Stay looking perfect. Perfective verbs: concept, formation, aspect pairs

A verb is a part of speech that occurs to us almost more often than all others. It has a number of constant and changing characteristics, which include species. Each of us encountered this category back in our school days. She often puzzled and raised questions.

This article will help you remember what it is and learn how to identify it. Examples of tasks you will encounter will help you practice your acquired knowledge.

Aspect is one of the constant features belonging to the verb. It reflects how the speaker sees the flow of action in time: ended, ongoing, repeating, one-time.

A species can be regarded both as a category that modifies words and as one that classifies them. In modern Russian, this group includes only two options.

Let’s answer the question: “What types of verbs are there?” The answer of modern linguists to this question consists of two positions: perfect and imperfect.

Imperfect species

We found the answer to the question: “What is the aspect of a verb?” Now let's move on to getting to know each of them.

Verbs are not perfect form convey the meaning of an action without indicating its completion. There are three types of words that fall under this category:

  1. Denoting long action. For example: “He looked into her eyes for a long time,” “She walked down the street for an endlessly long time.”
  2. Conveying the meaning of a repeating action. Example: “She gets on the bus every morning,” “He goes to school every day.”
  3. Characterizing constant action. Consider an example: “The city is located on a hill.”

Imperfective verbs in many cases are accompanied by the adverbs “long”, “often”, “usually”, conveying the frequency with which the action is performed.

Words of this type can be expressed in three tenses: present, past, future.

Now you know what it is. The next paragraph will talk about words belonging to the second type.

Perfect view

Verbs related to the perfect form convey the meaning of completeness of an action. Limit it to a time frame. Words of this type can express:

  1. An action that ends in achieving some result. For example: “Marina painted a beautiful picture,” “Dad hammered a nail into the wall.”
  2. An action whose boundary is determined by its beginning. For example: “Wonderful music began to play in the hall,” “The girl sang a beautiful romance.”
  3. A one-time action, provided that the word is formed using the suffix “well”: “He accidentally pushed me in the corridor,” “Out of anger, he kicked the briefcase.”

Perfective words appear only in the past and future simple forms. We remembered what a perfective verb is. Let's move on to more complex material.

Species pairs

Verbs of both types sometimes form aspectual pairs. This category includes homonymous words, having the same meaning, but with different semantic shades. Let's look at examples:

  1. Justify and justify. In the first case we see a completed action, in the second - a long-term one.
  2. Double and double. The first word conveys the meaning of the action that ended when the result was achieved. The second shows the duration.

Most often, such verbs are formed from the same stem. But there are exceptions, such as “take and take” or “catch and catch.”

What other types of verbs are there?

In modern Russian there are one-type and two-type verbs. The first type includes words that have the form of only one of the types. Imperfect verbs fall into this category according to the following criteria:

  1. Action does not strive to achieve any result. Most often it expresses emotions. For example: hate, regret, expect.
  2. The verb expresses the human state: cry, dream, remain silent, chat.
  3. The word means movement. Examples: run, jump, dance.
  4. The verb conveys an action with the meaning “slightly”: shout, keep up.
  5. A word has the meaning of an action accompanying another, as in the case of “smacking” or “dancing.”
  6. The verb has a meaning associated with professional activity. For example: carpentry, teaching.
  7. The action is reciprocal. Example: whispering, exchanging glances.

Perfective verbs also belong to this type:

  1. Containing several prefixes: forget, dial.
  2. Denoting an action that happened instantly. For example: gushed, blazed.
  3. Which show that the action has reached its logical conclusion. For example: call back, make noise.
  4. Indicating the beginning of the process: jump, cry.
  5. Expressing redundant meaning. Example: watch enough, spoil yourself.

Bi-aspect verbs

Verbs come in forms without formal expression. Depending on the context, they can be classified as perfect or imperfect.

Such words can be divided into three groups:

  1. Words with a long history. Some of them: promise, wound, marry, execute.
  2. Some verbs ending in "ova". For example, let's take: promote, investigate, investigate.
  3. Verbs, mostly of foreign origin, containing the suffixes “ova”, “irova”. Examples: store, codify, telegraph.


To determine what types of verbs are found in tasks, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  1. See if the word fits the criteria for a one- or two-aspect verb.
  2. If there is a prefix, in most cases it will be a perfect look.
  3. In order to accurately determine what type of verb it is, you need to ask a question about it. "What to do?" - imperfect species. "What to do?" - perfect view.

Let's move on to a little training. Determine what type the words belong to:

  • to say (two-species verb);
  • cook;
  • begin (non-sov. view);
  • consider (non-sov. view);
  • find (owl.species);
  • walk (single-type verb of non-type);
  • to command (one-type verb of non-type);
  • writes (non-sov. view).

Indicate what kind of verb appears in the sentence:

  1. He deeply regretted what happened (one-aspect imperfective verb).
  2. I got used to sleeping until lunch (the first is a perfective verb, the second is a single-type imperfective verb).
  3. He asked me tricky question(perfect view).
  4. Every day he looks out the window waiting for something (imperfect view).
  5. He loved to teach in company (single-aspect imperfective verbs).
  6. The first spring thunderstorm has died down (single-aspect perfective verb).
  7. He got a job as a salesman in a clothing store to earn a little extra money (the first verb is perfective, the second is of the same type, but at the same time it is of the same type).

From this article you learned what the aspect of a verb is. We got acquainted with words of one-type and two-type. We looked at examples of exercises with explanations. And we received recommendations that will help you easily determine the type of verb.

When you come across a task related to identifying a type, you can easily indicate what type the word belongs to, even if the words initially seem complex.

Before you learn to determine the perfect and imperfect forms of a verb, you need to become more familiar with this part of speech. First, let's figure out what it is.

In Russian, the term verbs is usually understood as independent part speech that denotes the action of an object. In order to determine that a word is a verb, you need to ask a question about it. The verb is characterized by the following questions: what to do, what to do, what does, what will do, what did, what did, what did, what did. It is worth noting the fact that all verbs are characterized by an infinitive. Simply put, this is the infinitive form of the verb. In order to put any word in an indefinite form, you need to ask the question what to do or what to do? Here are examples of such verbs: read, run, jump, cook, store, and so on. This part of speech has its own specific morphological characteristics.

Morphological features of verbs

  • Time. The verb has only three tenses. These include present tense, past tense and future tense.
  • View. This usually includes verbs of the perfect and imperfect form.
  • Transitivity is also one of the important characteristics. That is, it is necessary to determine whether the verb is transitive or intransitive.
  • Returnability. Returnable or non-refundable.
  • Conjugation. Everyone knows that in the Russian language there are two conjugations: the first and the second, which are quite easy to determine; to do this, you need to put the verb in the indefinite form and, looking at the ending, determine the conjugation. However, do not forget that there are also verbs of exclusion.
  • Number. We define in singular or plural stands for the given verb.
  • Face. The person can be first, second or third.

In order to determine whether a certain word is a perfect or imperfect verb, you just need to ask a question. Imperfective verbs answer questions about what to do, what he did, what he is doing, for example: running, playing, drawing. Perfective verbs answer questions about what he will do, what he will do, what he did, for example: he smiled, he washed himself, he wrote, and so on.

My first friend, my friend priceless! And I blessed fate, When my yard secluded, Sad snow listed, Your bell rang (A.S. Pushkin). Written December 13, 1826

Let's pay attention to the phonetics of participles. This is poetry, high style, the pronunciation of Yo is not welcome here.

From the history of the letter E. The letter E was created to represent soft version the stressed sound O, which appeared as a result of the final consolidation in the language of a special phonetic alternation of vowel sounds, for example: village - villages, ice - ice(they used to say icy – ​​ice).

Having arisen V colloquial speech , new pronunciation in the second half of the 18th century began to actively penetrate literary language. In genres of high style, for example in tragedy, it for a long time was considered unacceptable, reading E is preserved longer than others in philosophical lyrics. But gradually the variability disappears, the soft percussive sound O finally is fixed in language.

When did the names of the species appear? This is Vostokov A.Kh. "Russian Grammar" 1831. It is unlikely that the “common people” Yo could have sounded in linguistic science. Therefore, we can conclude: the perfect form is this is the tradition of pronouncing the participle "perfect" with the meaning "finished"

It may also be noted that there is no particular opposition between the participle “perfect” and the adjective “perfect”, expressing the highest degree of any positive quality: the perfection of creation presupposes its completeness too.


1) Discussion of the names of types of verbs is not new, for example, here is material on the same topic Complete (e?) Aspect of the verb

In the XVII-XVIII centuries. Linguistics has only just begun to understand the classification of verbs. The drafts show how long and gradually M.V. Lomonosov installed number and names of species. But his work was not in vain: it was his classification that exposed the problem and made obvious the existence of an additional category, which researchers began to isolate from the very beginning. early XIX V.

IN literary pronunciation XVII-XVIII centuries Church Slavonic traditions were strong, where the sound е was replaced by e. Therefore, I have a strong suspicion that words like “perfect”, “solitary” were pronounced as “perfect”, “solitary” (by analogy with "life", "yours"). Accordingly it was written: "perfect". If that's the case then historically correct "perfect", but in meaning – "perfect".

2) More about the history of studying verb types:

The category of species, which replaced the rich system of Russian times, was not clearly distinguished from the category of time in the works of a number of scientists (N.I. Grech, A.Kh. Vostokov, etc.). OH. Vostokov in “Russian Grammar” identified three types: incomplete (imperfect), perfect and multiple. In addition to three types, he identified eight forms of time. He failed to distinguish between the categories of type and time.

Perfect and imperfect forms of the verb. What is the Perfect and Imperfect form of a verb?

  1. Thank you
  2. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  3. The perfect form answers the question WHAT TO DO? (perfect process)
    Imperfect appearance - WHAT TO DO? (action in progress)
  4. If the question contains the letter C, then this verb is Perfective
  5. Perfect view-wrote
    Not perfect view - wrote
    It's clear?
  6. View is a verbal category showing the nature of the course of an action in time, expressing the relationship of the action to its internal limit, result. The category of aspect is inherent in all verbs of the Russian language in any form.

    Perfective verbs answer the question what to do? and denote an action limited in its duration, having an internal limit, completeness. Perfective verbs can denote an action that has ended (or will end), having achieved a result (learn, draw), an action that has begun (or will begin), and this very beginning of the action is understood as its border, limit (to play, to sing), a one-time action (push, shout, jump verbs with the suffix -nu).
    Imperfective verbs answer the question what to do? and denote an action without instructions

    to its limit, without limiting its course in time, the action is long or repeated (teach, draw, play, shout).

    Imperfective and perfective verbs form aspectual pairs. A species pair is made up of an imperfective verb and a perfective verb, which have the same lexical meaning and differ only in the meaning of the aspect: read read, write write, build build.

    Imperfective verbs are formed from perfective verbs using suffixes:

    1) -iva-, -ыва-: consider consider, question question, sign sign;

    2) -va: open open, give, give, put on shoes;

    3) -a-(-i): save save, grow up, grow up.

    Perfective verbs are formed from imperfective verbs in various ways:

    1) using specific prefixes na-, s-, pro-, you-, po-, etc.: treat cure, bake, do do, write write, read read, build build, teach learn, etc. ( But more often, with the help of a prefix, perfective verbs are formed, which differ from imperfective verbs not only in the meaning of the aspect, but also in the change lexical meaning; such verbs do not form an aspectual pair: read, re-read, reprimand, read out, etc.) ;

    2) using the suffix -well-: get used to get used to, nod nod, jump jump.

    Some verbs that make up an aspectual pair may differ only in the place of stress: scatter scatter, cut cut.

    Separate aspect pairs are made up of verbs with different roots: speak say, look find, put put, take take.

    Some verbs are monotype. They do not form a species pair and are either only of the perfect form (to appear, to rush, to sleep, to shout, etc.), or only of the imperfect form (to prevail, to be present, to sit, to be).

    There are also two-aspect verbs that combine the meaning of the perfect and imperfect forms in one form. Their type is established from the context: marry, execute, wound, command, as well as verbs with the suffixes -ova (t), -irova (t): influence, use, automate, asphalt, telegraph, etc. For example: Guns from the pier they fire, they tell the ship to land (what are they doing?) (A. Pushkin); Would you like me to order (what will I do?) bring the rug? (N. Gogol).

    The type of verb influences the formation of its forms (primarily tense forms): imperfective verbs in the indicative mood have forms of all three tenses (and in the future tense they have complex shape) and a complete set of tense forms of participles; Perfective verbs do not have present tense forms in the indicative mood (the future tense form is simple) and present participles.

  7. perfect, this is when the verb answers the question what did - did - did, and imperfect - what to do, what did, what is doing
  8. perfect, this is when the verb answers the question what did - did - did, and imperfect - what to do, what did, what is doing
  9. Perfect form of the verb.
    The question begins with the prefix C (written - What did you do)

    Imperfect form of the verb.
    Question without the prefix C (writes - What does it do)

    I study at school in the 7th grade. 2010

  10. the aspect of a verb is the relation of an action to its result. If the action takes place in time and the result is unknown, then this is an imperfect verb. For example, I wrote, I write. It is unknown whether there is a result. And if there is a result, I wrote, I will write, but it is not known how long the action lasted, this is a perfect verb.
  11. Thank you
  12. Perfective verbs indicate the completion of an action, its result, the end of an action or its beginning. IN indefinite form they answer the question what to do?.
    For example: run, buy, ring, build, sing.

    Past tense: what did you do? what did you do? What did you do? what did it do?
    ran up, saw, found, rose.

    Future simple tense: what will they do? what will I do? what will he do? etc.
    They’ll go out, I’ll buy it, it’ll float, we’ll do the math.

    Please note that perfective verbs have only two forms of tense: past and future simple. There is no present tense.

    Imperfective verbs denote prolonged or repeated actions, without indicating their completion.
    In a vague form they answer the question what to do?.
    For example: sing, seethe, run, dream, reread, jump.

    Past tense: what did you do? what did you do? what did you do? what did it do?
    ran, jumped, searched, came.

    Present tense: what are they doing? what are we doing? what is he doing? etc.
    sunbathing, building, getting fit, buying.

    Future complex tense: what will they do? what will I do? etc.
    they will jump, they will laugh, they will listen, they will dance.

    Imperfective verbs have all three forms of tense: past, present and future complex.

  13. perfect, this is when the verb answers the question what did - did - did, and imperfect - what to do, what did, what is doing
  14. What to do and what to do - do you catch the difference?
    Example: write, write))))))))))))
  15. Perfect view - what to do? What did you do? What will it do? That is, the question begins with "S". The action has already been completed, there is no present time. Imperfect - what to do, what will do, what is doing, i.e. without the “s” at the beginning. This, of course, is not an explanation, but it’s easier to remember.
  16. Perfect - what to do.
    Imperfect - what to do.
    It seems like they taught it in Russian, in my opinion, in the 4th grade. Well, who knows?

And imperfect.

Imperfective verbs denote an action that is not limited by an internal limit.

Imperfective verbs can have the following private meanings:

1. Specific process meaning. Indicates a single action in its process implementation by the subject.

  • Sleeping or reading.

The specific process meaning has the following shades:

A). underlined duration (lexical indicators like for a long time, all night long, whole month):

  • - Here we are from this hill, so we’ll swim, we'll sail all day...
  • (V. Ya. Shishkov)
  • You're too you talk for a long time about it.

b). attempt to perform an action:

  • And he runs...

V). unsuccessful attempts to achieve the desired result:

  • He convinced and convinced, but he never convinced.

G). incompleteness of action:

  • They were building something here.

2. Unlimited-long-lasting value.

  • The Earth revolves around the Sun, the Moon revolves around the Earth.

3. Potentially constant value.

  • He speaks German.

Grammatical features of imperfective verbs

1. B have forms of all three tenses (present, past and future):

  • write - I am writing, I wrote, I will write
  • read - read, read, will read

2. Imperfect verbs form: work - I will work, you will work, you will work, you will work, you will work, you will work.

3. present tense (can form past participles): read - read yushch (real, present time), read I eat (passive, present tense), read lice (real, past tense), read nn y (passive, past tense).

4. Form: read - read I, talk - talk I, tell - telling I , work - work I, build - build I worry, worry - wave I s .
