Tell fortunes whether the meeting will take place or not. Will I get married? Fortune telling online

An unexpected meeting with someone you care about is always pleasant and very exciting. But it’s even more pleasant to be fully armed and know for sure whether you are destined, for example, tonight to see the one you dream about so much? In this case, you can prepare for the rendezvous and turn the head of your chosen one. However, do you find it almost impossible to know for sure about a future date? But in vain. There are many original ways to find out about the upcoming rendezvous, and among them are fortune telling for a meeting with your loved one.

How to find out about a meeting with your loved one: ways

The easiest and therefore most boring way to find out about an upcoming date is to ask your man directly whether you will see each other or not. But, firstly, real ladies never ask such questions, and, secondly, perhaps your loved one is not aware of warm feelings to him. In such cases, you can use a secret weapon - fortune telling for a meeting with a loved one. How can you do this? Experts from the field of esotericism claim that the most reliable tool for obtaining the most detailed answer to this question is Tarot cards.

What is special about fortune telling with Tarot cards?

Mysterious fortune telling about meeting your loved one will have the most accurate result if you turn to magical Tarot cards. Back in the 16th century, the first mentions of this method of predicting the future, as well as the past and present, appeared. The birthplace of Tarot is considered Ancient Egypt. Cards can give useful advice not only in love affairs, but also in business and health. Intricate images are a mystical key to the secrets of human destiny. But how can you decipher these mysterious signs that the cards give you during fortune-telling about a meeting with your loved one? The most interesting things are ahead.

How is fortune telling done on cards for a meeting with a loved one?

In order to get an answer to such an exciting question, you will have to seriously arm yourself: take the major arcana of the Tarot. Before you begin a process such as fortune telling (whether you will meet your loved one), try to clearly imagine your chosen one. As soon as a vivid and quite realistic image of your man appears in your subconscious, formulate a specific question. You can even say it out loud. Now to the point: the process of fortune telling for a meeting with your loved one begins! Shuffle the deck thoroughly and then select 9 cards. They should be laid out in this way: lay out the first four cards face down in the form of a cross. The first image should be on the left. The remaining 3 cards are laid out clockwise. The next four cards must also be laid out in the shape of a cross - to the right of the first. The ninth card is placed between the two crosses below. And below it is the last one - the so-called Significator.

Decoding fortune telling for a meeting with a loved one

Are you ready to find out the desired truth? A couple more moments, and you will know whether to expect a date with the one about whom all your thoughts are. Pick up the first card. Study the image on it carefully. This is what will tell you briefly about you. The second card talks about how people around you treat you, what do they think about you? The third image reflects your behavior in the existing relationship. By the fourth card you can judge what your ideal partner is. The fifth card will tell you in secret where and under what circumstances the expected meeting will take place. With the help of the sixth image you will know how you can speed up your date. The seventh card notifies possible difficulties, due to which your meeting may be postponed for a long time. But do not rush to despair: the eighth card is a good adviser. Thanks to this image you will learn something useful for yourself. The ninth card knows for sure whether the meeting will take place in the coming year. But the Significator will become a lifesaver if the previous card brings bad news.

If you have been familiar with a deck of Tarot cards for a long time, fortune telling will allow you to form a clear picture and avoid all the pitfalls. And if mystical images still seem too intricate to you, you can always resort to deciphering Tarot cards. Often the deck comes with instructions with the meanings of the signs. However, detailed transcript you can also find it on the Internet. Over time, you will feel a certain connection with the magic cards, and will be able to understand them “at a glance.”

Fortune telling for a meeting allows you to predict a desired event in life. Such rituals have been used since ancient times. Time has passed, but modern girls are still interested in when they will meet their loved one. Today, you can use a variety of ways to do this.

It is unlikely that anyone will deny that most girls are very interested in the question of when they will meet their soulmate. This issue can be clarified using fortune telling. There are a lot different ways, but most often ordinary playing cards or Tarot cards are used for this.

Fortune telling with playing cards

You can find out when a meeting with your soulmate will take place using a regular deck of playing cards. It is very important to properly tune in to fortune telling in this way. It should only be carried out in positive mood. If you are physically tired or have any everyday problems, then it is better to refuse to receive predictions in this way. For fortune telling, you should use a new deck of cards or one that no one has played before. In this way, a prediction is made for the year. Therefore, this ritual can be repeated no more often than after four months.

First, from a deck of cards you need to choose the queen of hearts, which will symbolize you. After this, the deck of cards is carefully shuffled and removed towards you. Next, 12 cards are pulled out of it in random order, which are laid out around the central card face down.

Then the deck of unused cards is put aside, and the cards in the layout are turned over and deciphered:

  • Jacks symbolize small romantic adventures, many fans and suitors. It is noteworthy that all these men will not have serious intentions, so they cannot be a soulmate. All meetings in the coming year will end in simple flirting.
  • Kings indicate that there are wealthy men around you who may be interested in you. But how the relationship will develop depends largely on your behavior. Therefore, it cannot be denied that one of them will turn out to be your soulmate.
  • Ace of clubs, spades, diamonds indicates that a contender for serious relationship, to which you should connect your life. It is very good if several aces appear in the layout. This means that there are several applicants, so you can choose.
  • The Ace of Hearts foreshadows a fateful meeting, which will become a harbinger of deep and mutual love feelings. A person will appear next to you who will make you happy.

To tell fortunes about meeting your soulmate, you need to use a full deck of Tarot cards. The fortune-telling ritual should be performed in a secluded place and only a personal deck of cards should be used. That is, it should never fall into the wrong hands.

First, you just need to hold the deck of cards in your palms, pressing it to your chest. At this time you need to ask a question of interest. Then you need to start laying out cards one at a time, pulling them out of the deck in random order. This must be done until one of the Major Arcana falls out. Such a card must be interpreted in accordance with its meaning. All decodings of Tarot cards can be found in a special section on our website.

Features of some Major Arcana in this scenario:

  • Peace means that soon all expectations will come true, and the meeting with your soul mate will take place.
  • The Hierophant indicates that the meeting will be followed by marriage.
  • A favorable outcome is predicted by Temperance, Lovers, Star, Sun.
  • The Wheel of Fortune warns of the karmic significance of relationships.
  • The devil focuses on the fact that meeting your soulmate will be associated with temptation or forbidden love.
  • The Hanged Man, the Tower, and the Hermit indicate that meeting your soulmate is impossible in this period of time.
  • Death is a positive card in this fortune telling and predicts getting rid of loneliness in the near future.

If the Minor Arcana were laid out before the first Major Arcana, then they must also be deciphered to obtain more accurate information. So, the fewer arcana with lower dignity, the faster your soulmate will succeed. And if there are a lot of such cards, then you need to be patient, understanding that a meeting will definitely happen. The meaning of each card Minor Arcana will tell you what obstacles you should prepare for while waiting to meet your soulmate.

To meet my ex

Sometimes people break up for trivial reasons, while continuing to love each other. Therefore, the desire to meet again and restore the relationship is quite natural. To understand how possible this is, you can conduct fortune-telling, which involves using a gift from the person on whom the fortune-telling is being carried out.

For the ceremony, you need to choose the most expensive gift that your ex-lover gave you. It must be taken to a publicly accessible place, from which it will certainly be taken by someone else. You shouldn't regret it, because it will allow you to get valuable information. And the one who took the gift should wish that the gift brings him happiness.

The essence of such fortune telling is as follows:

  • If you soon receive another gift from someone, then your lover will definitely return to you.
  • If you are not given a gift in the coming days, then you should not count on the return of your former loved one.

To meet your loved one

If you really want to find out when a meeting with your loved one will take place, then you can use a ritual that involves the use of a stone. Important condition Obtaining reliable information in this way means that the stone is found independently on the street. When you pick it up, you should feel on a subconscious level that it will help you. Having brought the stone home, you need to retire to separate room and read the prayers you know over it. If you consider yourself an atheist, then you can simply pick it up and sit in silence for a while, imagining how you fill it with your own energy. After this, you need to curtain the windows and leave it in dark room until late at night.

Late at night, you need to come back to the room where the stone lies, taking with you a sledgehammer or a large hammer.

Fortune telling should be deciphered in accordance with how the stone will be broken:

  • If the stone has shattered into many small fragments, then there is no specific answer, so the fortune telling should be repeated another day.
  • If the stone splits into a couple of large parts, and the remaining fragments are much smaller, and the left part is smaller than the right part, then a meeting with a person will take place in the near future.
  • If of the two parts the right part is smaller than the left part, then the meeting will take place, but not in the near future;
  • If the stone could not be broken, but cracks have formed on it, then you should not hope for a quick meeting with the person.

Meet a man

Fortune telling, which makes it possible to clarify when a meeting with a man who will become a loved one will take place, is very much in demand. In addition, it happens that you already met a guy once, and you liked him. That is why you are interested in knowing whether a repeat meeting will take place. But to obtain such information, it is necessary the right attitude. It is important to believe in the possibilities of magic and your own strength.

In order to find out how quickly a meeting with a certain person will take place, you need to ask your closest friend for help. But at the same time, it is important not to devote it to the nuances, so as not to distort the information received. You can simply tell her that you are making a wish.

First you need to collect several dozen round pebbles without sharp corners. Moreover, it is very important that some of them are a little larger, while others are very small. After this, they all need to be placed in an opaque bag and mixed. Then you should ask your friend to take 12 pebbles out of the bag. After that, lay them out in front of you, sorting by size. Large pebbles will mean months, and smaller pebbles will mean days. By counting them, you can understand how long it will take to meet the guy you like.

For centuries, magicians and witches have kept the secrets of secret rituals and rituals that help a person find out the future, predict desired events and see a fateful chance.

If you are interested in whether a meeting with your loved one will take place, you can use fortune telling

Fortune telling playing cards whether a meeting with a loved one will take place is used only in cases where the fate of a future relationship depends on the date. This prediction is also suitable for single girls or guys who are waiting to meet their lover. What do you need for quick fortune telling?

Magic is the best assistant in love

People say, “If there is a will, there will be a means.” The wisdom that people have accumulated over centuries can be perceived in different ways, but the truth does not change depending on the point of view.

We learned to use magic for our own purposes a long time ago.

The first predictions helped generals and even kings. With the help of foreseeing the near future, the most powerful and influential people in the world are able to avoid even mortal danger.

Why does modern man need fortune telling? Doubts and melancholy are two problems modern man. He is afraid of everything and therefore prefers to be inactive instead of fighting for his own happiness and well-being. Any relationship is an undoubted risk, and anxious anticipation of changes in your personal life can cause real disappointment.

Help from magic in your personal life

What if there is no point in waiting to meet your soulmate? A question that has repeatedly visited the anxious mind of a girl or youth. And if there is a fateful meeting, then how will the first communication go?

Magic will help to dispel doubts for a person of any age and status. Predictions for a future meeting refer to predictions that do not affect other aspects of the questioner’s life. All that cards or other magical symbols provide are clear answers, advice and recommendations.

Attributes for fortune telling can only suggest, but only a person can decide his own destiny. Home predictions are often more accurate than those made by professional magicians. With soul and body, a person feels what is hidden in him. He knows in advance his own destiny, which is interpreted by cards or other magical attributes.

How to tell fortunes about meeting your future lover?

Anyone can tell fortunes for a meeting. For men, fortune telling on cards or magical rituals akin to torture. They fear magic like fire, but secretly they often resort to its help.

How will ancient forces help? Plan a future meeting in advance and take into account all sorts of obstacles - such information is worth a lot. She is a real weapon that can be used at any time.

For people with experience in fortune-telling at home, fortune-telling will be easy for other areas of life besides love and relationships.

A relaxed atmosphere, lightness and openness will help you find out the details of the meeting a day, two, or a week before the appointed date.

  • Popular and simple fortune telling will help you find out the intentions of the person you meet and his secret thoughts:
  • on Tarot cards;
  • on playing cards;
  • on runic signs (staves);

on magical attributes (candle, pendulum or matches).

Fortune telling using stavs (runic signs) is one of the most popular options to find out whether a meeting with a loved one will take place

The method of divination is chosen according to the principle of “where the soul lies.” If fortune telling confuses or causes fear, you should abandon it at least for a while. Moral readiness is very important for the magician and the questioner. From excitement and doubt, cards can give false answers. Anything can happen.

Preparing for fortune telling

Even trivial issues need elaboration. Everything that comes from a person is energy, strength that fears or hopes acquire. The more anxiety a person feeds, the weaker he becomes. Before fortune telling, you should ask yourself “what answer will suit me?” Only liars who do not admit it are afraid of magic. own desires and aspirations. Fortune telling for a meeting refers to simple divination, which does not have serious or fatal consequences.. There is also no need to fear that ancient forces will demand payment for help. An experienced magician will do all the work for the client and provide only useful information.

When fortune telling at home, a person should be careful. Prepare mentally and physically. It is not recommended to do the layout when you are feeling unwell or in a bad mood. Such fortune telling is ineffective and exhausting, and its results are untrue.

If the questioner has let go of worries and freed his own mind for new information, then he can safely begin fortune-telling using a deck of Tarot, Thoth cards or playing cards.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards

The fortuneteller needs to decide on the type of fortune telling. If he intends to use Tarot cards that may not be at hand by chance, then before making a prediction he should study special literature. Without the basics and base, you won't be able to master the deck.

It is difficult for a beginner to guess with Tarot cards. To do this you will have to study special literature

For us ordinary people quick fortune telling - the most best option. It is better to choose a ready-made layout for a love perspective, according to a scheme created by magicians. Such a blank can consist of three, six or nine cards.

There are different layouts for a future meeting:

  • gypsy;
  • dove on Tarot cards;
  • fast on maps Simbolon;
  • Fortune telling with Madame Endora's cards.

Will the lovers meet again? Multi-stage layouts will help you get complex answers that affect the thoughts and expectations of another person (barely familiar or completely unfamiliar).

Gypsy fortune-telling “Choice of the path”

Fortune telling for a meeting and future fate union is very ancient. It was used in cases where a difficult choice haunted a person. By making a “choice of path” layout before the desired meeting, the questioner finds out the true intentions of the object of sympathy or love. What is he planning and why does he want to meet?

The text consists of 7 cards that are selected from the deck fortune telling cards in no particular order. You can lay out the deck face down and choose the cards you like or draw seven symbols from the folded deck.

You need to take out cards without a second thought. It is better to think about the chosen one, imagine him, reproduce the image to the smallest detail.

Alternately, the dropped symbols answer the following questions:

  • what is on the soul in the present (of the questioner);
  • how the meeting will go (what mood will prevail between the guy and the girl);
  • what will be the result of the questioner if he does not come to the meeting;
  • what awaits a person if he comes to the meeting;
  • advice from cards on what decision to make;
  • the fate of possible relationships;
  • the general future of the questioner.

Such fortune telling will help you decide on a meeting or postpone it if unfavorable symbols appear. It is necessary to interpret the alignment, starting with the major Arcana. The dominant cards set the mood for the entire forecast.

Fortune telling by Oracle “Who will I meet?”

For single people, a prediction that describes the conditions of a future fateful meeting is suitable. The fortuneteller does not yet know what the betrothed looks like and what will unite them.

“Whom will I meet” is a magical portrait of a beloved that will help you not to miss your betrothed and not to miss important details out of sight. On the other hand, for the questioner, the power of thought is triggered. If you know how a person will evoke the most wonderful feelings, then it will be much easier to summon him.

Before you begin, when only the fortune-telling deck remains in your hands, you should concentrate your thoughts on what worries your heart. Think over the question, whisper to yourself “what does your beloved look like” and only then make the arrangement.

The finished oracle diagram consists of eight ancient symbols, which are drawn from the deck in random order:

A ready-made diagram on the oracle will help to identify the qualities of a man that a fortune-telling girl values ​​(for example, is the shyness of her chosen one important to her)

  1. Qualities of a chosen one that a girl or woman expects to see. It is very important to admit your desires to yourself. If a girl dreams of a powerful or freedom-loving man, there is nothing shameful or terrible in such a desire. The cards will show exactly the hidden desires of the questioner, his hopes for internal organization chosen one.
  2. Character compatibility. The most important aspect and guarantee of a strong union will be the compatibility of the two partners. You cannot build a strong relationship with a person who does not completely understand the motives and desires of your loved one. Everyone can want a kind guy, but not every woman needs just such a chosen one. The cards will indicate important character traits that suit the questioner.
  3. The third card has an unenviable fate; it indicates negative aspects in the relationship that do not suit the person making the alignment.
  4. Obstacles. Indoor units and fears that interfere with building relationships - this is what the fourth card of the layout indicates. What prevents a fortuneteller from having a strong relationship? A magical hint in this matter will be very useful.
  5. Qualities that will help create strong union. You need to pay special attention to the fifth kata.
  6. Aspects of living together. What will hinder, and what will only benefit the entire union.
  7. Relationship layout. The cards will tell the questioner what will follow after the meeting, how further good relations will develop.
  8. Advice on where and when you can find your soulmate.

Fortune telling on the oracle will give important advice which will help you meet your soulmate

Fateful meetings can happen in the most unexpected places, but it is not always possible to be prepared for them.

A multi-stage layout will be a godsend for a lonely person who is tired of waiting to meet his lover or loved one.

Fortune telling on the cards of Endora “Karmic Union” One of the most interesting fortune telling

, which allow you to find out what the union of two lovers will be like in this and subsequent lives, after a fateful meeting.

People who believe in the transmigration of souls claim that no soul is drawn to another person for no reason. When two wanderers in the universe meet, something “clicks” in their hearts. It was as if the long-disturbed balance had finally been restored again, and something miraculous and predicted a hundred years ago had happened.

Fortune telling “karmic union” is best done before an important meeting, when the questioner is unsure whether the couple has a future or not.

Was there a karmic lesson learned? Difficulties in a couple can be a consequence of karmic debts, unresolved problems that haunt a person through a hundred years. Fortune telling of this type is performed on an unusual deck. For the layout you will need 13 cards chosen at random. Each symbol will mean certain circumstances and the outcome of a future meeting.

The cards will answer questions regarding the strength of relationships and the roles that partners will play. Symbols will predict unfinished business that affects the development of current events or regarding stagnation. The actions of the partners will also be described by the oracle. The last two cards symbolize a connection at the karmic level; such a union of souls will be drawn to each other in subsequent lives.

Playing deck for predicting a meeting Fortune telling “meeting”, especially if answers are urgently needed, is performed using regular cards . Thirty-six playing symbols will predict the most significant moments of a future meeting. What does your partner think, what are his intentions? The answer is “yes” and “no”, the general outcome is all these important aspects

hidden in an ordinary deck of cheap playing cards.

Using a simple layout of three or six cards, a person will decide in advance whether to go to the designated address.

A person learns the science of not being afraid of tomorrow every day. Sometimes a whole life is not enough to understand why the future does not attract, but scares. Fortune telling is the simplest tool on how to gain freedom and confidence. A meeting with your loved one will have a good outcome if you are prepared for it in advance.

The cards will tell you what to expect and what to avoid. Sometimes a rescheduled visit can change a person’s destiny and provide him with new opportunities. Planned meetings do not become a disappointment; this is the biggest help of fortune telling or playing cards.

1. The fortuneteller’s opinion of himself

Tarot cards in a marriage reading mean the following:

1. The fortuneteller’s opinion of himself

You believe in inspiration, make decisions quickly and act energetically. This is your character, and this is the behavior you obviously consider correct. But think about it: where do your problems come from then? Maybe you still need to force yourself to be more reasonable?

2. The opinion of others about the fortuneteller

You are a harmonious, calm person, absolutely not scandalous. Perhaps this is just a mask that you know how to wear very convincingly and professionally. But this is exactly your image in the eyes of others.

3. What is a fortuneteller like in family relationships?

IN family life you will be positive, peaceful, optimistic. In essence, it will cause you to turn a blind eye to certain problems. However, it seems that you will not have any major reasons for concern, and sometimes you can actually ignore the small ones.

4. The fortuneteller’s idea of ​​a partner

You would like a calm, balanced, careful person. Such a man, in your opinion, may not grab a star from the sky, but he will not commit many rashnesses and stupidities, which then take a long time to sort out.

5. Where or under what circumstances can a fortuneteller meet a partner

You will meet under fairly favorable circumstances. The situation at this moment will clearly be in your favor. Perhaps you will be showing off the fruits of your efforts (i.e. you will be at a trade show, conference, etc.) Or perhaps you will be making a very respectable purchase or talking with an influential person.

6. What should the fortuneteller do?

Listen to your intuition, trust your gut feeling. And - most importantly - do not share your intentions or fears with anyone. Especially if you want to artificially “adjust” the situation to suit you. If you need someone's help, organize everything so that this person does not even suspect anything.

7. Are there any circumstances that aggravate karma?

Fortune is for you. And there is no reason to fear that someone might “do” something bad to you. Therefore, trust your Guardian Angel and live calmly.

8. Tarot card advice

You must make it a rule to act independently, making decisions only based on logic and objective reasoning. And at the same time remain an intelligent woman who knows how to restrain herself in moments of weakness or, on the contrary, strong irritation and anger. Neither excessive emotionality nor coldness will decorate you or add attractiveness.

9. Possibility of marriage - time forecast

This Arcanum indicates that you will have the opportunity to get married quite soon. And it will probably be associated with the beginning of something - a vacation, getting a job, etc. Or it will just be the first days of a month. Perhaps this is when a marriage proposal will be made to you or a wedding day will be set.
