside, trying to calm down makes the situation worse. Cognitive psychologist Robert Leahy reveals the 12 worst ways to cope with anxiety.

1. You are looking for confirmation.

You worry that you don't look good enough and endlessly ask your partner, "Do you think I'm okay?" Do you feel like the pain in your chest...

The very term coping behavior in Russian psychology not so long ago - in the 90s. The first studies in this direction were carried out by: V. S. Merlin, K. K. Platonov, L. I. Umansky, L. I. Antsyferova, B. M. Teplov. Scientists such as L. G. Dikaya, V. I. Suslova, N. A. Sirota, R. K. Nazyrov, V. M. Yaltonsky, S. K. Nartov-Bocharov, A. also contributed. A. Borodina and others. Basically, these studies analyzed various developments of foreign authors. Most research on coping problems is theoretical and analytical in nature.

Let us present the most famous and significant studies in this area.

In modern Russian psychology, research is being conducted aimed at identifying personal characteristics responsible for successful adaptation and coping with difficult life situations in different areas life activity. Personal coping resources include: Self-concept, perception of social support, locus of control, empathy, low neuroticism, affiliation and other psychological characteristics. Strategies such as distraction and problem analysis are associated with the cognitive sphere, with emotional release - emotional release, passive cooperation, optimism, maintaining composure, with the behavioral sphere - distraction, active avoidance, altruism, constructive activity, search for support.

L.I. Antsyferova in her value-semantic theory described the dynamics of coping behavior. She explores the dynamics of consciousness and the actions of the individual in difficult life situations, which, in her opinion, are the result of a person’s mental processing of life events from the standpoint of his only partially realized individual picture of the world. Coping, in her opinion, should be understood as a simplified definition of difficult life situations, which are understood as life circumstances that require a person to take such actions and conditions that are on the border of his adaptive capabilities or even exceed his existing reserves. When considering difficult life situations, you need to take into account the main thing - value, which under certain conditions can be lost or destroyed. It is the loss of value that makes the situation stressful. In order to preserve, protect, and affirm this value, a person uses a variety of techniques to change the situation. Thus, the more significant the place in the semantic sphere of the individual is occupied by the object in danger and the more intense the threat is perceived by the individual, the higher the motivational potential for coping with the difficulty that has arisen.

According to this theory, the reaction to a traumatic event occurs in stages. At the beginning, a person reacts at a sensory level - a state of numbness is observed. At the second level, it is replaced by personal activity - cognitive assessment. This is the process of recognizing the features of a situation, identifying its negative and positive aspects, determining the meaning and significance of what is happening. The choice of a strategy for coping with a traumatic event or a difficult life situation depends on the level of development of this mechanism, on the ability of the person with different points perspective to consider a difficult situation and apply techniques to reassess it. The main goal and result of cognitive assessment can be considered a person’s conclusion about the ability to control a given situation. When a person considers the situation to be under control, constructive coping strategies are activated. On the contrary, the feeling of fatality, the power of the situation over a person leads to an external locus of control and, as a consequence, the choice of strategies of avoidance, suppression, and the inability to refuse to use psychological defenses. Antsyferova

Regarding the cognitive assessment itself, the following can be said. V.A. Bodrov identifies the following factors for assessing an event as stressful:

· emotions associated with the event. Moreover, emotions can be both sharply negative and positive of high intensity.

· uncertainty of the situation caused by a lack of information or unpredictability. The need to act in a situation of uncertainty and lack of information increases the likelihood of errors, reduces the effectiveness of activities, thereby causing increased anxiety in the subject.

· the significance of an event, reflecting the degree of its danger to a person (or others) and its importance for achieving the final result. The significance can be high both in the literal sense - if we are talking about some kind of emergency situation, and figuratively - if we are talking exclusively about the subjective significance of the situation.

In the work of F.B. Berezina studied the correlation of the feeling of threat with personal anxiety and a person’s previous experience. The author concludes that “the occurrence of mental stress in a certain situation may be noted not due to its objective characteristics, but in connection with the subjective characteristics of perception and existing individual response stereotypes” [Bityutskaya]

Also, L.I. Antsyferova owns a classification of coping strategies, including:

· transformative coping strategies - it is assumed that a person perceives the situation as a problem that can be positively solved, namely: outlines goals, outlines a solution plan, ways to achieve them. It is assumed that actions can be not only practical, but also verbal, or represent a rethinking of the problem. These strategies are divided into: “downward comparison” - a person compares himself with those who are even worse; “upward comparison” - a person remembers his successes in other areas, “anticipatory coping” and “anticipation of sadness” - a person prepares psychologically to the expected problems.

· adaptation techniques - changing the attitude towards the situation, or working on one’s own qualities. Here they distinguish: positive interpretation, role behavior, personal identification with more successful people.

· auxiliary techniques of self-preservation in situations of difficulties and misfortunes - various techniques for dealing with emotional disturbances caused by negative events that are irreparable from the subject’s point of view. For example, leaving or running away in a difficult situation, which can be carried out not only in a practical, but also in a purely psychological form. It should be mentioned that there are situations where leaving can be a justified and constructive life strategy. However, there are times when a person can neither practically transform the problem nor escape the source of danger and suffering. Then, most often, a person chooses strategies based on emotions - strategies for psychological struggle with his negative emotions and painful sensations. These techniques are not constructive in the sense that they do not eliminate the problem, but they are still adaptive because they alleviate the psychological state. Various methods of psychological defense are also unconstructive behavioral strategies.

· the formation of two life worlds and a split consciousness under the influence of mass disasters is, rather, a protective behavior that allows one to survive in unbearable conditions. A person who has gone through a war or survived a long-term natural disaster subsequently experiences serious difficulties in adapting to ordinary reality. This leads to alienation, isolation, and misunderstanding. Two worlds are formed in the human mind - ordinary and extreme. Moreover, the latter is considered familiar and normal.

· the influence of personality characteristics on the choice of strategies and the success of coping - of course, different people tend to choose one strategy or another initially. Strong and energetic choleric people tend to choose active strategies, weak melancholic people tend to choose passive ones. In addition, living conditions also influence the choice. A person who is accustomed to dealing with difficulties will most likely find a way to overcome another life situation. Locus of control, self-esteem and worldview matter.

There are several approaches to defining coping strategies. For example, R.M. Granovskaya and I.M. Nikolskaya divides coping strategies as follows:

· Behavioral - any behavioral acts that allow you to neutralize the source of tension, eliminate muscle tension, and relieve psychological tension.

· Emotional - it is supposed to relieve the source of tension by the method of emotional release, as well as with the help of social support.

· Cognitive - relieving tension by changing the subjective assessment of the situation and correspondingly changing the level of control.

R. M. Granovskaya and I. M. Nikolskaya in their studies analyzed the specifics of the main coping strategies and psychological defense mechanisms in children, revealed their content and features of coping in children depending on age, gender and personality characteristics [Nikolskaya]

A. V. Libin, within the framework of differential psychology, created a structural-functional model of human behavior in difficult life situations. It explores the importance of positive emotions in coping effectively with problems. A.V. Libin considers psychological defenses and coping to be different response styles. The response style, in his opinion, is a variant of individual behavior that characterizes a person’s ways of coping with emerging situations. difficult situations. This behavior can be implemented in the form of psychological protection from unpleasant experiences, as well as in the form of real human activity aimed at solving the problem. Response styles are an intermediate link between stressful events that have occurred and their consequences in the form of psychological discomfort, anxiety, somatic disorders accompanying defensive behavior, or emotional elation and joy from successfully solving problems characteristic of coping behavior.

S.K. Nartova-Bochaver explores the conditionality of the choice of psychological overcoming life problems by gender stereotypes. In addition, she is the author of works on comparing age and the choice of coping strategy. And also, in her opinion, the choice of a method of overcoming is influenced by a person’s belonging to a particular society. Coping itself is an individual way of interacting with a situation in accordance with its own logic, significance in a person’s life and his psychological capabilities. The psychological purpose of coping is to the best way adapt a person to the demands of the situation, allowing him to master it, weaken or soften these demands, try to avoid or get used to them and thus neutralize the stressful effect of the problem.

S. V. Frolova has worked on the study of strategies for overcoming crisis situations in adolescence. She divides coping strategies into several types:

· Type “A” behavioral coping strategy: adaptive - active coping, altruism, partially adaptive - seeking social support, distraction, non-adaptive - isolation, compensation using doping substances, avoidance of reality.

· Type “B” cognitive coping strategies: adaptive - searching for a solution to the problem, giving meaning, partially adaptive - focusing on the opinions of others, maintaining aplomb, denial, non-adaptive - avoiding the problem, confusion.

· Type “B” strategies of emotional coping: adaptive - emotional concentration, partially adaptive - search for emotional support, emotional release, non-adaptive - suppression of feelings, guilt, aggressiveness, humility.

Yu. V. Postylyakova, studying the characteristics of resources for coping with stress in different types professional activity, notes that in situations beyond the perceived control of the individual, adaptive avoidance strategies or an emotion-focused strategy for coping with stress can be used.

Self-control, according to V.N. Myasishchev, is one of those traits that underlie adequate human behavioral reactions to external influences and are extremely important in terms of distinguishing between normal and pathological conditions. Nominated by S.L. Rubinstein's position on the internal emotional regulation of activity is based on the recognition of the organic inclusion of emotion in the fabric of need, on the disclosure of the unity and interpenetration of the emotional and motivational.

In general, despite numerous serious studies, there are still conceptual and empirical difficulties in explaining coping behavior. The question of the effectiveness of coping remains open. “It should be especially noted that coping is a process in which at its different stages the subject uses different strategies, sometimes even combining them. There are no strategies that are effective in all difficult situations."

Behind last years A lot of material has been collected on the problem of coping. At the same time, it is of increasing interest to scientists, because coping is considered as one of the important processes of social adaptation.

The effectiveness of coping with stress largely depends on psychological readiness resist it and the ability to manage your emotions in difficult situations.

Knowledge of the characteristics of one’s own psyche is of great importance for managing stress on a personal level. It is known that, depending on personal characteristics, each person’s reaction to stress is very specific.

In this regard, there are six personality types that react differently to stress:

Ambitious type. This type includes people with a strong need to achieve success. They are energetic, agile, aggressive and business-oriented.

The causes of stress for them are overload, high intensity of activity and interpersonal relationships, and insufficient understanding of themselves.

The main symptoms of stress are insomnia, high blood pressure, heart problems, and excessive smoking.

Calm type- are carefree and calm people, past-oriented, dreamy and inactive.

They have a low tendency to stress. Stress can be caused by people or professional demands that disrupt the smooth flow of their lives.

Conscientious type. This type includes people who are petty, inquisitive, pedantic, dogmatic, stable, conservative and obligatory. They trust authorities and obey traditions. For them, the causes of stress are people who violate their plans and behavior patterns.

They have an average tendency to stress, but are very sensitive to changes in their usual life activities.

The type that doesn't stand up- these are people who cannot stand up for themselves and defend their rights. They please others, avoid interpersonal conflicts, and are afraid of problematic relationships with each other. Internal tension arising from interpersonal relationships is common cause stress.

Life-loving type. People belonging to this type are strong, energetic, cheerful, impulsive, relaxed. They are characterized by frequent changes of interests.

The causes of stress are routine work and excessive internal tension.

Anxious type has a high tendency to stress. People of this type show anxiety about possible failures and have low self-esteem. The causes of stress for them are responsible work and sudden changes in life.

According to psychologists, overcoming crisis situations is possible provided that principles are followed, on the basis of which a system of strategies for restoring mental balance can be formed.

These principles include:

  • principle of satisfaction;
  • reality principle;
  • principle of value;
  • principle of creativity.
  • Satisfaction principle provides for the implementation of psychological protection based on identifying the maximum degree of emotional well-being possible in an unfavorable situation. The mechanism for realizing this high degree of well-being lies in the cognitive and emotional infantility of a person.

    Reality principle aims at a sober approach to the world, in which movement towards any goal is not considered as a straightforward process of climbing more and more steps, but involves long, including detours and indirect means. Psychological mechanism The realization of the reality principle lies mainly in the ability to be patient.

    Value Principle indicates the need to build systems of various life alternatives on the same value basis, as a result of which each of the alternatives within a given value system receives its own assessment. This priority list of assessments serves as a tool for rationalizing the situation that needs to be overcome.

    The principle of creativity determines to a large extent a person’s self-improvement, a person’s active and conscious creation of himself, not only in the ideal sense, but also in practical implementation in real crisis situations.

    Classes to develop various strategies for solving life problems increase a person’s psychological stability in conditions that require strain on spiritual forces. Main role In this case, it is not knowledge that plays a role, but flexibility, which allows timely changes and thereby normalization of behavior.

    The modern life of any person is associated with large overloads that arise as a result of the formation of new social and labor relations in the country in the conditions of the emergence of a market economic system and the adaptation of workers to it.

    The way to counter these overloads is known - this is preventive preparation for new conditions and a new mode of activity. To do this, you need to know the training technology itself and specific methods and techniques for protecting a person from overloads and critical situations.

    An interesting and very effective approach is the approach presented in science for the first time, which substantiates the relationship between a person’s blood type and his resistance to stress and specific methods of protection from stress-causing influences.

    People of blood type I are resistant to stress due to an overactive immune system under conditions of intense physical activity.

    People with blood group II are resistant to stress factors if they operate in orderly life support structures and if they prefer a vegetarian diet. The best way to protect against stress factors for representatives of this blood type is self-soothing.

    Representatives of blood group III, by their very nature, are protected from stress factors better than representatives of all other blood groups. They have a powerful immune system. And the most effective way to cope with stress is to switch to creative activity. Relief from a serious condition associated with stress occurs quite quickly and quite reliably. This method will be more successful the more representatives of blood group III combine mental activity with physical activity.

    Stress for representatives of blood group IV can sometimes be destructive. And the way to relieve tension is “intellectual, accompanied by physical alertness.”

    This method turns out to be the more effective the more a representative of blood group IV has the opportunity to enter into intensive communication with close (and not only) people, during which they successfully realize the dominant feature of their type - the ability to adapt to any human environment.

    In groups of people of each blood type the most in an effective way stress resistance is the development (possibly volitional) of such characteristics of these groups that are the most developed among their representatives, the most desirable and the most effective. Balancing the body and psyche of a stressed person occurs both through the desired activity and through obtaining good results.

    Simple psychological exercises to relieve stress

    Coping with psychological stress is current problem modern people, exposed to the “crazy” rhythm of life. The need to study this problem is determined by the realities of a society suffering from a tendency towards increased accumulation of psychological stress and the inability to get rid of it. Psychological stress is the first enemy of human success, to eliminate which there are effective methods confrontation.

    The concept of psychological stress is the causes of human ill-being that lead to frustration, failure and suffering modern man. This state of the body is determined not by what happens in a certain period of a person’s life, but by how exactly he perceives it. Stress occurs at the moment when the reaction human body to the stimulus is beyond his control. Sometimes there is an extraordinary reaction, and sometimes there is a changed behavior caused by the ability to restrain one’s emotions.

    Stages of psychological stress:

  • Excitation stage– during this period, hormones produced by the adrenal glands (norepinephrine and adrenaline) enter the blood, providing a stimulating effect for the entire body. IN in this case There is an increase in blood pressure, increased heart rate, increased blood sugar, increased sweating and increased breathing. If the stressor does not cause shock, then during the arousal stage endurance and strength increase significantly. A person exposed to a stressful situation may exhibit previously impossible abilities;
  • Voltage stage– during this period the human body is exposed to increased activity. The prolonged stage of stress directly depends on the strength and duration of stress, as well as on the state of the body. In long-term stressful situations that last for a month or even a year, the human body is subject to constant stress, which leads to various diseases;
  • Exhaustion stage– psychological and physical exercise exhaust the body, which is accompanied by a feeling of fatigue that appears at the stage of exhaustion. This arises due to the cost more energy. Than during the period of emotional balance.
  • Psychological stress can be caused not only by external factors, but also by internal ones, which are of a completely conscious nature or completely unconscious. An unbalanced state of the body can arise due to changes in the functional systems of the body or emotional mood.

    Stress is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • Excessive muscle tension in the face and collar area;
    • Characteristic trembling of the hands;
    • Increased breathing rhythm;
    • Voice trembling and speech dysfunction;
    • Reduced speed of sensorimotor reaction.

    For effective elimination psychological stress in a person’s life, one should find out the reasons for its occurrence and try to either eliminate them or find possible compromises to resolve this issue.

    To relieve emotional overload, there are effective methods with which you can quickly achieve the desired result.

    All methods that relieve people from the effects of psychological stress are based on a single mechanism - achieving a special psychophysiological state aimed at psychological relief (stress relief) and switching the brain dominant. For this purpose, various exercises have been developed, based on psychoanalysis, which helps to achieve a harmonizing state.

    When people are emotionally unstable, they automatically perform unconscious balance exercises, which include walking back and forth across the room, swinging their legs, tapping their fingers on the table, swaying their body, twisting in a chair, etc. How are automatic unconscious movements and ideomotor exercises similar to each other?

    Ideomotor skills in the fight against emotional instability

    Ideomotor is a term consisting of two parts: “ideo” - thought and “motility” - movement, that is, it can be translated literally given word, as a “mental movement”. Ideomotor is internal mechanism of a person, based on the idea of ​​​​executing movement and manifesting oneself in life as ideomotor attacks.

    The difference between involuntary motor movements and automatic controlled movements is that specially designed exercises are designed to relieve stress, expressed as psychological tension.

    There are several methods that can be used to cope with emotional instability and even prevent stress:

    1. The first position is that the more accurately the mental image of the movement is created, the “purer” its execution in the physical state;
    2. The second position is that ideomotor methods represent a connection between mental images of motor activity with muscle-joint implementation;
    3. The third point is that the effect of mental representations increases many times over when they are put into verbal formulations, that is, you need to pronounce each visualization, and only then demonstrate it.
    4. This technique, although effective, is not widespread, as it requires some training with an instructor and some skills to conduct independent training.

      Simple psychological exercises to combat stress

      With the help of psychological influence on your body, you can restore emotional instability. To do this, it is necessary to systematically perform relaxation exercises, preferably in the first half of the day. Exercises allow you to feel changes in your body after just a few days: gaining self-confidence, a surge of strength, an increase in vitality and mood.

    5. Exercise No. 1 - “Problem”- to relieve an emotional psychological state, you should find out the problem that influenced its appearance. After eliminating or dulling the irritant, you need to take steps to help achieve inner peace: you should take a comfortable position, relax and imagine your problem from the outside. Effective way in this situation, it is to compare the pressing problem with more global catastrophes on a global scale, which will allow it to be minimized;
    6. Exercise No. 2 - “Inner Light”- it takes 5 minutes to relieve stress in this way. This exercise uses a visualization technique aimed at imagining a light beam appearing at the top of the head and slowly moving from top to bottom, illuminating the face, arms, and shoulders with a pleasant warm glow. You should imagine not only the light, but also its beneficial effects: the disappearance of wrinkles, the fading of tension, charging with inner strength;
    7. Exercise No. 3 - “Mood”- helps cope with stress after quarrels for 15 minutes. To complete this, you need pencils or felt-tip pens, with the help of which you need to express your condition on paper, choosing the appropriate colors and images. After drawing, you can express emotions in words by writing them on back side leaf. Having finished expressing your mood, the “masterpiece” should be torn up, getting rid of negative emotions.
    8. Overcoming stress is not easy, especially alone. But there is an opportunity to restore your emotional instability and strengthen your psychological state with the help of specially designed exercises and methods aimed at combating and preventing negative emotions.

      Simple ways to cope with stress

      A modern adult is faced with a whole bunch of different tasks every day, which at times are simply impossible to cope with. But life forces you! Over time, such a frantic pace unsettles and leads to stress. To quickly and easily cope with such problems, you need to know what ways to overcome stress exist.

      What is stress?

      This term is translated from in English as "tension, pressure". By stress, psychology means tension in the human body as defensive reaction on negative factors.

      In other words, stress is the body’s response to a large number of strong emotions (positive or negative). In a stressful situation, adrenaline is produced, which makes the brain work more intensely.

      It turns out that a person cannot live without such a reaction, because it makes him think. But everything should be in moderation. If there is too much stress, the body will weaken and soon begin to hurt.

      Solving a problem at its root

      To find a solution to a problem, you need to look at the reasons that caused it. There are external and internal causes of stress. The first usually do not depend on a person, and it is almost impossible to fight them. Modern psychology names the following external reasons:

    9. changes (change of job, moving to a foreign city, etc.);
    10. death of a loved one;
    11. disasters (floods, tsunamis, accidents, etc.);
    12. changes in weather and temperature;
    13. viruses, microbes and other factors.
    14. As for internal reasons, they directly depend on the person. To cope with them, you just need to change your attitude towards what is happening. Psychologists include internal causes of stress:

    15. self-esteem;
    16. life principles, values, beliefs.
    17. Try to analyze the reasons and, if possible, get rid of them. Any doctor will tell you that it is better to get rid of the cause of the disease rather than the symptoms.

      Nip it in the bud

      In order not to have to treat, we must engage in prevention. And psychology also agrees with this principle.

      To minimize the risk of stress, take note of these simple rules:

    18. Eat in moderation. Don't "eat up" your problems.
    19. Don't drink alcohol. “Downloading” your grief is also not a solution; you will only make things worse for yourself.
    20. Get rid of bad habits, quit smoking.
    21. Make friends with physical education. Exercise regularly. During sports activities, endorphins are produced - hormones responsible for happiness.
    22. Learn to relax.
    23. Free yourself from overly responsible tasks, take on only what you can complete.
    24. Learn to manage your time so you can get everything done and stay calm at the same time. Time management will help you with this.
    25. Set goals that you can achieve so you don't get disappointed later.
    26. Get more rest. Fatigue is one of the main causes of stress.
    27. Such simple mental hygiene will help you minimize the risk of stress.

      14 ways to overcome

      If all of the above reasons did not help you avoid the body’s response, do not despair, but fight it.

      Modern psychology offers a wide variety of ways to overcome stress - everyone can find the most suitable one for themselves and always use it.

      During tea drinking, the human body relaxes and calms down, peace and harmony sets in. Herbal and green teas are best for soothing. But if you like another variety, then please. The main thing is that you enjoy a cup of tea.

      A great way to relieve stress is to do something you love. If you like to embroider - please, jump with a parachute - no problem, sing karaoke - good luck. The main thing is to enjoy the process.


      As you know, stress prevents a person from concentrating. To deal with this problem, you can do a simple exercise. Close yourself in an empty room, sit sideways on a chair and place your hands on your knees. Stare into space and try to relax. Now start counting to ten and concentrate as much as possible on the count. After this, stand up, take a deep breath and slowly stretch.

      Physical training

      During intense sports training, our body splashes out all the negativity that torments it from the inside. In addition, endorphin is produced - the hormone of happiness. Try doing fitness and you won’t notice how your bad, depressed mood gives way to a happy smile.

      Mutual aid

      Very often those around you help you take your mind off your problems. As soon as you start helping someone, you immediately forget about your troubles and failures, and your mood improves. Try, for example, taking your granny across the road or helping her carry a heavy bag. First of all, you will be proud of yourself. Secondly, a sincere “thank you” evokes positive emotions.

      Sometimes, all you need to do to calm yourself down and reduce your stress levels is simply changing your breathing rate. Try to exhale twice as long as you inhale. For example, when you inhale, mentally count to 4, and when you exhale, count to 8. Try to breathe evenly, slowly. When dealing with stress, psychologists also recommend humming songs or reading poetry.

      Play with your pets, if, of course, you love animals. They are able to sense a person’s pain and stress, and in some cases, even heal.

      One of the most enjoyable ways to overcome stress. During sex, as well as during sports, a joy hormone is produced, which lifts your mood and vital energy fills.

      Fatigue is often the cause of stress. Don’t torture yourself; if you’re tired, rest. As they say, work is not a wolf, you will have time.

      Sometimes, to see the solution to a problem, it is enough to say it out loud or write it down on paper. Keep a diary and pour out everything that oppresses you onto paper, it will endure everything.

      Triage problems

      Psychology often advises: if you can’t solve a problem, forget about it. Analyze your problems, classify them into solvable and unsolvable. Then deal with the first ones and just forget about the rest.

      This applies to office workers and those who work indoors. If you're feeling stressed, take a walk. Walking and cycling have a beneficial effect on your emotional state. And fresh air lifts your spirits.

      We all come from childhood, so games calm us down. Go to the shooting range, rides, play board game, into a crocodile or something else. These activities will take your mind off negative thoughts.

      They say to be happy you need to hug 8 people every day. Don't be shy to look like a child, hug your loved ones. Everyone will benefit from this.

      Today, negative factors surround us everywhere. But to prevent stress from turning into more serious problems, learn to deal with it.

      Methods for coping with stress

      Many methods of getting rid of the consequences of stress have been described today, starting from simple stories independent recovery from stress, to multi-step and cumbersome psychological techniques. Today I present to your attention a set of effective and easy-to-use methods for overcoming stress, which are included in the golden arsenal of the self-development system. You will receive a guide to the most effective anti-stress methods and techniques.

      Whatever you call stress, you will float on the waves of life.

      In the popular Soviet-era animated series “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel and His Friends,” the crew of the ship “Pobeda” experienced the expression “as you call a ship, so will you sail,” after the first two letters fell off the name of the sailing ship: “P” and “O” "

      Troubles and a sea of ​​troubles literally overwhelmed Captain Vrungel’s ship with the sonorous name “Trouble.” A similar situation occurs in the fight against stress and its consequences.

      There are as many methods of coping and relieving stress as there are definitions of it.

      Let's look at common approaches to dealing with stress based on how we define stress.

      When stress is an energy imbalance

      I consider energy balance, first of all, as the balance of work (tension) and rest (relaxation) in life. In other words, this is how you combine the expenditure and replenishment of vital energy in your life.

      Here stress wins at the moment when you expend more energy than you replenish it. And the consequences of such stress are manifested in a general loss of strength, apathy, boredom and pseudo-laziness. This is when you don’t want to do anything, you literally “don’t have the strength to live.”

      Most often, such stress overtakes workaholics, careerists and businessmen who work up to 18 hours a day and even think about work on vacation.

      If you already have an imbalance of energy, then the best way to overcome such stress is to restore the balance of work and rest in life. You will have to learn to rest again and disconnect from work, literally by an effort of will to set aside time to relax and recharge.

      You will need to master techniques for quickly accumulating and replenishing energy:

      Lifestyle. Allocate at least 8 hours of sleep and 2 hours of rest per day. Go to bed early and get up early. Take a qigong or yoga class. Visit the pool at lunchtime, the Russian bath or sauna 2-3 times a week. Master and practice any technique for quickly relaxing muscles, sign up for a massage, attend spa treatments. And most importantly, when returning home, turn off mobile phone and a tablet. Clearly separate work and leisure areas.

      Weekend training. Spend an afternoon on Saturday or Sunday practicing the Hawaiian stress management technique. Hawaiian priests believe that we spend up to 80% of our vital energy through our eyes and visual perception. Therefore, the best way to replenish your strength is to stop wasting it on your eyesight. Your weekend de-stress training will consist of you spending half a day at home, blindfolded, doing various household chores. With a blindfold on, you must wash the dishes, load the washing machine dirty laundry, sweep and wash the floor, cook dinner. At first you will feel irritated and bump into furniture in your apartment. Then you will get a taste for it, and by the end of the training you will experience a powerful surge of strength.

      Synthesis of the brain hemispheres. Another technique that has proven to be effective in accumulating energy and boosting creativity is the integration of the right and left hemispheres of your brain. Tape your dominant hand (for right-handed people this is right hand, for left-handers - left) to the body and spend first one day off, and then a working day, using your non-dominant hand. You will be surprised what your hand is capable of, which you hardly used before this practice, and how much energy it will give you in the end. In Germany, psychological impotence in right-handed men is treated with this method in 2 weeks.

      Breathing sponge. This exercise is used in body-oriented therapy when it is necessary to quickly replenish energy in apathetic clients. The author of this method is V. Baskakov, and I first became acquainted with the “Baskakov sponge” at his methodological training. A sponge is a mollusk that breathes in the rhythm of the ocean, opening the valves of its shell as it inhales and closing its shell as it exhales. Lie on your back with your legs bent knee joint, and lean on your feet, spread your knees, spread your arms to the sides. Gently close your eyes (the sponge has no vision organs). You are a sponge that breathes in the rhythm of the Universe. As you inhale, bring your knees together and your arms with your palms above you. As you exhale, throw your hands to the floor and spread your knees out to the sides as much as possible. Breathe while moving for 10-15 minutes. Then spread your arms and legs in the “starfish” position and lie there for a few more minutes, breathing freely. This bodily practice allows you to relax all your muscles as much as possible and gives you a quick burst of energy.

      When stress is the consequences of mental trauma

      Sometimes stress overtakes you as a consequence of psychological trauma, having received which, you jumped over strong emotions that are “frozen” in the body and take away your energy.

      It's about about the trauma of loss (longing and grief for the deceased to a loved one), experienced a transport or natural disaster (fear, horror and panic) or a strong conflict (suppressed anger, guilt and shame).

      And it doesn’t matter whether you experienced this misfortune recently or in the distant past. The matrix of trauma and suppressed emotions tends to accumulate and attract new stressful situations.

      Common companions and the consequences of traumatic stress are perhaps the most common reasons for seeking help from psychotherapists and psychologists. We are talking about depression, panic attacks and phobias, anxiety disorders and neurosis, as consequences of such stress.

      In such cases, you should not rely on stress self-therapy techniques alone; they should be combined with professional psychological help. It is no coincidence that a psychological service has been created under the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, and EMERCOM psychologists are among the first to arrive at the scene of disasters and fires in order to provide timely psychological support and prevent victims from freezing traumatic emotions in the body.

      When stress is a consequence of obsessive negative thoughts

      Almost any stress is accompanied by a search for solutions and constant reflection on what is happening. Sometimes negative thoughts themselves, sometimes called anxious or automatic ones, are the cause of severe and prolonged stress.

      In this case, effective methods of relieving such stress will be techniques for controlling and getting rid of such obsessive thoughts.

      Search the Internet for techniques for stopping thoughts that cause stress and anxiety, such as The Work of Katie Byron, the Sedona Method, or techniques for creating your own affirmations, questioning methods, and even self-hypnosis.

      I entrust you with a tool that will literally push all the negativity out of your head and make you think positive thoughts. This technique is lightning fast and effective, like the snap of an elastic band.

      First, prepare a list of your negative or anxious (stress-causing) thoughts. Write them down during the week, whenever you feel the next impact of stressful situations that drive you crazy.

      When you have enough thoughts in your list of thoughts, create a hierarchy of them. At the top of the list should be the negative thoughts that cause the most stress.

      The next step is to turn negative thoughts into their antipode, the opposite that brings other emotions.

      For example, you wrote down the following negative thought: “I am afraid of losing my job and being left without a livelihood.” You've realized that this negative thought causes anxiety and fear at a 70 on a scale of 1 to 100. Okay. Now think of a thought opposite to this. One of the polar thoughts sounds like: “I am a professional. The management sticks to workers like me,” makes you confident and reduces fear from 70 to 20 points. Great. You have done all the preliminary and preparatory work.

      Now it's time to integrate this new thought into your consciousness. We use the effectiveness of pain therapy to improve our lives. Place an elastic band on your left hand (for left-handed people on your right) and on your wrist, so that it fits tightly enough without squeezing it.

      Whenever you catch yourself in a negative thought (we work with all the thoughts from the list one by one, 1 per week), say mentally: “Stop!” and, pulling back the elastic, give yourself a painful slap on the wrist. At the same moment, with an effort of will, focus on the new alternative thought that you prepared at the previous step of the method. For the first two or three days, click the rubber band, and then leave only the mental “stop!” You will notice that the body, fearing pain, will cause your mind to automatically switch to a new, positive thought, instead of the old negative thought.

      The red welt will disappear from your wrist at the same time as the last negative thought on the list that you part with. Well, if there are no bad thoughts, then there is no mental basis for stress.

      So, we looked at the most common causes of stress and identified the most effective methods for overcoming it based on this. As you understand, this is by no means a complete and exhaustive list of definitions and methods.

      And this is good, because it means that we will meet again in new articles on VitaMarg, but for now, share your impressions, thoughts and feelings in the comments to this post. Ask questions and get answers from the author. Be sure to share the stress relief methods suggested in this article with your friends.

      I wish you happiness for no reason and good luck in dealing with stress.

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