DIY wood crafts for the garden. Where to put old wood and scraps of PVC pipes at the dacha? Crafts from leftover logs

Cutting down trees and uprooting stumps can turn into more enjoyable activity, if you know exactly what to do next with the logs and roots. Old trees are a nuisance in the garden, occupy a certain area, do not bring the aroma of flowers and green foliage, do not provide shade, and therefore we do not hesitate to get rid of them. Most often, when we cut down a dry tree at the roots, we send it to the stove or grill for firewood. But you shouldn’t rush with this decision, because there is always material for ignition and fuel, but for decoration dacha area this one is quite expensive. We suggest that you use logs obtained from cutting down trees for decorative purposes.

Today we have collected some information and thematic photographs, and put it all into an article that will tell you how to use logs in the country for certain benefits, for decoration, practicality, and even saving money.

The use of logs in the country

A log is essentially a tree trunk that you remove from your yard for whatever reason. You shouldn’t immediately pick up a chainsaw and work all day on the cut; spend a little time on the following original ideas for your garden, and you won’t regret it.

flower bed

We are used to building flower beds from stone, plaster, even car tires or plastic bottles, who thinks it is more acceptable and practical for a summer cottage. But today we want to add large logs from old trees to the arsenal of materials that are suitable for making flower beds.

Let's say you cut down an old tree that has dried out a long time ago. It is its trunk that will perfectly serve as the main shape of a flower bed, which can be made in just a couple of hours. It is enough to use a chisel and a hammer, a chainsaw and your own imagination, and an original creation appears on the site, for which you did not pay a penny. All that remains is to choose color scheme plants, and even the varieties of flowers themselves that will be placed in such a flowerbed.

Simple country furniture

The photo below shows the simplest furniture made from a wooden log, but it is not easy to make. As you can see, it is used for production quite big log, with a serious cross-sectional diameter. Firstly, it is difficult to find such a tree in the countryside, and secondly, if you decide to make country furniture with your own hands, this will require a lot of free time and professional tool.

The log is partially processed with an axe, then a chainsaw or electric saw is used, which creates the basic shape. Afterwards, careful and careful work with a chisel and grinding. Naturally, it will take a lot of effort, but as a result you have every chance of getting furniture that will easily last for decades.


You can build anything from a log, and now we offer you an extraordinary decor country well. Naturally, for this you will need a special rounded log, and not made from old wood. But you can also use the material available at the dacha for similar decor. It seems to us that if you take the trunks and thick branches of trees in the bark, the picture will turn out to be much more natural and harmonious.

Country paths made from saw cuts

We devoted enough time to the paths at the dacha, paid attention to similar masterpieces, but in this article we decided to remind about their existence, because country paths from the saw cut are very interesting.

To create such tracks it will be necessary to use quality material, without defects and damage by insects, since strength and reliability are the main factors in choosing materials for flooring.

Having arranged a high-quality sand path base, you can lay the saw cuts different diameters and shapes and decorate finished project stones and plants. Just do not forget that paving with this material will require special protection, for example, even impregnation with drying oil or other wood preservatives.

Crafts for the playground

In the recent past, we talked about crafts such as wooden horses for the dacha, which can become not only an object for children to play with, but also original decor for landscape. Today we present another version of a wooden horse, which, by the way, is made entirely of logs.

You can choose the trunk of any tree for such a product, mark and cut it correctly, clear it of bark and install it on the site, creating the required form. Afterwards, painting the sculpture in bright color and light decor.

Stylish garden furniture

Furniture for a garden can be very diverse, which is why we mention it so often. This is original and exclusive furniture, standard furniture made of rattan, plastic and metal. But it is the owner of the dacha who must choose, since we represent only the most interesting options.

Today you see one of these - a bench made of thick logs, which was made taking into account the style and wishes of the customer. Of course, doing something like this with your own hands is quite difficult, if only because you need to use a special tool, and the weight of each element of the bench is quite large. But if you decide on such a work and complete it on own plot, we can only applaud and envy!

Using logs on a children's playground

Our children are constantly frolicking at the dacha and can’t find a place for themselves, which sometimes seriously disturbs adults. That is why you should prepare in advance a special area at your dacha for their games. This could be a sandbox, a grassy area for picnics, a tree house, or a special sports ground.

We offer you a fairly inexpensive and quick option in terms of construction. You can make small ladders, swings and even labyrinths from logs. All that remains is to securely fasten each element and add some ropes, ropes, and other materials necessary in this complex.

DIY log border (video)

Dog booth

To build a booth you will need a high-quality processed log and boards for the roof. You can choose nails as fasteners; for covering the roof - wood and roofing felt, tiles, bituminous materials.

Cars and trains

What do boys need to be happy? Good toys that will allow you to lose yourself in your own fantasies. This will also help them to be distracted and not disturb adults while they are gardening or landscape design in the country.

As an option, there is a proposal to build a car or train from old logs. You will only have to spend an hour or two on production, and some money on paint and accessories.

Cute, exciting, convenient and inexpensive - exactly what we always want to get!

Log fence

Fences and fences, serious forged and simple wicker ones - they are still protection or a simple restriction for entering the territory of the dacha... so why not use a log to build them.

You can place an order for expensive material, install it in a few days, spend money not only on the elements, but also on installation and finishing. Or you can make a fence with your own hands. Of course, for the construction ordinary log not particularly suitable, especially if we consider the facade of the dacha, but you can always make fences from such material in the household yard, or decorate the lawn, garden and other areas with a similar product.

Log support walls

Supporting walls in a dacha are needed not only for organizing flower beds and vertical plantings, but also for visual transformation of the site, especially in the vicinity of the main buildings. Thanks to such structures, you can transform the entrance to the house, paths and even the overall picture of the exterior, thereby creating stylish design yard, garden, and some other areas.

We learned how to build supporting walls a little earlier, how to perform supports, drainage and filling, but today we offer not only to use logs for the production of this landscape element, but also transform it a little with changes. We want to combine saw-cut paths and supporting walls from of this material. This is not difficult to do, especially if you carefully study the topics individually. And you can see exactly what such a creation looks like now.

Log bridges in the country

Small decorative bridges through dry streams or artificial reservoirs - a common thing for lovers of landscape design in the country. We have already repeatedly paid attention to such small architectural forms and elements. But in view of our topic today, we suggest choosing logs from old trees to organize small bridges and even medium-sized bridges at your summer cottage. There may not be enough trees to cut down at the dacha in the quantity required to create a bridge, but there is always a small forest or at least a forest belt nearby.

However, the bridge can be built from any other materials, and it is present in our topic only for the reason to point out to you another type of use of logs.

If you decide to build a small or medium-sized bridge at your dacha, to cross a ravine or even an ordinary dry stream, try to make it as reliable and safe as possible, be patient and ensure the building is as stable and strong as possible.

Wooden log house

Country houses made of wood not only fascinate, but become the long-term dreams of almost every one of us. A house made of logs or timber, a small country house made of logs, a gazebo or a bathhouse - all this is doable, but you should start small. Who knows, it’s quite likely that by gaining experience with simple country crafts, which we so often present to you, you will become imbued with the matter and acquire professional knowledge that will help you build wooden house in future.

Decorative crafts from logs at the dacha (video)

We thank each reader of our site for their increased attention to new materials, and also remind us that the opinion of each of you is very important to us. Leave comments on the article or just suggestions for future publications, and we will definitely listen to them!

DIY log crafts (20 photos)

Reviews and comments

Elena 01/11/2017

It would seem like an ordinary tree, but it turns out that so many beautiful and original things can be made from it. My dad, a jack of all trades, made figurines from wood, they still decorate the dacha. And children really like them. It turns out, not only with figurines made of wood can be refined appearance dachas. I took a couple of crafts into my collection, I especially liked the swing, we will turn the idea into reality.

Dasha 03/11/2017

Wood is enough universal material, if you know and treat wood correctly, it can last for quite a long time. We have a lot at our dacha wooden buildings, they look very beautiful. I built wooden gazebo, it costs well and is reliable. I also equipped the well with wood. The material lends itself quite well to changes.

Eleeea 08/28/2017

Will it grow in open sun? Doesn't grow under trees. or preferably half tuck?

Territory of the House 08/28/2017

It grows in the full sun, and also in a flowerpot (where the soil dries out instantly), and it feels good. Of course you need to water it during the time. I also planted it in openwork shade, it also grows well, even better than in a flower pot. The pots are a bit cramped and hot for her. In general, it is not a whimsical plant, it grows on its own, I only water it in hot weather, along with everyone else.

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When cleaning or improving your summer cottage, do not throw away or burn any logs, stumps or snags. This is all creative material for future crafts for the playground or design elements for the site itself. In this article, we decided to present for you crafts made from logs for the dacha.

How to make crafts

In order to make products from logs, you need to perform some steps. First, carefully clean and separate all the excess, in your opinion, now it becomes clearer what a log or driftwood looks more like. Perhaps it will not be a whole image, but one of its parts, but you can fasten the parts together using:

  • Specialist. glue.
  • Small carnations.
  • Using a drill (when in drilled hole another part is inserted).

The finished figure is coated with varnish for protective purposes. We wait for it to dry, now with the children you can decorate your hero with multi-colored paints.

You can also make a lot of things from solid logs. These include swings, labyrinths/ladders, small houses/huts. The log playground will keep children occupied for a long time, while adults can calmly go about their business.

Craft ideas

Well, the time has come to demonstrate crafts made from birch logs for the dacha. Surely, you will like our ideas.

Stylish country furniture.

If plastic furniture not comme il faut for your estate, but you don’t have enough money for an expensive designer one, you can handle the production yourself garden furniture- your option. The main difficulty is to deliver heavy stumps or logs to the desired point in the summer cottage. And then stock up on tools, choose suitable option, and remember the ancient motto - “I take a stone and cut off everything unnecessary from it,” only in in this case You don't have stone, but wood material.

Let's say from solid log you can make an intricate bench, and from stumps you can make a table and a chair, perhaps an option for kids.

A children's kit can be made as in simple version, when only the upper surfaces are processed, and more complex, with cleaning of bark and unnecessary parts, and attaching backs, sides, etc. to them.

But you can even make a couple of benches from a log if you can evenly divide the log lengthwise into two parts. On the semicircular side you can make recesses, due to which the bench can be installed on two small logs; if calculated correctly, it will stand quite stable. And it will last for many years with minimal care.

Log flower bed.

This option will require less time to create than a flower bed made from PVC bottles or tires. Using a chisel and hammer, we make the necessary indentations in the log or stump, fill them with soil and plant flowers in it. And how impressive they will look!

Log dog house.

As an option for making children's houses or huts from logs, there may be a doghouse option. The principle is absolutely the same. Only you don’t have to make windows, and the hole is lower. The roof is also covered with roofing felt or tiles, and your pet will be grateful for such a reliable and durable home. In fact, it can be made in one ensemble with the entire estate and can even be its decoration.

Log fence.

Remember the palisades in the fencing of ancient fortresses from the school history course? Using the same principle, you can build a fence around your site, or make small fences inside the site itself. But the appropriate processing prior to installing the palisade will require considerable and expensive work, so consider your strengths, including financial ones.

Country bridges made of logs.

What crafts to make for the garden from logs with your own hands? This question is of interest to many. Just imagine the delight of your guests over the original log bridge over an artificial pond on your site, where you can fish or take a spectacular photo! Even in the absence of a reservoir, a bridge can still be built as an element of a unique design. The main thing here is the reliability and strength of the structure, no matter whether it will perform decorative or direct functions. If it is expected to be at least

25 meters, then it would be advisable to pour a foundation at the base of each end, and install intermediate piles in the gaps under the span. Metal carcass will only strengthen the structure and give it a more fundamental look. A wooden railings will give it a unique charm.

Houses made of logs.

So, we’ve already got our hands full on children’s houses and huts for playgrounds, as well as on doghouses; it’s time to move on to more serious buildings. For example, residential building. By the way, before this you can test your design and construction skills on a gazebo, bathhouse or garage, if the estate is supposed to be in the same style.

Pros log house are its environmental friendliness, unnecessary decoration, such a house always looks respectable and fundamental.

For the construction of houses, as a rule, logs of two types are used - rounded or planed.

The last option saves all beneficial features wood, although construction from them will be somewhat more labor-intensive than from rounded logs. No additional coverage with various protective compounds such a house will not require either. But it needs to stand for about a year to a year and a half, and only after that can doors and windows be installed.

Figures made from logs.

wooden men, fairy tale characters or forest dwellers will be a wonderful addition to the playground. Don’t chop off unnecessary branches, it’s better to think about how to fit them more harmoniously into the character and use them as a nose, horns or arms - legs, maybe a tail. Regular flower pots or children's buckets will serve as an excellent headdress; use bast or straw to make hair, mustaches and beards for them. You can draw faces with paints, and the reinforcement in the structure will only strengthen their position in their place.

Wooden bunny.

It is very easy to make a variety of garden crafts from logs with your own hands. If you like a wooden bunny, then feel free to start making it. What we need:

  • A log with a diameter of 16 - 23 cm and a length of 35 - 55 cm.
  • Plywood sheet 4 - 6 cm thick.
  • Nails.
  • Facade paint.


  1. For stability, we cut the log from below very evenly, and the cut from above should be at 45 degrees.
  2. We sand the log properly and dry it in a warm room for several days.
  3. We cover the log with special varnish.
  4. Using a plywood jigsaw, we cut out the muzzle (with the same diameter as the top cut) and ears. You can use both templates and pre-draw everything yourself on a plywood sheet.
  5. We first paint the cut-out parts in the background color, and after drying, add the necessary elements, eyes, nose, antennae.
  6. Now we fix the corresponding elements in in the right places, first we drill holes, then we attach the muzzle and ears with glue and nails.

Wooden homemade product in the shape of a man.

What we need for this craft:

  • A pair of logs of different diameters.
  • Branches.
  • Perks are special drills.
  • File or hacksaw.
  • Carnations.


  1. The log ratio should be approximately 2:1, but this is not necessary. The larger part will become the torso.
  2. We fasten the logs together with a branch, which is inserted into holes drilled in the ends of both logs.
  3. Now the face - we drill out indentations for the eyes in the appropriate places on the face and insert small, pre-painted blocks there.
  4. All branch inserts must be properly dried to prevent them from quickly falling out of their places.
  5. We put the little man on a bench; to do this, we fill a board on a log fixed in the ground, and attach our little man to it with nails.
  6. We fasten the arms and legs from the corresponding branches with self-tapping screws so that, if necessary, they can be tightened.

Log benches.

You can start with a simple option, then move on to more intricate designs that will allow the master’s talent to unfold to the fullest and will delight guests with its originality of solutions.

Log well.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a real well or a fake one, it’s important that it will become a genuine decoration of your site, a decorative element next to which everyone will immediately want to take a photo.

Garden swing.

Oh, this idea will appeal not only to children, but also to adults! Robust design will attract well-deserved attention, and if ladders and ropes are additionally installed nearby, then it will already be a whole sports ground.


With some effort, you can create beautiful crafts from thick logs for the garden. And you were able to verify this. In general, prepare everything you need and spend your free time with benefit.

A bench made of logs attracts with its originality, ease of creation and low cost. You can make it from scrap materials in just 1 day! See the article for possible design options and how to make them yourself.

A regular hardwood log does not need to be processed. You just need to cut down the twigs and branches. And here are the logs coniferous species Before using for construction, benches should be treated with acetone and water in a ratio of 4 to 1. This will clean the trunk of resin.

Required Tools

To make a bench from logs you will need:

  • saw or chainsaw;
  • rasp;
  • sandpaper.

In some cases, fasteners (nails, wood screws) and appropriate tools will be required.

A chisel, chisel and jigsaw can be used for decoration.

Design No. 1

The most basic option for creating a bench from a log is to simply dig in a log of large diameter and cut it down from above or leave it in its original form:

Design No. 2

To make such a bench you will need two two-meter logs. Perhaps you still have them after construction, or you bought materials for a couple of benches in the same style.

Regardless of the origin of the materials, creating such a bench with your own hands only takes a couple of hours! It is enough to cut one of the logs into 2 parts. They will become supports. In order for the bench seat to stand clearly on the supports, you will need to make recesses corresponding to the log for the seat. They will be somewhere like 1/3 or ½ of the diameter. At correct execution No mounting materials are required. The bench can be easily disassembled and moved to another place or reused for construction.

If you have one large diameter log, you can use it for 2 benches by sawing it in half. Smaller diameter timber can be used as legs.

Design No. 3

From a single large-diameter log you can quickly make a bench with a backrest with your own hands. It is enough to carefully cut out the core to get a convenient design.

If you use a log with thick branches, they can become legs.

If there are no branches, the collections can be replaced by logs as in the first design option or wooden blocks inserted into special holes.

Design No. 4

You can build a bench from rounded logs with a diameter of 160-180 mm. You will need 3 two-meter logs or 2 and several shorter logs to create the legs. To fasten the elements you will need several boards with a thickness of 40-50 cm.

Design No. 5

How to make a bench from a log with a backrest without single nail look at the video:

Of course, for a beginner this will be a little difficult, but not impossible.

Design No. 6

You can make a bench from a log using the same technology as when building a house from rounded timber. Study the design and you will quickly understand how it can be repeated:

Design No. 7

Using a log as a support, you can quickly make a backless bench with your own hands.

Not only a log, but also an old stump can serve as legs:

More ideas for making a bench from a log with your own hands

Such interesting benches can be made from logs if you add a little imagination:

And here are whole compositions for relaxation made from logs:

Final preparations for operation and some tips

When making benches from logs, experts recommend:

  1. Follow safety rules when working with power tools.
  2. Draw up a preliminary drawing before starting work.
  3. For convenient cutting of logs, prepare supports. They can be made from small cuttings with a V-shaped notch.
  4. If the log cut is uneven, an electric planer will help correct the situation.

After making a bench from logs with your own hands, you need to sand it using a grinding machine or sandpaper. Without this, its pleasant use is impossible.

Protecting the bench from external influences and decorating

Like, it is advisable to paint benches made of logs with varnish upon completion of production. This way you will protect it from bugs, moisture and other adverse influences. external environment and extend service life. It is advisable to renew the varnish layer every new season, that is, at the beginning of spring.

Decorating log benches, in fact, is not required, but their authentic appearance can be complemented by clay jugs and bowls on the table or back, carvings, a blanket made from pieces of fabric and climbing plants, planted nearby.

And finally small idea: a bench made of logs is an original Russian piece of furniture. It can be used not only in the garden, but also in the bathhouse, kitchen or on the veranda.

If you cut down a dry tree, do not rush to burn it or put it in the oven. Logs can make original crafts that will decorate country cottage area. If you do at least one decoration, then cutting down trees will become an enjoyable task for you. In addition, crafts made from logs are environmentally friendly. Natural material not dangerous for children and durable. People are used to making flower beds from car tires, stones, plastic containers or plaster. We suggest adding logs cut from old trees to this row.


The trunk of an old tree will be an excellent form for creating a flower bed. It is enough to have a chisel, chainsaw and hammer with you.

All that remains is to choose a plant variety and plant them in the soil that was previously poured inside the trunk.

Country crafts from logs - furniture

Why spend money on expensive furniture if it can be made from dry wood. Let us immediately note that making a table or chairs is not easy. After all, to make them you need a large log, professional tools and time.

First, the log needs to be processed with an ax, after which it is given the appropriate shape using a chainsaw. After this, the surface should be sanded. This process takes a long time. But such furniture will last for decades.

Wooden paths from saw cuts

  • Surely you are familiar with paths made from plastic bottles, tiles, old tires, tiles, etc. We propose to lay it out from the cut. To perform the flooring, the material must be:
  • without defects;
  • durable;
  • reliable;
  • without damage by insects;
  • not too dry.

Sand is poured under the base, on which the saw cuts are laid. They may be the most different sizes and shapes. For beauty, you can decorate with vegetation or stones. It is advisable to treat the finished project with protective agents, for example, soak it in drying oil.

Just look at the photos, what beautiful paths turn out.

Crafts made from logs in the country for a recreation area

If you have a playground in your yard or outdoors, you can create an attractive decor that will delight the children. It should be noted that some products may be subject to play. Let's take a horse as an example. To create it:

  • take the tree trunk;
  • peel it from the bark;
  • make notes on it;
  • saw up animal parts;
  • paint it in the desired color.

Such a horse will not only decorate the playground, children will be able to sit on it, play and jump over it.

Crafts for a summer cottage made from logs, like a sports facility

In addition to the above products from old logs, you can make sports ground. It is known that children love to play outside. So let them do it profitably. Build a labyrinth, swing or ladder for them. It is very important to firmly fix each element.


Naturally, the dacha should have a fenced area for children. Stumps in this matter - best helpers. They can serve as a side for a children's sandbox or as a decoration for play area. If you put a basin on a stump, you will get a nice fly agaric. To make the playground more fun, paint the stumps with different colors.

Or make a train like this.

This zebra and giraffe can be made using logs and old tires. Such summer cottage crafts made from logs will decorate the play area.


At the dacha they not only work, but also relax. Where do you most often spend your holidays and weekends? Of course, at the dacha. People go out of town to relax from the hustle and bustle. Children are also sent to nature. Therefore, a swing at the dacha is simply necessary. And for this it is not necessary to buy a ready-made expensive structure; it can be made from several logs.

Look at the photo, such a swing is made by hand from coniferous tree. To make them you need following materials and tools:

  • four logs (2400mm x 120mm) and four logs (1100m x 90mm) - base and jib;
  • one log (2,800mm x 140mm) – ridge;
  • bars for the base of the swing;
  • two logs (2 100mm x 90mm) – spacers;
  • six boards (1,800mm x 140mm x 40mm) – bench;
  • eight boards (30,000mm x 1,400mm x 30mm) – swing roof;
  • two logs (80mm x 1,000mm) – armrests;
  • rafter bars;
  • carabiners and chain anchors;
  • bolts and washers;
  • fastenings;
  • chains;
  • ax and hammer;
  • chisel;
  • spanners;
  • drill;
  • hacksaw or grinder.

If you have prepared everything, then you can proceed directly to work.

Step 1. Take two logs from step 1 and one log from step 4, and lay them in the letter “A”. Look carefully at the diagrams.

Step 2. Make a hole at the intersection and tighten the structure with bolts.

Step 3. Build a similar structure for the other part of the swing.

Step 4. Take the bars for the base, attach them to each other and spread them at an angle of 95-100 degrees.

Step 5. Mark with a marker the places for a strong connection.

Step 6. Make a cut with a hacksaw along the marker lines up to half of the block, then peel off the sawn parts with a chisel.

Step 7: Once you have completed the two pieces, drill holes where they intersect.

Step 8. Attach the armrests to the resulting bases, and tighten them with bolts, after putting on the chains. At this stage you should have two triangles.

Step 9. Connect them together.

Step 10. You need to fold the bench. Take the boards from step 5 and screw the boards with self-tapping screws to the base of the bench.

At this stage you should have a swing, as in the photo.

Step 11. To make rafters for the roof, take the bars of step 8 and build 3 triangles from them.

Step 12. Wind them up so that the log groove is inside them.

Step 13. Connect all the nodes.

Step 14. Place the first parts made in the letter “A” vertically and throw the log of step 2 on them.

Step 15. Drill holes where the logs intersect and bolt together.

Step 16. Attach the jib bolts tightly.

All that remains is to make a roof for the swing. To make it, you can use boards, tiles, ondulin, metal or any other material.

Step 17. Take the boards from step 6 and nail them to the rafters and secure the anchors for the chains.

Step 18: Drill holes in the ridge and hang the bench using carabiners.

The structure is ready.

Watch a master class on making swings and other crafts from logs.
