Description and medicinal properties of tricolor violet. Tricolor violet Video “The healing properties of tricolor violet”

Violet tricolor is commonly known as pansies. This wild one- or two-year-old plant grows in the European part of the mainland and in some Asian countries. The plant is used for decorative decoration flower beds and flower beds. In traditional and folk medicine Dried tricolor violet herb is used, collected during the flowering of the plant. The herb has a large number of medicinal properties used in medicine.

  • What beneficial substances are included in the composition?

    Pansies include the following active ingredients:

    1. Salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antipyretic, analgesic, and irritant effects.
    2. Rutin and quercetin (P-vitamins) have a positive effect on cardiovascular system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the fragility of capillaries, inhibit blood clotting, and prevent the development of thrombophlebitis.
    3. Corned beef has an irritating effect; in small doses it has a positive effect on the secretions of all glands. This has a beneficial effect on the bronchi, promotes better liquefaction and removal of sputum.
    4. Tannin is used in traditional and folk medicine as a hemostatic, antidiarrheal agent with an astringent property.
    5. Polysaccharides stimulate the development of beneficial microflora in the intestines, have bifidogenic properties, and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

    Tricolor violet is rich in minerals. It contains iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, chromium, selenium, boron.

    Important! Beneficial features violets are used for the prevention and treatment of diseases.

    Medicinal properties

    In folk medicine, violet is used to treat respiratory diseases: severe cough, bronchopneumonia, bronchitis, whooping cough. Due to the property of enhancing the secretion of bronchial glands, infusions and decoctions facilitate the separation of sputum. For inflammatory diseases genitourinary system infusions are used for difficulty urinating and prostate problems. In complex therapy, pansies are used to treat cystitis and urolithiasis.

    Thanks to salicylic acid, folk remedies with violet effectively cope with rheumatic pain, arthritis and gout. Since ancient times, pansies have been used to treat skin diseases: neurodermatitis, itchy skin and various types of eczema. The herb can reduce the body's sensitivity to allergens. The plant is used in the treatment of allergic dermatitis and exudative diathesis.

    The mucous polysaccharides that make up pansies form an enveloping and protective film. The plant is used to treat diseases gastrointestinal tract.

    In gynecology, tricolor violet is used as a means to contract the uterus during the postpartum period. Women use pansy decoctions to restore and treat hair.

    For young children, baths with infusion are prescribed for scrofula, pustular rashes, diathesis, and skin tuberculosis. Children's rickets is effectively treated with decoctions containing violet tricolor herb.

    Interesting! At correct landing and caring for violets at home, they will always delight you with their beautiful flowers.

    Contraindications for use

    Violet tricolor herb should be used with caution for medicinal purposes. When using, you must strictly adhere to the dosage. Before starting use, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. All these contraindications are due to the presence of toxic substances in the plant, which, if used incorrectly, can lead to poisoning.

    Attention! It is prohibited to use pansies as a remedy for inflammatory liver diseases, damage to the glomeruli (glomeruli of the kidneys) and individual intolerance.

    Violet tricolor tea

    Traditional healers use tricolor violet tea as a blood purifier, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic. It is prepared as follows: pour 5 g of dried pansy herb into the teapot, pour 200 ml of boiling water, close and let the tea brew for 15-20 minutes. The healing infusion should be consumed 100 ml 3 times a day.

    This remedy works great for severe dry coughs, especially in children. However, for children under 14 years of age, daily intake of tricolor violet tea should be limited. Children are prescribed 50 ml of infusion 4 times a day.

    The best folk recipes

    The healing properties of pansies are widely used in folk medicine. The following recipes are used for medicinal purposes:

    For whooping cough in children

    For whooping cough in children, an infusion of fragrant violet herb, prepared as follows, effectively helps: 10 g of the herb is poured into a thermos, poured 500 ml of boiling water and infused for no more than 10-15 minutes. The resulting infusion is taken several sips every 3 hours. The course of treatment is 3-4 days. After a few days the child will feel relief.

    Helpful advice! You can add honey to the infusion to improve the taste.


    For severe dry cough, a herbal collection is used, which is prepared from tricolor violet herb, plantain leaves, fennel fruits and round-leaved sundew herb. All ingredients, taken in equal proportions, are thoroughly mixed. To prepare the infusion, use 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of the mixture into a glass, fill it to the top with boiling water and let it stand for half an hour. The infusion is taken a quarter glass up to 4 times a day.

    We treat diathesis in children

    To treat diathesis in children, baths with tricolor violet infusion are used. Such procedures can be carried out, if necessary, from the first months of the child’s life. To prepare an infusion for children's baths, you will need 200 g of herbs and 10 liters of water. The components are mixed, boiled over low heat for 12-15 minutes and infused for an hour. The resulting infusion is filtered and poured into a bath with warm water. The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 20 minutes.

    Attention! For adults, you will need to increase the amount of dry raw materials to 500 g.

    For exudative diathesis, a decoction from the mixture is prescribed medicinal herbs: violet herbs, buckthorn bark and licorice root. The first ingredient is taken in the amount of 40 g, the rest - 30 g each. To prepare a decoction, 10 g of the collection is poured into a glass boiled water, boil over low heat for half an hour and infuse for 10-15 minutes. The cooled broth should be filtered and taken by adults 2 glasses a day.

    Attention! For children, the dose is reduced and prescribed only by a pediatrician.

    Recipe for the flu

    For the flu, use a violet decoction prepared from 2 g of herb and 1 cup of boiling water. The product is infused for 15 minutes. The resulting solution should be used to gargle for sore throat, flu and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

    For rheumatism and gout

    For rheumatism, gout and arthritis, use tricolor violet tea, prepared according to the following recipe: 2 teaspoons of raw material are poured into 200 ml of boiling water. The tea is brewed for 10 minutes and taken 200 ml in the morning and evening.

    For mastitis, the green mass of tricolor violet is crushed and applied as a compress to the chest. After 2 days, the compress is removed.

    Copes with scrofula symptoms

    Pansy ointment effectively copes with the symptoms of scrofula.

    1. To prepare a healing remedy, you will need 10 g of violet herb, 5 g of dry verbena and budra herb.
    2. All ingredients are mixed, pour 100 ml sunflower oil and boil over very low heat for 5 minutes.

    The cooled mixture is filtered and poured into a small jar. The areas affected by scrofula are regularly lubricated with the resulting ointment.

    Upon admission folk remedies with tricolor violet, you must strictly monitor the dosage. A repeated course of treatment, if necessary, is possible only after a month's break.



  • There is a wide variety of violets, almost all of them are medicinal, but the palm among them is held by the tricolor violet - this beautiful plant with variegated tricolor flowers.

    Folk names - Ivan-da-Marya, pansy, magpie, kamchug, brothers, three-flowered, scrofula, brother-and-sister, moths, Trinity grass, Trinity color.

    Violet tricolor - annual, less often biennial herbaceous plant Violet family (Violaceae) with a straight, low stem. Lower leaves long-petiolate, heart-shaped, crenate, upper - lanceolate, short-petiolate. Stipules are lyre-shaped and divided. The flowers are large (up to 3.5 cm), irregular, with a spur. Corolla of five petals larger than the calyx. The two upper petals are dark or light purple, the two lateral petals are blue and the lower one is white-bluish with stripes. The throat of the corolla is yellow. The fruit is a capsule. Height 10 - 40 cm.

    It grows in dry meadows, in ditches, in forest glades, in thickets, among bushes, in fields, in woodland and forest-steppe of the European part of Russia, partly in Siberia. Blooms from April to autumn.

    The above-ground part of the plant is used for medicinal purposes. Violets are collected during flowering and dried on outdoors in the shade, in a place protected from the wind, spread out thin layer. Stir occasionally. In good weather, the raw material dries in 5 - 7 days. When collecting, it is important to collect raw materials not everywhere, but only 50 - 60%. Raw materials are stored in boxes lined with paper inside. The shelf life of raw materials is 1.5 years.

    Tricolor violet contains flavonoids (2.1%), glycosides, ursolic acid, mucous and tannins, vitamins C, P, E, provitamin A and essential oil(0.01%), which includes salicylic acid methyl ester.

    The medicinal properties of tricolor violet have a wide range of effects. Infusions have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bronchodilator, diuretic, choleretic and antispasmodic properties. This plant is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. Used as a good expectorant. Tricolor violet is especially good in children's practice for colds, coughs, asthma, allergies, and is indispensable for adults - for rheumatism, arthrosis, gout, cystitis, kidney stones, atherosclerosis, bleeding. Violet infusions are widely used in dermatology due to their antimicrobial and antipruritic properties. Tricolor violet also helps with poorly healing wounds, furunculosis, and skin rashes due to vitamin deficiency.

    Recipes for using tricolor violet

    • For deforming spondylosis and osteochondrosis The following recipe is suitable - take equal parts of tricolor violet grass, bean pods, corn silk, bearberry leaves, birch buds. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Take 2 - 3 tablespoons 2 - 3 times a day. The treatment is designed for a long period - about 3 months. Every 3 - 4 weeks you need to take a break of 1 - 1.5 weeks. You can combine treatment with light rubbing of angelica and red elderberry tincture into the spine, alternating them with each other after 3 to 4 weeks.
    • Violet tricolor, commonly used for pulmonary diseases, used with some success for neuroses, palpitations. The daily dose is 2 tablespoons of herb per 0.5 liter of boiling water, leave for 4 hours.
    • Violet is used as an expectorant for bronchitis, for any type of cough– 20 grams of grass are crushed to particles smaller than 5 mm. Pour 250 ml. water at room temperature. Boil for 15 minutes. Leave for at least 45 minutes. Strain, add water until you get 200 ml. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
    • For allergies, especially at its first manifestations, tricolor violet, nettle, chamomile, calendula and horsetail herb are mixed in equal proportions. Two tablespoons of the collection are infused in 0.5 liters of boiling water overnight in a thermos - this is the daily norm. You can drink for a long time.
    • Glomerulonephritis. A mixture is prepared from equal parts of violets, initial grass and black poplar buds. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, take 1/4 cup 4 times a day before meals. The treatment is long-term. After completing a month's course of such treatment, you can replace it with another treatment for a month, then return to this collection again. You need to be patient and persevering.
    • As a blood purifier for various skin diseases (eczema, rashes) use an infusion of tricolor violet. 20 g of raw material per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 15 - 20 minutes, take half a glass or 1 glass three times a day.
    • For eczema and psoriasis good for lubrication skin juice of a fresh plant.
    • For scrofula, as well as for other skin diseases (eczema, itching, acne, rash, pustules) use the Averina tea recipe - 4 parts tricolor violet, 4 parts string, 1 part bittersweet nightshade. Pour 1 tablespoon into 1 cup of boiling water. Give chilled to children and adults 3-4 times a day, 1 dessert/tablespoon. The same collection can be used for baths and washes. The recipe belongs to the St. Petersburg merchant Averin, who lived in the first half of the 19th century.


    • If, with prolonged use of a medicinal plant and in excess of dosages, an itchy rash and other allergic skin reactions appear, then the daily dose should be distributed over 3 to 4 days. If this does not help, cancel this type of treatment.
    • In its individual form, tricolor violet is contraindicated for glomerulonephritis, but in combination with the letter and buds of black poplar, its use in this disease is beneficial.
    • Small children should not be given more than 1 glass of tricolor violet infusion per day at the rate of 10 - 12 years. dry plant for 1 glass of boiling water (in 3-4 doses).
    • Along with healing properties violets have another quality - decorativeness. As a result of selection, the Wittrock violet was developed, which has numerous varieties with large, brightly colored flowers. Cultivated varieties of tricolor violet also have medicinal properties, but to a lesser extent.
    • If you have collected violet tricolor seeds, you can grow them on personal plot. This unpretentious plant. But once you start it, it will persistently spread by self-seeding.

    draw your attention to that it is advisable to eliminate any problems by three levels: physical, energetic and spiritual. The recipes contained in the article are not a guarantee of recovery. The information provided should be considered as helpful, based on the experience of folk and modern medicine, the multifaceted action of herbal remedies, but not as a guarantee.


    1. “Plants are your friends and foes”, R.B. Akhmedov
    2. “Odolen is grass”, R.B. Akhmedov
    3. « Medicinal plants in folk medicine”, V.P. Makhlayuk
    4. “Medicinal plants and methods of their use among the people”, Nosal M.A., Nosal I.M.
    5. “Heal with herbs”, Anatoly Onegov
    6. “Herbal Medicine”, Popov A.P.
    7. “Medicinal plants in everyday life”, L.Ya. Sklyarevsky, I.A. Gubanova
    8. “Medicinal plants. Illustrated Atlas”, N.N. Safonov
    9. “Medicinal plants on a personal plot”, E.L. Malankina

    Violet tricolor, or pansy, - Viola tricolor L. - an annual or biennial plant from the violet family (Violaceae) with erect or ascending stems up to 15 cm high. The leaves are alternate, oblong, with petioles, equipped with large lyre-shaped stipules. The flowers are solitary, located on long stalks, large (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), with a five-membered irregular corolla: the upper petals are dark blue or purple, the lateral petals are lighter, the lower petal, equipped with a spur, is always yellow or pale yellow. The fruits are oblong capsules with small seeds. It blooms from April to late autumn, the fruits ripen at different times, starting in June.
    Tricolor violet is widespread in different regions of Eurasia. In our country, it is found in the European part, in the Caucasus and Western Siberia, as an introduction noted in the Far East. It grows as a weed in fields, vegetable gardens and orchards, often settles in young fallow lands, and also grows in meadows, forest edges and clearings.
    Widely cultivated in flower beds, pansies, represented by numerous varieties and forms, cannot be directly bred from wild violet tricolor. Actually it's special kind complex hybrid nature. It occurred as a result of the hybridization of several species: tricolor violet, Altai violet (Viola altaica Ker-Gawl.), yellow violet (Viola lutea Huds.), possibly and others.
    Other similar species are also harvested for medicinal purposes, in particular the field violet (Viola arvensis Murr.), which grows in populated areas, near roads, in fields, wastelands, clearings in almost all regions of Russia. In terms of medicinal properties, field violet apparently does not differ from tricolor violet; in any case, when collecting raw materials, collectors, as a rule, do not distinguish between these types.

    Medicinal value of violet tricolor and methods of medicinal use of violet tricolor

    The aerial part of the violet, which has received the incorrect trade name “Ivan-da-Marya herb”, has medicinal use (botanists use this name for a completely different plant from the Norichinaceae family). Violet herb contains up to 300 mg of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), carotenoids (provitamin A), flavonoids (including rutin), saponins, essential oil, coloring and tannins, bitterness, mucus, salicylic acid.
    Tricolor violet preparations have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect in the gastrointestinal tract, facilitate expectoration of sputum, reduce vascular permeability and have antiallergic, diuretic and some choleretic properties. They are prescribed mainly as a good expectorant and cough sedative for bronchitis, pneumonia, and whooping cough. Violet infusions and decoctions are also used for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. In combination with other plants, it is used in the treatment of urolithiasis. This plant is also used for exudative diathesis, eczema, allergic dermatitis in the form of lotions and baths.
    In folk medicine, the use of violets is much wider. Its decoction and infusions are taken for women's diseases, headaches, epilepsy, rheumatism and gout, cancer, as well as rickets and various skin diseases. It is used as an enveloping and anti-inflammatory agent for gastritis.

    Infusion of tricolor violet: 1 tablespoon of dry herb per 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse, wrapped, for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for articular rheumatism, gout, arthritis.

    For acne (damage to the pilosebaceous apparatus), a collection is used: tricolor violet herb, veronica officinalis herb, tripartite herb - equal parts in total. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Drink 800 ml of infusion per day an hour after meals. The disease is typical mainly for adolescents during the period of hormonal changes in the body.

    For sore throat, 1 tablespoon of the mixture (tricolor violet, string, nettle corollas, strawberry leaves - equally) per
    melt in 200 ml of boiling water. Take 200 ml as tea 3 times a day.

    For cardiac arrhythmia, drink tea from tricolor violet flowers.

    For atherosclerosis, drink violet tea (15 g per 1 glass of boiling water) 2-3 times a day. The general condition improves within 1 month after the start of treatment.

    For acute bronchitis, drink tea from the violet herb: the herb is brewed with boiling water in a ratio (1:10), heated for 15 minutes. and take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
    If a child has rectal prolapse, if you crush violet petals well, squeeze out the juice, mix with sugar and give him a drink, this will help.

    For mastitis, apply grass crushed into a pulp as a compress. After 3-4 hours, replace the compress with a fresh one.

    For exudative diathesis, take 4 - 8 g of dry tricolor violet and infuse it overnight in 300 ml of water. In the morning, the infusion is boiled and given to drink on an empty stomach with an admixture of sweetened milk. The course of treatment is 2 - 3 weeks.

    Violet oil is prepared to treat skin diseases. To do this you need to take 100 ml olive oil(or sunflower), 10 g of tricolor violet flowers and 5 g of ivy budra leaves. Cook all this for 10 minutes, then leave and strain. Apply wipes soaked in oil to areas of skin rashes.

    To treat diathesis in children, people popularly use Averin tea, which contains crushed herbs of violet, string and bittersweet nightshade in a ratio of 4:4:1. To prepare it, pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water and leave until cool. Prescribe 1 tablespoon of Zraz per day after meals.

    For gout, the entire plant is harvested during flowering for treatment. The most commonly used steam is tricolor violet: 20 g per 200 ml of boiling water. Take 100 - 200 ml Zraza per day. Large doses cause intestinal irritation.

    Dry tricolor violet powder is used as an expectorant, 1 g (for children - 0.5 g) 3 times a day.

    For a cold, pour 200 ml of boiling water over 20 g of the aboveground part of the tricolor violet (without the lower bare stems), leave for 1 - 3 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day as an expectorant.

    For psoriasis, brew 20 g of herb in 200 ml of boiling water. Drink 100-200ml 3-4 times a day before meals. It is noted that for psoriasis, treatment success is achieved without the parallel use of external agents (ointments, lotions, etc.).

    Infusion of tricolor violet herb: 20 g of dry crushed raw materials per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a thermos, strain. Take 1/2 cup 2 times a day for increased nervous excitability, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, for gargling with laryngitis, difficulty urinating, cystitis, inflammation of the appendages.

    Tricolor violet decoction: 1 tablespoon of crushed raw material per 1 glass hot water, boil for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, strain, squeeze, bring the volume to the original volume. Take 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day after meals for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysentery, as a mouth rinse for toothache, stomatitis, unpleasant smell from mouth.
    In folk medicine, the use of violet herb to treat scrofula and some skin diseases is widely practiced. It is believed to be especially effective for thrush and eczema in young children. For skin diseases in children, it is used by adding tricolor violet infusion to the water used to prepare baby food.

    There are known successful attempts to use tricolor violet infusion for rheumatism and gout.
    An infusion of tricolor violet is prepared as follows: 2 teaspoons of chopped herbs are poured into 250 ml of hot water and left for 10 minutes. Drink 2 - 3 glasses of infusion daily. You can also mix tricolor violet raw materials in equal parts with linden leaves and drink tea from this mixture to prevent hypothermia.

    The homeopathic remedy Viola tricoloris is obtained from fresh flowering plants tricolor violets. Prescribed for skin rashes, dry and weeping eczema, thrush and itching in the vaginal area. This remedy shows good results for rheumatism, as well as for night sweats in adolescents.

    Infusion of flowers (1:5) on vegetable oil used as an external remedy for malignant skin lesions.

    Warning. Long-term use of violet preparations or their use in large quantities causes vomiting, diarrhea and an itchy rash.
    From Paul Sedir we read: “Good for the chest and heart. The root (Saturn) and seeds are poisonous. Grass and flowers - from stone disease; as an emetic and laxative; flowers for epilepsy, seizures and other nervous attacks; syrup - against suffocation. Used as magical smoking: flaxseed, pselium, orris root and celery in equal parts represent smoking that serves as a tool for fortune telling about the future.”
    Violet contains the powers of Venus and Mercury. Collect on the third quarter of the Moon, on the 16th or 17th lunar day, at sunset, in the evening dew.

    Features of tricolor violet preparation

    Violet grass is collected during the budding and beginning of flowering of plants, plucking with hands or cutting with a knife or scissors. Dry in shaded places (under awnings, in attics, in sheds), laying out in a thin layer on a clean bedding. Stored in a wooden or glass containers up to 2 years.

    Pansy, also known as Wittrock's Violet (Viola wittrockiana) - the most popular garden view, is represented by numerous varieties with an amazing variety of colors. Another name is viola (Viola), scientifically - tricolor violet. Belongs to the violet family.

    Features of growing pansies from seeds for seedlings, planting and care...

    If you plant pansies already blooming at the very beginning of summer, they will delight you with their flowering until the autumn frosts. If the winter is not too cold, the tricolor violets will bloom again in early spring, since the plant is biennial.

    Wittrock's violet (Viola × wittrockiana Gams ex Hegi) is a perennial of hybrid origin, created with the participation of tricolor violet (viola tricolor), Altai violet (viola altaica), yellow violet (viola lutea), possibly and some other species (for example, viola cornuta) . There are more large flowers bright colors and good flowering, can reach up to 10 cm in diameter, which is what made this flower popular. They all have a shiny yellow eye in the center at the base of the lower petal. Varieties of Wittrock violets differ in height (from 15 to 40 cm), size, flowering time and flowering duration...

    Tricolor violet (Víola tricolor) - herbaceous biennial or annual plant With small flowers, which is most common in temperate climates. It is often used in folk medicine due to its excellent medicinal properties. Tricolor pansy flowers grow well in both full sun and shaded areas. They like soils that are rich and moist, but well drained, as these plants do not tolerate stagnant moisture.

    In the photo: pansies (garden violets)... The choice of flowering depends on the time of planting; any variety is suitable for this. The traditional colors of pansies are purple and yellow. Over time, varieties with stunning shades have been developed.

    The popular name for tricolor violet is Ivan-da-Marya, but this is also the name of plants of some other genera, for example, Maryannik oakbrave - website ...

    What is the best way to grow your favorite varieties of pansies?

    Propagated by seeds and vegetatively. In the garden, flowers self-sow abundantly. The usual cultivation of pansies is as a biennial; young plants begin to bloom only in the second year. However, when divided annually, they can be grown as a perennial.

    If the soil in the flower bed is loose, then you can safely sow the seeds in June-July directly into open ground. Over the summer, the plant will have time to accumulate enough strength to bloom with the arrival of spring next year.

    Using the traditional seedling method, pansy seeds are sown in early summer (until the end of June). After 10-15 days you can notice the first shoots. After the seedlings have formed 3-4 leaves, they are planted in separate pots. When diving, it is advisable to pinch the central root by one third for better root formation.

    At the end of summer, well-formed young plants are planted in the garden or flower beds. In spring - in April-May next year Overwintered pansies begin to bloom. Each flower with “eyes” lasts for a week. Vigorous flowering lasts about 1 month. Then there is a decline.

    Violets should be fed with complete mineral fertilizer and watered abundantly. At the end of summer, pansy flowers will bloom magnificently again. To extend the flowering period, faded flowers are removed before the seed pods begin to form. Then the plant does not waste its energy on ripening the seeds and continues to bloom profusely.

    Growing “in one year”, preparing seedlings in advance.

    In order for pansies to bloom this year, the seeds are sown in winter - in January-February. Place the container with seeds in dark place. With average room temperature+18-20 degrees, the first shoots will appear in a week, maximum two. Then we move it to a bright, cool place (desirable temperature +10). After another couple of weeks, maximum 20 days, we pick up the seedlings. We plant grown pansy seedlings in open ground in early May. We expect flowering by the end of the month.

    Pansies can be propagated by cuttings, which are cut with 2-3 nodes. Up to 10 cuttings can be taken from one well-developed plant. Violets are planted in a light earthen mixture to a depth of approximately 0.5 cm. After 3-4 weeks, you can expect the formation of roots.

    Multi-colored Wittrock violets will decorate any flower bed. In one area, garden pansies combine perfectly with other plantings - spring-blooming bulbs, primroses, forget-me-nots, and daisies. They grow well in containers, on balconies and verandas. The newest tricolor pansy hybrids are heat tolerant and bloom non-stop all summer.

    Planting seeds for seedlings, features of care and cultivation - ...

    At all times, garden violet has been very popular among different nations, its best poets sang, was the emblem of ancient Athens. In medieval Germany, there was a holiday in honor of the violet - Spring Day. The great German poet Goethe was very fond of these lovely flowers.

    Tricolor violet has several names. The most romantic of them is pansies. These are very gentle and bright plants. It’s beautiful when flowers - pansies - peek out with curiosity from the secluded corners of the garden. Violet, pansy or viola are unpretentious plants. Except decorative function This flower is also used as a medicinal plant.


    A low-growing herbaceous plant, tricolor violet, has branched stems. Its straight, ribbed leaves can be triangular, ovoid or elongated. The edges of the leaves are serrated, tapering towards the base.

    Violet flowers can be large or small. It depends on the growing conditions. For example, a violet may well grow in the shade, but then its flowers will be small. In the sun the plant blooms with large flowers. They are located singly on long, slightly bent pedicels.

    The colors of pansies are complex: the two adjacent upper petals are usually purple or blue (or a combination of these two colors). The two lanceolate side petals can be white or blue. The lower petal of a violet is usually triangular and multicolored. It is yellow at the base, the rest is white with blue stripes. Color options may be slightly different, as well as petal shapes.

    IN wildlife tricolor violet is quite common. It grows in meadows, along roads, in forest clearings almost throughout the country. It grows quickly, forming beautiful flower carpets.

    Garden violet was bred as a result of careful selection and creation of hybrid forms. Such plants usually have a height of 12 to 30 centimeters. Violets bloom from late winter until autumn.

    Planting in open ground

    Pansies are often grown in flower beds near the house. This is also one of our favorite plants to bloom on our windowsills. Violets are often used as border plants or to decorate balconies and loggias. And yet, most often, violets are grown in garden plots.

      Choosing a location.

      Violet or pansy: growing them in the garden or vegetable garden is not labor intensive. They grow well in moderately lit or semi-shaded areas. In the shade or in very strong heat, violet flowers may become smaller. Usually these small flowers are removed immediately.

      Soil for pansies.

      To grow pansies, it is better to choose light, loose soil. You need to prepare it in the fall: dig it up, add a bucket of humus, add leafy soil. If the soil is heavy, add five kilograms of sand per square meter.

      Collection of seeds.

      Pansies are usually grown as a biennial plant, less often as an annual plant. To ripen the seeds, the strongest plants are selected. In addition, seeds can be collected from wild field plants. Seeds are collected in summer.

      It is important to collect the seeds on time, as overripe seed pods can burst, scattering the seeds around at a distance of up to two meters. Such seedlings take root easily and produce equally large flowers, but their colors may be different.

      Collect seeds in wet weather. It is better to pick the seed pods while they are still closed. They are considered ripe if the edges of the shells of the boxes turn white and dry. Store seed pods in paper bags. This will prevent the seeds from scattering when the fruit bursts.

      Seeds are usually not harvested from hybrids. It's better to buy them in a store.


      If you want pansy flowers to start blooming in the spring, you need to sow the seeds in advance. Already in early July you can plant. Violets should be planted in rows in a somewhat shaded place. It is better to plant seeds in a greenhouse.

      In one and a half to two weeks the seeds will germinate. After another three weeks, the seedlings are picked, leaving one plant at a time, ten centimeters apart.

      Constantly moisten the place where the seeds are sown, but do not allow waterlogging. Soil that is too wet can cause fungi to grow. After a month, fertilize the soil with superphosphate or saltpeter. Already in the fall, individual flowers may appear. But mass flowering will begin in the spring.

      If pansies are grown as an annual plant, then sowing is done in February or March. Seeds are sown in boxes. For germination, a temperature of about +18 degrees is required. After the sprouts appear, the temperature must be reduced to +10 so that they do not stretch too much. Annual violets are planted in open ground in early May.

      Watering and care.

      After planting the plants in the ground, they need to be watered abundantly. After the soil dries a little, loosen it. Carry out further watering after three days.

      Ammonium nitrate and superphosphate are used to fertilize seedlings.

      To ensure that the plant blooms beautifully, constantly remove wilted and too small flowers. For feeding you need to use complex mineral fertilizers. Violets for growth and abundant flowering Potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, microelements are required. Fresh manure should not be used.

      Feeding is carried out several times per season. The first time this is necessary is before the buds ripen. The second time - during flowering.

      This plant is winter-hardy and easily tolerates unfavourable conditions. An adult tricolor violet easily tolerates wintering in open ground. There is no need to close it. In frosty winters, it is better to sprinkle young seedlings with leaves or cover them with mats.

    Reproduction and transplantation

    Pansy flowers can also be propagated by cuttings, vegetatively. Violet will easily tolerate transplantation even during flowering. Her root system not too large, so it is not disturbed during transplantation.

    For cuttings, shoots with several nodes are cut from bushes. Such cuttings are planted very close to each other, about half a centimeter apart. After a month, roots appear. Now the flowers can be planted.

    Perennial violet species are easily propagated by dividing the bush into several individual plants. This method of propagation produces a large amount of planting material.

    Sometimes violets are propagated by layering. For such propagation, violet bushes are usually shaded. In this case, the stems of the plant are stretched. They are bent and lightly dripped fertile soil. Such a plant will take root over the winter, and in the spring it can be planted. In this case, you get the variety of violet you need.

    Use in folk medicine

    Violet is widely used in folk medicine. Her medicinal properties have been known for a long time. This is due to the content of substances in pansies such as rutin, vitamin C, saponin, violanine, etc. Violet is used in the form of:

    • infusions;
    • decoctions;
    • teas;
    • baths;
    • lotions.

    The plant is used as:

    • expectorant;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • disinfectant;
    • for secretion of sputum;
    • as a diuretic;
    • antiallergic agent;
    • for diathesis, skin tuberculosis, eczema, female diseases, etc.

    The flowers, leaves and flowering stems of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Harvesting is carried out during the period of active flowering of violets. Usually, when collecting wild violets, the plant is pulled out completely, by the roots. After this, the roots are cut off and the bushes are dried in the shade. It is better to dry violets in paper bags.

    In the garden, violets are not pulled out by the roots, but the branches of the plant are cut off at a distance of a third of the length of the stem. You need to leave a few leaves on the branch. Such plants will soon begin to bloom again.

    Having planted pansies just once, you will no longer be able to do without them on your site. These bright spots decorate the garden, are pleasing to the eye and do not require diligent care. They will reproduce themselves with a beautiful patterned living carpet.
