Online games school. How to play school at home

Many children, and not only girls, love to play school. They seat the dolls on the sofa, set up an impromptu board from a landscape sheet in front of them and begin the lesson. This simple and unpretentious, seemingly, school game always follows certain rules. But you can use this children's game to prepare for real school.
First, let's identify some common features inherent in a real school lesson and a puppet lesson. This is general and will help us in preparing the child for school.

-The school has a class-lesson system.
If a child went to kindergarten before school, then division into groups (classes) is not unusual for him. And if, while waiting for his parents from work, he spent time with his beloved grandmother or nanny, then it may be an unpleasant discovery for him that he is not the only one - the center of the universe. A teacher usually has 25-30 children in his class, which means that attention is divided among everyone, and everyone gets a little of it. Therefore, you need to learn to interact with the team, and also try to work independently.
Having a strict class schedule also often frightens a child. You need to accustom your child to a certain daily routine from childhood, then school schedule will be received by him without surprise. It will be easier for him to accept the fact that tomorrow there are six lessons, two of which are mathematics he doesn’t like, “and you can’t skip physical education.”
Pay attention to how your baby plays school: does he make a schedule for his students or “study” with them chaotically, does he play school regularly or occasionally? Based on the results of your observations, you can have a conversation with your child on the topic “School is serious” and tell him about the regularity of classes, the number of subjects studied and relationships in the team.

- Discipline must be observed at school.
Perhaps one of the biggest difficulties school life For a child, it is necessary to maintain discipline. Sometimes it’s even physically difficult: sitting in one place for 40 minutes, practically not moving, and also writing some long, tedious exercise. Therefore, in elementary grades, children often behave spontaneously: they can get up and walk around the class during a lesson, or start chatting and minding their own business. Of course, the teacher must make an effort to maintain discipline, including “entertaining” the children with an interesting task or five-minute gymnastics. But the child must also learn that no matter how tired you are, you cannot walk around the classroom during class. That's the system. And this issue can also be worked out while playing school.

- At school they evaluate.
For parents, beloved grandmother or nanny, the child has always been and will be the best and the smartest. Even when something doesn't work out for him. IN kindergarten The teachers also praise all the children equally for any, even the smallest, achievement. And at school it suddenly turns out that the smartest person here is Pasha or Vasya, because he has straight A’s (in primary school- red flags or Christmas trees) in the notebook, and your baby has fours, threes or even twos.
The child must be prepared for the grading system in advance. If he plays school, he probably gives grades to his students himself, giving them A's and C's with equal ease. This means that facing a bad grade in a real school will no longer be so stressful for him.
Then, while playing school, you can instill in your child the idea that it is not a shame to get a bad grade for not understanding something, for not being able to do something. It’s a shame not to try, not to strive to understand, learn, do. Laziness is the most main reason all bad grades, so the fight against academic failure should begin by eradicating this habit. Set goals for your child that he can achieve, encourage interest in something new, and teach him not to be afraid of bad grades.

- They ask at school homework.
If, returning from kindergarten, the child rested: played, watched cartoons, drew, but now, returning from school, he has a quick lunch and begins to work further - do his homework. It’s no secret that schools today even have “first class, like an institute.” But without doing homework, there is no consolidation of knowledge or good grades. Therefore, you need to immediately set your child up for work in an optimistic way: there will be work in any case, but proper allocation of time will help to do it quickly, saving time for rest and games.
Time planning is not an easy task, and not every adult can do it. But correct game also teaches you how to plan your time: time for seating students, for conducting lessons, for collecting toys. And your task is to not let the child “freeze” at any one stage.

- School teaches you to strive for knowledge.
If a child attends kindergarten without any special goals (he spends time there while his parents are at work, eats, plays, walks, does music or creativity), then the child goes to school with a very specific goal - to gain knowledge. Unfortunately, many children graduating class They maintain the opinion that they should go to school “because they have to” and simply serve the prescribed number of lessons there “from bell to bell.”
Therefore, while playing, ask your child why his toys came to school, what they are learning here, and where this knowledge will be useful to them. The answers to these questions largely determine how the child will approach his own studies, whether he will set any goals and strive for them.

Playing school like any other role-playing game, allows not only find out how the child imagines certain social relations (mom-father, mother-children, teacher-student, doctor-patient, etc.), but also, if necessary, adjust these ideas. Therefore, if your child plays at school, this does not mean that he will definitely become a teacher when he grows up. But he may well become a good student.

  • never be greedy
  • Give the students an activity to do.
  • Be nice to students
  • If you are not allowed to print your workbooks, copy them onto paper.
  • Find a notebook, write tests in it, copy and distribute to students. If you like, you can give your students your old workbooks so that you don't have to spend a lot of time creating new ones. Of course, they will fill in the pages that you left unfilled.
  • Teach them something that is appropriate for their grade level.
  • Use old school notebooks and provide each student with a book.
  • You can also use old textbooks.
  • If no one wants to play, you can replace the students with stuffed animals!
  • Prepare stickers that you will give to students for Good work, answers, behavior.
  • Play different versions of schools, such as Pioneer School or England School, but don't go too far so as not to offend anyone.
  • Prepare more lessons
  • Use a long paint brush as a pointer.
  • In addition to relatives, friends, brothers and sisters, you can find many more people who can be invited to the game. Perhaps neighborhood children your age will want to play with you - just remember to ask their parents for permission.
  • Make signs for students to write their chosen names. Call them by the names on the signs, not their real names.
  • You don't have to play with people, you can play with stuffed animals, imaginary people, and even pillows!
  • If you come up with nicknames, it will be much more fun to play, it will feel like you are a completely different person. For example, if your name is Miss Holmes, change your name and become Miss Welsh.
  • Tell your children funny stories to make the school day interesting.
  • Ask your teacher if he has anything left over from previous years of study. Also, if you have a board and chalk, use them! Invite your friends soft toys or even imaginary friends. Your teacher may have some old, unused workbooks. Ask him, maybe they will give you some for home school. But don't be greedy! One will be enough! You may find a sign that says “Please be quiet” or “Form in line.” Make sure that the passage to the hall and toilet is open and sign the sheets/books.
  • Make sure the kids have fun. The game should be fun. Don't bother them!
  • You can pretend that there are more imaginary students in the class.
  • Sometimes ask students to prepare a research paper on a topic, such as horses, etc.
  • If you have a children's room, create a relaxation corner for those who are tired and want to sleep.
  • Sometimes you can play with one student.
  • Collect them


Have you started to feel lonely lately? You might like the idea of ​​playing school with your friends, siblings, or someone else you know! It's fun and you can practice your teaching skills in subjects like math, chemistry, etc. Everyone will love this educational and fun game!


  1. 1 Invite your brothers, sisters, friends and relatives to play with you. Don't force those who don't want to. You can play alone with imaginary friends and soft toys.
  2. 2 Choose which subject of which grade you will teach or teach. If you teach all subjects at once, you may not need a degree. If you teach at the intermediate or high school, select an item.
  3. 3 Equip your room with desks and chairs (optional). Hang on front door a sign with the teacher's name and class number written on it.
  4. 4 To do good school, follow the requirements listed below:
    • Your room should have a toilet (or it can be in the hall), a teacher's desk, desks for students, and a blackboard.
    • Outside the room you will need a library, a cafe, the director's office, a hall.
    • You will need a bell to let students know when recess ends. To do this, you can use a whistle.
    • You will need a whiteboard, a magnetic board, or just paper. If you teach at home, you can work on your computer in Notepad, typing in Times New Roman 72 font. You can use Paint to fill the background with black and draw or write with an eraser.
    • Please note you may need an attendance sheet for students who need to leave.
  5. 5 When choosing your teaching pseudonym, be serious or playful. It will be fun if you choose a funny name that characterizes you as a teacher. For example, if you want to be an unkind teacher, then choose an unpleasant name or the name of some evil teacher from a famous book. You can be a visionary teacher with a name to match.
  6. 6 Prepare a teacher journal. It will be needed to record attendance, schedule, grades and behavior assessment. You will need to write down a plan for the day. If you teach physical education, it will be necessary to record students' progress.
  7. 7 Make a list of bad behavior. If students misbehave, write their names on this list. Those on the bad behavior list will lose benefits, such as recess. You can print out a piece of paper where the student will have to, after thinking about his behavior, write what he thinks he did. You can leave the student after class or give extra homework. If a child has been very misbehaving, pretend to call the parents and find a suitable punishment for him.
  8. 8 Ask students to bring a binder, a bag, a pencil and a book to read if class ends early, as well as a snack for lunch.
  9. 9 Have snacks ready to munch on during your break. A classical teacher always has an apple with him, if you have one, it’s a bonus. Plus, the health benefits!
  10. 10 Print or make your own workbooks or something similar for students. You can create them yourself!
  11. 11 Create a schedule for your students. You can make a complete schedule to let students know what classes they will be taking. Make sure you include both academic subjects such as arithmetic and fun activities such as crafts or choir (you can play youtube songs for choir)
  12. 12 Come up with a reward system. If students do good deeds, put a gold star on the chart or tag their name to make them feel special. Also reward them if they help substitute for a teacher. Don't reward students if they behave badly.
  13. 13 Make sure students have fun and don't fall asleep during class. If the students do not listen to you, write a note in the diary and ask imaginary parents to sign that the student will remain in school during the holidays.

Tips ==never be greedy

  • Give the students an activity to do.
  • Be nice to students
  • If you are not allowed to print your workbooks, copy them onto paper.
  • Find a notebook, write tests in it, copy and distribute to students.

If you like, you can give your students your old workbooks so that you don't have to spend a lot of time creating new ones. Of course, they will fill in the pages that you left unfilled.

  • Teach them something that is appropriate for their grade level.
  • Use old school notebooks and provide each student with a book.
  • You can also use old textbooks.
  • If no one wants to play, you can replace the students with stuffed animals!
  • Prepare stickers that you will give to students for good work, answers, and behavior.
  • Play different versions of schools, such as Pioneer School or England School, but don't go too far so as not to offend anyone.
  • Prepare more lessons
  • Use a long paint brush as a pointer.
  • In addition to relatives, friends, brothers and sisters, you can find many more people who can be invited to the game. Perhaps neighborhood children your age will want to play with you - just remember to ask their parents for permission.
  • Make signs for students to write their chosen names. Call them by the names on the signs, not their real names.
  • You don't have to play with people, you can play with stuffed animals, imaginary people, and even pillows!
  • If you come up with nicknames, it will be much more fun to play, it will feel like you are a completely different person. For example, if your name is Miss Holmes, change your name and become Miss Welsh.
  • Tell your children funny stories to make the school day interesting.
  • Ask your teacher if he has anything left over from previous years of study. Also, if you have a board and chalk, use them! Invite friends, stuffed animals or even imaginary friends. Your teacher may have some old, unused workbooks. Ask him, maybe they will give you some for home school. But don't be greedy! One will be enough! You may find a sign that says “Please be quiet” or “Form in line.” Make sure that the passage to the hall and toilet is open and sign the sheets/books.
  • Make sure the kids have fun. The game should be fun. Don't bother them!
  • You can pretend that there are more imaginary students in the class.
  • Sometimes ask students to prepare a research paper on a topic, such as horses, etc.
  • If you have a children's room, create a relaxation corner for those who are tired and want to sleep.
  • Sometimes you can play with one student.
  • Collect them

What you will need

  • Students (1-10 children)
  • Textbooks and teacher's book
  • Cool room
  • Teacher's table
  • Books (to read when classes are over)
  • Assistant (optional)
  • Notebook
  • Pen
  • Workbooks
  • Teaching Assistant
  • Games you'll play in your free time
  • Folder
  • Folders
  • Paper
  • Folder for tests and attendance sheets
  • Treat for good children
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Behavior chart
  • Board (regular or magnetic)
  • Book of conduct
  • Bookmarks
  • Markers/pencils
  • Rulers
  • Essay notebooks for students. You can use old notebooks for notes.
  • Pencil holder for teacher and pencils for students
  • Erasers
  • Card index
  • Construction paper
  • Crafts
  • Colour pencils
  • Schedule of changes
  • Dining room (kitchen)
  • Passages to the toilet, offices, etc.
  • Worksheets (varies by class)
  • Box with prizes (for good children, for student of the week)
  • Box for completed work (not necessary if you only have one student)
  • Mailbox for staff going home (optional)

Shall we play school?

Entering school is an extremely important moment for both the child and his parents. Experience shows that not all children are psychologically ready for school. For them, school is the same game as “Kulichiki” or “mother-daughter”. Therefore, help your child to “tune in” correctly.

Warm relations

Adaptation is easier if the child has previously developed a warm attitude towards school. This attitude appears after contact with the past experiences of loved ones. Look through the family photo archive with your child. This activity is extremely beneficial for all family members. Returning to the best moments of the past makes a person stronger and more confident. Your good memories of your school years, funny stories from school life and stories about childhood friends will fill the child’s soul with joyful anticipation. Take your child on a tour of the school and introduce him to the future teacher. Tell your child more often about school, about how interesting it will be there, how many friends he will have, how much he has to learn and learn. Except psychological preparation Your future first-grader must have a social position as a schoolchild: he must be able to interact with peers, fulfill the teacher’s requirements, and control his behavior. And most importantly, he must have good mental development, which is the basis for successfully mastering school knowledge and skills. Many parents, already a year before school, or even three years before, begin to “train” their child according to the first grade program. But teachers and psychologists note the fact that a “trained” child, already two or three months after the start of training, becomes bored and uninteresting in the lessons, because he already knows this and has been through it (in kindergarten and in classes in a training circle). for school). After all, in order for a child to be interested, he needs to move forward, learn something new, interesting, expand his knowledge, but it turns out that he stands still. According to psychologists and neuropsychologists, the best “preparation for school” occurs during everyday communication between parents and their child. Communicate more, play, draw, read books to him, and let the child invent, retell fairy tales and stories, learn poetry, assemble construction sets, and play sports. For example, on a walk you can ask your child to find a chamomile. And then ask: what is she like? What are its petals? When you come home with your child, look at the violet, ask him to remember what chamomile and violet have in common and how they differ? This is an example of the correct development of cognitive processes that are so necessary for a child when studying at school.

Don't overextend your demands

All parents want to see their children smart and capable, but, unfortunately, reality does not always live up to their expectations. Not all children are gifted; some have average and low intellectual and creative potential. Most parents understand this and respond correctly. But for some, coming to terms with the idea that their child is “average” or “weak” is extremely difficult. Instead of help, the child is constantly required to confirm his “exceptional” abilities. And since the requirements are sometimes simply impossible, the child feels that he does not live up to expectations, but cannot change anything, stops believing in himself, begins to look for reasons in others, becomes aggressive and irritable. Observe yourself as if from the outside. After all, we, adults, often no longer remember how difficult it was for us to tell our first stories, how letters got confused, words were missed, how stubbornly we refused to form numbers in our heads, how clumsy our fingers became when we had to write rows of even sticks, circles, and I remembered all my favorite toys, which I was irresistibly drawn to play with... Of course, now you can do all this, and that’s why it’s so difficult to understand the baby’s difficulties. But don’t rush to reproach him, restrain your emotions, tell him and yourself: “Everything will work out, you’ll see!” Just try a little more and it will be better!” And even if not right away, everything will actually work out much faster than with irritation and reproaches. Here are some tips for parents to help their child adapt to school easier and faster:

Teach your child to keep his things in order;

Do not frighten your child with difficulties and failures at school;

Don't try to be a teacher for your child;

The child reacts correctly to failures;

IN everyday life teach your child to be independent;

Teach your child to make decisions independently.

Numbers and letters

Do not strive for your child to learn to count to 100, 1000, 1,000,000. It is important that he understands the composition of the number and can perform simple mathematical operations of addition and subtraction within at least the first ten. To help your child learn this faster, you can use drawings and diagrams. Test your knowledge in a playful way geometric shapes, show how you can create different compositions from them, for example, a house, a car, a snowman, etc. Pay a lot of attention to the development of subtle brush movements. Painting inside the outline, mosaic, drawing, modeling from plasticine, designing, cutting out complex parts from paper with scissors - all this will help you hold a pencil and pen more confidently. Teachers do not recommend that parents teach children how to write written letters, because reteaching can be more difficult than teaching again. At the same time, it is advised to teach your child to write block letters and practice drawing ornaments with elements of letters. When reading books with your child, looking at illustrations, encourage him to retell, compose a story based on an unfamiliar picture. Play a game of questions and answers, inviting your child to answer your questions after reading the text. A child’s readiness for school is tested by his ability to classify, generalize, and compare. You yourself can easily come up with simple children's games for training mental skills, for example, name (show) a number of objects to your child and ask him to find what they have in common, or name (show) two objects in which the child will find similarities and differences.


Here are a few tests that can help you determine your child’s readiness for school:

Test "Copy the points"

The child is given a sheet of paper divided into two halves. On the left is a sample, on the right the child is asked to put dots - exactly the same as on the left.

Test “Draw from memory”

The child is shown a sheet of paper with 10 geometric shapes for 30 seconds. Then remove the piece of paper and invite the child to draw what he remembers.

Test "Remember the words"

Assessment of auditory memory - short-term and long-term. Read the following 10 words to your child: table, notebook, clock, brother, horse, window, apple, dog, lamp, fire. Ask your child to repeat the words he remembers in any order. Usually a 6-7 year old child repeats 5-6 words. This is an indicator of good memory.

Test "Graphic dictation"

Give your child a piece of paper in a box with dots pre-set on it. And then dictate: one cell to the right, one cell up, one cell to the right, one cell down, and then let the child continue this pattern until the end of the line. The patterns can be any (3-4 patterns).

Test “Draw a man”

It is necessary that the drawn creature looks like a person with all the “main” parts of the body. If a child has a “cephalopod”, this indicates an insufficiently developed perception of the world around him. These are just some of the tests that can help you see how ready your child is for school. If your child does not pass the tests, do not be upset, this does not objectively reflect his level mental abilities, but only says that it’s too early for him to go to school.

It doesn’t matter whether you were the best student in the class or a desperate hooligan, school games will appeal to you in any case. They will give you a lot of new ones positive emotions, feeling light nostalgia and will allow you to take a different look at the harsh and merciless house of knowledge. After all, sometimes you really want to become a child again, forget about problems and affairs, and change the boring and inexpressive office work for dashing and carefree school times. This is exactly what we will do now - we will play school games and take a few steps towards our own childhood.

What they teach at school

If you think that at school we are taught only writing and arithmetic, then you are deeply mistaken. Together with the basics of school knowledge, which we draw from books and textbooks, school teaches us to think. We read literature and think about the fate of the main characters, write essays and come up with interesting epigraphs, present the material we have covered and express our point of view on what is happening.

Another essential school skill is information retrieval. As the saying goes: “It’s impossible to know absolutely everything, but you always need to know where to look.” Directories and encyclopedias, databases and libraries, textbooks and dictionaries - they all develop our intellectual potential and help us navigate the endless flow of information in a timely manner.

But don’t think that school is only about learning. Games with peers, sports competitions, labor and cooking lessons, all this is available to the most ordinary student. And if your soul asks to return to this carefree time, even for a moment, feel free to choose school games on our website, and give yourself the pleasure of once again immersing yourself in the exciting process of learning and active school life.

Classification of school games

Depending on the gameplay and the final task, school games can be divided into several categories.

  • Arcade
    Typically, these games involve collecting various items and bonuses. You can pack your school bag, choose items from your school wardrobe, or arrange a real casting for teachers. And the faster you complete the task, the more reward points you will receive.
  • Labyrinths
    Such games involve passing through simple labyrinths. You will have to find the exit from the school, which is located in some hard to reach place, and a wide variety of characters will keep you company, from classmates to aliens or ghosts.
  • Socialization
    Such games are aimed primarily at developing social connections at the player. You will have to pacify raging first-graders, choose your classmates, or even take part in a school fight. The main thing is to approach everything with humor and positivity.